Live from the Other Side with Tyler Henry (2024) s01e01 Episode Script


[theme music playing]
-[Tyler] Right.
-Hey. All right, well, here we are.
I have a lot coming through.
There's some reference
to basically people from the other side,
like parents, guiding
someone's love life from the other side.
Oh, my goodness.
-So, we'll see I know!
-This is going to be exciting.
-Love you, Tyler.
-All right, wish me luck.
-Wait, wait, wait.
-Oh, gotta fix the hair.
All right, all right.
You're looking good, kid.
-All right, love you, Mom.
-Love you, too.
[Tyler] My name is Tyler Henry,
and I have a rather unusual ability.
I don't exactly see dead people,
but I definitely communicate with them.
I receive messages from those
who've passed for those still here,
proving our loved ones
never truly leave us.
I don't know who I'm going to read
or what messages may come through,
but powerful revelations
await from the other side.
This group is about to receive
a live reading
from the world's
most renowned medium.
Welcome to
Live from the Other Side with Tyler Henry.
I am Amanda Kloots.
If you're not familiar with his work,
Tyler never knows who he's going to read
before he reads them.
And on this show, that's no different.
Our guests,
along with their friends and family,
have been kept completely apart
from Tyler and his team until right now.
So let's meet Tyler.
-[chuckles] How are you?
-There you are.
-He's just hiding behind a wall.
-I [chuckles]
-How are you doing?
-Doing great.
Are you ready to meet
our celebrity and their guests?
I sure am.
I'm actually already sweating, so
-[Amanda] I can tell.
-[laughs] Let's go.
-It's Dewy. Dewy from the afterlife.
That's good signs.
We know that means good things.
-[Tyler] Yes.
-All right, Tyler.
-Here's our celebrity and their guests.
-[Tyler] Hello, everybody. How's it going?
-Hello. Hi.
-Nice to meet you.
-It's so nice to meet you.
-How are you?
-Hi. So nice to meet you.
-Oh, so wonderful to meet you.
-You're a familiar face.
-Hey. Yeah!
-I've seen you before. How are you?
-Hi. So nice to meet you.
-[Tyler] Wonderful to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
Thank you all for coming
and being here today.
And shout out to Mom over here.
-[Teresa] Hi, everyone.
-Shout-out to Mama. Hi, Mama. Hi, Teresa.
[Tyler] I love it.
Well, I am so excited
to get to delve in today.
I think I've seen you before in person.
I feel like we were seated
at a table one time.
-We were, yes!
-[Tyler] That's right.
It was a charity event,
I think, or something like that.
You know what I remember from that event?
The teleprompter broke,
and I had to go get up there and talk.
And I felt like, "Okay, I'm going to start
doing a vaudeville act at this point."
'Cause I was standing up there
like deer in the headlights.
Well, Tyler, this is Chrishell Stause
from Selling Sunset season eight.
And Chrishell, why don't you introduce
who you brought with you today?
I would love to.
So this is my sister, Shonda.
[Tyler] Wonderful.
-And this is Chris Appleton.
-It is.
[Chrishell] And this is Nina Parker.
-And this is Molly Burnett.
And I'm obsessed
and love all of them so very much.
They're all very close to me.
Well, I'm so glad.
Thank you for bringing them.
And I'm excited
to see what comes through today.
We have a lot to work with.
And so I'll organically
just kind of go where I'm led.
But as we go through this process today,
you know, what's so fascinating
about this work from the other side
is that meaningful coincidences
are so often a big part
of how they communicate with us.
And it's so interesting,
even Amanda being here today,
her late husband, Nick,
today is his birthday
-[Chrishell gasps]
-[Nina] Oh, my gosh.
the premiere day of this show
and this next chapter in her life.
And I think that really
kind of speaks to that fact
that the universe works in mysterious ways
and we have to look for those moments.
-So I'm excited to delve in today.
Well, I will give it a scribble.
We will go through and see what comes in.
Now, obviously it looks like
we have some objects here,
unless there's a magical wand
out of nowhere.
[both laughing]
But I'll try to hold on to various ones,
and then we'll kind of see
where we're led, and we'll go from there.
And I have my handy-dandy notebook!
So we will give it a scribble.
Scribbling is just kind of how I get
into an altered state of consciousness
and start kind of receiving
the information.
So, what I'll do is I'll start with this,
if that's okay, and I'll hold it up.
-Thank you so much.
-Do you want all of it?
I'd love that, absolutely.
And we'll just give it one moment
and see what comes through.
Thank you so much.
Oh, that's so cute. I love it.
-We've got these rocks.
Give me one sec.
[chuckles softly] That's so cute.
How funny.
So, immediately [laughs]
I'm gonna talk about Mom's side of family.
And there's a bunch
we're gonna talk about as far as fiery,
strong personalities,
really intense, really very clear,
which helps, like, no-nonsense,
the way this comes in.
There's a joke about what these are worth.
-[Molly] Oh, my gosh!
And I have to talk about
what these are worth,
like the value of them.
And there's like a joke about this.
There's references
to someone receiving gifts.
We'll figure out where the objects go
and if any objects here today
were actually a gift given to somebody.
[inhales] Well, there's a lot popping in.
I'm going to give this back to you
just for the time being
and we can perhaps put it
either there or on the table.
And then I will go through
and we will hold each object for you guys
-and we'll kind of get started from there.
-Okay. Okay.
So, do you guys have any, by chance?
Any that you brought today?
-I have pho We have photos, yeah.
-Yes, pictures.
-I have an object for you.
-[Tyler] Cool, yeah.
You can put it all on the table there
and then we'll figure out a way
to kind of, like, get it passed down.
Any photos It's good to keep
face down just so it doesn't reveal
the identity of the person
and we'll figure it out.
-Shall I pass it to you?
Um, you know, yeah,
we'll just sit with it for one moment.
And we'll go from there.
Thank you so much.
Okay, got that. Got that.
Got that.
This lady's, like,
coming at me right away.
And then I'm
Okay, so I'm gonna bifurcate this.
So what I'll do is I'll hand that back.
All right, it's like a game
of musical folders.
But we're going to figure out
where we are going.
I immediately have to highlight
in the way this comes through,
Mom, firecracker.
Situation in the way this pops in
of having to refer
Here, I'm gonna hand that back to you,
so sorry,
and then I'm gonna get right into it.
-Okay, let me look and see. [chuckles]
-[Nina sniffles]
So, the way this comes across is
I immediately want to highlight you two.
And there's a very strong emphasis
on you two, you two, you two.
When we talk about older women
I don't want to call them "older,"
but there's this feeling of, "I feel like
I have aged kind of in a short period."
"I don't feel super old
as far as my longevity,
but kind of in the middle."
I feel like I have to talk about, um,
you know Stevie Nicks, like Fleetwood Mac?
I don't know if you guys
are familiar with that.
I keep getting, like,
Fleetwood Mac feelings.
I don't know if I have hair like this
or if there's some connection
with Stevie Nicks
or some kind of, like,
connection with a song,
but I have to highlight that aspect.
There's a reference, for some reason,
of a dichotomy between understanding.
Uh, they're having me
talk about the symbol of Virgo,
which is generally indicative
of September, do you know
Do you have any siblings that
are born around this time of year?
Um, our mom's, uh, birthday was yesterday.
[Tyler] Gotcha, okay,
but no siblings born this time of year?
-We do have a sibling. A sister.
-[Tyler] Okay.
Gotcha, so that's kind of where I'm going.
-[Chrishell] Oh, I'm sorry.
-No, no, it's totally fine.
-It's all good.
I'm kind of going
in more of a sibling direction.
And they're just acknowledging
that individual.
And they're just like,
"It's all good. It is what it is."
And that's just good to take note of.
Uh, there is an acknowledgement
in the way this comes through
of some kind of difficulty around
hoarding or collecting things
and then offering to help clear them out.
But then I don't accept the help,
but then I end up needing the help.
Does that make any sense?
It makes perfect sense.
[Tyler] There's a sense of
almost like resisting help
until I actually really need it
and it's too late.
And there's the sense of [laughs]
a lightness,
and when I connect with this,
this feeling of Mom
gives me a sense of relief,
a sense of peace.
I need you to know
she was not afraid when she went,
and that aspect comes in.
There's a sense of acceptance.
"I accept that I can't fix this,
and so I'm gonna go."
There's a feeling of not wanting to leave
a mess of fiscal situations after I pass
for the girls to handle or deal with.
There's this feeling
when she looks back in hindsight
of how if she were still here,
she would acknowledge how proud of you
she was for stepping up to the plate.
But more than that,
there's this feeling of
the shifting of roles
between what would look
like mother and daughter.
And if either of you ever found yourselves
having to be like Mom
for your own mom in some way,
or found yourselves at a place
of maybe an understanding
that Mom didn't quite get to,
there's that sense of
that kind of dichotomy switch
in the way this comes through.
Um, and just the sense of, like,
you being her keeper.
I don't know how else to explain that,
but it just comes across in a very,
very sweet way.
I want to take this a step further.
Do we know of any
maternal figures over here
that would have passed away
kind of on the earlier side?
-Yeah. That would probably be me.
-[Tyler] Okay.
-[Nina] Me too.
-I'm going to go to you two here shortly.
Do you want her the stuff?
-I might.
I just want a confirmation
just to see if I
'Cause I'm also getting stuff
pulled over there.
So we'll kind of keep going in the way
this comes across.
I need to bring up, um,
a number of different things.
So when we talk about this,
uh, there's a feeling of
you going back somewhere.
[chuckles] I don't know what this is.
Um, it usually can refer to
going back to a place
where you're from or origins,
but I have to acknowledge trip
Trip back.
Do you know of any trips back
planned in the next month
or anything that would bring us east?
Um, east? Oh, gosh.
Oh, well, you have to go home.
-She came in for this.
-I do have to go.
-Oh, gotcha. Oh, so Do
-[Shonda] I'm leaving tomorrow.
[Tyler] Oh, gotcha.
You're leaving tomorrow.
-Do you have a son?
-I do have a son.
[Tyler] Amazing.
They're having me talk about putting
patience around him
and they're having me highlight, like,
academic purpose, you know,
what I want to do with my life.
And if he finds himself
at a pivotal stage of, kind of,
having to make a choice
between two things,
there's a feeling of the choice
we start with ends up being different
than the choice we land on.
And it's okay, but there's an element of,
kind of, frustration around that.
So please keep that in mind in the context
of, like, academic, career, purpose.
It feels like a very
transitionary time for him.
Things might be a little in the air.
-Um, but do you understand that?
-Makes a lot of sense.
Yeah, it's all good,
it just validates a sense of presence,
a sense of being involved.
Um, if I go over here really quickly
does anybody know of any situations
in a family where a female would have
dealt with an ovarian, uterine or,
like, cervical or breast-related problem,
but kind of at an earlier age than what
we would expect as, like, elderly?
This could have even been
someone who, like, survived
this female cancer scare,
but I have to highlight it
as a situation within family.
Do you understand that?
Um, yeah, my mom
My mom had breast cancer.
-[Tyler] Gotcha.
-She's in remission.
-[Tyler] Congratulations.
-Thank you.
They're putting a blessing around that,
and it's the only way to describe it,
-but this sense of
across generations, survival, strength,
-and I need you to know there's a feeling
-Thank you.
-of that one symbol meaning a whole lot.
It definitely doesn't come through as
something that someone passed of
as much as something
that someone's dealt with.
-And I think that's a sign
-Thank you for that.
of watching over her
and looking out for her.
-So we'll get more into it.
[Tyler] There's a lot there,
but we'll go all across the board.
This is a random question,
but for you guys,
do you know if your mother,
um, was close to, like, an aunt at all,
or did she have any aunts?
Because I have to highlight this aunt
figure that's passed, actually,
and it feels relatively recent,
like past few years.
-Do you know if this happened?
Okay, I have to link those two together.
There's a sense of kind of
understanding each other
and being linked through history,
through time,
and her being there and seeing things.
It wouldn't surprise me within that family
if mother figures kind of stepped in
and took different roles
and kind of switched out.
There's, like,
a lot going on in that department.
Do you know
This is going to sound so left field,
on your dad's side of family,
um, when we go there,
I have so much funny stuff coming through.
So bear with me.
-My eyes are, like, suddenly watering.
It's probably this mascara.
Let me tell you.
-Oh, a boy can't cry.
Oh, my gosh. Okay.
Um, if I go to this male side of things
So remember what I said earlier, um,
about the sister as it pertains to
the birthday thing around right now.
Just with whatever that is,
the only way I'll word this is to have me
highlight her and her relationship
with your father figure.
Do you have a father figure that's passed?
So if they had kind of a different dynamic
than some of the other siblings,
it's okay, and it's all good,
and it is what it is.
They have a lot of peace on the other side
with where they're at and how things went.
There's this feeling of,
when we talk about where I would
have been
Oh, my guy.
Do you know, if we talk about Dad's side
of family and I go back to the glory days,
if I go back to, like,
the 80s or kind of like that timeframe,
I don't know why, but I feel very cool.
-And I have to talk about
and this is just good to keep in mind,
if there's any funny images of him,
like, with a bandana around his head,
do you know what this is?
-Oh, almost all of them.
-[Amanda] Wow.
'Cause I want to highlight this.
For me, it would catch sweat,
but there's just a sense of looking cool.
-Looking cool!
Like, coolness is a big part of this guy's
personality and pride,
and it just comes across very cool.
It's the only way to kind of word that.
He just always wore bandannas, Chrishell.
-Can I say?
-Yes, please do.
-He was a drummer.
-[Tyler] Oh, amazing.
-So this is his drumstick.
-[Tyler] Oh!
He taped it because he always
would break the drumstick.
[Tyler] Aw!
-So he Yes, he was
-Yeah. Very Had long hair till
-[Shonda] He would wear a bandana.
Very Cancer took it at the end,
but he held on.
He just always had
his, like, Led Zeppelin T-shirts and
[Tyler] Oh, I love that. I thought this
was a magic wand, to be fair.
-I did too.
-I was like, "Harry Potter
-is coming through."
-[all laughing]
-That is so funny.
-I was like, "What a cute wand."
I know. It's giving Universal Studios.
I love it.
Not exactly. He was rocking out with it.
[Tyler] That's amazing. Amazing, amazing.
When we connect with him, there's a sense,
and this is just good to keep in mind,
if he deteriorated
or went through rapid weight loss,
that for some reason
there's this feeling of
"I feel like I'm shrinking [chuckles]
in my own kind of body."
In Mom's case, there's a feeling,
when we talk about medical insurance,
not being prepared,
it feels like when it rains, it pours.
And that very much
was kind of the feeling with this.
There's a sense of when we talk about
having to let go of a property,
not wanting to leave a mess around, like,
-how we let this go.
-[Chrishell sniffles]
It just seems like people might have had
to kind of get on the same page
and make some executive decisions,
is kind of the way
that I would interpret that.
But there's a sense of,
"Oh, this is painful to deal with."
The symbol that comes through,
and this is just good to keep in mind,
is generally indicative of either hoarding
or keeping things
that I would wonder
if I walked in, "Why do you have this?"
"Why do Why
Is there really a need to have that,
-like, right there?"
-[both chuckle]
[Tyler] And then if we try to help,
it's like, "Hmm."
So I kind of get that sense.
Can you explain how that fits?
Our mom dealt with that pretty badly.
We wanted to help her, but she
You know, she was a hoarder by the end
and there were just so many things
that we wanted her to be able
to live her best life.
-[Tyler] Mm-hmm.
-But she was so emotionally tied to things
that to us didn't hold value, but she
It really was so mentally tied
to these things.
And so it was a struggle.
Yeah, you know, absolutely.
Oftentimes we find
that things represent security
-for people sometimes
and that holding on to things
kind of gives that symbol of security,
but it can be hard to understand.
And when this comes through,
there's a sense of freedom,
a feeling of recognizing that,
in some ways,
daughters had to be like Mom for Mom.
-[Tyler] And not in a negative way.
It comes across as,
"Look how strong they were."
"Look how strong my girls are."
"Look at what they did on their own."
And it just comes through resoundingly
with a sense of not, in her case,
wanting people to rush
to have to be there.
And that was one thing, too,
just a feeling of,
"I don't want people to rush."
"It's okay. It's just gonna happen
how it's gonna happen."
One thing to keep in mind
as far as imagery that comes through
and is good to consider.
Check and see if there's any
Fleetwood Mac connections,
-Stevie Nicks connections.
-[both chuckle]
[Tyler] Do you know why
What comes to mind when I say that?
-I'm dying to know, too.
-Yes. Oh, my God.
That was probably Do you want me to say?
-That was our mom's, like, idol.
-[Tyler] Wow.
When we For her, you know,
when we had her service,
-that was the song that was playing.
-[Amanda] What?
-Oh, yeah.
-[Nina] Oh, my gosh!
-"Landslide" was the song that we played,
and it's just very representative
to our mom.
-[Tyler] Yes.
-[Amanda] Tyler, how did you know that?
-I'm going to, like, cry.
Granted, I wasn't hearing that song,
but I was seeing her face.
Fleetwood Mac. Stevie Nicks.
I know. [chuckles]
[Tyler] That is so interesting.
I was thinking
about her birthday yesterday,
and I was like, "We have to pick
a different song besides 'Landslide'
because that's always the song."
-[Tyler] Weird.
She loved a lot of songs,
but that was the song of the service.
[Tyler] Wow. That's wild.
What song did you end up going with
for the
-[Tyler] Yeah.
-Oh, "Crimson and Clover."
-[Tyler] "Crimson and Clover."
She named two daughters after that song.
-Oh, no way!
-[all laughing]
I'm glad that
that was the song you picked.
It comes across They're having me talk
about family stuff by and large.
You two, they connect together
very, very, very closely
in the way this comes across.
There's a couple different things.
And I'm going to kind of navigate
in this direction as well
as we kind of shift gears.
I'm going to keep going back and forth.
One thing I want to highlight,
and what was coming through
on the way here,
was this message
about people on the other side guiding
a person's love life.
And the fact that
it's you sitting here today,
this was coming through
before I even got here today.
There's a sense of
whoever I was gonna read
needing to know that
they on the other side sent someone
-[Nina] Wow!
-to try to take care of you.
-Oh my gosh! Chrishell.
-[Tyler] I know that's so left field.
But it comes in, and there's this sense
of them having a hand in this union.
Now, what's so interesting
and good to look out for
is there's going to be
these little coincidences
that happen that seem to kind of connect
your relationship
to your parents in some capacity.
So just looking even for timing
in that person's family,
you know, events, dates.
We might even see some crossover stuff.
Just kind of interesting coincidences
that all very much come through
-in a way.
-[Amanda chuckles]
I love that.
Can you tell us more
about, like, what that validation is?
I knew if my parents had the chance
to meet my partner
that they would love G so much.
So I already felt it.
But just hearing that, she's a drummer,
I felt that they sent G to me.
I really have been sent
what I felt was signs so many times.
And I felt my mom trying
to come to me before.
But really just to have you say that
means so much to me.
G's watching right now
with our whole family live in Australia.
[overlapping chatter]
They've changed my life so much.
And so it really just means so much
because I really did feel
that my parents sent G to me.
-So thank you.
-Absolutely. Oh, my goodness.
I love that you said
there's subtle coincidences
because sometimes we see them
and we talk ourselves
-[Tyler] Out of them.
-out of them.
-So that's such a good thing to know.
-[Tyler] Yes.
Absolutely. And thank you for saying that
'cause, you know,
we live in a coincidental universe, right?
Coincidences happen,
but it's when coincidences have meaning
that there's opportunities to view them
as guideposts throughout our lives.
You know, those moments of divinity.
And I really feel like she
and both of them have a hand in this.
It is good to keep in mind, you know,
regardless of what we do in the future,
they are having me talk about
discussions around long-term plans.
Um, when it comes to partner, I wonder,
as they're watching,
if they were offered to stay longer
where they were
or, like, so, for example,
you said your partner's a drummer.
-[Tyler] So I wonder if a show sold out
and people were like,
"Oh, can you do another show?"
"Can you stay here?" And it's like,
"No, I just want to go home!"
-[all laugh]
-[Tyler] So if someone basically, partner,
will almost be so successful,
they're gonna have to pick and choose.
Like, "No, I do not want to do
another thing." [chuckles]
-Got it.
-And that kind of comes through
in a very positive sense.
There might be,
over the next couple years,
conversations around shifts in,
kind of, pace,
and then they are having me talk about,
like, expansion of family.
-[Nina] Wow.
-[Tyler] And conversations around that.
-Now, I really wanna
-Hell, yeah!
[all laugh]
[Tyler] I want to keep that, you know,
sacrosanct in the way this comes across.
But please know that over the course
of the next two years,
there might be some conversations
around non-traditional methods
-of expanding family.
-[Nina] Wow.
And it's all good.
And the first kind of incarnation of this
might not go exactly how we think.
And then a secondary
kind of thing comes in.
And then that looks a lot more on par.
-[Nina] Oh, my gosh!
-Am I on the second part
-or am I on the first?
-[Tyler] You're on the second.
-Okay, good. Okay.
-[all laugh]
[Tyler] So it's indicative of, like,
a first thing
kind of not working out so hot.
And then, but let's reassess,
and then now this is
a little bit better timing,
a little bit better fit,
and that comes in as well.
-Mini Chrishelles.
[all laugh]
-Wow. We love it.
-[guest] And mini G's.
-Yeah, mini G's, mini Chrishelles.
-[Tyler] I love it.
-[Amanda] Wow.
Let me just kinda go
and we'll kinda continue.
-[Chris] Are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm so good.
-[overlapping chatter]
-[Tyler] I know, it's a lot to process.
[Amanda] Tyler,
can I ask Chrishell a quick question?
You had mentioned to me
when I met you right before
that you were hoping to hear from "her,"
that must have been your mom.
So where Are you just so relieved today?
How are you feeling after
I feel like Tyler
gave you so much information.
I really have felt like
I felt that she wanted to tell me things,
and I felt her presence,
trying to come through
but it's frustrating when you don't know
exactly what they're trying to say.
But I really felt that she was trying,
so I knew she was going to show today.
Thank you.
-[all cooing]
-Um, so I'm just really happy.
-[Amanda] Absolutely.
-There was one little thing
-if I could just ask.
-[Tyler] Please, absolutely.
Maybe this is inappropriate.
I just need to get it out of my brain.
I know what you're gonna say.
-[Tyler] Sure.
-I just need validation.
I hated my last conversation with her.
[Tyler] I'm sorry. Got ya.
Is that something
that she thinks about or I can?
I can tell you in doing these readings
that they make it so clear
that our last conversations
do not define
the entirety of the relationship,
in the same way that their deaths
do not define their lives.
And I can tell you,
just from kind of connecting with her,
she gives me a very kind of
strong impression of [chuckles]
getting kind of frustrated,
and kind of quickly.
And suddenly, it's like, "Ah, okay,
done, done, done talking."
And there's just a way
and an approach that she brings up
that from the outside looking in,
might have seemed a little like
"Okay, like, we're done." [chuckles]
But there's this sense of kind of softness
that does come in
and not wanting that to basically embody
how we remember this.
When we talk about her,
just really quickly,
there's that aspect there
She's gonna Okay.
Let me just see if I can tune into this
really fast.
She's so sweet.
It's kind of a strange question.
Do you know,
for either your mom or your dad,
if there were ever any conversations
around anyone helping out with dental work
or getting someone's teeth fixed at all?
-[Tyler] Did you know about that?
-[Shonda] Mm-hmm.
-[Tyler] Who did that apply to?
Our sister, Tabitha.
Gotcha. So when they bring up
that individual,
again, they keep going back to her.
They keep having me talk about,
"It's okay. It's all good.
It's all right."
As far as family dynamics go.
And they're putting love around her.
They're putting love around you.
Just is what The way it comes in.
-So Yeah. Yeah.
It's all good.
It's just interesting
the way dynamics get referred to.
And I can tell you,
you both, and all of your family,
has honored her in a beautiful way, so
I feel so much lightness
in the way this comes through.
And I think it's a reminder
for the viewers at home, you know,
we are so much more
than those last conversations,
and those last, yeah, conversations.
Is that something you'd held on to?
Well, you just always think
you're getting more time.
And then the next time I saw her,
she couldn't really speak
even though she was there.
-[Chris] Wow.
-And it was We'd had an amazing week,
and it was just like, you never
You didn't know that was gonna be
the last conversation.
-[Nina] Right.
-I still thought
I was gonna have, you know
And I just beat myself up a little bit.
[Tyler] Oh, my goodness.
When she comes across,
she gives me very strong acknowledgements
of appreciation
for what you've done for her.
She has me talk about locks,
-"My locks, look at my hair."
And she's had me joke
about having hair like yours
before you know it,
like there's this funniness.
I want to talk about you being Hollywood.
[all laugh]
And there's this funniness
of you can take the girl out of the
but you can't take that out of the girl.
There's like funniness
that comes through this.
-And it's so humble and amazing.
-We talk about that.
But there's a sense of beauty
and like a chance at beauty
in the way this comes across.
-And an appreciation.
-Our mom had lost her hair.
And so, I brought her
one of my Hollywood wigs.
And we had so much fun playing around
-and she loved it.
-[Nina] Oh, man.
It's a really lovely memory.
[Amanda] Oh, I love that. Aww.
-[Tyler] It symbolizes
-[Chris] Gave her a good wig obsession.
-[all laugh]
-I know!
Got the person here for it!
[overlapping chatter]
But again, it's those little acts,
those little moments of compassion
that we extend to our loved ones
that so often means so much more
than we even realize in the moment.
-And that, for me, is one of the
-Not your mama talking about wigs!
[overlapping chatter, laughter]
-[Amanda] Oh, my goodness!
-[overlapping chatter]
She approves.
-That's exactly
-[overlapping chatter]
That is so cute.
-[Amanda] Oh, my gosh.
-[Shonda] Oh, wow.
Any memories here
of anybody lighting a cigarette
with another cigarette
or lighting something
and then lighting something
with the other thing?
[Tyler] Let me look and see.
I'm trying to go to Okay, let me look.
Going one.
Well, are there any heavy smokers
that we know of?
And you guys, particularly over here.
You too?
Um, yeah.
Yeah, my mom used to smoke
for a long time.
-[Tyler] No worries.
-[Nina] My aunt as well.
-[Tyler] Gotcha.
-[Nina] She stopped.
[Tyler] Gotcha.
I'm getting pulled over here,
so let me figure out
where I'm going with this.
So, in either of your families,
can you relate to any situations
where a mother figure passes
kind of early or, like,
-kind of prematurely?
-[Nina] Mm-hmm.
-[Tyler] Okay.
I don't know why,
but I'm having to talk about
I'm seeing symbology of, like,
s smoker, getting through that,
but then passing young,
and it just kind of keeps hitting me.
So that makes sense for you?
-[Molly] Mm-hmm.
-Okay, let me look and see, um,
within family, do you mind
if I hold onto a picture?
Yeah, please, sure.
We can pass it down the line
of the chain of command.
The ch [chuckles]
Do you just want the picture?
Uh, yeah, just face down works.
That's That's good.
And I don't normally ask questions,
but is this related to a female or a male?
-Female. Mm-hmm.
-Female, okay, awesome.
So I'm gonna give this a scribble.
Let me go from there, and we'll see this.
So, this is kinda interesting.
They're immediately having me talk
about a bunch of things,
and some might pertain to this,
others might not so much.
They are having me talk about
how family, living people, deal
situations around mental health.
And this is going
to sound a little unusual
-You're okay.
-[Tyler] but if there are
any living family, like siblings,
or people who are kind of like
the one person
who might struggle with mental health
-[Tyler] they keep bringing up
mental health living people,
mental health living people.
And I'm wanting to kind of highlight one.
So let me figure out
kind of where this is.
On your mom's side of the family,
it's kind of interesting.
There's a very distinct
emphasis on mental health,
mental health, mental health.
I don't know why.
Give me one minute here.
Where within family
would three sisters be?
Uh, my dad's mom
-[Tyler] Gotcha. Gotcha.
-and her two sisters.
So Grandma would have been one
of three girls at least.
-Yeah. Mm-hmm.
-[Tyler] In a way, that comes through.
Do you know of any situations
where somebody lives with Grandma
or Grandma lives with someone
who would be generationally below her?
Because there's a connection
of home, Grandma,
and then I'm kind of expanding my home
-and opening it up in some way.
Now looking at Mom's side of family.
Uh, on Mom's
On Mom's side, I don't know.
[Tyler] Do you know about Dad's?
Dad's side, Grandma opened her home
to her younger son.
[Tyler] Younger son, okay. Um
That sounds like my My
-My aunt.
-Is that you, maybe?
I think, I don't know.
Is that on your mom's side of family?
It's It's It's No,
it's on my, it's my aunt.
[Tyler] Gotcha, no problem.
Yeah, and her daughters
were living together.
Gotcha. Uh, it's interesting
-"Move over, she's talking to me."
-[group chuckles]
-I don't know! I was just like
-Sounds similar. There's generations.
-[Amanda] I saw you think in your head,
figuring out like, "That might be me."
There's like a link or connection there.
All good, okay. I'll just
I'll kinda read you two together
and we'll just see what happens there.
Yeah, there was the genera
The mom My two cousins
were living with their mom.
-[Tyler] Gotcha.
When we talk about larger things,
let me see here.
I'm just going to give this a scribble.
So keep in mind, for some reason,
in either of your families,
there's an emphasis on females.
I have to talk about a D name,
like Dolores, Dorothy, Dottie, Dio
Is it a female D name?
-[Tyler] I can't
[Tyler] Didi would be it for me.
-[Tyler] So where would that fit?
Um, her sister, her My aunt who passed,
her sister's name is Didi.
Do you know if anybody in your family
would have passed away
in their, like, sixties?
-[Tyler] Okay. If we go there, do you know
-of any diabetes diagnosis?
[Tyler] Gotcha.
-[Tyler] If we go there,
I want to highlight that as a factor.
-You're gonna make me cry.
-[Tyler] It's okay.
It's a factor that contributes.
Uh, my grand They, um, pretty much
Every My dad is one of six.
[Tyler] Yeah.
Um, and then my grandmother
passed away from diabetes,
and then almost everyone
has passed away from complications
-of diabetes.
-[Tyler] I'm so sorry.
It comes in really,
really strongly with this.
What's interesting is,
do you have any veterans
-in your family at all?
-Yeah, my dad.
'Cause I want to highlight VA
and VA hospitals and things like this
and issues with that.
So, if there's, like, problems
around getting the care we deserve
or that kind of thing,
it seems frustrating.
is the way that I would articulate it.
But there are aspects of just kind of
like needing more care.
I want to highlight
this one thing, check and see, um
Two things.
So the aunt that Mom
would have been close with,
-do you know who she was?
-And you know that she passed?
Connected to that lady, there's like a
[hesitates, sighs] You're gonna have to
look into this, but basically a feeling
of an accidental death
related to someone younger,
but it's generationally below her.
So, remember that I'm saying this,
this does come in.
When we talk about tragic young passings,
particularly in your family,
do you know of anyone
who would have passed away before 35?
[Nina sobs]
[Tyler] Because I have to highlight, like,
Candle in the Wind is my symbol for that,
and it's indicative of an early loss.
I just lost my cousin in January,
my aunt's daughter
that we were just talking about.
My aunt passed, and then she passed
this year at 33.
[Tyler] Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.
And the way this comes across,
I have to highlight her.
There's kind of an interesting connection
with dates,
and this is good to keep in mind.
Within your family, there might be
basically two significances for one date.
So if we have like a birthday,
two people share the same birthday.
-Do you know about that?
-[Tyler] Got it, okay.
-[Molly chuckles] Who is it?
Well, my cousin passed on her birth
like, very close to her birthday.
-[Tyler] Got it. Okay, so very
-Yeah, and then we had So, she passed
and then we had the memorial
on her birthday.
-[Tyler] Oh, on her birthday?
Okay, so that for me would fit
in the way that that comes across
as just, kind of,
one day, dual significance.
I want to highlight, when we talk
about cousin's love life,
there's a little bit of a funniness.
Do you know if she did a Dirty 30?
She probably did. That was her vibe.
[Tyler] Instilling fun, in the way that
She was the life of the party, yes.
Do you know,
when we talk about her love life
-[Nina] Uh-huh.
[chuckling] There's some stuff there.
She probably don't want you
telling her business.
-[Tyler] I know! [speaks indistinctly]
-[guests laughing]
-I want to know. I want to know.
-[Tyler] But it comes in!
-[overlapping chatter]
-[guests laughing]
-Let's go.
-[Amanda] Uh-oh, let's go.
-I'm like, "I forgot this was live."
-But she She would be the type
-to tell you.
-[Chris] Yeah.
-[Amanda] Oh, wow.
-It comes across so sweet.
There's a feeling of casual-ity
around her send-off,
and that usually indicates
-a, you know, memorial, funeral.
Um If there's an element
of someone being dressed casual
-or having kind of that casual send-off
-[Nina] Mm-hmm.
there's this feeling of, "Thank you
for not making this so stuffy"
-[chuckles] is the way we word that.
-Oka Oh, sh
[Tyler] Do you understand that?
[softly] Yeah.
-[Amanda] What does that mean?
-Um Just her Her home-going.
We tried to make it, like
Like, loose and, like, come-as-you-are.
But it was very, like, you know, like,
you could have worn
sweats, you could have worn a T-shirt,
you could have worn a dress.
It was very, like,
"If you loved her, show up."
-[Nina] And, so it was just
It wasn't, like, very
It wasn't a stiff thing.
It was very loving and just warm.
Absolutely. You know, it symbolizes,
I think, a greater idea
-of how they want to be remembered.
-[guests murmur in agreement]
And grief being very heavy
and often very
-stuffy and insulating,
it's important to go through that process.
But equally, when we can take a step back
and remember them for who they were
and for their life,
not defined by their death,
that seems to be
one of the greater takeaways.
She's showing me a lot of, like, and this
is just going to keep in mind with cousin,
there's probably going to be
a picture of her.
I don't know if someone put angel wings
on a photograph of her.
-Do you understand this?
-[Nina] Mm-hmm.
-[Tyler] Can I see that?
-[overlapping chatter]
[Tyler] I'm like, "Can I see that,
please?" That's interesting.
-It's okay to pass it over? Okay.
-[Tyler] Yeah. Please. I
-If it literally is, I'm going to
-[Amanda] Yes, that is wild.
Oh, I love that! Oh, we got the wings.
And her sister has angel wing tattoos
-[Nina] on her back.
-Beautiful. I love that.
-[Nina] Yeah.
Thank you so much for sharing her with us.
What a beautiful soul.
[Amanda] Here, Tyler,
let me show the viewers at home.
Yes, absolutely.
-The butterfly wings.
-Yes, the wings.
-That's so beautiful.
-[Tyler] So, so sweet.
It really symbolizes transcending,
and that's why so many people
often, I think, see birds and butterflies
-Yeah. Wings, yeah.
-[Tyler] have these connections,
because it just symbolizes
being above, you know?
Having transcended
this kind of earthly state.
So, that's awesome.
Um I'm going to just take this a
A step further.
I keep trying to kind of go
back and forth.
I'm going to give this back to you,
if you don't mind.
-[Chrishell] Yeah, sure.
-Send it down the line.
And I'm just gonna kind of jump
back and forth,
'cause I want to make sure
I can try to get as much as possible
with what's here.
Um Chris, is your mother very glamorous?
[Tyler] Uh
I want to call her "glamorous,"
is the way I would word this
in some capacity.
Um, let me look and see
in the way this pops in there.
Do you know of any situations
where any males in your family
lost a father at kind of an early age?
-Any off the top of your head?
-Yeah, my dad.
-His, um His dad died young.
-[Tyler] Gotcha.
-[Tyler] Gotcha.
When we go there, I feel like that
would bring me to Dad's side of family.
Um, they're having me talk about
[quietly] Dad's side
You have some people
kind of floating around,
so to speak, that are not family.
-So this is actually good to keep in mind.
-Who is it?
-[Chrishell laughs]
-Like, people who
it seems like I've interacted with, um
and then they kind of pass.
Let me figure out what this is.
Did you bring any objects today?
-No, just pictures.
-[Tyler] Oh, just pictures. Okay.
Um, I can hold on to the folder
and see if anything magical happens.
[chuckles, murmurs]
Okay. What's your mom's first name?
-[Tyler] Jane. Okay. Um
If I were to say a name
like "Anne" at all,
like "Anne" or "Annie," "Anne,"
do you know of anyone living or dead
in the family?
Her sister was called that, yeah.
-[Tyler] Okay.
-[Amanda] Wow.
[Tyler] And that would be
your mother's sister?
-[Tyler] Gotcha.
I'm on the right track, then. Okay.
So we're going to go there.
I have to talk about two people
living in separate countries.
So there's an acknowledgement
of, like, living in country one,
-living in country two
separating and having
to acknowledge that.
It's also a feeling
of somebody experiencing
the loss of a loved one while I'm away.
And this is just good to keep in mind.
I'm trying to figure out what this is.
Um It doesn't seem age-inappropriate.
So by that, I mean, this does feel
like this would have been an older person,
but just check and see in family
if any older generations passed
while someone was in a different country
or, like, away from what I would view
as, like, my jurisdiction. [chuckles]
My dad's mom died
when he was out of the country.
-[Tyler] Gotcha. Okay.
-That's interesting.
-[overlapping chatter]
It's strange, but it does pop in there.
Um Did your [laughs]
Your dad's side of family
has some funny stuff.
-[guests laughing]
You might discover
some ladies-man-like behavior
-on Dad's side.
-Oh Really?
Like, generations.
So it's just good to keep in mind.
Check and see. Grandpa, Great-Grandpa.
I don't know what's going on on that side.
But there's this feeling
of, like, lots of love.
Lots of Lots of Lots of
-[overlapping chatter]
-[Chris] Oh, wow.
-[Amanda] Lots of good times.
Lots of gene pools there.
It's looking very positive.
-Hoping the gene's strong.
-[Tyler] Yeah. Strong jawlines, too.
Pops in.
Yours was all so cute,
and mine is like [claps hands]
-[overlapping chatter]
-[Amanda] Love and ladies' mans.
It is true. I I
Don't shoot the messenger.
One thing I will say,
and it's just good to keep in mind,
if you end up actually having
an opportunity to collaborate,
from a business perspective,
with anyone on this couch,
remember that I'm saying this.
Over the course of the next, like, year,
two years, it wouldn't surprise me one bit
-if we see some
-[guests murmur]
kind of cross, but in a commercial sense.
I'm just gonna keep that in mind.
And then for yourself
[overlapping chatter and laughter]
Netflix, are you listening?
Let me tell ya!
[Amanda] The side-eyes between you two!
[Tyler] No, it's looking good
and then one thing
I would just keep in mind.
This, it's not unusual for
celebrities to write books,
but I think you're gonna have
an opportunity
to publish something in the future.
so I want to make that very clear,
separate from anything in the past.
There's just a feeling of being able
to reflect back in your life
in ten years and be able
to really kind of look and assess.
And the changes that are going on
right now look so positive
and so predestined
and so synchronous
that I really feel like both
of your parents
have a hand in this, unequivocally.
And I just, you know,
I'm reminded as I connect with your mom
about our role in life.
You know, it's said that oftentimes
our role in life
is to ease the suffering of others,
to act as a light in the darkness
of this world.
And there's two ways to be a light.
It's that, you know,
you can be the candle,
you can radiate it,
or you can be the mirror
and you can reflect it.
And in the way this comes across
in being able to take your mother's story
and what she went through,
and Dad as well,
and kind of elevate that
and share that with people at home,
that's really what it's all about
because you, and you,
are the culmination
of their life and of their work.
[Nina] So beautiful.
I'm so thankful that you all were able
to join us today.
[Chrishell] Thank you so much.
You have no idea what this means
to all of us.
It's really such an amazing thing.
-[Chris] It was amazing.
-[Tyler] It means the world.
And you, I'm gonna have you
come back sometime
and see if we can
connect more succinctly.
But, you know, we find that
as readings aren't a cure for,
you know, grief,
I think there's something to be said
about the value that we can get
from those moments of validation.
Even those really strange details
sometimes are really big
in how they resonate
and what they feel. So thank you.
[Nina] Thank you.
Chrishell, can I ask you the rocks
that you brought in
in that little jar that Tyler held
in the beginning,
what are those and what was something
that you can tell us about?
Do you want to say?
So [sighs]
I got these for my daughter, my
-Do you want me to say?
-[all] Aw.
-[Chris] It's okay.
So, um, our mom had given them
to her daughter and said,
"If I have a way of coming back,
take these, hold them,
and I will come back
[voice breaking] through these rocks."
Like, it will be something
that you can touch
and know that when you're
So she
my mom very much believed in this.
That's why I knew
she would try to come through.
She very much had a very boisterous voice,
and I knew she was coming today,
but she thought ahead
because she knew she had
We lost our parents from lung cancer,
so she had a little bit of a knowing.
-[Tyler] Yeah.
-And so
And I love that because that was like
the first thing that you held
and you felt so much power in it.
And then it holds so much power
for the two of you.
Are you guys really close?
You seem very close.
-We are.
-Best sisters?
-[Amanda] Yeah.
I love. Yes. We're
You're the best sister.
[Amanda] Aw.
Normally your older sister is mean
and like
[laughter and overlapping chatter]
No, I mean the best oldest sister.
[Chris] Yeah, yeah. The best oldest.
[Tyler] Of course. You got a nice one.
I mean the best oldest sister.
It's about to go down
when you get off this show.
Different kind of show now, isn't it?
-I love that.
And I'm so glad
that you brought these amazing friends.
-[Chris] Thank you. So nice.
[Tyler] to be able to get to connect.
Does anyone here
have any other questions for Tyler?
-Oh, Nina's like, "Hello!"
-[Nina] I do.
When my aunt passed, the next day,
the TV came on in the middle of the night.
Like the remote was not next to me
and the TV turned on
and Alice in Wonderland,
that was coming on,
and the words, literally,
-"Alice in Wonderland" were on the TV.
-[Tyler] Right.
And I just wanted to know
if that was her telling me
she was in Wonderland,
like she was good, or
I love that.
-if it was just electricity coming on
-Power surge.
Well, sometimes it can be both.
You know, that's actually
one of the interesting things
is we find when we talk
about meaningful coincidences
that not only do they on the other side
seem to be able to reach out
through time or through space rather,
like in dreams and visitations,
but they also seem to be able
to use time as a means to communicate.
They seem to almost exist outside of it,
which is fascinating.
And so oftentimes they get our attention
through moments
that bring us into the present and say,
"Pay attention to the right now,
and see it for what it is."
[murmuring in agreement]
I absolutely feel that those happen
for a reason, definitely.
One of my favorite things
that you told me
when I asked you some questions was how
we can be more present to receiving signs
from our spiritual guides.
Will you answer that for me
so that they hear?
It's such a good answer, Tyler.
You know, I think it's important
to remember when it comes to coincidences
that we live in a statistical universe,
Sometimes things just happen to correlate.
But it's really when the meaning is there,
when something happens,
whether a grandchild is born
on their grandfather's birthday
or whatever the connection may be,
there's these little moments
where the past seems to kind of bridge
into the present
and there are opportunities
to kind of carry them into the future.
So, it absolutely happens.
It's so, so fascinating.
And today, I just want to take a moment
to wish your late husband, Nick,
-a very happy birthday.
-Aw, thank you, Tyler. Thank you.
It's so important
to never stop honoring them
and celebrating their life.
I agree 100%.
Yes, it's right.
Oh, my gosh, Tyler.
Thank you so much for your gift
and everything that you were able to share
with our celebrity, Chrishell,
and their guests today.
You guys were so fun and fabulous.
I hope that you received
a lot of comfort and healing.
Um, we will be back next week.
-[Chris] Come on, guys.
-[Tyler] That's right.
[Amanda] Same time, same place.
We'll see you on the other side.
-Come on, Tyler. Jump in.
-[Tyler] Oh, I will jump in!
I have a magical file folder to give you.
[Amanda] I'm jumpin' in, I'm jumpin' in!
[Tyler] Thank you so much.
[overlapping chatter]
[theme music playing]
[theme music concludes]
Next Episode