Industry (2020) s02e05 Episode Script

Kitchen Season

Take this fucking cock!
Give me that fucking pussy.
Oh, yes.
Need to be in that fucking pussy.
Oh, yeah. Give me that pussy.
Your pussy feels so
good. It's fucking good.
Oh, I need to be in this fucking pussy.
Oh, I need your pussy.
Give me that fucking pussy.
Uh! Oh, shit!
What the fuck is this now?
So, Harper, tell me
is Daniel stick shift or automatic?
You seen the Christmas promotions list?
I can't believe
they didn't make you an MD.
Yeah, time must not have been right.
Haven't you been an ED
for, like, ten years?
If the cunts don't make me an
MD soon, I'll hit a bid away.
Who's officially running the desk?
You know, I never had Eric
pegged as a baby-kisser.
I had no idea he wanted that role.
Yeah, I guess you never
really know anyone.
Hmm. There's always the possibility
he was pushed. Up or out.
- This is sweet.
- Thanks, man.
I, uh, I bought my motor
off a recently divorced dad
in Chingford.
- Distressed seller is key.
- Cool.
- Charming.
- Yeah.
Uh. P permission to
be vulnerable with you
for just a second?
Depends entirely on what you say.
Okay. Um
Okay, yes?
- Car's only a lease.
- Oh, my God.
Yeah. Were you gonna say, "I love "
- Oh, my God!
- "I love you"? Yeah!
A tasty financier for a tasty financier.
I've ceded St Moritz
to Mom for Christmas.
Azar has taken Gaza
She's, um, blocked me. On everything.
I think she's genuinely
devastated I've let you back in.
You've let me back in?
I appreciate you letting us
stay at our place in Berlin.
One last handover on my desk
and then I'll be on your account.
It'll be funny going back there.
My favorite bolthole.
Fond memories.
All I remember is the walls thudding
City of Techno.
and you coming in to
kiss me in the morning
beer breath.
I'm pleased you finally
learned the art of self-control.
Well, at least you paid
someone to watch over me.
I should look up
Theresa while I'm there.
I haven't spoken to her in years.
My nanny out there.
You must remember, she
came everywhere with us.
Won't work put you in some swanky hotel?
They'd put me in a fucking Marriot.
Is there a problem with
me using it? I mean
you'd rather leave it as a museum?
Not at all, not at all.
I'm glad someone is able to enjoy it.
So, when was the last
time we had a huddle?
Not since Eric moved up.
Well, nature abhors a vacuum.
Has anybody seen my creatine powder?
All right. Uh, guys, hustle up.
I know everyone's feeling
a little disjointed
since Eric's promotion.
I know nothing's been formalized yet,
but I think it would
be easier for all of us
if we clarified reporting lines,
and for ease you can all report
- to me.
- Yeah, does, uh,
does Eric's promotion
free up our payment pool?
What does it mean for London-New York?
- Is it a signal?
- As far as I know,
it's neck and neck. But we'll prevail,
if we rally together.
I know London thinks
it's standard operating
procedure to hit cruise control
in December and save
all of your quality flows
for January, but, trust me,
every dollar still counts.
Rumor has it, your girl,
Yas, is taking equity sales
to Berlin
to hand over the FutureDawn
account to Jackie Walsh,
of all fucking people.
I can't believe Pierpoint
still lets that hoodlum
in front of clients.
I have the best line into
Anna since the Rican shoot.
I should be on that trip.
I'll bump the equities guy off the trip
and try to poach Anna for our desk.
I like the tenacity.
That's all, thank you so much.
Christmas is a surprisingly
pricey time of year.
Good chance to see your brother.
Shame I can't join you.
Uh. To make it happen you
need CRMS to sign off on it.
I can't reassign equity
coverage relationships myself.
Eric's in charge of those decisions now.
You'll have to ask him.
You really want to go up there?
Advice, don't get caught
in a knock up on Boxing Day.
Harper Stern
Hey. Um
I'm assuming from your new
30,000-foot view of
client relationships,
you have the granularity
on what client interactions
are the most lucrative?
They sent me a binder full of art.
I can choose whatever I like.
So, you know about the
FX trip to Berlin to meet
with Anna Gearing at FutureDawn?
Yup. Among many others.
So, I was thinking I
know officially, technically
it's still an FX relationship but, um,
I, sort of, hit it off with her
at the Rican investors event.
I'm terribly sorry to interrupt
- Um.
- did you comprehensively
consult the binder? You
you're certain we shouldn't go
with the Chinese triptych?
I comprehensively consulted the binder.
Uh. I was wondering if
maybe you could bump equities
and send me instead?
Uh, just so I'm clear,
you want me to reassign
equity coverage on one of the biggest
equity accounts from the
equity sales desk to you
a non-equity salesperson?
Uh, yeah.
Sure, I can do that.
Anybody seen my fucking passport?
Sorry to have to pull you off
the desk for this. I didn't
want to intimidate you.
You're not intimidating me, Kenny.
Okay, well it it is quite
a sensitive subject. Uh
Stale. Decorative maybe.
Nobody's actually bold
enough to eat them.
Uh, Wyndham's really quite sick.
I initially put it down
to his hypochondria,
but I just spoke to his
wife and he's actually
- in the hospital.
- Fucking hell.
Hmm. He's through the worst of it,
but we all really need to
pull together in his absence.
Look, Kenny, I'm really
sorry Wyndham's sick,
but, um, I'm not gonna be
making up the shortfall.
I'm happy to do the Berlin
trip, but then I'm out.
We just can't afford client
churn with Wyndham gone.
It makes us look like we need a daddy.
I'd hate to have to
jeopardize your move to PWM,
but if Jackie and Anna don't jive,
I am gonna have to keep
you here to cover her.
It wouldn't be my doing,
the last thing I want to do
is to keep you from being happy.
It would be the needs of the business.
Accio undergrad talent.
Yesterday, I was out when
they've got a walk-in
You still up for going back in time?
Oh, yeah, the train's
booked for this afternoon.
Great. Oxford. Isn't that
Harry Potter cathedral there?
"It's it's
levi-o-sa, not levio-sa."
I want specific attention
to be paid to this girl.
Uh, woman.
Uh, undergraduate. Daphne Mosson.
She was on our radar over Spring Week,
expected a congratulatory first in PPE,
President of the Union.
McKinsey, Goldman,
the Foreign Office all made offers.
- That's impressive.
- I want her on this desk and it'll be a smoother sell
coming from someone
closer to her in in age.
Failing that, you've
got your background.
Oh, you know, like like Brit shit?
Go go to this recruitment dinner,
get her fed, put a cap on her head.
Imagine you're Jon Gruden and
you wanna make her a Raider.
But but something that
she might actually go for.
Yeah, you know, charm her.
Interpret that how you will.
Feel free to bring a
grad. Maybe the girl on FX?
- Sorry, woman.
- Cool.
- Cool.
- Cool.
All right.
Wow. I don't think I've ever seen
anyone in here pre 9:00 am.
Once a banker always a banker.
I just I can't believe
how much work there is to do.
Mm. Appreciate you manning the fort.
I'd work in this office an
hour a week, tops, if I could.
- Too much, isn't it? Real life.
- Real people.
I have been asked to become
the new Minister of State
for Technology and Health.
I'd love for you to
be a part of my team.
What would change?
Maybe it'll stop the
PM from touching my knee
at the Spectator summer party, eh?
Now, um
this stays between
these four walls
but Amazon are a breath away
from acquiring every FastAide in the UK.
I'm going to be chairing the
anti-competition committee around it.
Have you got a dog in the fight?
Personally, I think Rican's
a better landing place
for these NHS contracts than
whatever hybrid Amazon
are planning with FastAide.
I I don't think we need
a physical location for this
technology rollout.
Point is
I want you to work on the
prep for this committee.
I thought you'd be a bit more animated.
I'm so sorry. Sorry, no.
That's a phenomenal
opportunity. Th thank you.
Let's get you out of
this fucking office, yeah?
The thought of you stuck
in here depresses me.
- Hello.
- Hi, am I speaking
to Mr. Robert Spearing?
Uh. Speaking.
Hi, sorry if this is a bit intrusive,
but I had to do a bit
of digging to find you.
My name's Jack Gove.
I'm tying up some legal
loose ends for Clement Cowan.
I'm the executor of his estate.
Mr. Cowan has left
you a number of items,
would you be so kind as to send us
the correct postal address?
Sorry, um
Could you remind me when they're having
the funeral, please?
It's this afternoon.
Oi, Digital Versatile
Disc! You throwing money
at it this Christmas?
I don't know what that means.
Are you paying for sex this Christmas?
Only in Iran.
Nah, we're going to Jacksonville.
You're not pallid, fat and bald.
Bertie in Equities is a
pallid, fat, balding man.
I don't appreciate
this last minute shift.
It's a clerical error. I
was always supposed to be
on the ticket. I speak with Anna a lot.
There's been a lot of noise
around FastAide and Rican,
I mean, a lot of rumors.
Well, she's not going
to trade any fucking FX
through your CPS desk while I cover her.
I told you this already.
Jackie, you're the stranger here.
I have a relationship with
Anna. Harper has a relationship
with Anna. We just
need a smooth transition
for when I go to PWM.
We'll flank you, sing your praises.
Please, just let us do the talking.
You girls don't even know you're born.
If I'd pulled a stunt
like this back when I was
in my third year, you've no
idea what the men on my desk
would've called me.
I haven't been to Berlin since Brexit.
So, maybe let's keep our voices down.
I'm still a proud member of
the European Union, Yasmin.
Let's go.
You did not have to let
me stay here. Thank you.
This is incredible.
Oh, it's just
a pied-à-terre.
The housekeeper still comes every day.
Mad, I know, but my dad
didn't want to reduce her days,
so we pay her to clean a clean house.
Doesn't matter how much money I earn,
they'll never let me in these circles.
This is really cute.
Like, 2005? Ancient history.
Who is this?
Family friend, I think she's like
Maxim's third cousin.
- Theresa.
- Hmm.
Bet your mom didn't
like having her around.
- Oh, sorry. Bad joke.
- Yeah. Well
the same holiday, I literally walked in
on my mom giving head to the
guy we chartered the boat from.
Fuck. I'd forgotten about that.
I thought your dad was
the away-from-home guy.
Uh, Jacks and I are thinking
of getting dinner later.
There used to be this insane
kebab place round the corner
but I can't remember
the last time I was here.
Um, I was actually reading
about this place on Eater
that I thought maybe we could try.
- Sure.
- Hmm.
Sign me up for a juicy chilled red.
Feels good to be back
on the continent, no?
Your rooms are on the third floor.
- Opposite the Bridget Riley.
- Great. Thank you.
No worries.
Hey, thanks for thinking of me for this.
I know it sounds kinda weird
but FX has always given me
too much independence.
Well, it's nice to have
someone to learn from.
You know, I had this, um
I guess "mentor" is the right word,
but it sounds a bit arcane.
- What at Pierpoint?
- Yeah, in my first year.
Uh. He was a
uh he was a junkie, really.
Heroin addict. You
know, like white-collar,
high functioning.
Sometimes, I used to cover
for him in the mornings
when he didn't come in.
And, you know, I I never really knew
whether to emulate
him or or pity him.
It doesn't sound like he
liked himself very much.
Oh, no, no. No, he was a fucking riot.
You know, amazing salesperson.
And, you know, he was the first
aspirational man that I had in my life.
Hmm. Uh.
It's such a weird
feeling being back here.
You know, I used to work all the time.
- Did you get a first?
- I wanted one, so badly.
Though I think my mom
wanted me to get one more.
- Like, immigrant mentality.
- Right.
- Yeah, well, try growing up here.
- Hmm.
Yeah. We moved down from
Hull when I was a kid
for my dad's work. Um
I think that's why my mom
wanted me to get in so badly.
Uh, she died, um, around the time I had
my interviews and
You know, it's funny, I
Like, all I remember is
that I needed to get in.
- Yeah.
- You know, like,
it was the only way I could think to
honor her or something.
And and my dad didn't give two fucks.
He's not really made
for this sort of stuff.
Probably why she left him.
Does he still live here?
I had to take a year out.
Had a bit of a breakdown.
My tutor found me wandering
Cornmarket stealing copies
of Vogue from the WHSmith.
Uh, you must've spent your three
years pissed out of your skull?
You've never even seen me
- have a drink.
- Yeah, but I've spoken to enough
people at work to know
that before whatever
Damascene conversion you've had,
it sounds like you were a lot of fun.
Well, you know, I had
to sing for my supper.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, uh, I was either
hungover and singing, or
actually pissed and singing,
or singing while
anticipating being pissed.
I was in the choir.
Oh, you're shitting me. Where?
Yeah, I was a choral
scholar, Christ Church.
Bullshit, no. You're not a singer.
Yeah, I'm just winding you up.
Ah, I had this awful Tory
boyfriend at Christ Church.
Port and Policy wanker.
I used to love going to communion there.
I found it so calming.
I might go tomorrow.
Fuck's sake. Anna's postponed.
She wants push the
meeting to the afternoon.
Well, ladies, this is a fantastically
happy accident because now,
we can tie one on together.
Huh? Get to know each
other, shock horror.
Yeah, I think we might get one more
and have an early night.
I'm only fucking with you.
What I fancy is not co-worker vibes.
Well, visiting Berlin without the KitKat
is like Christmas dinner
without the Baileys.
Are you sure?
Absolutely! I am sick
of the sight of you.
No, you get a new clarity
when you have a few strangers
focused on your pleasure.
Enjoy your evening.
And morning.
I didn't feel like we wanted
to hang out with a colleague.
I can't believe
Pierpoint's got me smoking again.
Babe, should we get a taxi to Bridge?
- Um
- I want to be first in there
- so we get a table stand.
- Uh
No. Don't worry about it.
No, go on.
Do you wanna grab a
drink, before the dinner?
Professionally, of course.
Maybe with the odd
casual intimacy of earlier
here and there.
I can't.
I'd love to. But I've got to
catch up with an old friend.
See you at dinner?
I've got a crew date
at Jamal's. Dreading it.
Give us a minute, mate.
I've got two pingers and a couple
of bags of really shoddy
K. Will that be enough?
- Small or large?
- Make it a large.
Mate, this is the commemoration
ball, there's a lot us.
Reckon we should have enough for
Oi! Can I get some service please?
No fucking way.
Why didn't you tell me you
were coming? Look at this.
You dress up for me? Good looking suit.
Cheers. A friend bought it for me.
But, uh, yeah. I'm here for work.
- Recruitment.
- Working in recruitment?
Nah. Finance.
And it's much more
complex and important.
- Right.
- So, what do ya reckon?
You should have told me you were coming,
- I would've cleared my evening.
- Yeah, well, I'm here now.
I'm working now.
He's pushing in.
All right, well then
pour me a fucking drink then.
Silly mug. Net's down.
We're cash only today.
Let's have a bev. I've
gotta be somewhere soon.
Mate, I was here first.
I'm just serving someone.
- Beers. Yeah. Thank you.
- Two? Two minutes, mate.
Why's he dressed like Alan Partridge?
Be nice. That old sport isn't worth it.
All right, then.
Well, look, this is enough for
our drink, this cunt's drink
and everyone in here's next round.
- So, have a drink with me.
- Excuse me?
Bob, I'll have a fucking drink
with you when I'm done serving
and I've finished up.
I didn't have to come see you, you know.
- Serve this chap here then.
- I am.
- It's what I'm doing.
- That's what he was doing.
Yeah, can you bring me a bottle
of champagne as well, yeah, Dad?
I know you've got a dusty
one round here somewhere.
- So, let's dig it out.
- How would you know?
- You never came in here when you were here.
- Can you just get it, yeah?
Serve this one here,
and then get it.
Chill out, mate.
Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year ♪
- Have you ordered?
- I didn't realize you could get Champagne.
Can we get three bottles?
We don't have to get another bottle,
if you don't feel up to it.
Was it something I said?
No. No, not at all. I'm
You've been super generous.
More than I deserve. Honestly.
Okay. Phew. That's good.
'Cause, I don't know, I've been, um
examining recently
what it is I actually deserve.
Do you ever feel like a lot of your life
happened to someone else?
- I try not to dwell on the past.
- Yeah.
- But it's everywhere.
- It's why I like our job.
It's like a perpetual present tense.
Okay, forgive me for getting
personal, I'm a bit pissed.
Um, I've been seeing a
lot of my dad recently,
which is great, um, but there's still
I struggle to let him in completely.
You felt like he rejected
you, so I mean, you know
There's that.
But, um
it's a deeper fear.
Well, you know what Ja Rule says
"Pain is loving."
God, is it "Ja Rule"?
I've always said "Ya."
No! Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
This is nice. Why can't we
be more like this? You know?
We're not getting paid to
be like this, right? So
I have to tell you something
that's gonna make you laugh.
And in the spirit of this and
I don't know, maybe, I just
need to say it out loud.
'Cause it's so fucking insane.
I thought I was gonna
see my brother here.
I thought he fucking worked here.
I was messaging someone
on Insta and, I don't know,
I convinced myself he was
here but I didn't want to just
get on a plane and come over here
because that's fucking insane.
And what if he wasn't? So
So, when you said you
were coming on this trip,
I thought, "Why not?"
I don't know. I I just got
fixated on my own fucking
conspiracy theory, I guess.
Let's go sit soft.
At home.
Could you give me two seconds please?
I'm sorry, I just gotta be sure.
What the fuck?
Uh, what are you doing in Berlin?
Uh. we're here for
work. I I'm Yasmin.
Uh, John-Daniel.
Can we go somewhere and talk, please?
Well well, we we've, uh,
we've got plans to go out. So
You smell like burnt oil.
Climb out, mate.
- Hello.
- Guess where I am.
You're in Oxford, you told me.
I'm outside the KA.
Don't go and see that prick.
I I was unfair about him.
- See
- I'm I'm I'm fucking slammed
with constituent complaints, mate.
Please, be careful. All right?
All right, you can't compare the two.
Look, for the last time,
let's settle the debate.
Tailors or mortars?
All right. Don't you mean
"Mortimer's," old boy?
By God, you're right.
Well, mortars used
to surgically remove the labor.
And no longer exist, so tailors
win by a country mile.
Trust me, once you work
at Pierpoint, you've arrived.
I sort of felt like
that getting in here.
Like I'd feel that, whatever that is.
No, I totally agree. I
basically smoked myself
into an eating disorder when I was here.
I understand that all too well.
I mean, why would you
train your whole life
and then not take a gold medal
when we're literally offering
it to you? I mean, I read all about you
because you're such a
talked-about property.
You know, I wanted to
come meet this star.
Oh, cringe.
Not at all. Own it. You've earned it.
You've worked so hard,
so why would you pass up the
ultimate garland to your achievement?
I mean, just imagine what it'd
mean to your parents, yeah?
I'd hardly call it
an "ultimate garland."
I mean, it's a finance job.
She could do anything she wants.
Try a softer sell, jeez.
Then why do you work for us? Hmm?
Because you knew you
were joining the best.
You know, you two,
you've got the same
- Sickness?
- quality!
You know, you only wanna join the best.
You only feel, you know, satisfied,
like, existentially satisfied
when you're achieving, correct?
Yeah. Yeah, I guess
that's the case deep down.
Not sure if that's a
good thing, but yeah
You're gonna find out wherever you go,
whether it's fucking politics
or an NGO or whatever the fuck.
You're gonna find out
that you're buffeted around
by market forces and competition
and excesses of power,
and all the other shit. But
we don't cover any of that up.
We are the market leaders
in the worst stuff.
It just so happens that the
worst is also the truest.
- So, come along.
- What are you talking about?
You know what? I'm teasing, obviously.
But, you know, I do think
it's a practical choice
- for a girl of your intelligence.
- Woman.
And honestly, your anxiety
about what to do next,
all I'm saying is, allay it.
You know, we can allay it for you.
You know, you give us a year,
you'll learn a lot,
you'll get paid way more
than any of your peers
and if you don't like it
after a year? Then you're free to go.
And if I get there and feel nothing?
Well, then you're dead inside.
you're looking at you in a year's time.
You're an anxiety-ridden
Type-A and you love it!
They do everything they can
to lock you in, in truth.
From what I can tell,
it's good to have options.
Can I get some water?
- Tap water is fine.
- Just do your fucking job, yeah?
What am I talking about?
Port, if you've got it.
Excuse me.
So, shall I talk you through a
potential pathway to running a desk?
We can make you big in your own life.
- Do you have any gum?
- Hmm.
Oh! Danke.
Can we go in? It's cold.
- Ja.
- Danke.
- You know so many languages.
- A lot of nannies.
- I'm cold. Can we go in?
- He seems fun.
I've never even seen
him take a drink before.
- He was an athlete.
- Don't you think you should talk?
He's not like a big talker
or anything. So what?
Uh. I'm not judging, I'm just being
I'm just commenting objectively.
Well, don't. Comment
objectively on your own shit.
I can't be objective about
my own shit. Just yours.
Then don't fucking involve yourself.
You have your shit and I have my shit.
Let's just deal with our
own fucking shit, right?
Fuck. Fuck.
You can help push.
- Okay.
- One sec.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
- You good?
- Nailed it.
Ready? Up.
- You hungry?
- Yeah, I think I'm finally
coming down.
Who's Helene?
She liked and unliked
some like shitty photo
from a while back. And I
thought it was like, you know
finger slip scrolling or whatever.
Are you guys serious?
I recognized your hands
in a lot of her pictures.
Oh, what, you mean these hands?
Bro, how the fuck do
you recognize my hands?
Can I meet her?
Uh, well, Helene doesn't party. So
Well, I didn't think you did either.
I'm not judging, I'm just
saying it was, like, a surprise.
Yeah, well, I don't anymore.
I'm six months sober,
so Well Fuck, I was until tonight.
Oh, my God.
I can't believe you still wear that.
I only started wearing
it again recently.
Do you remember where I bought this?
Uh. Well, you stole it
on the way to Des Moines.
You know, that was the best I
think I've ever seen you play.
I got so fucking lucky.
What? You were amazing.
I got, like, a dozen lucky line calls.
Man, you got no idea the shit
Mom said to me before that game.
You know, every time I hit the ball,
I imagined her face.
Honestly, it was never fucking bigger.
I just never understood
why you left at your peak.
Yeah, Helene's got me better
at talking about this shit.
"Arrival, fallacy."
Uh, could could you not
try and tell me how I felt?
You could have just asked me.
Nobody in our family ever
wanted my opinion on anything.
fuck it. It's in the past now.
What did Mom say to you
before you played?
She said, no cap.
Um, "You don't win, you
don't have a home here."
She was a fucking bitch.
She is a fucking bitch,
we both know that.
Yeah, well, you were the one
who forced me back out there.
Forced you?
What do you mean? I was encouraging you.
Perfection. Perfection. Perfection.
Man, I did everything I could
to be a hundred percent perfect.
Forced practice,
hitting all the time,
chronic pain. Fucking
hours of tape in a dark room.
You know, and I
I, um, I get fixated
on the weirdest shit.
You know, like, I'd be
watching and be, like
"Your weight's on the wrong foot.
Your weight's on the wrong foot."
"Weight's on the wrong foot."
Why didn't you tell me any of this.
The fuck, man. You were
indoctrinated, Harper.
The fucking
the cult of our family.
You know I ran away too, right?
I ran away from her, too.
Why does it feel like I'm not talking
- to you right now?
- I don't know, dude.
Maybe you just don't fucking
like what you're looking at.
You know, you could've pulled
your head out of your ass
and just asked me what was going on.
I should have asked.
You're right and I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm asking now.
Fuck it. Let's go.
You are so elegant,
even after whatever it
is you did last night.
But all I can think about
is cleaning up your vomit.
Do you still see Maxim?
I'm not really close with that side
of the family anymore.
So, can I help you with something?
I need to know whether
you had a relationship
with my father.
'Cause I have a mem
I'm not exactly sure what I remember.
I just know that there is
something I need to know.
We had a relationship.
- It ended. That's it.
- When?
- For how long?
- This is inappropriate,
- okay?
- Why?
Because you took his money?
Because he paid for all of this?
No, because you're going
to wake up my daughter.
You seem to know that, legally,
I can't speak about this.
So, why are you asking me?
How old is your daughter?
How old were you?
I was legal if that's
what you want to know.
I loved your father.
It was a long time ago and
it went on for too long.
But I loved him.
I'm going to call you a cab.
Nice to meet you.
How often did you do this on tour?
All the time.
And, you know, when I first got here.
Then I stopped.
Can't we just go home?
Decorations look good.
Yeah, we never take 'em down.
You fucking overdid
it again, didn't you?
Eat something solid for fuck's sake.
You been on that horrible pub grub gear.
Haven't you?
Yeah, you know me.
You look like shit for a handsome lad.
- Thank God, I look like Mom.
- Hmm. Thank God.
She was a tyrant, you know.
Good word for her. She were a bit, yeah.
She said horrible shit about you.
She said it to my face,
too. She said I was static.
Don't worry about
that. She was restless,
just like you, always in your ear.
She was in your ear a lot
about how you should be
and look, that's fine.
She loved you, just 'cause I weren't,
doesn't mean I didn't.
Dad, the last few years,
- I haven't been very
- Hey.
You don't owe me anything.
It's always day one with us.
For yonder breaks ♪
A new and glorious morn ♪
Are your kids in?
Your brothers? Yeah. I was
just about to get them up.
Fall on your knees ♪
Come on, you little
bastards, out of bed.
- O hear ♪
- Hey! Hey!
- The angels' voices ♪
- Your brother, Rob, is here, he's downstairs.
If you behave yourself, mate
O night ♪
Divine ♪
You have two new messages.
First new message.
Hi, it's Nicole, your client.
Look, obviously, I don't
miss you or anything
but you're my coverage,
so I expect you to return
my call.
Second new message.
Rob, hey, it's DVD.
So, I heard you had a good
time last night then, huh?
Well, that's great fucking work.
Daphne's in. See you in the office.
Fall on your knees ♪
O hear the angels' voices ♪
O night divine ♪
O night when Christ was born ♪
O night ♪
"Achieving mental strength may be tough
but it will get you real results.
Achieving mental strength may be tough
but it will get you real results.
Achieving mental strength may be tough
but it will get you real results."
I want you to come
back to London with me.
Why would I do that?
I make enough money to support us both.
I'll look after you.
You don't have to live like this.
I like how I live.
It will be our secret.
We won't even have to speak
to Mom. It will just be us.
What us?
There was never any us, only you.
Why are you saying that?
Harper, you're the most
selfish person I've ever met
in my life.
I'm selfish?
- Yeah.
- Our whole fucking life
was about you.
Do you know what it was
like growing up with you?
Oh, my God.
I have been living
for you from the moment
that I thought you were
dead. Because you know
that you're still dead to me, right?
You know that I thought you were dead?
You did that to me.
Every fucking year on
the day that you left,
I have to fucking live with that.
Oh, okay, so, um
So, you only thought
about me once a year?
No, thank you so much
for that. I really
- I fucking appreciate it.
- You made me fail
the most important exam of my life.
A fucking exam, you see what I mean?
- Your fucking exam.
- I've been living a fucking lie.
I ma I made you?
Why are you hiding? Why
are you hiding from me?
You need me to forgive you
for the fact that you ignored
how bad it was for me?
I mean, you celebrated
more than Mom did.
I was having a fucking panic attack
and and you pushed me
out to finish a tennis match.
- We wanted you to succeed!
- Don't!
I didn't know how bad it was.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
- See, that's bullshit.
That's fucking bullshit
or you wouldn't be here
with your fucking money
trying to fucking
fix me.
And you're only here
now because you know
you're as guilty as she is.
You only give a fuck about yourself.
You're not capable of actual love
'cause you're a fucking narcissist.
You know
on dark days
I think
you knew we shared a
womb together, but
you knew
that only one of us
was ever really gonna make it out.
I'm sorry. I will do anything.
- I'm begging you.
- I need to get back to my life.
I need to get back to my life.
I need to get back to my life.
Helene, hey, hey, um
I know this is meant to be more
of a passing of the baton,
put a face to a name.
As you know, Harper is one of our best
young salespeople, first on everything,
intuitive, worryingly brilliant.
And Yasmin is probably the
best young social operator
in this job I've ever come across,
as you well know.
So, they're big boots to fill.
And, obviously, I'm one person,
but you're getting the totality
of the firm.
A united front? Right, ladies?
Well, I'm sorry to
be losing you, Yasmin,
and I look forward to continuing
the relationship with Pierpoint.
Perhaps, if all goes
well, you'll be covering me
in Wealth Management?
Something to aspire to.
And, uh, apologies again
for the short notice push.
I don't need to tell
you the kind of rumors
that have been circulating
the last couple of days?
It'd be super bearish
for my Rican position
if Amazon buy FastAide
and win those NHS contracts.
Harper, what's your view?
It's unsubstantiated.
Jessie said he hadn't been able
to get a hold of you.
Sounds like a shitshow
inside of a shitstorm.
I like to be very
transparent on hedging stuff.
Price, levels.
I imagine that's a side issue
headache for equity investors.
So, I'm just pain relief.
Are you okay?
Yeah, just a slight fever I think.
Hey, guys. Do you feel that?
That energy?
There is not a single
penis in this room.
This bitch is hilarious.
Christmas at Di's.
My dad's so posh he's
basically disabled.
I think my mom's depressed.
Three wines in,
she started calling me
her "Chutney Prince."
Mild incident when Di found my Viagra.
Xmas lad!
Beak and bubbles neuters
me, old boy becomes a slug.
Lift going down.
Yo, you barely opened
your mouth to me today.
Did you catch up with your brother?
Did something happen in Berlin?
Did you like, um
I don't know, sleep with
someone or something?
Is that all your
imagination is capable of?
Did I sleep with someone? What if I did?
Third floor, Pierpoint Services.
Doors opening.
I'm fine.
Maybe you just don't like
what you're looking at.
Doors closing.
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