Life On Mars (US) s01e16 Episode Script

Everyone Knows It's Windy

satellite's gone up to the skies things like that drive me out of my mind we've got two cops shot here.
- Severe chest wound.
He's hemorrhaging.
- No breath sounds.
If he's got a pneumo, - he's gonna need a chest tube.
- Put him in trauma three.
it looks like the bullet grazed his right belly.
Grazed? I'm losin' blood here by the pintful! thank you,officers.
We need to prep him for surgery.
Wait,wait,wait! Wait,where you taking my partner?! Don't let him die,doc! * Satellite * that's my partner! do you hear me? * Satellite's gone way up to mars * jimmy mcmanus.
Where is he? Kiss the pimple on my ass,cop! Come herE.
Come here.
little patrick.
too dumb to open a lollipop.
Too dumb to captain a kickball team, and too dumb to leave new york when his boss plugs two of my men.
I'll ask you again.
Where Is jimmy mcmanus? Hey there,florence nightingale, if this doesn't work out, maybe you can get yourself a job slicing haddock at the fulton fish market.
* Things like that drive * Oh,my god.
it's okay.
It's all right.
Morphine's kicking in.
I called denise.
She's on her way.
Yeah,well,I ain't stickin' around.
They're gonna patch me up and then get me back out there.
I promised a bullet of mine I'd fix him up with one of mcmanus' internal organs.
Where's chris? They gotta operate on him.
He got shot really bad.
Satellite of satellite of love ready,boss.
Let's find mcmanus and wipe that grin off his face.
Of love he's going into shock.
We're gonna have to crack his chest.
- Get him up to O.
- B.
Is dropping.
He's crashing.
Grab the cart.
bring it in! on it's way! ray! You here for the fun? Yeah,I wouldn't miss it for the world,fiore.
Heard you guys are going rat turd hunting.
How is he now? He's hangin' in like gunga din.
- Let's go.
- Why not? clear! I need an amp of epi.
Come on,chris.
Fight,damn it! - still no pulse.
- Jack it up to 300.
Clear! - nothing.
- 360 Clear! either your lips start moving, or you keep kissing miss plymouth.
mcmanus isn't here,boss.
Ain't been here since yesterday,at least.
way to go,chris.
Way to go.
Stay with us,kid.
this guy's gone to ground like nobody's business.
We'll find him.
To chris pulling through.
And coming home.
And to jimmy mcmanus getting measured for a casket at fitzgerald's funeral home sooner than later.
Dear god,I need your help.
My friends need your help right now,too.
Please send your angels to protect my friend chris and heal his wounds protect gene from the burden of responsibility I know he feels for all of us.
Shelter ray from the guilt he carries on his shoulders for what happened to chris.
And watch over sam.
Help him find his truth wherever or whatever it may be.
What are you doing right now? I am unlocking the door.
Then I am going through the door and going to bed.
No! You can't do that.
- I can't? - No.
I'm locked out of my apartment.
I'm really tired.
But,2-b,I'm wide awake, and you look like you need a good game of checkers.
No,but I know why you're confused.
'Cause my "good game of checkers" look is very similar to my, uh,"I'm utterly exhausted" look.
See? Checkers and a beer.
It's the best way to end the day or greet the morning.
fold thy wings around me and guard me with love.
Softly sing songs to me from heaven above.
Dear god,make them strong.
Help them resist the vengeance they feel in their hearts.
You got me,copper.
But I got a mouthpiece.
So I'm gonna be out by happy time tomorrow.
Trust me on that.
and forgive our enemies for what they do.
In your name we pray.
my name is sam tyler.
I was in an accident,and I woke up in 1973.
I don't know how or why I'm here, but whatever's happened, it's like I've landed on a different planet.
Now maybe if I can work out the reason, I can get home.
Proudly Presents Season 01 Episode 16 mcmanus was armed,but he didn't pull it.
These casings are from a .
that kind of gun doesn't pack the wallop your average street thug prefers.
What's a 5-letter word for "humorous brilliance"? You plan on working some time today? "Witty.
" You know,whether mcmanus had it coming or not, we still have to work the case,right? The only reason I might possibly want to find that killer is to shake his hand, buy him a cream soda and introduce him to my cousin millie, who has beautiful breasts.
Can we be serious here for a minute,please? Somewhere an angel's just got his wings.
give me the particulars thus far.
Well,judging from the position of the body and the location of the casings, I'd guess the shooter stood about here.
Laid in wait in the shadows for mcmanus to walk by,then bang! three in the ten ring.
Left him deader than a lobster in butter sauce.
Do we know what time mcmanus punched out? Well,we got some residents who say they heard shots at around 2:45 A.
, But they didn't get a look at the shooter.
Now that's a shame.
All right,then start a canvass.
Round up some likelies.
See who was around at that time.
Well,we could start right here.
What were you doing last night,boss? Don't you cut your eye on me like that.
Well,have you got an alibi,ray? Yeah,I got an alibi,all right? I was getting my groove on with the missus.
Marathon love all night long,carling-style.
Well,at least your wife got her sleep,huh? Ha ha ha ha ha! Where were you,spaceman? Oh,I was losing checkers to my neighbor windy.
- Checkers with windy? - Yeah.
What kind of name is "windy"? A 5-letter word for "bite me.
" So I'm gonna put together a list of possible suspects, anyone who might have had a beef with mcmanus.
Present company excluded,of course.
I like your initiative,tyler.
In the old days,we called that gusto.
Anybody hungry? Seeing mcmanus dead on the street gave me a sudden hankering for corned beef.
Tastes best on rye with mayo.
Lieutenant,there's an agent morgan outside your office.
Agent? Like insurance agent? Like fbi agent.
yeah,let me have the detective call you.
Lieutenant hunt,it's a pleasure.
Special agent franklin morgan.
oh,now that's a good picture.
But I'm partial to ronald reagan westerns myself.
That's fascinating,frank.
How can I help you? Well,the fellas down in washington thought you might want a little assistance with the,uh,mcmanus case.
Thanks,but no,thanks.
missing missing missing You mean D.
Sent a starched collar up here to burp us? The bureau's been monitoring irish gangs since mr.
Hoover was the top tomato, and,uh,this case has obvious interest to our our interests.
If you want to share some information with us,agent morgan, I'd be happy to keep you apprised.
W-when I said supervise," I really should have said "investigate," as in whether someone from the Oh! So you think one of us did it? Any mystery is merely a question of drainage.
You remove all the extraneous elements, and the answer is revealed like a great,glowing stone.
This murder is on our sheet, and that means it's our problem to solve.
And you and your fed stick don't amount to A popcorn fart in the great,glorious metropolis thais huntlandia.
But feature this,gentlemen¡ª some scuzzy irish hood guns down two of yours and gets scragged himself? We at the bureau have a saying¡ª you just ain't that lucky.
gang slaying.
Extortion beef.
Here's gambling debts.
All likely avenues, but you're ignoring the obvious.
What's the obvious? One of us? give it up,pal.
No one in this precinct killed mcmanus,okay? I understand that you went undercover in his gang.
In my experience,hanging out with criminals brings out the dark side of a person.
How was your relationship with jimmy mcmanus? Oh,lovely.
We summered together on the cape, bonfires in the dunes, frisbees in the surf.
Mcmanus had a recipe for quahog chowder, make you weep.
I ain't seen him in a while.
- You? - no,me neither.
Pepper anderson always looks for the motive first.
Whoever has the strongest motive is usually the killer.
Pepper anderson? "police woman," angie dickinson.
I never miss an episode.
You get a lot of your notions about solving a murder from a tv show? I don't watch "police woman" for the police work,detective tyler.
I watch it for angie dickinson.
I love angie dickinson.
I want to move to vermont and have babies with angie dickinson.
Do you think that's possible,detective? Where were you last night around quarter to 3:00 A.
? I was at home with my neighbor,windy,playing checkers.
- Checkers with windy? - That's right.
And this windy will corroborate? She will.
ray,there's a man here who wants to see a detective about the mcmanus case.
He says he saw the shooter.
Yeah,I'm detective carling.
You here about the shooting last night? That's right.
Clifford dorsett.
I'm a doctor.
I was making a house call in the housing development.
It was one of my elderly patients.
She has acute diabetes.
Her ankles swell up.
That's fascinating.
What'd you see? Just before I stepped outside, I heard a-a popping noise, like firecrackers.
And then a moment later, a man ran right past me.
I didn't realize till this morning what was going on till I heard the news.
Can you describe the man you saw? Well,he was white,about medium height.
He wore a leather j-- oh,my god.
That's him.
That's who? The man who ran past me last night.
That's him! Yeah,boss.
Agent moron--excuse me-- morgan is tossing tyler's pad, which is yielding exactly what mrs.
Morgan sees when frankie drops his drawers-- nothing big.
All right.
chin up there,tyler.
Okay? The good doctor obviously made a mistake.
Hey,efrem zimbalist junior mint! How about we wrap it up,huh? Clearly the only crime is tyler's taste in clothing.
It's nothing.
It's a misunderstanding.
Did you get busted by the cops? Wait.
Aren't you a cop? Last night we were playing checkers till 3:00 in the morning.
I know.
I was there.
No,I may need you to tell the cops in my apartment that's what we were doing.
detective tyler,would you get in here a moment? - I'll be right back.
- I'll be home all day.
- Okay,good.
Uh,yeah,that'S that's research.
I write science fiction.
Wouldn't have taken you as an author,detective.
But you are full of surprises.
Oh,come on.
380-- the same caliber gun used in the mcmanus murder.
- That's not my gun.
- Here.
I have no idea how that got there.
All right,now you sound like the sad sacks we put the screws to.
I didn't shoot mcmanus,ray.
I was here all night with my neighbor windy.
You--ask her yourself.
She's home.
I just saw her a second ago.
She'll tell you.
We were playing checkers till 3:00 in the morning.
Windy,it's 2-B.
open the door.
windy? Hello? Windy? Time to dance,2-B.
It's a garden mix.
Mary jane's magic earth.
I'm telling you I spent time with her,okay? She's a hippie chick,a free spirit.
She makes pot lasagna.
We have dance parties to simon & garfunkel records.
She's my friend.
I had a frie like that once,too.
I called him "jibber.
" He was a talking walrus.
Of course was 5.
I think I'm going crazy,annie.
I don't know how else to explain what's happening to me.
I keep seeing these flashes of shooting mcmanus, but I don't remember doing it or hiding the gun.
It's not possible to forget something like that.
The witness saw me running from the scene.
The gun was in my apartment.
Explain that.
I can'T.
And windy-- we--we--we talk.
Well,she talks,a lot.
She calls me "2-B.
" As in "to be or not to be"? The things I told you about me, about where I'm from,about 2008 you thought I was crazy.
- I don't anymore.
- But you did.
You started to believe me,but that still doesn't mean it's true.
There is something bad and broken inside me,annie.
my father's a killer.
His blood runs through my veins.
You are not your father.
You're not your father.
This is real,sam.
Who you are inside is real.
how I feel about you is real.
How you feel about me? Whether you're crazy and I'm crazy for believing you the one thing I know absolutely is that you are not a killer.
morgan got back the ballistics on the gun.
It was a match.
I brought you some supper.
Thank you.
I know you don't shoot people,tyler, and then hide the murder weapon in your closet.
You're an odd duck,but you're no dummy.
I'll help you how I can.
But you gotta find the real killer.
And how do you want me to do that? I suggest you eat your chop suey, open the fortune cookie.
Something will come to you.
- Good night.
- Good night.
sowhile you been sleeping,chris, spiro agnew turned out to be a great disappointment to us all.
He was taking bribes.
can you imagine? the vice president taking bribes.
What's next? The president himself committing burglary? where's detective tyler? You don't even ask how my guy here is doing? Where's tyler? He's gonna pull through.
He's a tough little bastard.
Don't let the baby face fool ya.
No finer man you want by your side when things get dangerous.
I'll submit him for a medal of honor.
Where's tyler? Last I saw detective tyler, he was in his cell,sleeping.
- He is not in his cell.
- Sure he is.
But when he sleeps,he turns invisible.
Suggest you go back down there.
and if you're real quiet,you can hear him snoring.
it's a funny little snore.
it's got a whistle on the end.
I promise you,I will find out who helped tyler escape, and that person will be dealt with harshly.
If you want tyler so bad, why don't you go after him yourself? None of his 1-2-5- brethren are gonna let him play patsy on that mope's murder.
As we speak,his photo is being distributed throughout the city, to newspapers and tv stations.
We'll catch tyler, and when I'm done with him,he'll be in rikers,eating bologna out of a straw.
are you kidding me,little patrick? How many times are you gonna try and toss the garbage in there? What did you think was going on? Wacky raccoons? What the hell you doin' in there? We need to talk.
Yeah,the police kill jimmy and you got the pills to think I'm gonna talk to you? The police didn't kill jimmy.
I'm trying to figure out who did.
Oh,yeah,from inside a dumpster? - Who wanted your boss dead? - You.
- No,I didn't kill him.
- You didn't kill him? No,I'm trying to find out who wanted him dead.
- Who wanted him dead? - Yes.
Half the city of new york¡ª the cops,the italians,the russians,his high school metal shop teacher, his ex-girlfriend,two of my ex-girlfriends and jimmy's father.
Anything more recent? - You want another one of these,boyo? - Okay,okay,okay.
About a week before you reared your ugly head, he had us swipe this big rig hauling swag out of J.
We was back at the pony celebrating, and this average-looking joe comes in.
He powwows with jimmy.
Next thing I hear,we gotta give the truck back.
Whatever this joe said, it spooked jimmy bad enough to hand back a decent score.
What was in the truck? Toys.
Toys? Yeah,kids' toys from the aries toy company.
The aries toy company? Yeah.
That's what it said on the side of the truck-- aries toy company.
is officer norris.
Annie,it's me.
Sam,where are you? Are you okay? I don't have time to talk right now.
I need you to do me a favor.
How's grandma feeling? Grandma's feeling a little cold right now, but I need you to check out an aries toy company.
I need an address,employee directory,anything.
What's grandma gonna need that for? Just meet me under the queensboro bridge on the queens side at 5:00.
I'll explain everything.
Take care.
- Annie.
- Oh,sam.
God,you look terrible.
Well,I was going for awful,but terrible's close enough.
Put this on,please.
Thank you for doing this, for helping me, for having faith in me.
Thank you.
Have faith in yourself,sam.
I'm not there yet.
What did you dig up? Aries toy company-- it's a toy manufacturer in greenpoint.
They make everything from rubber balls to stuffed animals, you know,stuff yod find at a five-and-dime.
Sounds like a front.
The names of employees,owners? Oddly enough,no.
Just the address.
Nice job,annie.
That's agent morgan.
He must have followed me.
You gotta go,sam.
- I'm sorry for this mess.
- Go.
all right,where is he? - Miss norris,where is he? - He's not here.
Find him.
What--aiding and abetting a fugitive is a felony,miss norris.
- You can't just drag someone into your car! - Oh,yes--oh,yes I can.
you need a lift,spaceman? Hop in before I change my mind.
so,uh,why the sudden display of benevolence,ray? You seen "death wish" yet? It's like the "citizen kane" of revenge flicks.
Yeah,I saw it a long time ago.
It just came out last month.
It's a long story.
Yeah,well,anyway,you ain't no charles bronson.
Now whoever did kill mcmanus, they should get a free weekend in atlantic city with a 7-breasted hooker.
But I know it wasn't a righteous boy scoulike you that plugged him.
Glad to hear that.
All right.
Wherever you need to go,I'll take you.
aries toy company,greenpoint,brooklyn.
Yep,leave it to you.
The guy's got half the population of new york's finest looking to collar his ass, and spaceman wants to go buy a slinky.
by the way,I'd have a lot more respect for you if you had killed mcmanus.
I used to be like sted,idealistic.
Betrayal can be a tough cookie to swallow.
What are you getting at,you enormous dullard? Sam tyler is unstable.
He thinks he's from the future, that little mechanical creatures crawl up his nose, that his own father shot him.
How do you know this? sam's department psych file.
It's supposed to be confidential.
Sam tyler killed jimmy mcmanus, and you helped him avoid the law.
I want to know where he's hiding out.
Sam didn't kill jimmy mcmanus.
It was someone from the aries toy company.
Mcmanus hijacked one of their trucks.
is that right? A toy company sought revenge against a psychotic irish gangster? For what? Abusing a hula-hoop? This is all very scooby-doo.
What do you mean? A toy company harboring pure evil? That's gotta be a first.
At least you've never met a certain purple dinosaur.
go all the way it sounds like a party going on.
Don't ever let me go don't look so evil to me.
Easy does it,sweetheart.
Actually,spaceman,I think we may have stumbled upon heaven.
missing she kissed me and said,"baby,please" go all the way it feels so right feels so right being with you here tonight please go all the way ray.
Just hold me close hold me close * don't ever let me go * another one? Here you go.
Till she whispered,"I love you,so please" no house calls tonight,doctor? I'm guessing that pouring drinks is as close as you get to dispensing medicine,huh? It looks like the good doctor doesn't know whether to poop or wind his watch.
All right,I'm no doctor.
All right? Who the hell are you? I'm an actor.
I tend bar at night.
I got head shots with me.
Well,that's good,'cause we're casting for bozo the clown.
Who told you to lie to the police about seeing me that night,huh? - Who set me up? - I don't know.
It was just a gig.
I swear.
all right.
All right.
All right! Hey,hey.
Come on.
Take it easy.
Take it easy.
All right? We'll take him back to the house.
We'll brace him there.
Yeah,put him in the car.
You all right? I'm gonna have a look around.
Where my heart should have been but now I'm changed, and I feel so strange I come alive when she says all those things to me and she says come on come on come on come on come on I love you come on I need you come on, me on please it feels so right Wait.
Being with you here tonight please go all the way just hold me close hold me close don't ever let me go don't let me go oh,no detective tyler,you weren't supposed to peek behind the curtain.
* Ooh oh,yeah * you've become a real problem for me,sam.
You know that? I get that feeling,yeah.
All right,move it.
Who are these people? We call 'em clients.
You killed jimmy mcmanus 'cause he stole a truck.
What did he see? Nothing that concerned him,or you,for that matter.
Why did you frame me? Ah,sam.
If you'd just played it cool and listened to me instead of being so damn curious, none of this would have happened.
Listened to you? hello,sam.
You were the one who called me and told me to go into the basement? Who do you work for,morgan? The dream police.
We live inside your head.
We mold your soul.
Well,we don't,but,uh, our little friends that we send inside your brain do.
We send miniature robot into human body to confirm or deny the existence of a human soul.
those tiny robots? - You put one of those things in my head? - We did.
But it seems to have gone on the fritz.
It's tapped into your baser instincts, the dark blood of your father.
You were on your way to exact revenge, to commit murder.
We couldn't let that happen.
If it did,everything we worked for would have gone awry.
You got me,copper.
What you gonna do? and that's why it's over.
Go on.
Get up there.
Come on! Get up there! Go on! We're sending you home.
- what did you say? - It's time to go home,sam.
Maya's waiting for you and your mother-- such a lovely woman your friends,coworkers,new nine inch nails record.
What did you say? excuse me.
It's time.
One small step and you fly.
drop the gun! - What are you doing,hunt? - I got him cornered.
ah,forget it,frank.
The oscar for best supporting dingbat has already gone to dr.
Dorsett, who's singing a sweet song about the frame job you put on tyler for the mcmanus murder.
Tyler,get down from there before you get hurt.
Tyler,get down.
Sam! Don't listen to 'em,sam.
They're just a part of your psyche.
They want you to stay in 1973.
You know the way home.
Sam,don't do it.
Go home to maya.
Don't believe him.
He read your department psych file.
That's how he knows everything.
Go home to the future,sam.
Heck,they've made a fourth "raiders of the lost ark.
" While it's not a great movie,it's really worth seeing.
How could-- how could he know that? What? I didn't say anything.
- "Raiders.
" - Who? sam,one last step.
Just take that step.
Can it,morgan.
Tyler,the joke is over.
Get off that edge.
Tyler! Step down! Annie! No-nuts,what are you on,dope? Annie,what are you doing? Samif you don't think I'm real then it won't matter if I jump with you.
You know what's real,sam.
You know what's real.
who's peekin' out from under a stairway calling a name that's lighter than air? Give me a rainbow? Everyone knows it's windy You look like you've seen a ghost.
You took the words right out of my mouth.
How did that thing go with the cops? They never came to talk to me.
They did.
We did.
But you weren't there.
Your apartment is empty,I know.
I'm so embarrassed.
My ex-boyfriend-- crazy luke mcmullen¡ª I told you about him,right? He joined a cult to get out of valentine's day.
He cleaned everything out.
What a drag.
I think that you're a figment of my imagination.
I'm flattered.
I once had a figment of the imagination, only he looked like jimmy page.
But then again,what is real anyhow? We are alive,and then we are not.
We move on.
Who knows to where? Eventually,someone else will be living in our apartments, in our city,in our world, and we'll be off and away.
We all have different paths,2-B.
But we share the same future,don't we? Who's reachin' out which is why we are here for each other.
Everyone knows it's windy who's trippin' down the streets ofhe city smiling at everybody she sees? So it turns out agent morgan was involved in all sorts of illicit smuggling.
And mcmanus tried to rip a guy like that off.
Not too smart,huh,chris? now frank's off to federal pen.
The guy was like a mustard burp-- momentarily tangy, then gone away for good.
trying to pin the whole thing on you,sam? WellI might have jumped.
And windy has stormy eyes all right.
We're gonna take our butts over to the snug and,uh, do a little drinkulating in honor of your being back amongst the living.
Get some rest,kid.
I'm gonna be back tomorrow with some nudie mags for you.
All right? You're gonna bust a stitch when you see barbi benton as a naughty nurse.
What is it with you two? - What do you mean? - Well,you just you seem different together.
Different how? I don't know.
Just different.
* And windy has stormy eyes well,* we just are here for each other.
* Wings to fly above the clouds * well,I like it.
* Above the clouds above the clouds * ho's trippin' down the streets of the city smiling at everybody she sees? Who's reachin' out to capture a moment? * Everybody knows it's windy * * who's trippin' down the streets of the city * * smiling at every * Proudly Presents Life on Mars Season 01 Episode16
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