Little Einsteins (2005) s01e04 Episode Script

Whale Tale

We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
We're going on a mission ♪
Start the countdown ♪
Five! Four!
Three, two, one!
Everyone to Rocket ♪
Rev it up now ♪
[all] Vrooooom!
We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
-Come on!
-Let's go!
Little Einsteins ♪
We need you!
Little Einsteins ♪
-[Leo] Get ready.
-[Annie] Let's go.
[Leo] Shh, shh, shh.
Whale Tale.
Art by Georges Seurat.
[Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2" plays]
Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Hi. I'm Leo, and we're at the seashore.
Do you like to go to the seashore?
We all came-- me
my sister, Annie
and Rocket.
Uh, Rocket?
Hey, where did Rocket go?
Do you see Rocket?
Yeah, there he is.
He's playing with someone in the water.
Who is he playing with?
A whale!
I cannot believe it.
Rocket made friends with a whale.
That's a little humpback whale.
[horn plays Mozart's
"Horn Concerto No. 2"]
He's singing.
[singing Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2"]
La la la-la-la-la-la la la la ♪
La-la-la la la la la la la ♪
La la la-la-la-la-la la la la ♪
La-la-la la la la la la la ♪
They're having so much fun.
[plays notes]
Hey, look!
That big whale is waving
to Little Whale with her tail.
[Quincy] Whoa! Listen to that!
[Annie] It's a whole pod of whales.
[Quincy] It must be Little Whale's family.
[Annie] Yeah. There's the mama whale
[Quincy] And the papa whale!
And Little Whale's sisters and brothers.
[Leo] And aunts and uncles and cousins!
[Quincy] Wow!
For such a little whale,
he sure has a big family.
[notes continue]
Little Whale doesn't want to go.
He wants to keep playing with Rocket.
[Annie] Yeah, but his mom says
it's time to go.
We should go, too.
Yeah! It's snack time!
[notes continue]
[Leo] Hey, Rocket! It's time to go!
[xylophone plays notes]
[plays notes]
[Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2" plays]
Playing at the beach sure made me hungry.
Those were some good snacks.
[xylophone plays notes]
Rocket, what's wrong?
[plays Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2"]
Aw. I think Rocket misses someone.
Do you know who Rocket misses?
Yeah, I bet he misses
his friend, Little Whale.
Do you miss Little Whale?
[notes play]
Leo, we've got to help Rocket.
That's right.
We've got a mission!
Rocket, we're going to help you
find Little Whale
so you can play together again.
[plays notes]
To Rocket!
We've got a mission ♪
We've got a mission ♪
Come on!
Welcome aboard!
Buckle your seat belts.
[all] Seat belts buckled.
Prepare for blast-off.
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
June is patting.
Quincy's patting.
-Annie's patting.
But we need more power!
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Faster! Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise your arms as high as you can
and say
[all] Blast-off!
Hold on tight 'cause here we go!
Up and away!
[all] Yay!
[to the tune of Mozart's
"Horn Concerto No. 2"]
Doh doh doh-doh-doh-doh-doh
Doh doh doh ♪
We're going to find Little Whale today ♪
Doh doh doh-doh-doh-doh-doh
Doh doh doh ♪
We're going to find Little Whale ♪
[plays notes]
[Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2" plays]
[all] To the ocean!
There it is!
Rocket, transform.
[plays notes]
[Leo] Whoa!
[Annie] We're underwater!
Rocket, you're such a cool submarine.
Now I know how it feels to be a fish.
Look! It's the Great Barrier Reef.
Where are you, Little Whale?
He could be just about anywhere.
Maybe he's behind that anemone.
Can you say "anemone"?
What's an an-em-o-ne?
It looks like a plant,
but it's really a sea creature.
[all] Ooh!
Well, Little Whale's
not behind the anemone.
How are we going to find him?
I've got an idea!
Listen to this, Rocket.
I've been practicing.
[horn plays notes]
[xylophone plays notes]
Quincy sounds just like Little Whale!
He's so great at playing instruments!
Now we've got a way to call
to Rocket's friend.
Play it, Quincy!
[plays notes]
[clarinet playing notes]
Maybe that's Little Whale.
Little Whale sounds like this.
[plays notes]
[clarinet playing notes]
Do they sound the same?
No, they're different.
Look! Is that Little Whale?
No, it's a sea turtle.
Maybe he knows where Little Whale is.
Let's ask him.
[singing Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2"]
La la la-la-la-la-la la la la ♪
Have you seen Little Whale today? ♪
[clarinet plays notes]
He saw Little Whale.
He's showing us which way to go.
Thank you, sea turtle.
Rocket, let's go!
[plays notes]
[Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2" plays]
Boy, Rocket's really excited
about playing with Little Whale.
Yeah, he's going so fast.
But, guys, we have to go faster!
[all] It's a squid!
Oh, no! Faster, Rocket!
[plays notes rapidly]
Wow, that's fast.
But it's not fast enough.
The squid is right behind us.
We're going to need your help
to go faster and faster.
Can you say "Accelerando"?
Tell Rocket "Accelerando!"
[all] Accelerando!
[plays notes rapidly]
Even faster.
Say "Accelerando!"
[note tempo increases]
Thank goodness.
You're the best, Rocket.
Good swimming.
[plays notes]
Thanks for saying accelerando.
But-- but-- but
[Quincy] What is that?
Ooh! It's a puffer fish.
Puffer fish? What's a puffer fish?
It's this amazing little fish
that can puff up big.
[all] Aah!
[Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2" plays]
Look out!
They've got really sharp spines.
They're like underwater porcupines,
and we're headed right for them.
You're right.
We better slow down
so the puffer fish don't prick us.
We need your help to go slower.
Can you say "Ritardando"?
Great! Say it with me.
[all] Ritardando!
[plays notes slowly]
Be careful, Rocket!
Now we're going really slowly.
Phew! We made it through
without a scratch.
Thanks for your help.
We're safe.
We got away from the giant squid,
and we got past the puffer fish.
I'm sure glad we didn't run into a shark.
[water whooshing]
[all] It's a shark!
We need to go faster and faster!
Say "Accelerando."
[all] Accelerando!
[plays notes rapidly]
We need to go even faster.
Say "Accelerando."
[note tempo increases]
We did it!
[plays notes]
Thanks for saying
accelerando and ritardando.
And thanks, Rocket,
for helping us get away from the shark.
Thank you very much.
Now we can find your whale friend.
[plays notes]
[Leo] Whoa, where are we?
I don't know. That shark chased us here.
How are we going to find Little Whale now?
Let's take a look around.
Rocket, up periscope.
Look, look, look!
A violin.
A trumpet.
I know where we are.
We must be in orchestra ocean.
Maybe one of the instruments can help us.
Yeah, maybe one of the instruments
has seen Little Whale.
I'll play Little Whale's song.
[plays notes]
[plays notes]
Look, a French horn is playing
just like Little Whale.
The French horn is going to help us
find Little Whale. Hooray!
[all] Hooray!
[xylophone plays notes]
Follow that French horn!
[plays notes]
[Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2" plays]
[Quincy] Careful, Rocket.
[Annie] Whoa! What is this stuff?
It looks like a huge rock.
[June] it's not a rock. It's coral.
It's alive, and it's made up
of millions of tiny animals.
Little Whale must be
on the other side of this coral reef.
I bet there's lots of fish
hiding inside these tunnels.
I hope we don't run into any spooky fish.
[all] Ooh!
Where did the French horn go?
Good question.
It must have gone down
one of those tunnels.
Now what do we do?
I know. We can listen for it.
The French horn sounds like this.
[plays Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2"]
[flute plays Mozart's
"Horn Concerto No. 2"]
Does that sound like the French horn?
It's a flute.
[flute notes continue]
Let's listen down another coral tunnel.
[French horn plays Mozart's
"Horn Concerto No. 2"]
Does that sound like the French horn?
[French horn notes continue]
Yes, it sounds just like the horn.
Let's go down this tunnel.
I wonder what was down the other tunnel.
[all] Aah!
Scorpion fish!
[Leo] Go, Rocket, go!
Now which way do we go? Let's listen.
The French horn sound like this.
[plays notes]
[violin plays Mozart's
"Horn Concerto No. 2"]
Does that sound like the French horn?
No, it's a violin.
Now let's listen to this tunnel.
[French horn plays Mozart's
"Horn Concerto No. 2"]
Is that the French horn?
It sounds like the French horn.
Let's go this way.
[Quincy] Hey, look at the other tunnel.
It's more scorpion fish.
Let's get going, Rocket.
[plays notes]
Do you see the French horn?
Where is it?
Yeah, there it is.
[all] We did it!
Great swimming, Rocket.
Great listening, too.
[plays notes]
Thank you, French horn!
Now we can find Little Whale.
[plays notes]
[Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2" plays]
I think Rocket's excited
about finding his friend.
Call Little Whale, Quincy.
[plays notes]
I don't hear Little Whale.
[plays notes]
Little Whale and his family
must be too far away.
We need to be louder.
Maybe if we play more instruments,
they'll hear us.
Good idea, Annie.
But we're in the middle of the ocean.
Where will we find more instruments?
We need to make a plan.
[xylophone plays notes]
All right. Rocket's got a plan.
He found something.
He's using his rocket raiser.
These are conch shells.
They're not instruments.
Let's just see about that.
[playing scales]
[all] Yay!
Wow, Quincy! You can play anything.
We need your help to call to Little Whale.
Put your hands up to your mouth
like a shell
and make music like this.
Can you do it?
[Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2" plays]
We're calling the whales.
Let's do it again.
Play your shell!
[Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2" plays]
You're great at blowing a conch shell.
[horn plays Mozart's
"Horn Concerto No. 2"]
Little Whale hears us.
Here he comes!
[horn plays Mozart's
"Horn Concerto No. 2"]
Rocket and Little Whale are back together.
Mission completion!
It's time for
the curtain call!
[cheers and applause]
Let's clap for our team.
Clap with us.
Let's clap for Annie, Quincy, June.
[all] Leo!
[all] Rocket!
[cheers and applause]
[xylophone plays notes]
Rocket wants us to clap for Little Whale.
[all] Clap for Little Whale!
[cheers and applause]
Let's clap for the art.
"The Shore at Bas-Butin, Honfleur"
by Georges Seurat.
And now, the moment
you've all been waiting for,
let's clap really, really hard
for the special music we heard today.
[Mozart's "Horn Concerto No. 2" plays]
"Horn Concerto No. 2"
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
[all] Yay, Mozart!
You helped a lot today.
Give yourself a hand.
Go on, clap for yourself.
Yay for you!
See you on the next mission.
[cheers and applause]

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