Justice (2011) s01e05 Episode Script

What's a Fair Start?

This is a judge, Louise, not some lollipop lady.
This is war.
Coburn sent Ellis down to wind me up.
The thing is, he's going to regret it, because it's working.
I made a promise to this town - and I'm going to deliver.
If your daughter couldn't be steered away from drugs, how are you going to convince anyone else? Tough love.
Is that what you're planning for your granddaughter? Have you seen her? Tasty-looking girl.
You can't stop me seeing Jake.
Oh, I think you'll find I can.
Have you seen this? Excuse me - do you know Sharna Mulhearne? Yeah.
Is she here? She's over there.
Hello, Sarah.
Oh, Father! I heard about your funding What are you going to do? Pray! I'll pray, too.
Being good, girls? How are you? Oh, she's doing well, Father, she's doing well.
When the music's playing, and we're together, all's right with the world - for an hour or so.
I'm always here for you if you want me, Angie.
Excuse me, are you Sharna? You're Sharna? I'm a friend of Judge Coburn's - he doesn't know I'm here, and I'd like to talk to you.
Look at him now, Sharna, and he might seem worlds apart, but back then he was the same as you.
Oxford was his way out, his only way out.
He had to go.
I couldn't let him stay.
I wouldn't let him stay.
What do you want me to do? Eh? What do you want me to say? He's your granddad.
No, he isn't.
I would have liked one once when I was little.
I'm not little any more.
Give him a chance, Sharna - please.
Sharna? What? I've come for you.
Girl's having a nice night out with her friend.
Why don't you just leave her be? I didn't mean to upset you, Kaz.
Hey You know that, you know me.
Come on.
Jake Think I should give you these back.
Give you your car back - your car.
It's outside.
You dreamed of a car like that, didn't you? Eh? Keep it.
It's yours.
Jake Little was arrested last night for arson.
He torched the car he gave Darren Green at the Sketch.
He's been charged.
He's going to be in here first thing Monday morning.
We'll have to pass it on to Liverpool Crown Court.
What? This is everything we've been waiting for.
We can do what they haven't! Joe, things are different now.
If a case against Jake Little collapsed here, it would destroy everything we've done.
So we won't let it.
We've sent down Childs.
We've already shown our teeth.
Never had you down for a coward, sir.
Oh, is it an act of courage to risk everything we've achieved? We had nothing to lose before.
If he goes down, everything changes.
We send him down for a few months, we do everything we can to keep him there.
When he's locked up, people'll come forward and won't need to be scared.
Oh, they'll come forward then? What about now? Three trials, Joe, and each time the witness pulled at the last minute.
My own granddaughter.
May not keep you awake, but it does me.
Why should it be any different now? Because we're different! Yeah? Is that why you're leaving? Look, I want Little sent away, you know I do.
But there's no-one round here who'll stand up against him in court.
Oh, there is, sir.
There is.
Jim, do you have any idea of the pressure this could put you under? When I'm sitting down, I'm not an old man.
But the moment I stand up and start doing things, I'll tell you the truth - I am! So it doesn't matter whether it's you warning me or Jake Little.
I'm past warning.
There's only one judge I'm concerned about now.
If I pass it on to the Crown Court, it's beyond our control, we'll have no power over it, I know.
But if I hold onto it, if we handle it, and if we fail here Faith, Paddy.
No faith? Everything you've achieved - and none? I've got faith in you.
In God.
Take that away and there's nothing left in any of us.
Come on, Paddy.
For old time's sake? Old times have gone, Jim.
No-one's as strong as they'd like to think they are.
That's where you're wrong, Patrick.
No-one is as weak.
See? We don't need to go out.
Why would you do that? My fault, isn't it - his car? As soon as someone comes near me, it costs them.
He needs to stay well clear.
When will Coburn ever learn, eh? Meaning? That you can't keep a secret in this town.
My client is a key figure in this community.
A successful, public-spirited entrepreneur who's chosen to remain in the area of his birth when others might have left at the first available opportunity.
Regrettably, his success does appear to have engendered a certain amount of jealousy, and he has been the victim of a number of slurs in the past, none of which have stood up to any examination whatsoever.
In view of this fact, and the risible nature of the latest allegations, which suggest that my client set light to a vehicle which we have proven to be his own, I urge you to avoid any repeat of the mistakes made by others, and dismiss this case.
Mr Ellison, that is not going to happen.
Stand up, Mr Little, please.
In crimes of this nature, where there's a real risk of danger, the law is quite clear.
In the event of you being found guilty, a custodial sentence would be the only option available to me.
In such circumstances it is imperative that this case be handled by a Crown Court.
But, as we possess those powers here at the Public Justice Centre, I see no grounds for a transfer.
This centre has a responsibility not to wash its hands of anything or anyone.
I warn you that in the event of any threats or intimidation against any individual or institution involved in this case, the consequences will be severe.
First few hours were the hardest.
Days, then.
I think I thought I'd made it, but it's getting tough again.
I don't want to let anyone down.
After what me nan's been through because of me, how can Angie I'm proud of you.
Judge, there's been a complaint.
About? You.
Smoking outside the centre.
People don't think it gives the right impression.
Are you telling me I can't smoke inside the building nor even around it now? Where am I meant to go? So you're leaving? What? You've given notice on your apartment.
Nobody's business but mine.
The day Jake Little's due back in court? Don't you think the community deserves to know? That's nothing to do with it.
When I first walked in here, there were three of you.
First Marie leaves, then Joe Gateacre says he's going, now you.
What exactly will be left? Since you came you've been asking people to believe in what you're doing, to put their trust in you.
Then when things get difficult you plan a midnight flit - again.
You won't print this.
And why wouldn't we? Because I'm asking you not to.
Not yet.
I was just locking up.
I don't want any trouble, Father.
I'm not the man most people round here think I am.
I want to help.
For the Church.
It's not my truth you should fear, Jacob.
It's your own.
What? Look at the state of this motor! You never heard of soap and water? What's the matter? Where's Coburn? Haley.
Sir! Is there nowhere I can get some peace? You've got to come down, sir.
In a minute! It's Father Jim Kelly.
He's at the hospital.
They found him in the Church this morning.
If Little's harmed a He hasn't, sir.
He's had a heart attack.
'Jim Kelly's as tough as they come.
' He'll be all right.
You think we can put him in the dock now? You think I'd put him through that? He'll want to do it.
He will.
He isn't.
He has to! There's no-one else.
Come on, Joe.
What? Outside the Sketch Lane Community Centre on a Friday night? There must be loads of others.
No-one who'll talk to the police.
No-one who'll talk against him.
Well, you'll have to find someone! Me? I can't! So who do we leave it to? The same people that have been responsible for three no-trials? You wanted it! We took it on and this place stands or falls by it, so don't tell me you don't know what to do.
Get out there and find us a witness! Jake Little does not walk free from here! All I'm asking for is the truth.
Just one person, all we need.
They won't have to face him.
We can use the witness room, they can testify into camera, we'd look after them.
We get them, we've got him.
But we can't rely on anyone else.
I'll help.
After everything you've done? You expect me to trust you? We haven't printed it, have we? Printed what? You asked me not to, and we haven't.
Why does no-one tell me anything? Jake Little's the story I want.
This is my home number, home address.
You can call me, call round.
I'm on your side.
I promise.
Find me someone.
I don't want Jim Kelly anywhere near this.
Not now.
I've told the police everything.
You haven't told them anything.
You know Jim Kelly's in hospital? Mm.
He said there was a crowd outside that night.
Were you in it? Come on, Sarah, we need you.
If Jake Little doesn't go down for this, the PJC does.
It's one or the other now.
Would you hang that up in the foyer at the centre? It's everything we've got coming up.
Hang on, this is planning for the next 12 months.
I thought your funding had gone.
If you don't know whether you're gonna be open next week, why are you planning for the next year? We live in hope.
Oh, really? Had any private donations recently? Well, go on, tell me! I think you should leave.
If he stays on the streets, you'll have kept him there.
I'll have kept the Sketch going! You want me to save the PJC? What have you ever done for here? I have prayed for money to rain down from heaven onto here, and then one morning I open up, and it has.
Oh, come on, Sarah, that money didn't come from heaven.
If I had half the funding you do, I'd have twice the principles! You think I'm compromised? You, from a place that only exists because of a man who ran away from his responsibilities! Well, I'm sure he had his reasons.
And if you'd ever spent more than one night in here in your entire life, you'd know I've got mine! Darren, it was your car Was Jake's.
That he'd given to you! I didn't see anything.
I swear.
What happened? Kid can't help you.
Look, I never saw him, but I knew.
Soon as I heard the bang Darren! He's keeping his head down.
Staying out of trouble.
Now isn't the time to walk back into a world he's left behind.
Judge Coburn's leaving.
Straight after the trial.
Nobody's meant to know.
So there won't be another chance like this.
At least tell me who else was there.
I thought you were meant to be setting an example? Car got burnt.
No-one got injured.
It's over.
And Jake Little remains in charge! Darren can't help you.
I won't let him.
What about you? Were you there? Kid depends on me.
Angie? Darren! Come on, Paddy.
For old times' sake? Old times have gone, Jim.
No-one's as strong as they'd like to think.
That's where you're wrong, Patrick.
No-one is as weak.
With his kecks round his ankles while the national anthem's playing! Hey, d'you think that's funny? Well, laugh then! I thought there was a strict door policy in 'ere? If there was - the place'd be empty.
Father Jim Kelly's dead.
What's that got to do with me? I need some stuff.
On tick.
Oh You've come to the right place.
You didn't see nothin' there.
Where would he go? You don't think he's gone back to London? Why would he do that? The man who saved him's dead, and his granddaughter won't have anything to do with him.
He's got the centre.
He's given notice on his apartment.
That's what we didn't print.
I know for a fact the estate agent wanted to show him round the best of the rest, but he wasn't interested.
What are you doing?! Same again, he's paying.
You remind me of him, y'know.
Who? My father.
I was scared then - I'm not scared any more.
It's all right, it's all right.
If it's therapy you're wanting, mate, I'll have to charge you by the hour.
Like your daughter used to.
When you set fire to that car, you blew it.
You should've got someone else to do it, but no - had to do it your way, eh? Big man, eh? I could do anything to you right now, and none of these people'd see.
They never see anything.
Go back to your penthouse, old man.
And don't ever come back 'ere again unless you've got the guts to do things my way.
You want to do things your way? OK.
Let's do it.
Come on! Just one person.
One person in that court and you're finished! Well, your one has just gone.
Get in.
No! When we're sat opposite each other in court, and it's all awkward and that cos the witness just hasn't appeared, you be sure to smile back at me, eh? Get in! No thanks needed, by the way.
Thanks for what? Us saving you.
You didn't save me.
You saved him the great and mighty Oz.
People need to see the man behind the curtain.
I know you're leaving.
And I know when.
And I know you don't care what you do any more.
But I'm staying, sir.
Yeah, I'm staying.
And you've got to sort yourself out cos we know who was there at the Sketch that night.
And there's someone you've got to see.
He doesn't think anyone'll do anything about it.
But I will.
I'll stand up and say in front of anyone.
He's already hurt Kaz.
There's nothing else he can do.
The priest went to the Sketch to talk to me.
He said about how you left.
That it was him.
That he wanted you to go.
That you had to.
That's what he said.
She saw it? And she'll testify? Yes.
But she isn't going to.
What? The judge's granddaughter, Joe? They could've had her in the dock at the Crown Court, but I can't.
You've got to.
Not happening.
Judge! Alice? My name's Louise.
From the paper.
I know you were at the Sketch the night someone set fire to the car outside.
I know everyone who was.
But no-one's prepared to speak about it in court.
Have you got a pen? Yeah.
Um You've crossed your granddaughter out, but you haven't Oh, I've got a message for you, that reporter Louise rang.
She said you'd know what it meant.
Er Haley.
Yeah? If a man was to turn up at your house, unannounced, one evening, with a bottle of wine, some flowers perhaps, what would you do? Praise the Lord! Haley.
Well, depends on the man, really.
And what if that man were me? Well I think it'd be good.
Where are you going? To get ready.
Oh, hello, Louise, it's Patrick.
Patrick Coburn.
I just called to say "thank you".
Hello? Judge, I Oh, I just called to say "thank you" on behalf of the centre, but if you've already done it, obviously good, good.
Judge? I don't suppose I could have that bottle of wine, could I? Nan, what're you doing? Is he still there? Knew he'd come.
I'm sorry.
Not your fault.
It is.
I just wanted to leave everything behind.
What are you talking about? I'm going to speak, at the PJC against Jake Little.
You can't! Why? I owe him some money.
For what? Not now.
You can't just be good when things go your way! Anyone can do that.
Test is when things go against you.
That's what it's all about.
Life is hard, Ange.
Bad things do happen.
Sad things.
Awful things.
But you can't just give up.
You've got to fight.
I've got no more money to give you.
I'll get it.
How? I'll get it.
You will not.
You will not.
Judge Joe, let's not talk about it, please.
Listen, you're never going to believe who's in court this morning.
I'll have to send you back to prison.
I don't know why you shoplift, Alice.
You do.
But you're rubbish at it.
Angie owes money again? To Jake Little.
You're not going to do it, are you? You're not going to testify? Please, be seated.
Father Jim Kelly was like a dad to me.
Took me in.
Taught me.
Never expected anything in return.
Even in his last days he was trying to take my sins upon his shoulders.
When I left here, as I'm sure most of you know, I left a girl behind.
And she was carrying my child.
But I went away.
And I went in the night.
My choice.
And no-one in the world could've stopped me.
All around us, the idea is that success in life is some sort of strange combination of geography and economics.
The further you go, the more you make.
Well, I went far, and I made plenty.
Father Jim Kelly never moved an inch in 40 years.
And doesn't leave a penny behind.
But he is the mark.
HE is the mark.
He carried his weight, listened to others' troubles, their problems.
And he never ran.
He knew.
I can't undo what I've done, but I'm trying to take things on now.
And I need you.
Can't achieve a single thing without you.
There must be one.
One of you who won't do what I have done.
But'll do what Father Jim Kelly did every single day.
Hello? I'll do it.
Leave us alone! Don't you know it's against the law to intimidate a witness? Prepare the witness.
If you'd like to just sit over there, Kaz.
This isn't right.
I'm not doing this.
Kaz? Kaz! Kaz! Judge? Hello? Can we move on? I don't want to sit in there.
I'm not hiding away.
Want to do it in here.
Mrs Newton, please.
This is a joke.
Mr Little, sit down! Come on, then.
Let's get this over with.
Start the appeal as soon as he's finished.
Mr Little, do you wish to change your plea? You don't have to stay with me, y'know.
I'm big enough to look after myself.
I'm all right.
Darren Can I sit there? Free country, isn't it? So he did it, then, your granddad.
Jake could be out in nine months.
Yeah, but he still did it.
Is that him off now? Off where? Thought he was going after the trial.
Sharna! I think I owe you a drink.
Took you long enough.
Was that it, then? Just like last time? Nothing? When Jake Little gets out he's going to be worse than ever! Think your job's done? It's just begun.
Get in.
What? Something I'd like to show you.
Come on.
Grew up in this street.
That house.
Don't think anyone lives there now.
Doesn't look like it.
But they're about to.
It's mine.
I'm here to stay, Sharna.
I am here!
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