Little Einsteins (2005) s01e23 Episode Script

Rocket Safari

We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
We're going on a mission ♪
Start the countdown ♪
Five! Four!
Three, two, one!
Everyone to Rocket ♪
Rev it up now ♪
[all] Vrooooom!
We're going on a trip
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
-Come on!
-Let's go!
Little Einsteins ♪
We need you!
Little Einsteins ♪
-[Leo] Get ready.
-[Annie] Let's go.
[Leo] Shh, shh, shh.
Rocket Safari.
Art by Albrecht Dürer.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
Music by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
Hey, I'm Leo, and guess what.
Rocket's taking us on a safari to Africa.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
Come on.
We're going to see all kinds of animals.
[June] Whoa. Those are rhinoceroses.
[Quincy] Cool.
Look at all the zebras!
[Annie] Wow! Elephants!
Do you like animals?
Really? What animals do you like?
Ooh, I like those, too.
[xylophone plays notes]
Rocket's ready for blast-off.
Buckle your seat belts.
[all] Seat belts buckled!
Prepare for blast-off.
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
June is patting.
Quincy's patting.
-Annie's patting.
But we need more power!
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise your arms as high as you can
and say "Blast off"!
[all] Blast off!
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
Look-- There it is!
There's Africa!
[Annie] Wow! Rocket got here fast!
[Quincy] Look-- There's a cheetah.
He's so fast.
Not as fast as Rocket.
Whoa. Look at those impalas.
They can jump really high.
But not higher than Rocket.
[classical music plays]
What's that?
Rocket, lower your look-and-listen scope.
Do you see who's making those noises?
Oh, yeah. It's those wildebeests.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays slowly]
Uh-oh. They sound like they're in trouble.
Big trouble.
The wildebeests need to cross the river,
but there's too much water.
[xylophone plays notes]
[Leo] Rocket has an idea.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
I cannot believe it!
Rocket's blocking the water.
Now the wildebeests can cross the river.
And so can those flamingos.
You did it, Rocket. You're a hero.
-Yay, Rocket!
-Way to go!
Is there anything Rocket can't do?
[plays notes]
Okay, Rocket,
let's go look at some more animals.
[plays notes]
[engine revving]
[Annie] Uh-oh. Something's wrong.
Rocket's stuck.
[plays notes]
I don't think Rocket
likes being stuck very much.
That water is extremely cold.
Don't worry, Rocket.
We'll get you out of those rocks.
I promise.
[plays notes]
Leo, we're going to need help
to pull Rocket out of there.
Why don't we ask the animals to help?
Yeah. We'll get the biggest animals
in Africa to come pull.
We've got a mission!
We need to pull Rocket out of the rocks.
[plays notes]
And fast.
Everybody, spread out
and look for really big animals.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
Hey, look. This bumblebee wants to help.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
Yay, Bumblebee!
Um, Leo, I thought we said
we were looking for big animals.
Is Bumblebee a big animal?
No. He's tiny.
But we're going to need
all the help we can get,
so will you help us, Bumblebee?
[violin play notes]
But we're going to need more help
than just Bumblebee.
[fiddle plays notes]
I think Bumblebee sees another animal.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
[Leo] What animal did Bumblebee find?
Oh, yeah. That's an elephant.
An elephant would be perfect
to pull Rocket out.
They're enormous!
Way to go, Bumblebee!
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
[Annie] Uh-oh.
The elephant doesn't see Bumblebee.
He's too little.
[Quincy] Elephants push bugs away
with their floppy ears.
We've got to go help Bumblebee.
Come on!
Whoa. I knew elephants were big,
but he's humongous.
How are we gonna get his attention?
Hey, I have an idea.
Maybe the elephant will see us
if we act like elephants.
[imitates elephant trumpeting]
Can you move your arm
like an elephant trunk?
Now can you make
an elephant noise like this?
[imitates elephant trumpeting]
Now do it really loudly
so Elephant hears us.
[imitates elephant trumpeting]
That was loud, but we need it
to be really loud.
[imitates elephant trumpeting]
[all imitate elephant trumpeting]
[saxophone plays notes]
It worked! He sees us.
[Leo] Bumblebee's going to ask him
if he'll help Rocket.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
[plays notes]
He said yes!
[classical music plays]
Elephant's going to help Rocket!
Yay, Elephant!
[plays notes]
Someone has to take Elephant
back to Rocket.
I'll do it.
Come on, Elephant.
I'll take you to Rocket.
Walk this way.
[plays notes]
Go, June!
We'll see you back at Rocket.
That elephant was big,
but we still need more help
to save Rocket.
Right. We have to find
more animals to pull him out.
On with the safari!
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
Find animals ♪
Help Rocket ♪
[fiddle plays notes]
Hey, where did Bumblebee go?
Bumblebee found more animals.
What animal did he find?
Yeah. It's a hippopotamus.
[Annie] Wow.
Hey, maybe a hippopotamus
could help rescue Rocket.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
[Quincy] Uh-oh. They went underwater.
[Annie] They can't hear
Bumblebee down there.
Hey, I have an idea.
Follow me.
I bet a hippopotamus
could hear my trumpet underwater.
Great idea, Quincy.
How should I play the trumpet
so the hippopotamus could hear?
Should I play it really loudly?
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays loudly]
Or really quietly?
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays quietly]
Fortissimo! Really loudly.
Yeah! That'll get his attention.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays loudly]
Let's help Quincy play
Bumblebee's song really loudly.
When he plays his trumpet,
play your trumpet like this.
Yeah! That's it!
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays loudly]
Play your trumpet.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" continues]
It's working! They can hear us!
[Annie] Look, look, look.
The hippopotamuses are talking.
[Leo] They're talking about Rocket.
["Flight of the Bumblebee"
continues, stops]
[trumpet plays notes]
It's one of the hippopotamuses!
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
[plays notes]
He said yes!
Hippopotamus is going to help Rocket!
-That's great!
Follow me, Hippopotamus.
I'll take you to Rocket.
[plays notes]
Let's see how Rocket's doing.
[Leo] Now we have a hippopotamus
and an elephant to help Rocket.
[xylophone plays notes]
Rocket is getting really cold
in this water.
He's going to catch a cold.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
[violin plays notes]
Right, Bumblebee.
We still need one more animal
to pull Rocket out.
[plays notes]
Come on, Annie.
Rocket's counting on us.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
Find animals ♪
Help Rocket ♪
[Annie] Bumblebee, where are you going?
[plays notes]
Bumblebee found more animals.
[Leo] What animals do you see?
Oh, yeah. Those are giraffes.
Giraffes are
the tallest animals in Africa.
A giraffe would be perfect--
just what we need to pull Rocket out.
Let's go!
[suspenseful music plays]
Wait, Annie.
What animal is that?
Yikes! You're right!
It's a lion!
Don't worry, Annie.
We don't have to go past the lion
to get to the giraffe.
[violin plays notes]
Oh, no! What's over there?
What animal is that?
[violin plays notes]
Uh-oh! It's hyenas!
Don't worry, Annie.
We don't have to go past
the hyenas, either.
[suspenseful music plays]
What animal is that?
You're right. It's a rhinoceros.
Is the rhinoceros in our way?
He is in our way.
We'll have to find a way past him
to get to the giraffe.
[suspenseful music plays]
[Annie] Hey, he's sleeping.
Maybe we can sneak past him.
[violin plays notes]
How should we sneak past the rhinoceros?
Should we walk very loudly-- Fortissimo?
Or very quietly-- Pianissimo?
Pianissimo-- Very quietly.
Good idea.
Help us be really quiet.
Can you clap your hands
pianissimo, like this?
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays quietly]
Can you clap even more quietly--
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays softly]
That's it.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays softly]
[suspenseful music plays]
Keep clapping.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays softly]
[suspenseful music plays]
We got past the rhinoceros.
Way to clap pianissimo.
And there's a giraffe right there.
A giraffe is going to be perfect
to help Rocket.
They're giant.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
[Annie] Look.
Bumblebee is asking Giraffe
if she'll help.
Uh-oh. It's not working.
Giraffe can't hear Bumblebee.
Bumblebee is so tiny, he could only buzz
pianissimo, really quietly.
Let's help Bumblebee buzz really loudly.
Can you buzz fortissimo, like this?
[buzzing to the tune
of "Flight of the Bumblebee"]
Come on. Buzz with me.
[both buzz to the tune
of "Flight of the Bumblebee"]
Giraffe didn't hear us.
Okay, we were loud before,
but now we have to be very loud.
[both buzz loudly to the tune
of "Flight of the Bumblebee"]
[Annie] We did it! Giraffe heard us.
That was great buzzing.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
[Leo] Giraffe is going to help Rocket.
[Annie] Yay, Giraffe!
[fiddle plays notes]
Go ahead, Giraffe. Follow Bumblebee.
He'll take you to Rocket.
To Rocket!
[trumpet and saxophone play notes]
You're back.
And you brought a giraffe. Cool.
[plays notes]
Hang tight, Rocket.
The animals
are going to help pull you out.
[plays notes]
Okay, everyone.
When I point to you, pull to the beat.
[all] Ready!
June and Elephant!
[fanfare plays]
Quincy and Hippopotamus!
[fanfare plays]
Giraffe and Annie!
[fanfare plays]
Now we need you to pull.
Move your arms to the beat, like this.
-[fanfare plays]
Pull! Pull!
That's it. Keep pulling.
Pull! Pull!
It's working!
Rocket's almost free.
We just need a tiny bit more help.
Do you see anyone else
who could help pull?
Bumblebee, yeah!
I forgot to ask Bumblebee!
Bumblebee, can you help us pull the rope?
[violin plays notes]
Now, everyone, all together, pull!
-[fanfare plays]
Pull! Pull!
Pull! Pull! Pull!
Pull! Pull! Pull!
Rocket's free!
We did it!
Look-- Rocket's feeling much better
now that he's out of the water.
[plays notes]
We're glad you're all better, Rocket.
[plays notes]
Oh, Rocket's thanking us.
[all] You're welcome!
[plays notes]
And Rocket is giving a special thanks
to Bumblebee.
[plays notes]
[all] Aw!
Mission completion!
It's time for
the curtain call!
Let's clap for our team.
Clap with us.
Let's clap for Annie, Quincy, June.
[all] Leo!
[all] Rocket!
[applause continues]
[plays notes]
And Bumblebee. Clap for Bumblebee.
[violin plays notes]
Let's clap for the art.
Clap for the woodcut by Albrecht Dürer.
And now the moment
you've all been waiting for--
Let's clap really, really hard
for the special music we heard today.
["Flight of the Bumblebee" plays]
"Flight of the Bumblebee"
by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov!
[all] Yay, Rimsky-Korsakov!
You helped a lot today.
Give yourself a hand.
Go on. Clap for yourself.
-You rock!
-Yay for you!
See you on the next mission.
[applause continues]
[fiddle plays notes]

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