Legend of the Seeker s01e15 Episode Script


Why have you been unable to locate the third Box of Orden or the Wizard Zeddicus? The tracer cloud our sorcerers sent out has been unsuccessful in finding either, My Lord.
But we are redoubling our efforts.
The Wizard will not evade us much longer.
Lord Rahl, think of what you've accomplished even without all three boxes.
You've conquered two territories and the resistance will soon be crushed.
I don't want to crush them, Egremont.
The Seeker has poisoned the minds of the people with this misguided notion that I want to do them harm, when all I want to do is bring them peace.
At least My Lord can take comfort in the news that the Seeker no longer stands in our way.
Tell me, Egremont, do you really believe the Seeker is dead? You're alive.
Thank the Spirits.
Messengers have been spreading word that you abandoned your quest, fled back across the Boundary, and died there.
We want him to believe that so he'll let his guard down, stop hunting me, - at least for a while.
- We knew we could trust you.
Of course.
Anything for the Seeker.
We're heading for the Keep of Edraan.
- Can you take us there? - The Keep of Edraan? That's a place most people would do anything to avoid.
We don't have that luxury.
My family was abducted in Hartland, sent there as prisoners.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
- They won't be prisoners much longer.
It won't be easy getting in.
Won't be easy for those D'Haran bastards to keep me out.
We could take that patrol, storm the place.
Easy, Chase.
We don't wanna rattle the hive until we deal with the hornets inside.
What exactly goes on in there? No one really knows.
That's why I had you assigned here, Bram.
So you could witness Giller's twisted alchemy for yourself.
I'd hoped your accounts of what went on here were exaggerated, Uncle.
- But that woman - That woman was one of the lucky ones.
At least she died.
And the more Rahl pushes Giller for results, the more sadistic his experiments become.
For too long, I've sat idly by while Rahl has waged his war in the name of peace.
And now I'm supposed to watch as he has his Wizard butcher defenseless women and children? Lord Rahl must have his reasons.
If Giller succeeds, Rahl will no longer need the Boxes of Orden to control us all.
We'll all be enslaved to his will.
Captain Ericon.
Inform Lord Rahl that we are making progress despite today's disappointment.
Yes, Wizard.
We're running out of places to bury Giller's disappointments.
You're right.
This is madness.
But defying Rahl is just as insane.
If we don't act soon, defying Rahl will no longer be an option.
Lord Rahl, word from Edraan.
It appears Wizard Giller might have more success if he had the proper motivation.
Send a reply.
My dear Giller What is it? When the Constellation of Pirion aligns, Lord Rahl will arrive at the Keep.
He's coming to oversee Giller's work personally.
And when he gets here, we're going to kill him.
Command me, Confessor.
The prisoners ar a dungeon just below the Keep.
Is my family among them? Are they all right? I don't know.
There are many women and children held inside.
The only time I've seen the prisoners is when their bodies are taken out to be buried.
- If anything's happened - We're going to get them out.
Some of my men in the resistance intercepted a shipment of Dragon's Breath last week.
You think we could blast our way into the Keep? There's enough to blast it back to D'Hara.
- We might end up killing the prisoners.
- Then how? The Keep doesn't even have windows.
Without windows, how is it lit? Oil lamps fed through pipes from a cistern.
Cutting off the flow of oil would plunge the Keep into darkness.
Can't stop us freeing the prisoners if they can't see us doing it.
Some of my men are ready to act.
But we need you.
You grew up with Rahl.
You're his oldest friend.
The abuses inflicted upon me were not acts of friendship.
Rahl trusts you.
And when he arrives, he'll grant you a private audience.
He clearly has a special place in his heart for you.
- Rahl has no heart.
- Of course he does.
And when he embraces you, you'll plunge your dagger into it.
That's suicide.
Rahl's guards will be just outside the door.
My men and I will kill the guards while you're inside.
- What about Giller? - We'll kill the Wizard, blame him for the assassination.
No one will question it.
Remember, Giller once swore allegiance to the Confessors.
And now.
Keep the entrance covered.
Think of your son.
When he comes of age, he will be conscripted.
Are you willing to sacrifice him for this pointless, brutal war? I'm not.
I'm with you, Uncle.
Emma? Laura? Who's there? - Thank the Spirits, I've found you.
- Chase? I don't believe it.
We're going to get you out of here.
All of you.
But you have to follow our footsteps and stay very quiet.
I want that leak repaired.
We're trying to relight the lamps.
Check the dungeon.
They've gone.
All of them.
Lord Rahl arrives tomorrow.
I can try to delay his visit, but if we have nothing to show him, our blood will be used as ink for his Journey Book.
The prisoners can't have gone far.
Then find them.
We can rest here for a moment.
I missed you all so much.
Every day I prayed to see you again.
I was afraid I'd never see you again.
Nothing could stop me from finding you.
Father, what's wrong? His heartbeat's weak.
And he's burning up.
But he's still alive.
It's the Wizard's doing.
He performed dark magic on my mother and many of the others.
Did I do this to Chase? I don't know.
All I did was kiss him.
- This Wizard, do you know his name? - They call him Giller.
- You've heard of him? - He used to serve the Confessors, until he sold his services to Rahl.
What did he do to you? What is that? Some kind of magic.
I've never seen it before.
You've got to help my husband.
There's a healer half a day's ride to the east.
That's heading right back towards the D'Harans.
We have to risk it.
Chase could die without help.
Track close to the river.
The prisoners will need a water source.
If you're opposed to Giller's experiments, shouldn't we let the prisoners remain free? Without those prisoners, Rahl will have no reason to journey to Edraan.
Our plan depends on their recapture.
Maybe you shouldn't touch him at least until we know exactly what Giller did to you.
I prayed to the Spirits every day that I'd see Chase again and now I can't even comfort him? I know how hard this is, Emma.
Is there anything we can do? Hopefully this healer will be able to help Chase.
And will he be able to do anything for me? Will I be able to hold the man that I love again? To kiss him again? - Stop.
- What is it? We're not alone.
Are you sure? Get them out of here.
The D'Harans are close.
Get them! The Seeker.
We're on your side! You fools.
You just killed the man who was gonna kill Darken Rahl.
Lord Rahl, we've received word from the Wizard Giller.
He wishes you to delay your journey to the Keep.
He would like more time.
He's had enough time.
Tell him I'll be arriving as planned.
Rahl's coming here? Tonight.
When the Constellation of Pirion reaches full alignment, Rahl will arrive at the Keep.
Where he would have been greeted by my nephew with a dagger to his chest.
I believe he's telling the truth.
What's so important that would cause Rahl to come? Rahl thinks Giller is on the verge of succeeding.
At what? Making a Confessor.
That's what he was trying to do with Emma.
A Confessor's power comes from love.
When Emma kissed Chase, she unleashed it.
But she didn't Confess Chase.
She nearly killed him.
Giller hasn't succeeded in creating a Confessor, only aberrations.
How is that possible? Giller's uncovered the ancient magic that was used to create the first Confessor.
The Shurkia? The Shurkia are magical tools of immense power.
Rahl has grown increasingly impatient.
If he cannot have the three Boxes, he wants the power of a Confessor.
And now that Giller has the Shurkia, Rahl will soon have that power.
He'll be able to bend anyone to his will with a single touch.
And his dominion over this world will be complete.
Because when Rahl arrives, I'll be waiting for him.
You can get me inside the Keep.
And I'll kill him.
And you would fulfill the Prophecy.
You won't be able to get near him.
He's too well-guarded.
The one man who could have gotten close enough to kill him was my nephew.
And our best chance died with him.
Maybe we don't have to get close to Rahl to kill him.
Devlin said the resistance had captured some Dragon's Breath.
Enough to bring down the Keep.
You two can smuggle the Dragon's Breath inside.
And once Rahl arrives, we destroy the Keep along with Rahl, Giller and the magic used to create the Confessors.
We need Giller alive.
If he used the Shurkia to put magic into Emma, he might be the only one who can take it out.
Well, if we can get you inside close enough to Confess Giller, then we can get him out before we turn the Keep into rubble.
There's only one problem: Giller ordered me not to return without the escaped prisoners.
If Giller wants prisoners, we'll just have to give him some.
While we're gone, Devlin will try to find a healer and come back for Chase.
I'm coming with you.
One prisoner won't fool Giller.
You need a prisoner that he knows.
I'm coming too.
You can't go back there.
We have to.
It's the only way.
You can't trust that D'Haran with the lives of my family.
- Kahlan will be there to protect them.
- Richard, please.
You risked everything to save this family.
Now it's our turn.
I've brought you your prisoners.
Where are the rest of them? They scattered like rats.
But my men will find them.
I don't remember this one.
What's your name? Your powers won't work on me, Confessor.
Are you all right? - Take him.
- I'm sorry.
I didn't know she was a Confessor.
She must have infiltrated the prisoners.
Or she Confessed you.
If I were Confessed, I'd be defending her life right now.
Your incompetence has provided me with an unexpected opportunity.
With a living Confessor, there will be no more failed experiments.
I can finally give Lord Rahl what he truly wants.
You're only gonna hurt yourself.
I couldn't have my creations turning against me, so I devised an elixir to protect me from the Confessor's touch.
- That's impossible.
- Not with the Shurkia.
We'd assumed they'd been lost forever, but The shepherd boy chased of one his flock into the caves of Caddock and uncovered the secret resting place of the greatest tools in all of alchemy.
When word reached me of this incredible find I had to have them for myself.
With the Shurkia, I've been able to combine magic in ways I never imagined.
To do things not done for 3000 years.
Wondrous things.
Like creating a protection from your Confessor power.
A power I'll soon be able to harness.
And then, at last, Confessors will be just a memory.
You're playing with ancient powers that you don't understand.
I've seen your creations.
Prisoners infected with dark magic.
That will soon change.
Thanks to those D'Haran butchers, I've only been able study the bodies of dead Confessors.
But now, But now, I can use the Shurkia to harvest your powers and bestow them on Lord Rahl.
Where are the others? Where's Kahlan? - Giller has them.
- What? The Wizard was unaffected by the Confessor's touch.
- That's impossible.
- I saw it with my own eyes.
It's more of Giller's magic.
Your friends are his prisoners now.
- We have to get them out of there.
- That's suicide.
The constellation has almost aligned.
Rahl will be here at any moment.
- Which is why we have to go now.
- It's too late for that.
- The charges are being set.
- We have to stop it.
You are the Seeker.
It is your destiny to kill Darken Rahl.
I won't sacrifice my friends to do it.
I already sacrificed my nephew and my men.
Are their lives worth any less? The Confessor would want you to do it.
You know she would.
Get out of my way.
It is time, My Lord.
I'm so glad you're here, My Lord.
I have something very special to show you.
The Seeker lives.
A captured Confessor is quite a prize, Giller.
Yes, My Lord.
So your elixir works.
Her magic had no effect on me.
You have made more progress than I thought, Giller.
And you're certain the Shurkia can harvest the Confessor's powers? Soon her powers will be yours, My Lord.
The Seeker is alive and inside the Keep.
We have to get out of here.
But I was supposed to set off the Dragon's Breath.
- Kahlan told me - Kahlan's been captured.
She's still here.
We just saved her life.
And apparently you just saved mine.
Twice now I've been told you were dead.
Yet here you are.
This is quite an honor.
It's not every day I get to meet the Seeker.
It's not every day I get to fulfill the Prophecy.
It'll take more than Prophecy to defeat me.
I know how this must pain you both greatly.
Seeing the one you love in such misery.
Almost as painful as sharing an undying love which you can never consummate.
And what would you know about love? Except that you will never feel it from anyone.
It's such a pity you never had a potion such as this so that you could feel the soft touch of your lover's caress.
Her tender, passionate embrace.
Being unable to express your love for each other.
Such a fate is unimaginable.
But when we're finished your touch will no longer be a threat to anyone.
You have carried the burden of your powers for so long, Kahlan.
I'm going to lift that burden and take it upon myself.
I won't need my powers to see through your lies.
Kahlan, if you can really see the truth, you would know that all I want to do is end my people's suffering.
And when I have the power of Confession, there will be no more war, no more strife.
Only harmony and true, lasting peace.
You won't succeed.
The people will rise up.
I may be dead, but another Seeker will take my place and destroy you.
Why kill you when I can turn the Seeker into a devoted servant? You'll be the first one I Confess.
- What is it, Giller? - I don't know, My Lord.
The Blood Rage.
Run, My Lord! Kill her.
Kill him.
Kill him.
Release the Seeker.
It's me.
Are you all right? - Yeah, I think so.
- What was that? We have to get Emma and Laura out of here.
Come on.
It's Giller's potion.
There's only one left.
You realize what we could do with this.
The magic was destroyed, so we can't undo what was done to Emma.
This potion will allow you to be with her without fear for touch.
Thank you.
I can never thank you enough.
I'm just happy to see you all together as a family again.
I heard what Darken Rahl said.
So I know what you gave up when you gave the potion to Chase.
But maybe someday you'll find a way to be together.
I don't know how to thank you.
You should know by now you don't have to.
Darken Rahl knows you're alive now.
You're gonna need me with you.
Go with Devlin.
The resistance could use your help.
And this will give you a chance to be a husband and a father again.
When the time comes, I'll know where to find you.
It was a honor to fight alongside the Seeker.
The honor was all mine.
Some friends of ours passed me a message for you when I went to get the healer.
From a Ruben Rybnik.
"The weather has not improved.
"When it does, I'll seek the company of dear friends in the woods tomorrow.
" I have news, My Lord.
Our sorcerers have discovered that the Wizard Zeddicus is using an obscuring spell to mask our tracer cloud.
No more excuses, Egremont.
Find the Wizard, and bring me the Box.
"The weather has not improved.
" Zedd must not have been able to get away from Rahl's tracer cloud.
"When it does, "I'll seek the comfort of dear friends in the woods tomorrow.
" Well, he wants us to meet him in a forest, but where? And it must be close if he expects us to join him tomorrow.
Maybe it's not about when but where.
The Morrow Woods.
Where's that? In D'Hara.
We have a long journey ahead of us.
We can stop if you're tired.
You must be exhausted after what Giller's magic did to you.
I'm not so sure it was just Giller's magic.
What do you mean? There's a legend of an ancient magic possessed only by the most powerful Confessors.
It's an uncontrollable force known as Con Dar.
The Blood Rage.
Why did it happen? Maybe it was because of something that Giller did to me.
Or maybe it was because of you.
I was so afraid that you would become Rahl's slave and your mission would fail.
I couldn't let that happen.
Whatever you did, whatever it was, you saved us both.
If you hadn't tried to save me, Darken Rahl would be dead right now.
You had the chance to kill him, but you risked everything for something that can never be.
Rahl was wrong when he said our fate was unimaginable.
The only unimaginable fate is one without you.
And he was wrong about something else too.
I will fulfill the Prophecy.
I'm going to kill Rahl.
And I'm going to do it with you by my side.

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