Law & Order Special Victims Unit s11e06 Episode Script


NARRATOR: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit, These are their stories, MURRY: Merry effing Christmas.
All that's missing is a bow.
Padlock's on the back.
Must be keeping something safe.
I don't see the driver.
He could be up front catching some "Z's.
" I ain't worried about no driver.
Grab the bolt cutters.
Driver's gone.
Moron must have run out of gas.
(LAUGHS) He's about to run out of what's inside.
We've got to call the cops.
We've got to get out of here! Patrol found them off an anonymous 911 call.
How long dead? They're fresh.
Not more than a couple of hours.
Any lD? Nothing on either of them.
The male appears to be late teens, early 20s.
Female's probably in her 20s.
Both Hispanic, both their throats slit, and both positive for fluids.
So, the killer interrupted them while they were having sex.
But the blood spatter proves Iover boy wasn't on top of her when the perp sliced them up.
So, he posed them for shock value.
He mutilate her breasts before or after she died? After.
The pooled blood indicates her heart had stopped by the time he carved her up.
But she was alive when he cut her throat.
I won't know if he raped her until the DNA comes back.
MALE OFFlCER: Here come the lights, folks.
That's weird.
She hung up her undies and not her clothes? I'll bet the perp did it.
He raped her, and wanted to make sure as hell we knew it.
WARNER: He's waving his flag.
Right in our face.
BENSON: Any luck lD-ing them? No hits on their prints in any database.
How about trace evidence? Won't know until DNA comes back.
But the only hairs found on Jane Doe's body are consistent with his.
Your rapist was extremely careful.
How so? She has defensive wounds on both her arms.
But nothing under her fingernails.
Bet he wore a condom, too.
So, she and John Doe are having sex when our slasher crashes the party, gets him out of the way so he can rape Jane Doe.
Killer's got a set of stones and his act down pat.
They never had a chance.
Mutilated breasts, slit throats, hanging lingerie Perp's too evolved for this to be his maiden voyage.
Tell that to ViCAP.
Nothing in their files comes close to this guy's pattern.
Alert SVUs in the other boroughs, every police agency in the northeast.
Do we know who owns this truck? Thing's had so many parts replaced it has five partial VlN numbers, not to mention stolen plates.
I'm working on it.
What the hell are you doing? What am I doing? I'm installing your phones.
You got the new Green Tech 8800.
I just figured out how to use the old one.
John, use the phone in the Media Room.
Where are we with Missing Persons? No one on their list matches any descriptions of our victims.
What about the 911 call? Made from a pay phone around the corner from the scene, probably by the same lowlifes who broke into the truck.
No usable prints.
The 25 canvassed.
They came up empty.
So, we've got squat until this guy butchers somebody else.
They weren't butchered.
Wound tracks were made by a thin, curved blade about an inch-and-a-half long.
Some kind of razor? More like a scalpel.
You can get one at any hobby store.
Scalpel's easy to hide, easy to use and lose.
And just what he needed to take out her breast implants.
How do you know he had those? I found healing incisions a couple of weeks old.
He took the time to steal her implants? Guy must have wanted a couple of trophies.
Or he's smart.
Knew we could lD her from the serial numbers.
Doctor who put them in should remember her.
Send Jane Doe's photo to every plastic surgeon in a hundred-mile radius.
What about identifying marks? Tattoo on his right arm with the initials "L.
" Looks like the grim reaper wearing a wedding veil.
Or La Santa Muerte.
"Death bride.
" Patron saint to Mexican drug dealers.
Any idea what the "L.
" stands for? I ran it through the databases.
No known Mexican gangs came up, but maybe it's the initials of Mr.
Send the ink and the fingerprints to the FBl.
If these two are in the country illegally, the Fibbies can squeeze the Mexicans for their records.
My guess? They're both American.
Why? Their dental work.
Definitely done here.
Find anything else? CSU did.
Hundreds of brown fibers mixed in with the blood on the truck floor.
The lab identified them as polyester fiber fill.
From the victims' clothing? Too low grade.
It's used mostly for stuffing pillows and cheap plush toys.
So, the fibers must be from whatever that truck hauled before it was turned into a mobile slaughterhouse.
How are we doing on the truck? Can't I continue to use my old phone? It won't work on the new system.
How I long for the days of rotary dial.
And I've been badgering One PP for new phones since Clinton was President, so get over it, John.
The quick start guide is in the front.
The truck.
Did you trace it? Ah! Fax just came in.
It's owned by a rental company in the Bronx.
Truck went out last week.
Was supposed to be returned last night.
Carlos Martinez.
Address Laredo, Texas.
Date of birth March '91.
It's our John Doe.
Your insurance company lets you rent to 18-year-olds? (SCOFFS) Screw the insurance company.
The kid left collateral.
Take a look.
My first car was a rusted-out Dodge Dart.
You're sure he's the owner? Registration matches his license.
Check it out.
That baby's going to look great in my driveway.
This baby's being impounded.
It's evidence in a murder investigation.
Hey, Detective, it was a fair trade.
How am I going to rent my truck when it looks like the inside of Dracula's refrigerator? Hose it out.
What did you find? The last place Carlos was searching for on his GPS.
It was a house out in South Ozone Park.
STABLER: A kid Carlos' age driving a car like that comes to a dump like this only for one reason.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, you.
Hey, kid.
Where are you going? Let go of me! STABLER: What's your name? Eduardo.
You live here? No.
Across the street.
All right.
So, what are you doing in there? Seeing if they left anything good.
Just this.
I'll check around the back.
So, when did they move out? Last night.
They were loading a truck.
So, is this them? Yeah.
He drove.
She bossed him around.
So, how long were they here for? Like, a week.
Bunch of people went in every night.
They were gone by the morning.
BENSON: El! I'll be taking this with me.
Come on.
Get out of here.
What, a marshmallow roast? Ass covering.
The rain last night must have put out their little campfire.
STABLER: Bunch of scales, glassine bags BENSON: It was a regular drug factory.
They must have set up shop, cut a load or two, and split.
Why would you ditch such nice digs? Why would our Jane Doe try to burn her driver's license? Her name is Ramona Rodriguez.
East 67th Street.
Ramona lives here.
Did something happen? She was murdered.
What? STABLER: Do you know what she was doing last night? No.
I barely knew her.
Wasn't she your roommate? If you want to call it that.
She rented my second room, but she was hardly ever here.
How did you meet her? I put an ad on Craigslist, and she gave me six months advance in cash.
And I'd lost my job, so I needed the money so I wouldn't lose this place.
Look, please don't tell my landlord, okay? Do you mind if we take a look around? Be my guest.
Her room's right back there.
Hardly lived in.
Or she sent her stuff home to Mexico.
The passport is still here.
This is a very busy girl.
Look at this.
Stamped at Kennedy last week, Mexico City two days earlier.
Bogota, Colombia before that.
Then, Mexico City.
Then, Bogota.
She burns her license outside a drug factory, and she's jet-setting around the narco axis of evil.
She was a mule.
You know, maybe she was smuggling heroin in those breast implants.
Contraband disguised as double D's? Wait a minute.
What was it Munch said about those fibers found at the crime scene? Everything from pillows to cheap plush toys? There's someone trying to get in my front door.
Lie down in the tub.
Stay there.
Drop the gun! Now! Detective Benson? Agent Porter? What the hell are you doing here? Trying to clear two murders.
Your turn.
Where's your warrant? Landlord let me in.
Exigent circumstances.
Teddy once carried half a kilo of Mexican black tar heroin.
Our Cl told us Carlos Martinez was holed up in that apartment.
Well, your informant owes you a freebie.
Carlos Martinez is dead.
When? Last night.
Somebody tried to give him a Colombian necktie before raping and murdering his girlfriend.
I don't know her, but Martinez was about to make our Ten Most Wanted list.
What for? Hey, Yo, this is Ramona, (SPEAKlNG SPANlSH) I don't want to be on no YouTube, Who you calling mocoso? I'm James Bond, baby, I lead a life of sex and danger, (RAMONA SPEAKlNG SPANlSH) Yeah, We'll see, You'd think that one of the Gulf Cartel's most prolific hit men could come up with a better pickup line.
An 18-year-old is a professional hitter? The "L.
" under La Santa Muerte in Carlos' tattoo stands for "Los Zetas," the Gulf Cartel's assassination wing.
Carlos Martinez has in Mexico, four in this country.
And that's only what we know about.
A kid dumb enough to put his face on a video.
PORTER: Carlos is the tip of the iceberg.
Cartel plucks them as young as 13 from Texas border towns like Laredo.
Promises them cash, hot cars, hotter women Tells them they can be Pablo Escobar.
Once they're sucked in, they go wherever their services are needed.
The Cartel sent Carlos here to kill who? Nobody.
He was protecting Ramona and her shipment of heroin-filled teddy bears.
From who? PORTER: The competition.
Until he got caught with his pants down, when he and Ramona stopped to have sex.
Rival crew slits their throats, cuts out her heroin-filled breast implants, hijacks the rest of the shipment, Ieaves the two of them there to rot.
So, you're pulling all of this out of your ass based on what? PORTER: Your rape tree.
Rape tree? The coyotes who smuggle Mexican illegals into this country often gang rape the women, then hang their victims' panties on trees to symbolize their conquest.
Are you suggesting that rape wasn't even a motivation here? That's right.
The killers staged it to look like a rape to mark their conquest of the Cartel's turf.
And these homicides are on ours, so let's not start a turf war of our own.
No problem.
You take the bodies, I'll follow the dope.
We'll keep each other in the loop.
CRAGEN: That works for me.
We're going to need some help on this.
Elliot, get on the phone to Narcotics.
Find out who's been moving black tar heroin.
Olivia Captain, can you just give me a minute? They're slow this time of night.
It's been a while, Olivia.
Yes, it has.
How are you? I can't complain.
You? About the same.
(ELEVATOR DlNGS) You have my number.
STABLER: Yeah, we all do.
Give him a break.
Let's see if he gives us one first.
You talk to Narcotics? Yeah.
Cragen wants us to get a warrant and finish tossing Ramona's place.
TERRl: What are you looking for now? We're looking for anything that might lead us to the people who killed Ramona.
Do you think that they might come here? Well, not if we find them first.
But you need to be safe.
So, is there anybody that you can stay with until this blows over? Yeah.
I'll pack a bag.
Your victim must have been homesick.
Why do you say that? She didn't listen to America's Top 40 on this.
It's a shortwave receiver.
Picks up stations from all over the world on a clear night.
And it's clean.
Do you have a screwdriver? What did you find? This baseboard has been messed with here.
I'm just going to Looks like our dead girl had a safe deposit box.
Commerce Bank of Manhattan.
So, when was the last time Ms.
Rodriguez opened this box? About two weeks ago, according to our records.
That's probably when she put this plane ticket in here.
It's Ramona's.
One way, Mexico City, Only thing in here.
All right.
We're going to give you a voucher for this.
The owner of the box is dead.
They're both dead? Has he been in here? No.
Another gentleman.
Two days ago.
BENSON: What's his name? (WOMAN READlNG) That's the Mexican version of John Q.
I can get you his real name if he's in the system.
Got some beautiful latent's here.
Hold on, El.
There's something else written here.
(BENSON READlNG) This afternoon.
That's the handle for Mexican lnternational Airways.
Mexican lnternational Airways has an inbound flight from Mexico City.
You and Olivia hustle over to Kennedy.
We'll have Porter meet you there.
STABLER: Got it, Call the airline.
Get the cargo manifest for MlA flight 256.
Then, alert Customs.
Ask them to allow anything suspicious to get through to the baggage claim.
(WOMAN SPEAKlNG lNDlSTlNCTLY ON PA) We've got five cardboard boxes coming down the pike.
Manifest have anything on that? Five cartons of children's toys.
Another load of teddy bears? It worked before, huh.
Okay, hold on.
We've got a taker.
Hispanic male, 20s, Black jacket, Blue striped shirt.
Black pants.
He's loading them onto a cart.
Going outside.
I've got him.
I'll call you when the shipment's rolling.
(CELL PHONE RlNGlNG) Yes, Captain.
We got a print hit off the safe deposit box.
Juan Pablo's real name is Manuel Rojas.
He's a lieutenant in the Gulf Cartel.
Munch just texted his photo to you and Elliot.
Got it.
Our boy and a compadre are loading the boxes into a red minivan.
Neither of them are Rojas.
Porter, you in position? Affirmative.
All units stand by.
The shipment is about to roll.
Stabler, get with Olivia.
Liv, hold on.
BENSON: What's going on? It's Rojas.
He's here.
Why now? The shipment's been picked up.
Maybe he wants to make sure the heroin is in before he leaves town.
On the same flight to Mexico Ramona was supposed to take.
STABLER: I wonder if he knows Ramona is not going to show up.
BENSON: Are you on him? No.
I think he's made me.
How fast can you get up here? At the counter.
Backup's on the way.
I wonder if you could help me.
My cell phone is a.
22 caliber gun.
Now you either come with me, or I start shooting innocent bystanders.
This is NYPD to Port Authority.
My partner has been made.
They're going down to the lower level.
There's nowhere to go.
Shut up and keep moving.
Go through this door.
Look out! They're going to come now, Rojas.
Not while I've got you.
Move! NYPD.
You all right? Yeah, he shot me in the vest with his cell.
He's got a woman.
My partner.
Can you radio for help? Yeah.
OFFlCER: Requesting backup immediately.
Parking lot, Terminal Four.
Suspect is on foot.
He's armed and dangerous.
He has a Police! Drop your weapons! Manuel! Back away! Manuel! Just take it easy, okay? Just calm down! Get these cops out of here.
(SlRENS WAlLlNG) I can do that.
You've got to let her go, though.
Do you think I'm stupid? No, absolutely not.
Absolutely not.
Now, look.
Just take it down a notch.
Tell me what you want.
We're leaving! Now! Manuel, I can't let you leave with her.
You know that.
Now, what else can I get you? I want a car brought here with my shipment inside.
Or I'll kill her.
Like you killed Ramona and Carlos? Shut up, you lying bitch.
BENSON: You have a gun to my head, Manuel.
Why would I lie to you now? I think that you're the one who's lying to me.
You found Ramona with Carlos and you slit their throats.
What? (GUNSHOT) (BENSON GROANS) Liv! Call a bus! Liv.
Are you hit? No.
No, the blood is his.
Thing shoots four.
22 caliber bullets right through the antenna.
It fires by pressing the numbers five through eight on the keypad.
The Cartel makes that? No.
Someone in the former Yugoslavia.
These things started showing up in Amsterdam and Slovenia over the last few years.
Somehow, this thing found its way south of the border.
BENSON: He said that he had a gun.
He threatened to kill innocent bystanders if I didn't go with him.
How were you made? I don't know.
I thought you were following the drugs.
Guys in the minivan spotted us.
We bagged them at the airport exit.
Then, I heard the Port Authority cops on the radio.
I told them to come back.
We're going to need your statements, Detectives.
It shouldn't take long.
I'll go first.
Nice shot.
You okay? I will be.
You got your murderer.
I just don't get why Rojas double-crossed Ramona and Carlos and killed them.
Rojas wasn't the double-crosser.
How do you know? Our informant.
Apparently, Ramona and Carlos got greedy.
So, it wasn't a rival cartel.
They were whacked by their own people for biting off the hand that fed them.
Ramona stole the teddy from one of their loads.
She and Carlos sold the heroin that was inside it.
Rojas got to them before they could hijack the shipment that we seized today.
They had the teddy bears.
Why would Ramona smuggle heroin inside her implants? These are people who build disposable submarines to smuggle drugs.
They're always looking for new ways to mule dope into this country.
Which is your turf, not ours.
Bottom line, this is over for SVU.
I'll forward you copies of all my reports, Captain.
Thank you.
You need a lift home? No.
I'm good, thanks.
Neither of you are going anywhere.
Chief of Ds wants your fives on his desk by 8:00 a.
Get typing.
The breakfast of champions is served.
I ever tell you you're a god? Partake of the god's nectar.
You can bow to me later.
How are we doing? Hmm.
Better now.
STABLER: We got our stories straight.
But it's not the whole story.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who pulled an all-nighter.
I found a third DNA profile in the blood from your murder truck.
Your killer wasn't as careful as I thought.
So? Rojas is dead.
He should be resting comfortably in your cooler by now.
The perp's not a man.
He was pressed up against me.
I didn't feel his pants, but it was a guy.
Well, he must have had a sex change.
Our mystery DNA is female.
Her blood was mixed in with the victims'.
You're saying Rojas didn't kill them? As far as I know, he was never in that truck.
But a second woman was.
WARNER: She left a couple of hairs, too.
At first, I thought they were Ramona's because they're also brown.
But the profile's different.
What woman savagely murders two drug runners? The same one that tried to convince us that she hardly knew Ramona and has the same hair color.
Her roommate, Terri Banes.
CRAGEN: Find her now.
I'll have Munch pull her financials and anything else we can find on her.
(SlGHS) Who are you calling? Porter? Yeah.
We said we'd keep him in the loop.
Yeah, when we got something.
Let's see just let this play out.
Terri? She usually comes home from work around 6:00.
So, call us when you see her? Yeah.
Hey, can I help you? Yeah.
Satellite TV.
We're moving our equipment from Terri Banes' apartment.
LANDLORD: She's moving out with less than 30 days notice.
She can kiss her security deposit goodbye.
I'll be right there.
Yeah, no rush.
I left something in the van.
El, where are you going? Hey, Space Cadet.
How much for the football package? Police! Stop.
(GRUNTS) What did he do? Installed the new phones in the Squad Room.
We've been set up.
Sweep every inch of this building.
TARU found a fourth mic buried in Terri's kitchen landline.
CRAGEN: I'll call you back, Where did these come from? Bought off the internet or your friendly neighborhood spy shop.
Picks up phone and room conversations within reasonable hearing distance, depending on the background noise.
And transmits how? Through the phone line.
Are these mics traceable? I'll run the serial numbers, but don't hold your breath.
Well, then he is all we've got.
And we've lD'd him off his prints.
Michael Garcia, 38.
Fifteen years in the El Paso Police Force.
The last three in their Tech Support Unit.
BENSON: Do you understand these rights as I've explained them to you? I know my rights.
And I have nothing to say.
PORTER: Hey, genius.
Every device you planted and every conversation you recorded equals five years in federal prison.
Buddy, you're up to three decades.
So, tell us who you're working for.
Maybe the U.
Attorney's Office will cut you a deal.
CRAGEN: Ramona and Carlos are murdered.
New phones get installed here the next day.
By someone who knew we caught the case.
And wanted to make sure we weren't getting too close to their heroin.
Gulf Cartel actively recruits rogue Texas cops.
They must have hired the guy to bug the place.
So they could hear every dam word we said.
Including that we were onto their shipment.
Cartel warned Rojas.
That's how they made us at the airport.
How does Terri Banes connect to all this? When I find out, I'll call you.
I mean, she's got to be part of the Cartel, which makes her my problem now.
Well, in our books, Terri Banes is a suspect in a double homicide.
PORTER: And you guys have done a great job.
We'll track her down.
If she's involved, I'll turn her over to you.
If she's involved? Her DNA's all over the truck.
We'll handle it.
I'll tell you what.
We can handle it.
CRAGEN: Take it easy.
The Cartel bugged your phones.
Do you see the reach these people have? Are you getting it now? I'll take the wiretapper, too.
Garcia's all yours.
So, that's it? Big shot Fed pats us on the head, we're supposed to bend over and take it? CRAGEN: Go home.
Both of you.
What is your problem? Porter's not going to tell us dick.
He's kept us in the loop.
Until he didn't.
He wants to cut us out until he can get to Terri before we do.
No way.
Come on.
You with me? What? You think I'm misreading Porter? Don't go to Terri's.
Whose side are you on? I mean, pull over.
Terri's on the move.
Can't blame her for not trusting the phones.
She was gone when TARU found the bugs.
How did she know? That's a good point.
She never even spoke.
She didn't put the phone to her mouth.
So, why is she wiping off prints? Let's ask her at the next stop.
So, she lives on the East Side, she drives 40 blocks north to buy groceries on the West Side? Stay here in case she comes out.
She switched carts with a guy.
He has the bag.
I'll get Terri.
Terri's going out the back exit! Grab the guy with the bag! I'll get her.
Move! Out of my way! Excuse me.
(SPEAKlNG SPANlSH) (SPEAKlNG SPANlSH) Ramona's breast implants.
(SPEAKlNG SPANlSH) I lost Terri.
Look in the bag.
I bet he knows where she's going.
Two hours in there and nothing? Nothing off his prints.
Wasn't carrying lD.
Won't tell us his name.
It's like he doesn't exist.
He's not going to lead us to Terri.
Well, put him in the cage.
Head over to TARU.
Morales has something, wants to stay off the phones.
MORALES: The call Terri made from that pay phone went to a pager.
BENSON: Traceable? MORALES: Disposable.
Afraid not.
STABLER: Is that what's so top secret? No.
Lab found this sealed in waterproof packaging inside your breast implant.
STABLER: A SlM card? Yeah, from a smart phone.
I've already cloned it.
And something on this is worth murdering two people for? It's a text message.
"See you at the museum at 5:00.
" It's actually in code, embedded in the dots of the colon and the period.
BENSON: Looks like a binary sequence.
That's what I thought, until I realized the number groups correspond with the numbers and letters of the alphabet.
"Alberto San Miguel, Jovellar y Espada.
Juanita Perret Clavel, 906.
"Carlos Ruiz, Flores 854.
" Contact information.
Names, addresses, phone numbers.
In what country? I told you to stay out of this.
You just in the neighborhood, or you following us? This is a warrant for any and all evidence recovered in the murder of Ramona Rodriguez.
Signed by a federal judge.
This is all I've got.
What the hell is going on? It's not your concern.
I'm telling you for the last time.
Back off.
MORALES: Now, I get it.
Get what? Get what? When I examined the bugs in your Squad Room phones, the serial numbers were sanded off.
It bothered me because normally the Cartel wouldn't bother to remove them.
But it's standard procedure for the FBl.
You're telling us Porter was bugging our phones? But he removed them before he found you here.
That son of a bitch has had us under visual surveillance.
Phone guy was working for Porter.
He concocted the whole story about the Cartel killing Ramona and Carlos.
That rat bastard knew all along that Terri murdered Ramona to stop her from smuggling the SlM card to Mexico.
So, why was Terri trying to get that card over to the guy in the supermarket? Let's go ask him.
Good luck.
He's been sprung.
By who? Patron saint of diplomatic immunity, the State Department.
And guess who's getting paid 61 grand a year by a company that only exists on paper.
Terri Banes.
You're saying Terri's employer is a front company? Not just a company.
The Company.
She works for the ClA.
$61,000 a year is what a midlevel analyst makes.
She's a spook all right, but she's spying on us.
For who? Cuba.
The names on that SlM card are probably American agents stationed there that she was going to give up to the Cubans.
Wait a minute.
Where do you get Cuba? You found a shortwave radio in her apartment, right? That's how Cuban spies all over the world get their instructions from the mother ship.
They also send coded messages to pagers from pay phones and make drops using the old shopping cart switcheroo, just like Terri.
Why would she give Ramona classified information to smuggle in her implants when she barely knew her? CRAGEN: More lies.
They both graduated Laredo High, Class of '98.
That's why Porter bugged us.
He wanted to know if we were getting close to Terri's secret.
Or Terri.
A million bucks says he knows where she is.
Thanks for the invite.
I'm glad you accepted.
Come in.
You look great.
Thank you.
Hey, this place looks great, too.
Last time I was here was Under very different circumstances.
(SOFT MUSlC PLAYlNG) You sure you don't want to go out? You know, I never get to cook for anyone.
So, if you don't mind Make yourself comfortable, and I'll get us something to drink.
PORTER: Yeah, great.
Thank you.
What's taking so long? He needs to be closer for the software to transfer.
Okay, here we go.
One more second.
And we're in.
Everything okay? That's weird.
I'm checking my phone, and my Bluetooth suddenly kicked in.
Really? What, are you going to Twitter this or something? How about you put that away? Cheers.
Software's uploading.
Let's see if it works.
You're a lot more relaxed than you were yesterday.
Thanks to you.
My caseload is two bodies lighter.
I'm sorry if I stepped on your toes.
Is that what this is about? An apology? No.
You helped me out of that mess with my brother.
You saved my life three days ago.
And I think that it's time that I properly thanked you.
We're good.
Do it.
(DlALlNG) (SlGHS) (CELL PHONE RlNGlNG) Don't answer it.
I have to.
That's Cragen's ring tone.
Yes, Captain.
Hang on.
Go ahead.
CRAGEN: We've got a line on Terri, I'm on my way.
Let me guess.
It's a rape-murder in Chelsea.
I've got to go.
I'm so sorry.
Me, too.
Rain check? Rain check.
I'm sorry.
He's gone.
Did he hear Cragen say Terri's name? I hope so.
I had the volume maxed out.
He did.
Software I put on his phone sends me every number he calls with the address, and he just dialed a landline at the Midtown Manor Hotel.
To warn Terri.
Police! Show us your hands.
Don't shoot! I'm not armed! You're under arrest for the murders of Ramona Rodriguez and Carlos Martinez.
I'm not a killer.
STABLER: You murdered both of them.
You carved her up to steal the SlM card.
We know everything, Terri.
The names on that card belong to American spies in Cuba, who you were going to sell out.
STABLER: Crying's not going to save you.
You're a traitor.
TERRl: No.
You have it all wrong.
STABLER: You're a liar.
Ramona was going to get that card to Cuban lntelligence.
To the Cuban resistance.
What does the Cuban resistance need with the names of American agents? So they can feed intelligence back to the U.
BENSON: Why didn't you take the card yourself? Because I'm an analyst on the ClA's Cuban desk.
If the Cubans knew I was there, they would have killed me.
So, you were going to get your old high school friend to do your dirty work for you? She already had experience as a drug mule.
(CRYlNG) No, no, no, no.
I didn't know that about her, okay? Ramona, she came to visit me in the city.
She said she had business.
I had no idea it was the Cartel's business.
So you asked your friend to be a spy, and we're expected to believe this.
Ramona wanted breast implants.
All right? And that's how I got the idea.
I offered her $50,000 plus the surgery paid in full to put the SlM card in the implants and smuggle it to Cuba.
She jumped at the chance.
How the hell did it turn into that? How did that happen? Because she started to blackmail me, and she asked me for more money.
I told her there wasn't any, and she didn't care.
She said, "What are you going to do? Cut them out of me?" So, you did.
TERRl: I had no choice! If the Cubans would have gotten that card, they would have killed our agents and an entire intelligence network would have been compromised.
But Ramona didn't care.
All she cared about was the money.
So that night, I followed her.
Look, I had to.
Okay? I had no choice.
You had peoples' lives in your hands and you entrusted them to some flake? I would have trusted Ramona with my life.
She wasn't just some friend.
She was my cousin.
We were like We were like sisters.
But then she got involved in drugs, and she changed.
I loved her.
I really did.
I loved her.
STABLER: All right.
The guy at the supermarket.
Who's he? Plan B? TERRl: No.
He was a Cuban attache stationed at their East Side mission.
He's a double agent.
I knew he could get the information back to the resistance.
How much of this did Dean Porter know? Everything.
After I killed Ramona and the boy, I called him.
And he told me to stage the bodies and hang Ramona's underwear up.
Terri, shut your mouth.
It's too late.
You prick.
Terri, let's go.
Wait, wait, wait.
You're not going anywhere.
Dean Porter, you're under arrest for accessory to murder.
No, he's not.
Captain CRAGEN: He is leaving with Ms.
There's a stairwell down to the alley behind the precinct.
She'll be waiting for you down there.
You're letting her walk? It's out of our hands.
Take her downstairs.
Captain, she murdered two people in cold blood.
CRAGEN: I just got an order.
Same one I'm giving you.
Let them go.
You heard him.
Go to hell.
Come on.
I'm sorry.
Is she lying, Dean? Or did you help cover up two murders? This is a matter of national security.
It's murder.
She did what she had to do.
Just like you did? With Manuel Rojas? He had a gun to your head.
Is that why you shot him? Or was it to stop him from telling us the truth? Which all leads back to you.
No matter what I tell you, you're never going to believe me.
I trusted you.
Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you trust me? Our feelings don't matter.

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