Knight Rider (2008) s01e08 Episode Script

Knight of the Zodiac

(KITT HUMMING) KITT: Michael, I can say with virtual certainty that the man coming towards you is the same man who broke into the regional FBI office.
What about the drive? He appears to be carrying it.
Michael, this man is armed and dangerous.
You saying I can't take him? I'm merely saying I'm available to assist you if necessary.
(SCOFFS) How hard is it to find a black Mustang? Michael, are you sure you don't need any help? (MAN YELLING) See? I didn't need your help.
You talking to me? Shut up.
(MIKE PANTING) MIKE: I'll take the drive.
And your gun.
I believe the suspect is playing possum.
Okay, uncle.
Black ice, Michael? Sure, why not? KITT: Activating black ice.
I would be happy to eliminate the fence with my laser.
Okay, now, you're just being annoying.
(GRUNTS) Where's Rivai? ZOE: Interrogation one.
Where's Torres? DC.
Back on Wednesday.
Wouldn't talk about it.
Graiman? Getting ready for the eco-audit.
Green consultants coming from the Pentagon.
Nice eye.
You should see the other guy.
You got anything besides root beer? Who's this for? My PC needed an upgrade.
How did you get past the FBI's secure perimeter? I'm persistent and goal-oriented.
There are anti-terrorism files on this hard drive.
It was just a contract job I picked up on my way out of town.
Do you know what messing with the Bureau means? You ever heard of the Patriot Act? No lawyer.
Do not pass go.
Straight to Guantanamo.
Hope you like Cuban food.
What? I said, "Anchorage.
" I want to make a deal.
KITT, analyze the ring.
Cross reference with Anchorage, Alaska.
KITT: It is a ring depicting Virgo, the Virgin.
The sixth astrological sign in the zodiac.
In astrology, Virgo is considered a feminine sign.
I didn't pick it, monotone guy.
We were each given a sign and a ring.
Nobody used real names.
CARRIE: What was wrong with Mr.
Pink, Mr.
White and Mr.
Black? I guess Capricorn never saw Reservoir Dogs? KITT: Actually, the names as colors motif was originally featured in the film The Taking of Pelham 123.
I knew that.
MAN: Whatever.
I ran security in a payroll job up in Anchorage.
I was supposed to pick up my share.
KITT: I can confirm the payroll robbery.
Two security guards were killed.
I didn't have nothing to do with murder.
KITT: Four million dollars was stolen in what has the markings of a completely compartmentalized operation.
Six expert thieves.
Reportedly, none knew the identities of the others.
Each was known only by a sign of the zodiac.
You hearing this? Alaska? KITT: None of the thieves were ever identified or apprehended.
I hate the cold.
I thought you hated water.
Snow is frozen water, Sarah.
MAN: Monotone guy's right.
But he left something out.
The leader of the crew's name is Capricorn.
He's a big-time money launderer.
You give me immunity on the payroll score and on the hard drive, I'll give you the whole zodiac crew.
And none of you guys have ever seen each other, right? Not until later today.
We were supposed to finally meet up to discuss Capricorn's new deal.
I'll wear a wire.
You're Virgo.
(LAUGHS) The Virgin.
Irony, thy name is Mike.
The rendezvous point with Capricorn and the others.
Thought it was Alaska.
(LAUGHS) Bet you want to go now.
(SIGHS) I can't.
We've got that eco-audit today.
Looks like you lucked out.
Take Billy as backup.
BOTH: Billy? (GROANING) Paper cut.
It burns.
You don't deactivate sophisticated alarm systems with a pair of wire cutters.
You need computer skills.
Do you have computer skills? I play Xbox.
You leave in 20.
(MIKE LAUGHING) Dude, I will not disappoint.
No offense.
But I don't think there's a whole hell of a lot for you to do.
I'm going deep cover on this one.
Fingerprint generator.
KITT: Fingerprint generator online.
Michael, please place your hand directly onto the hand mat.
(BEEPING) I have overlaid Virgo's fingerprints onto your own.
Look, I don't think I'm going to need it.
I've got the ring.
And none of the zodiac crews have ever seen each other.
Michael, may I ask you a question? Why did the man in the interrogation room refer to me as monotone guy? Because he's a douche, KITT.
Our aim is to recycle everything we used to ship out as refuse by the end of the year.
What about top secret files? Cross-cut, shredded and burned.
The FBI requires it.
20th century solution to a 21st century problem.
I've argued for an onsite enzyme-activated compost bin for all unrecycled paper.
No CO2, no nitric oxide, no particulate emissions.
Just methane.
Which we could use to heat the entire floor.
You talk like an engineer.
Me, too.
Where did you get your doctorate? Stanford.
Really? Yeah.
CHARLES: I see you've met my daughter.
Hello, Tess.
Hello, Charles.
KITT: We're entering a potentially hostile environment.
Don't you think you're overstating things just a bit? Common difficulties are a precipitous drop in blood sugar, sleep deprivation and encounters with dangerous and unpredictable locals.
We'll be careful, KITT.
I promise.
Vegas, baby.
BOTH: Vegas! (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) Anybody sees us together, you're my little brother.
We're just here to gamble, drink and hunt for chicks.
That's a good cover story, but don't take it too far.
I may need some computer know-how.
Dude, I can't get too wasted if I'm going to try counting cards.
KITT: May I remind you that all Las Vegas casinos will immediately eject you for counting cards? It's not illegal.
Let's just try and stay relatively sober.
Hey, I got your back.
You know what they say about Vegas? Go on vacation, leave on probation.
(LAUGHS) Yeah.
KITT: Michael, I implore you.
I know you don't like valet parking, KITT, but I need you close by.
Valets tend to be especially duplicitous humans.
They often rummage through my interior or attempt to drive me in an erratic manner.
Just don't hurt anybody, okay? How do you plan on finding the zodiac gang? I imagine they'll be finding me.
Wish me luck.
KITT: Be careful, Michael.
Welcome to the Corsica.
Just leave it up front.
Yes, sir.
(PEOPLE CHATTERING) Get a positive ID on the ring, all right? KITT: Michael, you are being followed.
KITT, give me options.
There's a bathroom 30 feet ahead and then, right.
State law forbids the casino from having cameras in its bathrooms.
I cannot be your eyes if you enter.
MIKE: Got no choice.
I got this.
Stay here.
I'm ditching the earwig.
Easy! Easy! Virgo, come on.
(LAUGHS) I'm Capricorn.
(CAPRICORN PANTING) I'm missing some vital information.
Where's KITT? Officially, KITT doesn't exist.
So, he's on a mission.
When's he due back? I can't tell you that.
(LAUGHS) Charles, there is a faction in the Pentagon that has it in for Knight Industries.
I can help.
Sarah doesn't know about us, does she? No.
She's a beautiful girl.
And a first rate scientist.
You should be very proud.
Yeah, isn't it unethical for you to exercise your full review authority without disclosing the nature of our prior relationship? Oh, I already did.
You told the Pentagon we dated? Not in precisely that vernacular.
(CHUCKLES) I said we used to have sex and lots of it.
Let's get to work.
The security chief was wearing the same ring.
Mike's in.
Mike okay? Billy says yes.
He's out of audio contact, but we're tracking his earwig.
It's still in the casino bathroom.
He must have ditched it.
What's up with that? What? Come on.
You don't see it? ZOE: Your dad and the green lady.
Check out the body language.
I'm pretty sure they used to, you know, make waffles.
G, pass the syrup.
La, la, la, la, la! So gross! That's my dad.
Everybody? Our final guest has arrived.
I give you Virgo.
Best second story man in the business.
Small item extraction.
(CAPRICORN LAUGHING) The pickpocket.
Yeah, we love to keep him around.
(GUN COCKING) This is Gemini.
Sorry about Anchorage.
Nothing you could do about it.
(SIGHS) Of course, Leo.
Communications and tech.
Hey, you hungry? We got a whole buffet.
Yes, we do.
And the beautiful Aquarius.
Nice to finally meet you, Virgo.
MIKE: And what's your specialty? I'm the distraction.
CAPRICORN: Trust me, she is.
All right, listen up.
Anybody wants out, take your cut, hit the bricks.
No hard feelings, okay? Well, with that said, to future endeavors.
ELECTRONIC VOICE: Scanning fingerprints.
Oh, nice.
ELECTRONIC VOICE: Aquarius confirmed.
Scorpio confirmed.
Gemini confirmed.
Leo confirmed.
Virgo confirmed.
Well, looks like we're all who we say we are.
On to business.
Now, it is time for us to divide our product from our last adventure as individuals.
Because tomorrow, my friends, we embark on a new one as a team.
One that will enrich us beyond our wildest dreams.
But tonight, we drink.
CAPRICORN: Absolutely.
(PEOPLE CHATTERING) You want to go partners on the next hand? Fifty each? Me? Come on.
You never know until you take a chance.
All right.
Money plays.
One hundred.
I'm Billy.
Go again? Yeah.
Now see, this is emblematic of my whole mission here.
You can consider replacing some of this plastic with plain old paper.
At least it biodegrades.
Well, we kill 14 million trees every year to make the paper.
That's a major contributor to the increase in planetary surface temperature.
Did you know that plastic consumes 12 million barrels of oil a year in the US? Not to mention, it chokes the ocean and destroys sea life.
Yeah, well.
Manufacturing paper bags creates 70 percent more air pollution.
Plastic creates four times the waste.
Look, paper is bulkier.
It takes seven times the number of trucks to ship the same number of bags.
Oh, my God! (HIP HOP MUSIC PLAYING) Here's your cut.
Washed clean.
Courtesy of the Corsica Hotel and Casino.
Oh, I do love this job.
It's too bad the gravy train's pulling into its last station.
What are you talking about? New ownership at the Corsica.
They're bringing in a new chief of security.
Are you kidding me? No.
Seven years I spent as Steven Cordoba, trusted chief of security.
And in 10 days, I'm out on my ass.
You can't catch a break these days.
The others know? No.
You're the first.
How are we going to wash the money from now on? We're not.
We're going to take down one more score.
And this one's the mother lode, junior.
And then we're all in the wind.
There just seems to be one little problem.
Your fingerprints check out.
But they match the wrong ID.
(GUN CLICKING) And Hold on.
MIKE: How do you think I stayed out of the joint this long? Tell me.
Let me use your cell phone.
This? MIKE: Get me KITT.
It's Mike, from an unknown cell phone.
He wants KITT.
Patch him through.
MIKE: KITT? KITT: Michael, it's good to hear your voice.
Put Steven Cordoba's Nevada driver's license on this computer.
LEO: Impressive.
Who do you want to be? What? Anybody.
Living or dead.
Who do you want to be? Him.
That's good.
That's very good.
All right, all right.
Hey, look, come on.
Let's all go get rich, huh? Let's party.
MIKE: So, where's our next score? CAPRICORN: I'll see you at the pool.
We'll talk then.
I missed you, Michael.
Can you analyze these bills for me? Of course, Michael.
The bills are genuine.
Get me the SSC.
You okay? I'm fine.
Capricorn is Steve Cordoba.
He's the head of security at the Corsica and he's using his position to run a massive money laundering operation through the casino.
But that's coming to an end and now he's planning something big.
We'll do some more digging on his Cordoba alias and check with our informants on the street.
Oh, and Carrie? Don't make any deals with the real Virgo.
He killed those two guards in Anchorage.
KITT: Michael, don't forget your earwig.
I went all the way out to the room to meet my friend.
And it turns out, she ditched me.
I think she met a dude.
That's so random.
I kind of got ditched, too.
Ouch! (EXCLAIMS) It's okay.
My parents are ridiculously wealthy.
Really? Really.
What do you do? I'm in IT.
You mean you're not an undercover agent like every other guy I met this weekend? (LAUGHS) No.
Just a regular old computer guy.
You? Dental school.
My last year.
You've got great teeth, by the way.
You've got great (LAUGHS) Everything.
She's trying to get to KITT.
I know it.
Well, then you'd think she'd show up when he's here.
Well, Mike took KITT on an unscheduled mission.
And now she's treading water until they get back.
What do you think she wants with him? (SIGHS) Tess and I were fierce rivals.
SARAH: I hear you were more than that.
You know, it's okay to tell me about your girlfriends, Dad.
She wasn't my girlfriend.
Yeah, I'm kind of tapped out, too.
Well, you lost quite a bit.
It was nice meeting you.
You, too.
Oh, come on.
BILLY: Zoe, how's Mike? Mike's with KITT.
He's fine.
Where are you? I'm in the casino.
I need some advice.
Did you lose all your money? Don't go to the ATM.
Just go to bed and start over in the morning.
I met a girl.
They're called hookers, Billy.
A real girl.
Does she have two heads? No.
Only one and it's beautiful.
What's wrong with her? Nothing.
Except she split.
Of course she did.
You were being you.
Look, I think she really liked me.
I just I couldn't close.
You screwed up vacation sex? That's pathetic.
Is she staying at the hotel? I think so.
What's her name? Courtney.
Courtney what? I don't know.
Never mind.
Courtney Harshbarger, 2902.
Courtney Rosenthal, 717.
There's a Courtney Flynn.
In poolside 16.
Yeah, she said something about going out to her room.
Yeah, that's her.
Getting her driver's license and credit card info now.
Zoe, that's illegal.
Since when has that been an issue? Dude! She is hot! I know! You listen to me, Billy Morgan.
You go find this Courtney Flynn and you go make it happen.
(PEOPLE CHATTERING) I was just coming back to look for you.
I was just going to your room.
How'd you know where my room was? I I don't.
I guess I was just going to roam the halls looking for dental floss on the discarded room service trays.
(BOTH LAUGH) Dental joke.
That's lame.
So, I got to take a break from the tables for a while.
Yeah, me, too.
Can you believe my big move was to come to Vegas and count cards and I chickened out? Well, isn't that illegal, anyway? It's like going to a restaurant with no shirt on.
It's not illegal, but they can kick you out.
(EXCLAIMS) No shirt, no shoes.
BOTH: No dice! Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
That's my favorite movie.
Mine, too.
So I was thinking You want to hang out? Okay.
Who? Me and Aquarius.
I bet that you'd ask her to dance first.
You lost.
You guys get cable in here? (CELL PHONE VIBRATING) Dork, what are you doing? I'm easing into it.
Answer the door.
I sent you something.
Are you on the phone? What Yeah, I just called room service.
I had them send some things over.
Come right in.
You sure got here quick.
Little strawberries and champagne.
And some chocolate sauce and whip cream.
(LAUGHS) Whoa.
I've been waiting all day for this.
(LAUGHS) Virgo.
What's up? Hey, your friend KITT, the one who pulled the driver's license thing? Yeah.
What about KITT? If she's single, I'm available.
If you only knew, Leo.
You all right? Yeah, you know, I'm fine.
I'm just Just thinking about the next score, that's all.
So am I.
You ready to tell me? You're looking at it.
We're going to hit the casino.
He's going to rob his own casino.
That doesn't make sense.
He's about to lose his job.
He robs the place, the cops are bound to look at him hard.
It is possible he's attempting to solidify his current position.
Explain, KITT.
KITT: If a robbery was to take place in the casino and Capricorn arrived in time to foil it, his superiors would be more likely to trust him and possibly keep him on in his current position.
But if he busts the zodiac crew in the process, the whole plan falls apart.
Interesting scenario.
But there has to be more to it.
Regardless, why don't we just take the whole gang down now? CARRIE: Not enough evidence.
What about the Anchorage job? No witnesses.
No fingerprints.
We have to catch them in the act.
TESS: So, tell me about KITT's propulsion system.
Well, I'd love to, Tess.
But I can't.
Is it a conventional internal combustion engine or something new? Come on.
(SIGHS) Right now the SSC has the potential to look like another major boondoggle.
You got to give me something to work with here.
What about oil? Transmission fluid? Brake fluid? Where are those disposed of? Well, the fluids that we use for KIT are specially designed to withstand infinitely higher tolerances than the ordinary automobile product and last up to 1,000 percent longer.
Doesn't answer my question.
Well, that'll have to do.
What's happening between us aside, things don't look good for you here.
Now, until I get the full picture, the SSC is in major carbon deficit.
Let me tell you about KITT.
This isn't your toothbrush.
I carry one with me at all times.
See? Red.
That's not why I'm crying.
Oh! I thought last night was wonderful.
(SIGHS) It's not you.
It's me.
Not the first time I've heard that.
I owe over $100,000 in student loans.
I got a check for $20,000 last week and I blew it all at the blackjack table.
It was supposed to be for tuition.
That was dumb.
You know how I told you my dad was really rich? He's a bus driver.
Last night was probably No.
Last night was definitely the best night of my life.
If you're scamming me, Courtney, I swear, I can't take it, it'll break my heart.
I just screwed up.
That's all.
I promise.
You remember yesterday when I said I was an IT guy? I'm actually a secret government operative.
I have ways of checking.
Where are you going? (SIGHS) I'm going to get your money back.
CAPRICORN: Corsica Casino.
40,000 square feet of gaming space, 160 armed personnel, 422 surveillance cameras.
Now on a normal day, there's a million dollars cash in the cage at any given time.
If you look behind you at this beautiful gentleman, this sad looking man is Artie Yomtov.
He used to be a big-time hacker.
He was actually a pretty good little thief.
He fell on some hard times, but, hey, he loves his kids.
So, in exchange for taking the fall for us in this job, we're going to pay out his family $250,000.
So, we rob your casino and nice guy, Artie, there, becomes a convenient patsy and goes to state prison.
Pretty much.
I mean, you said yourself, there's only a million dollars in there.
How is that the score of a lifetime? Excellent question.
My friends, meet Mr.
Shepherd Wong.
Wong owns a factory in Shanghai that makes boxes, the boxes that everything we buy from China comes in.
Now, Mr.
Wong is a very wealthy man.
But, unfortunately, he has a very serious jones.
He plays baccarat exclusively.
Now, by law, the cage must have dollar for dollar on hand to match his bets.
How much? Thirty million.
Now you're talking.
Leo, I need you to disable the wired and wireless communication systems both here and here.
Done and done.
Gemini, I need you to keep the security guards here and here at bay.
All right.
Scorpio, we need that key from the cage guard, okay? Can you handle that? Why can't you get that for us? Because it's a magnetic lock with rotating codes.
I mean, the matching key is given to the appropriate cage guard at the beginning of every shift.
Aquarius, darling, I need you to load up the cart, put all the money in and make sure you distract all these guards.
(EXCLAIMS) I dropped a contact lens.
And this floor is so confusing.
And last but not least, Virgo, I need you to cut the power, snag the key from Scorpio, take down the cage, load up the cart and exit through this side door, right here.
Piece of cake.
When's all this go down? At shift change, 1600 hours.
Today? Today.
This is going to be tough.
But you said, "Piece of cake.
" Yeah, I had to make it look good in front of the others.
It's called bravado, KITT.
What's this area next to the slots? It is a game of chance called Win This Car.
A new automobile is presented to the winner of a slot machine jackpot.
It's got a straight line of sight to the cage.
Hey, what's up? Courtney lost all of her student loan money playing blackjack.
I'm getting it back for her.
How? Counting cards.
I need to win 100 grand.
Can I borrow some seed money? You meet a girl in Vegas and she takes you home and in the morning, she tells you she needs 100 grand? Come on, Billy.
You think she's grifting me.
Why? Because no girl could ever like Billy Morgan that much, right? I'm not saying that.
Just have KITT run a check on her is all.
BILLY: I don't want you to check her out.
I believe her.
Okay? Okay.
What's happening on your end? KITT: Michael is going to rob the casino.
So you'd better hurry up and win.
(PEOPLE CHATTERING) SARAH: What do you have to say about this? I think somebody's wasting paper.
It was stuffed under my pod room door.
Oh, yeah.
What can I tell you? The heart wants what the heart wants.
You're acting like a little boy.
Yeah, well, the problem around here is there's too much science, not enough chemistry.
Dad? Do you trust Tess enough to show her KITT's propulsion schematics? Sometimes, you've got to take a chance.
New vehicle going into casino floor! Let's go! DEALER: Bust.
(BILLY EXCLAIMING) KITT, I have 50,000 in chips.
I need your help.
I have to win this hand.
I need you to I need you to access the casino's surveillance camera and tell me what the dealer's hole card is.
KITT: I am sorry, Billy, but I cannot assist you in cheating a legitimate business.
But if it is any consolation, I believe in you.
Change of play.
Hey, what's your name? Clarence.
Clarence, your personal car.
What do you drive? It's blue and it's old.
I'll give you 20 grand for it.
Leave it running by the side entrance in 15 minutes.
I'm going to need your jacket as well.
Hit or stand? Sir, you have 16.
Hit or stand? Hit.
KITT: I'm in position, Michael.
Make sure your cameras are rolling on the entire crew.
Carrie needs complete video documentation.
KITT: I have a perfect line of sight.
On my mark, fire your EMP and zap the casino's power grid.
Michael, the casino has an offsite redundant backup system.
You will only have 30 seconds of darkness.
That's all I'm going to need.
(EXCLAIMS) Is that bravado again, Michael? No, KITT, that's a fact.
My contact.
Excuse me.
I dropped a contact.
Can you help me? You new here? Yeah, it's my first day.
I'm already losing things.
Where do you think you lost it? I think it's, like, in this area.
(BUZZING) Michael, the communication lines have been disabled.
Grab some floor! Now! Get down! (PEOPLE SCREAMING) KITT, it's show time.
Yes, Michael.
Firing EMP.
(PEOPLE EXCLAIMING) WOMAN ON PA: Please remain calm.
Active systems will be going online immediately.
Please stay at your tables.
Again, please remain MIKE: KITT? KITT: The EMP may have demagnetized the key.
Remagnetize it, then.
I am unable.
Twenty-two seconds.
Blow the cage, KITT.
Please remain calm.
Backup systems Please stay at your tables.
Please remain calm.
(PANTING) What a rush.
(ALL CLAPPING) Thank you, thank you.
You know, the real Virgo was really never that good.
(GUN CLICKING) (ELECTRONIC BUZZING) There's a radio signal coming from his left ear.
(SIGHS) Sorry, man.
I really liked you.
Everybody out.
Come on, man.
Everybody out! Let's go! Get out! Come on, man.
How are you going to explain all this? Explain what? KITT: Billy, I cannot get any response from Michael.
Yeah, me neither.
What's going on? Sorry, baby.
I got to go.
I love you.
I think Mike's in trouble.
If he's not with you, how did he get away? KITT: Michael drove off from the robbery in a blue 1992 Civic.
SARAH: Zoe, tap into Vegas Metro traffic.
On it.
Searching video for the vehicle now.
Cross-reference with any vehicles with a Corsica Hotel logo.
Got him.
Industrial park, west of the city, off Desert Inn road.
KITT? Attack Mode.
The police are on their way.
Police? Yeah.
I mean, I'm holding the man who robbed the Corsica Hotel and Casino until they arrive.
Now, here's how it went down.
You robbed the casino.
You fled here to this empty warehouse to hide the cash until, what, the heat died down.
Am I right? But the brave chief of security followed the bad guy here and surprised me, while I was stashing the loot.
And the would-be robber was fatally wounded.
Not a big fan of the fatal part.
Really? Chief of security becomes stuff of local legend.
And who knows? I might be able to keep my job.
There's really no other way.
(GUN CLICKING) CAPRICORN: Oh, that's much better.
(CAPRICORN PANTING) Must feel pretty cool robbing a casino like this, huh, pal? (CRASHING) (GUN FIRING) Come to daddy.
Marco? What, no Polo? (GUN FIRING) (THUDDING) There you are.
Did you win? What? Blackjack.
Did you win? (LAUGHS) I got pretty lucky.
KITT: I'm the latest iteration of the Knight Industries Three Thousand.
It's a KITT 2.
The next generation shell.
Combination hydrogen-electric hybrid propulsion system.
Integrated neural network, 64 core processor.
Ultimately efficient, completely self-contained, eminently green.
The full specs.
On paper.
Well, he is marvelous, Charles.
Absolutely beautiful.
KITT: Thank you, Dr.
My report.
Due to KITT's extreme efficiency, the SSC actually registers a carbon credit.
Well, if this data ends up in Popular Science, I'll know where to find you.
You can find me at the Marriott.
Room 1706.
I'll see you tonight.
ELECTRONIC VOICE: Chamber doors opening.
Great job, KITT.
Thank you, Dr.
But the specifications you presented to Dr.
Landafly were completely inaccurate.
Absolutely correct, KITT.
That means you do not trust her.
Yet, you plan to meet her at her hotel.
Correct again.
I do not understand.
One day, KITT.
One day, you will.
So? Tell us about the girl.
Who? Courtney? Yes, Courtney.
(SIGHS) There's really not that much to tell.
Suffice to say, Billy played a few hands, downed a couple of beers and saved my butt when it needed saving.
Mission accomplished.
We figured you'd say that.
KITT, play back video of Billy leaving the casino.
I am afraid I cannot.
They have been password protected.
(ALL EXCLAIMING) Rats! Come on! See, ladies? What happens in Vegas, stays in KITT.
ZOE: No.

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