Little Angel (2022) s02e03 Episode Script

Family Time Sing Alongs

[child reading]
-[tummy rumbling]
Is your tummy feeling sad
Feeling sad? ♪
Is your tummy feeling sad
Feeling sad? ♪
Go, go, potty
Potty time is fun ♪
Happy tummy, tummy-tum,
tummy-tum ♪
What's the matter, Baby John
Baby John? ♪
Is there something
going on, going on? ♪
-[tummy rumbling]
It's my tummy
I think I have to go ♪
To the potty, no, no, no, no, no ♪
Don't worry, honey.
Let's go together.
No, no potty for me, for me ♪
No, no potty for me, for me ♪
Come with Mommy
We'll have potty fun ♪
You can do it, Baby John
Baby John ♪
[squeals, giggles]
We will take your diaper off
Diaper off ♪
We will take your diaper off
Diaper off ♪
Baby do it, do it by myself ♪
Baby do it by myself, by myself ♪
-[knock on door]
[gasps] Oh!
[Dad] Hello. [laughs]
Toilet paper, Baby John
Baby John ♪
Toilet paper, Baby John
Baby John ♪
Just the right amount,
no more or less ♪
We don't wanna make a mess
Make a mess ♪
-Hey, the toilet paper.
No, no do this anymore, anymore ♪
No, no like it, I am bored
I am bored ♪
You don't need to push
You're doing fine ♪
We will try some other time
Other time ♪
-[tummy rumbles]
-Try again.
-[gasps] Hmm.
You went potty, yes, you did
Yes, you did ♪
Now you'll flush and close the lid
Close the lid ♪
Now there's only one thing
left to do ♪
Wash our hands ♪
Then we are through
We are through ♪
-Great job, sweetie. You went potty.
-[knocking on door]
-Yes, come in.
Hey, buddy, you did it.
Did you remember
to use toilet paper?
Yes, toilet paper.
And did you wash your hands
with soap?
Yes, soap.
Soon you won't need to wear diapers.
-Our little Baby John is growing up.
[siren wailing]
Doctor Baby, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Say bye-bye to your boo-boo ♪
Doctor Baby, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Make you better, yes, I do ♪
Oh, Doctor Baby, we love you ♪
Doctor, can you help me? ♪
I fell and hurt my knee ♪
Doctor, oh, what can you do
To make it go away? ♪
Doctor puts a Band-Aid on
And sends you on your way ♪
-Thank you, Doctor.
-[siren wailing]
-Who's next?
Doctor Baby, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Say bye-bye to your boo-boo ♪
Doctor Baby, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Make you better, yes, I do ♪
Oh, Doctor Baby, we love you ♪
Doctor, can you help me? ♪
I'm feeling so unwell ♪
Doctor, oh, what can you do
To make it go away? ♪
Doctor says you need some soup
And rest in bed today ♪
Yay! Phew! Thank you, Doctor.
-[siren wailing]
-Who's next?
Doctor Baby, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Say bye-bye to your boo-boo ♪
Doctor Baby, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Make you better, yes, I do ♪
Oh, Doctor Baby, we love you ♪
-Where's Daddy?
-I don't know.
[both gasp]
-[kids exclaim]
-[kids gasp]
Doctor, can you help me?
I had an accident, ouch ♪
Doctor, oh, what can you do
To make me feel okay? ♪
Doctor wraps your boo-boo up
And makes it go away ♪
-Phew! Thank you, Doctor.
-[siren wailing]
Who next?
Doctor Baby, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Say bye-bye to your boo-boo ♪
Doctor Baby, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Make you better, yes, I do ♪
Oh, Doctor Baby, we love you ♪
Doctor, can you help me?
It's time for my check-up ♪
Doctor, oh, what do you do
To check that I'm okay? ♪
Doctor checks your height
and weight ♪
And says you're doing great ♪
Yay! Thank you, Doctor.
-[siren wailing]
-Who's next?
Doctor Baby, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Say bye-bye to your boo-boo ♪
Doctor Baby, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Make you better, yes, I do ♪
-Oh, Doctor Baby, we love you ♪
-Doctor, can you help me? ♪
It's my flu shot today ♪
Doctor, oh, what will you do
And will I be okay? ♪
Doctor gives you a little pinch
Then you can go and play ♪
Doctor Baby, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Say bye-bye to your boo-boo ♪
Doctor Baby, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Make you better, yes, I do ♪
Oh, Doctor Baby, we love you ♪
[squeals, giggles]
[timer dings]
[gasps, giggles]
If you're happy and you know it
Eat some food ♪
If you're happy and you know it
Eat some food ♪
If you're happy and you know it
Then your face will surely show it ♪
If you're happy and you know it
Eat some food ♪
[squeals, crunches]
Baby John, can you say "Eat"?
Yum, yum!
Hmm. Can you say "More"?
Sweetie, say "Mama."
Oh! Hmm.
[giggles, squeals]
If you're happy and you know it
Say "Dog" ♪
If you're happy and you know it
Say "Dog" ♪
If you're happy and you know it
Then your face will surely show it ♪
If you're happy and you know it
Say "Dog" ♪
Baby John, can you say
the word "Mama"?
Oh? Hmm.
[gasps, feet screech]
[squeals, giggles]
If you're happy and you know it
Say "Ball" ♪
Yeah! [laughs]
If you're happy and you know it
Say "Ball" ♪
If you're happy and you know it
Then your face will surely show it ♪
If you're happy and you know it
Say "Ball" ♪
-Okay, honey. Repeat after me.
Say "Mama."
-[both laugh]
If you're happy and you know it
Say "Car" ♪
If you're happy and you know it
Say "Car" ♪
Beep, beep! Beep, beep!
If you're happy and you know it
Then your face will surely show it ♪
If you're happy and you know it
Say "Car" ♪
Baby John, can you say
the word "Mama"?
-[door closes]
I'm home.
I'm a big boy. How can I help?
This is the way we make breakfast
Make breakfast, make breakfast ♪
This is the way I do my chores
Let me help you, Daddy ♪
Doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Doo-be-doo-be-doo ♪
This is the way we make breakfast
Pour the flour and mix the eggs ♪
This is the way we cook breakfast
It's fun to do together ♪
Doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
This is how I do ♪
This is the way we tidy your room
Pick up the toys, pick up the toys ♪
This is the way I do my chores
Let me help you, Mommy ♪
Doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Doo-be-doo-be-doo ♪
This is the way we tidy the room
Pick up the toys, put them in here ♪
This is the way we tidy the room
It's fun to do together ♪
Doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
This is how I do ♪
This is the way
we fold the clothes ♪
Fold the clothes
Fold the clothes ♪
This is the way I do my chores
Let me help you, Daddy ♪
Doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
Doo-be-doo-be-doo ♪
-Oh! [laughs]
This is the way
we fold the clothes ♪
Fold the clothes
Stretch it out ♪
This is the way
we fold the clothes ♪
It's fun to do together ♪
Doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
This is how I do ♪
This is the way we wash the car
Wash the car, wash the car ♪
This is the way I do my chores
Let me help you, Mommy ♪
Doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
-Oh! [laughs]
Doo-be-doo-be-doo ♪
This is the way we wash the car
Wash the car, wash the car ♪
This is the way we wash the car
It's fun to do together ♪
Doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
This is how I do ♪
This is the way we feed the dog
Feed the dog, feed the dog ♪
This is the way I do my chores
Let me help you, Daddy ♪
Doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
-Doo-be-doo-be-doo ♪
This is the way we feed the dog
Feed the dog, feed the dog ♪
This is the way we feed the dog
It's fun to do together ♪
Doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
This is how I do ♪
Doo-doo-doo-doo ♪
This is how we do ♪
Jack, look at me.
I'm an Italian chef
and I'll make the best pasta
in town.
And I will be the best French cook
you will ever see.
Mmm, Mommy's cooking too.
Oh, hey, honey.
Mommy, can we have
some pasta, please?
Well, of course, dear.
Here you go, sweetie.
Thank you. [giggles]
Oh, wow. What are you guys up to?
-We're playing that we are chefs.
Do you wanna play too, Baby John?
Come on, Baby John
We'll help you along ♪
Have a seat, it's time to eat
Come on, Baby John ♪
We must use our manners
Let us show you how ♪
Learning new things as we sing
The table manners song ♪
This is a fork.
A fork gets used to eat spaghetti
and we use it like this.
-Oh! Hmm.
Hmm. [laughs]
If you have a spill
You don't have to cry ♪
You can use your napkin
To wipe the spill dry ♪
If your face gets dirty
You know what to do ♪
You can use your napkin
And wipe away the food ♪
[giggles] Hmm.
When we eat our soup
We must use a spoon ♪
Hold the spoon the right way
So we don't spill our food ♪
When we eat our soup
We should never slurp ♪
Use our table manners
Say "Excuse me" if we burp ♪
No, Mr. Baby John.
You don't eat
with your mouth wide open.
When you chew your food
Always be polite ♪
Close your mouth
Don't show your meal ♪
That would be rude ♪
When you take a bite
Please try not to drool ♪
Keep your lips together
It's a table manners rule ♪
If you have a piece
That's much too big to eat ♪
Cut it into smaller bits
Start by watching me ♪
You can use your fork
To make a smaller piece ♪
Now it fits inside your mouth
And it's ready to eat ♪
-[all giggling]
-[door opens]
Here, you have some real
ice cream, guys.
[all laughing]
Go, go! [squeals]
Did you see that, Baby John?
How about doing something else?
We can do so many different things.
I know a game that we can play ♪
We'll use paper
and we'll make planes ♪
Watch me as I fold this way
We're making paper planes ♪
I know a game that we can play ♪
We'll use paper
and we'll make planes ♪
Watch me as I fold this way ♪
-We're making paper planes ♪
Your planes look wonderful.
Great job, guys.
Up! Up!
It's time to make them fly.
-Now launch your plane, Baby John.
Here we go now, up in the sky ♪
You fly your plane
and I'll fly mine ♪
You make circles
and I'll make lines ♪
We're up in the clouds so high ♪
Here we go now, up in the sky ♪
You fly your plane
and I'll fly mine ♪
You make circles
and I'll make lines ♪
We're up in the clouds so high ♪
Look, Baby John.
That cloud looks like a locomotive.
[both] Yummy!
-Wow! Oh!
[gasps, squeals]
-[Dad] Hey!
-Look at that.
What do you see up in the sky?
A great, big ship sailing on by ♪
Let's make a fleet of boats
to ride ♪
Sailing the ocean tide ♪
What do you see up in the sky?
A great, big ship sailing on by ♪
Let's make fleets of boats to ride
Sailing the ocean tide ♪
I have a great idea, Baby John.
Lots of boats we sail on the sea
A mighty captain you will be ♪
Foam and soap so bubbly
It keeps the island clean ♪
Lots of boats we sail on the sea
A mighty captain you will be ♪
Foam and soap so bubbly
It keeps the island clean ♪
Where are we headed, Captain?
[duck squeaks]
-At your command, my captain.
Wow! Maybe we could
even see a whale.
Bath time's over, Baby John
Wear this towel, nice and warm ♪
Come, let's put your PJs on
Let's sing the bedtime song ♪
Baby John, it's time to sleep ♪
Off to the land
where you can dream ♪
Tomorrow you can play with me
There's so much more to see ♪
Good night, Baby John.
Oh! [chuckles]
[both laugh]
Baby John, it's time
to get in bed ♪
Close your eyes and
rest your head ♪
Not yet, not yet
There is time to play ♪
Up, up, I want to play all day ♪
I am a sailor sailing in the sea ♪
Watch me and my friends
I've got my crew with me ♪
Oh! Hmm?
Uh-oh. [giggles]
Baby John, it's time
to get in bed ♪
Close your eyes and
rest your head ♪
Mmm. [giggles]
Not yet, not yet
There is time to play ♪
Up, up, I want to play all day ♪
I am the king, here is my crown ♪
Here is my kingdom,
bee-ba-ba-bown ♪
Oh! Hmm?
Uh-oh. [giggles]
Baby John, it's time
to get in bed ♪
Close your eyes and
rest your head ♪
Hmm. [giggles]
Not yet, not yet
There is time to play ♪
Up, up, I want to play all day ♪
We have a car,
we driving in the race ♪
We're gonna be
The first through the gate ♪
[gasps] Hmm?
-[both laugh]
Baby John, it's time
to get in bed ♪
Close your eyes and
rest your head ♪
Hmm. [giggles]
Not yet, not yet
There is time to play ♪
Up, up, I want to play all day ♪
We are sharks,
we swim under the sea ♪
We are sharks,
too-doo-ee-dee-too-doo ♪
Oh! Hmm?
-[both laughing]
[both giggle]
Baby John, it's time
to get in bed ♪
Close your eyes and
rest your head ♪
Hmm. [giggles]
Not yet, not yet
There is time to play ♪
-Up, up, I want to play all day ♪
We are spacemen,
we go up into space ♪
But you are a baby
And it's time to go to bed ♪
Baby John, it's time
to get in bed ♪
Close your eyes and
rest your head ♪
[all] Good morning, Baby John.
-[birds chirping]
Look, Daddy's building a tree house.
Daddy's building a tree house
E-I-E-I-O ♪
And he builds it with some tools
E-I-E-I-O ♪
Hey, a branch could fall
and hurt you.
There are tools here
There are tools there ♪
Tools here, tools there
Tools, tools everywhere ♪
Daddy's building a tree house
E-I-E-I-O ♪
-How can we help?
There are tools here
There are tools there ♪
Tools here, tools there
Tools, tools everywhere ♪
Daddy's building a tree house
E-I-E-I-O ♪
Ah! Oh!
It's not safe to play with tools.
Hmm. [laughing]
Daddy's building a tree house
E-I-E-I-O ♪
And he builds it with some wood
E-I-E-I-O ♪
There a tok-tok here
There a bam-bam there ♪
Tok-tok, bam-bam,
tok-bam everywhere ♪
Daddy's building a tree house
E-I-E-I-O ♪
Ah! Ooh!
Ah! Mmm-mmm-mmm.
Oh, no, no, buddy.
It's not safe for you.
Go with Mommy.
Honey, let's paint.
We are helping our dad
E-I-E-I-O ♪
We are painting the tree house
E-I-E-I-O ♪
There a tok-tok here
There a bam-bam there ♪
Dad, we'll help you with the rest.
Tok-tok, bam-bam,
tok-bam everywhere ♪
Daddy's building a tree house
E-I-E-I-O ♪
Daddy's building a tree house
E-I-E-I-O ♪
These are too heavy for you.
Come with me.
We'll choose things
to decorate the house.
And we will help him decorate
E-I-E-I-O ♪
There are trains, trains here
There are dolls, dolls there ♪
-Oh, no!
Jack, it's not safe
to climb the furniture.
Toys here, toys there
Lots of toys everywhere ♪
Daddy's building a tree house ♪
The house is ready.
Daddy built a nice tree house
E-I-E-I-O ♪
Wait. We need to clean it first.
It's full of dust.
And we're gonna clean it up
E-I-E-I-O ♪
We're cleaning here
We're sweeping there ♪
This is for you, Mom and Dad.
-[giggles] Thank you, honey.
Clean here, sweep there
We're cleaning everywhere ♪
Daddy, Daddy, so well done
E-I-E-I-O ♪
Are you okay, Mom?
I think I'm coming down with a cold.
Don't worry, honey. I'll be okay.
-We should call Dad.
Mommy isn't feeling her best ♪
Mommy is tired and
she needs her rest ♪
We will take care of her
Helping and then ♪
We will make Mommy
all better again ♪
Oh, thank you. [sneezes]
Okay, kids. Let's take Mom to bed.
Mommy, we'll take care of you
'Cause you're sick ♪
Let's get you feeling all better
Real quick ♪
You take good care of us
That's what you do ♪
Now it's our turn to
take care of you ♪
What is it, Baby John?
-Are you worried?
Oh, don't worry, Baby John.
Mom is gonna be fine soon.
Let's take her temperature
to check if she has a fever.
[giggles, squeals]
Let's take her temperature
You can help me ♪
Here's a thermometer
so we can see ♪
She has a fever,
her forehead is hot ♪
But her little doctor
He loves her a lot ♪
Mom has a little fever, Baby John.
We're going to prepare cold packs.
Let's cool her fever
We'll bring her some ice ♪
When you are hot
Something cold feels nice ♪
Mommy is sick, so help her along ♪
Doctor Jack, Jill, and Baby John ♪
Oh, thank you.
-That was delicious juice.
Oh, let's make some soup for her
while she's sleeping.
-Thank you, honey.
Now we'll give Mommy
A little more juice ♪
Here is a spoon and
a big bowl of soup ♪
We hope you like it
'Cause we like to help ♪
Mommy, we made the soup
All by ourselves ♪
Mom is better now, kids.
She'll be well very soon.
Great job to everyone
Mommy is fine ♪
She will be back on her feet
In no time ♪
Your love and kisses
Now that did the trick ♪
It's the best medicine
When you are sick ♪
[laughs] We're a family practice.
[kids] Wow! [laughing]
We love you, Mommy.
-[Dad laughs]
-[all gasp]
Everybody ♪
Yes, Daddy ♪
Want to fly? ♪
Yes, Daddy ♪
Are you ready? ♪
Yes, Daddy ♪
So let's fly ♪
Yes, let's fly ♪
Oh, look at the airplane pilot,
Baby John.
Hey, buddy. [laughs]
Baby, baby ♪
Yes, pilot ♪
Ready to fly? ♪
Yes, pilot ♪
Wearing seat belt? ♪
Yes, pilot ♪
This is for you ♪
Zoom, zoom, zoom!
-[all laugh]
Hmm. Ah!
Baby, baby ♪
Yes, brother ♪
Are you jumping? ♪
No, brother ♪
Are you sure? ♪
Yes, sister ♪
Play with your toy ♪
Yay, yay, yay!
[both] Hmm. [giggling]
Baby, baby ♪
Yes, Mommy ♪
Are you scared? ♪
Yes, Mommy ♪
Sippy cuppy? ♪
Yes, Mommy ♪
Open your mouth ♪
Yum, yum, yum!
-[Baby John wailing]
The wheels on the bus
Go round and round ♪
Round and round, round and round ♪
The wheels on the bus
Go round and round ♪
All through the town ♪
The wipers on the bus
Go swish, swish, swish ♪
Swish, swish, swish
Swish, swish, swish ♪
The wipers on the bus
Go swish, swish, swish ♪
-All through the town ♪
The doors on the bus
Go open and shut ♪
Open and shut, open and shut ♪
The doors on the bus
Go open and shut ♪
All through the town ♪
The people on the bus
Go up and down ♪
Up and down, up and down ♪
The people on the bus
Go up and down ♪
All through the town ♪
The driver on the bus goes
"Move on back ♪
Move on back, move on back" ♪
The driver on the bus goes
"Move on back" ♪
All 'round the town ♪
The baby on the bus
Goes wah, wah, wah ♪
Wah, wah, wah
Wah, wah, wah ♪
-The baby on the bus ♪
-Goes wah, wah, wah ♪
All 'round the town ♪
Look at all this yummy food
Yummy food, yummy food ♪
Look at all this yummy food
So, so yummy ♪
[all] Yes! Yum!
Hmm. Aha!
Close your eyes
Let's try and guess ♪
Try and guess, try and guess ♪
Close your eyes
Let's try and guess ♪
So, so yummy ♪
Hmm. This one is mmm salty!
Aha! [laughs]
It's a salty piece of cheese
Piece of cheese, piece of cheese ♪
It's a salty piece of cheese
Yum, yum cheese ♪
[both giggle]
Hmm. Aha!
Oh? [giggles]
Close your eyes
Let's try and guess ♪
Try and guess, try and guess ♪
Close your eyes
Let's try and guess ♪
So, so yummy ♪
Ew! This is so mmm sour!
It's a sour slice of fruit
Slice of fruit, slice of fruit ♪
It's a sour slice of fruit
Yum, yum fruit ♪
[giggles] Mmm!
Close your eyes
Let's try and guess ♪
Try and guess, try and guess ♪
Close your eyes
Let's try and guess ♪
-So, so yummy ♪
Mmm! Yummy! Sweet.
[squeals, giggles]
It's a tasty, sweet cookie
Sweet cookie, sweet cookie ♪
It's a tasty, sweet cookie
Yum, yum cookies ♪
Mmm Aha!
Oh! Whee!
Close your eyes
Let's try and guess ♪
Try and guess, try and guess ♪
Close your eyes
Let's try and guess ♪
So, so yummy ♪
Oh, no! Ugh! This is so bitter.
It's a bitter, sour fruit
Sour fruit, sour fruit ♪
It's a bitter, sour fruit
Yum, yum, tasty ♪
Look at all this tasty food
Tasty food, tasty food ♪
We have tried delicious food
All together ♪
It is fun to try new things
Try new things, try new things ♪
It is fun to try new things
All together ♪
-Oh! [giggles]
[laughs] It's bath time.
In the bathtub
Everybody scrub-a-dub ♪
In the bathtub,
it will be so fun ♪
In the bathtub,
everybody bubble up ♪
In the bathtub, fun for everyone ♪
Hop right in the bubble bath ♪
Now it's time to
splish and splash ♪
[squeals] Splish and splash.
In the bathtub,
everybody scrub-a-dub ♪
This is how we take
a bubble bath ♪
This is how we take a bubble bath.
-[both giggle]
[imitates roar]
In the bathtub,
everybody scrub-a-dub ♪
In the bathtub,
getting nice and clean ♪
In the bathtub
Let me show you how to wash ♪
In the bathtub,
squeaky-squeaky clean ♪
Grab the soap, lather up ♪
Wash your hair,
scrub, scrub, scrub ♪
Scrub, scrub, scrub.
In the bathtub,
everybody scrub-a-dub ♪
This is how we take
a bubble bath ♪
This is how we take
a bubble bath ♪
In the bathtub,
everybody scrub-a-dub ♪
In the bathtub,
playing with the toys ♪
In the bathtub
We can play with rubber duck ♪
In the bathtub,
play with submarine ♪
Grab the cloth, make it wet ♪
Wash your face, rub, rub, rub ♪
Rub, rub, rub.
In the bathtub,
everybody scrub-a-dub ♪
This is how we take
a bubble bath ♪
This is how we take a bubble bath.
-[both laugh]
In the bathtub,
everybody scrub-a-dub ♪
In the bathtub,
making loads of suds ♪
In the bathtub
We can throw the bubbles up ♪
In the bathtub,
making lots of suds ♪
Take some soap, wash your feet ♪
Scrub them good
Wow, that's neat ♪
I washed my feet.
In the bathtub,
everybody scrub-a-dub ♪
This is how we take
a bubble bath ♪
This is how we take a bubble bath.
Oh? Hmm.
In the bathtub,
everybody scrub-a-dub ♪
In the bathtub,
have a water fight ♪
In the bathtub
Splashing water everywhere ♪
In the bathtub,
have a water fight ♪
Grab a sponge, make it wet ♪
Wash my arms ♪
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, yes, yes ♪
In the bathtub,
everybody scrub-a-dub ♪
This is how we take
a bubble bath ♪
I know how to take a bubble bath ♪
-[toy squeaks]
Bingo, I've come out to play
I have your squeaky toy ♪
Bingo, where are you?
Bingo, where are you? ♪
Bingo, where are you?
Please come outside and play ♪
My puppy Bingo has a boo-boo
He's not feeling well ♪
Bingo, are you sick?
Bingo, are you sick? ♪
Bingo, are you sick?
Please come out and play ♪
Oh! Hmm.
Our puppy Bingo has a boo-boo
He's not feeling well ♪
Bingo, let's go play
Bingo, let's go play ♪
Bingo, let's go play
Please come out and play ♪
Our puppy Bingo has a boo-boo
He's not feeling well ♪
We'll take care of you
We'll take care of you ♪
We'll take care of you
So we can play again ♪
[laughing] Oh!
Our puppy Bingo has a boo-boo
He's not feeling well ♪
Have some doggie food
Have some doggie food ♪
Have some doggie food
So you get better soon ♪
Hmm. Aha!
Our puppy Bingo has a boo-boo
He's not feeling well ♪
Bingo, drink some water
Bingo, drink some water ♪
Bingo, drink some water
So you feel well again ♪
My puppy Bingo has a boo-boo
He's not feeling well ♪
Doctor, make him better
Doctor, make him better ♪
Doctor, make him better
So he can play again ♪
[all sigh]
[both chuckle]
[imitates crying]
My puppy Bingo is now okay
He barks and ruffs and woofs ♪
Bow-wow, bow-wow-wow ♪
Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff ♪
Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof ♪
Now he can play again ♪
Bingo, you feel better
Bingo, you feel better ♪
Bingo, you feel better
Now we can play again ♪
Who's ready to have some fun?
-Me, me!
-Helmet on!
What's the magic word, honey?
The magic words, the magic words ♪
It's good manners
So we say the magic words ♪
So if you want to
Join in and play ♪
Use the magic words today ♪
Helmet on, please?
That's right.
We say "please"
When we want help ♪
Then we wait for our turn ♪
We say "please" when we want help
'Cause it's the magic word ♪
-Uh, my turn! [giggles]
The magic words, the magic words ♪
It's good manners
So we say the magic words ♪
So if you want to
Join in and play ♪
Use the magic words today ♪
-Your turn!
-[chuckles] Yay!
We wait for our turn to come
So other kids can play too ♪
We wait 'cause we've learned
That some patience is magic too ♪
[sniffling, whimpering]
"I am sorry" is what we say
When we've done something wrong ♪
"I am sorry" is the right way ♪
So we sing it in this song ♪
Hey, kids. Who wants
to pet this bunny?
-Me, me, me!
Ooh. [laughs]
The magic words, the magic words ♪
It's good manners
So we say the magic words ♪
So if you want to
Join in and play ♪
Use the magic words today ♪
We wait for our turn to come ♪
And then we say "Thank you" ♪
We wait 'cause we've learned
That some patience is magic too ♪
-Come on over.
Yeah, let's swim.
The magic words, the magic words ♪
It's good manners
So we say the magic words ♪
So if you want to
Join in and play ♪
Use the magic words today ♪
We say "please" when we want help
Then we wait for our turn ♪
We say "thank you"
When we get help ♪
'Cause they're the magic words ♪
The magic words, the magic words ♪
It's good manners
So we say the magic words ♪
So if you want to
Join in and play ♪
Use the magic words today ♪
[Dad] Okay, kids. Are we ready to go
to the new toy store?
You get to choose one toy each.
Yay! Whee!
-Let's go!
Let's go, let's go
We're going to the toy store ♪
Put on your shoes
We're going for a ride ♪
We need to cross the river
And drive over the hill ♪
But how long will it take us?
We're getting so excited ♪
Are we nearly there yet? ♪
We're getting very close ♪
-Hey, look. The train is coming.
-[bell dinging]
-[Dad] Oh, look, oh, look ♪
Can anybody tell me ♪
Which animals are sitting
On this very train? ♪
-Wow! There are cows and sheep.
Look, Baby John.
Yes, and pigs too. Oink, oink.
Oh, look, oh, look
Right there upon the water ♪
There's lots and lots of boats
I wonder why they're here ♪
-Wow! Look at those big boats.
And look, there's small ones too.
-[boat horn blows]
Let's go, let's go
We're going to the toy store ♪
Hooray, hooray
We're gonna have some fun ♪
We need to cross the river
And drive over the hill ♪
But how long will it take us?
We're getting so excited ♪
Are we nearly there yet? ♪
We're getting very close ♪
Yes, Baby John. Look at that hill.
Hold on, hold on
We're climbing up the big hill ♪
Just look around
At our pretty town ♪
[Dad] Look, there it is.
Oh, look. Kites!
They're flying so high.
Wow! Look at the pretty colors.
Look, Jill and Baby John,
the ice cream shop.
[Jill] Yay! And there's
the costume store.
Look left, look right
Look at the other shops here ♪
But here's the one
That you've all been waiting for ♪
-Hey, we're here!
[squeals, giggles]
Okay, Baby John.
Let's get that train.
I picked out a kite.
It's shaped like a rocket. Vroom!
Look. I'm going to make
beautiful paintings.
[giggles] Choo-choo.
Trash. Yuck!
Hmm. Superhero Baby John,
are you ready to help clean up?
-Let's recycle.
I see a bottle, I see a bottle ♪
Pick it up, pick it up ♪
Bottles are plastic
Bottles are plastic ♪
We put them here ♪
Bottles are plastic
Bottles are plastic ♪
We pick them up, we pick them up ♪
Yes, we recycle, yes, we recycle
And keep things clean ♪
We're superheroes
We're superheroes ♪
We clean the park
We clean the park ♪
Let's all recycle
Let's all recycle ♪
And keep things clean ♪
Oh? More, more bottles.
No, Baby John. Not just bottles.
We can also pick up boxes.
I see a juice box
I see a juice box ♪
Pick it up, pick it up ♪
Boxes are cardboard
Boxes are cardboard ♪
We put them here ♪
Boxes are cardboard
Boxes are cardboard ♪
We pick them up, we pick them up ♪
Yes, we recycle, yes, we recycle
And keep things clean ♪
We're superheroes
We're superheroes ♪
We clean the park
We clean the park ♪
Let's all recycle
Let's all recycle ♪
And keep things clean ♪
-Can we help?
Of course you can.
I see some paper
I see some paper ♪
Pick it up, pick it up ♪
All kinds of paper
All kinds of paper ♪
We put it here ♪
Pick up the paper
Pick up the paper ♪
And put it here
And put it here ♪
Yes, we recycle, yes, we recycle
And keep things clean ♪
We're superheroes
We're superheroes ♪
We clean the park
We clean the park ♪
Let's all recycle
Let's all recycle ♪
And keep things clean ♪
And finally Oh!
Oh! The more, the better.
I see a tin can, I see a tin can ♪
Pick it up, pick it up ♪
Tin cans are metal
Tin cans are metal ♪
We put them here ♪
Tin cans are metal
Tin cans are metal ♪
We pick them up
We pick them up ♪
Yes, we recycle, yes, we recycle
And keep things clean ♪
We're superheroes
We're superheroes ♪
We clean the park
We clean the park ♪
Let's all recycle
Let's all recycle ♪
And keep things clean ♪
Was the park always this clean?
I wonder who cleaned up. Oh!
We did.
-[Mom] Wow.
-[giggles, squeals]
-Wow. A fire station, Baby John.
Hi, friends.
Welcome to the fire station.
Wow. Wow!
Come with me, Baby John.
Let's see the fire truck.
Firefighter, Firefighter
Where are you? ♪
Here I am, here I am
How do you do? ♪
Firefighter, Firefighter,
what is this?
It's a hose, it's a hose
That's what it is ♪
Take the hose, Fireman Baby John.
Whoa. Whoa!
Hmm. [laughs]
Firefighter, Firefighter
Where are you? ♪
Here I am, here I am
How do you do? ♪
Firefighter, Firefighter
What is this? ♪
It's a ladder, it's a ladder
That's what it is ♪
Look at this!
[gasps] Whee!
Firefighter, Firefighter
Where are you? ♪
Here I am, here I am
How do you do? ♪
Firefighter, Firefighter
What is this? ♪
It's a siren, it's a siren
That's what it is ♪
Look at these buttons.
-You wanna press 'em?
[siren blaring]
-[siren stops]
Whoa. [giggles]
Firefighter, Firefighter
Where are you? ♪
Here I am, here I am
How do you do? ♪
Firefighter, Firefighter
What is this? ♪
Fire suit, fire suit
That's what it is ♪
-Ah. I have an idea.
Do you want to dress up
in a fireman's suit?
-Are you ready?
Firefighters, Firefighters
Where are you? ♪
Here we are, here we are
How do you do? ♪
Firefighters, Firefighters
You want to ride? ♪
Yes, we want, yes, we want
That's what we want ♪
Attention, please.
The fire squad
goes on a new mission.
[siren blaring]
Baby John, you're about to have
a wonderful bath
with all of your favorite toys.
Let's get you in
the tub, tub, tub ♪
We'll play with toys
And scrub, scrub, scrub ♪
There's lots of bubbles
Blub, blub, blub ♪
It's fun to rub-a-dub-dub-dub ♪
[imitates dolphin squealing]
Oh, that's a fun game.
Baby Shark is a yellow shark.
Can you put him through
the yellow hoop?
[squeals, laughs]
You did it, honey.
You found the yellow hoop.
Do you want to see Baby Shark
blow bubbles?
[gasps, squeals]
Bubbles floating over here
Bubbles floating over there ♪
They're in the water and the air
Magic bubbles everywhere ♪
Brother Shark is green.
Can you find a green hoop
for Brother Shark?
[squeals, laughs]
Yes! You found the green hoop.
It's so much fun to
swim, swim, swim ♪
Let's flap, flap, flap
Our fins, fins, fins ♪
We kick, kick, kick
And swish, swish, swish ♪
You are my little
fish, fish, fish ♪
Can you help me get a purple hoop
for Sister Shark?
Wow! You found the purple hoop
so quickly.
Oh! Hmm.
A tiny tub is so, so, so
A great place we can go, go, go ♪
Exploring high and low, low, low
So get your boat and row, row, row ♪
Mm-mmm. Oh!
Mommy Shark is red.
Why don't we help Mommy Shark
get through the red hoop?
We have enough bubbles, little one.
-A red hoop!
Great job, Baby
Before we go away, way, way ♪
There's one thing we can
say, say, say ♪
Toys and games
for play, play, play ♪
Make tub time fun
Each day, day, day ♪
Do-do-do do-do-do-do ♪
Bye-bye, Bingo.
Baby plays, baby runs ♪
With my doggy is so much fun ♪
Zoom, zoom, faster, here I come ♪
Boom, boom, crash
I got a boo-boo ♪
Honey, be careful around doors
or you'll get hurt.
Don't you cry, we'll help you ♪
We'll take care of your boo-boo ♪
We will fix you up
So you are good as new ♪
We're your family safety crew ♪
Stay away from doors
because we can't see you.
No, no!
I can read, read my book ♪
Dino pictures, look, look, look ♪
Oopsie, oopsie
Didn't see the ball ♪
Mommy, I got a new boo-boo ♪
[all] Oh!
Oh, you fell down hard.
But it's okay.
We're here to help you.
Don't you cry, we'll help you ♪
We'll take care of your boo-boo ♪
We will fix you up
So you are good as new ♪
We're your family safety crew ♪
Baby John, always look where you're
going or you'll get a boo-boo.
No, no!
Fill the tub for my boat ♪
Lots of water
Float, float, float ♪
But it's hot, hot, hot, ouch
My hand is hurting bad ♪
Help me, help me, I'm so sad ♪
[all] Oh!
Baby John, step away
from the hot water.
Don't you cry, we'll help you ♪
We'll take care of your boo-boo ♪
We will fix you up
So you are good as new ♪
We're your family safety crew ♪
[Dad] This faucet is cold water,
but this one is very hot water
that can burn.
No, no!
Yes, I like to watch TV ♪
Up, up high so I can see ♪
But I wobble, wobble
Wobble off the couch ♪
Ouchies, ouchies, I fell down ♪
Baby, you have to be careful
where you play.
Don't you cry, we'll help you ♪
We'll take care of your boo-boo ♪
We will fix you up
So you are good as new ♪
We're your family safety crew ♪
Baby, don't jump on couches or beds,
and don't sit here
because you might fall.
No, no!
I am late, no, no, no
Faster, faster, I must go ♪
But I slip, slide, slip, slide
Crashing on the floor ♪
Ouch, my body feels so sore ♪
Don't worry, Daddy.
We're here to help you.
Daddy gonna be okay.
Don't you cry, we'll help you ♪
We'll take care of your boo-boo ♪
We will fix you up
So you are good as new ♪
We're your family safety crew ♪
Don't run on slippery floors.
You'll slip and fall.
No, no!
When we're careful,
when we're safe ♪
We don't get hurt when we play ♪
If we don't want accidents
This is what we do ♪
We're your family safety crew ♪
[all laughing]
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