Las Chicas Del Cable (2017) s04e07 Episode Script

Chapter 31: Happiness

1 [LIDIA.]
They say that human beings only know happiness once they have lost it, but that is not true.
Run, Alba! Let's go! Come on! Run! Run! Run! Give me your suitcase! [ALBA.]
I can't believe we are going to Madrid.
I was thinking about all the things I'm going to do when we get there.
- What are you going to do? - Me? I'm kissing that spot you have on your neck.
What actually happens is that when we are happy, we are so busy enjoying the moment that we don't even know we are.
My bag! Sir! - Thief! That's my bag! - No, listen, it's my bag! I Let go of me! Francisco! Francisco! I can't believe it I can't believe it.
What What are you doing here? This is a miracle.
- I don't know.
- [LIDIA.]
But it wasn't my case.
The day I got Francisco back, I felt my happiness was complete again.
I don't know who I am.
What? I can't remember anything.
Just you.
But happiness is so intense and so fragile at the same time that it can vanish in a brief moment.
All I remember is my childhood and you, when we were children, running to catch that train to Madrid.
That and all my feelings for you.
I'm glad you at least remember that.
I guess my feelings for you are so strong that this mind didn't want to forget you, Alba.
My name is not Alba anymore.
My name is Lidia.
I guess we have been through a lot after getting on that train.
We have.
Lidia It's nice.
I like it.
What did they tell you at the hospital? They think that I will remember again, but they don't know how long it will take.
I don't know what I'm going to do.
This is It's normal.
You have just woken up after more than a year in a coma.
But you will remember again.
I am going to help you.
Lidia, Alba it doesn't matter what your name is.
You are still the same stubborn girl that convinced me to follow her here.
The same girl that believes everything is possible.
CHAPTER 31: HAPPINESS What's that? It's my daughter.
Her name is Eva.
She is alive thanks to you.
I know they shot me, and that's why I was in a coma.
Carlos told me.
Carlos? Yes.
I didn't know she was your child.
Are you together? Asunción! [FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING.]
Yes, madam? - Take the girl, please.
- Come with me.
- Bye.
Are you sure, Francisco? I You must be very confused with all that's going on and I may not remember my past, but I remember what I talked about with Carlos and when.
Apart from the doctor and the nurse, I only saw two people, him and his mom.
- What? - I am staying at Carmen's for now.
She said she would help me find you.
She told me she would take me to you, but she got a lady and said she was you.
She tried to trick me, but I realized.
Then I passed by the company and I saw your photo.
A man gave me your address.
I still don't know why she tricked me with that girl.
Lidia, are you okay? It's too much information at once.
Francisco, I want you to come with me.
We will go somewhere quiet and and we will think of what to do.
Of course.
But, Carlota, where are you going? - Marga, I can't breathe in that room.
- But I don't think you should go out.
Carlota, after what happened, what you have to do is rest.
Really, girls, I'm fine.
I just want to go for a walk.
Don't fuss.
How stubborn you are - Francisco - [LIDIA.]
Come on in.
- Francisco, these are my friends.
Marga Carlota and Ángeles.
How could you let Francisco come to the company? [CARMEN.]
I didn't let him.
Don't be stupid.
I could give you the full name of all the employees that saw him.
I had to take care of them.
Has anyone from the company told him anything about Lidia? [CARLOS.]
How can I know if he left before I could talk to him and I don't know where he is? Mom, you said you would have him under control.
Son, you are losing your mind.
The future of my family is at risk, and maybe you don't mind, - but Eva and Lidia are my life.
I know.
I told you I would take care of Francisco and I'm going to keep my word.
You'd better, or I swear to you, you will never see my daughter again.
- [ELISA.]
What happened? - [SIGHS.]
Where are you going? To Doña Lola's.
Lidia said this morning she was going to visit Carlota.
- Carlos, let's talk about this.
Let's - Not now.
If Lidia finds out that Francisco woke up and I kept it from her, - she won't forgive me.
- You're going to keep lying? No, I'm going to keep trying to protect my family and keep it together.
- I can't do anything else.
- Yes, you can tell her the truth.
It's better she finds out from you.
Please, don't make things worse.
Elisa, I'm sorry.
But I can't lose Lidia.
I love her too much.
That's not love.
I know what it's like to be obsessed with someone who doesn't love you anymore.
I know what it's like to believe one lie after another.
And I also know how that ends.
Or don't you remember what Francisco did to me? Carlos Lidia is not in love with you.
Accept it.
And nothing you do is going to change what she feels for Francisco.
I can't believe Carlos is lying to me about this.
Lying and hiding something are not the same thing.
- Maybe Carlos is doing it to protect you.
- To protect me from good news? He shouldn't have done it anyway.
What if Carmen is threatening him? What if she blackmailed him? That woman is capable of anything.
I think he did it because he wants to marry you and if you knew Francisco woke up, you wouldn't say yes.
But Carlos is the father of my daughter.
He is my best friend.
Yeah, but love is blind.
Look, yesterday when you told me you were getting closer, I supported you.
But I think that love makes you do crazy things.
I don't know how he could do that to me.
I didn't expect You are still brooding over it, right? - We don't understand why Carlos did that.
- Yeah.
I spoke to him about Alba and he said nothing.
And if he remains silent, he has something to hide, right? [DOOR OPENS.]
Hello, excuse me, do you know if Lidia or Carlota are in the hostel? [WOMAN.]
Yes, I think they are in Carlota's bedroom.
- Shall I let them know? - [CARLOS.]
Don't move.
Carlos, what are you doing here? I wanted to see how Carlota is after what happened.
More cheerful.
But she is very tired.
- Can I see her? - She has just fallen asleep.
- You know, she needs to rest.
- I will come back another time.
What are you going to do? Are you staying? I wanted to go and see Francisco in the hospital.
I think I need to say goodbye to him, you know? They called from the hospital this morning, Lidia.
They called to say that Francisco is going to remain isolated a few days.
- Isolated? Why? - Nothing to worry about.
But it looks like there was an infection in the hospital.
And as a safety precaution, they will keep patients in quarantine.
Quarantine, of course.
But I thought we could spend the day together.
Do you want to come? I had thought to give Carlota and the girls a surprise.
I wanted to take them to spend the evening at the tailor's to start with the measurements for the wedding dress.
I don't know, maybe we will go for dinner after.
I really wanted to have a romantic dinner together.
But I think it will be good - to cheer her up.
- Of course.
Have fun.
You were right.
About everything.
Can you leave us alone for a moment, please? Of course.
Your worst fears have been confirmed, hmm? Carlos is trying to separate us at all costs.
- And I don't know what Carmen is planning.
- It doesn't matter.
- They didn't succeed.
We are together.
- I know.
All I want is for us to go far away.
If I have to go to the end of the world, I will come with you.
- And with Eva.
The three of us, of course.
- First I need to help a friend.
- If you need any help, let me know.
While I sort everything out we need to pretend we don't know anything.
You will have to go back to Carmen's.
I think I could do it.
The girl that impersonated you asked me not to say anything.
She needed money - Do you think she will say anything? - I don't know.
- If they find out we know the truth - Don't worry.
The important thing is to be together, hmm? My life right now is [CHUCKLES.]
full of mysteries.
But there is a certainty that beats everything.
The love I feel for you.
Thank you.
[GUARD 1.]
You must leave your personal belongings here.
- Are you going to search me, too? - I'm sorry, Captain.
Rules are the same for everyone, and here we enforce them.
- [GUARD 2.]
Why are you visiting? - I need to talk to an employee, Abel Cano.
- Is it something professional? - Personal.
Come with me.
- Excuse me, what's all this? - A theater company.
They come once a month and perform a play for the prisoners.
The new warden.
For me, it's like casting pearls before swine.
Well, Cristóbal Long time no see.
What are you doing here? In order to see you, I had to come to your work.
Would you believe it? [CHUCKLES.]
I guess good things come to those who wait, hmm? That's all, Officer Escobar.
Thank you.
Well Tell me what you need.
- I need you to help me free a prisoner.
- Are you crazy? - I know it's crazy.
But I can't trust anyone.
Just lifelong friends.
She is an innocent girl.
The culprit killed himself and she is paying for it.
Abel how long have we known each other? [SIGHS.]
A long time, Cuevas.
And aren't you tired of the system always oppressing the weakest ones? [ABEL SIGHS.]
- Who is she? - Sara Millán.
Is there a problem? If you want to let her out, you will have to do it soon.
They want to execute her in a week.
What? Are you warm? - [PRISONER 1.]
I'm asking if you're warm.
Leave me alone.
This is my shawl.
Leave me alone! - [PRISONER 1.]
Give me my shawl! - Give it to me! - Leave her alone.
Who invited you to this party? Get away from here or I will kick you out.
What's going on here? Nothing, we are just chatting.
Chatting, yeah.
Someone who loves you told me to help you.
Are you Candy? That's what those beasts call me, but my friends call me Maite.
They are going to move you to a cell near mine.
Don't worry, I got you covered.
Thank you.
I will come with you to the cell.
It's better they all see you with me.
- Ms.
- [SARA.]
Come with me.
You have a visitor.
Shall we go? Cuevas you only have a few minutes.
Thank you.
How are you? [WHISPERING.]
We're going to get you out, Óscar.
What? Whichever way you look at it, this is not fair.
Thank you very much.
You have very good friends.
I will tell you how we are going to do it.
This is the old sewage system.
It goes from the laundry room to outside.
Years ago, there was a leak in these pipes and they were sealed.
But we'll have to open them again so Óscar can come out.
I spoke with two burglar friends of mine, experts in this kind of job for robberies.
They will open the wall from the outside and I will do it from the inside.
I can go in easily, but I need your help to pass the tools in and get Óscar to the laundry room, avoiding security.
And how are we going to get in? [CUEVAS.]
They put on a play once a month.
You could go in with the theater company and go unnoticed.
You could go in the props trunks with the tools.
Good, but how are we going to convince the company to go with them? That's the problem.
Well, I have a friend who has a theater company.
He performs his plays in villages, in neighborhoods, even in prisons.
All we need is for them to hire my friend's company, right? My contact can take care of that.
The only problem is time.
- We need to do it tomorrow.
- What? Why tomorrow? Tomorrow night they will perform the play.
And they are going to execute her in a week.
Carlota, that's not going to happen.
Tomorrow night we are going to get him out.
Francisco, where were you? I was looking for you.
I went for a stroll.
After seeing Alba, I needed to walk.
- You shouldn't walk around alone.
- Don't worry about me, Carmen.
I went to the company to see if I remember but it was as if I was never there.
Seeing Alba didn't help you either? How did it go with her? Good, good.
Did you have doubts, Carmen? No, I just wanted to know if it helped you remember.
No, not really.
You should continue seeing Alba, and memories will come back slowly.
You have been through so much together.
Anyway, next time you go out, let me know.
I want to know where you are at all times in case you need help.
Don't worry.
From now on, I will do it.
- Excuse me.
Hello? - [LAWYER.]
Madam, we have a problem.
- What happened? - Francisco knows about the trick.
The girl tried to hide it, but I realized she was lying and, in the end, she admitted it all.
Wow, that - I didn't expect that.
- We should rush him to leave.
If Ms.
Aguilar finds out, she won't let you get closer to her daughter.
I totally agree with you.
You take care of it.
Let me know as soon as you sort it out, okay? [LAWYER.]
Yes, madam.
Is everything okay, Carmen? Yes, a friend of mine, Luján.
We wanted to watch La Traviata tonight, but we have no tickets.
But she is good friends with the director, so she will manage to get them.
She sure will.
And if you don't mind, I'm going to have a rest.
Yes, I think you should sleep a bit.
Díaz's case is closed.
Would you like me to file the report? There are still many loose ends.
No one managed to explain why Sergio kidnapped Carlota.
Well, that was in the hands of a judge who passed a sentence.
- We cannot do anything.
- Not officially.
But Carlota heard Sergio talk to someone.
And I won't stop until I find him.
Someone innocent is in prison and I'm going to prove it.
I don't think the inspector likes his time to be wasted with closed cases.
If he knows you pay more attention to this than the search for Mirlo Tell me something, Salas.
Why did you never show enough interest in this case? Is it just because you are a bad officer or are you hiding something? Let's not forget our manners.
My instinct tells me that you know much more than what you are saying.
And I bet my badge that I will find out.
Be careful, because you are the first one with things to hide.
For example, your extramarital affair with one of Carlota's friends.
That's not your business.
Maybe that's why you've gone through so much trouble with this case.
You know, when the owner whistles, the dog moves the tail.
I'm going to destroy you, Salas.
I swear I'm going to destroy you.
You'd better be careful.
Or you might be the first one to fall.
Miss, with subscriber 277.
Abel, it's Cristóbal.
The plan is still on.
We have a new theater company.
Can you swap them? [SIGHS.]
Thanks a lot.
I owe you one.
I'm short of time.
My superior will come soon and I must be in position.
I just want you to confirm what you told me over the phone.
Yes, Captain Cuevas was here visiting Sara Millán.
Good, do you want some extra money? It depends.
What do I have to do? [LIDIA.]
In hard times, the only thing that keeps us going is remembering that we were once happy.
Stand up.
On your feet.
Let's see if there's a bladed weapon hidden here.
- Here it is, sir.
- [SARA.]
That's not mine.
- I don't know who put it there.
Take her to confinement.
No, not to confinement, please.
I'm telling you the truth, please.
Not to confinement, please! Please, not to confinement! [LIDIA.]
Until lies crush that illusion of happiness.
Inspector, Warden, is everything okay? You are in trouble, Cristóbal.
- Did you want to speak to me? - Yes, I wanted you to have a drink - and keep me some company.
- Of course.
- Milk? - Please.
Thank you.
Do you know there are fortune-tellers who predict the future reading the leaves? I don't believe those things.
Sometimes you don't need to read the leaves.
You just need to sense a touch of bitter almond to realize that this tea is poisoned.
- Don't be stupid.
- You drink it.
Come on.
Even though you lost your memory, you are still a very sharp man.
I think it's time to lay our cards on the table.
Carmen the girl you introduced me to wasn't Alba.
Can you tell me why the fuck you don't want me with Lidia? I don't care what you two do.
All I care about is my granddaughter.
What do you want from her? - That's none of your business.
- I'm not going to let you hurt her.
Either you tell me your intentions or I will seek the answers myself.
I am very sick, Francisco.
They are going to operate on me in America.
I need Eva's blood.
- It's a trial operation.
- Trial So you don't know if it will go well.
Or if Eva is at risk.
If the girl dies, it will be collateral damage.
Collateral, of course.
But Carmen Cifuentes will continue living.
Do you know what? You are a fucking bitch.
And you're not getting out of here.
We have to go as soon as possible.
How did it go? [LIDIA.]
Everything is ready for us to go in the prison as actresses.
I found out what Carlos and Carmen are planning.
It's because of the girl.
They made a deal so Carmen can see her as long as she keeps Francisco away from you.
Carlos wouldn't be capable of doing that, Ángeles.
Lidia, Carlos is blind.
He is obsessed with losing you.
- They're meeting at your place tonight.
- And how do you know that? - It doesn't matter.
- How do you know it, Ángeles? I told one of my students to listen to the calls.
Ángeles, that is forbidden.
It's not the first time you've done it, right? There are a lot of people willing to pay big amounts of money for information.
It's something I learned with Guzmán.
You're using the school to listen to calls and do your business.
You are Mirlo, aren't you? That's why you were so sure that he would help us.
And that's why you have been so close to Victoria for so long.
Ángeles, why did you do it? I'm just trying to give my daughter a future.
I want her to always be safe.
So she doesn't need to bear an unhappy marriage to survive.
I want her free.
You must understand.
You would have done it for Eva.
You said that school was to educate women.
- And you lied to me, Ángeles.
- No.
- [LIDIA.]
Yes, you used me.
- I care about the school, about the women.
Why didn't you tell me? Because you thought that I would judge you? Did you think I would judge you? Carmen is going to meet Eva this evening at your own house.
Lidia, you have to stop this lie.
Do you want me to come with you? No.
It's something I have to do alone.
Marga, I cannot talk now.
I have to go to the archive.
- I have a lot of work.
- Are you angry? No, I'm a bit confused.
- Well, it was just a misunderstanding.
- Marga.
Did you think - Never mind.
- No, let's talk about it.
- No, no.
- Hiding from problems doesn't solve them.
Marga, I cannot.
Really, I have to go to the archive.
Pablo Marga, sorry.
Sorry, I don't know what went through my mind.
- I didn't mean to say that - Don't worry, it's okay.
Pablo, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have talked to Antonio about you - and shouldn't have hesitated - It's fine.
- You don't have to apologize.
- But I want to do it.
When Antonio suggested it I found it easier to look for the fault in something external rather than - than accept it could be my fault.
- No, Marga, it's not.
Marga, I always blamed you for everything bad that happens to us.
And I have realized that part of it is also my fault.
I wish that hadn't happened with Julio, Pablo.
In a way, I'm glad.
Because the distance made me realize that if I had the chance to go back in time I wouldn't make the same mistakes.
That's what I wanted to tell you at the inn.
I am afraid of something happening to you and I wanted you to know the truth.
I am not going to stop you.
I love to see what you are capable of for the people you love.
And now I feel stupid for signing those papers.
Lidia [LIDIA.]
How could you, Carlos? Asunción, take my daughter.
- Prepare her things.
We are leaving.
- Yes, madam.
Get out of my house.
Lidia, my mother is very sick.
Doctors have declared her terminally ill.
Like Francisco, right? - How could you be so despicable? - Lidia, let me explain.
I don't want you to explain anything.
I don't want to hear more lies.
He is like his father, a coward by nature.
But it's my fault, I pressured him.
He owes me money from the company's refurbishment.
What is she talking about, Carlos? He stole it from me while I was in prison.
I told you not to touch a cent of your mother's money.
It's better not to owe anything to this to this woman.
Now, get out, before I kick you out myself! Okay, dear, I'll go.
You have a lot to tell each other.
If I ever see her here again, I will call the police.
I have nothing else to talk to you about.
- You are an asshole.
- Lidia, forgive me.
How could you do this to me? You lied and risked your daughter's life by bringing her to that woman.
No, the child was always watched.
She wasn't at risk.
The night we slept together, you knew that Francisco was awake.
You knew and you didn't tell me anything.
I tried to tell you, I swear.
Lidia, that night, sweetheart - This year has been hard for me, too.
- Are you the victim, Carlos? Are you the victim? Ever since you and I have been living together, I've always been honest with you.
I told you my feelings and what you and I were together.
And what did I receive? Lies.
You and I were a team.
I was mistaken.
The hidden side of happiness is that for some to be happy, others need to be wretched.
Madam, what are you doing here? - Give me the girl.
- Let's go.
Happiness is not earned by feats or good behavior.
You are very right to be angry.
Just tell me what I can do to fix things, please.
Lidia, you and Eva are my life.
- I love you.
- Don't touch me.
You don't know what love is, Carlos.
You don't know.
- No, please.
- I'm going to leave! You are not going to see me again! Never! You are right about everything.
- [EVA.]
Let's go.
What's wrong? Allow me.
They've blocked the door! - [EVA CRYING.]
Asunción! Asunción! - [EVA CRYING.]
- Eva! Eva! Eva! They are taking our baby! Carmen was ruining my life again.
She was taking my daughter once again.
But there is something worse than knowing that we're far from reaching happiness: the fear of someone snatching away what we love the most.

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