Invincible Fight Girl (2024) s01e03 Episode Script


- Please! Please, Poblana!
- No! Out! Get out!
- You don't understand!
- Get out!
I came so far!
You have to train me!
But it's my dream!
- Is this a test?
- No! Go away!
Come on!
Fine. You win.
I'm giving up.
Here I go,
walking all the way
back to town.
Hope it doesn't take too long.
Now will you train me?
Wait, wait. I'm sorry.
I thought it was a test.
I told you it wasn't!
I thought that was a test too!
What is wrong with you?
my destiny to be trained by you.
I saw you wrestle when I was a kid
and it was incredible.
It's what made me dream of being
a wrestler in the first place.
And last week, back home
on Accountant Isle,
you were the first person
who ever made me feel
like that dream
could come true.
to be just like you.
You know, I had
a dream too, once.
Of being left alone and not having
random strangers fall through the roof!
Look, kid, I can't help you.
I'm retired.
I haven't had anything to do
with wrestling in years.
And if you have any sense,
you'll stay away from it, too.
What happened to her?
One of the greatest wrestlers
doesn't care about it?
I gotta get stuff
to fix this nitwit-sized hole in my roof.
You might wanna find a way off
my property before I get back.
The reaper ants
come out around noon.
Who's this guy?
Is he robbing Quesa Poblana?
- Craig?
- Phone Girl?
I was right.
You were after me! Stalker!
What are you even doing here?
Wait, are you scamming
this old lady too?
I'll ask the questions
around here.
You know, if someone had
just bought one of my phones,
maybe that someone wouldn't be
in the situation they're in right now.
But if you ask real nicely,
Wait, stop! I was kidding!
I was kidding!
Please! Don't hurt me!
I'm frail! I'm weak.
- I can't handle pain!
- Shut up!
- It's Andy!
My name is Andy!
Not Phone Girl.
Not Phone Woman,
I am talking now!
In fact, thanks to you,
I don't even have a phone!
Or money, or clothes.
Every single bad thing that has happened
to me has been your fault!
Now I'm stuck here.
I came all the way to this stupid farm
to be trained by my idol Quesa Poblana
and now she hates me!
Wait! Quesa Poblana?
I know her. Look.
I'm her beloved nephew.
She's my aunt. My Aunt P!
Quesa Poblana,
one of the greatest wrestlers
of all time,
is related to you?
You're her nephew.
You're her nephew. You can convince her
to train me. Craig!
- Forget it.
- What?
You owe me.
Sorry. It ain't gonna happen.
What, you think you're the first person to
come out here and try to be her student?
Andy! Aunt P is not training
nobody these days, okay?
But this really
seemed like fate.
I actually came
all this way for nothing?
You know, while most people know me
as a successful DJ, inventor,
life coach and CEO
of a major tech company,
my real passion
is managing wrestlers.
Oh, yeah! You talk about needing
a teacher, I might know a guy.
Yep, he's never lost a match.
He's ten times the wrestler Aunt P is.
I could introduce you.
I can trust him.
But, ugh! Do I have
any other options?
What's the catch?
How much can you lift?
Does Poblana know
you're selling all this stuff?
Hey, focus up, all right?
It's a flea market type of deal, okay?
Gonna be a lot of customers.
You'll be a representative
of Craig Industries, so act professional.
And call me, "sir."
Wait! No. "Mr. Craig."
Try both and see which one makes
me sound more important.
Hey, what's your angle
on this wrestling stuff anyway, huh?
Merchandising? TV and movies?
Trying to get a cushy job
at the GWC?
What? No.
I just love wrestling.
Not everyone's like you.
Trying to make money
off of everything.
Yeah, they are.
- Andy!
Whatever. You're either a seller
or a dupe. Now which one are you?
- What is this place?
- The Tenderizing District.
It's where wrestlers
do well, that.
Now, come on.
This stand ain't gonna set itself up.
No, man. I'm not doing anything else for
you until I meet this wrestler of yours.
You're kidding.
We just got here.
Can't believe these kids today.
Nobody wants to work.
No way! Little weasel was
actually telling the truth.
See? Your guy's right there.
So look, let's head back to the booth,
you sell some peppers,
move some product,
I'll be more than happy
Actually, you know,
we should probably get going.
I'm just gonna say
hi real quick.
Two seconds.
Then I'll be back to help.
- Two seconds!
- No!
You're even better
than I hoped.
Excuse me?
Oh, great wrestling warrior,
my name is Andy
and I have traveled far
and endured so much!
Like, truly, just so many
All for the honor
of meeting you!
Please take me
as your student, great master!
Sorry. I'm not supposed to talk
to strangers. My dad will get upset.
You seem nice, though.
Is this some secret wrestler code?
Is this a test?
Great wrestler, who is this "dad"
of which you speak?
Nobody's ever asked me
to explain a dad before.
Well, imagine me,
but older. Not eight.
And he sleeps a lot.
Wait, eight?
What do you mean eight?
- You're eight years old?
- Yes, ma'am.
Look at you.
You must be some kind of insanely
powerful child prodigy!
- Nope. Never wrestled a day in my life.
- What?
I'm just a regular, eight-year-old,
non-wrestling kid. Named Mikey.
That little string bean,
built dodo
scammed me again!
Craig? Yeah, he does that.
Is he even
really your manager?
Look at that power.
There's some really nice rotation there.
- What?
- Don't get me wrong.
It's a little rough,
but there's technique.
Not to mention
a lot of intensity.
Hey, have you ever considered
becoming a tenderizer?
A tenderizer?
Come on,
before my dad comes back.
The wrestlers who work
in the market here
have been tenderizing
all kinds of food for generations.
The techniques they use
break down food,
giving it a taste and texture
that machines just can't replicate.
And do you know the best part?
Tenderizing's not just about food,
it's evolved into
a signature wrestling style
that emphasizes strength,
precision and power.
A bunch of wrestlers
in the top 100 even got their start
right here, as tenderizers.
Mikey, you really know
a lot about this stuff.
Me? No.
I just pick up things here and there.
Hard not to when you're
part of a family like mine.
The Beefpunchas, are known
for making two things.
The tenderest meat in the county
and great wrestlers.
So those must be
your brothers?
Wanna give it a try?
the Ankle Crank.
Hey, that's from
Star Mustache's tapes.
Yeah. It's the first thing
I learned.
Okay, but look,
you're relying on your arms too much.
Try putting your torso into it.
Yeah, like that.
Mikey, you're a genius!
I just have a lot of ideas.
Well, what are you waiting for?
Let's hear 'em.
That's great. Back it up just a bit.
And as you punch, turn into it.
Okay, you have him on the ropes,
now, the finisher!
Andy, you're
an amazing wrestler.
Please. It was
all your analysis.
You sure you're not
secretly a wrestler?
Don't get me wrong.
I love wrestling.
I love watching it, talking about it,
don't wanna do it.
I've never told anyone this.
But if I could do anything,
I'd be a wrestling journalist.
I'd travel the world,
learning about all the different types
of wrestling and wrestlers.
Documenting them,
hearing their stories,
- Michael!
- Dad!
- What do you think you're doing?
Nothing, Dad. Sir.
Helping some nobody put on
a show like a clown?
Trying to duck out of training again?
Like always?
- What, Michael, huh? What?
- You don't have to talk to him like that.
He was just showing me
what you guys do.
- Was I talking to you?
- We were just having fun.
Well, I wouldn't expect a piece of gristle
like you to understand,
but the Beefpunchas
are a family of prime cuts.
We are rib eyes
in a world of rump roasts!
And that's not an accident.
It's because I raise my herd
like prize cattle.
So you keep having fun if you want,
we'll be training.
- Michael, come on.
- It was nice meeting you, Andy.
- Now!
Myles, spot your brother.
Marv, you call that an uppercut?
Martin! Ten more burpees.
Your dad's got a thing
for "M" names, huh?
Andy! You can't be back here.
What are you doing?
I came to check on you.
What's up with your dad, Mikey?
No, he's just passionate.
He takes wrestling
really seriously.
Dad wants us to become
a dynasty of wrestlers,
famous all over the world
for our strength.
That's our family dream.
- But that isn't your dream.
- It's for our own good.
Dad says, with this body,
I was made to be in the ring.
Doing anything else
would be a waste.
This kid,
he's just like me.
His dream is different from
what life has set up for him
and now he's just stuck.
Mikey, forget your dad.
You can't live
for other people.
If your dream is to be a wrestling
journalist, you gotta follow it.
Just like I'm following mine.
I'm gonna be the best
wrestler of all time.
- What's happening?
Who in the honey
Hey, that's
the guy from the posters.
- No, look!
Didn't he sell you
an exploding phone?
Yeah, he did.
Andy! My employee! Save me!
- Hey, stop! No! No!
- What is going on here?
I step away for
What happened to my roof?
I'll tell you what happened.
What happened is that I could sue you
for not reinforcing your vents.
Extremely dangerous for anybody trying
No, Craig, shut up!
And get off of me!
Someone start making sense,
This is all just
a misunderstanding, sir.
- They'll be on their way.
- No.
Mr. Beefpuncha,
I don't know if you know this,
but your son
has a brilliant mind.
His dream
is to use that mind
to travel the world and be
a great wrestling journalist.
I really think you should
I'm sorry. Who are you?
- I'm his friend.
- Michael doesn't have friends.
He's too busy training.
Something you could use more of,
by the look
of those stringy arms.
Your other sons are already wrestlers.
You really need them all to be like you?
Who do you think you are
coming in here
and telling me
how to run my family?
This isn't just about wrestling.
The world's a meat grinder.
You're not strong? Guess what?
You get turned into ground beef.
I make my sons wrestle,
not just for the sport.
I do it so they'll be
strong enough to survive!
Making your son strong
means squashing his dreams?
Andy, it's okay.
You don't have to do this.
Yes, you really don't.
Look at him.
He's a coward.
Born with this incredible body
and he won't even use it.
I'm doing what's best for him.
Unlike some parents who apparently
just let their kids run around
butting into
other people's business.
My parents were scared,
terrified, to let me leave home.
To let me chase my dream.
they supported me.
They did it anyway
because they believed in me.
They're stronger than someone
like you could ever be.
And they're
not even wrestlers.
They're accountants.
She's an accountant?
Michael, this girl,
does she speak for you?
No, sir.
She does not.
There! Problem solved.
Now get out.
You got it, sir. Off we go. Don't worry
about the vent thing. We'll call it even.
What were you thinking?
Also, you're an accountant?
That kid can stand up for himself.
I know he can.
He just needs
some kind of push.
Accountant Girl,
whatcha' doing?
You care so much about strength?
Let's settle this with a match.
If I win, Mikey gets
to follow his dreams.
You let him travel the world
and become a great wrestling journalist.
Is she serious?
She's an accountant!
You know we're
real wrestlers, right?
Walk away
before you get hurt, kid.
What is she doing?
What's the problem?
Like your dad said, I'm just gristle.
Unless you're scared
of gristle.
No, not him.
Allow me, sir, please.
She disrespected our family.
It would be my pleasure.
Who is this guy?
Heh, you know what?
This will be a teachable moment.
We accept your challenge.
Your opponent will be the pride
of the Beefpuncha wrestling legacy.
A true grade A cut.
Strength personified.
Mbrandon? What, did your dad
run out of "M" names?
He sometimes had trouble
thinking of them.
he's different than the others.
I can feel it.
For Mikey.
let's wrestle.
Can somebody
get me a shoe?
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