Karppi (2018) s01e10 Episode Script


1 Good evening.
To Iirisniementie Road 12, please.
What the hell? Get behind the wheel.
Give me your phone.
That way.
Get out.
Walk to the shore.
Move it.
Don't say anything.
That's good.
C'mon, take them.
Get on your knees.
I didn't kill Anna.
It would be easier if we had someone to blame for Jussi's death.
I blamed myself for a long time.
But it didn't help.
All three of us have to move on.
That's why I suggest you go to Germany.
Go see your friends in Hamburg.
Elise promised you and Emil can stay with them.
- Me and Emil? - You'll take him with you.
A short holiday to think about things.
You can think about how we'll continue from here.
How does that sound? Good.
I'll check flights.
Three people died in Loviisa last night in an exchange of gunfire between police officers and a group of alleged criminals.
The National Bureau of Investigation had been tracking a group of smugglers for months.
The smugglers used a charity called Friends of the Baltic Countries as their front.
The police said this morning that they believe the smugglers were prepared to receive a hovercraft carrying narcotics and illegal pharmaceutical drugs.
The Police Rapid Response Unit was prepared to intercept it Good morning.
Are you leaving already? Where's my box? What is it? What is it? I'm sure you understand I can't have drugs at my place.
Because you're a cop.
- Sasha told me some facts about you.
- He's lying.
Really? Okay.
You don't believe him, do you? - You can't believe him - You bullshitted me.
Be gone when I get back.
Hello? Yeah, I'm here.
Now? Okay, come then.
- We got an offer.
- Congratulations.
I ain't getting a penny.
Alex must be all fired up and wanting to sell the company.
I haven't heard from him since that message yesterday.
I have a proposition for you.
The last time you proposed something, I ended up in jail.
I asked you to find out what Alex was doing with Anna, not force her into the car and threaten her.
- Let's hear it.
- Alex doesn't want to sell Tempo.
- He wants it to be independent.
- What does this have to do with me? We have to find him and talk sense into him.
Why would I help you? If Tempo crashes, where are you going to find a job where they'll overlook your behavior and pay enough so that you can keep your gambling and drinking habits? We only have each other.
All right.
Honey, do you promise me you'll do what Henna says? - Why aren't you coming with us? - I already told you why I can't.
I'll call you every day.
You're going to have a fun trip.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Call me if there's anything.
- Yeah.
- We'll be all right.
- Yeah.
Bye! Hi.
Nurmi will continue working the Bergdahl case with JP's team.
- Are you firing me? - I suggest you take sick leave.
You have to rest.
You realize the case is nowhere near closed? I do.
Nurmi will continue investigating it, but I can't let you work.
Because it'll mess up your fucking retirement plans? Because it might mess up everything! The National Bureau of Investigation will demand a report and that you be fired.
Did you give them a report on Wolf? No, I didn't.
Try to understand that I'm protecting you.
You realize there's something bigger here? If there is, we'll find out.
But now you have to go to the doctor and ask for two weeks' sick leave.
Nurmi, come here a sec.
Have a bun.
Or I guess you're not a bun man, are you? No thanks.
Virtanen and Paunio are in.
And Peltola is still tagging along.
We got lucky.
Alex Hoikkala is missing.
- He has a habit of doing that.
- So I understand.
This time he was captured by the cameras when he got into a taxi at the helicopter terminal.
- Guess whose taxi? - Usko Bergdahl's.
Did it ever cross your mind that most killers live in the same household as their victims? For a woman, the most dangerous person is their partner.
For fuck's sake.
We're hunting him down.
The wheels are turning.
Was Usko's taxi located? The idiots at the taxi dispatch center can't find him.
He must've ripped out the GPS system and turned off his phone.
We could comb the Bergdahls' house.
- The bathroom especially.
- Why that? Their neighbor, Jarkko Vaahtera, heard noise from there Sunday evening.
Banging and water running.
Why didn't you put pressure on Usko from the start? He went after Kiiski after Anna's death.
I doubt he would've done that if he had killed her.
That's an old trick.
To direct suspicion elsewhere tactically.
He's not stupid.
Besides, he was at his mother's place with his kids.
I called his mother.
She said that Usko slept in the shed.
He could've sneaked out.
It's only a one-hour drive to Helsinki.
And there are no cameras on the old National Road 3.
He killed his wife because she cheated on him and finally decided to kill her lover.
Maybe he'll kill himself next.
Let's go.
This is Maiju Lehtonen from Koskela Hospital.
I'm calling about your mother, Raija Karppi.
We started TPA treatment and almost managed to restore her vital functions.
But in the morning, she started having breathing difficulties and soon after that, she stopped breathing.
What's going on? - You have a moment? - Yeah.
You said earlier that you heard banging and water running from the Bergdahls' house on Sunday.
From the sauna.
How well can you hear people talking next door? Not well at all.
What do you think their relationship was like? I don't want you to jump to the wrong conclusions I mean, all couples argue sometimes.
- Anna and Usko argued? - Sometimes, of course.
- Did you hear them arguing Sunday? - I can't remember.
During the last month, up until Anna's death, they argued more than usual.
- Why didn't you tell us this before? - Like I said, all couples argue.
Usko loved Anna.
That I'm sure of.
Get on your knees.
I didn't kill Anna.
- Well? - Yeah - This is quite a - I love you.
Why didn't we meet 15 years ago? We'll be together for the next 50 years.
- You promise you'll live to 100? - Yeah.
Where the hell have you been? - The police are looking for you.
- Why? They thought you were dead.
You were seen getting into Bergdahl's taxi.
We had a talk.
- You can't - Listen.
Let's sell Tempo.
- Are you serious? - Yes.
Let's sell the whole shit.
Louhivuori is an asshole, but he's honest.
Our idea simply doesn't work.
We worked hard, but this time it wasn't a success.
I take full responsibility for the state the company is in.
- And I'm sorry for it.
- Your idea is brilliant.
The whole Tuulivuorenranta concept.
Our father wouldn't have wanted us to drive Tempo into bankrupcy.
He didn't.
So let's sell it while it's still possible.
You're like an old couple.
I've got better things to do.
- I'll convene the board members.
- No need.
They already said yes.
We're authorized to sign the papers.
Arrange a meeting with Rannikko.
- Okay? - Okay.
Even if they find Anna's blood in the samples, it doesn't mean anything.
We can buy time with Anna's blood and keep Usko in a tiny room until he decides to open up.
In four days, he'll tell us how and why he killed his wife.
Then he can wait for the trial.
If he tells the story right, he'll get less than six years.
Gross negligent manslaughter.
- Gross negligent manslaughter? - Manslaughter at most.
- Let's go have a beer.
- What's that? I just got it.
The girl overdosed and was beaten.
It has to do with some drug case.
Is she recovering? How the fuck should I know? It's not our case.
What about the beer? Some other time.
What? What's wrong with you? I'll work some more.
I won't ask you again.
What did they do in the Bergdahls' house? They combed the whole house.
- Have they found Usko? - No.
Do you think Usko Bergdahl killed his wife? It's the likeliest scenario.
I might've looked into it earlier - I can't let you take those with you.
- Are you going to stop me? I know you didn't really want me working on your team.
Please go home and rest.
Forget about work for a while.
Nurmi and I will handle it.
I can't let an innocent man go to prison.
- His children have no one else.
- Neither do your children.
- Please move.
- You don't think we can do without you? - I'll go now.
- Leave the files here.
- I'll go now.
- You can't take care of everything alone.
At least get one good night's sleep.
- Who is it? - Me.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Can I come in? - These files shouldn't be here.
- What? - Turn the music off.
- What? Turn the music off.
You shouldn't have the files here.
The investigation is still open.
I thought you already had a suspect and that you're searching high and low for the murderer.
You found him closer than anybody could've imagined.
You hit the fucking jackpot! - What are you doing? - What? What are you doing? Getting drunk in my underwear.
Let's have these.
These little shots.
And let's get wasted.
You should go to bed.
You can't get drunk in your underwear if you don't take your pants off.
- Should you have a glass of water? - No.
My mom died today.
She died.
Everybody's fucking dying.
Who's next? - You should go to bed.
- Yeah.
You know what's good? I took I mean Oh crap.
Did you hurt yourself? Please get up.
I'll take you to bed.
- Are you okay? - Fucking great.
You can go.
No way.
You think you can solve the case alone? Anna was involved in something bigger.
That's why she died.
The answer is in the files.
I can't solve this case alone.
- Help me.
- Okay.
Why did Anna die? Did she do something that got her a death sentence? Kiiski was blackmailing her because of her smuggling past.
Maybe she was still involved in something criminal.
What do Andreas Wolf and Veikkamo have in common? Veikkamo worked at VTT.
VTT tested the durability of the Tempo wind turbine.
Tempo builds houses, not wind turbines.
A company specializing in wind turbines - built the prototype for Tempo.
- WeltKraft.
- Welt - Kraft.
A German energy company.
One of the biggest in Europe.
I looked into the company.
They develop bladeless wind turbines, but they haven't discovered how to make their turbines last longer.
They almost buried the idea of wind power until Alex and Tempo entered the picture.
Alex introduced them to VCON-4, a light but durable composite that was originally developed for other uses.
And that offshore prototype is made of that material? But something went wrong because according to the tests conducted by VTT, the material isn't durable at all.
It might be, but someone wanted different test results.
And that someone paid Veikkamo.
Then something really bad happened because Veikkamo killed himself.
Veikkamo was a lonely man, and his career was very important to him.
But why the hell did Andreas Wolf blackmail Alex? If Wolf wakes up, we'll find out.
He's an engineer and an environmental activist from Lübeck.
He's pretty radical.
He wrote pretty critical posts on a number of web forums.
Google "Zeitgeist.
" Zeitgeist.
Andreas Wolf is against nuclear power, coal power, etc.
He advocates wind power.
Why the hell did he attack Alex, who's an openly big supporter of wind power? Apparently in Germany as well.
"Charismatic Visionary from Finland Wants to Change the World.
" Let's go over this once more.
Tempo buys Anna Bergdahl's consulting services.
She ends up having an affair with Alex Hoikkala.
Alex claims that wind turbines built of their material are durable.
VTT, supervised by Veikkamo, tests the prototype.
Their results say the opposite.
Veikkamo gets scared and commits suicide.
Andreas Wolf arrives in Finland and demands that Alex confesses.
He shows him a video of someone diving somewhere.
My guess is the Baltic Sea.
In the video, there are capsules underwater.
A diver is seen on the video, so there were at least two divers.
One of them was probably Wolf's girlfriend Hilde Schultz, who died of a sudden health issue before this all started.
Do we know what illness she suffered from? No.
Call the National Bureau of Investigation.
They won't talk to me.
She died of an epileptic seizure.
So much for that.
Hilde's mother is Finnish.
She's been living in Germany for thirty years.
Finland and Germany are what connects these cases.
Hilde's mother's side of the family is from Finland, so Wolf is familiar with the country.
There was a big article about Alex in a German magazine.
Tempo and WeltKraft are cooperation partners.
Where in Germany is the WeltKraft head office? - Hamburg.
- We're getting close.
Check this out.
WeltKraft has a Finnish guy working for them as a regional manager.
Ossi Rannikko.
The money in Anna's account What if Anna wasn't only a victim here? What if she was working for WeltKraft and stealing information from Tempo and delivering it to Rannikko? - What information? - I don't know.
- Get everything you can on Rannikko.
- Okay.
One more thing.
I don't remember anything from last night, okay? I don't either.
When I met Alex for the first time, I knew we'd create something great if we collaborated.
Was it at the Wind Energy Symposium in Stockholm? No, it was in Germany.
Alex came to see our head office for the first time.
Everybody at WeltKraft was nuts about Alex's visions.
- I don't think I was there.
- No, it was Alex and Well, shall we make history? Yes, except that no residential area will be built.
We're interested in your ideas for the long term.
Whether Tuulivuorenranta materializes or whether it materializes in Germany doesn't matter.
It doesn't? Don't sign the papers.
I thought everything was clear.
- Alex.
- I won't sign the contract.
You understand that if you don't get the construction permit, this offer expires, right? There's something here.
Their offer was a complete surprise.
Let's try to sort this mess out once more.
Give me 24 hours.
The City Council votes tomorrow night.
I know.
Until tomorrow.
I can't believe you dragged me all the way here for coffee.
Don't judge me before you taste it.
And you needed fresh air.
- Really? - Yep.
We're here.
Well? It's pretty strong.
It's supposed to be.
Rannikko's been working at WeltKraft for eight years.
He has a big role there.
He travels frequently between Finland and Germany.
He must make triple what we make together.
No, more.
He studied engineering at Aalto University in Espoo, but that's all I can find.
He seems like a good citizen.
I don't understand how these are connected.
THE WHITE DOVE ORGANIZATION Hey - What? - Look who's here.
- Is that Anna and Usko? - And Rannikko.
So Anna and Rannikko knew each other.
I still don't understand the connection to Wolf.
His girlfriend Hilde's death can't be a coincidence.
It must be connected to all this.
- She had epilepsy.
- It can't be coincidence.
Are you saying that Anna wasn't the first victim in this case? I don't know.
What does "HÃhlentaucher" mean? "HÃhlentauchen" means "cave diving".
There's a link in Wolf's blog by that name.
Come take a look.
de They didn't dive in the Baltic Sea.
We have to go where it all started.
Welcome aboard flight AB714 to Hamburg.

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