Lab Rats (2012) s04e21 Episode Script

Bionic Island: The Vanishing (60 min)

I'm here, I'm here.
Bob, you're late again.
It's not my fault I overslept.
It's Bree's.
What?! How is it my fault? You keep showin' up in my dreams.
What's up with youse? Someone ask you to prom? No.
But thanks for opening up old wounds.
After countless hours of research and development, Douglas and I have finally perfected the most amazing bionic operating system upgrade ever.
I woke up for this? This upgrade is gonna be like going from motor scooters to jet engines.
It'll make all of your abilities ten times more powerful.
An upgrade, huh? Well, I'm not sure you can make my leg any more powerful, but go ahead; give it a go.
Ha! Sorry, Leo, the upgrade only works on people with bionic chips.
Be grateful you have a bionic arm and a bionic leg.
That's all you're getting.
At least until your next horrific accident.
Davenport, are you sure that this new upgrade is safe? I mean, some of our students haven't even mastered their bionics at the current level.
Yeah, Mr.
Davenport, I know you wanna give us like, the coolest thing ever, but do you have to? Don't worry.
I built in a skill app that allows the students to master their amped-up abilities instantly.
Bottom line, this upgrade is the best thing that Donnie and I have ever created together.
- I am so proud of you.
- No, I'm proud of you.
I'm proud of you.
Hey, hey.
You know what'll make us all proud? If you two go back to hating each other.
Stop, Bree.
You're embarrassing yourself.
Oh, sweet girl, you don't have to beg.
I'll allow you to kiss me.
Okay, I'll wake him up.
I got this.
They actually make a cute couple.
The world's first bionic superhumans.
They're stronger than us.
The next generation of the human race is living on a bionic island.
How's it going with the upgrade? I'll let you be the judge.
Go ahead, Jenny.
Show him how powerful you are now.
Wow! That is powerful.
You just made an old man jump.
Well, that's the last of the students.
Oh, great.
I'll do Adam, Bree and Chase.
Yeah, you do that, and the guy who really needs the upgrade will just stand right over here wishing he was actually part of the family.
Don't worry, Leo.
I'm working on something very special just for you.
Really? How would you like to be the proud owner of the world's first bionic nostril? Bionic nostril? You can't be serious.
I'm considering it; we'll talk.
Okay, Adam, we'll do you first.
That's weird.
The upgrade's not taking.
It's probably searching for his brain.
Bree, let's try you.
I don't get it.
Why isn't the upgrade working on any of them? Probably because their bionics are first generation.
We built the upgrade for the students' infrastructure.
It must not be compatible with their older systems.
There has to be some way you can adapt it.
I can probably work something out, but given how old your bionic architecture is, I'll never be able to match the power the students have.
Who's old now? So let me get this straight.
They all just became more powerful, and we're stuck like this forever? Oh, my, that certainly is a shame.
If all the students are more advanced than we are, then that means that Adam, Bree and I are obsolete.
Here we go.
Douglas Davenport.
Officer Nichols.
I haven't seen you since I scaled that wall.
This your son? Maybe.
Can you tell me what he did first, and then I'll let you know? He's been running all over town shooting fire from his eyes.
Yeah, I've never seen him before in my life.
He should be going to juvenile detention, but that's the last place I want a punk with bionics, so I'm giving him another chance, as long as you promise to keep him under control.
Thank you, officer.
I can promise you this won't happen again.
'Cause I don't want to come back here again.
You machine people freak me out.
What were you thinking letting him leave this academy with his bionics activated? He promised me he wouldn't use 'em unless it was completely necessary.
Come on, you can't give me bionics and expect me not to use 'em.
He has a point.
When I first got my Quiet, Leo.
All righty then.
Do your adopted parents know that you've been causing trouble with your bionics? No.
They don't get this whole bionic thing.
That's why I asked the officer to bring me here.
What are you gonna do here, Douglas? This is your first chance to really step up in this kid's life and be a dad.
You're right.
Daniel Meet your new dad.
Look, since I can't trust you to be responsible with your bionics, I guess we'll just have to teach you how to be responsible.
As long as your parents approve, I'm enrolling you in the Davenport Bionic Academy.
Really? Awesome.
And, since Leo has been doing such a great job as the academy's newest mentor, I think it's only fitting that he train our newest student.
Thanks, Douglas.
No problem, buddy.
See, this way, if it doesn't work out, we can all blame you.
We've dedicated our entire lives to being bionic heroes.
Now, we don't even matter.
When you think about it, it's like we've been training our own replacements.
Guys, what's with the doom and gloom? I'm actually okay with it.
In fact, I've been checking out some retirement communities, and they're awesome.
This one has railings on the toilets.
Retirement? No way.
I'm a teenager.
I haven't even got my driver's license yet.
Oh, don't worry, you won't need it.
Most of these old folks' homes don't even let you drive.
But get this.
There's a van that'll take you to the market twice a week.
We're not retiring.
I'm gonna figure out a way to give us an upgrade.
And not only that.
I'm gonna make sure it's even better than everyone else's.
After all, I am the smartest man in the world.
Not anymore, you has-been.
Whoa! This place comes with people who will change your pants.
Now that's easy living.
Okay, Daniel, since you have bionic ability replication, we'll start you off by touching one of these students, so that you can take on their ability.
Wait a minute.
This kid can just touch me, and he'll be able to do - everything I can do? - That's right.
Well, here's my class schedule, my chores, have at it.
I'm gonna go sleep until I'm 20.
- Bob! - It was worth a shot.
Okay, Daniel, go ahead.
Now you have his bionic thunderclap.
Not so hard.
Well, I can see this is going well.
Daniel, you have to focus.
I am focusing.
But how am I supposed to master my abilities when I get a new one every five minutes? He does have a point.
Too bad you can't upgrade him like everyone else.
Then a skill app would bring him up to speed instantly.
I can give him the upgrade, but I'm not gonna.
Not till he shows me he can be responsible with his bionics.
- But, Dad - End of discussion.
Now get back to your training.
I gotta be honest, Douglas.
This whole "you being a dad" thing is a little weird.
I know.
It's freakin' me out.
Okay, Daniel.
Touch Bob's arm.
But be careful.
I'm a fragile flower.
Now let's see how you do with super strength.
- Bob! - I know.
I can throw him much farther.
Let me try again.
Got it.
If I reconfigure the operator precedence, that should fix the upgrade.
You stupid hunk of junk! You're useless! Useless! Useless! Do you mind? This is a private moment between a man and his computer.
Chase, have you seen my students? - Nope.
- Huh.
We were supposed to start training an hour ago.
Today's lesson is very important.
It's called "You're not better than me.
" Hey, has anybody seen Bob? Leo said he was training a little while ago, but hasn't seen him since.
Now that I'm retiring, I need to know if he can play golf with me on Thursdays.
Wait, no.
First, my students are missing, and now Bob? Something weird is going on.
I'm gonna go look for everyone.
Speaking of weird, why are you wearing that? The hat? 'Cause I'm a golfer.
The kilt.
Because somebody changing my pants is easy living.
This is what I call breezy living.
Ugh! Come on, Daniel.
Make your force field bigger.
- I'm trying.
- Concentrate.
It's kinda hard to concentrate when you keep yelling "Concentrate.
" Ah! You know, this would be a whole lot easier if you just gave me that upgrade.
You heard your dad.
He wants you to master your bionics the old-fashioned way.
But if my training's not going well, doesn't that say more about you as a mentor than me as a student? Oh, please, Danny boy.
I invented that trick.
You play on a person's insecurities and get what you want.
It's not going to work on me.
You're right.
I guess I'm just not ready to be a bionic student.
Kinda like you're not ready to be a bionic mentor.
All right, Daniel, let's see how this upgrade works.
Well, that proves it.
I am a great mentor.
Hey, if you thought that was cool, watch this.
How did you do that? I didn't.
Then how did they all just disappear? I don't know.
But if anyone asks, I'm blaming it on you.
Davenport, we have a problem.
I can't find my students anywhere.
Are you sure they're not just avoiding your training session? I mean, I've sat through your class.
We all think you could use a little pizzazz.
Big D.
, all the students in the training area - just vanished.
- What? Bob's gone, too.
And I can't lose my Bob.
We have an 8:00 a.
tee time.
All right, everybody calm down.
There has to be a logical explanation.
Or not.
Daniel! Everybody's gone.
What are we gonna do? What do you mean, we? I'm retired.
I double-checked the whole academy.
All the students are gone.
The new upgrade must've caused a glitch that made them geo-leap away.
Daniel disappeared, and we didn't give him the upgrade.
Technically, that is correct.
You did not give him the upgrade.
Leo! That kid was impossible to train.
And trust me, I happen to know a thing or two about slow learners.
I specifically told you not to give him that upgrade.
Don't blame me.
You built the software that made everyone disappear.
For the record, Donnie had just as much to do with this as I did.
If not more.
A lot more.
In fact, this whole thing was his idea.
- It was not! - Was too.
No, it wasn't.
Stop arguing.
We have to find them.
Although with them gone, we are top dog again.
Do something! Okay.
I'll pull up their GPS locators, and find out where they are.
Nothing's coming up.
Their signals must have been deactivated.
So now our brother and the entire student body are missing, and we have no idea where they are.
They could be anywhere in the world.
Where are we? In a dark room with metal walls.
I can see that, Bob.
Then why'd you ask? Wait.
Maybe this is another dream.
If I squint, with your moppy hair, you could easily pass for Bree.
It's okay, everyone.
I'm gonna get you outta here.
Daniel, they don't even know you.
Let me give the pep talk.
Ignore what he said, guys.
We're hosed.
We gotta do something.
Bob, use your super strength to try to break us out.
Well, I'm a man of my word.
We're hosed.
Ooh, I know.
What if I replicate your strength, and we try together? Aw, that's cute when you get all feisty.
I'm afraid your bionics are useless here.
These walls block your pathetic little chips.
Who are you? I'm the woman who's going to take out all bionic superhumans and replace them with my android technology.
But you can call me Giselle.
Oh, thanks.
I never would've remembered that first part.
How'd we get here? I was finally able to hack in to your chips remotely and geo-leap you here.
Where are Adam, Bree and Chase? Probably still at the academy.
See, there was this whole thing about how our bionics are newer than theirs, and they couldn't get the upgrade, and boy, were they upset.
Chase was like Stop talking.
What are you gonna do with us? I'm gonna destroy you.
But first, I'm gonna use you as bait.
Bob, we have to get everyone out of here.
How? Don't worry.
I have an idea.
I have tried every way possible to remotely reactivate their GPS locators, and nothing is working.
Then we'll have to find them the old-fashioned way.
Chase, map out an urban search and rescue.
We'll go mile by mile, state by state if we have to.
Davenport, what if we're too late? That glitch could've geo-leaped them anywhere.
They could be at the bottom of the ocean or inside an active volcano.
They may already be gone.
We're not giving up.
Hello? Daniel, where are you? Listen, I don't have much time.
The lady hacked into our chips and geo-leaped us here.
She had us trapped, but I busted out.
Place looks familiar.
That's Giselle's lab.
Hey, what do you think you're doing? How did you escape? Dad, hurry! Say good-bye to your son, Douglas.
Everybody suit up.
Adam, Bree, Chase and I will go this way.
Douglas, you and Leo take the other side.
- Guys! - Daniel, you're okay.
Where are the students? Hiding in the other room.
Come on.
Wow! Man.
This place is fancy.
Don't worry.
I have the name of her decorator.
- Really? - No! Where are they? The doors are locking.
What's going on? Well, well, well.
So nice to see the family all together.
Giselle, you got five seconds to tell me where the rest of the kids are before I blast you.
One thousand one.
One thousand two.
One thousand three, one thousand four.
There they are.
How is Daniel in there and out here? This is just like the last time we were here with the two Chases.
This lady and her magic tricks.
She gets me every time.
It's a trap.
That's not my son.
That's where you're wrong.
I am your son, just not the one you think.
Marcus? Good to see ya Dad.
How's your plan coming along? I'm trying to calm them down with small talk, but every time I ask where they grew up, they all say "I don't know, I don't remember.
" Where did you grow up, Bob? I don't know.
I don't remember.
When I touch these two wires together, the force of the charge should be enough to blast a hole in the wall.
Sounds good.
You sure it'll work? - Nope.
- I like those odds.
Daniel! Are you okay? Talk to me.
What do you see? I see an open field.
Blue skies.
He's outside.
He escaped.
He's a genius.
What's wrong, Dad? No hug, no "Good to see you.
" Where's the love? How is this possible? Yeah.
We saw you get crushed under a mountain of rubble.
When I was making my "movie," Douglas couldn't stop bragging about his greatest creation ever, an android with bionic speed, strength, and intellect.
I spent so much time trying to steal Chase's intelligence, I completely overlooked the fact that Marcus already had it.
So I dug him up, and reassembled him, piece by piece.
Oh, we should try that with Grandma Davenport.
Marcus' bionic intelligence gives him a photographic memory, which means he remembers everything from his past, and boy, does he have an ax to grind with you, Douglas.
Me?! Why me? Leo was the one who hated you.
Me? Uh, yeah, that's true.
When they attacked me, you ran away.
You were my creator, and you left me to die.
Well, to be fair, I didn't think you'd be coming back.
All right, Marcus, I think it's time we finish you for good.
You don't stand a chance against us.
I upgraded Marcus' technology, and made him more powerful than ever.
Well, he's gonna have to be more powerful, because there are four of us now.
That's right, bushy brow.
I'm bionic now, too.
Seriously? It's just his little arm.
And my little leg.
It doesn't matter how powerful you are.
We took you out once, and we'll do it again.
Get him! Guys! - Nice work.
- Thanks, Mom.
Don't call me that.
We're not there yet.
The world's first bionic superhumans.
They're stronger than us.
The next generation of the human race is living on a bionic island.
(Distorted voice) We'll start with Bree first.
Never done mouth-to-mouth with a real mouth before.
(Normal voice) But here goes.
I'm okay! I'm okay.
Where are we? In a dark room with metal walls.
What is with you people? Open your eyes.
Where's Daniel? When they brought you guys in, they pulled him out.
He's gotta be a goner by now.
Well, now that everyone's here, we can finally get this party started.
You're inside my induction chamber.
When activated, it emits an electromagnetic wave so powerful, it'll melt your bionic chips right through your necks.
She kills a party faster than Chase.
Once your chips are destroyed, we'll finally be rid of bionic humans, forcing the world to turn to my bionic androids.
If your androids are so much better than us, why do you have to destroy our chips at all? I don't.
I just wanna watch you suffer a slow and painful death.
What was that? A flash.
She's not just torturing us.
She's taking pictures while she does it.
(Evil laughter) Oh, good.
Looks like the pain is starting to set in.
You don't have to do this.
We can make a deal.
What do you like, leather jackets? I'll buy you as many as you want.
Better yet, I probably have some that will fit you.
The only thing I want is to watch your face as I melt their chips.
Why don't I turn the volume up, so you can hear every last one of their screams.
Giselle! You're clearly acting out because we're no longer dating.
It's okay.
You can have me back.
I mean, yeah, you're a psychopath, but I've dated worse.
Douglas, how rude of me.
Here I am, providing a show for your brother, and you don't get to see anything.
Let's fix that.
Bring him in, Marcus.
Hey, get off me! Dad! Now you can both watch your kids as they beg for mercy.
Get your hands off my son.
Your son? You mean like I was your son? Wait, he's my brother? Yeah, but not for long.
Marcus, please.
Are you kidding? I could do this all day, and I think I will.
This thing is solid steel.
There's no way we're getting through without our bionics.
My neck is burning and I can feel my body getting weaker.
Now you know how I feel every time you walk in the room, pretty lady.
Guys, if we don't find a way out fast, every one of our chips is gonna be destroyed.
Everyone except for Leo.
You don't have a chip, so you should still have - full use of your bionics.
- Right.
Well, don't just stand there.
Get us out of here.
On it.
Leo, you're arm's not gonna do it.
Try using your dainty little leg.
Dainty? I'll show you dainty.
This right here is 100% rock-hard quad.
What do you have to say now, Bree? That boys are easily manipulated when their masculinity is threatened.
(Alarm beeping) I'll go take care of 'em.
No! Let them get their hopes up.
They won't get far.
(Daniel yells) What do you know? You broke my pipe.
Marcus! I know I built you to be evil, but I can reprogram you.
We can be a family again.
You, me, Daniel.
Maybe we'll adopt a girl or a kitten.
I hate cats.
Come on, Marcus.
It's me.
Your dad.
Let's fix this.
All you have to do is release these restraints.
No! My only mission is to destroy every last member of your precious family, starting with him.
Marcus, I'm begging you.
Start with Donnie.
What?! This place is too big.
All the hallways look the same.
I'll go this way, you guys cover the rest.
Come on, let's go.
Leaving so soon? Give it up, Giselle.
You're outnumbered.
We can easily take out you and Marcus.
That would be true, if you were still bionic.
What are you talking about? We escaped before you could finish the job.
Your chips were destroyed after the first flash.
What? Your bionics are gone.
Forever! Now that you're just a bunch of useless humans, what do you say I finish you for good? Oh, please.
You think your little electric jump rope scares us? See? Look.
Nothing even happened.
Bob, get the rest of the students back to the academy.
We'll handle Giselle.
No way.
I'm not leaving my woman.
I am not your woman.
All righty, then see ya.
I'm outta here.
Let's go, people.
They're of no interest to me.
You're the ones who keep getting in my way.
But not anymore.
We may not be bionic anymore, but we're not going down without a fight.
(Yells) Okay, I never thought I'd say this, but Leo, help!! Wait a second.
Marcus is a bionic android.
Yes, Donnie.
And you're a middle-aged man.
It's nice to see you're keeping up.
Daniel has power replication.
If he can touch any bionic human and take on their ability, shouldn't he be able to do the same to Marcus? You're right.
I think it's time to put you out of your misery.
Douglas: Marcus, stop.
He had nothing to do with this.
I'm the one who betrayed you.
If you're gonna take anyone out, take me.
Uh, Douglas, you realize that if he takes you out, I'm tied to you, so he'll take me out too.
So long Dad.
Dad, please, don't let him do this.
It's okay, Daniel.
I created the problem, so I should take the heat.
You're just a bionic human.
You'd never stand a chance against a bionic android like Marcus.
Not the face, not the face, not the face.
What I'm saying is, you're both bionic.
Yes, we're both bionic.
Oh! You're forgetting one thing.
I'm more powerful than he'll ever be.
I'm not so sure about that.
What are you doing? Ending our family reunion.
Oh, come on! I wanted to do that.
We gotta get that whip out of her hands.
Easier said than done without our bionics.
Guys, we're more than just our bionics.
We can outsmart her on a human level.
Adam, I need you to distract her.
Got it.
Hey, Giselle.
I got a question for you.
Have you ever seen a bionic guy dance? Five, six, seven, eight.
Let's see how well you dance when I whip you in half.
Bree, now! Chase, what are you doing? You're ruining my distraction dance.
Oh, come on.
How many of those things do you have? Watch out! Seriously? The whip didn't even scratch her.
(Giselle screaming, thudding sound) Oop, there it is.
Guys, you're okay.
Ooh! But she is not.
Come on, we have to go find Marcus.
I already took care of him.
- Really? - Yep.
Not bad for one day of training.
Yeah, you should've seen my boy Daniel.
- He was great.
- Thanks.
Man, did you step up.
Finally I can say I created a kid I'm proud of.
Ahem! Let's not forget the guy who freed the entire student body, not to mention saved the three of you.
Yeah, well, we should probably get going.
- Right.
- Let's go.
Perry can handle things back at the academy, but if we're gonna find a fix for your melted chips, I need to take you back to the lab in Mission Creek.
Whoo-hoo, we're going home! Proud of you, Douglas.
You're gonna be a great dad.
Thanks, Donnie.
And one day, I'm sure you will be, too.
Good news, guys.
We can fix your bionics.
Really? When we left Giselle's lab, I took some of her research.
By combining her technology with ours, we'll be able to create one universal super chip that can adapt to any bionic operating system, which means you'll all get the upgrade.
That means we're no longer obsolete.
- Yes, we're back! - Whoa, settle down.
You were never that impressive to begin with.
I can't believe you guys got to live down here.
This place is so cool.
Yeah, well, we were also force-fed food pellets that were shot out of a tube, so it wasn't exactly a fun factory.
This lab is where it all started, Daniel.
Well, technically, it all started in a different lab, but your dad blew that one up.
I was going through a phase! Hey, what's in the box, Douglas? - Marcus.
- What? Why would you bring his parts here? As evil as he was, he was still my creation.
I felt kinda bad.
But if I can put him back together and reprogram him All: No!! Fine.
But I'm making his eyebrow into a bracelet.
Hey, guys.
All: Hey.
I'm really glad that you're all here, because there's something that we've been wanting to tell you.
I'm pregnant.
Whoo hoo! Hear that, everybody? We're gonna have a bionic baby.
Oh, no, you are not turning my baby girl into a bionic freak.
And I mean freak in the nicest way possible.
Wait a second.
Did you say you were having a girl? Yes! I'm finally getting a sister.
And who better than a sister to change half the diapers? Yeah, I'm over the whole sister thing.
You know what else? My little sister won't need bionics, because she'll have me to protect her.
Oh, who are you kidding? We all know that baby is going to be protecting you.
All those years living down here, hiding our bionic secret, and look at us now.
It's kinda crazy how life works, isn't it? Yeah.
You know, I actually kinda missed this place.
Me, too.
Know what I miss most about it? What? This.
You do realize that, without our chips, you don't have super strength, and I'm just as strong as you, right? Uh, I do now.
Come on, guys, let's go upstairs and have ourselves a nice, big celebration dinner.
Sounds good, as long as you're not cooking.
Perry, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be supervising the academy.
I got bored.
Now that the students don't have bionics, they're just a bunch of lame-os.
Actually, the real reason I'm here is that I heard what happened to you guys, and I'm just happy you're okay.
I can't believe it.
You do have a heart.
Simmer down, Holly Homemaker.
I was talking to them.
You and I, still on the outs.
Okay, everybody, let's go upstairs and make your mother feel better about herself by eating her food.
You guys go ahead.
I'll be up in a minute.
How'd you like that, Marcus? That's the last time you'll mess with Leo Dooley.
(Whirring sound) How the What's the matter, Leo? Never seen an android regenerate before? Part of my upgrade.
It's what makes me superior to humans.
You will never defeat me.
Oh, yeah? We'll see about that.
(Screaming) Again I wanted to do that! Give me the gun.
Give me the gun! What's up, guys? Just heading back to the academy.
Oh, yeah, about that.
Um, since the students all have the upgrade, there's no need to train them anymore.
They're all at the expert level.
So it's time to start breaking everybody up into teams.
That means our team won't have to do all the work.
Actually, Chase, I'm breaking you guys up.
What? What do you mean, Big D.
? You can't just just break us up.
I don't have a choice.
I need two of you to go to the academy and oversee this transition, and I need two of you to stay here and work on a new project, a new team.
What new project? Yeah.
And what new team? I can't give you all the details, but I need you to make a decision.
I'll stay at the academy.
Me, too.
Okay, grab your gear.
Get going.
Hey, don't worry, guys.
We'll be back together before you know it.
Adam: Wait.
Hey, it doesn't matter where we are.
We'll always be a team.
Both: Yeah.
Bye, guys.
So you ready for your new adventure?
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