Lie To Me s03e05 Episode Script

The Canary's Song

I'm looking for Mr.
He's not here.
You got me.
- You knew I was coming, didn't you? - Yeah.
To whine to Mr.
This week's check's 60 bucks light, man.
I'm just here to get what's mine.
Question: think you're pulling your weight down there, Warner? - Well, my crew say I'm not? - No.
I say it.
I see everything you mokes do and don't do.
That's why you call me Big Brother.
I'm trying to put a down payment on a ring, man.
Well, I guess that means now Connie has time to find herself a real man.
I thought so.
Every man has his price, Mr.
Oh, yeah? What's mine, then? A hundred grand? Why come to me? MSHA is about to come out with their report saying that they found no evidence of miner error.
As good as saying the company's to blame for the death of those men.
Sounds fair.
What happened in that mine was human error.
Or course it was.
Always is.
Bloody humans.
I came up in those mines, Mr.
Twenty years breaking rocks.
Now, if enough methane gas builds up down there one slip of a hammer sets off a spark no one stands a chance in hell.
Now, if the company's at fault, I'd be the first one to admit it.
That is not the case here.
How do you know? Because I run a safe mine.
You don't know, do you? I mean, not for sure, right? But if I can prove that the company's not at fault you get an extra little something in your Christmas envelope, don't you? Dream Send me a sign Turn back the clock Give me some time I need to break out Make a new name Let's open our eyes To the brand new day GILLIAN: ASAC Dillon.
- Dr.
- Nice to see you.
It's, uh, your boss I'm here to see.
You did get the memo? We're no longer on retainer with the FBI.
And you mean my partner.
Speak to him after you're done with me.
That's how we vet our incoming cases.
Your partner got Agent Reynolds shot and wounded.
- How's Ben doing? - Ben is riding a desk.
How do you think he's doing? What are you doing here? Quid pro quo.
- You speak Latin now.
- Ha.
You wanna hear some more? Pro bono.
That's what you're gonna charge the FBI for this case.
Pro bono? I don't think so.
Well, then we'll drag Lightman in to answer some very tough questions which will make him wish that we'd stayed friends.
What's he done now? I can't wait till tomorrow.
What happens tomorrow? I get better-looking every day.
Now you know why they call him Jimmy the Mouth.
CAL: Who's dealing? MAN: Right.
CAL: Is this still Texas Hold 'Em, or are you ready for a real man's game? Had enough? Or do I need to skip to where he sweeps five large in dirty money off the table? Which, in case you're not hearing me I can easily turn into a felony that won't go away.
Here are those pictures you asked for, Dr.
You don't think I grieve for my men? We're sorry for your loss, Mr.
But apart from the picture of your foreman the rest aren't miners killed in that explosion.
They're five random pictures that we pulled from the Internet.
Oh, yeah? Who died? Your friend Dillon from the FBI is in the conference room with a video of you playing cards with criminals.
Me? Jimmy the Mouth.
I'll take care of the FBI.
All you do is antagonize them, Cal.
That's never gonna get them to leave us alone.
What this requires is a woman's touch.
Get lost.
Torres, I need you.
Jimmy the Mouth made a mess.
And he was just leaving.
What's that all about? I was never here.
Lightman's not in the office.
Still out playing cards with criminals? That doesn't mean he is a criminal.
So why don't we focus on what you're really here for.
You wanna use Dr.
Lightman against the men in that game.
Here you go, Carl.
Who's that one? MAN: Name is Brian Warner.
He's a timberman.
He builds supports in the mine as they dig.
One of the best I've ever seen.
It's 9 in the morning, and he's already drunk.
This is Mr.
Lightman from D.
, I was telling you about.
Old Times.
- Oh, yeah? - Guess because I look so young.
Oh, right.
I was Big Brother's assistant foreman.
Taught him everything he knows.
Big Brother? Eyes in the back of his head, did he? Yeah.
Except this time.
That's Hoodak.
He's an engineer.
Angry sober, angry drunk.
It runs in the family.
He blames you for the explosion, mate.
Face of the company.
Comes with the territory.
Well, racism's alive and kicking in Hopper's River, I see.
OLD TIMES: That's Darryl.
He's part of the crew too.
Six men went underground on Monday.
Today, we mourn their passing.
First and foremost, we'd like to mourn our foreman, Bill Jones.
We all called him Big Brother because that's what he was to all of us.
This one's so full of it, it's coming out of his ears.
He was tough but he always had our backs.
CAL: And everyone here knows it.
What do you expect with his family here, huh? I would expect the man eulogizing him to at least try to hide his contempt.
Let's all, uh, bow our heads in a moment of silence.
Oi, oi.
It was a very touching eulogy.
I was moved.
Who the hell are you? I'm sorry about your foreman in there.
- You're with Wallace.
- Yeah, he's sorry too.
And for the other five men that got killed with him.
What, you leaving so soon? He's only just racked them up.
Nature calls.
You know I'm gonna find out what happened down in that mine that makes you so ashamed.
I'm kind of a pain in the ass that way.
Being a miner's not a question of if you're gonna get hurt, just when.
Really? So how's it work, then? All right, six of you get killed altogether and you knock back a few pints put it down to "accidents will happen"? Is that how it goes, eh? WOMAN: You're not welcome in this bar, Wallace.
MAN: Yeah, get him.
- You got some nerve coming in here.
Connie, I'm here to pay my respects like everyone else.
Connie, it's all right.
My kid cousin Joey was killed in that explosion.
Don't you dare tell me it's all right, Sully.
He was just a canary.
Eighteen years old.
His first week down your damn mine.
- Hold on.
- We don't want any trouble, Mr.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Back off.
- You ain't gonna use it.
Try me.
Try me.
Who the hell are you? He's with me.
Here, give me that.
It's all good.
The sheriff's outside.
I want everyone out except for you four, all right? And him.
The rest of you leave, all right? This is our bar, not your mine, Wallace.
Either you answer his questions in here, or the sheriff's outside.
All right.
Well, nature calls.
Did Foster tell you to follow me here? No, that was all my idea.
Think what you did is clever, do you? You mean, as opposed to what you were about to do with that bottle? Back off, cobra.
Four miners, all on the same crew.
How do you know that? They've probably known each other since they were kids.
And now they count on each other for their lives every day.
So John, Paul, George and Ringo have a secret.
We identify the weakest link.
What would I do without you, Loker? Hmm? Meet Joseph Hench, also known as Bruzzi by his foot soldiers back in Boston.
Nice eyes, for a guy with henchmen.
He ordered the gangland shootings of seven rivals and a federal judge.
All the same, he's on your most wanted list.
He's at the top of the list.
Um, bring up the poker game.
That's him.
What if Lightman can't help? The arrest of every person at this poker game is the next step.
By the next step, you mean Lightman? I'm not letting you near Lightman, so forget that.
Let me guess.
No soul? Hey, Paul.
Over here.
Yeah, you, over here, mate.
The name is Brian, not Paul.
- Oh, really? - Really.
You guys don't belong here, man.
You belong behind bars for what happened in that mine, mate.
Is she single? Oh, I'm sorry.
You and her, eh? Say no more.
We don't take plastic, and it's peanuts or nothing.
You two make a handsome couple.
Does he always drink like this, or is it just since the accident? What did he tell you about what happened down in that mine, then? Oh, that much.
That's a bit careless, Bri.
- Make that your last one, Brian.
- I didn't tell anybody anything.
Anything about what, babe? About who killed your kid cousin and his mates.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- About how Big Brother had it coming.
He's trying to mess with your head, sweetie.
You take it from me, you've told me more than you realize.
You should back up out of my face before you get really hurt.
- You sure about that, are you? - Yeah.
- We okay here? CAL: Oh, yeah.
He's about to throw up, though.
And it's not the drink, it's the nerves.
I think I'll take them peanuts now, darling.
- So how long you guys known each other? - Long enough.
First question's free.
Next one costs you.
You two idiots start a shift in less than an hour.
Take a hike.
What have you got in your pocket? A gun? Don't push it, son.
For your own good.
It's not a gun, is it? [LAUGHS.]
A little advice, son? Go home before you get hurt.
I told the FBI agent, uh, Dillon no one knows each other outside of card game.
No one digs nose into each other's business.
High stakes poker.
That's it.
Everyone has good time.
Are those hair plugs? Are those, uh, fake breasts? Well, he's deflecting about the doll hair.
But everything else he's saying is true.
You didn't just stumble into the poker game.
- You were invited.
- By whom? This is him.
The guy who invited me.
What about this guy? Who's he? Ah, Jimmy the Mouth.
Funny, funny guy.
So if everybody is invited, who invited him? Wheels.
His name is Wheels.
How you doing, Connie? You all right? Yeah? Nor is Brian.
The secret of how those men died is killing him.
And the others they can smell his fear.
Souvenir? Where you going? CAL: Where you think I'm going? I'm going to work.
Got a new canary for you.
- Where's your engineer, then? - Hoodak? He saw a rabbit.
Let me guess.
Bunnies bring bad luck, right? Who knows? Point is, we cut him a break.
Last thing you want is someone who had too much to drink, right? You got that right.
But you let him down here.
And he's had a skinfull.
Can't do squat without your timberman.
You cold, Brian? No, it's the draft from the methane extractor fans.
Don't worry, I'll live.
Oh, yeah? Right.
The engineer stayed up top for a reason.
She knows this crew's involved in the explosion.
Brian told her.
So Hoodak's up there to silence Connie.
- You still here, college boy? - Aww.
Maybe he saw an itty-bitty bunny too.
Just pour it and shut up, Connie.
I want you to turn the fans off in this shaft.
I want a methane buildup.
Do you have any idea how dangerous it is down here? While you're at it, stand the sheriffs and the emergency services by.
And trust me.
Save your respirator till the last moment.
It'll give you one hour before you have to get out.
- That's all the air you'll have.
- All right.
But you're gonna turn the fans on again in an hour, right? Yeah.
Right, then.
This is your last, Hoodak.
Drink up, go home, sleep it off.
Why did your boss go down that mine? Well he operates on the premise that a predator has most success striking where its prey feels most at home.
CAL: Hey.
So is that safe, then? No, it's not.
Nothing's safe down here.
So one spark, right, and good night, nurse.
Perfect crime, eh? If there was a methane buildup, you should ask the people that run this place why they keep shutting the fans off.
So Big Brother was the face of everything you resent about management, right? I didn't kill him.
The company did.
The company did.
Yo, Bri.
Need those timbers down shaft yesterday, bro.
I'm sorry.
I'm on it.
So did you resent Big Brother as much as he did? Oh, worse.
Oh, strong silent type.
I can work with that.
DARRYL: The more we talk, the colder America gets, yellow bird.
Go ahead, kid.
- What's this? - Pickpocket son of a bitch.
It's part of a door handle.
What is this? Blast damage? Coal dust in the grooves.
It's been sawed off or something.
I'm thinking some time before the explosion.
Where's Hoodak? He must've went home already.
You wanna check on that? What's this? Maybe we'll find one of your foreman's teeth in here.
Mining is dangerous work.
Big Brother knew the risk.
Him and, what, five others? You should know the risk too.
That's why you all gotta trust each other down here completely, right? Because your lives depend on it.
No matter what.
Even though you know what they really think about you.
Down here, we all the same color.
Oh, nice try.
Our brotherhood's stronger than whatever B.
you're trying to spin.
What, the same brotherhood that got six men killed? You're not leaving here until you tell me how you got this.
It's the handle from the tool room.
When the feds from Mine Safety were sifting through the rubble, I saw it.
You stole evidence? You don't know nothing, kid, so just keep it in your pants.
So your men just locked Big Brother in there and left him to die.
It was a prank.
A stupid prank.
Nobody was meant to get killed.
They just wanted to teach that bullheaded bastard a lesson.
A lesson? How do you know that? You wanna kill somebody in a mine, you take a hammer to them and you bury them in a wall.
They locked him in the tool room.
He panicked.
Because of the methane buildup.
Because he wasn't running the fans.
Saving the company money is what got him killed.
Well, him and those other five.
You and I need to talk to the sheriff.
Let's go.
I used to think you lot were a really tight crew, you know? Till about a minute ago.
What's worse when operating machinery down a mine? Too much alcohol, or living a lie? Because it is hard, if not impossible, to work like that and lie at the same time.
Well, that's real interesting.
Just saying.
You didn't mean to kill all six men, did you? Eh? Just the foreman.
- You told him.
- No, no.
I told you to stop.
Digging ain't your game.
Look, he didn't tell me a thing.
All right? If he'd have blabbed to me up top you think I'd be down here playing silly buggers with you two? [SENSOR BEEPING.]
Damn methane meter's in the red.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing? You're gonna get us all killed.
Well, look at them.
Look at them.
You think they're gonna let us out of here alive now? You wouldn't do that.
Try me.
He took the flint out.
He's bluffing.
You really wanna take that chance, do you? [GRUNTING.]
BRIAN: What the hell are you doing? - This gas is nasty.
Wouldn't wanna make a spark now, do we? Would you give me that, you psycho? Something like this happen with Big Brother? Just put the shovel down.
We'll talk.
You didn't turn off those fans that morning.
Only management can do that.
The methane buildup was an accident, all right? They just meant to put the fear of God into Big Brother a little bit, all right? Just scare him, that's all.
- Wait, wait.
- Oh, go on, then.
Run after them.
See if they'll let you out of here alive now.
Look, they came to the mine before the dawn shift.
All they wanted to do was mess with the handle before Big Brother came down to do his check.
That's all.
Where were you? I was with Connie.
Big Brother had docked some of my pay.
I figured, what the hell, screw him.
Look, when I heard the mine blew I didn't know what to think.
Oh, you knew, all right.
You just didn't wanna believe your crew could do something like that, did you? Did you tell Connie? You put her in danger.
You wanna do something about that, do you? What did you do to this guy? That wasn't us.
That was his bookie.
Wheels here is a degenerate gambler.
- Your name Wheels? - Your name Legs? Gillian Foster.
Johnny Carl.
And there I was, thinking I could feel nothing below the waist.
Thank you.
How did you end up in the chair? I got bit by a shark.
The kind that makes bad loans.
Two in the spine.
They don't kill guys like me.
A dead man can't pay his debts.
You know a friend of mine.
Jimmy the Mouth.
Jimmy's a friend of yours? - I always knew he was a classy guy.
- I wouldn't go that far.
That's a friend of mine you're talking about.
You're defending his honor.
Jimmy the Mouth.
He really a friend of yours? - What do you owe? - None of your business.
That personal? Worked those card games, him and me.
- Him and me? Like you're brothers? - Eh.
He looks different here.
Help me help him, Johnny.
Jimmy bummed a smoke off of me on a subway platform last year.
He doesn't smoke.
Let's just say I was waiting for the train, but I wasn't gonna get on it.
You were going to kill yourself.
Thank you, Agent Dillon.
I've got this.
Jimmy saw it.
I don't know how.
Guy's a magician.
He turns red to black.
He got me out of debt right at that card table.
Where's the next card game gonna be? It's a floating game, but I didn't say that.
You didn't have to.
CONNIE: Put the gun down, Hoodak.
I mean, how long we known each other? Since we were kids, right? - You don't wanna kill me.
- Shut up, Connie! Who put you up to this? Sully? I know that Brian told you.
I swear he didn't tell me anything.
HOODAK: That explosion was an accident.
I believe you, okay? Just Just put down the gun, okay? I wish I could, Connie.
Stay down.
Hey, where are you going? Where are you going? I give you this, and we're even.
If Hench is there, we'll take him down then Lightman gets off the hook.
If Hench is there, you lose our number.
For good.
Your word.
Yeah, okay.
Somebody turned the fans back on.
I knew it.
You wanna talk some more.
That hammer's what, - Shut up.
- No, so if it's a chest shot that's what's messy.
Cracked ribs and punctured lung, drowning in your own blood type of thing.
But if it's a head shot, much cleaner.
But, I mean, what's a bit of brain matter between men? You done? You don't wanna do this, do you? But if you do do it you should at least know what it is that you're about to do.
Six men dead already.
How many more can you live with? Yeah.
Yeah, give me that.
Shift's over.
What the hell is going on here? This ain't who we are, bro.
Oh, it's exactly who he is.
He's a bloody racist, that one.
And you know it.
See, this is what happens, Sully when you send a boy to do a man's job.
Ain't that the truth.
Well, he brought a knife to a fistfight.
That will learn him.
- Where's Connie? - She just ran out of here with a gun.
I called the cops.
She's gone to speak for her dead cousin.
Looks like this is your canary come home to roost, mate.
Baby, what are you doing? He's the one who did this.
To all of us.
Men like Old Times, with black lung.
Brian's crew dealing with bastards like Big Brother, day in, day out.
You're responsible! Darling, if you've come here for a true confession a gun's not the way.
All right, answer her.
Answer her, Wallace, anyway.
As far as legal liability is concerned No, properly! Like a man! The truth is, we can't dig the stuff out of the ground fast enough.
That's not an excuse, Wallace for the conditions we're working, you know it.
You beat the drum, Big Brother cracked the whip.
Listen to me, okay? Your cousin, all of them I'm sorry.
I am so sorry, and I promise you, I will do everything I can to make it right.
Well for your information, love, he means that bit.
Right, Wallace, here's what you have to do.
You let the accident report stand and the company takes the blame.
And they pay the damages in full.
It's untrue.
It's untrue.
I should just let her shoot you, mate.
Okay, okay, okay.
All right.
Once they fire me, and they will things will just go back to the way they've been with a new Big Brother and a new me.
And that's how it'll be until all that coal is gone.
And there I was thinking I was saving the world, mate.
Let me have it.
Thank you.
I'm not much of a whiskey drinker, but this is smooth.
Fifty-year-old malt.
Did you steal this from Lightman's stash? [LAUGHS.]
- Hmm.
- You did.
Up yours.
All right.
You deserve it, though.
You saved his ass today.
It's force of habit.
What makes this time any different? Well, this time, he actually noticed.
You know, when I told him that I was gonna get rid of the FBI once and for all, he said thank you.
He actually said that? Less talk.
More drink.
This love of mine Goes on and on Though life is empty Since you have gone You're always on my mind Oi, oi.
You know, I never realized there were so many stars.
There aren't.
That's my very expensive Scotch talking.
Oh, what's mine is mine.
Render unto Caesar, you know, and all that.
Loker's earned his stripes finally.
The FBI, they won't be back.
That Scotch was a gift from a very grateful client.
Johnny Wheels was a client? You have had a good day, haven't you? And you're gonna thank me for it.
You're gonna say thank you and I'm gonna stand here until you do.
I'm waiting.
Thank you for cleaning up my mess, Gillian.
I can't wait until tomorrow.
Why? What's tomorrow? I get better-looking every day.
This love of mine [English - US -SDH.]

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