Joe Pickett (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Live and Look Like a Million

- Pulled from the wreckage
of Clyde Lidgard's trailer.
I mean, in what world
did you think it was okay
to break into Clyde's trailer?
- The door was unlocked.
- What?
- I had a feeling
about something
and just wanted to take a look.
- Oh, well,
if Joe Pickett had a feeling,
then by all means.
And what exactly did you find?
- The place went up in flames
before we had the chance
to see anything.
- Mm.
And how convenient
that both of you just
happened to be outside
when the explosion happened?
- Yes. Thankfully, we were.
- I saw brake lights.
Somebody else was there.
- Really?
And there any witnesses?
- Yeah.
Like I said.
- You know what, Pickett?
I'm not asking you anymore.
The next time I find you
someplace you shouldn't be,
I am taking you to jail.
And you too.
- I keep wondering how far
up the chain this thing goes.
You think Sherriff Barnum
is in on all this?
- This is all getting
way too dangerous.
- I agree.
Which is why I think you should
distance yourself from it.
Maybe tell Nate
that you can't represent him.
- Me?
- Mm.
- What about you?
- What about me?
- Clyde Lidgard has
a photo of you.
You're in the middle
of this thing somehow,
whether you like it or not--
- Exactly!
There is a murderer out there
who killed someone
in our backyard.
How can we defend ourselves
if we don't know who?
Or--or why?
We're not gonna be safe
until we know the truth,
and right now, I seem to be
the only one
who's even lookin' for it.
- You know who knew
the truth, Joe?
- Who?
- Ote Keeley.
You know who else?
Clyde Lidgard.
Maybe in this case,
knowing the truth
gets you killed.
We can't be
taking chances like that.
- So what, we just pretend
like we're safe?
Hope for the best?
- You know,
when I was growing up,
I promised myself
I would do a better job
raising my kids
than my mom did raising us.
You know who would have been
left to raise our kids
if we died last night?
My mom.
Joe, you just might have
to make peace with the fact
that you'll never know what
Ote was trying to tell you.
Whatever he had to say
got him killed.
And if we knew it,
it could get us killed too.
- We're here, so
- They were frontiersmen.
They were outdoorsmen.
And they will pass
into the gates of heaven
wearing the majestic colors
of the Denver Broncos.
The throwback orange and blue
of the '70s and '80s,
of course.
So on this day, let us
celebrate these men's lives
and take them with us
in our heart.
- Like to see the repo man
come take Ote's truck now.
- Sup, man?
I'm sorry 'bout your cousin.
- Yeah.
- Glad you took
the bastard out.
- You bet.
My pleasure.
Clyde Lidgard,
he was a troubled man.
I'm just sorry
I didn't get up there sooner.
I could've stopped
the whole thing from happenin'.
Y'all excuse me.
- Hey.
- I heard about Lidgard's
trailer blowing up.
- Mm.
- Jesus.
I'm just glad
that you're all right.
- I appreciate that.
- Mm-hmm.
- So it's every last one
of us, hmm?
How can they do this?
- Bye, Daddy.
- Come on, April.
Let's get.
April, enough.
I said knock this shit off.
Let's go.
You listen to me
when I talk to you.
Get in the car.
What are you doing?
Don't look at me like that.
Don't give me that attitude.
- Jeannie.
Hey, Jeannie, need a hand?
Uh, if you want,
April could come
to our house this afternoon.
We don't have
anything going on.
- Don't you dare judge me.
- I'm not, Jeannie, I'm not.
- My husband's dead,
I'm gettin' kicked out
of my house,
and I got 30 bucks
in my pocket,
and you want to help?
Help me keep my home.
Next week,
April and me are gonna be
livin' out of my car.
- So the eviction's
going through?
- Whole trailer park got
sold out from under us
about three months back.
Some new owner.
- And they're evicting
all of you?
- No, we own our home.
We don't own the land under it.
We rent that.
How's it legal for them
to jack up our rent
and steal our houses from us?
- It isn't--
well, it shouldn't be.
- Ote promised me he was
taking care of all this.
Said he had it all worked out.
- What do you mean
he had it worked out?
Worked out with who?
- Never said.
I know it was sketchy.
You ask me, it's this
land nonsense got him killed.
Not some bullshit
antler robbery or whatever.
So you're--
you're some kind of lawyer,
ain't you?
You think that maybe you can
help me keep my house?
- I just--I don't think I--
I can get involved.
I'm sorry.
I'm--I'm just worried--
Jeannie, Jeannie.
I'll look into it, okay?
I'll look into it.
Let's just--
just keep it between us,
all right?
It's okay.
Hey, April.
Come see your horse
whenever you want, all right?
He really misses you.
All right, y'all.
Thank you.
- Have you heard anything about
someone buying out the land
from underneath
the trailer park?
- No.
- Just something
Jeannie Keely told me.
Apparently, she and the rest
of the tenants
are being evicted.
- New owner.
- Rough timing.
- I know.
- Man.
- Maybe I was
a little harsh earlier.
- No, you were right.
I want to make sure
that I'm around
to watch our girls grow up,
walk 'em down the aisle
You were right, Marybeth.
I'll quit looking
into these murders.
It's time to drop this.
- Okay.
And I'll quit Nate's case.
- Okay.
Nothing but game warden
business from now on.
- Yeah.
- How do they eat
if no one feeds them?
- Well, they're predators.
So when they're outside,
they hunt their prey
from the sky.
- Sort of stinks
for the little animals
on the ground, doesn't it?
- You'd think so,
but predators and prey,
they help each other in a way.
You see, every animal has
something special,
born with something
that lets them thrive.
- Like secret powers?
- Yeah, kind of like that.
Prey, they have
evasive maneuvers, camouflage.
And the more predators can
force them to practice
protecting themselves,
the tougher and safer
they become over time.
And that, in turn,
forces the predators
to get better at huntin'.
So they push each other
to be better.
- Which ones are people,
predators or prey?
- That depends on the person,
I guess.
Probably the situation too.
What's nice
about the natural world
is, falcons can't pretend
to be anything besides
what they are, predators.
But people are different.
You never know
which they truly are at first.
That takes time.
- They're treating you okay?
Not being rough with you
or anything, right?
- I've seen worse.
- Look, I have bad news,
so I'm just gonna come out
with it, all right?
I haven't practiced law
in years.
And when I did,
it was mostly
wills and contracts.
It was nothing like this.
Nate, you need
a real defense attorney.
Someone with resources
and experience.
- I'm fightin'
for my life here!
- Yeah.
You are.
I'm just not your best chance
of getting out of here.
- I get it.
They scared you.
There's a lot of pain
in this world, Marybeth.
A lot of cruelty,
a lot of injustice.
And most people don't have
the courage
to look at it straight.
They just act
like they don't see it.
But you,
you're here.
You're right here, Marybeth.
And that's 'cause
you're a fighter.
And I see it.
I see it all in you.
Because I'm a fighter too.
- Jeannie Keeley thinks
Ote might've been killed
because of some sort
of land dispute.
Now that's something that your
lawyer can look into for you.
I'm sorry.
- The Keelys, they--
they live near
Elk Bend Valley, right?
- Yeah.
- This might be nothing,
but, uh
I saw this group of men once
in the woods in that area
holding maps.
They were actin' funny.
- What does "actin' funny"
mean to you?
- Like they didn't want me
to see their faces.
I couldn't make out
what they were doin',
but they weren't dressed
for camping or hunting.
- Hey, Joe.
I just wanted to wish you well
out there tomorrow.
You know, I opened
hunting season for 23 years,
and I'll tell you something,
I crapped my pants
every one of 'em.
Don't worry.
You're gonna do great.
- "Don't be chained to a desk,
machine, or store counter.
Prepare for a career
in conservation and ecology."
- You promised me.
You said that you would
never drive them
when you were like this!
Now just look at you!
Oh, my--
you missed!
You feel dumb now?
- "Live the outdoor life
you love
"as a game warden.
"Sleep under pines.
"Catch your breakfast
from icy streams.
Live and look like a million."
That's what I'm gonna be
when I grow up.
A game warden.
- Me too.
I want to go where you go.
- Then we'll both go.
- Paul and Silas,
bound in jail ♪
Had no money
for to go their bail ♪
Keep your eyes
on the prize ♪
Hold on ♪
- 'Scuse me.
Could I see a copy
of the sales records
for the land underneath
Sunny Days Mobile Home Park?
- Mm, we don't really file
land sales
by business names like that.
- Oh, okay.
But how do you file them?
- We just sort of put 'em
in a big pile
like that.
I mean, for now.
- Right.
- Looks good to me.
Enjoy yourselves.
- Hold on ♪
Hold on ♪
- Hold on ♪
- Hold on ♪
- Keep your eyes
on the prize ♪
Hold on ♪
the only chains we can stand ♪
Are the chains
of hand in hand ♪
Keep your eyes
on the prize ♪
Hold on ♪
Got my hand
on the freedom plow ♪
Wouldn't take nothing
for my journey now ♪
Keep your eyes
on the prize ♪
Hold on ♪
Hold on ♪
- Hold on ♪
- Hold on ♪
- Keep your eyes
on the prize ♪
Hold on ♪
- Ooh.
- Ladies.
- Is this real
or, like, a stripper thing?
- He's a game warden,
not a cop.
- Thanks.
- Are there strippers
in game warden uniforms?
- I honestly wouldn't know.
Pace yourselves.
- We will.
- Have fun.
- Hold on ♪
- Hold on ♪
- Keep your eyes
on the prize ♪
Hold on ♪
- Called animal rescue
about an hour ago.
Must've got caught up
in this new barbed wire.
- Huh.
- This used to be
the Rasmussens' property.
I've been hunting these woods
for 30 years.
Now someone else buys it
and closes it off to hunting.
I don't know.
Not too neighborly,
if you ask me.
- Right.
Barbed wire is custom.
That is not factory-made.
- Oh, yeah?
- Mm.
- Sounds expensive.
- It is.
All right. How we doing?
- Hey, how you doing?
- How are you?
- Hey.
- If you distract him,
I'm gonna--
- Just distract him.
- Yeah.
- Whoo!
Hey, birdie.
- Just easy.
- Hey, hey, over here.
- You're, ah, bleedin'.
- Uh
Sharp beak.
- Doing it all wrong.
Move your arms a bunch.
I'lldo the rest.
Come on.
There we go.
- Wow.
What a nice surprise,
opening the door
and finding you, deputy.
- It's not a social visit,
I'm here to follow up on a tip.
Trying to locate
some stolen property
from your previous home.
- You mean my ex-fiancé's home.
- Do you know anything
about that?
- God, who cares
about some stupid chairs?
- Hm.
- You didn't say anything
about chairs.
- See, the thing
about these chairs
is, they're $20,000 each,
and there's two of 'em.
At that price,
whoever took them,
well, that would be considered
grand larceny.
- I handpicked those chairs.
Those are my chairs.
- You're lucky
that you're so damn attractive.
Otherwise, I'd probably have
to haul you in right now.
Maybe we could
just bring them back, hm?
Say they were
in storage or something.
What do you think?
I could use the long drive.
Give me a chance to get
a good look at those, uh
$20,000 chairs.
- Well I'm watching
my daughter's children
till she gets home,
so I can't right now, but
- Okay.
- I'm free tonight.
- Well, then.
I'll, uh, pick you up at 8:00.
- Who are you?
- Taylor Maldonado,
Wind River Animal Rescue.
Ernie here came from our rehab.
Looks like
he's got to come back.
- Oh, you got a rehab facility
on the reservation?
It's a lot better than the one
that you guys have in Cheyenne.
And I should know.
I was the game biologist there
until that jerk-wad
Les Etbauer took over.
- You're not a fan?
- Yeah, let's just say
he and I didn't see eye to eye
on the value of my skin tone.
So I created my own rehab
on the res.
We may not be as high-tech,
but we sure care more
than you guys do.
Present company excepted.
- You think you'd be able to do
an independent analysis
of a scat sample?
- Yeah, but why wouldn't you
just send it to Cheyenne?
- Last sample I sent
to Cheyenne, uh
let's just say it went missing.
I wouldn't mind keeping
a low profile on this.
- Ah, so you want me
to play Name That Shit?
- Well, if you could.
- Would it piss off your boss?
- If he knew.
- Then I'm in.
- Thanks for rushing over, Joe.
- What's the problem exactly?
- Geraldine Ferraro is missing!
- What?
- Their emus.
Looks like she was snatched
right out from under the fence.
- Gotcha.
- Well, I'm not trying
to do your job for you,
but looks to me
like that pack of wolves
they reintroduced
to the mountains here last year
has found this farm.
- How do we stop them?
- Will they come back?
- Well, if it is wolves,
they'll keep coming back.
Oh, no.
- If your pen doesn't have
a concrete bed, I mean,
they can go underneath
pretty much any fence.
- But we can't afford
to build a concrete bed.
We're barely gettin' by
as it is.
- We gotta help
these sisters out.
They're good people.
Salt of the earth people.
- I'm sure you realize
I don't exactly have the budget
to lay 'em a new foundation.
- Well, a move is
probably your best bet.
There is an old
chicken farm for sale
out by 22.
I could call in some favors,
see if we can get it
at a good price.
You know, it's funny.
They call us game wardens,
but we spend most of the time
lookin' after people.
Would it be possible to pull
one land deed before you go?
Not tonight.
My wife's making lamb.
I, uh, open tomorrow
at 10:00 a.m.
- Hey, uh, you don't happen
to know offhand
who the Rasmussens sold
their ranch to, do you?
- I file the deeds.
I don't memorize them.
Any relation
to Marybeth Pickett?
- She's my wife.
- She was in the office
all afternoon,
lookin' at land deeds.
Maybe she knows.
Marybeth, let me ask you.
Do you think Joe is really
well suited to his job?
- Well, he sure loves it.
- It's not quite
the same thing now, is it?
I was a game warden
for a long time.
I saw a lot of good men
get killed doin' it.
You know, what happened up
at Crazy Woman Creek was lucky.
But I'll ask you,
in your estimation,
is Joe
a consistently lucky guy?
I think he should take
that new job with InterWest,
don't you?
- What new job?
- Oh, I'm sorry.
I wasn't aware he hadn't
told you about it.
- Hi.
- Hey, buddy.
- Vern, what a surprise.
- Bourbons all around!
We've got
some celebrating to do.
To Joe Pickett,
land consultant.
- Land consultant?
- The job I told you about
with InterWest Resources?
It's official, Joe.
You are their guy.
- A new job?
That's fabulous.
What's it pay?
- Take Joe's salary
and add a zero to it.
- Oh-ho!
A zero, huh?
That's my favorite number,
when it comes at the end.
- There's longevity to it too.
Lasts the length
of the project,
five to ten years.
And some stock options maybe.
It took me three decades
to leverage that job
as game warden
into some real money,
but look at you.
Only took you three months.
My advice, when someone
threatens to overpay you,
act quick!
- They're in here.
There they are.
- Hmm.
So that's what $20,000 chairs
look like, huh?
That does not look
very comfortable to me.
- They're not.
- Yeah.
I guess I just don't
get it, then.
I mean
- First saw these chairs
in a storefront
in Saint-Germain.
And I didn't even have
a good place to put 'em.
But I wanted 'em.
And I had the means,
and so I just did it.
It felt so good
to buy something
this expensive on a whim.
- Mm.
- At that moment,
I knew my life would be
different from then on.
The past did not have
to equal the future.
Not anymore.
Turns out they were
only ever chairs after all.
- Well, hey,
maybe I've got something
that can cheer you up.
Does that do anything for you?
- It might.
- Hm.
- No.
Not here.
I will not be seen having sex
with a public servant.
- Wait, are we gonna have sex?
Great, yeah.
Hey, how 'bout we--
how 'bout we just
get these into my truck
and we get out of here, huh?
I've got the perfect place
for you to go, uh, slummin'.
- Yeah.
- There was a wounded eagle.
- How long have you known
about the job offer?
- I didn't think it was real.
- How long?
- Three days.
He brought it up
at the hospital.
- You know, Joe, I grew up
in a house full of secrets.
I never knew
if the nice family friend
was about to become
my new stepdad
or if my mom was gonna
pick us up
in the middle of the night
and move us to another state
for reasons that I still
don't fully understand.
But when we got married
and we wrote our own vows,
there was one that was
especially important to me.
"I, Marybeth Vankeuren,
vow to never keep secrets
from you."
And you stood there
and you vowed it
right back at me.
And here we are.
- I didn't know it was real.
- What about Ote Keeley
taking your gun?
Sure knew that was real.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I did.
- You're changing, Joe.
- You're changing.
You know,
you used to tell me everything.
I really thought we were
in this life together.
- We are, we are.
- Oh, yeah?
You feeling really open
with me right now?
You feel really connected
to me right now, Joe?
- I was 12 when I decided
this is what I wanna do.
And here I am.
- And I--
I love it.
- I know.
- I didn't know that job choice
was gonna force my third child
to sleep in a crib
in the closet.
Or that my wife would have
to check the low-income box
when fillin' out
school applications
or that I could put myself
and the ones that I love,
the ones that I swore
that I'd protect,
in harm's way.
I didn't know that.
I was 12.
And everything seemed to just
make perfect sense then.
And then
You know, being forced
to make that choice again now,
knowing what I know,
seeing clearly the sacrifices
that the ones that I love
are forced to make
because of this job
that I love,
it's a different kind
of choice, you know?
It's a selfish choice, maybe.
It's just a choice that I hoped
I wouldn't have to make.
- Okay.
Anything else
you want to tell me
while we're doing this?
- About what?
- About anything, Joe.
- I guess I should tell you
that I sent a second scat
sample to another lab.
But technically,
that's game warden business,
so it doesn't count
against our deal.
- Okay.
Anything else?
- I guess I, um--
I should admit
that I haven't told you
That I know
you spent half a day
at the city clerk's office
pulling land records.
- That is not the s--
that's not--
Call it even?
- We're in this.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- I love you.
- Yeah, I love you.
Now, while you were
rummaging around
in that clerk's office
You find anything?
- Look at this.
So all of these properties were
bought by the same company
in the last six months,
Red Sky Holdings.
- Wow.
- And this is the dates.
- Oh, that's the old
Rasmussens' place.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- You know it?
- Yeah, hold up.
- Yeah,
I think that's right here.
- Okay.
Show me.
- Okay.
Right there.
- All right.
They also bought the land
underneath the trailer park.
Where's that?
- There.
Where else
did they scoop up land?
- Excellent question.
Give me that.
- Yep.
- Okay.
- Here. Here.
Uh, here.
- See that spot
in the middle?
Bouviers' emu ranch.
- Joe.
- Hm?
- Is there a chance
that all of this--
that the land grab,
even the murders,
could have something to do
with the pipeline?
- Well, pipeline's being built
all the way out there,
so it doesn't make sense
to connect it all the way
back through Elk Bend.
- Right.
- How much did
all this land cost?
- All in?
'Bout 13 million.
- Whoa.
I mean, that's way outside
Barnum's price range.
- Well
not if he had help.
- Hmm
What about the Scarletts?
That old Rasmussen property
had this
custom barbed wire around it.
The Scarletts'
one family in Twelve Sleep
I could think of who could
afford something like that.
- It's not airtight, but
Yeah, I agree.
That's something.
- Yeah.
- Mm.
- What?
- Okay, I might have a way
we could find out
if you're right, but
you have got to promise
to be careful.
- That's my middle name.
- There it is.
That's the law firm.
- Well, I should get there
in about 20 minutes.
- Okay.
- You be safe.
- It's not me
I'm worried about.
You know, lawyers don't
usually shoot people.
- Here we go.
- Love you.
- You lost, Warden?
- I'm just here to clear up
some game warden business.
- Make it quick.
We're sitting down for dinner.
Game warden's here, boys.
So stop talking about all them
fish you been catching.
- What do you want,
Game Warden?
We're eating.
- There was an incident
the other day
at the old Rasmussen property.
A fence was downed
and a wounded animal got
through it.
Not to mention the area
had been booby-trapped.
- Not sure how we can help you
with that, Game Warden.
- You want something, miss?
- The Sunny Days
Mobile Home Park?
Your client bought the land
underneath it
and then jacked up the rent.
Just wanted to let you know
that that level of lease hike
violates several
Wyoming statutes
that prohibit
predatory leasing tactics.
So first,
we will be filing injunctions
to stop the evictions.
And then we intend
to file a civil suit
against both Red Sky Holdings
and your client,
or clients, who own it.
So whose name
should I cite in the suit?
- Well, now, little lady,
let's just slow your roll
a bit, shall we?
You can send any of your
so-called statutes to me,
and I'll decide if there's
anything for my client
to be concerned about.
And as far as revealing
the name of the owner,
that you're gonna have to get
a court order for.
- I just thought
we could make this easy.
- Sure you did.
And until then,
you be careful out there,
okay, Miss Pickett?
You'll never win this.
- Yeah, you might be right,
but I can make it
hurt like hell going down.
- So explain to me
why this is our problem.
- Well, if animals were
needlessly suffering
because you were too lazy
to fix your fence,
or if people got hurt
because you booby-trapped it,
well, then--then yeah,
it'd be your problem.
Is that all, Game Warden?
- Yeah, that's all.
- Take this.
- Pickett!
Is your wife a lawyer?
- Why's that?
Red Sky lookin'
for new representation?
- I'm gonna enjoy
runnin' all of you out of town.
- Ah, well,
good luck with that.
Oh, Arlen
If you're trying
to conceal land deals,
probably not the smartest move
to use the same
custom barbed wire
that you use here
on this ranch.
- Whoopsie.
- Is this a good time?
You said to call
when I had something.
- Oh, no, it's fine.
- Yeah?
This one has me baffled.
So I ran its DNA
through a local database,
and it didn't get a hit.
- Could it be
a foreign animal?
Like, an exotic pet?
- Yeah, you know,
it's possible.
If you'd like,
I could send it off
to an international database
and see what comes back.
- I appreciate that.
- "Live and look
like a million," huh?
- Hey.
Oh, my God.
- Hey.
- Oh, my God.
Are you okay?
- Hey, hey.
Yeah, I'm all right.
- Joe.
- I'm all right.
Well, it's, um
It's definitely the Scarletts.
Those assholes.
- What happened?
Yeah, I'm all right.
It was stupid.
I promise,
anything you want to say to me,
I'm already sayin' it.
I'm already sayin' it
to myself.
- Joe, we got to call
Sheriff Barnum right now.
They cannot do this.
You are an officer
of the state, for God's sake.
- Yes, they can do this,
because Barnum's not
gonna do anything.
If they killed me,
I'm pretty sure
no one would have looked
into that too closely either.
Just like no one really cared
when Ote died,
no one really cared
about the outfitters--
- Okay.
- But I'll tell you what,
they pushed the wrong guy
this time.
- Hey.
- They pushed the wrong guy
this time.
They pushed the wrong guy
this time.
- Joe, the important thing is,
you are home and you are okay.
- Yeah.
- Joe.
- Yeah.
- You're home and you're okay.
- Mm.
- Joe.
- Yeah.
I just have all these details.
I just can't stop 'em
spinning around in my head.
Ote Keely, cooler.
Outfitter murders.
Clyde Lidgard, the photograph,
the pipeline, the land grabs.
It's like I have
all these pieces to the puzzle,
and I just can't
fit 'em together.
I just wish I was smarter.
- Joe.
- There's just some piece
to this
that I'm just not seeing.
I just can't.
I just can't see it.
- Hey.
- I just can't see it.
I can't see it.
I just can't.
Hippity Hop.
Come get the food,
little fella.
Where are you guys?
There you go.
Willy, don't eat too much.
- It's Sheridan.
- Right?
Don't worry.
I'm a friend of your dad's.
You got some secrets.
Got some little friends
in the woodpile.
Don't you?
I been watchin' you.
I've seen you feeding 'em.
Hey, do your mom and dad know
about your friends
in the woodpile?
That's good.
You should just
keep it to yourself.
Because I know the people
that killed Ote Keeley.
And those people,
they want to kill everybody
who knows
about those little critters.
I'll tell you what.
I'll make you a deal.
I won't tell them
that you know
about these critters
if you don't talk about them
to anybody else.
You think you can do that?
It'll be our little secret.
If you do tell your dad
or your mom
or your little sister
or even
your stupid little doll,
those people are gonna
come back here,
and they'll kill you
with an axe.
They'll chop you up
into little bitty pieces
while you're sleeping
in your bed.
We don't want that to happen,
do we?
Now, the bad news
is that your little pets,
they're gonna go to heaven,
but you and your family
don't have to
as long as you keep
your mouth shut.
Understand, darling?
Can you smile for me?
Come on, big smile, big smile.
Run along.
Probably past your bedtime.
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