Magi: Sinbad no Bouken (2016) s01e13 Episode Script


1 Garufor Zairu! Don't make me laugh.
This is the "power" of a multiple Dungeon Capturer? This is the end! Cerbero Jairu Ranquesa! Sinbad I'm not dead yet.
You You insolent bastard, running is all you can do? But you won't be able to escape this.
The ultimate annihilation magic that combines all three elements.
Maximum magic! Cerbero Kalb Volquesa! Impossible! You cannot do that, Your Excellency.
You'll end up harming the country that it's your duty to protect.
I refuse to be dictated to by a man! I'm over here.
What's happening? My attacks are completely wasted.
It's like fighting someone from another dimension.
I prefer not to treat women this way.
Garufor Kirestal! The first man to ever defeat me.
Sinbad, Her Excellency is expecting you.
Ja'far, are we gonna be executed? We've come all this way.
I just can't die here! Calm down, Mystras.
But Your Excellency, they are present.
Where were you? I was getting tired of waiting.
Oh, my--! Your Excellency, to have an audience with you once again is a great honor.
Enough of that.
Do you think you can get away with this? My skin was scarred from yesterday's battle.
My beautiful body is ruined.
But it's been a long time since I felt such excitement.
You're the first man to ever pin me down and defeat me, Sinbad.
Last night was unforgettable for me, too.
At this time, the decision has been made for Artemyra to officially join hands with Sindria Trading Company.
As queen, this is the first time I've formed a contract with a company.
I reread the terms of trade that were proposed in the letter.
It's not a bad deal.
I will dispatch a diplomat from our country to your company.
We will collaborate as much as we can.
As our isolated country flourishes with more commerce, the lives of our citizens will be enriched.
Thank you very much, Your Excellency.
I'm speaking now from a public position.
The truth is, I don't want you as an enemy, Sinbad.
Even with such great powers, you devote yourself as a merchant.
What are you trying to do by coming out here? What is your true agenda? Your Excellency, I have a dream that must be realized.
When you held that Metal Vessel, didn't you sense the weight of its power? My duty as the King Vessel, recognized by the Djinn, is to create a world without war.
And I need your help, your cooperation to make it happen.
A world without war? Yes.
This Metal Vessel will trigger a new war that will threaten the equilibrium of the world.
In order to prevent and be prepared for such a situation, I must share ideologies with powerful figures like you to establish an alliance.
That's how we can achieve a "world of acceptance.
" You're asking Artemyra to join that world of acceptance? So far, I've already formed an alliance with Rametoto of Imuchakk and Darius, the Knight-King of Sasan.
You formed an alliance with countries that ban foreigners? This is Mystras Leoxses, the son of the Knight-King.
He travels with us as a representative of Sasan.
Sasan is not a wealthy country either.
I'm sure the Knight-King would've eventually invaded neighboring countries to expand his territory.
The immense power of the Metal Vessel makes conquering nations a piece of cake.
But he lost, didn't he? He was defeated by you, like I was.
If you wanted to, you could destroy a whole country.
The Knight-King must have surrendered to your power and agreed to form an alliance.
Sasan has an established relationship with Reim, too.
If the legendary sorceress of Reim knew about the Metal Vessel, things could've been very different.
The "legendary sorceress" of Reim? You must know if you're a merchant of Reim.
We're not familiar with Reim territory, aside from Napolia.
The legendary sorceress of Reim devoted herself to Reim, supporting the empire's prosperity.
She's a sorcerer who's lived for 200 years.
A legendary "Magi.
" Two hundred years? A legendary Magi? Excuse my ignorance, but what is a Magi? It's still an obscure existence.
But they appear in legends all over the world.
They've appeared during crucial times in history to guide the lives of many and enlighten the world.
They are the great sorcerers of creation, with a special calling as the "selectors of the king.
" That's the Magi.
Magi The Magi possess power beyond human understanding.
When they swing their wand, a tower appears where the king's power is stored.
They have the ability to guide the chosen one as the king.
We think that these Dungeons appearing all over the world are the towers mentioned in the legend.
Magi Dungeon Yunan? Can he be a Magi? I always thought he was a strange guy.
Your Excellency, what kind of person is the Magi? I've told you already.
They are still a mystery.
But if I were to say anything, I believe Magi are those who are blessed by the "Rukh.
" Rukh? The Rukh are the headwaters of life that flow through this world.
Magi that are blessed by Rukh could be the embodiment of our world's will.
That could explain why the Dungeons are appearing all over the world and how we're both Capturers.
There might be some force that's influencing this to happen.
In any case, you're the only man I've ever approved of.
Let's form an alliance.
Thank you very much, Your Excellency.
I'm relieved that it worked out peacefully.
I got concerned when you started to fight with your Djinn Equip.
It turned out to be okay.
This is exactly what happened in Sasan! We were worried sick! Can't you understand that by now?! So, we're leaving tomorrow, right? Yes, that's the plan.
Does that mean we have free time until then?! Sure, that's no problem.
But are you all right? What? What? I'm fine.
What are you hiding? Nothing! I'm not about to have a good time with a lady.
You're the worst liar! Explain in detail! I told you that I wasn't! Tell me! Never! Hey, aren't you the boy from before? So, you really did survive the Valley of the Dead.
The queen was very impressed, praising you all for having backbone.
Is that true?! I'm so glad I made it out alive for you, my lady! Do you want your reward that badly? Yes! How adorable.
He was so desperate to escape the valley for this reason?! I think I'm forgetting about something very important.
By the way, we're going to release the other man who was in our custody.
We're reluctant to let him go Hinahoho? Imuchakk man, you're welcome back anytime! It was a pleasure to have you! He was extremely cooperative with our research! It felt great-- No, you were a great help! Thanks a lot, Hinahoho.
Hinahoho How about Rurumu? I'm not a bad person! I swear I didn't cross that line -Hina -I didn't do anything wrong! Hinahoho! You were having that much fun while we were trying to survive in the valley?! That's just cruel! So cruel of you! I'm the one who wanted to do this and that with a beautiful lady! How could you?! Mystras, stop crying.
What happened to Hinahoho was beyond us.
Focus on how we still have a future.
Sinbad The road was already laid out for us.
Remember the heavenly place that stimulates our most intellectual desires? Yes, our harem The red-light district! Are there beautiful ladies in the red-light district? Yeah, of course! Can we have fun with the ladies in the red-light district?! Of course we can! I'll follow you for the rest of my life! All right! Follow me! So, we are going to the red-light district after all.
I did nothing wrong.
I did nothing wrong.
Hello there! -Thank you for waiting.
-Yes! Is this your first visit? We strive to offer you only the best.
Please enjoy our wonderful men to your heart's content! Good morning.
I will be joining you, starting today.
I'm Parsine Pratemia, the diplomat.
As a representative of the alliance and a structural agent to organize commerce, I will do my best work as part of your team.
What's the matter with them? Oh, don't mind them.
Macho fest Quit it, Mystras.
I want to forget that image.
Well, if they're not feeling well, we can head out tomorrow? -Please let us leave today! -Please let us leave today! They will take us to the boat docked at sea.
It's time to say goodbye to Artemyra for a while.
Yeah A lot happened while we were here.
Not a lot of time has passed, but it feels like I've been here for quite some time.
So, you're leaving today.
Who's going to entertain me now? I regret to see you leave.
Your Excellency! What an honor to see you here.
Don't worry.
I'm fond of you all, that's all.
You might be taking care of my daughters in the future, so I wanted express my salutations.
Knowledge of world affairs is crucial to protect our country in the future.
So, I want you to expand their knowledge.
But that's still way ahead in the future.
What?! Aren't they cute? They're my daughters.
Your Excellency, you are truly blessed to have so many children.
It's quite common in our country.
I also have another one.
What--? You must be her favorite.
Her name is Pisti, the youngest of them all.
She can already take control of our giant birds.
She's one of our strongest.
I'm excited about her future.
-For me? -Yup.
That feather represents the Rukh Bird of luck in our country.
Sinbad, I sincerely hope that your journey will be blessed by the Rukh.
Yes! Mother, I smelled the great ocean on that man.
Pisti never met anyone like that before.
I know.
Your mother's never encountered a man like that before either.
Let us bear witness to how this man will change the world.
Sindria Trading Company thrives again today! Everyone! President Sinbad! You've returned.
I apologize for my long absence.
I need to speak to Rurumu, to get updated on our current situation.
Since it's her last month of pregnancy, she's currently back home.
How is Rurumu? Healthy and full of spirit.
Both her and her baby.
What a relief.
So, he must be taking Rurumu's place Hey, Vitte-- -Oh, man.
Sin?! You're back! Yup.
Thanks for taking care of the company while I was gone.
It must've been busy.
Thanks a lot.
Sin So take care of those bills for me! But I thought we already took care of travel expenses What do you mean? I've returned.
So, that means Exactly.
Time for a banquet! Let me introduce you all to our newest members.
Mystras of Sasan.
He's the son of the Knight-King of Sasan, a great knight himself.
Nice to meet you! We also have Parsine of Artemyra.
She serves as a diplomat of Artemyra.
They represent Sasan and Artemyra respectively, and symbolize our friendships with each nation.
Please welcome our new comrades.
Mystras is also single, by the way! Hey! Parsine is scary when she gets mad, so try not to get on her bad side.
All right, everyone! Sindria Company will only continue to expand.
Sasan, Artemyra and Imuchakk, these three countries are our reliable allies, allowing us to have a future.
Our workload and personnel will continue to increase.
But I believe that we can handle it.
Sindria Trading Company will become Napolia's-- No.
Reim's leading company! Let's create our nation! For the ideal future! Yeah! Sin what's the matter? Everyone wants to talk to you.
Sindria Trading Company has come a long way.
Yes, we've become a prominent company of Napolia.
I believe it's all because of the people we've met so far.
Each and every encounter was essential.
We made it here because of our comrades.
I feel like there's a great force that's drawing us together.
I see it.
I see it all.
I know where I'm going.
I am special.
Sinbad was only 16 years old at the time.
Destiny swept him and those around him up in a great big swell.
The world was about to face an unexpected future of change.

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