Kommissar Rex (Inspector Rex) (1994) s02e01 Episode Script

Series 2, Episode 1

I'll pay.
I'll wait for you at the exit.
Little children, come on in.
The magic sights your hearts will win.
My mouth is like a magic door To magic sights and fairy lore Ines, here's the way out.
- Any problems? - Everything's okay.
Twenty thousand as usual.
It's all there.
Take her inside.
You won't get a better offer.
Can't we talk it over Try another agent.
Again nothing.
Idiot! He's asking What now? I must move out in three weeks.
Everything's so expensive.
Come here.
Rex, I have work to do.
So we go for a walk.
Now this would be nice.
Seems to be empty.
It couldn't be too expensive.
You stepped back I know.
It's my fault.
- I was looking at the house.
- It's been empty a while.
The owners are choosy about tenants.
You know the owners? I'm I mean we're looking for a house.
A house for me, a garden for him.
Come over, I won't bite you.
What's his name? He's Rex I'm Moser.
- Who are the owners? - An elderly couple.
They live in a nursing home further up.
Their name's Zauner.
They like the area.
I see why.
You live locally? - No, but my surgery's here.
- So you're a doctor? For him.
I'm a vet.
I see.
We can come to you, then.
He needs his injection.
- It's been over a year? - I think so.
You mustn't let the date lapse or he's not protected.
- He isn't? - No.
Are you always so strict? With my patients yes.
- Rex, come back.
- See you.
- What's your name? - Sonja Koller.
Rex, come here.
You can't run into other people's gardens.
It's not done.
Stocki, I've found a house that's Coming.
Come on, Rex.
Morning, Richard.
A tugboat crew saw her floating in the water.
They called the police.
- What's her name? - No lD.
But Missing Persons has a report that fits.
Ines Kunz, eight, vanished from the Prater three days ago.
Hi, Richard.
Three days is about right.
Seems she was strangled, then thrown into the Danube.
The injuries on her body show she was there a while.
Her arms and legs must have been knocking against the quay.
We found bruises, torn clothes.
Anything else? No.
I'll have a detailed report after the autopsy.
- Who reported her missing? - Her aunt, Lotte Kovarik.
They went to the Prater with lnes's cousin.
She's on her way.
Tell Forensics to check again.
You stay until she's identified.
I'm off now.
Richard, this is Mrs Kovarik.
She reported her niece missing.
I'm Moser.
Sorry, I can't spare you this ordeal.
We have to identify the girl quickly.
- Could you - I can't.
Mrs Kovarik I know this is hard for you.
It is lnes.
God, how terrible My brother and his wife are on holiday in South America.
That's why lnes was with me.
I don't know how to tell them.
The kids insisted on visiting the Prater.
I didn't think it was dangerous.
Mrs Kovarik Where exactly did your niece vanish? I already told your colleague when I reported it to the Missing Persons Bureau.
It was in one of the big fun houses.
Ines went inside with my daughter.
Ines didn't come out.
Have you noticed anybody suspicious lately? - No, nobody lately.
- Is there's a back exit? Yes, over there.
A door facing the mirror.
The cashier didn't notice anything strange.
So they entered through this door and left this way with the girl.
Makes sense.
There are crowds out front.
Ines's aunt was there too.
She'd have seen lnes coming out.
She's the third girl.
The Vice Squad thinks they follow the same pattern.
Taking the kids out the back exit.
The locations vary.
Each time a different sideshow.
The girls are abducted, sexually abused, then turn up again.
This one dead.
Hi, Richard.
I expected you earlier.
I was in the Prater.
I gave the correct time of death.
When the girl was found she'd been dead 70 hours.
She was strangled.
Bruises on her neck, a broken hyoid bone Fine, Leo.
Give me the details in writing.
The bruises indicate she was strangled from behind.
It seems she put up a fight.
Tell me, is it possible she tried to flee and the offender caught her? Possible.
I was at the mortuary.
Leo says lnes wasn't abused.
Unlike the other cases.
Here are the files.
One girl said she was locked up and blindfolded the entire time.
She couldn't recognise anybody or anything.
She was repeatedly raped.
The details are in there.
Did you talk to her? The family moved and left no address.
We can't trace them.
Maybe some journalists were hounding them.
What about the other girl Birgit Baumgartner? She was missing the longest, five days.
Since she was found she hasn't spoken a word.
- Where is she now? - In a clinic.
Birgit's been here for a month.
Nothing's changed.
She's suffering from a form of autism caused by traumatic experiences.
Refusing contact with the outside world.
Obsessive absorption with one object.
Speech regression, repetitive movements.
- How can we help her? - We've tried every therapy.
She hasn't responded to any of them.
She hasn't spoken to anyone.
She isn't even aware we're there.
Is that her? I'd like to try and talk to her.
It's useless.
It could jeopardise her recovery.
I know I can't talk to her about her experiences.
You said yourself she hasn't responded to any treatment.
Patience is important in our job.
No time left.
Two girls have been abused and one murdered.
It appears to be organised.
They'll continue.
We need every bit of evidence.
Even if I agreed, you must have the father's permission.
What about the mother? She died in a car accident a few years ago.
That doesn't make it any easier.
I strongly advise against it.
Then you'll have more traumatised children here.
Excuse me.
I'll tuck her in.
Good night, Birgit.
Do you want this child to withdraw even more? Good morning, Birgit.
Well? Didn't you like your breakfast? I have something for you.
You like drawing, don't you? CHlLD SLAlN lN VlENNA It's me.
Have you read today's paper? - What happened? - Not enough ether.
- She nearly woke up.
- No reason to kill her.
- It was an accident.
- Accident? Now the Crime Squad is after us.
- I'm getting out.
- Can you do without my money? - Shit! What use is money if - We're caught? You're in it too.
I know that.
See, puppy? It didn't hurt much.
- Come back next week.
- Thanks.
- Bye.
- Next, please.
Ah, it's you.
Come in.
Lovely, those two.
She only got him six months ago.
Her parents were divorced.
But since she got the dog the girl's blossomed.
I understand.
Sit! Rex helped me a lot during my divorce.
Be brave even if it hurts.
I've had many cases recently where animals help their owners to cope with emotional problems.
Really? Yes, and it's good to see.
It's happening quite a lot.
That's interesting.
Can you tell me more? Mr Baumgartner? Inspector Moser speaking.
Crime Squad.
It's about your daughter Birgit.
What? No, I didn't talk to her.
I didn't because the doctor wouldn't let me.
Mr Baumgartner, there's a new treatment which involves animals.
It's called animal-assisted therapy.
It could help your daughter and me.
She's been there for weeks without improving.
We fear there'll be more abductions.
We could save other girls.
Mr Baum Mr Baumgartner I know I can't force you.
- You want me to be in trouble? - Of course not.
Sit! I rang Birgit's father a while ago.
He said he'll sue us if anyone goes near her.
It's worth a try.
You know about animal-assisted therapy.
- Yes, the Cordon research.
- There you are.
- We don't do experiments.
- It's not an experiment.
The results are scienfically proven.
Contact with animals significantly reduces stress.
I read about it.
See? It's proven that patients who refuse contact with humans can relate to animals.
Then the therapist can interact with the patient.
Look, we have little experience with that.
Are you the policeman I talked to? - Yes.
Are you Birgit's father? - That's correct.
If she can't find peace here I'll take her elsewhere.
- I'll complain about you.
- Listen to me, please.
Special treatment is available in child psychotherapy.
You're talking about treatment? That's the doctors' job.
- You find the men who did this.
- I'm trying to.
I need your daughter's help.
Scared children need an icebreaker.
Like a middleman between them and the therapist.
It can be an animal.
In America it's been done in cases like this.
Are you teaching the doctors their job? Fool! That's it! Leave Birgit alone or I'll contact my lawyer.
- Can I see her now? - Sure, Mr Baumgartner.
Come on.
I don't want to talk to her, just try Turn the sound off.
Go back.
Go back.
She's blindfolded.
But I'm certain it's Birgit.
Damn! I knew they were making porno flicks.
They weren't aware someone was filming them.
The room's black.
No clue where it was shot.
Here, the last videos from last night's raid.
We've found her.
This is Birgit.
And why couldn't Vice detect it? The videos only came out now.
Enough! I can't watch any more.
Is Rex allowed to stay with Birgit in hospital? Her father and the doctor have agreed.
- How many police are here? - 1 9 including us.
- Where are they? - A pickled gerkin, Stocki? - Still got contacts? - Of course.
Fairground people would rather talk to retired policemen than working police.
We work round the clock, no results.
It's mad.
What are you hearing? Since the abductions happened business is down.
Legal and illegal business.
There are more cops around than customers.
Have you checked all stall owners and their staff? Current and former staff.
But nothing doing.
My source also says it's nobody who works in the Prater.
- Is the doctor here? - Yes.
- What happened? - Our senior doctor's back.
He said the dog nonsense was to stop immediately.
Can't we do anything? While he was on holidays I was in charge.
Now that he's back I can't help you.
And Birgit's father? He tried to talk to the doctor.
But he says our methods are the right ones.
Has the doctor seen how the girl responds to the dog? No.
I'm sorry, Mr Moser.
Okay, then I'll take him back.
Hello, you two.
Birgit, I must take Rex with me.
But Come on, Rex.
Rex, come on.
Yes, got that.
about 25 to 35.
Blue shirt, dark jeans.
And your name? A Mr Unknown in the Prater saw a guy roaming around the stalls.
Someone who wants to be anonymous.
The description fits nearly every Viennese that age.
- Got a better idea? - No.
So we'd better go back to the Prater.
What's up? Isn't Rex with the girl in the hospital? He was.
The senior doctor came back and called it off.
How did the girl react? No progress here.
I just got a call from the Prater.
Not much information.
I think this doctor is a real fool.
No, an expert.
Hello, little one.
Not eating at all? Then I'll take it away.
Dr Schiller here.
Can I speak to Mr Baumgartner? Thanks.
Mr Baumgartner, it's about Birgit.
I must talk to you again.
He doesn't fit.
Nor that one.
He's in prison.
Maybe the guy isn't on our computer.
But we can't wait till it happens again.
Our last hope is that she might talk after all.
It might never happen now.
- Did you put in the ad? - Yes, in all the right papers.
"Connoisseur buys videos with young girls.
" And a number for messages.
It could take ages.
We'll go back to the Prater.
Now we have a description.
Someone might remember his car.
He's left.
I see.
Richard, it's the hospital.
I'm glad you came so soon.
Why did the doctor change his mind? I talked to Birgit's father.
When he heard what happened he gave the doctor hell.
What if he changes his mind again? It would be too much for her.
I know.
But he won't.
Another one? You're mad.
The Prater's full of cops.
There's a cop outside every sideshow.
If the girl hadn't died If the Prater's too hot find a girl elsewhere.
I promised them videos with different girls.
Get moving! - You always liked the money.
- Yes, all right.
Well, Birgit? That's nice.
Now it's time to sleep.
Come on.
Good night, Birgit.
Good night, Rex.
Rex When it's dark we'll run away.
Stocki Search the hospital grounds, boiler rooms, cellars, everything.
All cars are out searching.
Any idea where she might be? Somewhere where she'll feel better.
Or she ran off with Rex fearing she could lose him again.
- Has the father been in touch? - No, he's away.
I left a message.
I'm sure he'll call back.
- He's gone away? - On business, I think.
Look what we have here.
- Did she do it? - Yes, this morning.
Could this be connected to her abduction? Very likely.
It could be the Prater or something she saw when she regained consciousness.
We had a closer look around the grounds.
- And? - Nothing.
- Yes? - Good evening.
Send us her description at once.
Another girl abducted.
Höllerer, stay here.
Give me any news of her and Rex.
We still have to check the other wards.
I'll have to come with you.
- We'll drive there.
- Where's that? Birgit was found in district 3.
These could be those gas tanks.
Must be too much ether.
She's still out.
- Too much or too little - I used more this time.
The last girl woke up too early.
And now? Try to wake her up.
We must start.
We'll need something to wake her up.
- I know where to get it.
- So, get a move on.
You're right.
Those were gas tanks in the picture.
But we have to find this? We'll have to search the area street by street.
Give her the drug now.
I've found it, Stocki.
Get reinforcements.
Surround the building.
I'm from the police.
Don't make a sound.
You're safe now, but stay quiet.
Understand? - What's your name? - Claudia.
Good, Claudia.
We'll play hide and seek.
Stay there.
Not a sound.
She should be awake by now.
Let's get started.
Switch the light on.
Police! Don't move.
Or you'll give me an excuse to shoot.
Come inside, Rex.
Rex, breakfast is ready.
Hello, Birgit.
Hello, you two.
Your father said you might be on the houseboat.
How did you find your way across the city? Rex took care of me.

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