Knight Rider (1982) s04e22 Episode Script

Voo Doo Knight

Don't! I spooked him.
Towers had just left a party where the | guest of honor was a Voodoo princess.
Voodoo? Wait a minute.
One guy picked me up and | slam-dunked me against the wall.
Michael, I finally have some | results on those ear clips.
They could create electrochemical | responses in the brain.
Where to, Michael? You've become one of them! That | building is scheduled for demolition.
Knight Rider a shadowy flight into the | dangerous world of a man who does not exist.
Michael Knight, | a young Ioner on a crusade to champion | the cause of the innocent the helpless, the powerless in a world of criminals | who operate above the law.
What's the matter, Michael? What makes you think | something's the matter? When music like this | is on the radio my steering wheel | usually takes a beating.
I don't know, KITT, | I'm just trying to decide whether I should go back to | Lorenzo's Boutique for Men and pick up that jacket I saw.
Do you need it? Well, it's not that I need it.
I mean, | nobody needs a black eelskin bomber jacket.
That's not the point.
What is the point? I want it.
| It matches my boots.
Your boots are a long way | from your jacket.
Do you think anyone will | notice that they match? You'll never understand.
Nobody move! Mr.
| I didn't know it was you.
Towers, are you all right? | What are you doing, sir? That's the safe.
I can't let you open that, sir.
| You know the rules, you made 'em.
Sir, it's Friday night, | the silent alarm.
Michael, my surveillance scanners | are picking up a silent alarm.
Where? | Towers Gemstones, Inc.
It's right around the corner.
| Nineteenth floor.
All right, let's get there.
All right, the police ought to | be here any minute.
I'm going up.
Good evening, gentlemen.
The police are right outside, | so why don't we just sit down and relax, have a nice cup | of coffee, talk about world affairs have a burger and a shake Oh, no.
KITT, two of 'em | are coming your way.
One of 'em's still here.
Don't even think it, pal.
| There's no way out of there.
Hey, do you hear | what I'm saying? Whatever it is, | it can't be all that bad.
You hear me? I don't have a gun.
So why | don't we just sit down and talk? Please, don't! Don't! Clear the way.
His name was | Jeremy Towers, pal.
With a home address on Park.
See what you got on him, | will you? I have a Jeremy Towers at that address | whose business is wholesale jewelry.
He owns, correction, owned | the building we just left.
Go on.
Towers left | a considerable estate over half of which comprises | priceless artifacts from archaeological | expeditions abroad.
The most recent of these was | on a search for the crown of the fabled | Mayan king, Tequatl.
Sounds like he had | quite a zest for adventure.
Why would he jump like that? Michael, your tone suggests | that you feel responsible.
Maybe I was, KITT.
| Maybe I was.
Now, I told you, | no more questions.
Most of you know me as a | collector of ''special'' people around whom I build | these intimate evenings.
Fortune-tellers | of every stripe.
Psychometrists levitationists telekinetists clairvoyants But never, never in my journey through | the borderline sciences have I ever met someone like | you're gonna meet tonight.
Have I piqued your curiosity? Well, in that case I'll have a white wine, | please.
Watkins, | I'm Elizabeth Wesley.
It wasn't easy to find you, | so please don't send me away.
I know what they're saying | about my father isn't true but I had to find someone who was on | the expedition with him to prove it.
Towers, yourself, or whoever | the fourth man was.
Miss Wesley, I informed you by | letter and told you countless times I have nothing more to say.
Watkins? My father wouldn't | commit suicide.
You had to have found | Tequatl's crown.
Where is it? Look, I didn't come | all the way from St.
Louis to be protected | from the truth! Tell me what happened.
| Please! Keep her out of the building.
I promise you, | you won't be disappointed.
Well, Claude, | you came after all.
Business is business.
I assure you, dear boy, if it weren't | for our mutual affection for money you'd be doomed | to die of boredom.
Now that we're all here Ladies and gentlemen, it gives | me great, great pleasure to present our very special guest | of honor, from the island of Haiti.
Harana, Princess of Voodoo.
She is gorgeous! Harana has very graciously | consented to provide those of you | who may wish it a little spiritual guidance.
A peek into | your very own futures.
Well? What do you think? You've outdone yourself.
She's | ridiculous.
Sexy, but ridiculous.
Sex is never ridiculous, | dear boy.
I want to | meet her before I leave.
And where the hell is Towers? | Let's get this meeting over with.
He was here a few minutes ago, | I don't know where he went.
Why don't you try the pâté? | You know, it cost me a fortune.
You better keep an eye on him | the rest of the evening.
Excuse me, | I'll talk to you after this.
Gentlemen, you have a | small gift for me? Yes.
Thank you.
| I'll open it later.
Nice party.
Gotta try the chopped liver, | it's nothing but great.
I know many things | about you, Mr.
For example you have a lifelong quest | that's gone unfulfilled.
That's usually | my line, honey.
Look, I don't believe | in Voodoo, okay? I also know that the archeological | treasures of Atlantis are the object | of that search.
I'm an archaeologist.
| Very good.
Now, what else did | Donald tell you about me? I have two ex-wives, | I bet the horses I'm a connoisseur | of beautiful women.
You qualify for that.
What's your time like? What's your time like, | Mr.
Watkins? You name it.
Tomorrow night? Here? I think you'll find it | very exciting.
It wouldn't surprise me.
''Jewelry tycoon | Jeremy Towers, 52 ''plunged 19 stories to his death | last night, an apparent suicide.
''Family and friends could | provide no clue as to why ''Towers would | take his own life.
'' I know why he took his | own life.
I spooked him.
Hey, come on, Michael.
| He was already spooked.
I mean, there's got to be | something weird behind it.
It says here that Towers had | just left a party where the guest of honor | was a Voodoo princess.
I had a great-aunt who | dabbled in stuff like that.
She was no princess, | but she was definitely a trip.
Voodoo? Wait a minute.
Devon, those two guys with | Jeremy Towers sure looked like they were stoned on something.
Really, Michael- No, no, I'm serious.
One guy picked me | up and slam-dunked me against the wall.
He had the strength | of three men.
Where was that party? | At Donald Crane's.
According to this, | there's another one tonight.
And Crane is listed on | the board of the City Museum.
His wealth was in | pre-Columbian art.
And he is a member of | the Parapsychology Society.
Whoa, KITT, | how's that in English? Parapsychology is the study of phenomena | not explainable by known natural laws, RC.
If you don't mind, I gotta | clear this thing up in my head.
Well, I suppose we could stretch a | point and make it Foundation business.
However, I don't relish having | to justify it to the board.
Maybe you could stretch a point and get | me an invitation to Crane's party tonight? Well, that's rather a tall order | at such short notice, Michael.
However, I think I may | come up with an idea or two.
Thank you.
I got your | hysterical message.
Would you excuse us please, | Miss Lorimar? You're inexhaustible, Claude.
| I hope she can at least type.
Towers is dead.
Now, what | the hell are we gonna do now? Well, unless you can raise the poor fellow | from the dead, dear boy, absolutely nothing.
Well, what about his key? | What about his key? The vault requires three, | remember? Yours, mine and Towers.
If any one of them is missing, | the others are useless.
It's merely a postponement.
| Merely a postponement? That's a $10 million crown | you're talking about! Towers left a will in which the purpose of | the key will almost certainly be mentioned.
We'll just have ourselves | a new partner, that's all.
Well, you'd better be right.
| For both our sakes.
We took part in a murder | to get a piece of that crown.
And you'll have your piece.
Watkins, office, please.
How do I look, pal? No comment.
No comment? Thanks a lot.
| Stay close.
Excuse me? Hi.
| Hi.
You're going to Donald | Crane's party, aren't you? I noticed | you don't have a date I'd always wanted to | meet Harana.
Would you mind? No problem.
The name is Michael Knight.
| Elizabeth Wesley.
Shall we? | We shall.
Thank you.
Joe, I never talk business | at parties.
You know that.
And I try never to party | when I'm doing business.
So, if you have any armored | trucks you wanna sell me you just phone me about 'em | in the morning.
Excuse me? | Yes, sir.
This is a private party.
| Perhaps you got off the elevator at | the wrong floor? No, sir, we are sitting in for one | of your guests, Geoffrey Twillinger.
He's at home with the flu | and he sends his regrets.
Oh, poor Geoff.
And who might you be Mr My name is Michael Knight.
I'm a | freelance writer for Psychic Review.
I'm working on a series of | articles with an emphasis on para-ecclesiastical ascension | to a higher plane.
How fascinating.
| I'm Donald Crane.
And this is? This is Elizabeth, | my research assistant.
Pleased to meet you, my dear.
| Well, just make yourselves at home.
That girl.
That's Wesley's | daughter.
Wesley's daughter? She's been hounding me for weeks.
| What the hell is she doing here? I haven't the foggiest idea.
Who's the big guy with her? | Obviously some phony.
Get them the hell out of here! Patience, patience.
I promise I'll answer all | your questions after dinner.
Shall we meet | our guest of honor? Good evening, Harana.
Been | looking forward to meeting you.
This is Elizabeth, | and my name is Michael Knight.
It's a pleasure.
What extraordinary | psychic energy.
You would make a very good subject | for my special brand of magic.
Well, I'd love | to try that sometime.
But right now I'm more | concerned about a friend of mine.
I think you know him.
| His name is Jeremy Towers.
He was here last- Well.
Haven't I met you | gentlemen someplace before? I'm sorry.
I'm afraid | you're both uninvited guests.
And I strongly suggest that | you leave here, now.
Boys, would you | show them the door? I'll be happy to leave, but not until I | ask you gentlemen a couple of questions.
Shall we? Elizabeth? You know, it's true what they say | about your parties.
They're a real bash.
KITT, a young woman left just | before I did.
Did you see her? No, Michael, I didn't.
But I thought I | detected a lack of hospitality in there.
That's putting it mildly.
| But it has rewards.
Let's see what Devon | can come up with on this.
I don't believe | this mess.
Who was he? Well, he said his name | was Michael Knight.
He kept asking | Harana about Towers.
Look, why don't you two just whisk off | to someplace cozy and comfortable while I man | the barricades, huh? Harana, show Claude | the Room of Dreams.
Sounds promising.
Devon, both guys were wearing | them.
Same as last night.
Only this time they didn't | act like sleepwalkers.
And believe me, they | didn't pack the same punch.
Well, they appear to be receivers | of some kind.
See for yourself.
Given a certain frequency they could create electrochemical | responses in the brain.
You know, some people | wear these for seasickness.
My uncle used one | to quit smoking.
I have a suspicion, RC, that | these stimulate overproduction of the brain's | neurotransmitters.
Like endorphin.
| It kills pain.
They could also produce a surge of | adrenalin and any number of other responses.
That might explain the way that guy | threw you across the room last night.
Devon, if these clips | work the way you describe wouldn't it take an outside | source to activate them? Yes, indeed.
So what if we take | what you've got and feed it into KITT's CPU? It could monitor the source.
It would take some time.
How about 10 minutes? I've | got to get back to the party.
Anything else? As a matter of fact, yes.
I ran into a girl at the party but by the | time the smoke had cleared, she was gone.
Story of his life.
Very funny.
| Her name was Elizabeth Wesley.
See what you can find on her.
I see an image.
Yes, it's getting clearer.
You're going on an expedition.
That's past history.
What about | the present? what about you and me? No.
What I see is yet to come.
I see you in | a world of untold treasures.
I see you in a world no one | has touched for centuries.
A lost city.
Do you have a map? I don't need one.
I can see it very clearly.
And so will you.
With this.
You put this | on your left ear and you will see what I see.
Anything you say.
Like this? Now what? | Now I press this.
Okay, back to the party.
Michael, what makes you think you'll | be any more welcome now than before? I'll worry about that | when I get there.
KITT, Devon established the | frequency and sync rate of the clip.
Let me know if there's | anything like it activated within a two-mile radius | of us.
Right away, Michael.
Michael, three of the clips have been | activated and are within the two-mile radius.
Locate them on your grid.
They're all three | in one vehicle.
My monitors detect a four-cylinder | foreign vehicle following them.
Forget about the party.
We got one | of our own.
Let's get on their tail.
I know, I know, | you break it, you bought it.
Watkins, you're gonna have | to stop running away from me.
I just can't- That's an odd place to | rendezvous after a party.
My scanners show four people in the | building, three of them wearing the receivers.
The fourth is the girl who | entered the party with you.
Elizabeth? Are you sure? Unless she has a twin with | identical DNA structure.
And Michael, her heart rate is | above normal.
She's frightened.
Elizabeth! You all right? | Yeah.
All pumped up again.
Not again! Michael? Michael? Michael! KITT, I need you, pal! On my way.
All right, come on.
| Watch your head.
They're escaping, Michael.
Keep 'em on | your scanners, pal.
This is your pal? | Yeah, jump in.
Michael! That's Mr.
Watkins! | The man I need to talk to! That makes two of us.
Watkins? No.
No! Poor Mr.
It was all my fault.
I kept | after him and after him Well, I had to know | what happened to my dad.
You're making the same mistake | I did.
You're blaming yourself.
He wasn't in any more control | than the other two guys.
Come on.
Tell me how you got involved | in this in the first place.
They were on | an expedition together.
My father, Watkins, | and two other men.
One of those men being | Jeremy Towers.
And a fourth.
Nobody has been able or | willing to tell me who that was.
Towers said that my father | committed suicide.
He drowned in the rapids deep in the | jungle.
His body was never recovered.
My dad wasn't like that, | Michael.
He had too much to live for.
So you're saying you think | your father was murdered? Yes.
Dad was certain they'd | find Tequatl's crown.
The expedition was | founded on his research.
It was his dream to | give it to the museum but the others, | they were against that.
They found the crown, | I just know it.
And they killed your father to | keep the crown for themselves.
KITT, find out if Tequatl's | crown turned up recently in any private collection | or museum.
Right away, Michael.
I find the last major | acquisition of that kind recorded in June | of last year, Michael.
The crown of Santa Isabella was | donated to the Chicago Museum by a Mrs.
Darla Blackman.
If your theory is correct the fourth man's got | the crown all to himself.
I'm going to find him.
When I do, I'll find the | crown, too, fulfill Dad's dream.
Her real name is Bonita Vance.
She's a first-rate inventive | mind which has turned to crime.
Mostly confidence schemes.
Last year she was arrested in Miami for | impersonating a North African empress.
Man, that lady | does not shoot low.
Devon, did you get any results | on the ear clip? I'm afraid not.
It's in the analyzer.
I'll let you | know as soon as I get any results.
Look, I gotta see this thing | through.
And not just for myself.
Thank you.
I understand.
Professor Wesley intended Tequatl's | crown to go to the city museum.
I think that makes it | Foundation business.
Thank you, Devon.
Now, it's time I had a | heart-to-heart talk with Mr.
Here, don't leave | your coffee Well it was just confirmed | on the radio.
Claude Watkins | shot himself last night.
Well, now it's time to settle | our account.
It's been such a fruitful | collaboration, Harana.
Especially since I've always | detested the act of murder.
Still do.
You know, induced suicide | is so much more civilized.
A million dollars was | our arrangement, I believe.
Which is just | too steep a price.
So if you hand over those keys, | I'll be glad to show you to the door.
And take those Neanderthal | bullies with you, huh? No tricks.
I'd hate you to have to explain | to the police about Towers and Watkins.
He's not aware of his destiny, | huh, gentlemen? Don't try my patience, Harana! Hey! Michael, I finally have some | results on those ear clips.
What do you got? I've found they can be deactivated | with a high-frequency tone.
| Patch it through to KITT.
I'm still running a series of | combinations through the banks.
I'll let you have it as | soon as I get it.
Thank you.
Take your car | and go to 121 Wall Street.
Enter the basement | and there I'm reading three of those activated | clips within a two-mile radius, Michael.
Locate them on the grid.
KITT, | that's Crane's high-rise.
Michael, it would be less than | rational for you to go against three such | anthropomorphic robots.
We got no choice.
The patterns | hold and they leave the building there could be another murder.
All right, let's move it.
KITT, that was Donald Crane.
He was under the influence, | Michael.
She's the key.
If we get | to her, maybe we can stop all this.
You could at least have called | first, Mr.
Michael Knight.
Well, Harana.
Just the lady | I wanted to see.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was | not my charm that brought you back.
You know that it wasn't.
It's a pity.
Harana, tell me about | these ear clips.
Donald Crane just left here | hell-bent for something.
Ten-to-one odds, | he was wearing one of those.
Donald has an appointment | with destiny.
Donald has an appointment | with murder.
Now, why don't you just stop | this, while there's still time? You force me to do something | I know I will regret.
Well, my favorite | tag team Hulk Hogan | and Sargent Slaughter.
How you doing, guys? Not talking, huh? Sorry, can't play today.
Michael, I'm reading diminished | functions in your vital signs.
Michael? Donald Crane has gone out of | the two-mile radius but now I'm reading a third | activated clip in the house.
You'd better proceed with- It's such a shame, Michael.
We could have had such | a glorious destiny together.
Michael? Michael? You will take your car | and go to 121 Wall Street.
There you will join Donald | Crane in the basement and will wait | for further orders.
Michael, I was worried sick.
Where to, Michael? | 121 Wall Street.
We lost contact.
Did something | go wrong with the comlink? I still read three | activated clips, Michael.
Michael, didn't you hear me? | What's the matter? Why won't you answer me? Michael! | You've become one of them! Devon, come in.
What is it, KITT? Devon, he's under the influence | of one of those devices.
Is he all right? Well, physically, | he's all there, Elizabeth.
But technically he's | non compus mentis.
Hey, stop with the technical.
| What's wrong with him? KITT means that Michael doesn't | have all his mental faculties.
Where are you headed, KITT? | 121 Wall Street.
I took the liberty of | checking the location.
That building is | scheduled for demolition.
Holy | Where are you going, RC? I'm sorry, boss, but I can't | just stand around and listen when Michael's in | that kind of trouble.
What in heaven's name does | he think he's going to do? I don't know.
But I sure feel a | lot better knowing he's trying.
KITT, I've got a frequency for | you.
I was testing it now but I guess we don't have time | for the results.
Hold on.
Set your | electronic field disrupter to a frequency | of 64 megahertz.
Two nanosecond blasts | followed by one long one precisely 2.
978 seconds.
How'd we get here? | A new kind of autopilot.
Michael, check your right ear.
Harana must have been | busy, huh? All right, pal.
Let's see | what she had in mind for us.
All right, scan the building.
There's one person inside.
Donald Crane, no doubt.
And a massive deployment | of explosives.
Michael, this building isn't | scheduled for demolition today.
But the system has | just been primed.
Locate the detonator | and neutralize it.
I can't.
| It's at a remote location.
The countdown is already started | and is irreversible from here.
KITT, if Crane dies- So does Elizabeth's dream of | vindicating her father.
We're going in? | You got it.
I was afraid of that.
Come on.
We got to get you out of here.
Come on! What are you doing here? | Helping you.
You okay? | Yeah, I'm fine.
Get him in the car.
| This place is going to blow.
Can you bring | Crane out of that? Yes, Michael, | but we only have 10 seconds.
All right, we're out of here.
Ten seconds! My bike! | Wait a minute! Nice, KITT.
Very, very nice.
No applause.
| Just a wash and wax, please.
You got it! Yeah, and a new bike.
Yeah, sorry about that.
All right, let's bring | Crane back from Oz.
To quote Blanche DuBois, ''I've always | depended on the kindness of strangers.
'' You're welcome.
Just tell me | where the crown is.
I'm afraid I don't know what | you're talking about.
Can it, Crane.
| Harana just tried to kill you.
You want her to | have the crown? The private vault company's | on South Ridge Drive.
We get to the airport- There they are! Stop 'em.
All right, | let's try that decoder again.
Consider yourself in | protective custody.
Lock him in, KITT.
Way to go, RC.
KITT, try a little Voodoo | on her car, will you, pal? Very nice.
Very nice.
I'll take that.
| If you don't mind.
Thank you.
What do you think? Whoa! Man, I see what all that fuss | was about.
Sorry, Harana, | but a stolen crown never made a man a king, | nor a woman a princess.
Hey, that's good, Michael.
| What is that, Shakespeare? Michael Knight.
Yeah, I had to lay some bread | on the demolition guys but at least they found it almost in one piece.
Well, RC, you did say | the timing was going bad.
Well, now you got | a chance to fix it.
With a lot of work, she'll | be as good as new in no time.
Great Scott.
What is that? Oh, it is | It is it, isn't it? Yeah.
Well, cheer up.
I've just come | from the museum.
They plan to feature Tequatl's crown | in a special Mayan exhibit next month.
Your father would have been very pleased, | my dear.
Thank you so much, Devon.
And very, very proud.
How can I ever | thank you, Michael? Wait, this isn't goodbye, | is it? Well, I have booked you | a plane, as you asked.
Not today.
Well, that did seem | a trifle premature.
After all, the police | will have questions to ask.
So, I thought, | perhaps three days? I think that shows | incredible insight.
Yes, incredible.
I owe you one.
Only one?
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