Lovecraft Country (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Meet Me in Daegu

["The Trolley Song" playing]
[man and woman moaning]
[couple speaking Korean]
With my high starched collar
And my high topped shoes
And my hair Piled high upon my head
I went to lose a jolly
Hour on the Trolley
And lost my heart instead
With his light brown derby
And his bright green tie
He was quite The handsomest of men
I started to yen So I counted to ten
Then I counted to ten again
[humming "The Trolley Song"]
[speaking Korean]
[bell dings]
Underneath this prim exterior,
there are depths of emotion,
romantic longings.
[speaking Korean]
[bell dings]
[bell dings]
Young-Ja Unni.
[singing in Korean]
[man on film speaking Korean]
[audience chuckling]
["Easter Parade" playing]
[soldier] There's nothing to fear.
America is here to
fight for your freedom.
Do not be alarmed.
There's nothing to fear.
America is here to
fight for your freedom.
Do not be alarmed.
America is here to
fight for your freedom.
Do not be alarmed.
There's nothing to fear.
America is here to
fight for your freedom.
[speaking Korean]
[screaming in pain]
Get away from me, you fucking gook!
God, these zipperhead
bitches are gonna cut my leg off!
Help me! Help!
[truck appoaching]
[men shouting indistinctly]
[singing in Korean]
[indistinct shouting]
All right, move it off the back.
Let's go. Come on.
Let's go!
The fuck on your knees.
Information is being
leaked out of your hospital
to the hands of Communist pigs.
We've intercepted communications
on multiple occasions
between 1600 and 1700 hours.
Which makes it this shift.
One of you nurses is a Communist spy.
Which of you is it?
Is it you?
Oh, I know you bitches speak English.
I can do this shit all day.
All fucking day.
Which of you is a goddamn spy?
Who is it?
It's me!
I'm the spy.
Young-Ja Unni! Young-Ja!
Get her up.
Young-Ja. Young-Ja Unni.
- Let's go!
- Wait!
Wait, please! Wait! Wait!
Wait! Wait! Wait!
[soldier] Back to your truck. Let's go.
Let's go!
Get up! Let's go!
Let's go.
Let's go. To the truck.
Get up. Get up. Let's go.
[fighter jets flying overhead]
[speaking Korean]
[speaking Korean]
I have to turn your bed.
- You don't have to do that.
- Please.
I need something to do.
[crutch clatters]
Can you do me a favor?
What is it?
Can you read this to me?
My glasses broke in the bombing.
Only got a few chapters left.
Edmond gets his revenge
on Fernand in a swordfight.
Takes on Villefort
while defending himself on trial.
Rekindles his romance with Mercédès.
That's how it ends.
You read this?
Interesting premise told poorly.
How so?
Edmond should not have
found out about the betrayal
so early in the story.
His relationship to
Mercédès, why rekindle it?
It robbed him of his
most interesting turn.
What would he have done with his life
when finally given a choice?
Find out for yourself.
Edmond and Mercédès
don't end up together.
But I see why they thought that change
would make for a better movie.
Go on.
You gotta read it now.
I have to take my break.
[music plays]
[music stops]
Meet my friend Sung.
Seen any new flicks
you wanna spoil for us?
I told him about our little debate.
Not everybody can go toe
to toe with Alexandre Dumas.
I haven't been able to
watch any movies lately.
The only theater in town is shut down.
I was hoping to see Summer Stock.
But who knows if it'll
come back after the war
Or if we're even still here?
With everything going
on, it must've been nice
to escape into the dark for a few hours.
Have you two met Judy Garland?
[both laughing]
Sorry, we don't mean to laugh.
It's just, the only way
we'd meet Judy Garland
is if I was her butler or
he was her chauffeur.
I don't understand.
In America, colored folks
are treated differently.
We're made out to be an
enemy in our own home.
You should stay in Korea after the war,
be with people who respect you.
In America, I'm called a gook.
In Korea, I'm called yangnom.
That's what no one ever
gives a shit to think about.
Here or there, I'll always
be seen as a foreigner.
Then why do you fight for a country
that doesn't want you?
I was drafted.
If I had a choice, you think I'd be here?
Ask him. His ass volunteered.
You went to the movies to
get away from everything,
I stuck my nose in books.
I guess it just got to a point
where they couldn't
take me far enough away.
So you came here?
And now it's back to books.
"He who has felt the deepest grief
is best able to experience
supreme happiness.
We must have felt what it is to die
that we may appreciate
the enjoyments of living."
Why'd you choose this one?
It's my father's favorite.
I think maybe because
after years of oppression,
unfair oppression,
Edmond gets his sweet revenge.
I don't know, it may also be
because it's written by a Negro man.
You should ask him which one it is.
We don't talk much anymore.
Things are difficult with my mother too.
She wishes I was someone I'm not.
I like who you are.
My entire life, my father's been
trying to turn me into someone I'm not.
I've gone haltway across the world
to get out from under
his thumb, and now
Being here,
this war,
it's done his job better
than he could ever imagine.
We have to stop letting
their fear shape us.
That's good advice.
It's from my best friend.
Well, I'd like to meet this best friend.
Get some more advice.
"Live, then,"
and be happy,
beloved children of my heart,
"and never forget that until the day"
[men whooping]
[making kissing sounds]
You can have a go with her when I'm done,
if she can walk.
Just make sure you're
not fucking your own sister.
[speaking Korean]
Judy Garland's got some competition.
You sure don't.
How did you do this?
I'd like to take the credit,
but it was mostly my uncle.
Is he in the movies?
[Atticus] Uncle George? No.
He publishes a book called
The Safe Negro Travel Guide,
and he gets to meet all sorts of people,
traveling the country,
collecting information for it.
Let's get some good seats.
["You Wonderful You" playing]
There stands love My arms around you
That's wonderful too
So glad I found you
You wonderful you Remember
[Ji-ah sighs]
Hey, you okay?
I'm just
I'm just a little cold.
But I know what would warm me up.
You're mine now
You wonderful you
Ji-ah, hold on.
Hold on.
Hold on.
What's wrong? Don't you want to?
Yeah. Yeah.
It's just
I've never done this before.
You're a virgin?
I'm not.
No, that's that's okay.
That's not why I just
I just wanted to tell you,
to be honest with you, because
I've done horrible things,
things I've tried to forget.
And when I'm with you,
that seems possible.
It's like
it's like, 'cause you see the good in me,
I know it's there.
I've never felt this way
about anybody before.
Get out.
Get out! Go!
- What
- Get out!
[speaking Korean]
You need to go.
You killed my best friend.
Her name was Young-Ja.
She was a nurse.
Your unit shot some of us at checkpoint,
then dragged her away.
She was a Commie sympathizer.
Is that what you tell yourself?
I was following orders.
Who knows how many lives
I saved by doing what I did?
Does that balance how
many you have taken,
the ones that keep you
up at night and sobbing?
There's no book for you to
escape what you have done.
You knew this entire
time and didn't say a word?
Ji-ah, you made me care for you.
- What's wrong with you?
- Nothing is wrong with me.
You're the monster.
Why'd you agree to go out with me, then?
Because I was going to kill you.
But I didn't,
because I've never felt this way either.
You murdered my best friend,
and then you sa
And then you saved me, I think.
The first time I saw you at the hospital,
the anger shot through me like lightning.
And then all I could see was a murderer.
And then I got to
know you, and I realized
how this war has torn you apart.
We've both done monstrous things,
but that does not make us monsters.
We could be the people
we see in each other.
We just have to choose to be.
[Ji-ah] Relax.
I don't wanna hurt you.
You okay?
[speaking Korean]
[Ji-ah] "Deep in the mountainous forest
lives a nine-tailed fox
spirit called a kumiho.
The spirit can be summoned
into the form of a beautiful woman
"to avenge the wrong done by men."
Ji-ah, I got something to tell you.
I earned enough points to rotate out.
I can go home.
That's good news.
I can choose to stay.
I can't ask you to do that for me.
You hate this war.
Then come with me.
Atticus, there
There are so many things
you don't know about me.
Ji-ah, there's nothing you could tell me
that would change the
way I feel about you.
[both moaning]
[Ji-ah grunting]
Don't go home.
What just happened?
You're going to die.
[Atticus] What
What'd you do?
What'd you do?
- Don't go home.
- [Atticus] Stay back!
Please listen to me.
- Stay away from me!
- Please! Please!
If you go home, you will die. I saw it.
Stay the fuck away from me!
Wait. Wait. Wait. Listen. Listen, please!
Please! I'm a kumiho.
[speaking Korean]
[Judy Garland] I don't honestly
understand why I've been the victim
and been made the
victim of so many untruths.
Perhaps you don't understand
what it's like to pick up a paper
and read things about
yourself that aren't true,
read loathsome things that
have nothing to do with your life
or you or your heart or your beliefs
or your kindnesses or your willingness.
I've spent years and years and years
trying to please
through singing or acting.
There's nothing wrong with that.
And yet I've constantly
been written or talked about
by certain individuals
as an unfit person.
Well, what kind of people are they?
They're dead people.
But they've tried to
kill me along the way,
and, by God, they won't.
[Garland] They won't.
[speaking Korean]
[Alice Smith's "Sinnerman" playing]
Oh, Sinnerman
Where you gonna run to?
Where you gonna run to?
Where you gonna run to?
All on that day
Well, I run to the rock
Please hide me
I run to the rock
Please hide me
I run to the rock
Please hide me
All on that day
But the rock cried out
"I can't hide you"
The rock cried out
"I can't hide you"
The rock cried out
"I ain't gonna hide you"
All on that day
"I said," Rock
What's the matter with you, Rock?
"Can't you see I need you, Rock"
Devil was waiting
All on that day
I cried, "Power"
I cried, "Power"
I cried, "Power"
I cried, "Power"
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