Love Life (2020) s02e03 Episode Script

Destiny Mathis

[objects clattering]
Shit. Um
Hey, y'all, I don't have a bottle opener.
I thought I did.
Damn. You got a lighter?
I do somewhere, maybe,
but it's in one of these boxes,
and it's gonna be a thing.
[Kian] Yeah. No, it's cool.
Well, this place is nice.
It just feels divorcey here.
That's because I got a divorce.
No. It feels like I got the divorce.
Like, when I walked in, it got on me,
- like it's in me.
- Yogi, no. Come on.
It's gonna be fine, you know? Clean slate.
You know, to be honest,
Emily didn't have a great design sense.
She's a nice girl, but,
there were so many pillows.
Okay, let's slow down there, new money.
You just leveled up
from having six roommates.
I'm trying to give you a win.
It would take a lot more
than an emotional affair
to get me to leave the West Village.
Oh, God, I'm gonna miss that location.
I told him to stay with her.
Nobody listens to Yogi.
Thanks for your support, guys
[cell phone ringing]
Hey, do y'all wanna watch
a movie or something?
[cell phone continues ringing]
Yo, what's up?
[Ida] Hey bro, you got your ticket
to Michigan yet?
Uh Mm. You know,
I don't think I can go.
What? What are you busy with?
[sighs] Okay. I don't want to go.
Are you serious?
It's their 35th anniversary.
Yeah, and I love them, but if I go,
it's gonna be nonstop questions
about my divorce
and I can't be in that environment.
The judgment, the shame, I can't do it.
I'm out. I'm out.
Marcus, Mom and Dad
got other shit going on.
They ain't worried about you.
Okay, Mom is worried about you,
but she's always been that way.
I'm bringing Keiko, if that helps.
How does that help me?
You just better be in Michigan next month.
They'll never forgive you if you miss it.
[Kian whispering] This place
is fucking dark.
[Yogi] Yeah. As fuck.
[Ida] That's my good side?
Okay, get one where I'm laughing
and lost in the moment.
[laughing loudly]
Can you look at the road, please?
Can you shut the fuck up
and let me get my shine on?
Tom Gilbert is calling again.
His bitch ass can't manage
by hisself for one day, baby.
[Keiko] I'm gonna reject it.
[Ida] No, no, no. I got it. I got it.
Yes. Hi again, Tom.
It's an irrevocable trust.
She can't just change the beneficiary.
Okay. Bye-bye.
- Back to the business.
- [both laugh]
Hold up. Diagonal.
Make sure you catch my ear lobe.
Oh. Honey, your skin
is looking a little dry.
What you trying to say? I'm ashy?
No, but did you use
the lotion that I made for you?
I can't use strange lotions.
Well, you gotta use something.
[Marcus chuckles]
Oh, shit. Destiny Mathis left a comment.
Destiny Mathis from high school?
I used to tutor her in geometry.
Oh, my God. Destiny.
I used to call her Eternity, remember?
I remember she didn't like it.
She should be mad at her parents. Not me.
To get us in the groove ♪
And an atmosphere
That's sure to please you ♪
Ooh, baby ♪
Ooh, baby
I gotta get you home with me tonight ♪
They're here!
- [chuckles]
- [laughs]
[narrator] For the first time
in nearly seven years,
Marcus was going home without Emily,
and he was bracing himself
for the inevitable "I told you so's."
When his parents had rejected Emily,
they had rejected him as well.
And as a result, he felt like
an outsider in his own family.
Oh, Benz look good on you, kid.
- You know how I do.
- [all laugh]
Well, Mom and Dad,
this is my girlfriend, Keiko.
Ida has told me so much about you.
I'm so excited to finally meet you.
[Kirby] Keiko, pleasure to meet you.
I'm glad you could make it down.
We've been looking forward to meeting you.
- Ida doesn't bring too many girls
- Mom.
[Donna gasps]
Get over here, my baby.
- Hey, Mom.
- Oh, my goodness.
- Hey! [laughs]
- Hey!
[Kirby grunts]
Good to see you.
What's with your hair?
Is this a Brooklyn haircut
where they don't do nothing,
but still charge you $100?
- It is.
- [Donna] Well, I like it.
- It's natural.
- Thanks, Mom.
Happy anniversary!
[both] Happy anniversary!
Speaking of anniversaries,
this is to thank you for inviting me
to celebrate with you.
Oh, thank you.
- Fancy soap.
- [Keiko] Handcrafted by me.
- That's real cute, babe.
- Kirby.
You and Marcus get the luggage out, okay?
- Yes.
- Okay.
And you and Keiko come with me.
- Ida, your Benz unlocked?
- Sorry.
[car chirps]
Uh, you do know it's a rental, right?
Still impressive.
[Donna] Keiko, those soaps!
Really, really love them.
- You know, you should sell them.
- Thank you.
I mean, it's more of a hobby,
but I might start an Etsy business.
That is such a great idea.
Uh-uh, don't pump her up like that.
She has her homemade stuff
in my apartment already.
Essential oils, twine,
- damn candle wax.
- Okay.
Maybe if I sold some of it,
you wouldn't have so much.
Well, she got a point.
Well, if you like it, I love it.
[Kirby] Did you get everything
squared away
with that Emily situation?
My divorce?
Yeah. I just let her
keep whatever she wanted.
She bought most of it anyway.
I hope you've taken her off the accounts.
The credit's where they get you.
Kirby, Marcus is an adult.
He knows how to handle his affairs.
You wouldn't know it
by looking at that hairline.
[cell phone buzzes]
[Donna] You don't have to do that.
- [Keiko] I wanna help.
- [Kirby] I can't wait for dessert.
[indistinct chatter]
[Kirby] Happy anniversary to me!
["I Almost Blew My Mind" playing]
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
I almost blew my mind ♪
Trying to make ♪
You love me ♪
Hey, I think I'm gonna head
into town for a little bit.
- But you just got home.
- I know.
I just wanted to unwind.
Okay, honey, go ahead. Have fun. Be safe.
Thanks, Mom.
Ida, keys?
Where you gotta go?
Just out.
You meeting up with Destiny.
Desperate ass.
Destiny who?
Uh, Destiny Mathis.
She's a friend of mine from high school.
It's the girl I used to tutor.
Destiny. Oh, she was a sweet little thing.
And she had a cute little figure, too.
- Mom.
- [Donna] What?
Okay. Give her a hug for me.
[Marcus] I will.
- Keys?
- They're on the stand.
But if you scratch it, I'ma beat your ass.
[narrator] Marcus never felt
more like a New Yorker
than when he was in Michigan.
While his parents were making him feel
like a shell of his former self at home,
out in the world,
he embodied all of the swagger
of a superior coastal elite.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Can I get a Bulleit rocks?
Oh, a top-shelf man.
[funky rock music playing]
[Destiny] What's up, smart guy?
[both chuckle]
I can't believe you still
call me "smart guy."
What? I love that nickname.
[singing] He's a smart guy ♪
- [groans loudly]
- [laughs]
That theme song ruined my life.
Uh-uh. You were a year younger,
teaching me geometry and chemistry.
I needed to even the playing field.
My ass was getting roasted.
Well, I mean, if it makes you
feel any better,
I always looked forward to our sessions.
[in deep voice] I always looked forward
to our sessions, too, Marcus.
- All right. All right.
- [laughing]
[normal voice]
I don't remember you being this cute
in high school though.
Yeah, you either.
- I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
- I know you are,
'cause I was the shit
in high school. Okay?
Yeah. You still dated some bums though.
A habit I am still trying to break.
So how long are you in town?
[Marcus and Destiny moaning]
- [Destiny laughs]
- Oh. [chuckles]
I was not expecting that.
I'm glad you messaged me.
I really needed that tonight.
Ah, me, too.
Well, I'll call my Uber.
You didn't drive?
No, I got a boot on my car.
- Long story.
- Do you want a ride?
No. It says it's like a minute away.
So, uh, am I gonna see you again?
Yeah. I'm just hanging with my folks, but,
yeah, I'll hit you up.
[cell phone buzzes]
It's here.
- All right.
- Mm-hmm.
[narrator] After a brief
sex-induced moment of clarity
with Destiny, Marcus felt like a fraud.
He had presented himself to her
as the same studious, good-humored Marcus,
not the recently divorced,
demoralized, hot mess with no furniture
that he actually was.
Though he felt extremely guilty,
he would not call her.
His plan was to simply
slink back to Brooklyn
and hope that she wouldn't
one day curse him out.
[man 1 on TV] crashing Maria's car.
Let's go to the core drill.
[man 2 on TV] Pushed out of bounds
[man] Oh, come on!
A big game and 24 yards on that run.
Paul's gotten blocking from the blue line,
especially from Slater.
Uncle Jovan.
What it do, nephew?
Want some juice?
No. No, I'm good.
Aren't you early?
Your mother said it was a all-day event.
I'm here all day.
[man 2 on TV]
And the snap. Dixon fades back.
Oh, come on!
- Give me a hug.
- Oh. Hey.
- All right. All right. Good to see you.
- [Uncle Jovan] Aw.
- Good to see you.
- [chuckles]
I heard you split with that bad
little white girl you was with.
Yeah. Yeah, we split up.
My boy, Duane, got a divorce
couple months back.
Tried to kill himself.
Thanks, Uncle.
[cell phone buzzes]
on the Pittsburgh team.
And the center of the field
Why did you invite Destiny to the party?
I didn't wanna bring anyone.
Okay. I know that.
I remember we used to go to church
with that family.
So I called the mother,
we started talking,
and she told me that Destiny was single.
- Oh, Jesus, Mom. Oh, my God.
- What?
I'm surprised you didn't ask her yourself
after seeing her last night.
I didn't want to invite her
and now it'll be awkward.
Well, it doesn't have to be.
Come. Come on, you. Go on.
Hey. Glad you're finally up.
Go make yourself decent
and then go to the basement
and bring up extra chairs.
Okay, but
Yo, you not trying to sell that stuff
to my family today, huh?
No. I made them as gifts.
Gifts or samples?
I mean, if someone was interested, may
[narrator] As Marcus stared down
the barrel of his adolescence,
he began to assess his life,
one box at a time.
"Mark Twain uses the N-word over 200 times
in Huckleberry Finn.
I think that is way too many times."
[narrator] Why did he move to New York?
What was it he was fleeing?
And why did he marry Emily,
only to neglect
and eventually divorce her?
Had he ever loved her?
Could he love anyone?
[Kirby] Marcus, I asked for
those chairs over a hour ago.
All right. Yeah. Sorry.
Sorry. I got caught up.
[Kirby] And that Destiny girl is here.
[door closes]
[upbeat music playing over stereo]
I didn't know if guests
should bring things,
- so I brought pie.
- Oh.
That's great. Uh I love pie.
- [chuckles]
- So, yeah, just
I just forgot the sticker. So
Oh, no, it's fine.
No, it's very nice of you.
[both chuckle]
- [Donna] Ooh!
- Hi.
[chuckles] I'm so glad you're here.
It's so nice to see you again.
Thank you, Ms. Donna.
Thank you for having me.
- You look amazing.
- Oh, thank you. Oh.
I told you to bring nothing but yourself
and you bought a pie.
- How thoughtful.
- [chuckles]
Why don't you put it
on the table over there, okay?
Ooh, she looks good.
- Mom, don't. Please.
- Don't be dramatic.
- Ooh. You invited Destiny?
- I didn't invite her. Mom did.
I don't see what the problem is.
You brought Keiko.
Keiko is my girlfriend.
That's a very big difference, Mommy.
[indistinct conversation]
Fuck. Fuck.
Do not make her feel unwelcome.
I don't even
I see you reeled in a bad one, nephew.
Big dogs gotta eat.
- So.
- So.
She loves my soaps.
She wants to buy all of them.
Can you believe it? My first order.
[chuckles] No, Natasha is
on a fixed income and she broke.
I was surprised she didn't
try to hustle you first.
That's so fucked up! My gift.
Somebody put it in the trash.
This is what I was trying to avoid.
I brought you here to spend time
with me and my family,
not try to get your line off the ground.
Cool, great.
[soap thuds]
[softly] Damn.
[Vince] Boom.
I got a plug on a contractor.
- Cuts me a deal.
- Dang, man.
My mom told me you were in real estate,
but I didn't know you had it like that.
You kind of inspired me, to be honest.
Damn, for real?
Fuck, no, man.
I was just trying to get paid.
- Wow!
- [Destiny] Uh
I'm Destiny.
Oh, snap. Sorry. Um
Vince, this is Destiny.
This is my cousin Vince.
- I'ma leave y'all
- Oh, no. Stay, man.
- No. We cool.
- You sure?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[Vince] So I see you got some style
in New York.
Come on, man, I always could dress.
No, no, no, no, no, man.
I told you to stop wearing
them leather trench coats.
Oh! That was for one week.
Was not. You're lying.
- All right, I'm out.
- Wait.
Hang on a second. Wait, wait.
Uh, wait, you're leaving?
I've been here for two hours.
You said, like, two words to me.
Right. Uh
But can I can I at least
give you a ride home?
My mom would kill me
if she saw you out there
waiting for a car.
If it means anything to you,
I am sorry about today.
Don't trip.
I'm over it.
[clicks tongue]
- [upbeat music playing]
- Hey, hey, hey, hey!
What ya got, Tasha? Ho! Ho!
Come on, now!
[indistinct chatter]
Get in there! Yeah, yeah ♪
Get in there! Yeah, yeah ♪
Get in there! ♪
- See you in another ten years?
- [scoffs] If you lucky.
[cell phone buzzes]
[car approaching]
- [tires screech]
- [Marcus] Who is that?
You gotta go. You gotta go now.
- Go?
- You gotta go.
Where? Why? What's going on?
- Hell nah! Uh-uh.
- What's happening?
Hell nah!
Hey, are you dumb? Go somewhere.
I can't. He's got me pinned.
Darnell, what are you doing here?
Oh, shit.
Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh.
- [Darnell] Fuck that.
- [Destiny] No!
Lord, Jesus.
- [all cheering]
- Thank you.
[Kirby clears throat]
"Welcome, family and friends."
[Darnell] Who the fuck is this?
He is nobody, D.
He's a friend from high school.
To put it plainly,
I couldn't be a luckier man.
Donna, who would've thought
that the first time we met
at that musty-ass Detroit disco
that we'd end up married.
Both tenured professors
at the same university.
And yes, she is the smarter one.
[woman] That's right.
- Could you just stop?
- We take a week off,
and now you fucking
with dark-skin Don Lemon?
- Get the
- [Destiny] Stop!
- [shrieks]
- Get out the fucking car.
[Kirby] And look at this family
we have built.
Ida, I can't even begin
to express what I've learned
from you over the years.
Your courage
and willingness to be authentic
in every situation
has made me a better man.
[Destiny] Wait a minute. No.
When you go to Six Flags
with your baby mama
and I'm upset, then I'm being extra?
Is that what you want?
- You know that's different.
- No, it's not, D.
I said, "Let's take TJ to Six Flags."
And then you go with her.
- That's his mother.
- What am I?
Some bitch he see now and then?
- Don't talk like that.
- Uh-uh.
Why can't I be something to him, too?
Why am I not good enough?
[Darnell] Is that what this is about?
And to my son Marcus.
Uh, Where are you, Marcus?
- [indistinct chatter]
- Where is he?
You know that boy think the world of you.
- Shut up, Darnell.
- I'm serious, girl.
Just the other day,
I tried taking the bikes out.
You know what he said to me?
What'd he say?
He said, "I ain't biking without Dez.
I want Dez."
I wasn't trying to be disrespectful
with that Six Flag shit.
All this boy do is watch me
and Bianka fight.
I just wanted to have
some moments to look back on
when we felt like a family.
Sorry. I shoulda talked to you first.
No. No. Maybe I overreacted.
This day, this day ♪
Missed you, sweetie.
- I missed you too, boo.
- You missed me?
Yeah. I love you.
This day ♪
Yeah ♪
Yeah ♪
Where did you disappear to?
You need to go upstairs
and apologize to your father.
- He gave a beautiful speech.
- Oh, my God.
Are you fucking kidding me with this?
Excuse me?
Mom, I missed Dad's speech
because I was taking home
the girl you invited.
She's a nice girl.
I was just trying to help.
Oh, my God.
Mom, why are you desperate
to see me with somebody new?
I was with Emily for like seven years,
and it's like it didn't even count.
- No, that is not true.
- Mom, you literally said,
"Do not cut off all your options just yet"
the second I proposed.
I just never thought
she was right for you.
I know you didn't,
but what does it matter what you think?
It's my life.
You're pushing me to just get over it all.
"You're a free man.
You deserve a fresh start."
- You do.
- She is not disposable.
She was my wife.
And it ended because of something I did.
- I didn't know that.
- Now you know.
Maybe you're right. Maybe, um,
I just wanted everyone to back off
so I could do my own thing.
But, Mom, I hurt her and I hurt myself
and it is a big old fucking mess.
I'm sorry, baby.
Can I show you something?
- [chuckles] Yeah.
- [chuckles]
Come here. Sit down.
And to my son, Marcus.
Where are you, Marcus?
Jovan, my son is MIA. You getting this?
To Marcus, who has the biggest heart
of anyone I know.
We all go through a tough season
every now and then,
but just remember that life
is an annealing process.
If there's no pain,
then you're just sleepwalking.
You've had your knocks,
because you have taken some swings, son.
We love you, and we are there for you.
Thanks, Mom.
I'm sorry about the Benz.
You may enter.
You're so dramatic.
["Tripping Out" playing in background]
Man, Keiko made some good soaps.
Yeah, I know. Take 'em home.
Take 'em all.
Ah, shit. Is it over?
You know, these young bisexual girls
with these dreams,
they just keep sucking me in.
But she was She was so cute.
[both chuckle]
Yeah, it was really sweet
to see Mom and Dad celebrate
their long haul, you know?
And sometimes I forget
they're actual people
who love each other,
flaws and all.
This weed is for chilling purposes, okay?
Not for your poetic ruminations.
Yeah, you right. You right.
Yeah, it'd be nice
to have what they have, though.
Yeah, it would be.
Girl, it's all because of you ♪
You've got me trippin' out ♪
Trippin' out over you, babe ♪
Over you, little mama ♪
I'm tripping out ♪
Trippin' out ♪
Over you, come on ♪
Come on ♪
It's a good feeling ♪
Baby dear, come on ♪
All over you ♪
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