Little Angel (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Let's Dance Songs

Wow! Look at the ocean, kids!
[together] Awesome!
Ocean ♪
We can have fun ♪
So much to see and do ♪
Ocean ♪
We can have fun ♪
Out on the ocean blue ♪
Ocean friends we can find ♪
Underneath the sea ♪
Hold your breath, open your eyes ♪
You're ready to swim ♪
Fun times, ready to go ♪
Explorers of the sea ♪
Fun time together is fun ♪
We are a family ♪
[Baby John squeals]
[mother] Whee!
-[father laughs]
Ocean ♪
We can have fun ♪
So much to see and do ♪
Ocean ♪
We can have fun ♪
Out on the ocean blue ♪
Swimming, swimming in the sea ♪
I'm a pretty fish ♪
[mother] Oh!
Whales and sharks, sunfish too ♪
So many to see ♪
-[dolphin whistles]
Fun times, ready to go ♪
Explorers of the sea ♪
Fun times together is fun ♪
We are a family ♪
[all shouting]
Ocean ♪
We can have fun ♪
So much to see and do ♪
Ocean ♪
We can have fun ♪
Out on the ocean blue ♪
Corals, clams, tiny fish ♪
Underneath the sea ♪
Hiding under all our feet ♪
Please don't swim near me ♪
Fun times, ready for fun ♪
-Explorers of the sea ♪
-[all gasp]
Fun times together is fun ♪
-We are a family ♪
-[all screaming]
-Oh, let me help you, honey.
-[father grunting]
-[child screams]
Ocean ♪
We can have fun ♪
So much to see and do ♪
-Ocean ♪
We can have fun ♪
Out on the ocean blue ♪
Jellyfish, crabs and eels ♪
Living in the sea ♪
Watch out for a baby shark ♪
He wants to come dance ♪
Fun times, ready to go ♪
Explorers of the sea ♪
Fun times together is fun ♪
Out on the ocean blue ♪
[both] Oh!
Uh-oh. Rain is on its way.
Quick, back to the boat.
Bye, ocean friends.
[turtle grunts]
[dolphin whistles]
[all laughing]
Look! Bugs are really creepy! Yuck!
Ugh, ugh ♪
Go away bugs ♪
Ugh, ugh ♪
Go away bugs ♪
Creepy, crawly ♪
Yucky, mucky ♪
Ugh, ugh, go away, bugs ♪
No way! Bugs are the best!
Butterflies ♪
Beautiful and bright ♪
Crickets are cutest
Chirpy-chirp at night ♪
-[both gasp]
-Ladybugs ♪
Little pretty wings ♪
Bugs are such cool things ♪
Hmm, what's that?
[shouts] Don't bite me!
Ugh, ugh ♪
Go away, bugs ♪
Ugh, ugh ♪
Go away, bugs ♪
Creepy, crawly ♪
Yucky, mucky ♪
Ugh, ugh, go away, bugs ♪
It's just a centipede.
Lots of legs ♪
Mr. Centipede ♪
He's the fastest, he has super speed ♪
Climbs and climbs ♪
He'll beat anyone ♪
Insects are such fun ♪
[Jack gasps, laughs]
-Oh, what's this, Baby John?
-[scared grunt]
[Jack groans]
Ugh, ugh ♪
Go away, bugs ♪
Ugh, ugh ♪
Go away, bugs ♪
Creepy, crawly ♪
Yucky, mucky ♪
Ugh, ugh, go away, bugs ♪
Wow, so many ants.
Ants, ants, ants ♪
They march in a row ♪
-[Jack yelling]
-Up to the anthill ♪
That is where they go ♪
Work hard ♪
That is what they do ♪
Ants are insects too ♪
who wants to participate in the bee show?
Ugh, ugh ♪
Go away, bugs ♪
Ugh, ugh ♪
Go away, bugs ♪
Creepy, crawly ♪
Yucky, mucky ♪
Ugh, ugh, go away, bugs ♪
Come here, sweetie.
Look at the bees working.
Buzz, buzz, bees ♪
Flying in the air ♪
Bees make honey
From flowers everywhere ♪
Sweet, sweet ♪
Yummy, yummy, yum ♪
Bees are so much fun ♪
The sound is coming from here, Baby John.
Ugh, ugh ♪
Go away, bugs ♪
Ugh, ugh ♪
Go away, bugs ♪
Creepy, crawly ♪
Yucky, mucky ♪
Ugh, ugh, go away, bugs ♪
No way! Snails are so funny.
Snails are slow, super-duper slugs ♪
Snails, snails, snails ♪
They're cooler than the bugs ♪
Slow, slow ♪
That is how they go ♪
Snails are slow, slow, slow ♪
Look at that beautiful spider.
-[Jack gasps]
Ugh, ugh ♪
Go away, bugs ♪
Ugh, ugh ♪
Go away, bugs ♪
Creepy, crawly ♪
Yucky, mucky ♪
Ugh, ugh, go away, bugs ♪
Oh, let's help the spider.
[together] Um
Bugs, bugs ♪
Oh, we love bugs ♪
Bugs, bugs ♪
Oh, we love bugs ♪
Teeny, tiny ♪
Colorful friends ♪
Bugs, bugs, oh, we love bugs ♪
-Very good, kids!
-You're so brave!
You see?
There's nothing to fear from the
[screams] Bugs!
[all laughing]
[all] Yeah!
[mother] Oh!
I'm Itsy-bitsy Spider
I want to go home ♪
Back to my web, I really need to go ♪
Got to be careful
Take it nice and slow ♪
You can do it, Itsy, go, go, go ♪
-[Jack laughing]
-Here I go!
Just a little spider ♪
I'm so small ♪
Everybody else looks big and tall ♪
Hope they don't see me as I go ♪
Just a little spider going home ♪
-Come on, guys.
Let's go down the slide.
Oh, I hope they don't step on me.
[all laughing]
I'm Itsy-bitsy Spider
I want to go home ♪
Back to my web I really need to go ♪
Hope I don't get hurt
Take it nice and slow ♪
You can do it, Itsy, go, go, go ♪
Here I go again!
Just a little spider, here I go ♪
Off I go crawling, go, go, go ♪
Hope they don't drop their toys on me ♪
Just a little spider, careful, please ♪
Up and away!
Oh, this is scary!
-Hey, look! A spider!
I'm Itsy-bitsy Spider
I want to go home ♪
Back to my web I really need to go ♪
It is very scary way down here ♪
I just keep trying, please help me ♪
[grunting] Oh, no! I'm stuck!
Just a little spider under your nose ♪
Hope they don't splash me
With the hose ♪
I don't like water, no, no, no ♪
Just a little spider going home ♪
Oh, I don't like the water.
Aw, a little spider.
-Hmm, let's help her.
She's Itsy-bitsy Spider
She wants to go home ♪
Back to her web she really needs to go ♪
Itsy-bitsy Spider, don't you be scared ♪
You don't have to worry
We are your friends ♪
Itsy-bitsy Spider, don't be afraid ♪
Itsy-bitsy Spider, don't run away ♪
Itsy-bitsy Spider, we can help ♪
Help you get back home to your web ♪
Can you help me get back home?
[all laugh]
Go, Itsy. You can do it.
I'm Itsy-bitsy Spider
Finally I'm home ♪
Back in my web, my cozy little home ♪
All of the children
Helped me on my way ♪
And I made
Some great new friends today ♪
I'm going down!
Itsy-bitsy Spider, we love you ♪
We would never ever hurt you ♪
Itsy-bitsy Spider made it home ♪
Remember to be careful
Wherever you go ♪
I will be careful wherever I go.
Home, sweet home.
[all] Yeah! We did it!
[Jack, Jill] Bye, Itsy.
Oh, no! We're out of sprinkles.
I need the sugar police.
Officer, officer ♪
Yes, madame? ♪
Can you please watch the cupcakes? ♪
Yes, madame ♪
I won't be long ♪
It's okay ♪
I will keep watch ♪
Yes, yes, yes ♪
Not for you. Outside.
[gasps] Mm, smells yummy.
Jill, Jill? ♪
Yes, Officer? ♪
Did you take a cupcake? ♪
No, Officer ♪
Telling lies? ♪
No, Officer ♪
Show me your hands ♪
Ha ha ha ♪
What's that smell?
Mm! Yum-yum.
-[child laughing]
[squeals] Oopsies.
Jack, Jack? ♪
Yes, Officer? ♪
Did you take a cupcake? ♪
No, Officer ♪
Telling lies? ♪
No, Officer ♪
Show me your hands ♪
Ha ha ha ♪
Oh, no!
Hi, sugar officer.
Are all our cupcakes safe?
-All good, madame.
[worried grunt]
Oh! Mm! Smells so good!
Daddy, Daddy? ♪
Yes, Officer? ♪
Did you take a cupcake? ♪
No, Officer ♪
Telling lies? ♪
No, Officer ♪
Show me your hands ♪
Ha ha ha ♪
Oh, Baby Officer,
did you eat the cupcakes?
Not me.
-And do you want to have one?
Extra sprinkles for your cupcake,
Officer Baby John.
[Baby John] Yay!
Officer, Officer? ♪
Yes, sir? ♪
Eating cupcakes? ♪
Yes, sir ♪
Is it yummy? ♪
Yes, it is ♪
Can we have some? ♪
Yes, yes, yes ♪
[all laughing]
These cupcakes are delicious, Mom!
Great job, Mom! Mm!
[all laughing]
[father] Wow!
Did you hear that?
Wow, we're at the zoo!
We love to be at the zoo ♪
Always learning something new ♪
We love to be at the zoo ♪
You can come along too ♪
Come see all the animals ♪
This is where they live ♪
In the ground and in the trees ♪
So much fun to be with ♪
[all laughing]
[child] Hmm
-[together] It's a crocodile.
-Right here, Baby John.
I love to be at the zoo ♪
Crocodiles can swim, it's true ♪
I love to be at the zoo ♪
Let's learn something new ♪
They have tails, they're really long ♪
They use them to swim ♪
See their scales and spiky teeth ♪
In the water they live ♪
[Baby John roars]
[both laughing]
-It's a lion.
Over here, Baby John.
I love to be at the zoo ♪
See the lions there, whoo-hoo ♪
I love to be at the zoo ♪
Let's learn something new ♪
Lions run and jump real fast ♪
You can hear them roar, roar ♪
Lions have such awesome manes ♪
The cubs have tiny claws ♪
-[all] Oh!
[birds twittering]
-It's a giraffe.
-[Jack] Giraffe.
This way, Baby John.
I love to be at the zoo ♪
See the giraffes, their necks so long ♪
Giraffes have spotty patterns too ♪
Let's learn something new ♪
Giraffes are the tallest animals ♪
They reach the highest trees ♪
That is lucky for giraffes ♪
Because they only eat leaves ♪
[father, Jill] It's an elephant.
-Right here, sweetie.
-[father laughs]
-[all exclaim]
-I love to be at the zoo ♪
Elephants in their lagoon ♪
They are so much heavier than you ♪
Let's learn something new ♪
-See its trunk suck peanuts up ♪
And its ears flop down ♪
Their big trunks are like fountains ♪
-Look how the water sprays out ♪
-[elephant trumpets]
-[all laughing]
I'm getting rained on!
Hey, look at my trunk.
[elephant trumpets]
[Jack] Oh, no!
[all laughing]
-That elephant is having fun.
[gasps] My seussy?
Oh, where is my seussy?
My seussy, my seussy ♪
Oh, where is my seussy? ♪
Is it under here? ♪
Under the carpet or here in my drawer? ♪
Oh, when I find my seussy
The happier I'll be ♪
Hey, little brother.
What are you looking for?
Oh, I see.
-Did you already search in your bedroom?
Um then I think we should look
in the kitchen.
I'm looking for a seussy
John's seussy, John's seussy ♪
The seussy disappeared
So here we shall look ♪
Open the cupboard, look in the drawers ♪
It's not here on the floor
So where could it be? ♪
Hey, guys. What are you looking for?
Hey, we're searching
for Baby John's seussy.
Oh, seussy. Well, we should look for it
in the playroom.
Oh, what a mess!
We can clean up while we search.
Yeah. Let's do it.
We're looking for the seussy
John's seussy, John's seussy ♪
But the playroom is so messy
Let's tidy it up ♪
Play dough and toy cars
And toy cars and play dough ♪
So now the playroom's tidy
Can we see it now? ♪
Hey, kids. What are you looking for?
We're searching for Baby John's seussy.
Yes. It's lost, and we can't find it.
Seussy lost.
Well, then,
we should search in the living room.
Let's go.
We're looking for a seussy
John's seussy, John's seussy ♪
It's not under the cushion
Oh, where could it be? ♪
Let's search inside these books
And let's have a good look ♪
And the little mouse
He doesn't know where it is ♪
[mother laughs]
Hey, what are you looking for down there?
Hey, honey.
We're searching for Baby John's seussy.
We could search in the garage.
-Yay, seussy the garage.
-Let's go.
We're looking for the seussy
John's seussy, John's seussy ♪
Let's look inside the boxes
To see where it is ♪
Red box or yellow box
Or yellow box or red box ♪
Let's look in all the boxes
Even ones on the top ♪
Hmm well, clearly,
it's not here in the garage.
And we already searched
in the whole house.
Hmm, how strange. Where could it be?
I know. We didn't search in the patio yet.
-Seussy patio.
-You're right, Jill. Let's go.
We're looking for a seussy
John's seussy, John's seussy ♪
We're looking in the garden
Where could it be? ♪
Oh, look at this hole
And here is another ♪
Bingo buried seussy
It's safe and sound ♪
-[Baby John squeals]
-[family laughs]
[Bingo barks]
Wow, is that a plane, Baby John?
We found all the pieces.
-Oh, whoa.
There was a dog inside a box ♪
And Bingo was his name-o ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
And Bingo was his name-o ♪
[all laughing]
They took the pup to see the vet ♪
To make sure he's okay-o ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
And Bingo was okay-o ♪
[all cheering]
There was a dog all full of love ♪
And Bingo was his name-o ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
And Bingo was his name-o ♪
There was a dog who needed a bath ♪
And Bingo was his name-o ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
And Bingo was his name-o ♪
There was a dog who needed a house ♪
And Bingo was his name-o ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
And Bingo was his name-o ♪
And now the puppy belongs to us ♪
And Bingo is his name-o ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
B-I-N-G-O ♪
And that's how we got Bingo ♪
-[children laughing]
-[shutter clicks]
-[Jack laughs]
Yummy, I love ice cream
It's so, so good ♪
Creamy and delicious
It's so sweet, yum ♪
Come, Baby John, we are having fun ♪
It's ice cream time, join us, come on ♪
I love ice cream, it's so good ♪
I like it with some whipped cream ♪
We can also put syrup ♪
And a cherry on the top ♪
Me, me, me!
Huh? [laughs]
I love Popsicles, they are so, so good ♪
They're like a rainbow, so colorful ♪
So many flavors to pick and choose ♪
Oh, I really want to eat them all ♪
I love ice cream, it's so good ♪
Tasty, creamy and colorful ♪
I love ice cream so, so much ♪
But I can't eat, help me, it's stuck ♪
-Where did the ice cream go?
-Look at the Popsicles!
-Oh, no!
-[mother] Hmm
-[all gasp]
Oh, no! Our ice cream!
[Baby John whimpering]
Hmm? Hmm
We can make our own rainbow ice cream.
All the fruits taste so, so good ♪
They are so healthy
They're good for you ♪
We can grab some fruit
And we can mix them, oh ♪
This is a delicious way
To try them all ♪
Yummy strawberry is color ♪
Red ♪
Juicy mangoes are ♪
Yellow ♪
Sour kiwi is color ♪
Green ♪
And the sweet blueberries ♪
They are blue ♪
[all] Oh!
But how are we going to make ice cream
with the fruits?
I'm glad that you asked.
Let's do it together. Aha!
-[blender whirring]
-Now it's your turn.
[Jack] Mango!
[child] Kiwi!
[child] Blueberries!
[all laughing]
Now we put them in the freezer,
and we wait.
-[alarm ringing]
-Oh, yay!
All of the Popsicles are ready now ♪
It's time to eat them
Yummy, yummy, yum ♪
I love Popsicles
They're so much fun to make ♪
Now that they are ready
We can eat them, yay ♪
Popsicles are colorful ♪
Like a rainbow made of fruit ♪
We love eating yummy food ♪
Popsicles are so, so good ♪
-[father] Mm, can I have one too?
-[mother] Oh!
[both laugh]
[children laughing]
-Yeah! Yeah!
Sister really is the best ♪
Someday I'll be just like her ♪
Brother, you are my best friend ♪
I can kick a ball and be like you ♪
Brother, I want to play along ♪
Sister, I am brave and strong ♪
Hmm Ah!
-I love learning something new ♪
Playing sports together is fun to do ♪
Dee doo, siblings are the best ♪
Dee doo, they are my best friends ♪
Playing sports together is so much fun ♪
Hey, Baby John.
You wanna find some bugs with me?
-Yes, yes, yes!
Brother, I want to explore ♪
Brother, what are you looking for? ♪
Searching, searching here and there ♪
We can find adventures everywhere ♪
Brother, we can look around ♪
Brother, tell me what you found ♪
I wear my explorer hat ♪
And look at tiny things
Through a big round glass ♪
Dee doo, brother is the best ♪
Dee doo, he is my best friend ♪
Finding and exploring, so much fun ♪
Baby John, time for a tea party.
Yes, yes, yes!
Brother, would you like some tea? ♪
Brother, come and sit with me ♪
Our friends love the party too ♪
Party time is extra sweet
When I'm with you ♪
Sister, it's fun to play pretend ♪
Laughing and eating treats
With friends ♪
Sharing and seeing everyone ♪
Parties are a special time
For fun, fun, fun ♪
Dee doo, sister is the best ♪
Dee doo, she is my best friend ♪
Tea parties with you are so much fun ♪
Let's all do some arts and crafts.
-[both laughing]
Yes, yes, yes!
Brother, we can paint a scene ♪
Sister, yellow, blue and green ♪
Let's draw all the things we've done ♪
Painting it together is so much fun ♪
Making a story we can share ♪
Pictures, pictures everywhere ♪
[all laughing]
Together we love to create ♪
My sister and my brother
Are just the best ♪
Dee doo, siblings are the best ♪
Dee doo, they are my best friends ♪
My sister and my brother
Are so much fun ♪
-Tickles, tickles.
-[mother] Oh!
[all laughing]
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're the sweetest ♪
Can I be like you? ♪
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're the sweetest ♪
I just want to be with you ♪
We can do fun things together ♪
Together you and me ♪
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're the sweetest ♪
I just want to be with you ♪
-Hmm Ah!
Wow, Mommy! You look like a princess!
[chuckles] Come help me, sweetie.
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're so pretty ♪
Can I be like you? ♪
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're so pretty ♪
I just want to dress like you ♪
Show me how to do it, Mommy ♪
Show me what to do ♪
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're so pretty ♪
I just want to be like you ♪
-Who's ready for a spa party?
-Me, me!
I got the popcorn.
All right, honey.
It's Mommy and daughter time together.
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're my best friend ♪
Can I be like you? ♪
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're my best friend ♪
I just want to be with you ♪
We have so much fun together ♪
We do girly things ♪
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're my best friend ♪
You are the best one ♪
Come on, honey, join me.
Wow, Mommy! I like how you dance.
-So come on, let's dance.
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you can show me ♪
Show me all the moves ♪
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you can show me ♪
I just want to dance with you ♪
Show me how to do it, Mommy ♪
Show me what to do ♪
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're the greatest ♪
I just want to dance with you ♪
[mother humming]
Flowers! Me too, me too!
Oh, we'll have the most beautiful garden,
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're so lovely ♪
In everything you do ♪
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're so lovely ♪
I really want to do it too ♪
Show me how to do it, Mommy ♪
Show me what to do ♪
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're my best friend ♪
I just want to be with you ♪
Okay, so, we have all the ingredients.
Oh, Mommy, you're so smart.
Are you ready, sweetheart?
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're the smartest ♪
I want to be like you ♪
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're the smartest ♪
Teach me all the things you know ♪
You are very special, Mommy ♪
And we all love you ♪
Mommy ♪
Mommy, you're our hero ♪
You are number one ♪
Very good, sweetie! You're quite the cook.
-Oh, watch out!
[both laugh]
[all groaning]
Did you make this mess?
Um, no.
Are you sure?
Are you lying? ♪
Tell the truth, tell the truth ♪
'Cause honesty is good for me and you ♪
So if you try and tell the truth ♪
Tell the truth ♪
We will forgive you ♪
I did it. I'm sorry.
That's okay.
Thank you for telling the truth.
I know you didn't mean to make a mess ♪
And now you know that
The truth is always best ♪
Come, let's go and spread the word ♪
To all the boys and girls ♪
He stole my crayon.
Is that true?
Um no?
Are you sure?
Are you lying? ♪
Tell the truth, tell the truth ♪
'Cause honesty is good for me and you ♪
So if you try and tell the truth ♪
Tell the truth ♪
We will forgive you ♪
I'm sorry. It was me.
Here you go.
[child] That's okay.
Thank you for telling the truth.
Here's your very own crayon.
[laughs] Thank you.
If you want to ♪
Play with crayons too ♪
Just come to me
I'll find one just for you ♪
Come, let's go and spread the word ♪
To all the boys and girls ♪
She broke my toy.
No, I didn't.
Hey, there ♪
Yeah, you ♪
Sing along, tell the truth ♪
It's so good to do ♪
You can do it too ♪
Are you lying? ♪
Tell the truth, tell the truth ♪
'Cause honesty is good for me and you ♪
So if you try and tell the truth ♪
Tell the truth ♪
We will forgive you ♪
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
Do you want to play with my toy?
Well done, guys.
When you know that ♪
You have told a lie ♪
You should say sorry ♪
It's good to make it right ♪
Come, let's go and spread the word ♪
To all the boys and girls ♪
Hey, there ♪
Yeah, you ♪
Sing along, tell the truth ♪
It's so good to do ♪
You can do it too ♪
We don't lie
We tell the truth, tell the truth ♪
'Cause honesty is good for me and you ♪
We don't lie
We tell the truth, tell the truth ♪
'Cause it's good to do ♪
-[imitates drumming sound]
Mm [laughs]
[stomach gurgles]
Me want more.
One is enough, honey.
Yum-yum, yummy food
Give me, give me more ♪
Yummy, yummy, says my tummy
Give me, give me more ♪
Yum-yum, yummy food
Give me, give me more ♪
Yummy, yummy, says my tummy
Give me, give me more ♪
Yummy, yummy!
[stomach rumbles]
More, more.
More, more yummy food
Give me yummy treats ♪
Yummy, yummy says my tummy
Give me yummy treats ♪
More, more yummy food
Give me yummy treats ♪
Yummy, yummy says my tummy
Give me yummy treats ♪
[stomach rumbling]
More, more.
More, more yummy food
Give me, give me more ♪
Yummy, yummy says my tummy
Give me, give me more ♪
More, more yummy food
Give me, give me more ♪
Yummy, yummy says my tummy
Give me, give me more ♪
[stomach rumbling]
Thirsty. Oh
Slurp, slurp, soda pop
Give me, give me more ♪
Yummy, yummy says my tummy
Soda pop, pop-pop ♪
Slurp, slurp, soda pop
Give me, give me more ♪
Yummy, yummy says my tummy
Soda pop, yum-yum ♪
Mm, bubbly.
[stomach gurgles]
-[stomach gurgles]
Ouch, ouch, ouchy tummy
I don't feel so good ♪
Ouchy, ouchy says my tummy
No more, no more food ♪
Ouch, ouch, ouchy tummy
I don't feel so good ♪
Ouchy, ouchy says my tummy
No more, no more food ♪
My tummy hurts.
Oh! [gasps]
Oh, baby, if you eat a lot of snacks,
you get an ouchy.
You need something healthy.
Eat, eat healthy food every single day ♪
Fruits and veggies are so good
They take the ouchy away ♪
Eat, eat healthy food every single day ♪
Fruits and veggies are so good
They take the ouchy away ♪
-No more junk food, baby.
No, no, yuck.
Yum-yum, yummy-yum
Time to get some snacks ♪
We want some tasty treats
Let's see what we can find ♪
Yum-yum, yummy-yum
Time to get some snacks ♪
We want some tasty treats
Let's see what we can find ♪
[all] Oh!
[all] Hmm Huh?
[father] Oh!
[thunder crashing]
[all gasp]
Storms, they are scary, big and loud ♪
Crash, crash, the booming
In the clouds ♪
Go, go away, big scary storm ♪
-Don't you worry ♪
The sky is booming ♪
See the clouds go flash up in the sky ♪
Can you see that storms are flashy ♪
They make the night grow bright ♪
Don't be afraid
If you see a flash of light ♪
You're safe in the house ♪
Storm over now?
[Jack] Let's check.
-[thunder crashing]
-[all gasp and scream]
Storms, they are scary, big and loud ♪
Flash, flash, a booming
In the clouds ♪
Go, go away, big scary storm ♪
Don't you worry ♪
Storms are scary
They go bang and boom ♪
Don't be afraid ♪
Don't you worry ♪
Storms go crashing ♪
The thunder goes boom, boom ♪
Don't be afraid
If you hear a boom and bang ♪
We're safe in the house ♪
We're louder than the storm.
Yeah! Yay!
-[thunder crashes]
-[all scream]
-[thunder crashes]
-[all scream]
Storms, they are scary, big and loud ♪
Flash, flash, a booming
In the clouds ♪
Go, go away, big scary storm ♪
-When a storm comes, don't be scared ♪
If you see a flash at night ♪
It will go away ♪
When the storm comes ♪
Don't you fear
If you hear a loud, big bang ♪
Don't you scream
If we all are in the dark ♪
We're safe in the house ♪
Storms, they are scary, big and loud ♪
Flash, flash, a booming
In the clouds ♪
Go, go away, big scary storm ♪
Don't you worry ♪
If you hear some creepy sounds
Be brave ♪
Don't be afraid ♪
Don't you worry
If you're feeling scared ♪
We are not alone ♪
Don't be afraid
The storm will soon be gone ♪
We'll be okay ♪
Good night, guys.
Good night.
[thunder crashes]
[all scream]
Storms, they are scary, big and loud ♪
Flash, flash, a booming
In the clouds ♪
Go, go away, big scary storm ♪
Loud and scary ♪
The sky is flashing
The thunder is too loud ♪
Make it go away ♪
It's so scary ♪
The storm is louder
But we will be okay ♪
We'll be brave
We will make it go away ♪
And we will be safe ♪
[all sigh]
-[thunder crashes]
-With Mom and Dad ♪
[all screaming]
Oh! [chuckles]
Come on in.
[all laughing]
-[all gasp]
I want that one.
The ambulance wheels
Go round and round ♪
Round and round ♪
Round and round ♪
The ambulance wheels
Go round and round ♪
Wee woo, wee woo, wee ♪
-[tires screeching]
-Excuse me.
-[horn honks]
Coming through.
-Be careful.
-[tires screech, horn honks]
No, Daddy. Let me.
Oh! [chuckles]
The ambulance wheels go zig zag zoom ♪
Zig zag zoom ♪
Zig zag zoom ♪
The wheels on the ambulance
Go zig zag zoom ♪
All round the town ♪
The ambulance driver checks the roads ♪
Checks the roads ♪
Checks the roads ♪
The ambulance driver
Stops, stops, stops ♪
All round the town ♪
[Baby John gasping]
You are safe now.
Yay! [screams]
The ambulance siren goes wee oh wee ♪
Wee oh wee ♪
-[siren wails]
-Wee oh wee ♪
The ambulance siren goes wee oh wee ♪
All round the town ♪
Hmm Hmm [shouts]
-[siren wailing]
[both grunt]
[both laugh]
The ambulance driver waves his hand ♪
Waves his hand ♪
Waves his hand ♪
The ambulance driver waves his hand ♪
To move the cars ♪
[siren stops]
Jill, get in.
The people in the ambulance
Are safe and sound ♪
Safe and sound ♪
Safe and sound ♪
The people in the ambulance
Are safe and sound ♪
At the hospital ♪
[gasps] Oh!
We're here.
Thanks, Baby John.
Phew! I'm too hot.
No, I don't need to wear all of this.
[both] Oh!
Dad, you took off your warm clothes,
and now you have a cold.
Don't worry, Baby John.
He'll be better soon. Let's help Dad.
Oh, Daddy, Daddy ♪
Daddy, you are sick ♪
We'll take care of you ♪
Don't worry, Daddy ♪
We are here to help ♪
We'll take care of you ♪
When you're sick
We check your temperature ♪
To make sure you are good as new ♪
Don't worry, Daddy ♪
We are here to help ♪
We'll take care of you ♪
Come help me, Baby John.
Blankets will keep Daddy warm. There.
-[Jill giggles]
Peek-a-boo! [laughs]
Phew! [grunting]
Oh, Daddy, Daddy ♪
You have a sore throat ♪
We'll take care of you ♪
Don't worry, Daddy ♪
We are here to help ♪
We'll take care of you ♪
When our daddy isn't feeling well ♪
We'll take care of him
To make him well ♪
Don't worry, Daddy ♪
We'll take care of you ♪
You'll be good as new ♪
-No, no, no. You need to rest, Daddy.
Does your head hurt, Daddy?
-[both laugh]
Let's cuddle up with Daddy.
Oh, Daddy, Daddy ♪
Daddy, you are sick ♪
We'll take care of you ♪
We'll give you Mommy's
And all of our love ♪
We are here for you ♪
When our daddy isn't feeling good ♪
We take care of him to make him well ♪
Oh, Daddy, Daddy ♪
We'll take care of you ♪
You'll be good as new ♪
-[starts to sneeze]
[Jill shouts]
Hold on, Daddy!
[starting to sneeze]
Nope. Not that one.
Ah! There!
Oh, Daddy, Daddy ♪
We'll take care of you ♪
You'll be good as new ♪
Oh, Daddy, Daddy ♪
We can't wait to play ♪
Play again with you ♪
When we're sick
Then you take care of us ♪
Now you're sick
And we'll take care of you ♪
Don't worry, Daddy ♪
We are here to help ♪
Daddy, we love you ♪
Okay, who's ready for some fun?
We are! We are!
[all laughing]
Sweetie, it's time to get dressed.
-[Baby John laughing]
Oh! [laughs]
I can get dressed by myself ♪
-Put on a T-shirt, yes, I can ♪
Put on a coat by myself
I can do it ♪
Yes, you can ♪
[squealing, laughing]
I will show you, Baby John ♪
And you will get dressed the right way ♪
Step by step, Baby John ♪
I can do it ♪
Yep, you can ♪
Uh [laughs]
I can get dressed by myself ♪
Put on my T-shirt, yes, I can ♪
I can get dressed by myself ♪
I can do it ♪
Yes, you can ♪
That one is too small for you ♪
This one will fit better on you ♪
That's my little dinosaur man ♪
I can do it ♪
Yes, you can ♪
I can get dressed by myself ♪
Like a dinosaur, yes, I can ♪
I can get dressed by myself ♪
-I can do it ♪
Yes, you can ♪
Let's try shorts to keep you cool ♪
One leg in, then the other one too ♪
You'll feel good and you'll stay cool ♪
I can do it ♪
Yes, you can ♪
-I can get shoes, yes, I can ♪
Put them on all by myself ♪
I can get dressed by myself ♪
I can do it ♪
Yes, you can ♪
Daddy's sneakers are too big ♪
Let's try these, they're not too big ♪
Match the shapes
Oh, yes, you can ♪
I can do it ♪
Yep, you can ♪
Aha! Hmm?
I take out hats by myself ♪
Put on my hat, oh, yes, I can ♪
I change my hat by myself ♪
I can do it ♪
Yes, you can ♪
I can get dressed by myself ♪
Look, Mommy, look, all by myself ♪
I did it, Mommy, now, I can ♪
Dress myself ♪
Yes, you can ♪
[all] Hmm?
[all groaning]
[mother] Oh!
[all laughing]
[giggling, squealing]
[groans] Baby dino.
Dino! Mommy!
I am driving, Baby John ♪
You will need to wait ♪
Can you show me your good manners? ♪
I know you can do it ♪
Baby John, it's nice to wait ♪
Learn how to be patient ♪
Mommy will be able to help
If you can wait a bit ♪
[all laughing]
Oh? Oh.
Baby John, when you're at school
Playing with your friends ♪
Show us what you have learned ♪
Show them how you share ♪
Baby John, it's nice to share ♪
Show them how you care ♪
Sharing with all your friends ♪
It shows them your good manners ♪
[mother chuckles]
Whoa, hello, Mr. Fishy.
No, no go! No go.
[together] Oh!
Look over here at this sign ♪
It's here for a reason ♪
Always following the rules
It shows your good manners ♪
Friends are big and friends are small ♪
Friends are kind and fair ♪
Taking care of all things nice
It shows them that you care ♪
Ah! Oh!
Mommy, Daddy! [exclaims]
One second, honey.
Mommy! Mommy!
Hmm? Honey, can you please wait a bit?
Baby John, I hear you, bud
But you just need to wait ♪
Can you show me how you wait?
I know you can do it ♪
Waiting can be difficult ♪
But I know you can wait ♪
Everybody has a turn
Sit right next to us ♪
-[mother laughs]
-[father] Yes.
[all laughing]
Oh? [giggles]
-Oh ah
[imitates plane engine]
Oh, Baby John,
can you please pass me that hat?
Huh? Hmm No, no.
-Baby don't want to.
[Jack] Oh!
When someone asks you for a favor
Always try to help them ♪
Being helpful, being kind
Shows them that you care ♪
Would you like to please help me? ♪
Be a helpful brother ♪
She will always be there for you
Like you will be for her ♪
And that would be all. Thank you.
Aha! Mm
Baby hungry! Yum-yum, please.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Oh! [laughs]
We enjoy going out ♪
Sharing all together ♪
Being good at the table
Showing your great manners ♪
Please don't eat with your hands ♪
Eat with your mouth closed ♪
Use a wipe to clean your face ♪
Show us how you do it ♪
Very good, Baby John.
Those are some nice manners.
Wow! Yeah!
[mother, father laugh]
[Jill] Yeah!
[Bingo barking]
You can't catch me!
Be safe, everyone ♪
Watch out, don't get hurt ♪
When you're safe
Everyone gets to play ♪
Running, running down the street ♪
Zooming, zooming on your feet ♪
Take a pause, stop and think ♪
Careful when you run ♪
When you're safe
Everyone gets to play ♪
Hmm Ah!
Oopsies! Ouch!
Be safe, everyone ♪
Watch out, don't get hurt ♪
When you're safe
Everyone gets to play ♪
Tie them, tie them, tie your shoes ♪
They can trip you when they're loose ♪
Take a pause, stop and think ♪
-Tie your laces up ♪
When you're safe
Everyone gets to play ♪
Ouchy! Hand!
Be safe, everyone ♪
Watch out, don't get hurt ♪
When you're safe
Everyone gets to play ♪
Careful, careful in the house ♪
You could get an ouchy-ouch ♪
Take a pause, stop and think ♪
You could hurt yourself ♪
When you're safe
Everyone gets to play ♪
Here we go!
Be safe, everyone ♪
Watch out, don't get hurt ♪
When you're safe
Everyone gets to play ♪
Always ask before you play ♪
Grown-ups always know the way ♪
Take a pause, stop and think ♪
You could hurt yourself ♪
When you're safe
Everyone gets to play ♪
[all] Pool! Go, go, go!
Be safe, everyone ♪
Watch out, don't get hurt ♪
When you're safe
Everyone gets to play ♪
If you want to splash and play ♪
Floaties keep you super safe ♪
Take a pause, stop and think ♪
You could hurt yourself ♪
When you're safe
Everyone gets to play ♪
-[Jack laughing]
-[Jill gasps]
Candies for me! Yummy!
Be safe, everyone ♪
Watch out, don't get hurt ♪
When you're safe
Everyone gets to play ♪
If you want a tasty treat ♪
Always check before you eat ♪
Take a pause, stop and think ♪
You could hurt yourself ♪
When you're safe
Everyone gets to play ♪
-[children] No, no! Watch out!
-[father shouts]
[children laughing]
Oh, Daddy, you are great ♪
I want to shave like you ♪
Oh, Daddy, I love you
I want to shave like you ♪
Oh, Daddy, show me how ♪
To be just like you ♪
Oh, Daddy, I love you
I want to be like you ♪
[father laughs]
Oh, Daddy, you're the best ♪
I want to dress like you ♪
Oh, Daddy, show me
How to dress like you ♪
Oh, Daddy, I can do ♪
The same things you do ♪
Oh, Daddy, look at me ♪
I look just like you ♪
-[both laugh]
Oh, Daddy, you are so cool ♪
I want a car like yours ♪
Oh, Daddy, I love you ♪
I want a car like yours ♪
[grunts] Phew!
[Baby John grunts] Phew!
Hmm? Aw
[both laugh]
Oh, Daddy, you are great ♪
I want to drive like you ♪
Oh, Daddy, I love you ♪
-I want to drive like you ♪
-[horn honking]
-Oh, daddy, you're the best ♪
I want to be like you ♪
Oh, Daddy, I love you ♪
I want to be like you ♪
-[hammer squeaks]
Daddy, I have tools ♪
I want to do like you ♪
Oh, Daddy, look at me ♪
I have tools like you ♪
Oh, Daddy, you look good ♪
I want to work out too ♪
Oh, Daddy, I love you
I want to work out too ♪
I want to move like you ♪
To be strong like you ♪
Oh, Daddy, I love you ♪
I want to be like you ♪
Hmm Aha!
Oh, Daddy, you're the boss ♪
I want to work like you ♪
Oh, Daddy, I love you ♪
I want to work like you ♪
Oh, Daddy, you're so smart ♪
Show me the things you know ♪
Oh, Daddy, I love you ♪
Show me the things you know ♪
[both laugh]
Oh, Daddy, I want to sit ♪
Next to you and watch ♪
-Oh, Daddy, let me ♪
-Oh! Yeah!
Spend some time with you ♪
-[tires screeching]
-[siren wailing]
-Oh, Daddy, you're such fun ♪
I love being with you ♪
Oh, Daddy, show me ♪
-How to be just like you ♪
Oh, Daddy, you're the best ♪
-I love being with you ♪
Oh, Daddy, I love you ♪
Forever you and I ♪
[imitating car engine]
[door opens]
Time for bed, Baby John.
Let's go brush your teeth.
No, no, no.
Brush, brush, brush your teeth ♪
-Brush, brush, brush your teeth ♪
Brush, brush, brush your teeth ♪
Brush your teeth, my darling ♪
Hmm? Hmm?
Brushing up and down
Swish, swish, swish ♪
Brushing sideways, swish, swish, swish ♪
Brushing up and down
Swish, swish, swish ♪
Smile in the mirror, brother ♪
The bath is ready, Baby John.
-[Jill] Oh
-Baby John?
Where are you, Baby John?
Little Baby John
Are you hiding from Mom? ♪
Little Baby John
Are you hiding from Mom? ♪
Little Baby John
Are you hiding from Mom? ♪
I'll find you, my darling ♪
Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles in the bath ♪
Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles, bloop bloop ♪
Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles in the bath ♪
Let's pop the bubbles, darling ♪
[gasps, laughs]
Book, Mommy.
Okay, Baby John.
But first put on your pajamas.
No, no, no!
Look, I am ready to go to bed ♪
Look, I am ready to go to bed ♪
Look, I am ready to go to bed ♪
Let's put on your PJ's ♪
Let's get to bed
And snooze, snooze, snooze ♪
Let's get to bed
And snooze, snooze, snooze ♪
Let's get to bed
And snooze, snooze, snooze ♪
Let's go to bed, my brother ♪
[imitates car engine]
Now that you have your PJ's on, Baby John,
it's time for bed.
Let's read the book.
No, no, no!
Look, here's a blankie
Let's go to bed ♪
Look, here's a blankie
Let's go to bed ♪
Look, here's a blankie
Let's go to bed ♪
Get some rest, my darling ♪
Let's get you inside your crib ♪
Let's get you inside your crib ♪
Let's get you inside your crib ♪
I'll read you a story, darling ♪
"And they lived happily ever after.
The end."
Good night.
Don't go, Mommy.
Night, night, my Baby John ♪
Night, night, my little boy ♪
Night, night, my Baby John ♪
You're my sunshine, darling ♪
Sweet, sweet dreams, close your eyes ♪
Sweet, sweet dreams, close your eyes ♪
Sweet, sweet dreams, close your eyes ♪
Dream with the stars, my darling ♪
Shh. Yes, my love?
Mommy is here.
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