John from Cincinnati s01e08 Episode Script

His visit: Day seven

- My dad's here.
- So's Sonny Mac.
That's his ride next to your dad's.
- There's a nice peak north of the pier.
- Why can't we go out here? - Maybe your dad would as soon we didn't.
- In case he gets dusted? Shootout in I.
B? Like in Fiji 12 years ago.
What the fuck do you know about Fiji 12 years ago? I know more than I let on.
We made a tape last night.
We did? - Why don't I remember? - Why don't I remember? Obviously you do remember, John.
You just said so.
What did we make the tape about? Are you saying we made a sex tape? I am saying we made a sex tape.
See, the head scratcher, John, for me is that you'll know to say something but you won't know what it means.
Today will be a three-ring circus.
You want to do something and you'll do it, but you won't understand what you did.
I will be murdered twice.
I will stare me down.
Shaun will soon be gone.
- You said that to me last night.
- I said it to you.
Why didn't I remember? We don't remember my Father's words.
Why do I remember now? Work here, Cass.
So, how'd you do? I was gonna ask you that.
You know how you did.
You will find our tape in your room.
I will see you at Barry's motel, Cass.
We do not remember my Father's words.
Yeah, it's Cissy Yost, Dickstein.
You can turn on your meter because I'm divorcing my asshole husband.
To see who? Oh well, good for you for not disclosing, Dickstein.
You said the motel, I thought my son might have another settlement coming for his other big toe.
I'll see you over there.
"Levitation for the Illuminated"! You dream? Breakfast.
Oh yeah, I'm all over that, yeah.
I'll convey that much, right now.
"We don't fucking deliver.
" As a rule, we don't fucking deliver.
Uh m- me first? That's the usual order.
I realize, um the bullshit yesterday with Stinkweed, I I was making them take me out which is connected to the greater mystery of why in the hell I'd be hanging around here without trying to close Shaun's deal.
And the mystery's solution is? L- I couldn't I I couldn't close the deal you know, to protect him from myself.
And then this morning, I wake up.
Y- you you're just laying there beside me like an angel.
Which does just go to show you.
If someone's watching and they're letting me keep operating even with the inkling that I'm not the greatest guy in the world maybe they want me to sign him.
You have a new message.
Would that go for me? Well, I'd sign you without even giving them a vote.
I mean that they'd let me be operating too seeing Shaun, sticking around.
In my opinion, definitely.
You win one free fuck.
Thank you very much.
Wouldn't come to the counter for their fucking drinks.
I'm afraid.
License got revoked.
So lawyer Dickstein informed.
Yeah, we have to reapply.
Before you can serve liquor.
Thank goodness I'm not a felon.
I've had another vision, Ramon.
Like when you got the lottery numbers? Oh, I've wondered if you were ever gonna say that daily, I mean, ever since I met you.
Rows of faces, rapt.
- In what? - Oh, it's some sort of performance.
We used to do karaoke here.
Oh, ooh ooh.
Okay, come here.
Are you having having an epileptic? You have any medicine in your man-purse? A spoon? No? Okay more? A vision again? Go, Barry.
Go, Barry.
Go, Barry.
Go, Barry.
Go, Barry.
Get your vision, get your number.
Go go, Barry.
Go go, Barry, go.
- Go, Barry.
- I see columns.
Okay, get your vision.
Get your number.
Put your number in the column.
It's a theater.
The money from the new lottery numbers? The money I've already won.
No numbers, this vision? Here from the ruins of a venue of tawdry assignation will arise a temple of art.
Let me check how they're stenciling the shuffleboard court out there.
Shut off the lights when you're done.
- How's it going? - Good.
It's good to see you.
You want to give me a ride? I mean, sure I'll give you a ride home.
Aw, now come on! Nice day like this, don't get in an indoor stupor.
Wanna play shuffleboard? Don't you know something bad is gonna happen? Don't lift heavy equipment with light equipment - isn't that what you always tell me? - Don't do heavy liftin' - with light equipment.
- Or that's what you tell me.
Right, so? - Why ask me? - Ask you what? What's happening.
I halfway think that pain-in-the-balls retired ex-cop ought to stick his donkey nose in.
- Should I get him? - What?! Nothing nothing! Nothing.
I was just, you know, talking.
You know what I think? Know what I think? I'm going to the fucking beach.
Going to the fucking beach what do you think of that, huh? Anyways I'll go get a position before 8,000 mutts lay their towels out.
Hmm? Taking the car.
Taking the keys.
I'd just as soon not get involved with the nuts and bolts of all this.
I'd just as soon not get involved with the nuts and bolts of all this.
Too fucking bad, Dwayne.
Being the information conduit is where I prefer to draw the line.
Before I scare the bejesus out of Cissy, I want to at least talk to Butchie about this fucking guy.
Oh, fuck! I guess Mick's right again.
I don't want to know, Dwayne.
Jagger? - I'm moving my husband in here - So I see.
- Saving him a trip to the house.
- Hi.
- What are you doing here? Surfing! Is that right? Huh.
Um we need to talk.
What? His door's open.
You are insatiable today.
One final illuminating tidbit and then we must leave.
Did you know, Teddy, that, having built the Lyceum Theater, Daniel Frohman had an apartment placed above the stage? Best seat in the house.
Bear? Mr.
Bear! Teddy, that is not polite.
To think that this place could be a setting for some building up of the spirit.
Cunningham, good evening to you, sir.
Cunningham, thank you so much for letting me run a tab.
That's so kind, that's very gracious of you.
All right, have a good evening, sir.
Thank you you faggot cocksucker.
Look at him.
Look at him walk over there like he's a normal fucking person.
Yeah, don't go out and suck a fast prick in the alley, pal, before you can Mr.
Cunningham, good evening.
Good evening.
How are you? You look very well you almost look like a human being.
Congratulations on imitating a human being, Mr.
Cunningham, you fucking faggot.
"Oh and, Frank, a Roy Rogers for my young friend.
" Young Mr.
Yost How's it going? Roy Rogers, short and tall.
It's okay.
I'll be gone pretty soon.
Go, Barry.
Go, Barry.
Chief of all angels got one mission: Orbit alert for a Latino trying to catch a break.
Alert alert! Alert alert! Diving in! Latino verging on luck! Mission boss chief angel.
Wipe interference off my flight path so I can flip feet first before I hit, to crush the Latino's balls with all my speed and force.
He's waiting for you.
Lawyers together can't be good.
What is inside the envelope, O great seer of the East? Ho ho hoo! If the image of currency is coming to you, O great seer, you are warmer than the sands beneath our feet.
I'm gonna open this now, all right, Mark? I am but your will's instrument, O my liege.
That is a smoking gun, Meyer.
Mercy Hospital's head of neurology has admitted to incompetence, to the destruction of hospital records during the treatment of the Yost boy.
As the Yost's family attorney, notwithstanding your diminutive stature, I would say this is a slam dunk out-of-court settlement.
You represent the hospital.
Why give this to me? The physician is being insured by another carrier.
As to any gesture financial or otherwise you wish to make towards me after the settlement, that, of course, would be a matter separate entirely, and for you alone to determine.
The-the message didn't come to Butchie's website.
If it came to Butchie's website, I'd know how I got access, because I'm the webmaster.
So that's kind of a mystery because I'm kind of secretive about my personal screen name.
You know, if you haven't gotten that many messages and now you get a message, and the content is unpleasant and disconcerting you know And Butchie's asshole surf student signed it? Uh, it was a video message.
Like that fuck Bin Laden? "Shaun will soon be gone.
" So sorry to intrude.
- Several matters to discuss.
- No.
She got a message about her grandson.
- It's got her upset.
- About Shaun?! I'll tell you the truth.
I actually think at least as far as evaluating it, I think maybe the police should be involved.
If this is an intervention, I'm clean.
My gram's not home.
Do you have to have someone home with you? - I'm 14.
- No, sure.
- You're almost out of gas.
- Yeah, I'm gonna get some.
Now? Sure, we could get it now.
Would you like to go someplace? Sure.
Should we go to SeaWorld? Sure.
Do you need to leave a message? Yeah.
I'll leave one at the store.
It's a lovely home.
- And? - And, uh sensitive to things my boss, the shit he sees: "Don't you get me started, you," I mean.
- You're about to get 86ed.
- There's a there's an incident incident coming up.
Mmm, your birds greasy feathers.
- There's no grease on these birds.
- Allergic Done.
Yeah, totally erased the tickle.
Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ! My boss has had a vision, sir.
It scares his pants off.
- Of what? - Don't make me imagine that beating, him giving me chapter and verse, right? I can only tell you I can only tell you he does not miss with that shit.
Even even refusing to admit it, he would appreciate it if you came to consult.
- Go outside.
- Yeah.
And on that score when you and he converse, if you confide to him I told you he asked me to come get you, this is the last I would speak off of the ventilator.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hey, Shaunie, my phone's fucked.
Give your grams a call when you get this.
This is bullshit, you know.
John's a good guy.
Only you wouldn't think he wasn't strange.
Oh, and Dwayne's not strange, Ma? Ask him about the halo effect the next time you've got a free month.
What do you want? I'm looking for Butchie.
He owes me $20.
Yeah? Good luck.
Well, anyway, he wasn't in.
Then I guess your work here on earth is through.
I guess your mission is complete.
- How you sleeping? - What? Sleeping.
If I spoke monkey, I'd put it in your language.
I'd as soon as not go back into the joint.
That's why I don't tune you up.
Then why don't you just fucking tell me how you're sleeping? - Why? - Are you having visions, when you're sleeping, you half a fucking ape? See, I could give less of a flying fuck, but I'm here, see? So I ask the questions.
And believe me, I give less of a fuck! I dreamt of that kid gone.
Who's your reference? Butch's son Shaun.
That kid.
Excuse me.
- Excuse me.
- Uh! Uh I'm in a hurry.
- Yeah, um - It's important? Listen.
What what up with the party at the Yost suite? Uh I can't speak to that.
Can't speak to it? - Will you let me out, please? - Yeah.
My domain has been hacked, all right? - And? - We're a bit concerned for Butchie's son.
This will bring matters into focus.
Just take a moment.
Let's see.
- When did you start that again? - When I stopped shooting dope.
You know what? Fuck your fucking computer, Dwayne.
- I don't give a fuck what's on there.
- Here we go, here we go.
Shaun will soon be gone.
Shaun will soon be gone.
That's it.
Not that we even know what the fuck he's talking about.
Words mean something different for him.
"I'm shy about dumping out.
" "I'm gonna bone her and break her jaw.
" - Who does he do that to? - Oh, for Christ's sake! My sole concern how he infiltrated my domain.
It's because he's got strange fucking powers, all right, Dwayne? He makes money appear and every other fucking thing.
Nobody said he hasn't got strange fucking powers and abilities.
Without being argumentative, I'd think that should raise our index of suspicion somewhat.
Yeah well, fuck you too, Meyer.
Gonna quick piss, that's all.
Why should either of us pay any attention to what you think? - Fine.
- That's all.
All right.
Drive safely.
- Excuse me? - Drive safely.
Get the fuck out.
Uh, listen to that toilet, huh? Runs runs runs.
You yell at me why I should flush at night, eh? - That's the ensuing reason.
- He was just leaving.
You ain't just whistling Dixie.
Listen to me.
List listen up for a second.
Boss, as far as your vision, I just ran into a harelip, apparently has partial confirmation.
- Of what? - That boy and so forth.
Where the fuck did he come from? Cincinnati.
What the fuck, John? You've got everybody shitting bricks.
You sneaking onto people's computers now? - The internet is big.
- Fuck the internet, buddy, what's this shit about Shaun? - Shaun will soon be gone.
- Don't don't say that anymore.
Do not say that.
Understood? We don't remember our Father's words.
- What in hell is going on here? - Aw, shit.
- Aw, shit.
- Shut up, John.
Bill look at this.
- I don't use those.
- I can turn it on for you.
- Outdoors? - Yes.
Well, do it then for God's sake! Would you hurt Shaun? You'd never hurt Shaunie, would you, John? Hurting Shaun doesn't ring a bell.
What the fuck are you saying he'll be gone for? We don't remember our Father's words.
Shaun will soon be gone.
- Aw, shit.
- Me and "I got my eye on you" are gonna have a little conversation.
I don't think he knows what he's saying, Bill.
Well, I'm gonna help him with all that.
Try to tell him what you mean, buddy.
- I'll try, Butchie.
- Come on.
Th this is incorrect.
It it's supposed to be 10 off.
The bottom tier is 10 off.
You don't reward failure, Ramon.
Come over here.
Come over here.
Now, let me just say that sending that message means you're not as stupid as you sometimes appear, so we'll have no more of the parrot talk right here, right now under the present circumstances.
When you leave this room, you and I are gonna have gotten to the bottom of things.
You're gonna tell me exactly what that message means.
- Do we understand each other? - Yes, Bill.
"Shaun will be gone soon.
" All right, let's take the first word "soon.
" Some people are concerned "soon" when you made that tape would now mean right now.
Is that true? Is Shaun gone now? What what does "soon" mean? Could it mean 1,000 years? It could mean 1,000 years.
Now I don't want to get violent with you but I told you no parrot talk.
What does "soon" mean? Could it mean 10 minutes? It could mean 10 minutes.
What does it mean? There will be no more parrot talk.
Shaun calls you his friend, yet you send this message like like like some terrorist.
Now you cannot be this stupid.
You managed to send a message with a camera on a computer, this goofball from the computer place, he says he still don't know how you did it! How does that happen? I don't know, Butchie, instead.
Your suitcase Dad's clothes.
You know, that that shuffleboard's really got the parking spots ass-fucked.
Shut up.
Fucking steal it.
I'll split the insurance with you.
This other guy outside, this Hawaiian, he says you're a shape-shifter.
Pothead Joe, he says you died, came back to life.
- "Stare me down! Just stare me down!" - What's going on? Jesus Christ! What's happening here?! He's yours.
- Was he hurt? - He tried to hurt himself.
He doesn't get hurt.
Forget about Cincinnati.
- Hello.
- I don't know his whereabouts.
Oh, fine, complicit in a second felony.
- Excuse me, excuse me.
- Do not come near me.
Excuse me.
Fair notice, miss! Certain outcomes or circumstances, you're not leaving here with your fucking Kodak, okay? I apologize in advance.
He's all right.
The porn queen had him at SeaWorld.
Oh fuck! Excuse me, excuse me.
Crucial information.
Crucial information: Western Union the lost telegram has been located.
Help me with something, Kai.
If Shaunie left a message at the shop, why do I have to find out from his whore of a mother she took him to SeaWorld and now she's dropping him home? The lost surfing telegraph boy has been located.
- Located.
- This is fucking bullshit.
If he's old enough to be with her, I'm signing him tonight with Linc.
He's safe! Located! Located! He's located! He's safe! Don't kill anybody! Don't kill anybody! - SeaWorld.
- That's where he was? Yeah, the mother took the kid to SeaWorld.
- Did you kill him? - Nah.
Palaka caught me.
I've seen on many occasion.
You don't know what the fuck he is.
But whatever the fuck he is, he's gotta come through both of us.
Daphne, he was proposing a corrupt collusion.
To which you replied to him? Fuck these people.
I'm outta here.
I don't take this abuse from anybody.
- Who are you talking about, Kai? - Whose keys are those? Fucking Cissy Queen-of- the-Ballbusters Yost.
Thinks I gotta eat her shit on the telephone.
Just so happens I laid my foot open getting out of the water this morning a fucking Coke can some asshole tears in half and leaves in the fucking sand.
No health plan on that $8 an hour those jerks see fit to pay me.
So I drive clear to Huntington to see this quack that I know will treat me.
Takes me two hours just to see the asshole, another two in traffic getting back here and Shaunie didn't leave any message, that lying little jerk.
I try to keep tabs on him and Butchie too, and she knows that.
So fuck her, fuck them! I'm gone.
I'm outta here.
Tell her to go fuck herself.
I quit.
I could be disbarred.
I'm not the fair-weather type, Meyer.
That isn't who you're engaged to.
What have you gotten me in the middle of, John? Work here, Cass.
"Work here.
Work here.
" What is it that you have me working on when we do whatever it is that we do, so that I don't remember afterward? I helped you make that video, didn't I, John, with my zeros and my fucking ones? And I helped you scare all of those people.
- You helped me.
- You know what? Get out.
Get out, you goddamn twitch, with your little-boy- take-care-of-me act! My Father had more big and huge for me.
Who is your father, an Arab fanatic? Those fucking towelheads are going to get themselves eradicated.
My God.
Oh my God.
What is going on? Tell me something.
Tell me something big and huge.
My Father tells me, Cass.
Can't you tell me anything else? Mmm.
Does your father mean well? He called the shop, he left word on the machine.
- I heard him do it.
- Maybe he just faked it.
I do that about half the time.
How pissed off was Cissy? - Mmm, not too bad.
- Bullshit.
Cissy wakes up pissed off.
This fucking John, you know? He's a good guy, but he acts like a pea brain saying shit is gonna happen to Shaunie.
- What was he saying? - He's going to be gone, stupid shit.
That's why everyone freaked when we couldn't find him.
- Could he hurt Shaun? - Fu no.
Fuck, no.
Who am I, Dr.
Phil? Hey, Jack and Coke if you're working.
She thinks I'm working.
Maybe she's checking your moves.
He turned out so good.
Well, I guess we have to give Cissy that much.
Shaun wants me to stay in I.
I want to.
Would you be okay with that? I signed him over, Tina.
I don't get a vote on that shit.
Yeah, I'd be okay with it.
I'm fucking Linc.
Why would you tell me that? If I was here, you know, around Shaun - I don't talk to Linc.
- I know.
And I want to be in your life.
That would be my part, writing permission slips for who you bang? - I wouldn't have time to eat.
- Okay okay.
Not for nothing, Tina, but you don't fuck Linc.
Linc fucks you.
You keep watch on that boy, boss, and I'll keep watch on you.
It's my it's my friend.
Lovely, uh, flowers.
Thank you very much, sir.
Nice puppy.
It's like a goddamn matchbook car.
It's a rental.
I told you about that fucking bird.
Mortal combat with unseen forces, I should deprive myself of telepathic information to spare you irritation from cheeping.
Butchie's friend.
Jesus Christ Almighty.
A terrible person.
I'd rather stand outside.
Thank you.
15 years a nice round number.
Would you rather I move? Why? I don't understand what you're saying.
I'm keeping an informal watch on the boy.
I resigned that position this afternoon.
You let Cissy piss in your ear, Kai, every day.
You surfed with Shaunie every day he wanted to.
You kept Butchie's boards every day.
Shaun will be gone.
Butchie will need you on the water.
Should I stick around? Staircase situation in my own home, failed to alleviate it going on a year probably I'm not who to ask.
All nice inside.
All lit up.
This ain't over, believe me.
Shut up.

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