Kung Fu s02e15 Episode Script

The Way of Violence Has No Mind

- Slow down.
- Yes, sir.
Somebody up there in the stream.
Check him out.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, Sarnicki.
Don't move.
Get him.
I'll handle those two.
You look after the one in the coach.
Why? What? Why? Now.
Hands up! The rifle, mister, nice and easy.
Let's have it, your gun.
No tricks.
Quick! Down there.
The gun.
You too.
Turn him loose.
Get his things.
- The money box.
- Pick them up.
Throw it down.
Help him.
My leg.
No! Don't! Are you all right? Hey, what's that? These are herbs, healing herbs.
I have my own medicine.
Pour some on the leg and then wrap it up.
There's no pain.
I think the bullet went all the way through.
Please, let me help my way.
Wanna work with me? You'll have to get rid of those panhandler's clothes and beggar's bag and talk a whole lot louder so people can understand you.
What work do you do? I rob white men.
You said it was medicine, uncle.
Don't you like it? Know who I am? I'm Captain Lee.
I am Caine.
Captain Lee is famous.
Mining companies will pay There are posters all over.
Why do you rob white men? I left China to mine gold with a lot of others.
Things were good.
A few years back, Hillquist showed up with legal claims to our land.
His gunmen came in.
Killed a few of us.
Ran the rest off.
- You are alive.
- That's nothing.
- That is everything.
- Well, they took all our gold.
I figured the only way to live in this country of white devils is to learn their ways, use guns like they do, take back our gold.
Oh, we keep what we need and spread the rest around amongst our people.
How did you learn to fight with your hands and feet? In China, I knew a priest an outcast.
He could fight good, but he didn't want all that pretty talk that they pushed on him in the temple.
He fights with such power.
He is the strongest and surely the best.
He is the strongest and the weakest.
He will soon be dismissed.
You confuse me, master.
What is gained by using one's strength in violence and anger? - A victory that is swift.
- Yet to be violent is to be weak.
Violence has no mind.
Is it not wiser to seek a man's love than to desire his swift defeat? Your way, a way of violence, can only end in sorrow.
You're Chinese.
Whether all or part makes no difference to these white devils.
If you were smart, you'd join with us.
You'd walk protected.
- I walk protected now.
- Sure, as well as any rickshaw man.
All you need now is your coolie hat.
I am who I am.
Goodbye, rickshaw.
Did you understand his words? I heard them many times before from laundrymen just like him.
He had a way of making everything he said sound important.
Just his style, boy.
Talk slow, quiet and fancy like some missionary.
I can't figure him out.
He wouldn't even take any gold.
Clear the way! What happened? Look what the Chinese done to him.
Give us a hand over here.
Hillquist's been hurt bad.
- Lee and his gang.
- You wouldn't believe what they did.
One of you get the barber and sheriff.
Hurry it up.
Get him in here.
I'll get the barber.
- Sorry, Mr.
- All right.
- What happened, Mr.
Hillquist? - Get out of here, Tom.
Now, what happened? What happened? We were robbed by Captain Lee and his band.
- You sure it was Lee? - Yeah, I'm sure.
What's the matter with you, sheriff? You got some kind of special liking for Chinese, or what? I don't dislike them.
I don't like them.
I dislike quick judgments, though.
These men wore masks? Yeah, that's right.
- Then you don't know for sure- - It was Lee.
Who else could use his hands and feet like that? Besides, there was another Chinaman there that wasn't masked.
He was a sort of a diversion.
I'll look into it.
And the law the law will handle it.
They need to be taught a lesson.
They need punishment.
People are sick and tired of getting run over by some yellowback running around playing Robin Hood.
You shut your mouth.
You wanna get ugly, don't do it around here.
Captain Lee and his bandits are gonna be dealt with, sheriff, whether you do it or not.
The law will handle it.
I hope we understand each other.
He ain't gonna do nothing.
He's pretty big at pushing us around, ain't he? Meanwhile, them Chinamen are getting away with all our gold.
That's going to change.
In years back, my wife and me lived in the city.
Life there was more than we could take.
People running all over, talking fast, never knowing what they said or meant.
Oh, I was set well.
Mill foreman.
Big pay.
A lot of money.
That's important to a whole lot of people, you know.
I know.
But not to you.
Not me.
Well, anyway, we had to get away from there so we come out here to make things simple.
That's why I grow the food.
Whenever anything comes alive that I planted why, it's more magical to me than any invention I ever saw in the city.
You wish to be one with the earth and you are.
It makes me feel good inside when you say that.
- It makes me feel important.
- You are.
I don't know how I'd get that stump pulled if you hadn't showed.
You would do it.
Too old.
Not strong the way I once was.
Then you would have help.
Help? Who from? If I was not here now, I would come tomorrow.
If it was not me, it would be someone like me or like you.
- But how I-? I mean- - If a man needs help it comes.
Tell me where your boss is.
Where's Lee? - What is this? - Shut up, old man.
Nobody would pay any mind to a dead white man stupid enough to tie up with Captain Lee and his gang of thieves.
Listen, he's no member of a bandit gang.
Look at the way he's dressed.
- He's like a field hand.
- Don't kill him.
I want Lee.
The praying mantis: speed and patience.
The snake: suppleness and rhythm endurance.
The crane: grace and self-control.
The tiger: tenacity and power.
The dragon: to ride the wind.
Master, each time I look at them, knowing them better they appear even more beautiful.
Excellent, grasshopper.
Now, look down.
- Do you see the ornamented sash? - Yes, master.
Now then, draw the sash toward yourself.
Why do you hold your ears, grasshopper? The sound is horrible.
I feel as though my ears have been injured.
I have destroyed something beautiful, master.
The vases were only imitations made of inferior materials.
Trouble yourself not about them, but about this.
It seems a handsome tool to be used like others but it is an instrument which can fulfill its purpose only through destruction.
As the sound injures the ear so its discharge consumes the flesh.
Tie him up good.
Make sure it's good and tight so as he can't get away.
Take him in the water! Come on, take him.
We'll treat you to the kind of swim you gave us.
You don't tell Mr.
Hillquist what he wants we're gonna take you back to China, by way of hell.
Hillquist asks a question, you answer it! That's right.
The current's taken him that way.
He can't be alive.
It's been too long.
You must be part fish.
I'm gonna eyeball you for a while.
- I might learn something.
- We must get him home quickly.
What can ridicule bring but more anger and more hatred? They would've let you die.
It is enough to be rid of them.
You dirty dog.
If I find out you've been cheating, I'm gonna cut off your pigtail and fry it with eggs for breakfast.
I'll get help from that magician you've been watching.
He'll change my pigtail into a 50-foot dragon and do to you what you've been doing to that cigar.
Deal the cards.
Deal the cards.
I am sorry for the hardship I have caused you.
If you hadn't gotten him back here, his lifeblood would have gone long ago.
You saved him.
Only from those who wish to do me harm, not him.
Tell him if he doesn't stop talking that way Come on, deal the cards.
They will die if they are not made warm.
Well, now, what do we have? Mothers nursing their babies.
Sure am glad to have you ladies show up.
I don't believe I could have talked a man into a job like that.
- They laugh at me, master.
- Good.
To bring joy to others honors the giver.
But their laughter is not joyful, for it derides me.
- Are you hurt by it? - Yes.
Because you gave comfort where comfort was needed? Was this not unmanly? There is a strength in us that can shatter an invincible object with a hand which comes from a strong and disciplined body.
There is another strength that allows us to feel the pain of others and give comfort where comfort is needed.
This comes from a compassionate heart.
True strength must combine both for that is in harmony with the duality of our natures.
For what you have done, you may indeed take comfort in their laughter.
What you behold is the earth's true treasure.
You wish to live as the white man does.
That's how to live in this land.
This is a white man's way that does not use a gun.
I have to play out a hand.
An old man wearing pigtails stole all my money.
- All right, back off! Just back off! - What do we have to do? Go on back there and leave me alone.
All right, now, listen.
What it is that we want is some Chinese gentleman what's been causing us a great deal of discomfort.
You've all seen the posters of Captain Lee.
- Well, how much? - Twenty in gold.
- I'll go! - Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Lee and another one you gotta watch careful.
Their hands and feet do a lot of barking.
They're holed up with a farmer name of Hoyle! Listen, you get half now and half when the job is done.
- McNeil, are you with us? - All right, go ahead.
Here you go, fella.
Come on, now.
Move on.
Honey, you ain't going.
Come on.
Here you go, partner.
- Want me to run over there? - No.
No, we'll just keep our eyes on Mr.
If he starts any trouble, we'll know about it.
Here you go.
Here you go, partner.
Here you go.
Here you go.
- Goodbye.
Take care of yourselves.
- Thank you for everything.
Oh, Dan.
Bring him inside.
Over here on the bed.
Be careful.
Don't stand over him.
Now, let me see.
Dan? - How many? - Five or six.
One! Better get Captain Lee out here.
Meg, get out there and tell them.
This matter is for the law.
My husband and I will not give you Captain Lee.
Put that gun of yours to good use.
What about you? Sarnicki! Wait a minute.
You over there.
Come on.
- You think they got a game going? - No, sir.
Ran out of ammunition.
Now, Hillquist, drop them! Drop them, all you guys! I said drop them! Maulpede, drop that rifle! Let's see your arms, Mr.
It's over! There will be no more shooting! - You turn yourself over to me! - All right, sheriff.
You've got my word.
You have given your word.
I don't have much talking time, rickshaw, so listen quick.
If I don't shoot my way out those white men will have me dangling from a rope.
They'll be all right.
I can get them out of jail later, because I'll be free.
You have given your word.
Rickshaw, you must be real worried about me.
It is not you I am worried about.
You are too good a man.
They will hang you if you go out there.
Not if I have the gun! Very good, rickshaw.
What now? There is another way.
Run away.
Come with me, rickshaw.
We'd make a good team.
Together we can do anything.
Let's go.
- I'm not going.
- Yes, you are.
Leave him alone! What? You too? I'm getting too old for that.
You know what you'll get from them if you stay.
I know.
All right, uncle.
You need somebody to look after you, anyway.
What now, sheriff? You broke the law, mister.
You'll answer for it.
And Hillquist and his men, are there two laws? Don't get smart with me.
I didn't take it from Hillquist, and I won't from you.
You'll all be in cells when you get there, you'll all answer to the same law.
And the boy? I have no room for boys in my jail.
It will be a while until we can come back.
He would be welcome here.
They're good people, boy.
Honor them.

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