Knight Rider (1982) s01e14 Episode Script

Hearts of Stone

A thousand Hail Marys | or your life.
Get down! Get down! You got access to some of the best | automatic assault rifles around.
You got anything | particular in mind? This weapon is to what | KITTis to conventional cars.
Come on in.
| Make yourselves comfortable.
Roberto! Hang on to your fenders, pal.
| This could be tough.
Knight Rider, a shadowy flight | into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist.
Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion | the cause of the innocent, the helpless, | the powerless, in a world of criminals | who operate above the law.
Excuse me.
Father Carlos Laguna? Yes? I'm Michael Knight.
Thank you for coming.
Devon Miles told me | you might have a name for me.
A contact.
I'll be seeing | someone after the 1:00 Mass.
He'll have the contact's name.
I'll be going straight to my sister's | wedding reception.
Could you meet me there? Yeah.
Father, I'm on my way back | from New Orleans.
I haven't had a chance to | get together with Devon yet.
But from what he told me, it sounds | like something the police should handle.
The attacks are hit-and-run.
The police? They ask questions.
They, uh, take | pictures.
They count bullet holes.
Tuesday afternoon, | they shot my brother Miguel.
Two men in a car | with automatic assault rifles.
He was standing in the middle | of a gas station in South Houston.
You know, innocent people | could have been killed.
But they don't care, | these, um, corazones de piedras.
Corazones It's what | my family calls them.
Corazones de piedras | means, um, "hearts of stone.
" Michael, what do you think | of my new voice modulator? Nice, KITT.
Real nice.
As you see, no one knows | who these new people are.
There are six of them, | at least four of whom are veterans, either Special Forces | or crack troops at any rate.
Now the Laguna family are proud, | fiercely loyal and tough, but these gentlemen, | oh, they're different.
They don't play by the old rules.
They've got guns to sell, and in order to | do that, the Lagunas have got to move over.
Well, the Lagunas resisted.
As you see, | it's becoming a war in the streets.
This is what it's over.
Looks like something out of Buck Rogers | or Star Wars.
It's called the Nunn X-19.
Legally manufactured | in Lexington, Kentucky and advertised as the most efficient | automatic assault rifle in the world today.
It features as standard equipment | a rocket launcher.
Rate of fire | 850 rounds per minute.
So you see, it's much | more efficient than the Uzi and anything the U.
Army | is producing today.
In other words, | a superior weapon in every respect.
You said "legally manufactured.
" | Oh, it's legally manufactured.
Diverted into the world of | black market arms in various ways.
Weapons stolen, shipments lost, | records incomplete.
Its primary market is | the turmoil in Central America.
Here, I want you to get | the feel of it.
Well there's only one way to do that.
Wow! Would you like to have | a go at the rocket? Oh, please do.
Ready? Devon, just what is it you're looking | for from me? Find these people.
Convince them that you're a black | market arms dealer, arrange a buy.
If we could catch them dirty | that is, with the guns we can cut the pipeline | into Mexico, and we can save lives | on both sides of the border.
It's gonna take more than a name from Father | Carlos Laguna to sell me as an arms dealer.
Well, we've arranged for some help | in that area, Michael.
Specialized data banks | on Texas, Mexico, ex-Special Forces | and Green Beret personnel, major and minor figures | in international arms smuggling.
Is KITT ready? KITT's got it all.
We've honed it | to the final contingency, my boy.
In that case, you'd better let me get | out of here before I change my mind.
Adios, mis amigos.
¢Ü Well, hell, I got everything | that money could buy ¢Ü ¢ÜIn a place where | a face ain't got no name ¢Ü ¢ÜDown here everybody playing | that old sneaky game ¢Ü ¢ÜDown in Mexico ¢Ü ¢Ü Well, hard to be a man | down in Mexico ¢Ü ¢ÜMexico, ahh | Mexico ¢Ü ¢Ü Well, hard to be a man | down in Mexico ¢Ü¢Ü ¢Ü¢Ü Hey, dude.
You're lookin' at | the fastest car in Houston.
The mean machine.
Blow that | black bucket right off the road.
Maybe some other time, huh? Yeah, sure.
KITT, don't fall in love with one of these | beautiful cars and run off on me, huh? I wouldn't dream of it.
Michael, have | you finished reviewing my new data banks? - Something I should know? | - Don't drink the water.
- KITT, we're not in Mexico.
We're just outside of Houston, Texas.
| - I hear "marachis.
" I'm gonna have to get Bonnie to | reprogram your Spanish.
It's mariachis.
Hi, guys.
Buenos dias.
| Que pasa? - Michael! | - Hello, Father.
Con permiso.
| Excuse us.
Did you get the name, Father? Our contact is Angie.
| Angie? I expected a man.
Yeah, well, in this business, it | pays to, uh, expect the unexpected.
Where is she? All I know is she's a cocktail waitress at a | place called The Embers in downtown Houston.
This is hard for you, | isn't it, Father? A thousand Hail Marys or your life.
Roberto? | Yes? I want you to meet a friend of | mine, Michael Knight.
How do you do? Thank you for coming.
| Hello, Roberto.
Roberto here is my youngest brother.
| The youngest and the craziest.
Vato loco.
| To be Catholic is hard enough.
But with a brother | that's a priest Come on.
- Michael? | - Yeah, KITT? There's a truck approaching | with men hidden in the bed.
All right, get over here right away | and get in between us and them.
Get down! Get down! Michael.
! Roberto's been hit.
He's bleeding bad.
| We've got to get him to a hospital.
Well, it looks like the bullet | severed an artery in his leg, but they said with a little rest and | care he's gonna be all right.
That's good.
| I'll be in touch, huh? Michael, be careful.
Thank you, Father.
| Yeah.
What'll it be? A bottle of | beer, please.
Whatever's coldest.
- Keep the change, huh? | - Thank you, pardner.
Looking for a cocktail waitress.
| Maybe you know her.
Name's Angie.
Who wants her? | A friend of a friend.
Are you lookin' for me? | You Angie? I'm whoever you want me to be.
You want | me to be Angie, I'll be Angie.
Who are you? Name's Michael.
Well, | Michael, what can I do for you? Angie, I'm a gun collector.
An acquaintance of mine told me you might | be able to steer me in the right direction.
What direction is that? Well, | Angie, I'm looking for some rifles.
Automatic assault weapons.
| I don't know what you're talking about.
Look, Angie, I, uh, I'll make it worth your while.
Excuse me.
| I don't know you.
Well, let me just tell you | I'm a businessman.
My business just happens | to be weapons.
- Who gave you my name? | - A man you never heard of.
A man who used to do business | with the Lagunas.
Angie, he told me the Lagunas | are on their way out, and you might be able to introduce me | to the people who are on their way in.
All I'm asking from you | is an introduction.
If I'm not for real, | your people will know.
I mean, that's their job, | not yours.
I usually give | a five percent commission.
In your case, I'll make it 10.
Take it or leave it.
I'll make a call.
If the answer's yes, | I'll meet you in front in five minutes.
If the answer's no, | I never want to see you again.
You mind if I turn on this radio? | Go ahead.
This is a weird-looking dash.
Doesn't this | radio play anything besides Mexican music? It's a weird radio.
| It goes with the dash.
These people are bad.
I sure | hope you're who you say you are.
You always this suspicious? Mm-mmm.
Just when it comes | to this kind of business.
I hate it.
Then why are you in it, Angie? I'm not in it.
I just happen | to know these people, that's all.
I'll be right there.
| I just got to lock up.
KITT, get the license plate number | on every car here.
I don't have a strange-looking dash.
| I'm proud of my dash.
Don't take it personally.
I just hope the name you gave me | is gonna work in there.
I simply selected the name least likely to be | traceable with the information Bonnie added to Okay.
| I'm sorry I mentioned it.
De nada.
How's that? Not bad.
Not bad.
Tell them to bring water.
Hey, R.
How you doin'? I'll tell Ricky we're here.
| What brings you out this way? A little bit of this | and a little bit of that.
How about you? | Same thing.
A whole lot of this | and a whole lot of that.
Well, I hope to see you later.
| Don't you run off now, you hear? Michael.
Blink and I'll put your brains | all over this wall, boy.
Angie tells me you're | looking for some guns.
- Well, who said we had 'em? | - A fella named Pavlon.
Emile Pavlon told me | to look you guys up.
Go get us a couple of cold beers.
You know Emile, huh? - How's he doin' these days? | - He's not doing too good.
He's in Torreon Federal Prison in Guatemala.
Yeah, we heard about that.
| Too bad.
Is that where you met him? No.
I met him in a little town called | Sabana Grande in Puerto Rico in 1979.
He was running Thompsons | by the thousands down there to Belize.
Did some business.
| He told me to look you guys up.
What'd he say about us? He said your prices are too high.
He also told me you got access to some | of the best automatic assault rifles around.
Now tell me somethin'.
Does Emile | still have that tattoo on his arm? Which arm? | He's got 'em on both.
You got anythin' particular in mind? The Nunn X-19.
Hey, that's | a real good choice.
Good gun.
How many you lookin' for? | How many you got? - Twenty boxes, eight to a box.
| - How much? - Fifteen hundred a copy.
You want 'em all? | - Yeah.
- Two hundred and forty thousand, cash.
| - When can we do it? Well, when can you have the money? Tomorrow.
| We'll be ready.
When you're ready, | contact Angie.
See if you can get a line | on Emile Pavlon.
I want to know if this guy | is who he says he is.
The wages of sin is death.
I know what the Bible says, Carlos.
Mi hermano, if you want to talk to me, | talk to me as a brother, not as a priest.
I can't separate the two, Roberto.
| No Christian can.
You can't go on living | with one foot in each world.
Church on Sunday, | business as usual on Monday.
Why not? | The rest of the world does.
Roberto, you listen to me.
You're the youngest.
| You can change.
You can leave all | this craziness behind you.
How? By becoming | a priest like you? One priest is enough in any | family.
Someone has to fight.
Why? Because if we don't fight, | we'll be killed.
You know that.
It's one thing to sit in church and talk | about violence and death and how it must end.
But it's another thing when you can't drive down | the street without wondering if they're behind you.
It's another thing when you can't even go to | your own sister's wedding without being shot.
You talk about me changing, leaving.
What about the family? What should I do, turn my back | while they shoot my brothers? They're my brothers, too, you know.
Because I don't fight and shoot and kill, | does that mean I've turned my back? Not to my family.
| To violence, yes.
To sin and death, | yes, I've turned my back.
They're different things, | Roberto.
Don't turn away from me.
You never cease to amaze me.
You almost made a liar | out of me on this one, Michael.
I believe I told you that | I had every contingency covered.
Looks to me like you do.
By the skin of my teeth.
Two hundred and forty thousand dollars is | a large sum of money to raise overnight.
I had to borrow | from several accounts.
One of them being | the annual charity benefit fund.
Oh, you're telling me to be | careful, right? Please do.
What's that? | A receipt for the money.
You don't trust me? My dear | fellow, a mere formality.
Thank you.
| Good.
I can read it.
How's KITT? Practicing | Spanish every chance he gets.
I had him run a make on all the cars | that were there last night.
Interesting collection | of people, Devon.
There's a couple from Canada, | people from Florida, a couple from Peru.
I'm not surprised.
| The Stones are nomads.
They have no home, no permanent | address, no families, no roots.
They will rent a house, live in it for a | couple of weeks, then suddenly disappear.
They seem to have adopted techniques of | modern guerrilla warfare and brought it home.
The Lagunas are sitting ducks.
When will you know if it's | on? When the phone rings.
Michael, don't take any chances.
The serial numbers on these bills | have been recorded.
When you take possession | of the weapons, call me.
You got it.
We meeting them at the house? | - Uh-uh.
Somewhere else.
I'm sorry about last night.
| I mean, the way they treated you.
That's all in a day's work.
- You seem different.
| - From what? The other people in this business.
So do you.
It's just up ahead.
| There it is.
Turn left on that little road.
What's that? It's a | computerized burglar alarm.
I just got it the other day.
I thought you said they'd supply | transportation for the guns.
They did.
| It's probably in the warehouse.
Go ahead.
| They're waitin' on you.
I like company.
They don't.
Drop the briefcase.
! Drop it or so help me | I'll shoot you where you stand.
Is this how the Stones do business? They don't know | anything about this.
If you try and follow me, | so help me, I'll shoot.
I'm sorry, Michael.
I am really sorry.
KITT, check your scanners.
| You got a car out there? - No, Michael.
But there is a helicopter.
| - All right, get in here fast! Let's get that chopper.
KITT, I'm activating ground-to-air | surveillance and the electrical jammer.
- Michael, she's got | Devon's money, doesn't she? Yes, she does.
Do you know who the Foundation's | annual charity benefit is for? - I don't want to know.
| - Widows and orphans.
Well, like I said, | let's get that chopper.
Give me everything | you got on thejammer.
Hey, I can't get this thing to climb.
| What the hell's goin' on here? She just won't climb.
Pull enough juice from that coil to bring her down | and I swear to you I'll erect a monument in your name.
I'll do my best, Michael.
It's working, KITT.
She's gonna | have trouble clearing that peak.
All right, keep her steady.
- What happened? - I was forced | to activate my retro-rockets.
- Ohh! | - Widows and orphans, Michael.
- KITT? | - Yes, Michael? No monument.
I don't know anything about her.
| But, Father, you gave me her name.
It was given to me.
| By whom? I can't tell you that.
What do you mean you | can't tell me that? You got to tell me that.
She's robbed me of $240,000 | that I'm responsible for.
It was given to me | in the sanctity of the confessional.
I'd be violating my vows if I told | you.
Just please try to understand.
Michael, Roberto's disappeared.
What do you mean Roberto's | disappeared? He was in the hospital.
He checked out an hour ago | against medical advice.
No one's heard from him.
Father, you | don't you don't think it's the Stones? I don't know what else to | think.
Do you? I'll let you know.
I'm sorry.
Visiting hours | are over.
I'm not visiting.
I'm here to see about a patient that | was in this room Roberto Laguna? You'll have to check with admissions.
I've | checked with admissions.
They don't know.
Where you on duty when he left the room? I'm | really not authorized to answer these questions.
Miss, it's a matter of life and death.
Come here.
I want you to take a look at | something.
KITT, I need a visual on Angie.
Right away.
What's going on here? | Wh-What kind of car is this? Is that the girl? - Oh, my God.
That's amazing.
| - Is that the girl? Yes.
| Thank you very much.
It is amazing.
KITT, give me all you got on Angie.
| Full name Angeline Martin.
- Devon is calling.
| - Tell him I'm in transit.
Angeline Martin, | Texas driver's license number F10762B.
No registered vehicle, no current address, | father deceased, mother's whereabouts unknown.
- Great.
| - I'm not finished.
Well, I'm sorry.
Sister Monica Johnson, divorced.
Angie used her address for mail | until two months ago.
Well, if they're looking to lay low for a couple | of days, it's worth a shot.
Where does she live? Gatesville, Texas.
| Thirty-nine miles west-southwest of Waco.
KITT, plot me the most likely course | from here to Gatesville.
Get me the sister's address.
Devon's calling again.
| Tell him Michael, I'm not constitutionally | constructed to lie.
None of us are, KITT.
Think of it as | a temporary condition for a good cause.
What cause? | My hide.
Buenos dias, mis amigos.
- How did you find us? | - What do you want? To start with, how about the money.
| Come on in.
Make yourselves comfortable.
I'll take that.
How much is gone? Four hundred dollars | and some change.
- Helicopters aren't cheap, you know.
| - Yeah, I know.
Not much is these days, except maybe promises.
- You got your money back.
What do you want from us? | - For a change of pace how about the truth? - Why'd you set me up? | - I had no other choice.
Oh, I don't know what that means.
All right, you want the truth? Roberto and I met in The Embers | three months ago.
We fell in love.
| We didn't mean to.
Itjust happened.
And then we realized we couldn't be in love, | not in Houston, not in Texas where the Lagunas | and the Stones are at war.
We wanted to leave, | but we didn't have enough money.
And then you came along | with a briefcase full of money.
- It seemed like like Providence.
| - It wasn't.
Who are you to talk, to judge? | You deal in illegal weapons.
No, Roberto, I say I deal in illegal | weapons.
There's a big difference.
Wh-Who are you? | That doesn't matter.
What matters is I'm here | to stop this warfare, to stop the illegal sale of X-19s | to Central America or anyplace else.
I'm telling you, Angie, | I still need your help.
- Y-You mean you'd trust me, after all | that's happened? - I didn't say that.
- Well, what do you want me to do? | - Come back to Houston with me.
Why? If you said you did | what you did on your own if that's true Ricky and D.
| Still got 20 cases of X-19s for sale.
But this is our chance.
| If we don't get out now There's more to it than | you and Roberto at stake here.
There are other people, | other lives.
You can't make a new start until you clean this one up first.
Now I'm telling you, Angie, | I need your help.
Devon, it's all right now.
Michael, don't tell me.
| You lost the money.
- I didn't lose the money.
| - Then why have you been avoiding me? - I ran into a few problems.
| - You lost the money.
Well, I-I misplaced the money, | but I got it back.
I knew it.
Michael, that charity money was for I know, | Devon, I know widows and orphans.
Listen, I gotta go.
I'll call you | as soon as I know what's happening.
Give my love to Bonnie, huh? What'd you tell them? I told them we were | delayed, but everything was all right now.
Are we on? Because we didn't show up today, they want | to see the money first this time, in person.
Eduardo, es Roberto.
Como estas? Si, si, si.
Mira, Edward, something's happened.
I know how we can find | el corazones de piedras.
It's all here.
| What happened today? Sorry, guys.
| I ran into a few problems.
Yeah, but you don't expect | any problems tomorrow, do you? Nope.
I'll be here with the money.
| You be here with the guns.
This is your last chance, boy.
You screw up tomorrow and you | find somebody else, if you can.
I'll be here.
| Hey, hold on a minute.
I forgot to tell you.
| This fella stopped by.
Says he knows | an old friend of yours.
My friends here tell me | you know Emile Pavlon.
Yeah, I do.
You know Emile? | He's one of my closest friends.
Then he went to Guatemala | and voila.
I'd visit him, but I have | an aversion to prison.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
Well, it's nice to meet | a friend of Emile's.
Good luck.
Yeah, thanks.
Take it easy.
You know him? I've never seen him before.
| Do you think he's with the Lagunas? That'd be my guess.
They've been | trying to get a fix on us for months.
Well, we'll have a big surprise | for them tomorrow.
Three, four, five thousand.
It's always a pleasure | doing business with you, Emile.
Don't be too mad at me.
Right now, I'm more concerned | with who that guy was back there.
- Who do you think he was? | - I don't know.
That's the problem.
You know him? | Uh-uh.
I know I lied to you, Michael.
I'm not askin'you to excuse it.
Just try and understand it.
It won't happen again.
- I'd like to believe that.
| - You can.
I just hope Roberto | stays where he is.
Well, he's waitin' for me.
| Why wouldn't he stay? - He loves me.
| - Oh, I don't doubt that.
- Then what do you mean? | - Angie, he's been in love with you for months.
He's been a Laguna all his life.
Yeah, who is it? Devon.
- Hello.
Going dancing? | - Don't I wish.
What's up? I happened to | be in the neighborhood.
Yeah, and I happen to be a high-wire | walker on my way to a circus.
- What is it? | - I've been in touch with the Guatemalan authorities.
I appreciate that.
Emile Pavlon escaped from | Torreon Prison the day before yesterday.
Michael, I want you | to cancel that buy tomorrow.
Why? | Because he had help.
Somebody paid off the guards.
It may | have been someone working with the Stones.
It could have been | someone else, too, you know.
Look, Emile Pavlon was in jail | for over two years.
Doesn't it strike you as peculiar that he should | escape the day after you use his name for cover? Michael, I admire your dedication.
I love your courage.
But I do not, however, | want to mourn your death.
What about the other deaths, Devon? You know, what about the people | in Central America? What about the innocent people | in Houston? As usual, the decision is yours.
If you decide not to | take the chance, call me.
What happens | if I don't make that call? Then I shall be waiting | on standby as agreed.
Michael, whatever you decide to do, | I'm behind you all the way.
Michael, I don't know what it is.
| What? I'm so scared.
I have this awful feelin'.
It's gonna be okay, isn't it? It'll be okay.
- What are you doin'now? | - I'll explain later.
- There's no one inside.
| - What's that, that voice? - Michael, there are three cars approaching.
| - Where are they? How far away? Two hundred yards and closing fast.
I've also | detected movement in the ravine by the road.
- It's an ambush.
Notify Devon.
| - Michael, over the rise.
Oh, God, no.
He'll be killed.
| They'll all be killed.
Angie! Roberto! | Roberto! All right, get ready.
| Open the door! Now! Let's hit 'em with a little tear gas.
Good ol' Devon.
This is the police.
Cease firing | and throw down your weapons.
I repeat, cease firing | and throw down your weapons.
- Michael, Ricky's gettin'away.
| - Hang on, Angie.
Here we go.
It's over.
| You're free now, you and Roberto.
Devon, Roberto wouldn't be here | if I hadn't brought Angie back.
I'll see what I can do.
Captain, I rather | think in this case an exception is in order.
Need a lift? Well, you don't | think I'm gonna hoof it, do you? Oh, I see you're picking up | on the local vernacular.
All I need to learn now | is the Texas two-step.
I would have thought the | Viennese waltz is more your style.
Dear fella, the fox-trot | is as far back as I can go.
Why, thank you, KITT.
Well, lookee who's here.
Now you did say "some other time," | didn't you, dude? Michael, I believe those were | your exact words.
Okay, mean machine, | pedal to the metal.
Michael Knight, a lone crusader | in a dangerous world, the world of the Knight Rider.

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