Life is Wild s01e09 Episode Script

The code

ROGERS: Tomorrow is the midterm, so sign the school's honor code in front of you.
Please note, witnessing another student cheating and not reporting it will make you guilty of cheating as well.
Banks, Miss Banks, please collect all the signed documents and deposit them on my desk.
The midterm will be worth 50% of your final grade.
And as such, I suggest, you study appropriately.
If you've worked hard, you'll have no problem.
Cla ??? Mr.
Weller, a moment.
I could dance around it, but the fact is, you're failing this class, young man.
You should care more.
And yet, I don't.
Your brochure said we'd see lots of animals on a game walk.
Where are the animals? This is nothing like the wildebeest migration.
The Serengeti National Park or the pink flamingos.
Or the Masai Mara.
We've been friends since university.
Freshmen roommates.
Friends ever since, uh? Yeah.
Every year, we take a trip together Shh! Shh! Shh! I was just saying (whispers): Quiet.
Unless you want to spook him, and you don't want to do that.
Spook who? (whispering): Take that, Serengeti National Park.
Look at him.
The white lion-- unique, proud, tough.
That animal represents everything that's magical about this country.
I can't believe he's making that stupid midterm worth 50% of our total grade.
I mean, that's not fair.
B students don't get into Oord.
And I'm going to be lucky if I get that.
Well, there are universities other than Oxford.
Not to our dad.
KATIE: No offense, but how do you expect to get into Oxford with just a B average? Legacy-- four genes of Banks have walked the hallowed halls.
But they were a little more book smart than me.
Yeah, so if Ollie doesn't get in, the legacy will die and And so will I.
At least there's no pressure on you then.
If I flunk this test, no trip to Paris this summer, no haute couture.
Instead, I'll be stuck here, resitting this completely useless class.
If I don't do well, no more soccer, and history is my worst subject.
Guys, have a little perspective.
I mean, 50% of the grade is a lot, but it's just one test.
Coming from a straight-A student.
And I don't want to hear any perspective from you either, Miss I've-Never-Had- a-B-in-My-Life.
Okay, come on, guys.
Who actually cares? It's South African history.
I do.
I do.
Yeah, well, you would, you're South African.
That may have something to do with it.
So what are we doing? We're not doing anything.
Themba and I are playing soccer.
Can't I play? No, I'm sorry.
But we're playing one-on-one.
That's how it works in South Africa.
And tonight, Themba's sleeping over, so don't expect to play in any of our games then either.
There's this cool soccer drill I know, and three people can play, so do you want to play? She can't.
She's not part of the club.
Club? Yeah, you have to, um, be over four-foot-eight to join.
It's like a roller coaster.
That's not fair.
He's not four-foot-eight.
I'll be the judge of that.
My club, my rules.
When you have your own club, you can make your own rules.
This is rooibos, a special South African tea, and these are Ntatu's rusks, best in the world.
Also the reason why I never miss an afternoon tea.
I hear you guys saw a white lion today.
Yeah, he was he was beautiful.
We got lucky.
I haven't spotted one of those for what must be 20 years.
As beautiful now as they were then.
They're loners.
They're never really part of a family unit.
But appearances can be deceiving.
They're very, very vulnerable creatures.
You know, a long time ago, when I was a child, it was believed that the white lions are the children of the sun god, sent down to earth once in every hundred years, as a sign of good in all creatures.
So to set one free is to free the soul of Africa.
So, can you arrange the hunting permits for us? I'm sorry? You want to hunt that lion? It'd be pretty tough to mount him on a wall if he's still alive.
(laughter) Uh, we would like to do a guided hunt.
What's a guided hunt? ART: They used scented spray, radar, laser sights, high-powered rifles.
So, the permits, you can get them? No.
Well, this is a hunting lodge, isn't it? I mean, I assume with all the trophies on the wall You assumed incorrectly.
No one's going to kill a white lion, or any other animal for that matter, on this property.
We're not killing; we're hunting Hunting is killing,and it's barbaric.
Bottom line, gentlemen, this is not a hunting lodge.
And if that's what you came here for, then you both are definitely in the wrong place.
Well thank you Lion got your tongue? I don't believe in hunting lions, but make no mistake, I am a hunter through and through.
This is Africa.
What does that mean? When I was younger than Chase, I knew how to hunt, track, dress, and cook my own kill over an open fire.
Hunting isn't a thing we do.
It's part of our culture, it's who we are.
Well, that sounds fantastic, but they're not going to cook the lion over an open fire.
They want to shoot it for fun.
Why did I ever think he would agree with me on this? I mean, all those heads in the hall? Give me a break.
It's like an animal graveyard around here.
Hey, that's me, my father, and my grandfather on those walls.
It's my heritage you're talking about.
Tread lightly, my friend.
So, what did Mr.
Rogers have to say? Nothing.
You know, a few of us are going to have a study session tonight, and Study session, wow! Somehow "No" just doesn't seem like enough.
I'm just trying to be nice.
Jesse, it's no secret that you're kind of failing the class.
I'm doing just fine.
And, hey, don't let that study session get out of control.
We both know how wild those things can get.
hey Don't you have some studying to do? No.
I got it all under control.
Really? 'Cause, um, that's not what the principal said when she told us you were almost flunking out.
I just want you to know that our offer still stands and we'll get you a tutor if you want one.
Mom, I said I got it all under control.
Just know that it was hard enough to get you guys into Pecanwood in the middle of a semester, so if you get kicked out, there will be some serious changes to your lifestyles, including home-schooling.
Sounds great-- kick back at home all day.
Well, I guess you're right.
It'll just be you,here alone all day with a local tutor.
And you won't have to worry about the distractions of working at the Ant Hill, or hanging with Emily, or driving.
Of course, I'm here all day, so is Danny, so We'll just be one big, happy home-schooling family.
all right as much as I love our verbal sparring sessions, I really don't have time.
Seriously, Jesse, go away.
I can't.
Why? What? Well, I never imagined myself saying this to you, but I am going to need your help with the midterm.
You're not going to make this easy on me, are you? Well, I'm going to make this as easy on you as you would on me.
Well, our first walkouts.
We don't want people like that staying with us anyway.
ART: You're both going to have to come to terms with the fact that part of South Africa's tourist economy revolves around hunting.
It's a money-maker.
You can't protect that lion.
I think we just did.
You can't stop Colin from taking them on a guided hunt.
I beg to differ.
You didn't save that lion.
You only postponed its death.
Who were the first people to populate South Africa? They were around before history was even written.
My God, this test starts at the dawn of time.
I'm dead.
Okay, just focus, concentrate.
Let's think.
There were two groups.
The San and the Khoekhoe, also known as the Bushmen, and the Khoikhoi, collectively known as the Khoisan.
I mean, is this even on the test? Because I don't think it was on the study guide.
I don't want anything extra.
I don't want any suckup points.
I just want whatever I have to have to pass.
KATIE: You have to start at the beginning to lay the foundation I'm never going to remember the San whatever, or-or anything.
Try this: Sandy Kangaroos Burned Kelp in the Kitchen.
What? It's a mnemonic way of remembering things.
Um The San, the Khoekhoe, the Bushmen, the Khoikhoi and the Khoisa-- Sandy, Kangaroos, Burned Kelp in the Kitchen.
You actually wasted time coming up with that stuff just so that you could remember some garbage? Wow.
You're more whacked than I thought.
You may want to rethink the insults, considering that I am the only thing standing between you and home-school.
All right? I'm thirsty.
My soda's in the kitchen.
Don't push it.
So thirsty.
Sorry I'm late.
Are you stying with us? yeah! In between my butler duties.
Jesse? You're here.
What are you all staring at? Hey, let's get to work, guys.
Thank you.
Uh this is the test.
What? This is the rough of Mr.
Rogers' test.
It's a list of questions.
I don't get it.
How did that get in my? Well, you must have picked it up when you dropped the honor codes on his desk.
What are we going to do, guys? Use it.
Please don't.
Wait we can't use it, can we? No.
Absolutely not.
Yeah, the honor code.
You're right, let's hand it back in.
Right, hand it back in.
Are you guys crazy? Look, I'll go with you on the "not using it," but Mr.
Rogers ain't going to believe that Emily took it by accident.
And once he finds out that we all saw it, he's going to flunk first and ask questions later.
JESSE: Which is why we should use it.
I mean, look, we're already guilty.
So let's just be guilty with "A's.
" No.
Okay, none of us have looked at it, so technically, we haven't cheated.
Why don't we just throw it away and forget about it? Right.
Hey, where'd you get those? Ntatu made them.
Want one? Yeah.
They're not for you, they're for my club.
Club? Find out tomorrow after school.
My club is open to anyone who wants to join.
That is, anyone whose first name doesn't start with a C.
We don't want to join your stupid club.
Think about it.
Sandy Kangaroos Burned Kelp in the Kitchen! What time is it? It's 1:00.
I'm so full of stuff I don't understand I'm never going to remember any of this.
What? The answers to my dreams and this test are right over there in that trash can.
You don't need to cheat.
So Hey, you could teach me all the "kangaroos" you want, but I'm not you.
You're the nerd.
I prefer smart.
And you're not too shabby.
You just don't care, you never study.
You worked the hardest I've ever seen you work-- ever-- tonight.
Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.
It's between you and me.
Home-schooling, what choice do I have? There's always a choice.
I've just never seen you make the right one.
A compliment and an insult.
That's nice.
All right, let's stop wasting time, and get on to the ANC and the fall of Apartheid.
All right, we're getting there, that's our lifetime.
You've all read and signed the honor code.
And by doing that you've agreed to abide by it.
Everyone understand it? Yeah.
And is okay with that? Yes.
To me, it's not just a piece of paper, it's a contract; a promise between yourself, the school, and me, that you will act honorably.
Well, I guess if no one has anything to tell me you may turn your papers over and begin.
What are you doing here? Wasn't my choice, your wife was afraid you might do something foolish.
I can take care of myself.
Oh, yeah? Chasing hunters in the bush? You got a lot of experience.
What was that, second year of vet school? Listen, what you're doing is dangerous.
You don't want to get between a hunter and his prey.
It's a very good way to get your Got away.
He's fast.
Not fast enough to outrun this baby.
Fine, next shot's yours.
Good, I won't miss.
COLIN: Don't worry, gentlemen,you will bag your prize.
Hold it right there.
There's no hunting on Blue Antelope property.
Oh, did we stray onto your land? I could shoot you for trespassing.
But why waste a perfectly good bullet? Danny, many apologies, we must have got caught up in the chase.
Listen, I'm sure you're aware, that if, uh, Jack and Paul kill the lion, they'll have to pay me a trophy fee.
Now, I'm willing to split that fee with you should they shoot the white lion on your land.
$90,000 will buy a lot of compost.
Get off my property.
In the heat of the hunt, there are more important things than property lines.
I'll be sure to pay closer attention next time.
Until then.
Man's a nitwit, you're fighting a losing battle.
There's no way we can guard the perimeter of our land.
Maybe not, but I can try.
I would really appreciate that.
I don't know, as soon as possible.
They're probably out hunting him right now.
Thank you.
Who was that? Game warden.
There's no way they got those permits this fast.
And they're trespassing.
What can a game warden do? Arrest poachers, check hunting licenses, issue citations.
It's not going to help.
Colin knows his way around the hunting laws and the warden.
He's going to have to find his way around me.
Danny's beyond out-of- his-element here.
We have hunters and guns, and killing.
What do you want from me? I've already chased him out of here once.
If Danny wanted help, he'd ask.
Some people find it difficult to ask for help while others find it hard to offer.
Red, red, purple, purple, green, green, home, home.
Red, red,purple, purple, green, green, home, home.
Jump! Red, red, purple, purple, green, green, home, home.
Red, red, purple, purple, green, green, home, home.
Jump! Um, you're going to have to leave-- members only.
Members whose names don't start with a C.
What about him? His name is Carl.
Carl has a hard C, whereas Chase has a soft C.
Come on.
My club,my rules, remember? Hi.
This is not right.
Read it and ep.
What'd you get? Well, I got to say, I am happy with a "C.
" Yeah, I'm happy, too.
That's because you got the highest score in the class.
Well, you got the second highest.
Wait if I got a 92 and you got a 91 then that means That means you did better than me.
I'm, I'm sorry, what? You did better than me.
I get it, and so does everyone else.
I told you you were smart.
(bell rings) Class dismissed.
Weller come with me.
JESSE: You're kidding, right? I did not cheat on my mid-term.
You don't have to be a math teacher to know the probability of someone going from an "F" to an "A.
" How about if I studied all night? PRINCIPAL: Still doesn't add up.
Yesterday after class, on my desk, I had a copy of the rough draft of the test.
It went missing.
I went ahead with the test as planned because I believe in the honor code and that my students will act accordingly.
Then I graded your paper.
So, are you going after everyone that did well on the test? Well, Mr.
Weller, your grade, together with what happened at your last school I did not cheat.
You don't believe me.
Of course you don't believe me.
I think it's time to call your parents.
But there's nothing to investigate.
Hey, nothing got me suspended, so I got a pretty good feeling that nothing is enough to get me expelled.
We have to tell Mr.
Rogers the truth.
Yeah, he'll understand.
Whoa, wait a sec, I don't want to see Jesse go down, but we could get in a lot of trouble for this.
We could get kicked out.
But we did the right thing, and they can't do anything.
We didn't look at the test, we threw it out.
Yeah, but we didn't report it.
Hey, don't get involved.
Look, no one's going to believe anything I have to say, not after what happened at Brighton.
And I don't want anyone taking the fall for me.
Just leave it alone.
Okay, what happened in Brighton? He hacked onto some of the school computers and downloaded a few tests, and shared it with some students.
He said he didn't do it, but they traced the downloaded tests back to his computer and he got kicked out.
So he's cheated before.
And lied about it.
He studied so hard for this test.
He worked the hardest I have ever seen him work.
I just I don't understand why he would do that and then turn around and cheat.
Could you please stop making cookies and muffins for Mia? She's using food to lure people into her club.
"Lure"? Uh, tempt, entice, sucker.
I know what "lure" means, but why do you care what your sister does with her friends? See, that's it.
They're not her friends.
At least Themba and Amahle aren't.
They're mine, and she stole them using a clever combination of muffins and video games.
NTATU: You know, if you two can just find a way to work together, I'll bet you can have one great club.
You know, share friends, my cookies and muffins.
I'm sick of sharing with Mia.
Hello? Speaking.
I'm sorry, what did Jesse do? COLIN: I wasn't trespassing.
I was clearly on my own property.
My guide will back me up.
That's a lie.
You know, I really don't appreciate these outrageous accusations.
Look, I'm afraid it comes down to your word against Colin's, and that's not enough proof for me to write him up.
They are following the law, as long as they are off your land and actually have a permit to shoot that lion.
They can't possibly have a permit.
Those take at least six weeks to obtain.
It was expedited.
My boss personally signed off on it.
He and I are golfing buddies.
I don't believe this.
There's nothing more I can do.
Listen, I'm willing to share the trophy price with you if you're willing to work with me.
I'm not going to help you kill that lion.
Whether you help me or not, we will get that animal.
JO: Thank you very much.
PRINCIPAL: Thank you.
I didn't do it.
That has a familiar ring to it.
No, I'm telling you the truth this time.
I really want to believe you.
But you don't? At Brighton, I went to the mat for you.
I argued your innocence all the way to the school's board of trustees, and in the end, you were lying to me.
Get your things.
I'll wait in the car.
Hey, for the record, I don't think you did it.
I believe you.
Good for you.
Well, what they're doing to you is wrong.
You should say something.
Why aren't you fighting it? No one's going to believe me.
What are you doing? I'm going to hunt that lion, tranquilize it, and bring it back here.
How are you going to find it? You don't know how to hunt.
Honey, I've got to do something.
It's an unfair fight.
Nothing I hate worse.
Well, did you hear about Jesse? Yeah.
Jo told me.
Talk about an unfair fight.
Because of his background, they haven't even given him a chance.
They just found him guilty.
You think he didn't do it? He studied harder than me.
He earned his grade.
That's just so Unfair? Yeah.
What are you going to do about it? Well, I have to do something.
It's an unfair fight.
There's nothing I hate worse.
All you're missing is the chair, the whip and the big, funny hat.
And this from the great white hunter.
Who's not looking after this family of yours when that lion eats you whole.
Hmm? How much are you loading into that tranq gun? That's not enough.
Wait for me, I'll get mine.
Why are you doing this? Well, the thought of you alone in the bush with any kind of firearm sends shivers down my spine.
And I can't stand by and let them shoot that lion.
Your dad thinks he's going to hunt down that lion and save it.
Well, he's going to try.
Well, he can't save every animal being hunted in Africa.
He's not trying to save every animal.
Just this one for now.
He's fighting for what he believes in.
You should try it sometime.
What do you want me to do? Something.
You didn't cheat.
You have to fight back.
Well, if you don't do anything, then I'm going to have to tell them about us finding the test.
I have to do something.
You know,even if my dad doesn't find that lion, at least he knows he tried.
GROUP: One word.
I would just like to announce that I'm starting a new club, and, um, the only requirement is that you don't have lice.
Sorry, Mia.
What? I don't have lice.
And I'm also not afraid of the dark.
Like some people.
You still play with dolls.
So do you.
They're Warhammer! They're soldiers, not dolls.
Tiny toy soldiers you paint and play with.
You still talk in your sleep.
You cry at the movies.
I do not.
Happy Feet.
You still have an imaginary friend.
Who hates you.
That's our fella.
It's 250 kilograms.
It's bigger than I thought.
You sure it's our cat? Yeah, it's our guy.
The wind's shifted.
So? We better stay downwind.
Or? The hunter becomes the hunted.
I've always wanted to say that.
Katie, don't do it.
Yeah, you just, you can't tell Mr.
He will flunk all of us.
There's no honor in just sitting back and watching Jesse get kicked out.
Okay, we could all get kicked out.
You don't know that.
There's a good chance.
We don't have your grades, Katie.
Okay, I get it.
I'll I'll protect you guys.
I'll just say it was me.
It's something that I need to do.
Ah Took a little nap, did you? Who are you talking to? Not you.
And he's heading north.
Yeah, it's still fresh.
An hour, maybe more.
So we're close? Yeah.
But so is Colin.
What are you guys doing here? Same as you.
Well, let's do this then.
Can I help you? JESSE: What are you doing here? We're here about the missing test.
ROGERS: Yes, so is Mr.
Weller who was just telling us he didn't cheat.
I didn't cheat.
He didn't cheat.
How can you be sure? Well, if you're so sure that I did, why don't you just ask me a question that wasn't on the test? Go ahead, Mr.
Name the 11 official languages of South Africa.
Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Xhosa, Zulu, Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, Swati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga.
And by the way, there are other languages that are spoken in South Africa like Khoi, Nama and German.
And Nelson Mandela was a political prisoner for 27 years.
And the uprisings in Soweto were on June 16, 1976.
I didn't cheat.
That was impressive.
Well, there's still the issue of the missing rough draft of the test.
Um, to be honest, we found it.
That's why we're here.
To tell you that That I accidentally picked it up.
Then where is it? We threw them out.
But none of us looked at it.
Why didn't you just hand it in? We thought you wouldn't believe us.
Then perhaps a second chance is in order for Jesse.
And the rest of you.
ROGERS: Saturday, I will hold a re-test-- an all new mid-term.
If you all make at least the same grades, then perhaps we may be willing to overlook your honor code violation.
And if Jesse gets the same grade? Then I'll owe you an apology.
Like I need the motivation.
We'll see you then.
We showed them.
He's going to look good on my wall.
And you're going to look good on Art's.
Hey, it's our kill.
We were here first, Art.
What's fair is fair.
It's just a tranq gun.
Yeah, well,it's set to bring down a 500-pound lion.
It'll kill you in an instant.
Put your gun down, Danny.
Colin's right.
They got here first.
They get the shot.
Rules of the bush.
Come on, Jack.
Take your shot.
(whispers): But you've only got one shot.
One shot to take down the most dangerous predator in the bush, and if you miss, he's going to come at you, and if he does that,you are finished.
One slap from his forearm, and that's it.
You're down in the dirt, and it's all over.
You're dead.
Take your shot.
Come on.
Take your .
What are you waiting for?! Do it, Jack.
Do it now.
ART: Don't run, you idiots! MIA: Want a cookie? Ntatu made them for my club.
Warhammer isn't like playing with dolls.
They're soldiers.
You don't really talk in your sleep.
You only cried during that one movie.
And so did I.
You do have an imaginary friend.
But he doesn't hate you.
I'm thinking about starting a new club, limited to kids who are sorry about acting like jerks.
Sounds like my kind of club.
DANNY: And you thought I couldn't shoot.
You think it was your dart that hit him? You know it was my dart.
I never miss the target.
Yours was so off that I thought it might ricochet off a tree, bounce back and hit me.
Yeah, whatever It's just nice to see there's a little conservationist in you.
I got a couple of animal heads on the wall that might disagree, but for the record, real hunting is just man and beast, just you alone in the bush with your wits and your skill the only thing standing between you and death.
Art, my entire career is based on one principle-- saving animals.
Yeah, I don't suspect you'll ever understand me or hunting.
Probably not.
But I do understand one thing what you did today, that was a good thing, and maybe not the easiest thing you've ever done.
Colin's a jerk.
Those other two are morons, as well.
So the hunter and the conservationist can agree on something.
Don't go all mushy on me.
I just talked to the principal.
She told me about giving you a second chance.
Well, hey, don't look at me.
It was all her.
No, it was you.
You deserve your second chance.
JO: I'm sorry, Jesse.
I should have believed you, or at least listened to you.
I-I should have backed you up.
Hey, you know what? I earned my way into this reputation, so I guess I'm going to have to earn my way out.
It was the right thing to do.
It was the only thing to do.
DANNY: Guys,you have got to see this.
That could be the most beautiful animal I've ever seen.
Told you so.
What are you guys going to do with him? We're releasing him.
We found a sanctuary that'll take him.
Keep him safe.
You and Katie make quite a pair.
She's got my eyes, and her mother's overdeveloped aversion to injustice.
She got the aversion to injustice from both of us.
What? Why? All you have to do is say thank you.
Thank you.
That wasn't so hard, was it? Not as hard as I imagined.
I'm going over to Oliver's to study.
Do you want to come? No.
I think I got it covered.
Some total geek crammed so much South African history in my head, I couldn't forget it if I wanted to.
A compliment and an insult.
And anyways, I got something else I want to do.
All right.
He's amazing.
He's where he belongs.
He'll be safe and protected here in the sanctuary.
DANNY: Odds were against him, that's for sure.
He'll be okay.
He just needed someone to help him fight.
OLIVER: What you did for Jessewas really cool.
Yeah? Made me proud to be your boyfriend.
Well, before you get too proud, wait to see how I do on the test.
We have to study.
And I'm pretty sure kissing is not on the test.
Hey! Well, you never can be too sure.
As much as I'm enjoying this, can we save it for after the test? All right.
Well, I'm hungry, and I'm going to go get some pizza.
The test.
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