Little Einsteins (2005) s01e26 Episode Script

The Birthday Machine

We're going on a trip ♪
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
We're going on a mission ♪
Start the countdown ♪
Five, four!
Three, two, one!
Everyone to Rocket ♪
Rev it up now ♪
[all] Vrooooom!
We're going on a trip ♪
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
-Come on!
-Let's go!
Little Einsteins ♪
We need you!
Little Einsteins ♪
-[Leo] Get ready.
-[Annie] Let's go.
Shh, shh, shh.
The Birthday Machine.
Art by
Michelangelo Buonarroti.
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
Music by
Johann Sebastian Bach.
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
Hi, I'm Quincy.
And these are my friends,
Leo, June, and Annie.
We're all helping our friend Rocket
clean up his room.
[xylophone plays notes]
Do you ever help clean up?
[Annie] Wow, Rocket,
you have lots of cleaning tools.
You've got a dust-o-matic
and a window washer.
And a zoomer broomer.
Okay, Rocket,
are you ready to start cleaning?
[xylophone plays notes]
[plays notes]
[plays notes]
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
Look at him clean.
Go, Rocket!
Now all he has to do is dust his books.
[plays notes]
Rocket found something.
It's some kind of drawing.
It's a drawing of a machine.
I wonder what the machine does.
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
Look, look, look! It's moving!
And it's playing music.
The machine in the drawing
has three pieces.
The first piece turns around and around.
[violin plays notes from concerto]
The second piece claps.
[plays different notes from concerto]
And the third piece moves up and down.
[plays notes from concerto]
Look, look, look!
The machine is making something.
It's making balloons
and presents and cake!
On what special day do you get
balloons, presents, and cake?
On your birthday!
That's right.
The machine in the drawing
makes birthdays.
It's a birthday machine.
It can make today my birthday
and Annie's birthday
and Leo's birthday
and June's birthday
and Rocket's birthday!
[plays notes]
Rocket loves birthdays.
When's your birthday?
I wish we could have our birthdays today.
But we can have our birthdays today.
If we find the three pieces,
we can build a birthday machine
and make today all of our birthdays.
-Let's do it.
We've got a mission.
We have to find the three pieces
and build the birthday machine.
To Rocket!
We've got a mission ♪
Come on.
Welcome aboard.
Buckle your seat belts.
Seat belts buckled.
Prepare for blast-off.
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
June is patting.
Quincy's patting.
-Annie's patting.
But we need more power.
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Faster! Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise your arms as high as you can
and say, "blast off!"
Blast off!
Hold on tight 'cause here we go!
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
Come on, team.
Let's go build the birthday machine
and make today our birthdays.
Quincy, let's take a look
at the drawing
to see what we need to find.
The first part of the birthday machine
turns around and around like this.
[violin plays notes from concerto]
The second piece claps together like this.
[plays different notes from concerto]
And the third piece moves
up and down like this.
[plays notes from concerto]
What a fun song.
[to tune of concerto]
Use your hands for turning,
Turning, turning, turning ♪
Clapping, clapping up, down ♪
[all laugh]
That's a great song, Annie.
It's the birthday-machine song.
Come on! Let's all do it together.
Use your hands for turning,
Turning, turning, turning ♪
Clapping, clapping up, down ♪
Sing with us.
Use your hands for turning,
Turning, turning, turning ♪
Clapping, clapping up, down ♪
Great singing.
[violin plays notes from first piece]
Rocket hears something.
[plays notes from first piece]
Listen to that.
[plays notes from first piece]
Does that sound like
the turning piece of the birthday machine?
Yes, that's right!
That's the first piece
of the birthday machine.
Rocket, follow that music.
[plays notes from first piece]
That's Florence, Italy.
The first piece of the birthday machine
is in Florence.
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
[music stops]
[music resumes]
This is the Laurentian Library.
That's one of the oldest libraries
in the whole world.
[violin plays notes from first piece]
It sounds like the music
is coming from inside.
Come on, guys!
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
This library is huge.
How will we ever find the first piece
of the birthday machine?
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
Do you see the first piece?
Where is it?
Yeah, there it is.
It's way up there on the second floor.
[plays notes]
But there's no way
to get to the second floor.
There aren't any stairs.
Look, look, look!
The books are dancing off the shelves.
We must have woken them up.
And they're super friendly.
Maybe the books can help us.
Excuse me, books.
Can you help us get
the first piece of the birthday machine?
[harpsichord plays notes]
I cannot believe it.
The books are making stairs
so we can climb up
and get the first piece
of the birthday machine.
But we need more books
to make the stairs go higher.
I know what to do.
We have to wake up more books.
Let's clap our hands together like a book.
Can you clap the beat with me?
Clap your hands like a book.
Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.
The books are stacking themselves
higher and higher.
Keep clapping.
Clap. Clap. Clap.
It's working.
We did it.
The staircase of books is finished.
Great clapping.
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
We found the first piece
of the birthday machine,
the turning piece.
[plays notes]
We got the first piece.
Have fun dancing, books.
Thanks for your help.
[harpsichord plays notes]
Hey, Rocket, look what we found.
[xylophone plays notes]
Blast off!
Sing the birthday-machine song with us.
Use your hands for turning,
Turning, turning, turning ♪
Clapping, clapping up, down ♪
We've got the first piece
of the birthday machine.
[Annie] But we still need
to find two more pieces--
the clapping piece
[violin plays notes from second piece]
And the piece at the end
that goes up and down.
[violin plays notes from third piece]
[plays notes from second piece]
[plays notes from second piece]
That sounds like the second
piece of the birthday machine,
the clapping piece.
Rocket, follow that music.
[xylophone plays notes]
[violin plays notes from second piece]
The music is coming from down there.
Whoa! It's a city on the water.
We're in Venice.
The only way to get through Venice
is in a boat called the gondola.
Well, we have a boat, too.
Right, Rocket?
[xylophone plays notes]
-All right.
Way to go, Rocket.
Look at all the gondolas.
[violin plays notes from second piece]
I hear the second piece.
But I don't see it.
Do you see the second piece?
[plays notes from second piece]
[Leo] Yeah, there it is,
on the top of that bridge.
[plays notes]
Oh, no! The second piece is tipping over.
It's going to fall into the canal.
I cannot believe it!
The second piece fell right
into that blue gondola.
Quick, Rocket, follow that gondola!
[xylophone plays notes]
[violin plays notes]
[plays notes]
Uh-oh. We don't know which way
the blue gondola went.
There are two different canals.
I have a plan.
We can listen for the second piece.
Remember, the second piece
sounds like this.
[violin plays notes]
Now let's listen to this canal.
[flute plays notes]
Did that sound like the second piece?
That song is coming
from a big red gondola.
Let's listen to the other canal.
[violin plays notes from second piece]
Did that sound like the second piece?
Yes, that's where the missing piece went.
Go that way, Rocket.
[xylophone plays notes]
Look, look, look!
It splits into three more canals.
Let's listen to the three canals.
The second piece sounds like this.
[violin plays notes]
Let's listen to this canal.
[harpsichord plays notes]
Did that sound like the second piece?
No, it didn't go that way.
That song is coming from a black gondola.
Let's listen to the next canal.
[harpsichord plays notes]
Did that sound like the second piece?
No. The missing piece isn't that way.
That's a yellow gondola.
Let's listen over here.
[violin plays notes from second piece]
Did that sound like the second piece?
Yes, that's it!
Good listening.
Go down that canal, Rocket.
[Annie] There's the blue gondola
with the second piece.
-[plays notes]
-Oh, no!
[Annie] That green gondola
bumped the blue gondola.
It's rocking back and forth!
[all gasp]
Quick, Rocket, transform.
[xylophone plays notes]
We have to get the second piece.
Faster, Rocket.
Way to go, Rocket.
[Annie] You saved the second piece
of the birthday machine.
[plays notes]
-[Leo] All right!
-[Annie] We did it!
Now we have the clapping piece.
Look, both pieces are working together.
[play notes]
Look at them go.
We have the first two pieces
of the birthday machine.
Now all we need is the third piece.
The one that goes up and down.
Come on.
Let's find the last piece
of the birthday machine
and make today our birthdays.
Prepare for blast-off.
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise your arms as high as you can
and say, "blast off!"
Blast off!
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
You gave Rocket so much power,
he blasted right out of the water!
Let's sing the birthday-machine song.
Sing with us.
Use your hands for turning,
Turning, turning, turning ♪
Clapping, clapping up, down ♪
[violin plays notes from third piece]
Whoa! Listen to that.
What does that sound like?
Yes, it sounds like the last piece.
It's the third piece
of the birthday machine.
Rocket, follow that music.
[xylophone plays notes]
[violin plays notes from third piece]
It's coming from that leaning tower.
That's the leaning tower of Pisa.
The last piece must be in there.
Come on, team.
Let's get the last piece.
I'm getting dizzy running
around and around this tower.
That's because it's crooked.
[all giggle]
[violin plays notes]
Come on, guys.
The music is getting louder and louder.
We're almost to the top.
Oh, no!
There are three pieces,
and they all look the same.
But how are we going to find
the right piece
for our birthday machine?
I know what to do.
We need to find the piece that sounds
exactly like my violin, like this.
[plays notes from third piece]
Let's listen.
[flute plays notes from third piece]
[violin plays notes from third piece]
[harpsichord plays notes
from third piece]
Ooh, that was hard.
Let's listen again.
[flute plays notes]
[violin plays notes]
[harpsichord plays notes]
Which one sounds like the violin?
[violin plays notes]
Yes, that's the one!
We found the third piece,
the piece that goes up and down.
Let's go build the birthday machine.
To Rocket!
[xylophone plays notes]
That's right, Rocket.
We found the last piece
of the birthday machine.
Now let's put the machine together.
We need to figure out
where this last piece belongs.
Does the piece go
on this side of the machine?
[violin plays notes wrongly]
No, that's not where it goes.
Does it go on this side of the machine?
[violin plays notes correctly]
Yes! That's it.
That's where it goes.
Rocket, attach it there.
Look, the birthday machine is starting.
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
Let's help the machine.
Sing the birthday-machine song.
Use your hands for turning,
Turning, turning, turning ♪
Clapping, clapping up, down ♪
It's working, but the machine
needs more power.
Sing louder.
Use your hands for turning,
Turning, turning, turning ♪
Clapping, clapping up, down ♪
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
Sing even louder.
Use your hands for turning,
Turning, turning, turning ♪
Clapping, clapping up, down ♪
[Concerto continues]
The birthday machine is working.
It's making
I love balloons on my birthday.
And goodie bags.
And party hats.
And birthday cakes!
The birthday machine is making
today Annie's birthday
and Leo's birthday
and June's birthday
and my birthday!
And look,
it's Rocket's birthday, too.
Happy birthday, Rocket.
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
[Annie, giggles]
Happy birthday, leaning tower of Pisa!
And look, here come the books.
Happy birthday, books.
Happy birthday, everyone!
Thanks for all your help.
You made today everyone's birthday.
Mission completion.
It's time for
the curtain call.
Let's clap for our team.
Clap with us.
Let's clap for Annie, Quincy, June.
[Annie, Quincy, June]
[plays notes]
Let's clap for the art.
Clap for
"The Laurentian Library"
by Michelangelo Buonarroti.
And now, the moment
you've all been waiting for,
let's clap really, really hard
for the special music we heard today.
["Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1" plays]
"Brandenburg Concerto
Number 5, Movement 1"
by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Yay, Bach!
You helped a lot today.
Give yourself a hand.
Go on, clap for yourself.
-You rock!
-Yay for you!
See you on the next mission.
[harpsichord plays notes]
[all giggle]

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