La Palma (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Exit Tenerife

[cell phone buzzing]
[man groans softly]
Uh, this is Jens.
Hmm? What?
[unsettling music playing]
And this is direct
from the Spanish authorities?
Yeah, okay. I understand.
No, that's fine. Yeah, I will.
Yeah. See you there.
Hi, Karin.
You have to help me call the
whole department
and tell them to come to work now.
Yes, now.
Okay. See you there.
[unsettling music continues]
What's going on?
[woman] As you know
It's not over in La Palma.
[woman] there has been
an eruption on La Palma.
First, a gas emission
that killed several tourists,
then large amounts of ash caused
a plane to crash.
And this may be just the beginning.
This eruption looks to be
destabilizing the mountain,
according to the accounts
of researchers there.
They fear that huge masses of rock
will slide into the ocean
and, in the worst case, will cause
a several hundred-meter tsunami.
Hundreds of millions of lives
are in danger.
If that occurs,
it would be the largest natural disaster
humanity has ever faced.
The Canary Islands are in danger
of complete destruction.
And the Spanish authorities don't know
when the mountain could break apart.
It could be just days.
But if it does develop
into a full-scale lava eruption,
it could be hours.
To avoid panic and chaos,
it is extremely important that everything
I have told you here stays confidential.
[opening theme music playing]
[female presenter] Ever since 1949,
the peaceful and quiet island of La Palma
has been a ticking time bomb.
[male presenter] During the eruption
in 1949,
there'd been a series
of very strong earthquakes,
and a fault zone had developed
along the crest of the volcano.
[female presenter] We're talking about
the mountain flank
moving together as one piece
down towards the ocean.
[male presenter] It seems
to already be close to failure.
The crucial question
is not a matter of if,
but of when.
[music fades]
[low rumbling]
[eerie music playing]
[door slams, keys jangle]
[Marie] No.
Erik, what the f
what the fuck are you doing here?
I told you to leave.
[Erik] Yeah?
But I won't leave without you, and you're
charged with assaulting a police officer.
So look. A lawyer will come later,
and they'll get you out.
[sighs] Okay.
Marie, was it true?
The thing you said about
That there might be a tsunami?
[Marie] We won't be here when it comes.
We'll find a boat, and we'll leave
the island, Erik. I promise.
[Erik breathing shakily]
Look at me, Erik.
- It's my fault you're here.
- [Marie] No.
- [Erik] I've fucked everything up.
- No, Erik, you haven't.
I should have died, not Mom and Dad.
Erik, stop. You're not allowed
to talk like that. Look at me, Erik.
You're all I've got.
[somber music playing]
[moans softly]
[music fades]
[sighs deeply]
[cell phone buzzes]
[Charlie groans]
Mm. Let's sleep longer.
[gentle piano music playing]
[music building]
- Okay.
- [door beeps]
[music fades]
Hey, Tobias. Let's see
if we're allowed to swim yet.
Good luck.
[pensive music playing]
[Jennifer] Hi.
[music fades]
Maybe you'd like to sit down?
Fredrik told me
that you met someone here by the pool.
And what's her name?
I'm just asking her name. It's okay.
Everyone calls her Charlie.
But, Mom, it's not like
it's not
It's all right.
[shakily] Yeah.
How long have you felt like this?
Maybe always?
[gentle string music playing]
I'm just
- I've become so used to being, uh
- Sh.
unnoticed, and now [sniffles]
But now I'm supposed to be a lesbian,
and, to be honest, I
- Can we maybe wait a little?
- Yeah.
are the world's most fantastic Sara,
and I'm so very proud.
And you absolutely should do
whatever feels right to you.
You're free to choose that.
Why are you crying?
That's just what it's like being in love.
It's totally cuckoo.
[Sara] Mm. [laughs]
Oh, hey, my precious.
["Mele Kalikimaka" playing over speakers]
Is it okay to swim?
Sure. We've cleaned the pool.
Looks like the worst is over.
Okay, super. Thanks.
- Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say ♪
- [Fredrik] Okay, first one in.
- On a bright Hawaiian Christmas day ♪
- [Fredrik laughing]
It looks like a gorgeous day.
Maybe your friend'll be here, huh?
[Sara chuckles]
From the land where palm trees sway ♪
Here we know
That Christmas will be green and bright ♪
The sun to shine by day
And all the stars at night ♪
Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way ♪
- To say Merry Christmas ♪
- Hey, that tickles!
A very Merry Christmas ♪
A very, very, Merry, Merry Christmas
To you ♪
[song ends]
[unsettling music playing]
[tapping on keyboard]
[music building]
[music fades]
[Jennifer] Almost time
to get out for a while.
- [Tobias] No!
- [Jennifer] Yes!
[cell phone buzzing and ringing]
[Fredrik, laughing] No!
[phone continues ringing]
You really miss us, huh?
Hey, Jennifer, listen to me.
Don't cut me off.
There could be a tsunami.
Could be so big that it destroys
the island. You have to leave now.
The authorities will raise the alarm,
and there will be chaos.
La Palma Airport is still closed
after the accident,
so you have to get to Tenerife
and catch a plane from there.
What are you talking about? A tsunami?
- Yes.
- Are you sure about this?
The authorities there think so,
so do what I say.
La Palma is not a priority.
The big ferries have been
redirected to the bigger islands.
There is there is one smaller ferry.
It leaves in 20 minutes.
You have to be on that one, okay?
Understand what I'm telling you?
- This is life or death.
- T twenty minutes?
Yes, and you can't tell anyone.
It'll just be chaos.
Promise me you'll leave now
and won't tell anyone.
Jennifer, say it.
- Okay got it.
- Good.
[tense music playing]
Only pack your toiletries and cell phones.
We're ten minutes from where we parked
the car. Let's take a taxi.
- [Jennifer] Sara, are you ready?
- What's happening? Are we in danger?
Just pack your bag
and listen to your mother, please.
[Jennifer] You just have to trust us.
- It's just to be on the safe side.
- [Sara] Of what?
- Sh! Could you just
- [Tobias humming]
Hey, you.
Hey. Just sit down.
There you go.
Hey, so we're we're leaving on a trip.
We're going to take a ferry boat
far out into the sea.
Okay? Use your watch
to keep an eye on the time.
- Dad, how long do we have left?
- Now it's 16 minutes.
Sixteen minutes.
Let's set a timer for that much, okay?
Good job.
[Sara] Dad! Mom!
What about Charlie?
Mom, what about Charlie?
I'll come with you to get Charlie,
and you get a taxi.
And you, Tobias,
go with Dad and keep track of the time.
- [Sara] Can we go now?
- [Fredrik] Yes.
- [Jennifer] Let's go. And call her too.
- Yeah. Come on.
[Jennifer] Okay.
[tense music continues]
[sighs] Okay, Tobias, are you ready?
Let's go.
There. Fine.
- [Jennifer] Where's she staying?
- Here.
Hello? Charlie?
- Charlie!
- [banging on door]
- [horn blares]
- [Fredrik] Hey!
- Fuck!
- Swearing isn't allowed.
[Fredrik] Yeah, sorry.
- Seven minutes left.
- [Fredrik] Okay.
- [Sara] Charlie!
- [Jennifer] She's not here.
Send her a text, and we'll get Jens
to help her, but we gotta go!
No, Mom! No!
Tell me! What's about to happen?
A tsunami's coming!
[tense music building]
We gotta go. Come on!
- [man 1] Farther to the right.
- [man 2] No. Up there to the left
[Jennifer] We didn't find her.
Where's the taxi?
Come here. Come.
- What?
- [Fredrik] Get in.
- Fredrik!
- Just get in!
Have you lost your mind?
In, in, in, in!
Oh my God.
- [Tobias] Six and a half minutes left.
- Nice, Tobias.
- [cranking engine]
- [man] Hey! Hey!
- [Jennifer] You have to drive. Just drive!
- They're coming! We gotta go! Drive!
- [tires squeal]
- [man] Hey!
[horn honks]
[Jennifer gasps]
[horn honking]
- [Jennifer] How much time is left, Tobias?
- [Tobias] Thirty seconds.
- [man 1] Stop!
- [man 2] Stop!
- Fuck! Get them on the ferry!
- [man] Stop!
- [Fredrik] No, no, no, no, no!
- Kids, let's go!
[Fredrik] Get them on the ferry!
Get them on the ferry!
- [Sara] It's okay. Come on, Tobias.
- [Jennifer] Come on. Run!
- [Fredrik] Please!
- [man] Come on, stand up!
- You have to wait! You cannot leave yet!
- Wait!
Get on. Careful.
- [man] Oh, get out of here. Go!
- Please stop. I have money.
Money. Please take it.
No, no, no, no, no! No, no!
Please, can you wait?
He's coming right there. Please!
Please take it. Please.
- Get out of here.
- Go!
- He's right there! He's right there!
- Hurry, Dad!
- [Fredrik] Hey!
- Please, can you wait?
He's coming right there! Please!
Hey! Wait!
[music stops]
- [ferry horn blaring]
- [panting]
[uneasy music playing]
[Charlie] My phone's dead.
You have a charger?
[Charlie] Thanks.
[dramatic music playing]
[cell phone ringing]
Charlie? Hello?
You have to get to Tenerife and get
a plane home as soon as possible, okay?
Are you joking? What's going on?
The whole island is going to be evacuated!
You you have to try to get on a ferry,
okay? Or rent a boat
as fast as possible, okay?
What are you talking about?
- Charlie?
- [line crackling]
[eerie music playing]
[Álvaro sighs heavily]
[machines beeping]
[rumbling continues]
I'm Álvaro Pérez
from La Laguna Geological Institute.
I was told to call this number
if there was any news.
There is.
The eruption is happening soon,
and the mountain is becoming unstable.
What does it mean? That means
we can't wait for nine more hours!
The landslide will create a tsunami.
The evacuation warning
must be issued immediately.
- [dramatic music playing]
- [panting]
- Excuse me?
- [woman] Hi.
- I need to rent a boat, please.
- Okay. A day trip?
Yes, yes. A day trip.
I need to to drive the boat to Tenerife.
Oh, we don't usually do that.
[alarm blaring]
- Oh, that's the evacuation warning.
- [phone ringing]
We need we need to go, all of us.
Erik, you have to get me out of here.
You have to go talk to her!
[dramatic music continues]
[officer] Central station
to patrol car one. Over.
- Just give me a key. You can come with me.
- Yeah. Fine, fine, fine. Bye.
We could go together. Please. Please!
- I'm sorry. We're closed.
- Oh, come on!
Okay, everyone.
Listen to me.
The Spanish authorities have informed us
they're evacuating.
That means we'll get lots of calls.
From now on, we're only taking
inquiries from countries affected by this.
Inform them where to go
and where the best places to evacuate are.
If any family member calls, hang up.
- I need a boat.
- I'm sorry.
- You have to help me.
- [Arnt] Fredrik.
We need to go
before the mountain collapses.
- Yeah, that's what I'm trying to do.
- There are boats down here. Come on.
[alarm blaring, announcement over PA]
[sirens wailing]
[announcement continues over PA]
[dramatic music building]
[Arnt] Sorry! Sorry!
[Arnt] Okay. Hey, hey, hey!
Here. Money.
To Tenerife.
- [driver] Yes, sir. Tenerife.
- Thanks.
- Excuse me.
- [driver] Hey, there's no room.
[Arnt] No, no, no. He's with me.
- Yeah, fine. Here. Go, go, go.
- [Fredrik] Okay. Thank you.
- Sorry.
- Okay, we did it.
Yeah, we did.
[people screaming]
[tense music playing]
[whistle blowing, panicked shouting]
There's lava coming down the mountain.
Let her go now.
- I'm not authorized to release prisoners.
- Are you insane?
Calm down! We need to evacuate now.
- No, I'm not leaving my sister!
- I will try to get permission.
Just sit outside and don't disturb me.
- [officer] I need to know how to proceed.
- [Marie] Erik!
- [officer] I need to know how to proceed.
- Erik!
- [baby crying]
- [woman] Wait! Please! Please!
Help me.
- [driver] There isn't any room, sorry.
- My baby!
[driver] We're full.
[woman] Please. I have to get on the boat.
[driver] There's no more room, sorry.
There's no more room.
[woman] Please.
I have to get on the boat. I have a baby.
- [driver] I'm sorry. We have to go.
- [woman] I have a baby.
- [driver] There's no room.
- [echoing] Please!
[woman] Oh, please.
- You can have my seat.
- [woman] Gosh!
[driver] Thank you.
- What the hell are you doing?
- I can't do it.
- Fredrik, you can't give your seat away
- I need to give it to her.
- [Arnt] You can't!
- I can't do this. No, no, no.
Hey, don't!
I [panting]
I'll find another way.
[somber music playing]
Hola, chico.
What are you doing?
The mountain is moving.
I've just asked the government
to issue the evacuation warning.
There's nothing more I can do.
People always need an occasion
to drink a fine bottle of wine.
But they get it all wrong.
The bottle is the occasion.
I guess things will be
pretty chaotic from here on.
Time for you
to get a seat on a boat to Tenerife.
[Álvaro laughs]
I've done the math.
It's easy.
And there just aren't enough boats
in La Palma to get everyone to Tenerife.
All those patients at the hospital,
tourists, locals,
families with children.
All people with a purpose.
And then you have me.
What are we drinking?
[chuckles softly]
Pingus 2013.
Phew! Ooh la la!
[Álvaro] A present for my 60th birthday.
- This is the worst beer I ever had.
- [Álvaro laughs]
Look at that!
[reflective music playing]
[Haukur] You know,
I never thought I'd die like this.
At my desk.
[Álvaro] Me neither.
I always pictured something more exciting.
Is there any way of
[intriguing music playing]
[Álvaro] Get the helmets.
I will get the suits.
We are taking one last field trip.
[reporter 1] On La Palma,
there is still lava pouring
On the island of La Palma
[reporter 2] The question is,
how much longer
[reporter 3] Nobody knows when
the mountainside will slide into the sea,
creating a giant tsunami.
The tsunami will affect
millions of people.
[reporter 4] The Canary Islands will be
the most affected
[reporter 5] Authorities have set up an
air bridge from Tenerife to the mainland
and are trying to evacuate
everyone off the island,
so we'll keep you updated.
Right. But where in Portugal are you?
Yeah, okay. Good. One moment.
Hey, Karin, can you find out
what that guy in ski gear wants?
No, you're far enough inland so you'll
be safe. Yes, just stay indoors.
- [Karin] Can I help you?
- The receptionist sent me up here.
My name is Hugo Berg. I'm a researcher.
I've done some numerical modeling
of tsunami waves.
I was watching the news
and wondered if maybe I could help.
It was the wife
that thought I should offer.
[cell phone ringing]
Hi, Sara. Are you on the ferry?
But Fredrik stayed.
He missed the ferry but is
trying to find another boat, I guess.
Mom is completely devastated.
What happens if we don't get on a plane?
Don't worry. I'll find a solution.
I swear.
Well, compute
the size of the wave, velocity,
to see if there are places that are
geologically safer to be than others.
- Of course, you do have to account
- [Karin] Okay.
[woman] What are you saying?
I'm going crazy?
- [Jens] Uh
- [woman] Can I call you back?
I have three ministers waiting.
[Jens] What do we know
about the evacuation of the islands?
Gran Canaria and Tenerife are prioritized.
There's an air bridge established,
but very few people will get out.
There must be something we can do.
December is peak season
in the Canary Islands.
There's just too many people.
My sister's husband is still there.
And my sister is on a ferry to Tenerife
with her two children.
So you talked to them?
It's my sister. Hmm?
Tell me, what should I have done?
[woman] You leaked classified information?
The receptionist sent up a wave researcher
who's offered his skills.
[woman] A wave researcher?
Yes. He says he can compute
where and how the wave will hit
I don't wanna hear this.
I know it's difficult,
but what if it gets out that
Foreign Affairs is calling their families
while thousands of Norwegians are dying?
[tense music playing]
[people shouting, siren wailing]
[somber music playing]
[cell phone ringing]
It's Fredrik.
Hey. Where are you now?
- Hi.
- [Jennifer] Where are you?
Yeah, I haven't left La Palma.
Can you find a different boat?
It's total chaos here, but
How are Sara and Tobias?
Yeah, they're they're doing all right.
Take good care of them.
No matter what happens.
What are you saying?
I love you, Jenny.
Hey, don't talk like that.
You were right.
- [laughs softly]
- Right about what?
I should have done it different.
Stop. Stop it!
You're going to get on a boat.
Do you hear what I'm saying?
- [line crackles, disconnects]
- [gasps] Hello? Fredrik?
- [line busy tone]
- I
[Sara] Hey, what'd he say?
He's still there.
[somber music continues]
I think maybe he was saying goodbye.
We don't know that, Mom, okay?
Okay? Mm?
[foreboding music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[Jens] Um
That wave researcher, where'd he go?
[Karin] What was that?
[Jens] That wave researcher,
where did he go?
I sent him home. S s sorry. Yes
[dramatic music continues]
[Jens] Hey, excuse me!
Excuse me! Hi.
Jens Uvdal. Hey.
I manage the operations center.
- Okay. Hugo Berg.
- Yeah, um, you're a wave researcher?
No, so Well, I've written a lot about
the numerical modeling of tsunami waves.
- [Jens] Right, but
- Yeah?
Can you find out if there are
areas that are safer than others?
I can do my best.
Okay, follow me.
- [horns honking]
- I need to know how to proceed.
I can't let them out without speaking
to the police lawyer.
I might lose my job over this. Over.
[officer 2] The lava is coming this way.
Some of the houses further up are on fire.
We need to get out of here.
Andrea, we've got a boat,
and they're waiting for us.
[Andrea] I can't leave.
- There are people here.
- Forget your job! This is going to hell!
We have to go now! Now!
Let's go!
- [Erik] One second.
- [Marie] That's it. Sh.
Just relax. It's gonna be okay.
It's one of the little keys. I saw it.
Right. Okay. Let's go.
Hey, let me out. Let me out!
- Hurry. Hurry up! Let me out!
- [Marie] Okay.
[man] Give me the keys. Just give me
the fucking keys. Fuck off!
[people screaming]
No, no. We must get to the dock.
- Are you Norwegians?
- [Marie] Huh?
There's really no point in going
down there. All the boats are gone.
[explosions continue]
It's just chaos there. It's too late.
We we we need to get off the island.
We we have to get away
I know where there's a boat.
On a beach. I used it when I was diving.
There's a chance it's still there.
Follow me.
[Jens] Okay, what can you do?
I use models to calculate
how the wave will make landfall,
and what I look for are
places the wave won't hit as hard
or won't reach
because of geographical obstacles.
So, um, coves, or bays, or
There are a lot of mountains
on the Canary Islands.
Can't we just evacuate everybody up there?
[Hugo] No. The gasses are
just as dangerous as lava
in an eruption like that.
And the wind direction is
the worst-case scenario.
It's blowing the gasses
towards the other islands.
You don't have to climb
hundreds of meters up to be in danger,
and that's not enough, anyway, if rocks
that massive slide into the ocean.
I I'm sure I don't have to tell you
to work as fast as you can.
It's just a matter of hours now.
[Hugo] Yeah, or minutes.
[dramatic music pulsing]
Okay, great. Great, Erik!
- Nice.
- [Erik] Yeah, okay. Pull it out.
[Fredrik] Come on!
Come on!
- [gunshot]
- [man] Hey!
Get away from the boat!
- I've got a boat. Where are you?
- Marie, get in the boat, now.
- Get in.
- [man] Get out!
Go. Get in.
- This is our boat.
- Shut up! It's here, over the cliffs.
- Get out, now!
- Dude, there's room for everyone.
- You you can come with.
- Fuck off!
Get the fuck away from the boat!
- Drop the gun!
- Get off the boat! Step away!
- [Marie] Drop the gun!
- [man] Get out of the boat!
You, get out of the boat.
And you, move out the way. Get up!
- No, no, no, no!
- [Marie] Erik!
- [Fredrik] No!
- [Marie] Erik, what the Erik! No!
[man yells]
What did you do?
Get away from the fucking boat!
[Erik gasping]
- [Erik] Hey, it's all okay.
- [Marie, panting] It's okay.
It'll be okay, you hear me?
It's noth it's noth it's nothing.
[whispers] Sorry.
Sh. Stop it.
[man] Get away. Fuck off!
[Erik gasping]
Hello. Talk to me.
Erik! Erik, what are you doing?
[sighs] Fuck! Erik!
[Erik] The turtles
They knew.
[somber music playing]
Erik! [panting]
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music building]
[music stops]
[muffled groans]
[man 2] Hey!
Wait for us!
- [man 2] Hey! Hey! You two!
- [Fredrik] We have to go!
- No! Erik! Erik!
- [Fredrik] We have to go!
- [Marie] Erik!
- [Fredrik] We have to go!
[dramatic music playing]
[Fredrik] Come on!
Back off! In the boat, now.
Back off, all of you!
[man 2] Guys, he's got a gun!
Back off!
[man 2 groans]
[Fredrik] Go!
[engine starts]
[tense music building]
[foreboding music playing]
[music fades]
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