Little Einsteins (2005) s01e28 Episode Script

The Missing Invitation

We're going on a trip ♪
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
We're going on a mission ♪
Start the countdown ♪
Five, four!
Three, two, one!
Everyone to Rocket ♪
Rev it up now ♪
[all] Vrooooom!
We're going on a trip ♪
In our favorite rocket ship ♪
Zooming through the sky ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
Climb aboard ♪
Get ready to explore ♪
There's so much to find ♪
Little Einsteins ♪
-Come on!
-Let's go!
Little Einsteins ♪
We need you!
Little Einsteins ♪
-[Leo] Get ready.
-[Annie] Let's go.
Shh, shh, shh.
The Missing Invitation.
Art by
Claude Monet
And the Navaho woven art.
["Ode to Joy" plays]
Music by Ludwig van Beethoven.
We're the Little Einstein team.
We came here to find our friend Butterfly.
Do you see Butterfly?
Yeah, there he is!
Say, "hi, Butterfly!"
Hi, Butterfly!
[flute plays "Ode to Joy"]
He's singing his special song.
It's beautiful.
[clarinet plays "Ode to Joy"]
Whoa, listen to that.
There's somebody else
singing Butterfly's special song.
Who could it be?
Look, look, look!
It's a monarch butterfly mail carrier.
He's got a big bag of mail.
[clarinet playing "Ode to Joy" continues]
[flutes play notes]
Well, look! Everyone is getting mail!
Do you like getting mail?
Me too.
The butterflies are all
getting invitations.
The butterflies are invited
to go on an exciting trip.
I know. They're migrating.
Monarch butterflies migrate
all the way to Angangueo, Mexico.
That's where they're having
their big butterfly family party.
We were invited to the family party, too!
Here's one for June, Quincy,
Annie, Rocket, Leo--
that's me!
And you.
You're invited
to the big butterfly family party!
We're all going!
["Ode to Joy" plays slowly]
Butterfly sounds sad.
Butterfly is crying.
What's wrong, Butterfly?
Wait a minute.
He didn't get invited!
[flutes play quick notes]
[flute plays notes]
Hey, no teasing!
It's a mistake, Butterfly.
You're invited.
I'll go check the mailbox.
[viola plays notes]
It's empty.
Mr. Mail carrier!
Mr. Mail carrier!
Butterfly didn't get his invitation.
[plays notes]
Do you know where it could be?
Look -- the mail carrier butterfly
made four stops on his way here.
Oh, I think he's trying to tell us
that he left Butterfly's invitation
in the wrong mailbox.
So it must be in one of these.
Yeah, it's got to be at Niagara Falls
The United Nations in New York city
A big cave in Oklahoma
Or in a field of cows in Houston, Texas.
We've got to help Butterfly.
Yeah, you're right.
[xylophone plays notes]
Right, Rocket, we've got a mission.
We've got to fly
to all four butterfly mailboxes
and find Butterfly's
missing migration invitation.
So we can help him
get to his family party.
To Rocket!
We've got a mission ♪
We've got a mission ♪
Let's go!
Welcome aboard!
[classical music plays]
Buckle your seat belts.
Seat belts buckled!
Prepare for blast-off!
We're going to need
a lot of power to blast off.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
June is patting.
Quincy's patting.
-Annie's patting.
But we need more power!
Put your hands on your lap
and pat with us.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Faster! Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Pat. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Now raise your arms as high as you can
and say, "blast-off!"
Leo, we need to get to Niagara Falls.
Quick, Rocket, let's follow the river.
[xylophone plays notes]
Down, down, Rocket!
To the water!
This is the Niagara river.
We're getting close to the first mailbox.
Rocket, look out! The waterfall!
Reverse paddles!
That was a close one.
Now we just have to find
the butterfly mailbox.
Do you see the butterfly mailbox?
Oh, wow, it's way down there!
All right, everybody buckled up?
-[Annie, Quincy, June] Yep!
-Here we go!
We're going over Niagara Falls!
There it is! There's the mailbox!
Hey, guys, this mailbox is empty.
Quick-- let's check the Rocket viewer.
[flute plays notes]
Right, Butterfly, you're invitation
is in one of the other mailboxes.
There are only three more places to check.
Next stop--
the United Nations in New York city.
-[Leo] Here we go!
-[Quincy] Hang on!
[classical music plays]
There's the United Nations.
That's a pretty big building.
Now we need to find the butterfly mailbox.
Do you see the mailbox?
[birds chirping]
Yeah, yeah! There it is!
[flute plays notes]
[flutes play soft and low]
What is that?
[flute volume increases]
Whoa, look at all those butterflies.
[flutes play notes]
They're all arguing.
Oh, Butterfly doesn't like
to see them argue.
I've got an idea.
Sing your song, Butterfly.
That song could cheer up anybody.
Yeah! Good idea, Annie.
-Yeah, Butterfly.
-Go for it. Sing your song.
I'll conduct.
[flute plays "Ode to Joy"]
[flutes playing notes]
They don't hear him.
They're arguing too much.
Let's sing with him.
-Good idea.
-Yeah, good idea, Annie.
Sing with us.
[to "Ode to Joy" rythm]
La la la la la la la la ♪
La la la la la, la-la ♪
La la la la la la la la ♪
[flute plays "Ode to Joy"]
[flutes play note]
Please don't argue anymore ♪
["Ode to Joy" plays]
It worked!
They won't argue anymore ♪
Hooray for Butterfly!
He made butterfly world peace.
Great singing!
[flutes play notes]
Come on.
We have to hurry
and complete our mission.
Is it there, Quincy?
Nope -- not here.
To Rocket!
[classical music plays]
How many mailboxes are left?
Two -- yeah!
-Just two more!
We're going to find that invitation.
Next stop-- Oklahoma!
The big cave!
It looks a little spooky.
I bet there are bats in there.
And spiders.
Bats and spiders, spiders and bats.
Bats and spiders
Spiders and bats.
I hope the mailbox isn't inside the cave.
Do you see the mailbox?
There it is, over there!
Outside -- yes!
[violin plays notes]
Oh, no!
Where is Butterfly going?
He flew in the cave.
But the mailbox is out here.
Why would he go in there?
Butterfly, careful!
We need to find Butterfly.
I can't see him.
It's too dark in there.
Come on.
Spooky cave or no spooky cave,
we've got to help Butterfly.
You know how I feel about the dark.
[plays notes]
That's better.
Spiders and bats,
bats and spiders.
Spiders and bats,
bats and spiders.
This is such a cool cave.
Look at all the colors.
[violin plays notes]
I hear Butterfly.
[plays notes]
Good work, Quincy.
But there are two paths --
a red path
and a black path.
Which way do we go?
Let's try the red path.
[bass plays notes]
Does that sound like Butterfly?
That must be the bats.
Let's listen to the black path.
[violin plays notes]
Does that sound like Butterfly?
[plays notes]
Yes! Let's go this way!
We'd better hurry, Leo.
[bass plays notes]
Here come the bats!
Come on! Run!
Butterfly! There you are!
Why did you fly off like that?
You scared me.
[flute plays notes]
Oh, look, look, look!
Whoa, look at that.
They're caught in the spider's web.
Butterfly flew off to rescue them.
Butterfly, you're so courageous.
[violas play notes]
I hear something.
It sounds creepy!
It sounds spooky!
What is it?
Oh, no! The spider!
I'll save them!
We have to distract the spider
so Quincy can get
the butterflies out of the web.
You can help.
Let's clap like the butterflies
to distract the spider.
Clap with us!
It's working!
Okay, Quincy.
Quick-- free the butterflies!
There you go, butterflies. You're free!
[plays notes slowly]
We saved them from the spider
just in time.
Now let's get out
of this dark, spooky cave
before we run into that spider again
[bass plays notes]
Or those bats!
[string instruments play]
You guys have invitations
to the family party.
You're the three butterflies
who teased our friend.
[violins play notes]
They're sorry.
[flute plays notes]
Aw, he forgives them.
See you at the big family party!
Come on! Now we can check that mailbox.
No, it's not in this box.
Come on, guys. Let's go.
How many mailboxes are left?
And where's that mailbox?
Right-- it's by the cows
in Houston, Texas.
Come on, guys, let's go!
-Come on!
-Here we go!
Let's do it!
[classical music plays]
Hey, look at those cows.
What are they doing?
It's like they're having a cow conference.
[oboes play notes]
I think they're trying to sing
Butterfly's special song.
Come on!
Is that the missing invitation
to Butterfly's family party?
Yeah, there it is!
All right!
Now Butterfly can go to the party!
Come on, cows, let us by!
We're on a mission!
Leo, why won't they let us through?
[oboes play notes]
Oh! They're trying to sing the music.
[play notes]
I don't think the cows
will give us the invitation
until they learn that song.
Let's help them.
They need a conductor to lead them,
so they can moo together.
We have a great conductor.
Who's our conductor?
That's me!
Go, Leo!
Go, Leo!
[oboes play notes]
Come on, help me teach the cows to sing.
Moo with us!
[to "Ode to Joy" rythm]
Moo moo moo ♪
Moo moo moo moo moo ♪
Moo moo moo moo moo, moo-moo ♪
Moo moo moo moo ♪
Moo moo moo moo ♪
Moo moo moo moo moo, moo-moo ♪
[oboes play "Ode to Joy"]
-Good job, Leo!
Great mooing.
I cannot believe it.
The cows learned how to moo the song!
You're great at conducting cows.
[plays notes]
Thank you.
Look, Butterfly. This is it.
You've got your invitation
to the big butterfly family party.
Bye-bye, cows!
Thanks for taking care of the invitation!
[oboe play notes]
We're on our way!
Come on, Rocket.
Let's zoom to Angangueo, Mexico.
Let's zoom to the family party.
I can't wait to get to the party.
[classical music plays]
Here it is--
the big butterfly family party.
Okay, everybody,
get your invitations ready.
There you go.
Thank you.
Here's mine, and this is Rocket's.
[plays notes]
Thank you.
And Butterfly.
The butterflies are all over the trees!
There's so many butterflies,
the trees are drooping!
There are millions of them.
They all fly here every year.
They fly thousands of miles.
It's called "migration."
Can you say, "migration"?
Whoa, Butterfly, you've got a big family!
[flute plays notes]
Look! It's the butterflies from the cave.
They're giving you a medal, Butterfly,
for being so brave
and saving them in the cave.
["Ode to Joy" plays]
They're singing for you!
Come on, let's sing for Butterfly!
Sing with us!
La la la la la la la la ♪
La la la la la, la-la ♪
La la la la la la la la ♪
La la la la la, la-la ♪
Mission completion!
It's time for
the curtain call!
Let's clap for our team!
Clap with us!
Let's clap for Annie, Quincy, June!
[Annie, Quincy, June]
[xylophone plays notes]
And Butterfly--
clap for Butterfly!
-[flute plays notes]
Clap for the art.
"Young woman in a garden,"
by Claude Monet,
and the Navaho woven art.
And now, the moment
you've all been waiting for--
let's clap really, really hard
for the special music we heard today!
["Ode to Joy" plays]
"Ode to Joy" from the 9th Symphony
of Ludwig van Beethoven!
Yay, Beethoven!
You helped a lot today.
Give yourself a hand.
Go on, clap for yourself.
-You were incredible!
See you on the next mission!
[flutes play notes]

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