Leonardo (2011) s01e07 Episode Script

Time Waits

THEME MUSIC BELL TOLLS Why can't you keep time like everyone else? Breakfast! Presto! "Happy Birthday, Cosimo.
"Why don't you take the day off, Cosimo?" Dream on, Cosimo.
MUSIC If you want me to stay If you want me to stay If you want me to stay I will stay by your side I will stay by your side And I want you to find me.
Be ready for the riposte here.
Recover quickly or you're open here.
Keep that up and we'll bring home a trophy.
You're coming? To see my son win the cup? Of course! Excuse me, Lorenzo.
One moment.
And then recover.
That's it.
No room for error.
You're not supposed to be here.
Your Excellency, my target, Signor Schelling, has gone missing.
Left his hotel and never came back.
And the package? Disappeared.
You have no idea how precious it is.
If we lose it We may lose the key to time itself.
Is there a lead? Was he alone? He was travelling with his mother.
Have her brought up here.
She might tell us something useful.
In the meantime, find him.
Find that package.
Put the word out on the street.
Check the morgue.
Something's cropped up.
Why no stress in these muscles? Think about how they work! They push and they pull.
Everything moves.
This looks like a lump of overcooked pasta.
This, on the other hand, could walk off the canvas.
Leonardo's, I take it.
Unfinished, as usual.
Where is he, then? Up to mischief, no doubt.
Tell him I want to see him.
One half blind, the other half bonkers.
Respect, Lisa.
That's amazing.
It's Tomaso, and this is Leo's.
It's Leo I wanted.
Wanted to know if you want to see me in the Under 18s.
Lorenzo de Medici going for gold! Ha! Waah! Sorry.
Leo's been out since dawn.
Not at the morgue again, is he? Morgue? Creepy, eh? Oh well.
I guess I could use a cheerleader.
Do I look stupid? Why would I waste my time watching schoolboys poke sticks at each other? OK.
Wish me luck, though.
No? Rude.
Leo, I know you're down here.
I saw your bike.
I know what you're up to.
CLATTERING SCREAMING Shh! What are you playing at? There it is again.
What? TICKING Listen.
Like a clock.
But why? Indigestion? What are you doing? Finding out what makes him tick.
Hang on.
You can't- I'll need a bucket.
So will I.
Fantastico! TICKING It's tiny! Why would it be in his stomach? BANGING We're not meant to be in here.
Let's go.
Keep watch.
I'll see if Schelling's body's here.
It's him! This is his! It's soaking wet.
He probably drowned in the river.
Fell or was pushed.
It's not here.
Search the room! Come on you great jellyfish! Do you know how important this is? We're searching for the key to time itself.
Someone's been in here.
Over here.
Tomb raiders.
They've obviously taken it.
COUGHING It's a horrible cupboard, full of bones.
It's a pulley that goes up to the hospital and down to the catacombs.
They use it for moving the bodies.
Key to time? Key to time.
What can he mean? Ah! Lunch is ready! It's a special treat to celebrate my birthday.
Leo? It's meat.
It's devilled kidneys.
My favourite.
My mum sends them on my birthday.
Happy Birthday, Colin.
Happy Birthday, Colin.
If you're sure you don't want any Mmm.
Mmmm! My mum's the only person who remembers.
My mum always remembers, too.
She won't be able to send me anything this year.
Maybe she wouldn't want to.
I haven't got a mother.
What? She died when I was a baby.
Well Err, two.
Do you remember her? No.
Nothing at all? I remember being held by her.
I remember the feeling.
I remember the smell.
But I don't remember anything about her.
Does your dad talk about her? He doesn't like it when I ask.
This clock, phew! It's so hard Ah! I've got it! Wow! Look at this! It's fantastico! Where are the ropes and weights? There's a spring-powered mechanism instead.
It's so tiny.
That means you can carry time with you wherever you go.
Really? Yeah.
Maybe one day we'll all wear clocks.
Round necks, in pockets, on wrists.
What's the time? LAUGHING The things you see, Cosimo.
Santa Maria! It's amazing.
It's a pocket watch.
It's a clock.
It's a pocket watch.
Dad brings them home from abroad.
You can buy them? If you've got the money.
Dad's got a drawer full of duds.
Stick to church clocks or sundials.
Those things don't work.
Did you win? Win what? Nothing.
Just a fencing match.
Only the Gold Cup Under 18s.
I came second.
OK? Medicis don't do second.
Sounds good to me.
You can tell my dad, then.
I messed up the thing he warned me about.
There! Look! It does work.
What use is that? Backwards.
Ahah! Just as I thought.
The maker's mark.
Peter Schelling.
A watch maker from Switzerland.
He died in the river last night.
Signor Schelling.
Are you still coming first in German? There's an inscription.
Taught at death Zeit means time.
Besiegt? That's Defeated.
Something like Time is defeated.
Death, too.
That man said, "The key to time.
" Now you're saying it defeats time.
Don't you see? It runs backwards so it takes time backwards! Time travel? The key to time! Just think, to go back whenever and wherever we wanted.
With this we can change history.
Yeah! I would win every match! I could be with my mum.
Maybe you could even be with yours! Come off it, guys.
It doesn't make any sense.
Still, you obviously want to believe it.
CRASHING How dare you! Take care not to obstruct me, Signor Verrocchio.
I'm here on authority.
WHISPERS: The man from the morgue.
I believe one of the city's artists has been breaking in to the morgue and defiling its dead.
My boys know the law.
Why don't you go next door? I already have.
I'm looking for the artist responsible for this.
I see you recognise the hand.
No, Signor.
Not at all.
I'd better check for myself, hadn't I? My painting.
Stop him.
Do you like it? I based the legs on pasta.
Have you noticed how muscles can look like spaghetti? Err, it's for sale if you'd like- If you don't leave my workshop, you'll get another one.
They don't mix.
Don't think me a fool, Leonardo.
Don't risk the workshop's reputation.
The morgue's off limits.
Break the law, you're out.
Next time I won't save you from prison.
Very modern(!) Cosimo.
It's gone.
Where's it gone? LEONARDO SIGHS MUSIC: The Dead 60s - "Riot Radio" Talk talk speaker on the end of the wire You know I can't turn it off Riot on the radio.
What's going on? What have you done with it? Just in time.
An auction.
Auction? It's incredible.
So many people want to go back in time.
They want to change something or they miss someone.
It's gold dust.
You can't do this.
You can't sell it off to the highest bidder.
It's not yours to sell.
It's not yours.
I found it.
Not this one.
It's a fake.
It's a real pocket watch.
The only fake is writing the PS.
Where's the original? My guess, trying to please Daddy.
No cup? What happened? Err What's that? It's only a watch.
Can I see? Hah! Interessante.
How did you get it? I found it in the street.
Really? I think it might be the make I'm after.
I'd give you a good price for it if it was.
Oh no.
Have it, Papa.
Take it.
Very kind, Lorenzo.
KNOCKING What are you doing with it that's special? Please help me get it back.
My dad seemed pretty happy.
He doesn't know what it can do.
If he goes back in time, re-lives his past, he might not meet your mum.
You might never be born.
Really? So where's your dad now? Probably in his study.
Well you're going to have to help me.
Signora Schelling.
I seem to have brought you here unnecessarily.
I now have the missing item.
SOBBING So sorry to hear about your son.
Err, please.
As a father myself, I feel your loss deeply.
Your son was, by all accounts, an extraordinary man.
And so much more than a mere watchmaker.
Papa? Papa! If I were to lean more on my right when counter attack, would I then risk being open on my left on return? What? If I were to lean more on my right.
I understand the question, Lorenzo.
I'm busy.
If you want to discuss your failure to win today, leave it until dinner.
Still not working? Maybe we're not meant to go back.
Have you tried it out yet? Hang on.
Of course! I dropped the watch around here.
We're looking for a pin or a key.
Can't see Under here! LOUD BANG Quick.
In here.
Get him.
Get him.
Come on! Grr! Um, Leo? Where exactly are we? In the catacombs under the hospital.
'They're here!' EXCITING MUSIC SCREAMING MUFFLED SHOUTING You know what we want.
If you don't surrender it, your friend won't get out of here alive.
We made a few.
Let her go.
Let him go and you can have it.
Give me the watch.
Catch! How could you give it away? I gave away a watch, not THE watch.
I've still got it.
Danke schoen.
That's his mother.
I didn't know about her.
What difference does it make? You won't give it to her? With this she can go back to before he died and be with him again.
Remember why you wanted this.
It's your only chance, isn't it? Signora! Signora.
It's Peter's.
Now I have Peter.
I think she's going to use it.
Come on.
I want to see if I can recreate the spring mechanism.
Where did she go? Impossibile! Nah.
Hey! I was right, your Excellency.
It was the da Vinci boy all along.
He's too curious for his own good.
Your Excellency, I hesitate to mention it When we arrested him in the morgue, the young master was with him.
Yes, they're friends.
Papa? Papa! I know all about that.
The young master doesn't know that I know.
I'd like to keep it that way.
Here we are.
WHISPERS: It doesn't work! The whole thing was obviously a complete waste of time.
He didn't have some kind of key, did he? WHIRRING AND CREAKING LAUGHING It's a wake-up clock.
If the bell doesn't wake him, the water will! Come on Cosimo, get up.
We've made your favourite breakfast.

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