LEGO Friends: The Next Chapter (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

The Perfect Holiday

We can talk about
how we're the same ♪
Wear the same clothes,
like the same games ♪
But I'd rather see
the true you ♪
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
All the special things
that you do ♪
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
And I know
we'll be good friends ♪
Different together,
Oh-oh ♪
We'll make a difference,
different together ♪
We'll celebrate
what's great about it ♪
And I know
we'll be good friends ♪
Different together ♪
ALIYA: The Perfect Holiday!
(Holiday music)
(Music playing through radio)
Oh, I love the holidays!
But my favorite event
is definitely the Friends
of Heartlake City
Holiday Lunch.
I can't wait!
Me too! And this year,
the food
is going to be delicious!
your gift this Christmas ♪
Turn it up!
I love this song!
We'll be doing Christmas
in style ♪
You don't need junk
like golden rings ♪
Boxes filled
with useless things ♪
'Cause I'm the only gift
you need to smile ♪
I'll wait
under the Christmas tree ♪
Wrapped in pretty bows ♪
Santa Claus
got nothing on me ♪
Nor does Rudolph's nose ♪
Let me be your gift
this Christmas ♪
And we'll be doing Christmas
in style ♪
You don't need junk
like golden rings ♪
Or boxes filled
with useless things ♪
I'm the only gift
you need to smile ♪
Que tenemos aquí?
(Record-needle drag)
-(Nervous laugh)
-The Holiday Lunch is tomorrow.
We need food, not dancing.
We need food and dancing,
Plus, we're all done.
(Paisley and Leo nervous laughs)
(Tense music)
-(Olly gulps)
-(Liann nervous laugh)
Ah! Fantástico!
(Sighs of relief)
-Guys, we have a small problem.
We don't have enough space
in this fridge
-to store all the food.
Don't worry, Aliya.
I'll talk to Isaac.
We can take
whatever we can't fit.
He'll even deliver it back to us
That's amazing!
He has huge fridges!
Oh, I'm so happy
we'll all be together for this.
-(Phone beeps)
I made it?
I made it! Yes!
Whoa, you qualified for
the Winter Snowboard Festival?
-But how?
-I was one slot away
on the leader boards,
somebody had to drop out,
something about a flight,
and I'm next in line.
Oh, Zac, that's so exciting!
Yeah, I gotta call my parents.
Oh, wow,
check out my news feed.
More than one kid dropped out,
there's a big storm!
The whole plane is snowed in!
-LEO: That's great news.
-ALL: Huh?
I mean I'm sorry for the kids
with the canceled flight,
but I'm really happy for Zac.
Uh, looks like
all the volunteers
happened to be
on that plane.
The competition
will be canceled.
What'll they do without them?
Oh, no.
Poor Zac.
Wait a minute.
We could volunteer!
When is it?
-Oh, it's tomorrow, isn't it?
Yeah, and that means
we'd miss the lunch.
Plus, we wouldn't be able
to help prepare
for it beforehand.
Go, I got this.
I've got skills.
And if I need help, I can ask
the guys on the soccer team.
I'll stay with Leo,
I need to be here.
(Sigh) It's always a good idea
to listen to all
of your messages.
The second one said
it's canceled.
Not enough volunteers.
Well, I count five right here.
What? Really?
I've got to go tell the coach!
Wait, what about the lunch?
We've already got it
all figured out.
Paisley and I will take care
of it with mi abuelita,
and then we'll catch up with you
on the mountain afterwards.
So, we'll still spend
the holidays together!
(Touching music)
(Sigh) I can't imagine
spending them without you guys.
It'll be the perfect holiday!
(All laughing)
-(Sound of flatulence)
-(All groan)
NOVA: Oh, wow, Zac!
That wasn't me!
That was my shoe.
(Sound of flatulence)
-ZAC: See?
-Nice try!
I need to call the coach.
The competition is back on!
(Teeth chattering)
I still feel bad
about not staying here to help.
It's OK, Zac.
You've been helping for weeks.
Besides, Zac, you worked really
hard for this opportunity.
Nobody wants you to miss it,
and we'll still be together
for the holidays.
Yeah, just don't lose.
Nobody likes it
when people lose.
(Nervous laughter)
No pressure there!
She's kidding, Zac! Ha
(Car horn honks)
Sorry I'm late.
That storm did some damage.
I had to come the long way.
Here? In Heartlake?
It was worse than I'd thought.
No wonder
the flight was canceled, look!
C'mon, kids!
Better get moving.
(Upbeat holiday music)
(Liann laughing)
Huh? Oh!
-So fancy!
Now this is my kind of holiday.
I have no notes.
It's perfect!
Don't get too excited.
This can't be the right address.
(Excited laugh)
I hope this is the right place!
Oh! It's like a fairy tale!
Oh, I wonder if they have
any horse-drawn sleighs!
Who cares about sleighs?
I can't wait to build a snowman!
I bet they have a huge library
in front of a cozy fireplace!
Mostly we're here
to support Zac.
Let's go see
where we'll be volunteering.
you're not gonna believe this,
but it's the right place.
Zac's parents booked it for us.
-ALL: Thank you, Zac!
-Hehe, it wasn't me!
Your parents rock.
They were pretty grateful
to you guys
when you stepped up
to help out,
so you can thank yourselves
for being so nice.
Oh, well, thank you, self.
(Excited laugh)
(Sigh) I just wish
our friends could see this.
It's so beautiful.
Yeah, me too.
Oh, wait, they can!
Say selfie!
LIANN: Aw, they're having
so much fun!
I wish we were all together.
I don't know, Liann.
Maybe this is a bad idea.
I'm never
gonna win this thing anyway,
and now everyone's separated.
Um, first of all, we're all
going to be together soon.
And second, this is about
working hard and having fun.
It's not about winning.
(Rock music)
(Zac grunting)
ZAC: Whoa
(Liann grunting)
Woo! Woohoo!
(Lianna laughing)
(Zac groaning)
Oh Ah!
(Zac screams)
-ZAC: No! No!
-(Liann laughing)
What's the point of competing
if you don't think you can win?
The most important thing
is continuing
even after you've messed up.
That's the tenacity
that got you here.
Thanks, but
Da, da, da, da! Don't let
your pre-competition nerves
get in the way.
Leave that behind.
OK, I'll try!
(Rock music)
Listen, win or lose,
you and I
get to board together today,
and I wanna have fun!
-You in?
-Yeah, I'm in!
-Let's do this!
-Follow me and try to avoid
The snow banks!
I got it.
Haha! Nice!
Don't be afraid to try something
that's so new
you might mess up.
It's the best way to learn!
I think
this is the most beautiful tree
we've ever had.
Mhm! De acuerdo!
Oh, these decorations
look beautiful,
but they're not gonna fill
my belly.
When did you say
that lunch was again?
Skippy, it'll be a lot sooner
with your help, my friend.
Ready to pitch in?
Well, oh
I mean, uh
(Tense music)
(Cough) Of course!
I'd love to help!
That's more like it!
We're glad to have you, Skip.
I like your Abuelita, Leo.
Mhm, one of a kind.
It's the best I could do
on short notice.
And what's a snow man
without a friendly smile?
-I couldn't agree more.
I think we should name him
where did you say Zac was?
Wait for it.
-(Music of anticipation)
-Wait for it!
And now!
-(Zac grunts)
Haha! You did it!
Ha, I knew you could do it.
Come on, we've gotta get you
over to the starting line!
See you later!
I like your snow man!
I was not aware
we were building a snow person
only to risk their life.
-We named them!
No, you named them.
It's time to get to
our volunteering posts anyway.
There, there, Olly.
(Majestic music)
(Diners clamoring)
One for you,
two for me!
Two for you, three
No, Skip,
that's not for you.
Careful not
to overload the plate.
Let's start people off light.
That way there will be
plenty of food for anyone
-who wants seconds.
OK, smart.
Is she always like this?
I think she's getting worried
that we won't have enough food,
but she's always worried
about that.
Enjoy! It's delicious!
And homemade!
All natural,
just like my abuelita taught me.
Thank you so much.
You've done
such a wonderful job.
Why, thank you, Gertie!
It's been a labor of love.
Just through there.
(Tense music)
(Deep breath)
You got this, Zac.
You got this.
(Ominous sting)
(Suspenseful music)
I can't do this!
I can't do this!
You can do this, Zac!
And even if you don't win,
just have fun!
(Distant cheers)
(Rock music)
(Deep breath)
Yes, I got this!
(Air horn blows)
Haha! Ha!
Yeah! Go, Zac!
Wow, I'm so happy
so many people came!
It's so nice to see everyone.
The more the merrier.
Keep 'em coming!
Plenty of food to go around.
Actually, Leo, look.
(Leo groans)
(Gasp) No!
(Sigh) We need the food
from Isaac's fridges.
Wait, where is he?
Now, now, now!
Not too much!
Leave some for everyone!
Isaac, are you OK?
Oh, yeah! Great!
Never been better.
Don't you just love
the holidays?
I'm so sorry!
Remember the storm last night?
Uh sí.
A tree crashed
into a power line.
-A tree?
My fridge has had no power,
so the food is ruined!
(Sigh) (Sobbing)
I've ruined everything!
What happened?
Is everything OK?
Yeah, so
the storm happened, and then
another thing happened,
so all the food
that was at Isaac's
grocery store is spoiled.
We have no way to replace it,
tonight's gonna be a disaster,
so you might as well go
to the chalet and have some fun.
These guests aren't just guests.
They're my friends too!
I can't leave them here
and I would never abandon you.
I know what you're trying to do,
you should go.
This is where I need to be.
(People laughing)
No, I'm here.
We're in this together.
OLLY: Well done, Zac!
Woo! Woohoo!
Thank you, all my friend,
for being here
to support me.
-(Touching music)
couldn't have done this
without you.
-Good job not losing!
Congratulations, Zac.
I am proud of you.
(Excited laugh)
Ha! Yes!
Great job, Zac!
Now, let's eat!
Wow, I guess there really are
a lot of people
who couldn't make it.
(Inspiring music)
I'll say!
(Phone beeps)
It's Leo.
(Tense music)
He and Paisley won't be coming.
Wait, what?
Isaac had a power outage
because of the storm,
so all the food
he put in his fridge
for the Holiday Lunch
is spoiled!
Paisley and Leo are scrambling
trying to figure out
how to make more.
Oh, no
Thank you for being here
and supporting me,
but the time has come
to go support Paisley and Leo.
Zac, you worked so hard
and achieved so much.
There's so much to celebrate.
All I've wanted all day long
was for all of us
to be together.
So grab all the food
since no one's here to eat it!
Haha! Well, all right then!
Let's go!
So, we're not eating right now?
Wait, we're leaving?
Paisley, can you possibly
fill more plates?
We've still got hungry people.
I'm so sorry, but I can't
We're out of food.
Maybe we can find
a little more for those plates.
You came back!
I'm so sorry
we couldn't make it.
That's why we came!
Oh, hi! Need any help?
your gift this Christmas ♪
And we'll be doing Christmas
in style ♪
You don't need junk
like golden rings ♪
Or boxes filled
with useless things ♪
'Cause I'm the only gift
you need to smile ♪
I'll wait
under the Christmas tree ♪
Wrapped in pretty bows ♪
Santa Claus
got nothing on me ♪
Nor does Rudolph's nose ♪
Let me be your gift
this Christmas ♪
And we'll be doing Christmas
in style ♪
You don't need junk
like golden rings ♪
Or boxes filled
with useless things ♪
I'm the only gift
you need to smile ♪
(Vocalist holds note)
(Deep breath)
(Continues holding note)
-(Music ends)
This is a gift!
-(Uplifting music)
You know, the night doesn't have
to be over just yet.
So, should we do something?
Like maybe go to the diner?
(Chuckle) The diner?
Would that even be open tonight?
I don't know,
just hopeful I guess.
Well, I can't compete
with a chalet,
but we have plenty of snacks
and hot cocoa
back at our house.
LEO: Amazing!
Gracias, Abuelita.
We can talk about
how we're the same ♪
Wear the same clothes,
like the same games ♪
But I'd rather see
the true you ♪
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
All the special things
that you do ♪
-Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪
And I know
we'll be good friends ♪
Different together,
Oh-oh ♪
We'll make a difference,
different together ♪
We'll celebrate
what's great about it ♪
And I know we'll be ♪
Good friends,
different together♪
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