Litvinenko (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

(news anchor) Alexander
Litvinenko has died.
But who or what killed him?
Our security correspondent
is Gordon Carrera.
Gordon: Unfortunately, his death
doesn't necessarily
bring us any closer
to know what killed him.
University College
Hospital said last night
that he died at about 9:21
and the medical team
did everything possible.
They said, it's now in the
hands of Scotland Yard.
I'll do the talking.
(people speaking indistinctly)
And in fact, we have confirmation
that it was Polonium
that killed your husband,
Mrs. Litvinenko,
that is a good thing.
It means we can officially
investigate this
as a suspicious death.
Clive: Sorry?
Not suspicious death,
Sasha was murdered.
Clive: That may well
turn out to be the case.
But for now.
He tell you what happened.
He tell.
He told us lots of things,
all of them extremely valuable.
And his interviews
are our guide now.
But we must be as thorough
in interrogating his account
as he was in giving it.
It may also be that we have
to ask you to leave your home
just for a time so we
can test for Polonium.
They've been here
for a month already.
I'm sure you understand.
Duncan: There are places
that we can make available
to you for these.
No, no, no, thank you.
It can all be taken care of.
Now you'll have two family
liaison officers appointed.
Ray with the beard
there, he's a vegetarian.
And Aiden, he's an ex para,
who's frightened of spiders.
Not that you heard it from me.
That's it?
You go just like this?
I'm not gonna hang around to
offer you emotional support.
That's their job.
Mine is to find out who
did this to your husband
and make sure justice is done.
(gentle music)
Thank you.
(gentle music)
Please, Mrs.
Litvinenko, not yet.
(dramatic music)
Improved by Sailor420
Hope you enjoy the sub-show
(car engines revving)
Pat: I mean, one microgram
of this stuff is fatal.
About half a grain of sand.
So in answer to your
next question, thousands,
thousands, possibly
tens of thousands
of lives are in danger here.
I mean it's no exaggeration to say
that this is a chemical
attack on the United Kingdom.
Home Secretary.
I know there are people
in this room are keen
to get going on a murder inquiry.
It's our recommendation
that this is a public
health issue first,
a police matter, second.
We're sealing off any areas
thought to be contaminated
with Polonium.
That's already happened at
the hospital and the hotel.
And the sushi place.
Pat: Then if we know
what are the sites to check,
we can get a good idea of
how containable this is.
So it's not a public
health issue first, is it?
That's the recommendation.
Sure, but it won't work like that.
We know how to handle Polonium-210.
I agree, but you don't
know where to find it.
Only last night we have
been told on the phone,
this is the most dangerous
substance known to man,
in this same breath is being
told it's impossible spot.
Doesn't smell, doesn't
have any color,
doesn't say good morning when
you come down for breakfast.
In order to get an handle on
the risk to public health,
you have to know where it is.
And you can't do that
without knowing who's had it
and where they've been.
Look, send us your teams.
We'll identify the
sites that need checking
so you can check them.
And together we can
move forward on this.
How's that sound?
John: You don't have a name card?
This is Clive Timmons,
SIO on the Litvinenko investigation.
And have you ever dealt with
a case like this, Detective?
Has anyone?
(people speaking indistinctly)
(news anchor) Because of
the fingers being pointed,
not least by the victim
himself, at President Putin,
is this likely to cause
a major diplomatic row?
Simon: I think the
question is evidence.
The efficiency, the
professionalism of this killing
means precisely that
it may be very hard
to find any evidence.
(news anchor)
Simon, thank you.
Bloody hell.
(dramatic music)
Aiden: Thank you.
So you go to school
around here, Anatoly?
Anatoly's school is City of London.
(car engine revving)
Time to pack some things.
(people speaking indistinctly)
(birds chirping)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(gentle music)
(Marina crying)
(nurse) They're asking
we clear the area.
Detective, we need to go.
(dramatic music)
(heart machine beeping)
(dramatic music)
Somebody within the United Kingdom
has been deliberately poisoned
by a type of radiation.
It's known as an alpha emitter.
So if the water in this
glass were Polonium,
no radiation would escape.
No harm would come to me or you
by being here in its presence.
However, were we to
ingest a single particle,
if we ate it, drank it, inhaled it
as it floated through the air
or returned our body
through a cut or a wound,
that would be fatal.
(reporter) Would you say the
general public are at risk?
Pat: That I'm afraid we cannot say.
(dramatic music)
So at any given site,
a clean, dirty line.
On one side you are clean
and on the other side you are
in a contaminated environment.
So it's up to the line.
Outer garments off, hazmat suits on.
And then it is boots and gloves.
Then tape at the ankle,
under the wrist.
Then it is mask and hood
and zips, fully
zipped and zips taped.
Then a colleague
double checks for you.
And thank you, Michael.
Only now do we cross the line,
making sure we've got one of these.
This is an alpha detector.
(dramatic music)
So we enter the site as a team.
We move as a team,
sweeping as a team.
In the event of a positive
reading, however minimal,
you notify the team
leader and you exit
in the exact same way.
Deviate from any part of that
and you put your life
and the lives of the people
standing next to you right now
in danger.
(dramatic music)
We'll repeat that one more time.
And then we'll get the list of sites
from Detective Timmons here.
Thank you Michael.
(scientist) So, hazmat
suit then it's boots.
(people speaking indistinctly)
Clive: If I ask my
lot to go out there,
they're gonna ask
me what the risk is
and I'm gonna tell 'em about that.
You certainly don't tell 'em that.
I'm gonna have to.
You carry the worry for them.
That's your job.
Otherwise this whole
thing starts to unravel.
And trust me, panic will
spread faster than the poison.
(elevator bell ringing)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(dramatic music)
All right, boys and girls,
the plan is as follows.
We start with Litvinenko
and we work backwards from there.
If there's Polonium at the house,
as we think there will be,
our next question is,
where was he prior to that?
We go there.
If there's Polonium there too,
we go back again.
And we keep on checking
until we find where it stops.
The place it first happened.
We identify the person or
persons present at that place
and we have our suspect.
We follow the poison,
we find a poisoner.
(all laughing)
(police sirens blaring)
Look, we'll take this on,
not because we promise
the British citizen
that's what we do, although we have.
Not because we got the backing
of the best scientists in
the world, although we do.
But because it's our duty.
Yes, there are unknowables.
But dealing with
unknowables is what you do.
It's what you're good at.
It's why I choose you to work here.
(dramatic music)
That said,
if there's anyone in this
room that doesn't fancy this,
you're welcome to step away.
(dramatic music)
This is your chance.
No judgment, no one will
hold anything against you.
(dramatic music)
You have to speak up now.
(dramatic music)
Don't fuck this up.
(dramatic music)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(dramatic music)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(reporter) Mrs. Litvinenko.
(people speaking indistinctly)
(camera shutters clicking)
(helicopter blades whirring)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(dramatic music)
(car engine revving)
(helicopter blades whirring)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(Litvinenko voiceover)
I have pain in stomach.
(alpha machine buzzing)
Foam in mouth, I am sick.
Been poisoned, I know this.
(alpha machine beeping)
Yeah, this is good.
If we hadn't found
plenum at the house,
it'd be something more.
That is what he told us.
He takes us through
everything on these,
including the stuff about
Scaramella, Lugovoi and Kovtun.
He was adamant that
it was one of those.
We're gonna search everywhere,
all the places he's been.
Treating them all the same.
Even the motel?
Clive: Everywhere.
You don't believe him?
I'm just not taking his
word for it, that's all.
Because he's ex KGB.
Because we never take
any one person's word
for anything, do we?
We check for ourselves.
Test everything.
Every one, which
includes the two of you.
You were with him the most.
You'll need the all clear.
I'm not having you
put a team in danger.
(telephone ringing)
Ah, you got him?
Well, he's back in Italy now,
but he's a regular in London
and he's definitely
got ties to Russia.
But we've got him as an
in intelligence analyst,
he's big on nuclear energy in
the KGB's influence overseas.
So he anti KGB?
Well he might be.
But then so was Litvinenko.
So if you're trying to arrange
a lunch with Litvinenko.
Being anti KGB doesn't hurt.
All right, let's find him.
What, as been me personally?
Is that all right Tubs?
Well, I'm not on this job gov.
It's just a favor for Duncan.
Oh, what you doing?
I'm waiting on feedback
on the report on 77.
Oh right, well why you waiting.
(people speaking indistinctly)
You're welcome Tubs.
(gentle upbeat music)
(speaking indistinctly)
(reporter) Scotland Yard detectors
are tracing the final steps
of a former Russian spy.
(police sirens blaring)
He was poisoned by a rare
radioactive substance.
(police sirens blaring)
(people speaking indistinctly)
Manager's called Martin Spencer.
Says he has followed the
whole thing on the news
since it started.
Seems rather keen to help.
Oh, good.
Kovtun, yes, I remember.
But he was quite a low-key guy.
Who kept himself to himself.
But Lugovoi,
Lugovoi walked around as
if he owned the place.
In my view, yes.
And can you confirm
they were here on the
dates we've given you?
Lugovoi, room 441, Kovtun, 382.
May we have that as
a printout, Martin?
Now there is no CCTV in
the Pine Bar, nothing.
Who knows,
maybe that's why they chose it.
And what about the
rest of the hotel?
Do you still have the CCTV for that?
Yeah, that of course we can check.
Yeah, thank you Martin.
You want me to do that right now?
Yes, please, Martin.
Dr. Onome: And how
am I spelling Hyatt?
Brent: Hotel Yankee
Alpha, Tango, Tango.
Thank you.
Any nausea at all?
Upset stomach?
And how about your partner?
Brent: She's fine, thanks.
Your children?
Do you have children?
Well, we're hoping to.
Will this,
could this affect?
That depends.
How much time did you
and Detective Dawson
spend with Mr. Litvinenko?
Are we talking seconds,
minutes, hours?
(dramatic music)
(car engines revving)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine beeping)
(dramatic music)
Clive: There.
Yeah, definitely.
Clive: And these people?
They were all with him.
Mr. Lugovoi booked room
441, a family suite.
(cellphone beeping)
(dramatic music)
Positive reading at Itsu.
What'd you make of all this?
(dramatic music)
I'm thinking, if I was
sent to assassinate someone,
with the most toxic
substance in the world,
would I really bring
the wife and kids?
Fair point.
Doesn't mean you stop though.
And we'll read copies
of all them tapes, yes?
Yes, Gov.
And just one final question,
how do I say thank you in Italian.
Oh, grazie mille, Manuela.
(gentle upbeat music)
Clive: Timmons.
We have a number for Scaramella.
I just got off the
phone with the Italians,
maybe they could nick him for us.
No one's nicking anyone Tubs.
If we do that we'll need
European arrest warrants
and all sorts.
And by the time all that sorted,
you and me will be an
home, you especially.
Clive: Does he know we're onto him?
Send me his number,
I'll ring him myself.
Tubs: Where are you?
Bond Street.
You're just gonna ring him
in the middle of the street?
Tubs, this is London.
The only thing anyone's
interested in here is themselves.
(car engines revving)
(gentle upbeat music)
(car horns honking)
(scientist) We had positive
readings at the house,
but those were secondary,
meaning Polonium wasn't present.
But someone or something
that had been in
contact with it was.
Which actually means, because
Polonium itself was absent,
you can eliminate the wife and son.
Here though, the
readings are far higher.
There was Polonium right here.
(people speaking indistinctly)
He's the one who found it.
(scientist) Yeah.
He's one of mine, is he all right?
Well he's worried his sleeve
wasn't taped up properly.
So what next?
Well next we're getting tested
and if everything's okay,
which we hope it will be,
he'll be back at work
in a few days time.
(people speaking indistinctly)
Clive: And if not?
(scientist) Jump to think.
(cellphone beeping)
Mr. Scaramella.
I'm calling about your late
friend, Alexander Litvinenko.
No, no, it's been a real shock.
No, no your English is very good.
Well, between you and
me, Mr. Scaramella,
there's some individuals
we're very keen to talk to.
(dramatic music)
(pilot) Ladies and gentlemen,
we're now willing to
our descent into London.
(people speaking indistinctly)
(dramatic music)
(people speaking indistinctly)
Mr. Scaramella, I'm Detective
Chief Inspector Duncan Ball.
Wait, this is arrest?
This is not an arrest.
I come here for Clive Timmons.
Duncan: We know that.
I come to help the inquiry.
And we've come to make sure
that you don't change your mind.
(car engine revving)
(airplane engine roaring)
(birds chirping)
Anatoly: Does he stay here?
No, no, no, no,
he has a house in in Ascot.
But he did say he will
give you both a call, so.
Is it both of us, yes?
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(clock ticking)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine buzzing)
(camera shutter clicking)
(dramatic music)
(camera shutter clicking)
(alpha machine buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine beeping)
(camera shutter clicking)
(alpha machine beeping)
That makes sense.
That's the table he
said they were sat at.
So it's looking like he's been
poisoned at the sushi place,
then walked over to the hotel,
left deposits of it there.
Yeah, got 'em all, all
30 tapes ready to go.
(police sirens blaring)
New box set for us all to enjoy.
And Lugovoi's hotel bill,
including his card
and account number.
I'm not on this job.
Clive said you'd say that.
And that when you did,
I was to keep holding
that the piece of paper
until you gave in and took it.
(people speaking indistinctly)
(reporter) In University College
and now being you
examined for radiation.
The staff there tested in
case they've been exposed.
Polonium-210 has been just
up on the laboratory shelf.
Thank you.
(reporter) It's
extremely rare and exotic
and an extraordinarily
potent radioactive isotope.
We know you know
about Polonium, Mario,
you've mentioned it in
your intelligence reports.
The question is, what
was it doing downstairs
at the Itsu restaurant?
Why would we find it, Mario?
Because of Sasha.
Because of Sasha.
Here's one theory,
you took the Polonium to Itsu
because Sasha was gonna be there.
Eat there.
You arranged to meet him at Itsu.
And once you got your food upstairs,
you poisoned him in
a booth downstairs.
I come here to help you.
So help.
Explain how it's possible
that you were at Itsu,
Sasha was at Itsu, we
found Polonium Itsu,
in the place where you were sitting.
It was poison already.
It's the only way.
Oh really?
Because prior to
meeting you that day,
the day he was poisoned,
the only place Sasha
had been was his house.
And we found no primary
radiation there whatsoever.
Why were you so keen
to meet him for lunch?
Why were you so insistent?
Because I worry for Sasha, for me.
Because you thought
you were both targets?
Sasha is my friend.
He trusts me.
(Litvinenko voiceover)
What else can I talk?
Scaramella is little bit,
He is madman.
Brent: To be clear, Scaramella
might have been the
person sent to poison you?
(Litvinenko voiceover)
It is possible.
Let's not take his
word for it, Mario,
let's have you tested today.
Let's have the hotel room
you staying in tested.
It's room 763 at
the Thistle Victoria.
And while we're at it,
let's find out where else
you've been in London.
So we gonna have those
places tested too
and find out just
how possible it is.
(dramatic music)
Gov, urine testing
takes at least 24 hours.
Well that's what they told
Brent Hyatt and Jim Dawson.
Well, everyone else
is gonna have to wait.
Oh, Mario needs to go at
the front of the queue.
I'll get our team down to his hotel.
(dramatic music)
(car engine revving)
(dramatic music)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(car engine revving)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine buzzing)
(upbeat music)
(cellphone vibrating)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(cellphone vibrating)
A radiation alert
is sparked in London,
as it's revealed the
Russian spy was poisoned
with radioactive material.
Well, she's got that
wrong for starters.
He wasn't Russian, was he?
He was British.
(reporter) Are now being monitored.
Then it emerged that it wasn't only.
Here, watch.
He comes from here, the Pine
Bar, and makes a call at 15:38.
The clock behind reception
confirms it, look.
It's the exact same time
that Sasha told Brent
they spoke on the phone.
The call ends.
Clive: Kovtun.
They talk.
And then
the gents.
Tubs: And?
Tubs, men don't go to
the toilets together.
Well, in a nightclub maybe,
but not in a hotel on
a Wednesday afternoon.
(police sirens blaring)
Now out comes Lugovoi,
pats his pocket.
As if he's got something in there.
Duncan: And he's back to
the bar to wait for Litvinenko.
(reporter) And an
extraordinarily potent.
It would have to be made to
order by someone with access.
However much we'd rather
it was the Russians,
over the tubby Italian.
We've got Polonium in Itsu,
before these boys even
enter the picture.
No, and none of this changes that.
(dramatic music)
Now put it back.
(dramatic music)
(telephone ringing)
(dramatic music)
Tell me.
(dramatic music)
All right, thank you.
(dramatic music)
(telephones ringing)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(police sirens blaring)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(cellphone ringing)
Clive: Are they still going?
Just finishing up now.
Go to the foyer,
have them get those little
dust buster things ready
and call me back, yeah.
(people speaking indistinctly)
(car engine revving)
Tubs: I've got
Lugovoi's credit card bill.
Interesting reading.
Scaramella's clean.
His hotel room, his urine.
Duncan: Not even secondary.
Nothing, total dead end.
Clive, forget Scaramella.
Right, according to this,
Lugovoi has used the
same card for everything.
He's paid the hotel bill,
the one Deborah gave me,
he's done shopping, bars,
and he's also used it on a trip
to London two weeks earlier
and on the 16th of
October on Piccadilly.
He's used it to buy food from Itsu.
(dramatic music)
It's definitely two weeks prior
and it's definitely the right Itsu?
(cellphone ringing)
You in the foyer?
Yes, Gov.
Clive: Right.
Stand in the middle by
yourself, facing the entrance.
Now that's 12 o'clock,
turn to your left
and face to 10.
You see a door?
Yes, Gov.
Right, that's a gents.
Tell them to check in the gents.
(dramatic music)
What is it about Itsu
they like so much.
That's just it, Gov, it's not them,
it's Litvinenko, it's
where he liked to meet.
So if they were there,
they were there to meet him.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(cellphone ringing)
Deborah: They're saying it's FSD.
Full Scale Deflection.
Apparently that's as
radioactive as it gets.
That's it.
Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen,
these are our boys.
They come over,
they meet Sasha at Itsu
and they try to whack him there.
But they fail.
But that explains our findings.
Two weeks later,
they come back again,
only this time they bring
their families with them
so as not to seem too suspicious.
However, this time they
want him to come to them,
to do it on their turf,
on on their terms.
So as they won't screw
it up a second time.
But when he gets there.
Duncan: Gov.
(dramatic music)
When he gets there, they're waiting.
They have the poison, they
have the CCTV blind spot.
They've even ordered
a pot of green tea.
All they need now is for
Sasha Litvinenko to turn up,
sit down.
And take a sip.
(dramatic music)
(bells ringing)
(wind gushing)
I thought it might
be worth giving you
the Russian angle on this.
If a Russian citizen is deemed
to be an enemy of the state,
then no matter where in
the world he happens to be,
he is under their rules,
at least fair game.
That's not what this is.
Litvinenko had been
stirring things up.
Before Putin even got in,
he'd as good as branded
him a war criminal.
He had also been doing some
work for us, between you and me.
So I don't wanna say the
man was asking for trouble.
That system
doesn't apply.
But he was
asking for trouble.
Because Litvinenko
wasn't Russian.
He was KGB.
Peter: Ex.
No such thing.
And a citizen of this country.
For about five minutes.
There's stuff in my fridge
that's been British
longer than he has.
If we don't draw the line
here, it's open season.
Anyone from any country
can do their dirty
work on our patch.
He lived here, had his family here.
He also, in case you'd forgotten,
did a fair amount of work for you.
So he must be protected
under the laws of
the United Kingdom.
How about we start
this conversation again?
(translator) There was no indication
it was a violent
death in the report.
(translator) By British doctors.
It's not there.
(translator) For Litvinenko,
then why was it not
published earlier?
If it was written after his death,
then there is no need to comment.
We knew that Litvinenko
is not Lazarus.
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
(dramatic music)
Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitry Kovtun
flew back to Russia on
the 3rd of November.
It is not enough to know
that these are our men.
What we have to do now is
secure physical evidence
that links them and only
them to the Polonium.
The readings from the Pine
Bar are pretty conclusive.
But where did they
go that Sasha didn't.
Lugovoi went to a match,
Arsenal versus CSK Moscow.
That was the night of the first.
Yeah, they ate in a place
called Pescatore, night after.
We'll have those checked today.
And you should.
But for us,
anything that comes after they
met Litvinenko doesn't work
because the radiation could
still have come from him.
So, where were they before?
That's what we need
to make this stick.
(telephones ringing)
What about the
airplane they came in on?
It's not as if they
could deny being on that.
Thank you.
That's it.
That becomes our top priority.
Good work.
(people speaking indistinctly)
(reporter) In a statement
made earlier today,
President Putin played
down any suggestion
of Russian involvement.
Also passing doubt.
(cellphone ringing)
Dr. Onome: Detective Hyatt.
This is Dr. Onome George,
calling from Public Health England.
I have some results for you.
I'm pleased to inform
you that your sample
has come back negative.
And Jim Dawson, my colleague?
Dr. Onome: I'm afraid
I can't really go
into details on that.
Of course.
Though, I can tell
you I'm about to make
a very similar call to Detective
Dawson in just one second.
(gentle music)
Thank you.
Dr. Onome: Okay.
Yeah, thank you.
Dr. Onome: You take care now.
Okay, bye.
Dr. Onome: Bye-Bye.
(gentle music)
I'm heading in.
You want me to leave
something in the fridge tonight?
No, let's eat together.
(gentle music)
It's a good night
for an early night.
(gentle music)
Okay, BA 873 is the
one they flew in on.
Seats 23C and 23D.
Where is it now?
Well, it's changed
flight number of course.
But the plane itself with
that registration mark
is currently Heathrow, Terminal 2.
You mean it's here, right now.
(dramatic music)
(airplane engine roaring)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(alpha machine beeping)
(dramatic music)
(camera shutter clicking)
(dramatic music)
Confirm contamination on seat 23D.
23D was.
(telephone ringing)
(dramatic music)
We've got it.
Clear evidence.
It was Lugovoi and Kovtun.
They came to the
country fully loaded.
It's enough, in my opinion,
to apply for extradition.
Do I make the application or do you?
I think it should be you
because it'll carry
more weight when it.
Clive, there'll be no application.
There's resistance.
Resistance from who?
You saw the news.
Resistance from who?
At this level, it's not just us
who need to decide on these things.
But we need to talk to these men.
I agree.
Interview them.
But on this occasion,
we may have to limit ourselves
to correctly identifying
the culprits.
That's not good enough.
That's not the promise
we made to Marina.
That's the reality.
(clock ticking)
Answer me this.
Are they saying we
can't speak to these men
or just that we
can't extradite them?
Which is it, Sir?
There is no extradition agreement
between the UK and Russia.
Well, that's just something
we'll have to work around, isn't it?
(telephone ringing)
(dramatic music)
(telephones ringing)
(gentle upbeat music)
Where's Tubs?
In the gents Gov.
Is he now?
(gentle upbeat music)
I thought we agreed men don't
go to the toilets together
in the middle of the afternoon.
Tubs, I need you to go to Moscow.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
Aiden: Very kind of you, young man.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(telephone ringing)
(unknown caller)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
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