Lenox Hill (2020) s01e04 Episode Script


Next thing.
We have to pick a day for our retreat.
It'll be just the five of us.
Who's the President of the United States?
That is, um
You have definitely had a small stroke.
The disease that
our child has is called Noonan syndrome.
Kevin said he's never heard me cry
that hard.
I'm so happy.
He was told that he had nine months
to live when he was diagnosed.
This is just before.
This is now.
- That's fantastic.
- Yes.
Oh, my God.
Mitch has just been diagnosed
with head and neck cancer.
The node was there, the tumor was there.
We gotta help him.
- Who loves you?
- You.
- You want to do some things?
- Like what?
I don't know. Just some
elementary things we've been working on.
- We can.
- You want to? What's my name?
- Your name is Tony.
- And who am I to you?
- You're my husband.
- I'm your husband.
What else we got here?
- What is this?
- It's a ball.
Right. What are these?
- Those are your keys.
- What is this?
That is your your, um, money.
But what do I put my money in?
You put it in your, um
I don't know.
- A wallet.
- Yeah.
- And this is?
- Um
Very good. Say it again?
It's the two of what?
Uh, that is the two
of the, um
- Hearts.
- Yeah.
Hi. How are you?
- You all set?
- Yeah.
How you doing?
- How you doing?
- Tired.
Tired? We're going to put you to sleep.
You'll get plenty of sleep
for the next six hours.
All right?
So I'm just going
to draw my name on here. My initials.
And as far as your pain control
after surgery,
we're probably going to hold off
on narcotics.
You know, you don't need any, um
It probably won't be that painful,
but we'll give you IV Tylenol and Toradol,
which, hopefully, will take the edge off.
Gary is a former heroin addict.
He lives in basically, like,
an adult recovery community.
He's completely drug-free.
They get tested, and they they
That's why they're there.
Hello, sir.
Part of the problem is they can be
resistant to some
of the usual narcotic medication
that are given during the surgery,
and, after surgery,
you don't want to give them any narcotics.
He has a very big
arteriovenous malformation of his brain
that's been giving him
very severe headaches.
Trouble is a lot of docs won't take care
of these people.
Their an attitude
towards a person that's an addict.
But most of them are
They're just normal people.
They just got themselves in trouble,
you know?
- Awesome. Let's get the frame on.
- Okay.
What I'll probably do is be here
for the opening.
And just get started a little bit,
then let you work.
You have a problem,
you got a human being,
they deserve to be cared for.
Let's see where she is.
Nine thirty-eight. Let's go to 938.
Oh! I was waiting for you in tumor board
this morning.
I got the fancy breakfast.
I'm just kidding.
So how was your morning since I saw you?
It's good.
She's gone for a walk.
She's gone to the bathroom.
- We've had many conversations.
- Yeah.
So I spoke with the social worker
and the case manager.
- I would prefer if she goes home.
- Right.
As long as you're safe and comfortable
and have the resources
to to oversee her at home.
I think she would prefer to go home too,
because at these places,
she's not going to have us around.
- She gets nervous
- I know.
Because she doesn't speak English,
so she feels a little bit
So who's gonna be at home with her?
Um, we
Usually I I've taken vacation,
- so I've been off for two weeks.
- Yeah.
Um, but, uh, when I go back to work,
I won't be coming home until, like, 3:30.
I don't want her leaving
the stove on or tripping in the shower.
The shower's what concerns me.
The stove, she hasn't
- Okay.
- Been using the stove anymore,
because we were concerned about it.
- I'm in touch with Catholic Home Care.
- Okay.
We're going to see if she can get
an at-home home attendant, and then
Yeah. And then provide coverage.
I know that's that's the hard part.
You know?
But I'm happy.
- Thanks so much.
- Thank you.
You know,
one of the hardest things
about this disease is right now.
You know, surgery goes great,
the patient's speech is getting better,
but the son has to go back to work.
So what do you do?
And we don't often think about it.
We're like, "Oh, this was such a success.
She's going home."
But the amount of care
that just starts now at the family level
is devastating.
We know exactly the day that it came back.
We were we went to his work,
we were talking were were talking
about how everything was better
and everything was great.
Introduced her to his coworkers
for the first time.
Came home, had a seizure.
Look how healthy he is.
Look how perfectly healthy he is.
You don't feel it.
It happens, like, really fast.
One minute he was fine,
and the next minute
he was having seizures,
and it was just this tiny, little blip,
and it grows really, really fast. Just
But we're lucky that he gets seizures.
Because if he didn't get seizures,
we wouldn't know.
You know, I had a complaint.
I went to the doctor.
I went to a pretty important guy
who knows a lot about this stuff.
- Yeah.
- And I said,
"My parotid gland hurts."
That's what I told him.
And he goes
"Ah, it's fine. Working great."
What am I supposed to do?
Even the MRI that I had on Monday night.
- Mass. There's a hamster in there.
- What did they see
- Do they see it now in retrospect?
- In retrospect, sure.
They see it in retrospect
on the PET scan I had in 2014.
Little tiny spot here.
Missed it.
What can you do?
- Only thing I can control is what I do.
- That's true.
You know,
so I have a decision to make.
After this PET scan,
I'm going to have to go
for, um, some more MRI scans
to look at my skull base,
to see if this thing has grown
from the outside of my face into my skull.
So to take it out,
then we have to open my brain,
chop out a little bit of my skull,
and go through here
and chop out everything in my face.
It's a little aggressive,
in my terms, you know.
This seems a little major.
On the scale of one to ten,
it's, like, a zillion.
- I just found out about this on Tuesday.
- Yeah.
It's only Thursday. This is 48 hours.
Forty-eight hours from being
sort of happy-go-lucky,
pretty healthy, chillin' guy,
Got a lot of life issues to deal with.
- But I feel fine.
- What are you going to do tonight?
- What am I going to do tonight?
- Yeah.
Mmm one martini.
Maybe, you know
The usual Valium and martinis.
The usual "You've been told
you have cancer" cocktail.
Good job, Kevin.
That's very impressive that you made it.
Ooh, I like your shoes.
I can't believe you wore those on a plane.
Hello. There we go. Oh! Oh.
How you been feeling so far?
I'm fine.
Um, I really have no complaints.
- You know the gender? They know?
- We do know, actually.
Looks like it's still a girl.
I had always wanted
to wait until delivery,
but Kevin was saying,
"Well, we have too much stress waiting
for these genetic test results,
so let's just find out the sex."
It's measuring nice and big.
- It is?
- Yeah.
Is the heart okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh.
That's really strong.
I'm the doctor, but in this situation,
Kevin is much more, like practical.
He's read every publication
on this disease.
The blessing is that, overall,
it's a milder form of the disease
where it doesn't have a severe expression
as the traditional Noonan's,
there definitely can be changes
which we're going to be monitoring for,
such as the thickened heart,
20% have deafness.
His brother said,
"She's very lucky to have you guys
as parents,
because she'll have a lot of support."
From both of our knowledge,
we are very thankful to have
the financial ability also,
to support her,
because that can be more expensive,
you know, the needs that you have.
All the measurements are
measuring really good, Amanda.
Thank you.
Thank you.
We potentially are, like
naively optimistic.
We just feel
She's going to be okay.
We hope that she is.
Right now,
I mean, that's all we have, kind of.
- Hope Mommy will be nice to you.
- I'm very nice to her.
It's 103, which is good.
One thing's good.
- We're starting out good.
- Yeah.
- I have zero cholesterol. No lipids.
- I remember when you were bragging
- about that to me.
- I was bragging about it.
What did I tell you?
I said, "I'm going to die of cancer,
because everything else is perfect."
Quiet room.
That's where they put
the psych patients, right?
No way.
It's cold in here.
You can put your jacket on
right there if you want.
A well-dressed man
always has his jacket on.
- Get a blanket.
- No, I'll get the warm one.
Let me get from there. Where's your IV?
I took it out.
Why? I was supposed to keep it?
- IV.
- Oh, that IV.
Yeah. Just have a seat. Let me inject you.
- Inject me?
- Yes.
Can you wake up?
Follow the process.
Thank you.
That feels good. Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
It's a journey.
Every patient goes through this.
To some patients, it's slightly easier,
because they know less.
I kind of know what they're going to do.
I know what it'll look like,
and I kind of know what the risks are.
I know a little too much.
I'm getting a PET scan.
You know, they look for if the disease
has spread anyplace else.
If it's spread anyplace else on my body,
then it's kind of
terminal sort of situation.
Which, unfortunately, is the way
a lot of people with cancer is discovered.
We'll see. We'll see.
So, look, it's gone from this
to this, essentially.
I don't know why they waited.
Do you know why they waited so long?
- What happened
- I don't know. I know he seizured.
All right. Let's do this.
Two people I need you to meet.
- This is Sherese Fralin.
- We know each other.
Sherese and I've been talking. Morning.
Okay. This is Tamika Wong.
She runs our clinical trials office.
- Hi. How are you?
- Hi, Tamika. How are you?
I just want to go
over the pictures first, okay?
This was your image from a month ago,
June 15th.
- We talked about this in the office.
- Right.
And, as expected,
this has grown a little bit to this.
So it's kind of organizing in this way
that we expect to see after a month.
It doesn't change, really, my approach.
It does change a little bit
of how much I'm going to take,
how aggressive I'm going to be
and how much tissue we need.
There's definitely more that I need to do,
because it's gotten a little bit bigger.
Is Caroline in there also?
- Yeah.
- Okay. Good.
- The room is all set up.
- Okay.
- We'll all be here.
- No valuables in your gown, right?
- She's got it all.
- Oh, okay.
All right, so welcome
to the only operating room on Park Avenue.
I'm going to go change.
Take care of him. I'll see you inside.
- Okay, thanks.
- All right.
- Is that it?
- That's it.
Do the Onyx.
This is what he means.
Getting around the back,
it's like the dark side of the moon.
But, honestly, with the exoscope now,
we can get these funky angles.
It's pretty awesome.
This is one of the best embolizations
I've ever seen. Scissor?
- No, Onyx.
- You don't want to get into there.
I mean, not just the amount of
The quality of what Roth does is just
He's the best.
- Jason here?
- Yeah. I'm looking at it.
- You seeing this?
- Looks great.
Takes a fricking team, dude.
Come on.
- I think we need music.
- How gorgeous is that?
It's great. Here you go, Don. Specimen.
All right, we're done. Irrigation?
See if Can someone call Roth,
see if he wants to do the angiogram?
Oh, my God.
Congratulations. You're the man.
Hey, sorry. What's up?
I'm done. I'm gonna come see him.
All right, I'll see him.
I'm heading over there soon.
All right, bye.
- What?
- You got your injection first?
Yeah. I'm injected.
So what did they tell you? Wait an hour?
- I didn't know. I thought you were done.
- I'm radioactive.
- I'll come back afterwards then.
- Yeah. They're going to do the scan.
- Come back in 40 minutes.
- All right.
If you do everything here, which is,
I think, what many people would do,
because we all love you
and we want to take care of you,
there's a lot of value in that,
because you're treated differently.
But then you also have to deal with
a lack of privacy
and some of the politics that exist
- with physicians.
- Yeah.
When I had my chest operated here,
it was kind of nice being operated here.
- I liked that.
- The only thing to go to Erkan
potentially for is maybe
- to get his opinion.
- That's what I mean.
- Let's get all the information.
- I'm going to.
I'll have you see Erkan.
I think that's a good idea.
Yeah. I have my rheumatologist
- who knows Erkan somehow.
- Yeah.
Call over to Erkan's office.
Maybe you guys can
You want me to call him today?
- Yeah.
- I'll call right away.
Because I want to be able to get in
to see him.
- I'll call him right now.
- I just don't want to be waiting
When you get out of the PET scan,
I'll get a hold of him.
- All right.
- Do what I can. Okay?
- All right.
- I'll come back.
Love you, brother.
You too. Take it easy.
Do you have Erkan's phone number?
Can you get it for me?
Whenever one of our own gets sick,
we're doctors,
we have egos, and we have
You know, we want to be ab e to be
thought of like we're the ones to go to.
You know,
I want to take care of that patient.
It's symbolic of the value
I bring to the hospital.
So some of that ultimately plays
a part in the reaction
that the doctors have.
This case is a little unusual for me.
I don't like to make decisions
this close to surgery,
but his tumor has morphed a little bit,
where I have to make
some important decisions
about how aggressive to be.
Any time I talk about aggressiveness,
my inclination is always to be
as conservative as possible.
Particularly because his quality of life
is so good.
But I balance that with
the ability to
impact his long-term survival.
this is the guy
with a newly-diagnosed brain tumor
that grew in a month,
so I got a scan this morning, and it's
doubled in size.
Yep. Either side is good.
There you go.
In the end,
we don't have that much control over life.
You know, no one's guaranteed a long life.
So you take your life as you enjoy it.
I want to be
in some control of this whole thing.
I just want the people that love me
around me.
I told both my kids, "Come home."
You know, it's one thing to be proud
and independent and say
you don't need your kids
and be strong for them,
but I think at some point
you have to be honest.
I'm lonely.
I'm scared.
Okay, definitely we're finished
with this part.
We have another
The second part now, okay?
I think this is the longest
you've been still.
- Right?
- Close your eyes.
Who's that squeaky voice?
Stroke code, emergency room.
Stroke code, emergency room.
Stroke code, emergency room.
You could say
we work together seven days a week,
because even on the weekends,
if there's a patient issue
and I have to talk to him about it,
he doesn't hesitate.
I can always either call
or text
and he'll pick up.
If it's late at night
and I forgot something,
he'll answer and talk me off the ledge.
"It's fine. The patient will be okay.
"Just go in early
and we can take care of it." You know?
Like I tell everybody,
sometimes it's like
I have my father at work.
You know?
Because he gives me life pointers.
You wish this on no one
I don't want him to be going through this.
0-So I wanted to talk to you about Mitch.
He he's really struggling with, like,
what to do, and
He may just not have surgery.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Uh, I mean, I'm going to encourage him,
but he doesn't want to be like
He's got a 30% five-year survival,
up to 50% five-year survival,
with the surgery.
And that means he loses facial function
and he has to go through
the pain and suffering
and the numb face at best.
And he's thinking, like,
"I'm not sure if I want to do this."
What do you tell him?
I don't know what to tell him.
Back-cutting knife.
I think we're going to go right in here.
We have to be very cautious.
This is not the best location
to have a brain tumor like this.
We're really limited
in the amount of tumor
we can take out safely.
And his daughter's wedding
is in four months.
And I gotta make sure that he can make it.
So this should be sifted.
You can see its vessel is coursing
right in the
I mean, that's the danger.
We gotta stop there.
You're safe.
The hard part is stopping, as a surgeon.
You have this decision
in surgery.
"Do I push it?
Do I push it? Do I push it?"
And you're devastated
when the patient wakes up with a deficit.
So the tumor is
We took out what was here.
Back part of the temporal lobe.
Unfortunately, it goes
into the island of tissue
between the frontal and temporal lobes.
In fact, the blood vessels
are all encircling it.
His median survival's
about 15 months, maximum.
In this age group, actually,
median survival's about eight months.
We'll do the best we can.
You know, the best
that Western medicine has to offer.
His tumor's just so spread out.
Although we have a clinical trial
that I think is going to be ideal for him,
it's always disappointing, because we're
so used to being less limited.
Get some gloves on.
Come on, get your hands
Clean it. Like it's your own kid's head.
And we take a guy, 65,
whose daughter just got engaged,
and, you know, by 67, he's likely to pass.
More water, please.
All right, keep me posted.
I'm gonna go talk to the family.
I think he's physically going to do well
and he's going to be emotionally labile.
- Yeah?
- And we have to just be aware of that.
He may be angry and depressed or anxious.
He's going to ask you, "How did it go?"
You say, "Dr. Boockvar's very pleased
with how things went."
- He took out more he thought he could.
- Okay.
We have to wait
for the final tissue diagnosis.
All right.
- So take a deep breath, okay? All right.
- Thank you for the update.
Good seeing you. Okay?
- Thank you.
- All right.
Look at this.
- What's that?
- I can't dock Facebook app.
The whole campus' is sick.
Everyone's sick.
There's a lot of viral gastroenteritis.
That's perfect for you.
That's your specialty.
You're a fricking neurosurgeon.
You're going to fricking gastroenter
How do you spell that?
Mitch is going to
I mean, I I've got to be with Mitch.
You want to get with papa first?
Okay. Just like before.
Nice, deep breath in?
- Push out. Everything.
- Ten, nine
- Even more. Even more
- eight, seven, six
- Keep going, keep doing, that's it.
- Five, four, three
- Good job.
- Two, one, good job.
- One more time.
- That's it.
You're doing really well, okay?
Everything is well.
Your baby is beautiful.
I forgot to ask.
Are you having a boy or girl?
A girl.
Very nice.
- One more, girl. You got this.
- Okay.
And push down.
Yes. That's it.
- Good job. Open your eyes
- Look down! Look down!
- Hi!
- Hey!
- Hello.
- Hey, Dad. Did Theophilus
Wait, Daddy. Are you driving
and holding the phone at the same time?
No, no. I got I got a mount.
It's mounted on the vehicle.
Oh, I was going to
Wait a second. Hold on one second.
Wow, that was
Guys, I added Kevin.
Oh, snap. Everybody
- Yeah.
- Very nice pictures you had today.
Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir.
We did see that picture.
The man painting the picture.
I think of all the pictures,
that was the greatest.
Yo, Kevin, you watch too much TV,
dog. I said, "This is different."
I think that Kevin always
was never a fan of not knowing the sex.
I didn't feel like it was something
I needed to fight when he was processing
this abnormal result.
Like, if he wanted to know that,
the sex, I was,
"Fine. We can just know the sex."
So that's why we changed our mind.
Maybe number two.
And now, but who knows?
N So then we're not telling anybody.
So, everyone else
will find out at delivery,
so no parents know.
No brothers or sisters know.
So that in that sense,
it's still a surprise.
And my mom is convinced
that it's a boy,
so it's going to be so interesting.
Yeah. Yeah.
I'm just going to use this
as my fun station.
Okay, ready?
Arms up!
Keep them up, eyes closed.
Push me away.
Ooh! Very good.
Show me two fingers.
Any two.
Very good.
And, Miss Mitzie
tell me your full name.
- My full name
- Mm-hmm.
Is Mitzie,
and then it's, um it's, uh
my last name
starts with a
hold on a minute.
Her speech is much better.
Her strength is normal.
But she still has a deficit.
She's still not perfect.
You just told me. You got this.
She has an expressive aphasia.
It's a physical
It's a motor speech problem.
She hears everything.
She can understand it.
But she just can't get it out.
- It can be very frustrating.
- Is it 2018?
But she's made
remarkable progress already.
Very good.
She's so much better than she was.
You did not speak
this well to me Monday.
It's getting there.
It it's very much getting there.
- Thank you.
- I'm so happy.
- Thank you.
- Okay?
Thank you.
Let me know if you need help
with anything.
It's that significant other
often is the most important thing,
and without that person by your side,
it's so much more difficult.
- This is where we spent our honeymoon.
- Yeah.
Down through those doors.
Can you move that chair please?
- Hi.
- Hello.
You see it all the time
that the patients with the families
and with the close loved ones around them,
they seem to do better,
and it's critical to the well-being
more often than not.
What's up, handsome? How you doing, man?
Doing all right.
- How you feeling? Pain's better?
- A little bit.
Okay. You're gonna go home tomorrow.
We just have to get
this drain out probably.
- Okay.
- Probably tomorrow we'll take it out.
- Any issues?
- No. Will it hurt when they take it out?
Not really.
Feels a little funny just the sliding out
from underneath your skin.
Okay, that'll go down quickly.
- We will take care of you, bud.
- Thank you.
See you tomorrow, bud. You're doing great.
- Surgery went beautifully. No problems.
- Feel better than James Brown.
Don't worry.
They didn't do anything.
I have to stay over tonight?
Definitely. You're going to stay over
through Friday.
- Friday?
- Yeah.
Looks good in there.
We have to wait for a neuropathologist
to give me the final diagnosis.
Then we're gonna talk about treatments.
- If you need any help, let me know.
- Okay, good.
All right, well,
this is good that he's perfectly
- You're perfect. Not surprised.
- I knew that. I'm glad that
- I want to hear you say that.
- Yeah.
Gosh, when you look
at a patient who can just wake up,
what, 15 minutes after surgery
and make jokes like that?
That's fun.
That's that's what it's about.
That really, honestly,
makes you feel so good.
He's a good guy.
On the space?
All done? All done?
Yeah. He's bringing him
He's bringing him up.
- What's up?
- Mm-mmm.
- Nothing.
- Okay.
- I made it.
- We did it.
From here down is good.
But he, from here up,
as we know, he has to deal with.
- So we have good news today. Good news.
- All right. Keriann.
- Yeah. What are you doing now?
- Come here.
- What are you doing now?
- Give me a hug.
Thank you.
I spoke to Erkan.
I told him you were going to call him.
I'll text you right now.
Oh, congratulations.
Yeah. You're good,
From the neck down, you're healthy.
So, in other words, you have
no mets in your testicles. That's good.
I'm amazed by his, uh,
calmness and his demeanor
and his way of just facing
a very life-threatening thing and
dealing with it with a sense of humor.
I'm not sure how I'd be.
I think I'd be deer in the headlights.
You know, we just all really want him to
We want what's best for him.
We're all going to have his back.
But I just hope he's okay.
That's what's most important.
Heading home.
Lots to do.
Looking forward to seeing you all.
I take one day a week
just to refuel the tank.
And you can still be productive.
It's just a different environment,
a different setting. It's so important.
Hey, John.
What's up?
How's Ivy?
Ivy's fine.
So this is the kind of stuff
I save for Wednesdays.
You have to evaluate every resident.
We weren't graded like this,
in such a granular way.
We were just told we sucked.
We met when he was
in his fourth year of medical school,
and our first son was born while he was
doing his residency,
and then our last son was born
the last year of his residency,
and he was, like, never around.
There were four of them
under the age of five and a half,
and it was it was crazy. It was crazy.
She'll know if I've had a stressful day.
She gets very stressed if I tell her
I have an eight-hour case
of a very difficult surgery
that she knows I'm anxious about.
Truth is, at the end of the day,
I rely on her
to keep me sane and calm, and
you know, besides Langer
or some people close to us at work,
she's my sounding board
when I come here.
One game, then you study.
You need some downtime.
Hold on. Never gets old.
This summer, we go to Langer's house
My serve.
For an overnight retreat
for our department.
No mercy.
It's good to get together
and have dedicated time.
Who's looking out
for borrowers? There should be, like
Elizabeth Warren.
A federal agency for this.
And as the education department
is becoming this trillion-dollar
That's why I ain't trying to have
no student loans for my baby
Oh! I was about to say something.
For my baby.
I mean, that's how Mina
Mina has no student loans.
That's how she got her house
in San Francisco.
Excuse me for a second. Hey, baby.
- Hello, princess.
- Hello.
Give Daddy a hug. Give Daddy
Why are you wearing pants and shoes?
- Daddy, I'm so sorry.
- Hello, my handsome son-in-law.
- Thank you, Dad.
- Mmm.
So, what time are your parents coming?
- They left a little later
- Three o'clock.
So they won't come until 3:00.
Oh, I forgot to show you. Here's a
Here's the pictures of the ultrasound.
I forgot to give my
I was going to do a quick review on the.
You can take those
You took out the picture with the sex?
- Yes, obviously.
- See that?
I can add this to the baby's journal.
What? I need my glasses. I cannot
- Oh, oh, I'm sorry.
- Oh, I can see, I can see.
- Yeah. So the spine.
- Here it is.
- Yeah. Spine.
- This is the spine. This is the head.
That's the head.
- This is the abdomen.
- This is the little nose.
I have the ones
where they took the two feet.
She has He has pretty big feet.
- No, no, I didn't say anything.
- Ooh! I heard it! I heard it!
- Got it! Boy! It's a boy! I knew it!
- You said "She"! No! He said, "She"!
They got two different conclusions there.
- He said she?
- He said "She", honey.
- He said, "She."
- We got it. We got it. She!
- And then he changed it to "he."
- She! She! She!
I'm sorry, boo.
We didn't need the interrogation
this time. No interrogation necessary.
- He said she.
- A soft interrogation.
- That's, like
- He said she!
I had no hope
- that Kevin was going to be able to keep
- I did pretty well!
- I'm sorry.
- Yeah. Well, so it's a girl.
- We're having a girl.
- Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Thank you.
That is so exciting!
- You crying?
- No!
That is so exciting!
Okay. Okay.
I'm so happy.
Jeez, I'm having a little granddaughter!
Give me a fist bump Touch the hand
It's just so hard. Between the pronouns
- We need gender-neutral pronouns.
- I did really good for a while, actually.
- You did do good.
- We gotta tell my parents now.
Now we need to tell your parents
when they arrive too.
- Hello.
- How was your drive?
- It was pretty good.
- Good.
- Okay.
- Who is that? Kenny?
Yeah, Kenny. Okay, Kevin.
Uh, so we are having
- Should I call my brother?
- Yes, please wait for your brother.
- I can call him on my assistant.
- Yeah. Why don't you call Kevin?
What's his name? Kenny.
- We'll just say, "One, two, three."
- Oh, I guess so.
So one, two, three.
It's a girl!
I said girl.
- You said girl.
- So this is
When your partner has cancer
and you're dealing
with the realities of that,
and you're given an opportunity to lead,
to be not only a colleague, but
like, a family member and a mentor
and a confidant.
That's what you're on this Earth for,
to have those kinds of relationships.
I think that's that's why
we're such a good team.
We can do things as a group
that eight guys
We're so efficient. We don't fight.
We help each other.
It's one plus one is three.
John knows and Dave knows.
Oleg doesn't know
Jason doesn't know, and Raf doesn't know.
What I don't want
is, like, a pity party.
Um, I'm gonna just lay it out there
and say, you know, what it is, you know?
I mean
I'll keep it light.
I'll keep it good.
I don't want anybody's pity.
I don't want any kind of, like,
sympathy shit.
I just want to lay it out there and say,
"Listen, guys,
I'm going through this stuff,
and I'm going to take care of it,
and I'm
I'm still strong. I'm still the man.
"I'm still doing my shit," okay?
That's what I'm gonna
That's what I'm saying.
Listen, I'm going to do what I have to do.
But I'm an informed consumer, you know?
I'm somebody who knows
Ooh, I don't have
this sort of weird positive attitude.
"I'm a fighter. I'm going to beat it."
I'm not beating anything. You know?
I'm going to be a statistic
just like everybody else.
I gotta figure it out,
what my statistic is.
And, uh, I'm not gonna let the worry
about my future destroy my present.
That's the key. The key is
You you know something? The bottom line.
Takeaway point,
it's a really nice day today.
That's the takeaway point.
It's a really beautiful day today.
Love the shirt!
Come with the drink?
I heard that there was a party here.
All right, genius.
You making fun of me?
I'm a brain surgeon.
Hey, Mitch! Mitch!
By the way,
would not want that guy at Normandy.
Not a chance in hell.
Not Mitch.
I got one chair.
By the way, I just want you
to know, I'm fixated on your case.
- John. John
- For people Listen.
I am taking this very personally.
Yeah. And I completely trust you.
And respect you.
I understand the biology
of this thing very well.
I'm going to make it my business
to figure this out.
- Sorry about this.
- Okay. Good.
And guess what?
- I've made it my business.
- Look, John, seriously.
I've thought about running a business
in this shit. I'm serious.
- Don't monetize this stuff. John
- No, but you know what?
I don't need to monetize it.
I make enough money.
I want to do it
for fricking people who suffer.
John, I love you. Thank you.
- I'm serious. I know this stuff.
- Seriously, I know they're Thank you.
I appreciate it.
Praise you, bless you, Lord,
and we just want to give you honor, Lord,
and appreciate your wonder,
and the good you're doing, Lord,
and we invite you to participate
in all of our activities.
Yes, Lord.
Thank you, Lord, for allowing us
to come together again.
Thank you for blessing Kevin
and our daughter
with our first granddaughter.
Thank you, Lord God, like we said earlier,
that we came together not to mourn,
but to celebrate. We just thank you,
God, for all of your blessings.
Thank you, Lord,
for having such great parents, to share,
and me and Amanda's new parenthood.
Just show us the way.
In Jesus' name, we pray.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- Love you all.
- All right, guys.
- All right, have a safe trip.
- Bye-bye.
I know.
Okay, drinking and driving.
- All-in.
- We're drinking, he's driving.
Yes. That's a good toast.
What am I drinking there? Tequila?
- I'm not gonna object to that.
- Cheers to Mitch.
- Mitch. Here's to Mitch.
- Hear, hear.
Thank you. Thank you, gentlemen.
- I appreciate that more than you imagine.
- I'm telling you this.
I'm going to devote
my entire cancer background to the
No, not everyone knows about this.
I have to make a reveal.
Good tequila.
What kind of tequila is this?
Casamigos chilled with lime.
- He threw a lime in there.
- Whoa. It's really good.
It's excellent.
All right, I'd just like
to just schedule a hangover for tomorrow.
Okay? I'm just scheduling it.
- I'll tell you.
- By 8:00 tomorrow morning
What does that mean?
Should we cancel the spinning?
No, for me. I'm not spinning.
Okay, let's sit down for a minute.
Sit over there.
Um, John,
and David know.
I just want to do
I I really don't want to make this
a pity party.
I don't want to make this
kind of a big thing.
But, um
it's a little tough
for me to say this, but, um
I have cancer.
Not a good cancer.
And, uh
the good news about it is I have
no disease below my below my clavicle,
so to speak.
The bad news is
it kind of involves my third nerve, my V3,
and my facial nerve.
Um, I could be alive and well
15, 20 years from now.
I could be gone in six, seven months.
My plan always was to work till I die,
which may actually come true now.
So, uh
I do not particularly want to die,
and I do not particularly want to die
a horrible death,
and I particularly do not want to die
disfigured for no reason.
So if they take out
my entire salivary glands,
they take out my V3,
so I'm completely numb,
this guy you're looking at now
is not here anymore.
I just wanted to let you know
I'm dealing with it,
with the help of John,
who's been incredibly helpful.
Because he's really plugged
into the oncological community,
and the people that care about me. Dave
is amazing. You know?
I'm just letting you know.
You're really fortunate to have this guy.
You're really fortunate.
The bottom line There is no poor Mitch.
Mitch has had a good life.
Mitch has raised fabulous children,
I feel fine.
I feel strong. This is not a funeral.
This is not a pity party.
I'm just laying it out there, okay?
- All right.
- Okay?
- I love you guys.
- Love you too, man.
You're my family.
I want to toast to my friends
My partners,
and the most important people in my life.
And it's very important
that we're here tonight,
and we're all together.
Cheers. Thank you.
Here's to tomorrow.
- Many tomorrows.
- Many tomorrows.
And one selfie. Come on.
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