Love, Death & Robots (2019) s03e04 Episode Script

Night of the Mini Dead

[opening theme music playing.]
[electronic warbling.]
- [ominous music playing.]
- [owls hooting.]
[crows cawing.]
[tires screeching.]
[hip-hop music playing on radio.]
[talking indistinctly.]
[bottle clanking.]
- [woman.]
Yeah? - [man.]
- [woman.]
Yeah? [laughing.]
- [man.]
[both kissing, moaning.]
[woman grunting.]
[both breathing heavily, moaning.]
[man grunting rhythmically.]
Oh yeah, that's it, right [both grunting rhythmically.]
[man laughing.]
Check it out! [grunting.]
[man yelling.]
Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh.
Babe! Oh my God! [woman screaming.]
- [zombies moaning.]
- [both.]
No, no, no! - [woman screaming.]
- [zombies chomping.]
[suspenseful music playing.]
[zombies groaning.]
[music fades.]
[classical orchestral music playing.]
I found this apartment.
It's a lot cheaper, but I don't know if I want to live in the Valley.
- Huh? Ew! He's all yours! - [zombies groaning.]
- [zombies chomping.]
- [woman screaming.]
[zombies rasping.]
[classical music intensifying.]
[car horn honking.]
[man screaming.]
[man 2.]
What the fuck? [people screaming.]
[ambulance siren wailing.]
[tires screeching.]
[zombies groaning.]
[woman struggling.]
- [woman screaming.]
- [zombies groaning.]
[woman yelling.]
[train horn blaring.]
[zombies groaning.]
- [zombies groaning.]
- [people screaming.]
- [car honking.]
- [man yelling.]
- [organ music playing.]
- [zombie chomping.]
[dramatic music playing.]
[zombies groaning.]
[indistinct chattering.]
[martial artists grunting.]
[guns firing.]
No, no, no! Hold your fire! Hold your [guns firing.]
Fuck 'em up, man.
Fuck 'em up! - [man 2.]
Shoot 'em in the dick! - [man.]
Oh shit! [shouting indistinctly.]
[man screaming.]
[intense music playing.]
[helicopter blades whirring.]
[people screaming.]
- [phone ringing.]
- [man.]
Zombies? Not in our country! [indistinct chattering over radio.]
[bombs whistling.]
[dramatic music playing.]
- [choir vocalizing intensely.]
- [guns firing.]
- [man talking indistinctly.]
- [gun firing.]
[man cackling.]
[zombies groaning.]
[trolley bell ringing.]
[guns firing.]
[vehicles screeching.]
[firing ceases.]
[zombies groaning.]
[large zombies snarling.]
[zombies snarling.]
- [phone ringing.]
- [man.]
Oh man! What are we gonna do? - [guns firing.]
- [panicked chattering.]
- [man.]
Oh, fuck it! - [button clicking.]
[alarm blaring.]
Suck on these! [alarm blaring.]
[penguins warbling.]
- [intense music continues.]
- [choir vocalizing intensely.]
[music stops.]
[electronic warbling.]
[closing theme music playing.]
[music fades.]

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