Law & Order Special Victims Unit s26e10 Episode Script

Master Key

In the criminal justice system,
sexually based offenses
are considered especially heinous.
In New York City, the
dedicated detectives
who investigate these vicious felonies
are members of an elite squad
known as the Special Victims Unit.
These are their stories.
All right, let's go, let's go.
- Time for bed.
- Five more minutes?
- Come on. How about 10?
- All right.
But I want you washed, brushed,
- and in your rooms.
- Yes, ma'am.
Franky, did you take your medicine?
Will you look at me so
I know you're listening?
I took it. Damn!
Does this look like
an indoor track to you?
My bad, Ms. Miller.
"My bad" is not an apology.
Just go to bed.
[SIGHS] Anybody seen Anthony?
Stomping on those cars like tin cans!
- Anthony, Eric!
Lights out.
I know, I know.
You seen Anthony?
Do I look like his zookeeper?
Well, where the hell is he?
I don't know.
When was the last time you saw him?
After school, I guess.
He left his phone here?
The truth, Eric, right now.
I'm done playing.
Missing kid is Anthony Reed, 16.
Who called it in?
Home director, Aurora Miller.
How'd this kid end up in the system?
Both parents deceased.
And I checked his juvie record.
- He's on probation.
- For what?
Assaulting a kid at
school two weeks ago.
Anthony left his cell behind?
Sent it to TARU.
But kid's got an ankle monitor.
His parole officer is tracking it.
All right.
Anthony's a good kid.
He can act tougher than he is.
When was the last time you saw him?
This morning, when he left for school.
Take us through his day today.
He was fine.
He finally went to school
without complaining
for a change.
And you confirmed
that he made it there?
First call I made, they
said it was a normal day.
Well, what made
you call it an abduction?
To be honest, I thought
you would respond faster.
And I found his phone in his room.
Do you know any teens that would
ditch their phone,
out of nowhere?
Who was the last person to see him?
His roommate.
He came back here for
about 20 minutes after school,
had a trash bag, threw
some clothes in and left.
- Did he tell you where he was headed?
- No.
And you didn't ask?
Me and Anthony
don't exactly get along.
Am I in trouble?
Just tell them what you told me.
After he walked out,
I look out the window and
see him get in some guy's car.
You see the driver pointing
a gun at Anthony or anything?
No, but, I thought I
saw him hug Anthony.
OK. Can you describe this guy?
Dad-looking dude, white, mustache.
What kind of car was he driving?
A gold minivan.
Did Anthony ever talk to
you about some old guy?
If I'd ever heard about it,
you'd better believe there
would have been a problem.
Probations just got a
last known on Anthony's ankle monitor.
Let's go.
- Have you seen this kid?
- He left.
An hour ago.
I was just on the
phone with Probations.
- And?
- Well, they're saying that
Anthony is at this location.
I'm telling you, he left.
Well, then his ankle
monitor must still be here.
This kid, how did he seem to you?
Kept looking around like
he was nervous or something.
With an older man?
White guy, mustache, comb-over.
They ordered burgers, sodas,
finished their food, left, drove away.
- Gold minivan?
- Yeah.
Any chance you got a
good look at the plate?
No, but it was New York.
- You sure?
- Yeah, definitely.
Someone had to have cut it off.
Whoever abducted him.

OK, so do you think we have
enough for an AMBER alert?
We got older, white male,
gold minivan, and New York plates.
Then I'll call it in.

So Anthony Reed has
been missing for 12 hours.
1PP wants an update.
Where are we with the surveillance?
Cameras in the fast food
joint couldn't see the car.
I'm checking street cams now.
And what about the older white male?
Is there anyone in his life
that fits that description?
Not that we could find.
Anthony's father was murdered
when he was ten years old,
and his mother died of a
fentanyl overdose a year later.
Kid's been in the system ever since.
Foster care, now the group home.
OK, what about his phone?
Mostly games, but we did find a
couple dozen unknown numbers.
The weird thing is
they're all from area codes
all over the U.S., not spam.
- OK, well, start calling them.
TARU found some
incriminating Google searches
- on Anthony's phone.
- Like what?
He was looking for tips on
how to remove an ankle monitor.
So was he abducted or,
was he trying to run away?
Did we talk to his parole officer?
He visited Anthony last week,
and he didn't notice
anything out of the ordinary.
Anthony lives in a group home,
so he must have appointments with CPS.
Yeah, his caseworker's name
is Michael Strickland.
Find out if he knows anything.
I was assigned to Anthony's case
when he was moved into
West Harlem Boys' Home.
He was 11.
What can you tell us about him?
[SCOFFS] He's had a tough life.
So we keep hearing.
You heard about his fight at school?
The assault charge? Yeah.
Anything you want to add?
Anthony said the kid
was making fun of him.
- For what?
- Take your pick.
Because he lives in a group home,
his dad was murdered,
he's got an old phone,
secondhand clothes.
Kids can be cruel.
How much contact do
you have with Anthony?
We meet once a week.
I do the best I can as his advocate.
Were you able to ID the
guy who took him yet?
Well, we're hoping you
could help us with that.
Anthony ever mention
an older white male?
Somebody he might
have been comfortable with,
enough to get in his car?
No. If he told me anything like that,
I'd be obligated to report it.
You seem pretty shaken up.
[SIGHS] I'm worried about him.
You're going to find him, right?
We're doing everything we can.
Hey, where are we with Anthony Reed?
Nothing from the AMBER Alert.
Well, the kid lives in a group home.
He's on house arrest.
Do we know how he
might have met this guy?
Well, we know predators
gravitate toward group homes.
Yeah, but nobody at this
group home has any idea
how Anthony might have
developed a friendship
- with an older man?
- Look, I don't know this kid.
But the level of trauma that
he's been through in his life,
it's very likely that he learned
how to compartmentalize.
- Captain. Got something.
- Yeah.
What do you got?
TARU pulled cams
from across the street
at the fast food place.
- And?
- Found this.
You get an ID?
Car's registered to Colin Clark,
age 56, address in Murray Hill.
- Criminal record?
- Nothing.
So if he's a sexual predator,
then he managed to
keep it under the radar.
So what are we looking at here?
He's grooming this kid?
From where I stand, yes.
I mean, that's worth a
warrant, isn't it, counselor?
I'll call the judge right now.
Bruno, update the AMBER
Alert with the plate number.
Curry, Velasco, have
ESU meet you at his house.
- NYPD! Open up!
- Mrs. Clark?
- Yes. What's going on?
We have a warrant
to search the premises.
Oh. For For what?
We're looking for a
missing 16-year-old boy.
Well, he's not in my house!
What about your husband? Is he here?
Oh, he's not here either.
OK, when's the last
time you talked to him?
Uh, yesterday.
He said he was going out of town.
To do what?
Go to a coin collector's convention.
Why are the police looking for him?
We think he might be
on the run with this boy.
Do you know anything about that?
Absolutely not.
I've never seen that
kid before in my life.
Place is clear. We found a laptop.
Listen, if you have any idea
where your husband might be,
now's the time to tell us.
Um, have you, uh,
asked the people he works with?
One of his employees?
Hey, that's Clark's minivan.
I called CSU. They're
on their way to search.
What about his cell?
Not picking up, but the
signal pings in this vicinity.
OK, so find out where he is.
On it, Captain.
All right, fan out, search the place.
We're looking for
this guy. You know him?
I think he's our locksmith. Why?
When's the last time you saw him?
I don't know.
OK, what about this kid?
No idea who that is.
All right, we need a list
of your unoccupied rooms.
Found something in room 2B.
All right.

We got an open door.

Let's move.



You ready?

Well, we found Colin.
So did a bullet.
OK, where's Anthony?
Call the ME.

You hear that?

Open up!
We're coming in! Go.
- All right!
- Don't move! Put the weapon down!
- Hey!
- Put it down!
- Put the gun down now!
- Do it slowly!
We're here to help you, OK?

Anthony, I'm going to need
you to put the gun down, all right?
I need you to put the
gun down right now.

Hey, look at me.
Look at me.

I need you to give me the gun, OK?
Anthony, I'm going to come in,
and I'm going to
take the gun from you.
It's going to be OK.

Don't hurt him. Don't hurt him.
FBI. Get back.
- Hey.
- Do not hurt him.

Do you understand
your rights, Anthony?
From what I know,
it's just a fancy way
of saying I'm about to get screwed.
I'm going to make
sure that doesn't happen.
[SCOFFS] Do I even need a lawyer?
Yeah, you do, son.
So let's talk about Colin Clark.
How did you two meet?
When he kidnapped me off the street.
OK, so tell us about that.
I was on my way out, and
he pulled me into his car.
And he just happened to be there
at the exact moment that you left?
You'd be surprised how many pervs
hang out in front of our building.
But the thing is, Anthony,
is that your roommate said
that he saw the guy,
who we found murdered
in that hotel room, hug you.
[SCOFFS] Hug me?
The guy grabbed me,
dragged me into his minivan.
He He had a gun.
That must have been scary.
It was.
How come you left your phone behind?
Because I was thinking
about running away for weeks.
How come?
You ever been inside a boys' home?
I have.
Then you know what
those places are like.
OK, so Colin forced
you into the minivan.
Who took off your ankle monitor?
He did.
Ditched it in some fast food place
while he was stuffing
his face with cheese fries.
Yeah, we know. We found it.
He took it off.
He said no one was
ever going to find me.
Yeah, but you wanted
it off, too, didn't you?
What do you mean?
Well, we found some
searches in your phone.
Big deal.
Like I said, I was trying to run away.
If you had that stupid thing on you,
wouldn't you try to take it off?
Got it. Thanks.
Well, the license division
verified that the gun
was registered to Colin Clark.
And the guys down at Ballistics said
the only rounds put through it
were the ones used to kill him.
How long has he owned it?
Five years.
That's what you call a "safe queen."
A lot of people buy guns,
lock them away, and never use them.
Well, he allegedly did
use it to abduct a teenager.
So this kid somehow
gets a hold of the gun,
shoots Clark, the
locksmith, in self-defense?
So my question is,
why didn't the kid just
bolt from the motel?
He feels
And that's why he
covered him with a sheet.
Yeah, I don't think
he was shot in that bed.
I think he was shot right here.
So did this kid pull a
200-pound man up onto the bed?
Oh, maybe he did.
Maybe he didn't.
What are you thinking?
There was somebody else here?
It's just a theory.
Unless you have a way to disprove it.
Benson and Carisi
are with the kid now.
I'll fill her in.
OK. Thanks, Bruno.
So Bruno and Silva found
something at the crime scene.
You mean motel
where my underage client
was taken against his will.
So why don't you tell
us about that, Anthony?
He drove us to this motel.
Must have planned it
'cause he already had a room.
Held a gun on me, made
me come inside with him.
And then, what happened?
He said he didn't feel well.
He went into the bathroom.
OK. And what did you do?
His jacket was on a chair.
Grabbed the gun out of the pocket
and waited for him to come back out.
And when he did?
Lucky for me, he just went in to bed.
And boom.
I shot him.
Look, I didn't have a choice.
I was afraid he was going to
bury me in the woods somewhere.
So just to be clear,
you shot Colin Clark,
while he was lying in the bed?
- Yeah.
- Uh-huh.
So the problem with that, Anthony,
is that my detectives at the scene
they think that he
was shot on the floor.
Then they must be stupid.
And if they're right,
that means somebody
must have moved him onto the bed.
Did you do that?
Do I have to answer that?
You don't have to answer
anything you don't want to.
We're done for now, Captain.
I want to speak to my client.

Bruno and Silva think
that Colin's body was
placed in the bed postmortem.
What, from a pool of blood?
The guy was shot on the floor.
Explains the kid's
lack of a coherent story.
- And he had gun residue on his hand.
- He did, he did.
But he's not denying
that he was the shooter.
Something about this is not adding up.
You believe his self-defense story?
Look, he's 16.
- And Colin had a gun.
- So yes.
Until I have proof otherwise, yes.
I'd like some actual
evidence myself at this point.
Well, the gun is at Ballistics
getting tested for prints
and Bruno and Silva are
on their way to the ME.
Soon as I know
anything, I'll let you know.
In the meantime, once
Anthony clears medically,
I'm sending him to juvie.
Carisi, we need
him to tell us the truth.
And by locking him up, he's
not going to trust us anymore.
Until I can determine whether
or not this is self-defense,
we don't have a choice.
The bullet went
through the ventral side
of the forearm, exited the
dorsal side into his chest.
Cause of death: Exsanguination
due to a perforating injury
of the left pulmonary artery.
So he was aware the
gun was pointed at him,
and he raised his arms defensively?
If I had to hazard a guess.
Do we have a time of death?
Based on internal temp and lividity,
I'd estimate about two
hours before you found him.
What about the bruising on his face?
Someone hit him?
It wasn't a fist.
A lot of power.
Maybe an elbow.
Well, judging from the
blood smears at the scene,
it looked like the body
was moved postmortem
from the floor to the bed.
What I can confirm
the angle of the
bullet was from above.
So he was lying on the
floor when he was shot.
Not lying.
The entrance wound on
his forearm was downward.
The victim threw up
his arm, suggesting
he was on his knees when he was shot.
And this kid's still
claiming self-defense?
According to Benson.
Oh, well, good luck with that.
I'm ruling manner
of death was homicide.
If it was self-defense,
that is up to you guys.
So the ME said,
that Colin was
on his knees when he was shot,
and she confirmed that
the body was likely moved
from the floor to the bed.
None of which match Anthony's story.
What about Ballistics?
There were two clear
sets of prints on the gun,
Colin's and Anthony's.
They also found a partial print,
- possibly male.
- OK, anything in the system?
Eh, there was not enough data
on the partial to make a match,
so the lab's still working.
So it's possible that
Anthony wasn't the shooter.
With this kid, anything's possible.
Are there any witnesses?
Any footage from the motel?
- And nobody heard the gunshot?
- No.
Only two other guests at the time,
and they were on another floor.
The place charges by the hour.
No cameras for a reason.
Clark never even
stopped by the front desk.
He was their locksmith,
had a master key,
just helped himself to an empty room.
TARU just sent over what
they found on his laptop.
Texts sent to and from Anthony.
Anthony must have
deleted them from his phone.
"Let's go cross country,"
"start fresh in California."
There's more.
"I love you."
So they were in some
kind of relationship.
You said it yourself, Carisi.
This guy's been
grooming him all along.
Only one way to know for sure.
Let's go talk to him again.
I already told you.
That perv kidnapped
me right off the street.
- So you never met him before?
- No.
And you never
communicated with him before?
- Never.
- Never. OK.
So maybe you can, uh, explain
these texts to us, Anthony.
Where'd you get those?
Why don't you let Anthony explain?
I didn't write any of those.
Anthony, if you had a
prior relationship with him,
it is not your fault.
You were 16. He was a grown man.
The only thing that we care about
is what happened in that hotel room.
That is it.
- I'd advise you to answer, Anthony.
- OK, OK.
Colin didn't snatch me off the street.
I went with him,
like my roommate said.
So what was the plan?
I was going to lead him on,
get him to take me cross country.
Mm-hmm. We know.
Why California?
Never been there.
So this seedy motel in East Harlem,
that was just the
The first stop on your journey?
He said we had to stay
in the motel for a few nights,
let things blow over with his wife,
and make sure the police
weren't looking for me.
Anthony, tell us exactly what happened
the night that Colin was shot, OK?
And if you did kill him
I-I heard him on the phone
with his wife, and she was
She was crying for him to come home.
No, we know that's a lie.
- How?
- Because we talked to her.
Colin wouldn't let me leave, so I
I grabbed the gun,
closed my eyes, and I just shot.
So the problem with that
is that we found another
fingerprint on the gun.
Was there someone else in
the room last night, Anthony?
If there was, don't
you think I'd tell you?
No. You've been lying to me all along.
You're still lying to me.
You can't see in my head.
Then tell us.
Tell us what's in your head.
And tell us the truth.
Not another lie.
You want to know what's a lie?
No, no, that-that
badge you're wearing.
This place
Juvie, foster care, CPS all of it.
That's the real lie
that any of you care.

Now, just leave me alone.
- Anthony.
- No, just leave me alone.

Well, that didn't go as I'd hoped.
Well, he's clearly terrified.
You think he's covering for someone?
Yeah, I do.
Whoever actually murdered Colin Clark.
Is there anything from the
Eighth Floor on Anthony's case?
Now that Anthony admitted that
he wasn't taken against his will,
it's going to be tough to prove
- self-defense.
- Hold on.
They're seriously
considering a murder charge?
I don't love it either,
but Anthony's standing
by his confession, all right?
And he was found
with a gun in his hand.
Anthony was manipulated by Colin
and, possibly whoever
else was in that room.
This mystery man who we
can't find who doesn't have a name.
He left a partial on the gun.
Yeah, and for all we know,
that could have been left
by the gun dealer who
handled the weapon
before he sold it to Colin.
- I know.
I know. We're tracking it down.
Well, until you do,
to the brass, he's just
a juvenile offender who
seems to be escalating.
Not to mention Anthony
keeps rewriting the story.
Anthony was
traumatized his entire life.
Wouldn't you want a different story?
I get it, but there's
not a lot I can do
without his cooperation.
Or a viable suspect.
So how about we find one?
We tracked down the gun store
where Colin got the weapon?
None of the employees' prints
were a match to the
partial on the gun.
So far, all we have
is a kid who won't talk
and a dead perp who can't.
And nothing concrete
to indicate a third party
- was involved.
- OK, so maybe we have to go
at this from a different angle.
- How do you mean?
- Look, whoever this third guy is,
Anthony seems terrified
to give him up, so maybe
Maybe he has some kind of hold on him.
Maybe whoever he is
is trying to keep the
pressure on Anthony.
Have we checked
the juvie visitation logs?
Yeah. Logs only show one visitor,
Aurora Miller, group home director.
All right. Start with her.
I visited Anthony yesterday.
I couldn't get anything out of him.
Did he really shoot that man?
As of now, he's the only suspect.
Well, Anthony can be a little spiky,
but I don't think he'd
actually ever hurt anyone.
Really? Then, uh
Why did he hit that kid at school?
Did you ever see an ankle monitor
on the leg of a perfect angel?
The kid was older.
Anthony has an issue with older boys.
Why is that?
After Anthony's mother died,
he was placed in a foster family.
A year later,
it comes to light that
Anthony was sexually abused
by one of the older sons.
Did, uh, police ever get involved?
I'm not sure.
He doesn't like to talk about it.
Then how did you find out about it?
His social worker, Michael Strickland,
pulled it out of him.
Michael told me.
He's been working with Anthony
since he came to the
West Harlem Boys' Home.
Michael really tried to help Anthony,
but sometimes dredging up the past,
just makes things worse.

Look, what happened to Anthony
is a failure of the whole system.
The kid just fell through the cracks.
But Michael Strickland
has been his social worker
- since the age of 11.
- Yes.
Any complaints on Michael's record?
But this is Child Protective Services.
Even Buddha couldn't
do this job with a smile.
So what were Michael's
complaints about?
There were a few foster parents
who thought Michael focused
a little too much on the kids.
Define "too much."
Going above and beyond,
big brother kind of stuff
taking them for ice cream, pizza.
He ever do that with Anthony?
Look, Michael gets results.
Most kids improve under his care.
So why didn't Anthony?
I'm happy to look into it.
No need to. We'll take care of it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Michael Strickland.
Is this about Anthony?
- Horrible what happened.
- About that.
We'd like to ask you a few questions.
I already talked to SVU
detectives the other day.
Well, we have a few more
things we want to ask you.
Like what?
Like what was the extent
of your relationship with Anthony?
I'm growing uncomfortable
with this line of questioning.
Well, let us ask you
something a little more snugly.
Where were you the
night Colin Clark was shot,
and Anthony was found
with a gun in his hand?
Yeah, I I was at
home in my apartment.
Anyone you live with that can verify?
Look, I already told
you everything that I know.
What do you want from me?
Here's the thing, Michael.
An unidentified partial print
was found on the gun
used to shoot Colin.
It's my first time even
hearing that name.
Your prints are in the system.
So what is the lab going to find
when they start matching
that partial to you?
I I think I should get a lawyer.
I've done nothing wrong. I
was looking out for the kid.
What we want to know
is, were you anywhere near
the Cityscape Motel two nights ago?
If he was,
my client was just trying
to help a kid in trouble.
Oh, yeah, we heard that, too.
Older man who goes above and beyond
for the young boys in his care.
How far beyond is the question.
There was a partial found on the gun
that the lab is working
on as we speak.
So we can either wait for the lab,
or your client can agree to cooperate.
Well, that's why we're here.
We're listening.
Those were my prints on the gun,
because I was at the motel that night,
but I didn't kill Colin Clark.
Anthony did.
It It wasn't Anthony's fault.
He called me from the motel.
And when I got there, he
and Colin were together,
in bed.

Then what?
[SIGHS] I was furious.
I yelled at Colin, and
he pulled out his gun.
We struggled.
I knocked it out of his hand.
And where was Anthony?
He must have picked up the gun.
The next thing I knew, it went off,
and Anthony's finger
was on the trigger.
Why didn't you call the police?
I realize now I should have.
You're a CPS social worker.
I know. It was wrong.
I didn't want to implicate Anthony.
Oh, my God, this guy
- is so full of it.
- Yeah, that may be so.
But until we can prove
it, this is still on Anthony.
Anthony has been failed
by the system his entire life.
I'm not about to let
that happen again.

And where was Anthony?
He must have picked up the gun.
The next thing I knew, it went off,
and, Anthony's finger
was on the trigger.
So what do you think of that, Anthony?
- I don't know.
- You don't know?
Clearly, this social
worker is lying to you.
We need to hear that from Anthony.
Anthony, we are
trying to help you, OK?
I didn't ask you for it, all right?
I don't need anyone's help.
Was Michael in that motel room?
Look, we know you didn't
have your cell phone on you.
So we can just check
the motel phone logs
Yeah, OK. I
- I called him.
- Why?
Explain that to me.
You told us that you were
going to run away with Colin.
I was. But I was scared.
Like, I
I changed my mind.
So you called Michael
to, what, come pick you up?
To come rescue you?

Michael has some kind of hold on you.
He groomed you, too, didn't he?
Like you're trying to do right now?
- Anthony, just tell them.
- Tell them what?
- That you didn't kill Colin.
- I can't say that!
Why not? Why not?
If that's what happened?

I-I'm done.
I'm done talking about this right now.
It's OK. It's OK.
It's OK.

I'm just asking you to
tell me the truth, that's all.
Just tell me the truth.
Will you stop protecting Michael?
Anthony, you can get out of here.
Go where?
I got nobody.
You got me.

You got my team of detectives.
You've got those two
lawyers right there.
All of us want to do is just help you.

- Help me do what?
- To have a chance at a life.

A chance.

I don't want it.

So this is some kind of sick triangle?
It explains why
Michael killed Colin, right?
- Jealousy.
- Yeah, but then,
why would Anthony
still be protecting Michael?
Because under all that pain
is a scared little boy
still in need of a family.
Well, he's not helping himself
by continuing to lie to us.
I guess we're just going to have to
find the answers on our own.
Michael Strickland
admitted to being in the room,
his prints are on the gun,
and we still can't
charge him for murder.
I think that Anthony knows that.
That's why he's not
retracting his confession.
So you're saying that
- he's protecting this guy?
- Yes.
For complicated reasons, yes.
Listen, whether he's some
kind of father figure to Anthony,
or a boyfriend, it
doesn't really matter.
Either way, the kid is messed up.
OK, what are we missing
about Michael Strickland?
No record.
Been with CPS for ten years.
A few complaints about
spending too much time socially
with some of the kids in his care.
Nothing that crossed the line.
Well, the night that Colin was shot,
it can't be the first
time that they met.
Any prior beef between these two men?
If there's a connection between
them, we haven't found it.
Well, what about all
the numbers in his phone?
I called the listed numbers.
What I got was a lot
of confused people
who said they didn't know
what I was talking about.
- A bunch of liars.
- Mm-hmm.
It's a lot of random numbers
for a kid who has no
friends and no family
to have in his phone.
OK, so what are you thinking?
Well, we know that Colin
was sexually involved with this kid.
We know that Colin's number
was also in the kid's phone.
Maybe Anthony was turning tricks.
Which explains why
the numbers I called
were connected to men who
claimed not to know anything.
Follow up.

So anything in common
between all those
random phone numbers?
They all pinged off cell towers
the same weekend big events
were happening in the city.
So like football games,
car shows, conventions,
- stuff like that?
- Exactly.
That would fit our
sex trafficking theory.
Did you find Anthony's
number on any escort sites?
- No.
- How about Michael Strickland?
I found this on Craigslist.
My God.
That's Anthony, but it looks
like from a few years ago.
With a contact number
we traced back to Michael Strickland.
So, you can prove definitively
that Michael Strickland
was the go-between?
And Not just for Anthony Reed.

How many kids was
this guy trafficking?
Boys, girls,
all in the Child Protective
Services system.
We've talked about this before.
No, I told you to leave me alone!
Anthony, please, hear them out.
We're not giving up on you.
Or the other kids involved.
[SCOFFS] Other Other kids?
That's what we came here to tell you.
You weren't the only kid
that Michael was working.
He was trafficking other kids,
and some of them, were
even in your group home.
- You're lying.
- No.
Anthony, I wish that we were.
Listen to us.
I know that the system failed you.
Now, I've been working in
New York City for 30 years.
Believe me when I tell you I
understand broken systems.
But all I can do is
try to make it better.
I know that you feel alone.
I know that you think
that you have to be tough,
and push the world away
to keep yourself safe.
But you, and these other kids
live in that group home together.
So it's not just you.
So I'm asking you,
to tell me, how you really met Colin.
Tell me.
I met him on Craigslist.
- He was nice to me.
- OK.
He wanted to
He wanted to help me.
He said I had choices.
I tried to get away from Michael by
punching that kid in school.
So you got put on
probation on purpose?
So you would have to
wear an ankle monitor.
So Michael couldn't traffic you.
Anthony, if you wanted to get away,
then why did you call
Michael from the motel room?
I panicked.
It was a mistake.

Michael asked me to make a choice.
He made Colin get on his knees.
Then he put the gun in my hand.

He told me to shoot him.
But I couldn't.

Because you're not a killer.
CARISI: Anthony.
How did Colin wind up dead?
[SIGHS] Michael
Put his hand on mine.
And he made me squeeze the trigger.

And who put him in the bed?
Michael did.
He told me if anybody asked about it,
that I should say
That Colin was raping me
In the bed.

If you're looking for Michael,
he's with one of his kids.
Yeah, that's what we're afraid of.
Tell him the session's over.
Will told me you guys went
to the arcade the other day.
- I want to go.
- We could do that.
Franky, come with me.
But Mr. Strickland and I were talking.
It's all right, Franky. You go ahead.
- What's going on?
- You're under arrest.
For what?
- Child sex trafficking.
- No, no, no.
Look, I work with kids for a living.
My whole life is devoted to service.
Yeah, and we got a whole phone book
full of out-of-state Johns,
who'd be willing to
testify to that very fact,
just to save their own asses.
On top of that, you're looking
at a potential murder charge.
Oh, that's right,
we forgot to tell you.
Anthony turned on you.
Passing the baton.
He's all yours.
How you doing, Michael?
I didn't think I'd see this guy again.
- Did you?
- Yeah, I did.
OK, why am I here?
For doing my job?
Protecting my kids?
Your kids.
That is pretty
possessive, don't you think?
We all know why we're
here, let's just get to it.
Aside from the multiple witnesses
on the sex trafficking
charges, including Anthony
Well, Anthony didn't do anything
that he didn't want to do.
He's 16.
Which is why I was trying to save him.
Look, all those numbers that you found
were couples looking
to adopt an adolescent.
Do you know how hard it is to
get someone to adopt a teen?
Oh, you know what? I
think I owe you an apology.
We got this all wrong.
All along, you were
trying to do this kid a favor.
OK, let's be clear.
Colin Clark simply wanted
to adopt Anthony Reed.
Well, a bullet is a
strange way to vet a parent,
- don't you think?
- Not only that.
We found your online ads.
The ones where you
escort children to rapists.
OK, uh
OK, OK, but I
I didn't kill anybody.
That's not what Anthony said.
Wait, I-I can't believe
you'd fall for that crap.
The kid is a pathological liar.
Oh, and you would know that how?
'Cause I've been his
advocate since he was 11.
Oof, that's pretty
sick, if you ask me.
Look, no, what I mean is,
I-I know his psych
history better than anybody.
That's a good way
to cover your tracks,
and, at the very least,
help your lawyer out in court.
Oh, she's not going to be
able to help you with this one.
We got a couple dozen cops
ripping your house apart right now.
No, look, I
I love that kid.
You know what you love?
What he's earned for you.
That's what you love.
You weren't trying to
defend Anthony from Colin.
You just didn't want
anyone to find out
about your little side hustle.
OK. Have you seen enough, Carisi?
This guy's a pimp.
He shot Colin to
protect his own business.
Anthony was his biggest asset.
But if this goes to
court, he's one of ours.
You want to put Anthony on the stand?
Counselor, hasn't he
been through enough?
Yeah, he has.
All right, I know this lawyer.
She can't stand losing.
She'll push for a deal.
All right, let's go.
Let's go.
Time for bed.
Come on, everybody.
- Come on, guys.
- Five more minutes.
- How about ten?
- All right, but I want you washed,
- brushed, and in your rooms.
- Yes, ma'am.
Franky, look at me so
I know you're listening.
- Fine.
- Take your medicine.
[SIGHS] Where is Anthony?
He's still in his room with that lady.
Sorry to interrupt.
- It's lights out.
- Oh, OK. Thank you.
I'll I'll be out of
here in a few minutes.
Take as much time as you need.
No more roommate.
I wish I could blame
it on my bad behavior,
but, he got adopted.
Well, good for him.
It almost gives me hope.
You know, I'm rooting
for you, Anthony.
And the system is broken,
but not beyond repair.
And neither are you.
You take care of yourself.

Hey, Captain Benson?

I'm sorry I lied to you.

Well, I wouldn't lie
to Ms. Miller anymore.

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