Little Einsteins (2005) s01e14 Episode Script

The Good Knight and the Bad Knight

We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
We're going on a mission ♪
Start the countdown ♪
Five! Four!
Three, two, one!
Everyone to Rocket ♪
Rev it up now ♪
[all] Vrooooom!
We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
-Come on!
-Let's go!
Little Einsteins ♪
We need you!
Little Einsteins ♪
-[Leo] Get ready.
-[Annie] Let's go.
[Leo] Shh, shh, shh.
The Good Knight and the Bad Knight.
Art by Giovanni Battista Sassi
and the Bayeux tapestry.
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One" plays]
Music by Edvard Grieg.
Hi. I'm Leo.
But today you can call me "Knight Leo."
My friends and I are playing knights.
La la la la ♪
I'm Knight Annie.
I'm Knight June.
And I'm Knight Quincy.
We're brave knights
who protect kings and queens and castles.
[trumpet plays fanfare]
Hark! I hear music!
[trumpet plays fanfare]
It sounds like a trumpet.
Do you see the trumpet?
[plays fanfare]
Oh, yeah, here's the trumpet!
It's a knight's trumpet.
See if you can play it, Quincy.
[plays fanfare]
Incredible. Look at this.
Yeah, look at all these pictures.
[Annie] The trumpet has a story to tell.
Do you want to hear the story?
It says, "Once upon a time,
there was a Good Knight."
Ooh, cool.
"The Good Knight was strong and brave
and helped everyone in the kingdom."
[clarinet plays notes]
Aw! The Good Knight helped that cat.
He's nice!
[laughing] And he's funny, too. Look!
"But then, one day,
a Bad Knight came along."
[cello plays notes]
He locked the Good Knight
in the tallest tower of the castle!
And the only way to open the tower
is with the musical tower key.
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One" plays]
"But the Bad Knight
threw the tower key away
so the Good Knight
would be locked inside forever."
Oh, no!
The Good Knight needs help.
He's locked in that tower!
We've got a mission!
We need to find the tower key
and rescue the Good Knight!
-All right!
Will you help us rescue the Good Knight?
To Rocket!
We've got a mission ♪
Buckle your seat belts.
[all] Seat belts buckled!
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us to the beat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise both arms and say, "Blast-off!"
[all] Blast-off!
Hold on tight, 'cause here we go!
[all] Whoa!
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One" plays]
Great flying, Rocket!
Now, let's go save the Good Knight.
[xylophone plays notes]
[trumpet plays notes]
I hear him!
I hear the Good Knight!
[Quincy] Whoa! Ooh!
Do you see the Good Knight?
[trumpet plays notes]
Yeah, there he is!
[Quincy] Hello, Good Knight!
[plays notes]
Look! He sees us.
He's waving.
Come on, let's wave back.
Wave to the Good Knight.
Don't worry, Good Knight,
we're here to rescue you.
But we can't rescue him yet.
[cello plays notes]
Annie's right.
The Bad Knight took
the tower key and threw it away.
How are we going to find it?
[plays notes]
Look! The Good Knight
is trying to tell us something.
He's telling us to listen
so we can find the tower key.
[xylophone plays notes]
Remember, the tower-key song
sounds like this.
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One" plays]
Let's listen for it.
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One" plays]
Does that sound like the tower key song?
Yes! I can hear it!
The tower key is at the royal fair.
Good listening!
Go, Rocket, go!
[plays notes]
Let's get that key
so we can rescue the Good Knight.
[Annie] I can hear it.
We're getting closer.
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One" plays]
Can you find the tower key?
Oh, yeah! There it is.
[Leo] Hurry, Rocket!
We need to get that tower key!
[cello plays notes]
Uh-oh, I think someone
doesn't want us to get the key.
[all] The Bad Knight!
[Quincy] I cannot believe it!
He's trying to get
the tower key before we do.
It's a race!
Rocket, we need you
to ride fast, like a horse.
We have to get the tower key
before the Bad Knight!
[Grieg's "In The Hall
Of The Mountain King" plays]
But the Bad Knight is still too fast.
I know how we can help Rocket ride faster.
We can pat the beat like this.
Can you pat the beat like me?
Keep patting. We're catching up.
Pat louder!
We're getting closer to the tower key!
[Quincy] Bad knight is winning.
Rocket is winning!
Bad knight is winning.
Who's going to get there first?
[all] Rocket!
Hooray! We got the key!
I cannot believe it!
That was perfect patting.
And look, the Bad Knight can't stop.
He's going to hit that haystack!
Look out, Bad Knight!
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One" plays]
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One" plays]
Cool key.
[cello plays notes]
Uh-oh. Listen to that, guys.
The Bad Knight still wants that tower key.
Here he comes!
Well, we can't let him get it.
We need it to rescue the Good Knight.
Buckle your seat belts.
[all] Seat belts buckled!
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us to the beat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise both arms and say, "Blast-off!"
[all] Blast-off!
[cello plays notes]
[Annie giggling]
See you later, Bad Knight!
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One" plays]
[Quincy] There's the castle
and the Good Knight.
[June] We're back, Good Knight.
[trumpet plays notes]
We've got the tower key!
[plays notes]
We have to find a way inside the castle
so we can rescue the Good Knight.
But there's a moat that goes
all the way around the castle.
[Annie] And it's filled
with murky, mucky moat water.
We need a plan to get inside.
Hey, there's a drawbridge.
That must be the way into the castle.
Uh-oh. What do we do now?
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One" plays]
It's the Good Knight.
He's singing to us.
[Quincy] The Good Knight is telling us
how to open the drawbridge.
We have to sing
to make the drawbridge open.
Annie, you're great at making up songs.
Can you sing something
to open the drawbridge?
Sure, I can.
But I'm going to need your help.
When I say, "Open,"
I need you to stretch
your fingers really wide,
like this.
Drawbridge, please open ♪
Yes, drawbridge, please open ♪
Yes, drawbridge
Please open so we can come in ♪
It's working!
Keep opening your fingers
when I say, "Open."
Drawbridge, please open ♪
Yes, drawbridge, please open ♪
Yes, drawbridge
Please open so we can come in ♪
Terrific singing, Annie!
We knew you could do it!
[cello plays notes]
Uh-oh. Who does that sound like?
You're right.
It's the Bad Knight,
and he wants the tower key!
Quick, let's make up
a song to close the drawbridge
so that Bad Knight can't follow us.
When I say, "Close,"
shut your fingers tight,
like this. Ready?
Drawbridge, please close ♪
Oh, yes, drawbridge, please close ♪
Oh, yes, drawbridge, please close
So Bad Knight can't come in ♪
Ew! He fell into the murky,
mucky moat water!
[plays notes]
Phew! That was close.
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One" plays]
Now let's hurry to the tower
so we can save the Good Knight!
He's depending on us.
Let's do it!
Whoa, what a big room!
It's palatial.
[violin plays notes]
Well, what are we waiting for?
Let's keep going!
No. Wait, Quincy.
There's something strange
about this floor.
I think it might be
[all gasp] Booby-trapped!
But we don't know which squares are safe
and which ones aren't.
Look, look, look! It's the Good Knight!
[violin plays]
And he's playing a violin.
I know.
He's telling us to walk on the squares
that sound like a violin.
Good thinking, Quincy.
Let's listen to this square.
[violin plays notes]
Does that sound like a violin?
Yeah, it does.
We found a violin square on our first try!
So that means this square's safe.
Let's listen
to find another violin square.
Let's try that square.
[flute plays notes]
Does that sound like a violin?
No, that's not a violin.
That sounds like a flute.
Well, what about that square?
[violin plays notes]
Does that sound like a violin?
Yeah, it does,
So that means this square is
Yay, Quincy!
-Way to go!
We're almost
to the other side of the room.
Let's keep listening.
[trombone plays notes]
Does that sound like a violin?
No, that's a trombone.
How about that square?
[cello plays notes]
Does that sound like a violin?
Nope, it's a cello.
That was a tricky one.
How about that square?
[violin plays notes]
Does that sound like a violin?
Yes, that sounds like a violin.
We made it!
-All right!
-Yes, Quincy!
That was great!
Come on, guys. Hop on the violin squares.
-We made it.
Thanks for helping me
find the violin squares.
[cello plays notes]
Who does that sound like?
You're right. It's the Bad Knight!
He's still trying to get the tower key.
He's coming closer!
But look, he's not listening
for the music of the squares.
If he doesn't watch out,
he's going to step on a square that's
[all] Booby-trapped!
He landed in the murky, mucky moat again!
[cello plays notes]
Come on! Now's our chance.
Let's hurry and rescue
the Good Knight from the tower.
Yeah! Definitely.
Look, look, look! I see the tower.
And there's the Good Knight!
[trumpet plays notes]
We're coming, Good Knight!
["In The Hall
Of The Mountain King" plays]
[plays notes]
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One" plays]
Oh, no!
The key doesn't fit in the lock anymore.
Someone is making
the key's music softer--
Do you see who's conducting
the diminuendo?
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One"
plays softly]
You're right. It's the Bad Knight.
What are we going to do?
I know what to do.
I can conduct
to make the music louder again.
Yay, Leo!
You can do it!
I'm going to need your help.
Will you conduct the music
to crescendo with me?
Put your hands out and lift them slowly.
Now say, "Crescendo!"
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One"
plays louder]
It's working!
But the Bad Knight
is still conducting a diminuendo.
We need to lift our hands even higher
and say, "Crescendo!"
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One"
plays louder]
We can't let him get the key.
Say, "Crescendo!"
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One"
plays loudly]
Yay, Leo!
You did it!
You're free, Good Knight!
[trumpet plays notes]
Good Knight, you're funny.
And look.
Something is happening to the Bad Knight.
He's changing.
He's not a Bad Knight anymore.
He's a Good Knight!
[Quincy] We broke the spell!
I cannot believe it!
[plays notes]
You're welcome, Good Knight.
[cello plays notes]
You're welcome, Other Good Knight.
[fanfare plays]
Mission completion!
It's time for
the curtain call!
[cheers and applause]
Let's clap for our team!
Clap with us!
Let's clap for Annie, Quincy, June!
[all] Leo!
[xylophone plays notes]
Let's clap for the art.
Clap for "Chessboard With Flower Border"
by Giovanni Battista Sassi.
[Annie] And the Bayeux tapestry.
And now, the moment
you've all been waiting for --
Let's clap really, really hard
for the special music we heard today
["Peer Gynt Suite Number One" plays]
"Peer Gynt Suite Number One,"
by Edvard Grieg.
[all] Yay, Grieg!
You helped a lot today.
Give yourself a hand.
Go on, clap for yourself.
-You rock!
Yay for you!
See you on the next mission!
[trumpet plays notes]
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