Long Way Up (2020) s01e06 Episode Script


Got sun on my face
Sleeping rough on the road
I'll tell you all about it
When I get home
Gonna roll up the sidewalk
Gonna need letting up
Comin' round to meet you
The long way up
We're gonna ride 13,000 miles through 13 countries.
From Ushuaia, in and out of Argentina and Chile, to the Atacama Desert,
heading up to La Paz before we cross Lake Titicaca,
continuing along the Andes to Colombia, over to Panama,
through Central America and Mexico, arriving in Los Angeles 100 days later.
We're gonna give these guys video cameras,
and they're also gonna have cameras with microphones on their crash helmets
so they can film themselves as they're riding along.
Is this a road? Oh, my God!
A third motorcycle will travel with them,
and on it will be Claudio, our cameraman.
In addition, Russ and I will travel in two electric pickup trucks,
along with cameramen Jimmy,
Anthony and Taylor, who will also help with logistics.
We'll be filming the guys from the vehicles,
linking up with them at borders,
but otherwise, the motorcycles will be on their own.
I hope they're not stuck out there in the middle of nowhere.
-They should have stayed with us. -Yeah.
It was a mistake to go.
How are you doing, guys?
We're unfortunately out of battery.
Wow. Still it is quite far away?
-Yeah. So, another 20 miles. -Yeah, it is.
I definitely need a tow charge.
-David will have broken down. -Yeah.
-Or run out of gas. -Or run out of juice.
They'll be trying to tow charge him on these roads.
Yeah, one over here.
-We're just gonna take this slowly. -Yep.
You go out in front. He's obviously second, the Sprinter,
and I'm just gonna be slowly limping behind. Okay?
-See how we do. -Si.
-Yeah. -Thank you, guys.
All right. Let's try to get there.
If you don't believe in God, tonight's the time to do it. Okay?
I don't have glasses. I've just frozen my windshield.
Funny thing about these trips is that usually things are okay.
But when they're not okay, they're not okay quickly.
Can't see anything 'cause of the dust.
But we can see the light of the hotel in front of us.
I think we just gotta get it home. You know what I mean?
You're so close, Russ. I just made it.
If we didn't get both these cars back in,
we would have been really stuck.
You're here, man. You're here.
By the skin of our teeth.
What a mad journey that was, huh?
At least we got to the chargers,
but I'm not sure what's happened to that suspension.
But anyway, we're here. That's the main thing.
Dust, cold madness.
You know you're at 5,000 meters when, as opposed to having a minibar,
they have a freakin' medicine cabinet here.
You know? And oxygen tanks.
That is a brutal road for those guys to ride tomorrow morning.
But for Charley to sit on that bike and that washboard for 30 miles
and what's coming.
Yeah, we have no idea what tomorrow will bring. Right?
We've got about 60 miles of these tracks until we reach tarmac.
This is a little bit more than we were expecting, but we'll get there.
We just have to ride it out at its own level, you know what I mean?
Just weaving all over the place.
Okay. It's very sandy here.
Come on, Charley. Come on, Charley. It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay, Charley.
What was that?
Freaks me out a bit 'cause of my legs.
They feel a bit kind of, you know. I've got these smashed up legs.
We've heard about this lake. The locals call it the blood of the gods.
It's incredibly red, isn't it?
Apparently those flamingos are naturally white,
but their feathers get tinted by the lake.
That mountain behind is beautiful.
I do these trips
and then I come home with hundreds of photographs of my bike.
The main thing is that Charley'll never talk about it,
but his legs are so vulnerable 'cause he's had two horrible smashes,
and his legs are full of rods and titanium bolts and screws and--
If the bike falls over on his leg and it--
It really could mean the end of his leg. You know what I mean?
Must be at the back of his mind all the time,
like, when he's wobbling around on this.
He's just unbelievably ballsy that he doesn't--
He just knuckles down and does it.
He's not unaware of that,
yet he's able to, sort of, conquer it and move on,
which is very brave.
This style of traveling is exhilarating at one level.
It could be a lot of fun as well. But it's very taxing, you know.
People don't sleep well. They don't eat well.
It's dangerous, you know, being on a motorcycle like that
in those conditions.
Ewan doesn't do a lot of off-road riding.
Charley's had a couple of bad accidents
which prevent him from standing up on the pegs.
He hasn't been standing up
'cause, like, it's too much pressure on some of his broken bones.
It's a little soft here.
-It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. -It's so soft.
-We're at 14,500 feet. -The altitude. Yeah.
Look at that mountain! It's just It's biblical.
Got hair in my eyes.
You little beauty. Come on, you beauty. Here we go.
Come on, you beauty. Come on, going up over here!
I don't know who's more scared, you or me, when you make those noises.
I don't like it.
I don't like the sand. It's really sandy, man.
So close, but yet so far.
Now the other road looks better.
Just can't win. Light hands, light hands.
Track through.
Look ahead with your eyes.
Just steer the bike with your eyes.
I wanna be over there. I wanna go over there.
I'm gonna go over there!
Little soft--
Oh, Jesus. Okay, Charley's down.
Okay, he's down. He's down.
It's okay. It's okay.
You okay?
Are you okay? Have you hurt yourself?
No, my rib.
A little bit.
I just felt my rib a little bit here just go click.
-No. -But it's fine.
It's fine. I think I'm okay.
Yeah, I can breathe.
-Okay? -Yeah.
Hang on. Maybe I should get to your side, and we both lift.
You all right? I thought-- I was worried about your leg being stuck.
-No. I'm still up. -Okay.
One, two, three. That's it.
-Okay. -Okay?
I was falling, I was thinking about how everything was rattling away.
And I was slowing down, but I was--
but I still had the throttle slightly open,
and so it just made it worse.
Yeah, it's unbelievable. It's tough, this--
Okay. Well, I fell down stupidly.
I was just very nervous of my legs, trying to get them up and out of the way.
You can look at all the maps at home,
but until you're sitting on the bike in this landscape,
you don't really know what it's gonna be like.
We knew Bolivia might be demanding,
but I wasn't imagining it would be this hard.
Suddenly you feel very vulnerable on the motorbike.
On the car, it's a lot easier because you've got four wheels.
So, it's not so treacherous if you get into a bit of deep sand.
Well, we're in God knows where,
and we still have many more miles to go here.
I can't be certain this is the proper road ahead.
This last piece of really difficult roads--
It's not road. It's not road at all. It's just tracks.
Even if it is tracks, just openness.
I'm sure Ewan and Charley are struggling with these ruts.
But I really shouldn't have left without letting them fix the hand brake.
We haven't seen anyone since that hot spring.
-We're really in it now, mate. -Yeah.
-Yeah, lost her there. Almost lost it. -Wow.
-Got her back though. -You got her back, baby.
Right over to the other side. It was like--
I thought you were going then. I really did.
It's Dave, I think.
Hello, guys.
Why don't you go in front and then we'll--
Can we shoot over the top or no?
Dave, parking brake.
Oh, my God. Dave, the car. The car.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Dave, watch! Be careful!
Dave, be careful! Be careful!
Oh, my God. You okay?
I think so. I don't have a parking brake.
I basically don't have any brakes. And I-- We went to let them work on it last night.
And I rented a car this morning, and it didn't show up.
The Rivian guys told me not to drive it. Of course I didn't listen.
The important thing is that nobody got hurt.
I'm quite dizzy.
That's a big, big, big rock.
Let's jack it up, 'cause it's wedged on it.
I think if we can come up two inches
-Then what? Try and manhandle the rock? -Effectively, right? I mean
Maybe drag the rock out of the way, if we can get it up enough.
Yeah, I just wonder if it's too big of a rock.
The thing we definitely have to do is wedge those two wheels,
-so it won't roll back again. -Yeah.
Let me just see if-- Let me just see if I go higher.
I'm worried that this is not gonna take the weight
and just-- and fall over.
It was just-- it was quite scary to see 'cause David doesn't have a hand brake.
And suddenly-- He wasn't in the car. The car was running backwards.
Anthony was on the roof with the camera.
Maxim was in the front seat, and the car was rolling backwards.
It took me a minute for my brain to kind figure out what was happening.
Then Dave started running inside the door, which was moving down the hill,
trying to get in. But he couldn't get in.
-Hey, Mac or Charley? -Yeah?
Will you guys look at that rock and just see its--
-This rock? -if there's a little clearance?
If we don't get David's truck going,
then they could all be stuck out here in the desert.
So, it's all hands on deck.
I think that must be the suspension or something.
-Is that fluid in the suspension? -Keep going, Dave.
I don't think we're gonna be able to move the rock.
And all of the tires are wedged nicely.
-Just have a look-- -That was nice.
Yeah, go ahead. You do that. Give me one more if you can, Mac.
-This is my baby, man. She got me here. -Take your time.
Come on, baby.
There's no hurry. Just take your time.
Yeah, Dave, don't overdo it. You're at altitude.
If we drag this out now
as we drag it out, this car might drop onto the rock again.
Your jack's not 100% secure, so just be yeah, be very--
We don't want that falling on your head.
We have to pull the rock this way.
Yeah, that way. My hope is if we can move it eight inches--
You tell me, Mac. Do you think we can get it this way?
Maybe you're right.
Well, we got a bit more play on that jack.
Let's go up one more. Let's see what one more looks like.
-Okay. -Oh, my God! That's clear!
It's clear. But we're still not out of the woods.
-How secure is the jack? Are we good? -I would say it's pretty good.
-It's not great. It's pretty good. -It's not amazing.
Hey, Mac. I don't want you underneath.
Well, we need to get the rope around the rock this way.
Definitely. I'm gonna do that right now. Okay?
Mac, be careful under there.
-Wait, no. Hey. Do it again. Do it again. -We got it. We got it.
-Everybody stay calm and cool. -Take your time. Take your time.
Take your time.
Oh, shit. People's heads are under there.
Okay, let me get back.
Yay! All right, stay clear from the car, okay, everybody?
Stay clear. Let me go to a flat spot.
-Mac, please get out from there. -But it's not dripping anymore.
We'll clear the wheels of rocks.
-Something's fallen off as well. -Yeah.
Quite a big thing has fallen off.
Dave, do you wanna just have a look at that big bit of metal
-that's lying on the floor? -Pick that up. Okay.
Yeah, we're good. Come on, guys. It's either gonna drive or it's not.
Yep. Yep.
Tire didn't look very good. I don't think he should drive it.
And there's a whole-- the whole big nugget of metal. It was gone as well.
Anyway, look, it's his decision.
Because right now, we're still all safe, and we're all still alive.
-We've got a long way to go. -Yeah.
Oh, my God. Well, I'm happy that we're rolling a little bit.
I just don't wanna wait anymore. I wanna get going.
-Hey-- -What do you think this could be?
-So, if he loses a wheel, we-- -Yes.
-It's more damage. It's even worse. -Serious.
It worked for a minute.
Yeah, sometimes taking two minutes can save you a lot of time.
I've got it. I've got it, Maxim. I don't wanna stay out here in the desert.
When the truck is rolling, you gotta keep it rolling.
These are prototypes, and we've been very hard on them.
-I hear you, man. -Let's see how we do. I love you.
Yeah, I'll be right behind you. Love you too, man.
Did anyone identify what that piece was?
Like, what was it for? And what does it do?
It was definitely part of the bottom part of the suspension
-Right. -On the other side. So--
So it could have been just an oil reservoir.
-It could have-- No? -No, it wasn't. No.
It was far too-- It was like a--
You know, for a car that size, you need a reservoir.
Right. Let's have some water before we move.
-Some of my urine from last night? -Urine-- Great.
No, I really did pee in it last night.
This is a big shift, big dynamic shift.
Dramatic shift in the roads, in the adventure
And the stakes are higher of us not getting places.
Things breaking down.
I also think it's after a certain period of time of the trip
where people are fatigued by it.
The dynamic between character.
I've never felt closer to you these last couple of days,
-which I love so much. -No, it's lovely, yeah.
And people need the break from each other. And that's--
I think this is just like the perfect storm at this moment.
And don't forget we've been sitting--
for the last three days, we've been sitting at 15,000 feet.
Guys are just chugging along behind us.
What should we do?
You guys press on. It's gonna get dark quick.
It's all right, mate.
So, basically we hit this boulder. The rear-- the driver's side rear.
It's-- a massive thing. It crushed the wishbone.
Fluid started spewing out of it.
And you think I should-- Can I disable that pump?
Four wires together, gray. So, I'm just gonna pull that?
Okay. Thanks, Pete.
This is as good as concrete right now, this one.
Is this the road?
Oh, my God!
Are you kidding?
-I wanna cry. Feel like I wanna cry. -Oh, my God!
This is positively a flat road compared to what we've had in the past.
Look at that sky over there. Wow.
I'm loving it. I'm loving it, loving it.
I'm just having a great, great time.
We're a little bit behind schedule now,
but I'm glad we could help David get off that rock.
It's been a big ride today, but we have to push on into the night to Uyuni.
It felt like a bit of a dream,
a long ride, the salt flats in the moonlight,
and then this pristine white hotel.
It was very kind of them to let us plug in for the night.
-There's a plug -You have a plug right here.
-Like this? -Yes.
Hello, llama.
He's so soft.
You'll be a jumper one day.
What did you say?
I said, "You'd be a jumper one day." 'Cause they shed the skin like sheep.
So soft.
It looks like they put a couple of old friends of mine in here.
We've just had the most epic, extraordinary three days.
We got into a little bit of
tarmac and just went
We got up to 110 miles an hour, and it was so amazing to go fast.
And basically, if you look at this here, it's all built out of salt brick.
Oh, my God. What are you doing to the car?
That's a very good question.
How do you have enough stuff with you? Do you?
-We're improvising. -You improvise.
-Yeah, that's what we do. Exactly, yeah. -You have to improvise, right?
-We're making our own. -Making your own stuff.
Well, David's car was-- landed on There was a massive rock.
-And this part of the car, this is gone. -Yeah, sure.
What is that?
-That's where the extra hydraulic oil is. -Yeah.
These right here.
Charley? It's a reservoir. Thank you. I thank you.
-It's a reservoir? -It's a reservoir.
-This thing. -Yeah, that.
Wow. There's never a dull day, is there?
There's never a dull moment. There isn't.
The Rivians are tough and nearly back together.
We've got a big day's ride today,
but first we're gonna check out these salt flats.
Bloody hell. It's huge!
Biggest salt flat in the world, here outside of Uyuni in Bolivia.
So beautiful.
What a place.
Amazing how it looks like skin, doesn't it?
-Yeah. Like elephant skin. -Yeah.
In certain times of the year, it rains here,
like, for a couple of months at a time, and this whole thing becomes a lake.
And apparently the world's largest mirror.
If you're far enough out in the middle, you can't--
They say you can't see anything. You could get lost, you know?
-You can get disorientated. -Totally.
You can't see the horizon, and they say all you can see is just salt,
and you get confused as to which direction to come from and to go from.
And people have lost their lives here.
It's super dangerous, but incredibly beautiful.
So, here we are in the middle of the Bolivian high plains.
Twelve thousand feet still.
I've loved the last three days,
although there's been moments where it was really hard for me.
I'm not an off-road rider. I like riding bikes on this.
I like I'm a street rider, you know.
I occasionally do track days and stuff, but not very often.
I don't really wanna go very fast.
I just love riding bikes to get around from A to B, and
this is my home on a bike, this kind of thing.
And these bikes have done incredibly well.
And these Harleys have just-- have just soaked it up.
But they're brand-new bikes.
They are not in production. They're prototype motorcycles.
To ride these electric motorcycles from Tierra del Fuego up to Los Angeles,
what a great story that'll be if we can do it, if we can get them there.
And they'll do anything they can to help us.
Proud to be a Harley-Davidson test rider. I can put it on my CV.
Heading to our first UNICEF visit.
I love working with them. I love the work they do.
I think it's incredibly important.
And it has always been my great honor to work with them.
The whole idea is that UNICEF got together with the Bolivian government
and campaigned to start schools
where the indigenous people could be educated in their own language,
alongside Spanish,
and educated in their own culture because that wasn't happening.
-Hi! We've never arrived early. -I can't believe it!
You made it. They survived.
It's really about providing education
for indigenous children who live really remotely.
And you'll see this incredible school in the middle of nowhere.
Some children are walking for hours and hours to reach the school.
It's quite impressive to see the distances they've got to walk.
And what was the situation for the Quechuan children before this school?
43% of the Bolivian population is indigenous.
Thirty years ago, I wouldn't be allowed to wear this.
Indigenous people were forgotten in this country
as if they didn't exist.
In 1990, UNICEF started working with eight schools
introducing bilingual and intercultural education,
teaching indigenous kids in their own language
and using knowledge of their own culture.
This Quechuan indigenous community grew up around this school.
They built it ten years ago.
Hello, hello, hello.
Hello. ¿Cómo estás? Hello. How are you?
-Hello! -Hello.
-Gracias. -Bienvenido. You're welcome.
-Nice to meet you. -You're welcome to enter.
-This way. -Yeah, you stop here.
Hello. Yes.
Okay. Yes. I like it.
Thank you very much.
This one.
It is to dance. To dance.
She's very good.
Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
And that's in their local language?
-Yeah. That's Quechuan. -Yeah, yeah, Quechuan.
It's lovely to watch these kids learn the indigenous Quechuan names
for local plants and flowers.
-How old am I? -Yes.
Forty-eight. How dare you? I'm 48.
What do you do?
I'm an actor.
What films have you made?
Did anybody see Trainspotting?
No. Did anybody see
Did anybody see Star Wars?
Star Wars?
Sí? No? Not up here maybe.
Christopher Robin?
-Winnie the Pooh? -I don't think so.
I want my agent. Get me my agent.
None of these kids have seen anything I've done.
Yes. Some of the mums.
-The hats are great, aren't they? -Such a cool look.
Just layer upon layer of colored material and a great hat.
Does anybody knit in the class?
Me, me, me!
-Everybody! -Wow.
-Now, this is my moment, Charley! -This is your moment, Ewan.
Oh, my goodness. Look at that! You guys really do knit.
Look at the pattern he's doing!
Are you kidding? Did you do this?
Look at-- That's complicated.
It's easy. All you have to do is move your hands.
These children are preserving their culture
through knitting and other crafts.
This knitted cap, called a "chullo,"
tells a story of where the child is from and his relationship with nature.
Yeah, it's complicated. I've knitted with it.
It's quite difficult to knit with because it's fiber, not wool.
He's wearing a skirt.
You have no beard.
Yeah. Yeah, but this is what we wear, the kilt.
I don't believe it.
Yes, it's his "skirt".
And then socks like this.
-I don't believe you. -Sí?
And different colors for different families, you know?
Oh, dear.
I'm too big for the chair.
Thank you for coming to Bolivia.
No, it's our pleasure. We're so happy to be here.
Thank you for choosing Bolivia and for visiting the school.
Thank you very much for choosing Bolivia to come and visit.
-We love it. Beautiful part of the world. -It's our pleasure. Yeah.
It was so lovely up there.
And oh, my goodness, the kids were so nice and funny,
and they put on such a lovely show for us.
The impact on those people
to be educated in their own cultural language and Spanish.
And then they've got the world at their feet, you know. Well
Well, literally, 'cause they're at 15,000 feet.
So, the world literally is at their feet.
There's a car.
La Paz.
This is La Paz. We've made it to La Paz, Charley.
We're heading into La Paz. It's a densely populated city,
but apparently it really is a good balance of modernity and the indigenous culture.
I'm really excited to see it.
This is unbelievable. It's great.
But it's a brilliant idea because you can
'Cause it's not on the ground. It's not causing any pollution.
It's not taking up any space.
And you can fit it in as well, you know.
So if it's a big, congested city like this, you can sort of find its way.
Except, it must be awful if you've got one of the apartments
and every two minutes there's a gondola goes past.
Are you ready to use public transport?
So, where do we go? Where?
We're just always out of breath in this place.
-La Paz. -La Paz, here we are.
Gosh. I can't breathe.
I know. I like it.
We're in a cable car.
-You see that? -Wow, what a view!
Is this the cable car up to the town?
We're heading up to Casco Viejo, the old quarter.
It's a mix of eclectic shops and crafts by local Bolivian artists.
Let's get some more stuff to trick out Claudio's bike.
Wow. That's spectacular, isn't it?
The first thing you do notice is the absolute mix of indigenous people and
Spanish origined people, and it's like a real mix-mash, isn't it?
I love the bowler hats so much.
-It's gorgeous. -It's so great, isn't it?
Lovely music. It makes sure everyone knows they're there.
Eco eficiente.
That is hilarious.
It beats the hell out of "beep, beep, beep."
Back home, that's the ice cream truck.
It's very soft, you know.
See, this is the kinda thing we need for Claudio's bike.
More of this. Lots, lots more of this.
So, it sort of rides like that.
And that llama's like, "Ah!"
Look at this!
Oh, my God. It's six strings as well.
Gracias. Thank you so much. Very nice. Your shop's beautiful.
-Okay, thank you. -Bueno. Beautiful. Thank you.
That's quite nice. That's a little travel size.
It's a nice sound.
That's nice, isn't it?
I think I like the purple one. So hippie. So like
That one's so here.
-That's awesome, isn't it? -It's made for you.
It looks really cute. I like it.
Thank you so much. Thank you.
-Gracias. Thank you, guys. That's lovely. -Thank you! Goodbye! Bye.
I love it here.
It's such an interesting mix of traditional and modern culture.
We're heading to a restaurant that actually began as a school
for underprivileged kids.
And since then, many of the students here have gone on to become top chefs.
This is not quite what we've been eating for the last five weeks, just to say.
How was the diet?
-Up and down, I would say. -Pringles
Mountain Bars, Snickers
-Snickers, yeah. -Oh, my God. Okay.
-We need to feed you well. -Yeah.
This is wira-wira, which is a traditional herb from the Andes.
We have these small quail eggs.
We fill it up and then we smoke it with the wira-wira.
It's like a finger
Can you show them the quail eggs?
I love the attention to detail with these.
Yeah, that's beautiful.
This kinda feels like one of the coolest cities
I've ever been to in my life.
Actually, we work a lot with producers, direct with producers.
Three times in a year we travel all over Bolivia
finding these products and having contact with the producers.
Wow. But everything is from Bolivia?
We work with 100% Bolivian products.
-Wow. -Wow, that's great.
So, we do a lot of foraging from the Andes, Amazon, Chaco
and we gather everything together.
So, people that come here want to see all Bolivia
And we put all Bolivia-- We gather all Bolivia on the plate.
Yeah, that's the idea.
That's what I did. I was a dishwasher two years when I was 14, 15, 16.
You're the cook, I'm the dishwasher. That's how this relationship works.
I find it so exhilarating to watch people like this,
and I've worked in kitchens like this a lot,
and I've had to do the fiddly stuff like he's doing just here, and I love it.
Take a few years to get to this level though.
It was a special place
'cause it started with them taking in underprivileged kids and poor kids
and teaching them to cook,
and a lot of those kids went on to become chefs in their own right
in kitchens all round the world.
It was really delicious food.
It was just exceptional dinner, lovely.
Handmade here in Bolivia,
no mark on it or anything, but it's beautiful.
The neck is really pretty. Look at the wood in the neck.
Isn't that nice?
So-- and I was thinking-- We bought it and I was thinking,
"I've just bought a guitar.
I mean, what am I gonna-- How am I gonna get it home?"
And then I thought,
"Well, stick it in the Sprinter and we'll drive it home, you know."
So, that was a funny thought.
This part of me, you'll never know
This part of me, I'll never show
Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly
Hopelessly, I'll give you everything
But I won't give you up
Won't let you down
And I won't leave you falling
If the moment ever comes
All right.
You can walk away or you can sleep with the thing
next to your window or your tent.
-I see. -And if something happens
It starts doing that when the current goes away.
-So, you know that if it-- -I see, the opposite.
If you're not charging, you'll be able to--
Jeez, you're such a whiz kid. Yes.
Well, what better place, you go--
We're going to Lake Titicaca and ending up in Copacabana.
But there's a boat crossing,
and we've gotta--
It stops when it gets dark, so
Have you seen Claudio's new adornment on his motorbike?
The screaming llama.
Claudio, what do you think?
I'm impressed.
He's just, like, in the wind, "Ah!" As you ride along on your Sportster.
-What a place! -I know. It's crazy.
I don't wanna be leaving La Paz. I really like La Paz.
I know.
Look at this. This is one of those cool buses.
Yeah. They're so cool.
Look at the size of that back window.
I mean, it's awesome, isn't it?
You need a big set of curtains for the back window.
Oh, man. It's so cool.
God, he's just struggling up that hill, isn't he?
El Alto, this city's just outside of La Paz.
At nearly 14,000 feet, it's one of the highest populated areas on the planet.
It really doesn't make much sense, does it?
It doesn't make any sense. We should have stayed on that main road.
That would have just taken us straight up into--
Anyway, doesn't matter.
We have a very tight schedule. We're trying to get to Copacabana.
There's a ferry there that'll take us across Lake Titicaca,
but they have this policy of--
They run the last ferry when the sun goes down.
So we got to try and make it.
I've got straight on.
Have you? I've got a sharp left and then a right.
We just keep climbing and climbing and climbing. This is just unbelievable.
Long way up, isn't it? Jesus.
Uppity, up, up.
This is--
Mine keeps telling me go right all the time.
I don't know which one it is.
I think we're lost.
This is hammering our batteries.
Now, there's the other Rivian behind us.
Where's he going now?
Up here?
That's going no-- Come back!
You sure you wanna climb that?
They've gone the wrong way.
I think we need to go the other way. I don't think that's the right way.
No, I don't wanna do that.
That's way too steep.
Anthony, hold on back there. I'm just gonna turn it around.
I'm gonna get out.
I'm getting out.
That's the highway there.
So, we wanna go along here.
-Careful the bus on your left. -And then
Left-- to my left.
I'm scared blankless. I'm still coming down from that, guys.
We went up that road I had no business going up there.
We just had the brakes replaced.
These guys were working till 3:30 in the morning trying to get the brakes going.
I was terrified.
I've got Anthony in the back bed, you know, shooting.
I've got Taylor hanging out the window.
I'm not exaggerating, this is it, La Paz, at the very tippy-tippy-top of it,
and it was this cobblestone thing.
And I was like, "Oh, my God, if this car stalls right now, we're done."
I mean, it's not like-- We would have fallen right into the view.
I got this problem to deal with now.
I've never driven ten and two for so long.
My driving instructor from high school would be very proud of me.
Charley I'm starting to feel the altitude now.
Yeah, I know.
Can't believe we made it.
Lake Titicaca, the highest lake in the world.
The last ferry.
The boys are over there. That was such a gnarly ride.
I bet they were struggling.
Completely random ferry. I love it!
I mean, it's just so, like, unsafe and randomly bonkers.
You know, when you see something like that on the planet
that still randomly happens in a sort of Heath Robinson way.
It's cold out. Cold.
I'm, yeah, definitely getting sick, Charley.
Listen, altitude hits you when it hits you.
Taylor's suffering again, and I think Ewan's feeling it now too.
Let's go.
Let's get the doctor.
Ewan, are you feeling okay?
I'm with you, okay, man?
Taylor's really coming undone quickly,
but he's not the only one I'm worried about.
And I was hoping that you would be the most underworked doctor
in the history of the world.
-Don't worry. -Ewan's not feeling well.
-Okay, we'll take a look at him. -And I want-- He didn't ask for you,
but I would love for you to come down and see him, okay?
All right, let's go see him.
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