Mammon (2014) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Abraham! - No one investigates a suicide.
- They wanted to be caught.
- And used us to be - To be their executioners.
Daniel took everything with him when he moved.
He was angry.
Is it possible to find out who invested in Lied Invest? - Is the portrait interview over? - It's Yvonne Haugen.
We don't want to be a damn gossip sheet! I didn't select Jensen's proposal.
You must review the proposal before you decide.
His email account was used after his death.
- By whom? This was sent.
Dad! Abraham, one of God's favourites, was asked to sacrifice his son.
He should worship only one God, so his family would gain power in a country overflowing with milk and honey.
You need to look further back.
25 years.
To understand this mess.
I got it.
The car was leased.
Why doesn't this work? I expected someone to contact us.
My job is to do things you can't imagine.
Strange and terrible things.
Part 4: The Charter Daddy! So, yeah.
Dad's here now.
Sorry, Peter.
It wasn't you who did it.
No, but it was my security people.
They're monkeys.
Do you know what they got? 20,000 each.
For 20,000 they beat up one of my friend's guest.
Would it have helped if they got more? If you're here as a journalist, I can only request You keep my company out of it.
Take it easy.
I'm here as a private person.
Did you get any help from him, Peter? - Sympathy for the devil.
- A man of wealth and taste.
Let's see.
I'm not really a doctor.
There are three stitches.
You hit each other often now, I guess.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Not everyone's rooting for you, Jon.
You let the newspapers into the archives.
Wondering what the rumour is.
Do you know who leased a Volkswagen Touareg? I don't know what cars people drive, but I know what cars someone collects.
- Where's Eva? - Oh shit! Let me know if you want a job.
I need people like you.
- What happened? - It was just bullshit.
- Where's Vibeke? - She went home.
She likes it better there.
- Did you see him? - No.
I only spoke to him on the phone.
- 25 years ago, he said.
- When we went to business school.
Probably he went there, too.
Do you know who that may be? - Almost everybody here went there.
- Not Lied.
He's a doctor.
He isn't.
He was in my class.
When the Prime Minister says jump, I jump.
Chief of staff, then, not the Prime Minister.
Then I have to be afraid.
- You know what I like about this? - You can point with it? It's from a time when we pointed, and they wrote what we wanted in our newspaper.
I can't believe the outside world bothered to change.
The Haugen case is a ticking time bomb.
The government can't stand the explosion.
We'll have momentum from the congress with you as the party leader.
I flout convention, is what the party secretary said.
We'll win re-election with what we've got, not an organization chart.
- And the bomb? - That will be buried along with Haugen.
- You won't go to the funeral.
I checked with the prosecutor.
They say the case appears settled.
You haven't? I didn't know about this.
You said it's a private matter.
Then stay away as an employee of the Ministry of Justice.
Don't give me that look.
Answer one thing: Will there be anymore? - No.
- Some say they believe it.
- There are some dangers in lies.
- Yes.
But you must do something.
They're the reason the best man doesn't always win.
You have to quit hassling the staff.
It looks really stupid.
- So you trust him? - No.
I don't trust people.
Hey, it's Tore.
I was at your home and in school.
Has anyone contacted you, they might not have photos of your father.
I decided on it.
Ring, then.
- Ah.
Are you here? - The client is staying at the house.
- Tore will understand that, I think.
- Do you think so? I need to call.
- I talked to him.
- What are we so afraid of? What did you talk about? - What have you found out? - Something about Bergen.
- Peter's looking into it with his girlfriend.
- Bergen, what happened there? We studied there.
I haven't a clue what it's about.
Stay here with me tonight, we'll look into it in the morning.
I know it's silly, but do it for my sake.
The car was leased from Autoco in Alna.
Contact Autoco tomorrow so you can find the owner.
If we want to find who went to business school, I have to go to Bergen.
The Student Association posted some photos.
But what we need, is in the boxes.
I can go, I'll do it.
I'm afraid it doesn't exist.
This was found.
You're here with Andreas.
There isn't anything to be afraid of.
You don't understand anything.
- It's been a long time.
- Have you been alone a lot? - I forgot the basics.
- It's like riding a bike.
I think it will be a short trip.
I don't know how I'm going to get out of this spiral.
Some people concocted stories they're attempting to spread.
They're hanging on the funeral story.
- You must defend yourself.
Say what you know.
- It's not that simple.
You know that.
What do you think? That this is normal.
No, I don't think so.
All I want.
Is to get into something normal.
And what's normal? Become a teacher.
In elementary school.
- It's not easy.
- No.
But it's normal.
They'll claim I'm not afraid to do something good for them.
Don't be so normal you'll stop liking me.
One more time? Hell, yeah.
These could easily be for you.
I backed into a car last night.
The guy, I backed into, said it was okay.
I didn't get thank him properly.
I didn't get his name, but I got the license number.
I checked it and saw he leased it from you.
Can I get his name? We can do that.
Do you have the number? Thank you.
Statoil Hello! It's Mona from Autoco.
Which of you drives a leased car with license number DL 53478? Gisle Eie, yes.
Thank you.
- Gisle Eie.
- Thank you! Andreas? Andreas? Andreas? - Invited the entire kindergarten? - Get out.
- Why did Daniel die? - I have no idea what you're talking about.
It's daddy's job.
I'm coming soon.
- Please go.
- Come on, Dad.
Everyone's waiting for you.
We are being wire tapped.
- I will to destroy this happy scene.
- If you go to the police Then I won't live long.
Nor my kids.
And not your nephew.
You sent me a video of a kid in a burning cabin.
- Should I talk to Lied, Minister? - The Minister is a dead end.
Lied - I can't talk here.
- I don't care! Meet me tonight.
Otherwise there won't be anything.
Everything tonight.
At 19:00 Otherwise I'll expose this.
Yes, hello.
You called.
Andreas is missing.
Inger Marie Steffensen.
You have an appointment with me.
Congratulations on the upcoming event.
It's not convenient right now.
- Make an appointment with my people.
- I can't.
I have something you must see or we'll publish it.
- Ten minutes maximum.
- What is your relationship to Age? - Times World wrote about - Yvonne Haugen.
- I showed my support.
- Nothing beyond that? - What is your relationship with Yvonne? - I don't have anything to do with her.
Were you involved in Haugen's and Lied's company? - Absolutely not.
- What was your relationship with them? I knew Haugen privately, I don't know Lied.
What about these photos taken yesterday of you and Yvonne Haugen? - I showed concern in a difficult situation.
- Did you show concern in Rome too? - Did you show concern before he died? - This is a private matter.
- You're married? - Then you aren't from "See and Hear"! We have evidence you had connections to Age and Lied.
Even after you became a minister.
- Where did you get this? - You deny it, I'll publish it? I never saw this before.
I'll talk to your editor.
We went through the questions together.
Just to find an explanation.
Hey, Andreas.
We're obviously going the same place.
- Who are you? - A friend of Peter's.
We're going to Bergen? - Didn't you know my mom once.
- I know your uncle.
- Don't be stupid like him.
- I'm 21 years old.
You have to have faith in life, Andreas.
You need to call.
If not I will.
It's embarrassing.
- It's embarrassing.
- Say we'll be here 'til we find something.
I just need a few minutes.
- Hello, Peter.
- Hello.
Has it been good? - It's been fine.
- Andreas is missing.
- Guess who I met on the plane.
- What is he doing? Same as you, I guess.
I'll look after him.
You should check out who matches so I can look into them.
Goodbye, then.
Everyone brings the food they're most proud of.
So it goes very well.
Thank you.
- What did you say? - I actually like Andreas.
- He steals and runs away.
- You were supposed to take care of him.
I apply myself first to the painting, and then Andreas - Now, you had the chance.
- Me? Andreas had the chance.
He can keep his father's things.
But your mother's diary comes back to me.
I need to get the book.
A thief, just like his father.
You have no idea what happened to Daniel.
- He wasn't happy with us - Don't leave me out in this.
So you are guiltless? I think I'll laugh myself to death.
Didn't someone want to save you? - Is it okay? - I'm supposed to look after you.
We need to get access to the student records for the 1980s.
Do you have an authorization? You must register the project to enter the personal records.
I'm conducting research for my father's 55th birthday.
He was a student here.
- Who's your father? - He's called Lund.
Helge? - Yes.
- Then you have to go to student records, located in "N" block.
I'll call ahead, so they'll let you in.
- Mr L! And you're madam? - X.
Ole Rieber Mohn.
I have the pleasure to help you.
As vice chairman of the student union I have access to most of the records.
We should be a link between academic competence and the alumni.
The Alumni Association is the best functioning in the country.
- The Association for ex-students.
- We call it the Great Circle.
A premise rewarding school provides premise rewarding managers who giveetc, etc.
Someone must join the long lines at work everyday.
Inside is a photo archive, and there are other things here.
- What are you doing? - She's a filmmaker.
I think we've got all the help we can get now, Ole.
We have a gathering tonight, if you want to stay on.
- Sure.
- Great.
See you there.
- This serves you right.
- Find your father, I'll take Age.
- Why are you going to a party with the likes of that? - A Daddy's Boy.
- Father warned me about people like him.
- You go on to business school.
I'm one of the best.
And I have no dad.
- All these names - Find your father, Age Haugen, Gisle Eie.
Take a photo and send it to my e-mail.
- Someone must speak about impartiality.
- He never declared himself unavailable.
Someone must comment why he never got it.
Eskeland or Stabell comes 2nd.
Either way, it's payday for us.
- Is he allowed to be here? - My man is keeping the Minister outside.
I'm meeting him tonight.
You'll stay waiting a few more hours.
- Did you find a connection to Lied? - There's the documentation.
What's she doing here? I promised not to expose her.
- I didn't.
- You promised me? Either way, it doesn't give her a "get out of jail free" card forever.
My brother and Haugen were onto something.
They go back 30 years.
Maybe Lied too.
But the minister isn't one of them.
He said.
Gisle Eie wants to see me.
Can you wait until tonight? Gone lost? - It was my words too.
Coffee? - I have my own, thanks.
So there were two of us, then.
When you interrupted me yesterday and slapped your hand on the table, what were your thoughts? - I had to disagree with you.
- Thought you: Here's a unique opportunity? Thou shalt teach me right from wrong? We have documents, photos, quotes, open sources.
So what will you teach me? I tried to look into your soul, but I'm not wise.
This is a question of right and wrong.
What you did wasn't right.
Yesterday was your last protest.
- You attempted to remove me before.
- All the time.
But now I smile.
And why, do you think? Because I've succeeded.
I don't want to succeed, but have succeeded.
Jesus name! You can't spell well.
You should say you retired due to age and the newspaper's need for younger people.
If you go in silence, you'll keep all your bonuses and get a full pension.
You've got until Monday.
Now if you don't, it will destroy the paper further.
Peter? You have until 20:00 tonight.
Otherwise it's like it is.
Don't mess with a ministerial slot, he's hiding something.
- They follow me everywhere.
- What do they want? They ask me about the minister.
I said he's a friend of my husband.
You shouldn't have said that.
- Why not? - They know you had a relationship.
They want you to deny what they know is true.
- How did they find out? - We knew it too.
They broken into my husband's office at home.
Times World does burglary.
We don't.
Where's your car? - Near by.
- Come with me.
We'll leave immediately.
You must leave tonight.
Bring all your money and your daughter.
Travel to a large country, check in at a hotel using the false passports.
Your father accused some fellow students of cheating.
A bit of everything.
They were threatened with expulsion.
- It's the only a connection so far.
- They accused fellow students of cheating? Or the investment group.
They formed a group that was later dissolved.
They were mentioned together on several occasions.
Then, suddenly it stopped.
Call me if you find anything more.
- Do you work there? - I'll be working here.
Be happy you get to work in the trusted section of the newspaper.
I'm ready to meet you.
See you on Track 5.
Delete this message.
New message will come.
You have to hurry.
Professor Stellesnes would love to meet you.
- You can't say no to him.
- We aren't done yet.
He heard Lund's son was here.
He should be in the movie.
Anne-Lise will take you up.
Use your charm again.
Here they are.
- Hello.
Vibeke Haglund.
Film - Really? As nice.
Vibeke? You're the son of Helge Lund? I taught your brother too, I think.
- Helge, what about him? - He works a lot.
Jogs a lot too.
- But I beat him at the New York Marathon.
- He was a bastard for competition.
- Here you go.
You didn't really go here.
- I started in London.
But I was dumped by my girlfriend and wanted to come home to my mom again.
A bastard for competition, yeah.
But you aren't his son.
You're the son of Daniel Veras.
You're exactly like him.
One of the cleverest I ever had.
Much better than Helge and nicer.
He was too clever and had too strong a character to be a talentless thief.
If Daniel had done something wrong, he wouldn't have been caught.
Look at this.
What did Daniel have in common with Age Haugen? - Nothing.
- How about this? Daniel Veras, Age Haugen, Gisle Eie and you.
- Do you think I'm hiding something? - What do you believe? You're hiding something.
You work in Economic Crime.
I'm old, but not senile.
You've dug around here before.
Six years ago.
- I don't work there anymore.
- Before the banking crisis, you didn't find anything.
- I got tips.
- What you're looking for, is in 1980s.
The roots.
It wasn't a good time here.
It was nonsensical.
Companies tossed jobs to the neatly turned out and well-dressed.
- What happened? - Nothing.
Norway didn't have corruption.
We were all friends.
You tell friends various things, hire friends of friends.
- In the 80s it was like that.
- Doesn't power always work that way? Information was never worth more than it was then.
See you.
See who's in power today.
Not just money.
Take the banking crisis.
What does it have to do with what we were asking? This isn't the place to look for rotten apples.
- There are plenty of rotten apples here.
- Very many.
- But no one was caught.
- Help us, then.
I can't be involved in spreading suspicions.
The fresh apples have spoken.
- Can you give us a name? - Get home to Economic Crime.
- I don't work there anymore.
- Good luck.
But don't only look at the photos.
But also look at people who aren't there.
- He won't help us.
- He was an anonymous tipster six years ago.
I knew it.
It's as much about how, as who.
Lose pursuers.
Ride on subway for 1 hour.
Take airport train from National Station Coffee? Where's the money my brother and Haugen were killed for? What do you know? Some one instructed them to commit suicide and disguise it as embezzlement.
- To cover up something.
- Cover up what? It's Lied.
He received money out of nowhere.
An enormous fortune.
The two, who knew about it, are dead.
I don't know how You know nothing.
It happens all the time.
Others were pressured.
This is really about a lot more money.
But a meaningless sacrifice for so much.
No one's following us.
"Abraham" was the last word Haugen said.
Kierkegaard called Abraham's sacrifice "the big leap".
At the sacrifice of not acting out of loyalty, but out of volition.
None of us wanted to sacrifice our children.
We were supposed to just shut up.
- Don't do any harm.
We created that rule.
- Rule? Abraham's covenant is all about not wanting to sacrifice your children.
- And now, then? - The snowball starts rolling.
It's impossible to stop.
Who threatens the children? Who? You wanted to reveal it.
You sent me the video.
You must stop this.
Write what you want.
You have my name, but nothing more.
You're here! I won't write anything, and you can keep the money.
- But what do you know about my brother? - You're not the one I'm afraid of.
- Who are you afraid of? - I haven't said anything.
This is my train.
What is Times World doing here? How did you know we'd be here? - How did you know? - Stop it! - I'm not a novelty, but a journalist! - We won't protect you anymore! The answer is no comment.
I heard about it but don't read the newspaper.
I don't know, what he did there so I can't comment on it.
Thank you.
- You need to go to the police.
- They leaked the photos.
- Who are "they"? - I don't know.
Help me.
Use the newspaper.
I can't help you.
I got fired.
This place isn't your friend.
Nor mine either.
There are on the internet.
I'm coming over.
Don't look at anything until I get there.
My God.
- What happened? - Ask rather what's happening.
You're my lawyer now.
You have to stop it.
That won't work.
I know.
I'll call you back again.
What suggestions do you have? - Andreas - We'll solve it.
Don't say you know my son better than I do.
So he's in Bergen.
How is he? Bring Andreas home.
Veras? Can you come with us? Otherwise we'll have to arrest you.
There's the election to the board in about a week.
- This is a small kick-off.
- Why do you like this? If you're a board member, you're assured of a cushy working life.
- Is the world so simple? - For us it is.
But I must continue.
My card is at the bar, I'll just go and get it.
We'll talk.
- Are you seeing my uncle? - Used to.
Mom said.
- Oh shit.
- We got to get home.
You were at a party at Treschow chasing Gisle Eie.
- I was the one who was beaten up.
- What's your relationship to the money? - I'm getting paid.
- Why do you have accounts abroad? Why do you have accounts in Swiss Credit Bern Holstein? Worth several millions? You think about it.
We'll get the facts ticking in here any minute.
We need to figure out what he's done.
- He's not in the office.
- You know something? - We have a minister.
There's more.
- Agreed.
But we need both.
Why do people die around him all the time? Get the desk to set up and print the front page, and you help me.
- How often have you hung up a cross? - The first time, yes.
It's a sacred act.
- What are you doing? - Switching the picture.
Same artist, but a different design.
It makes it better.
You must come and see this.
- What the heck is that number? - It's in the Bible somewhere.
The Pentateuch.
Quite early in the book.
Right after the creation.
Roll it up.
I decided to give you this.
Your son took everything else I had from Daniel.
This is what's left.
If there was something rotten in Daniel, he got it from you.
Then it went through your flesh and on to your offspring.
Enjoy the picture.
Particularly the backside.
- Andreas? I want you to come home.
- Yes, I understand.
- I don't know if you do.
- I'll get a flight tomorrow.
God forgive us.
God forgive us.
I talked to the chief editor.
Peter's been unstable for a long time.
We can get access to everything they have on him.
On one condition.
We have to hold him for a day.
What's going on? It must be more than they dislike him.
We'll hold him and see what more we can get.
- Shut up then.
- Give me your coat.
And watch.
You can't do this.
Who are you doing this for? You haven't got anything.
You haven't got anything! Hello! You've got nothing! - Your car's waiting outside.
- Don't talk to anyone.
You are on all the front pages.
Stay inside.
Don't answer the phone, don't read the newspaper.
You resign for family reasons.
Pointe finale.
Maybe I should take part in the decision? - I haven't done anything.
- You haven't played with open cards.
We'll find a new job for you.
But then you do as I say.
Otherwise, you'll know what power I have, both now and in the future.
Then there will be a brief announcement, and then a round of questions.
You haven't had a good day, I realize.
I was accused of passing on information to enrich others.
I was encouraged to resign and say I left for family reasons.
I'm the Minister of Justice, I'm a victim of a miscarriage of justice.
Should the Minister of Justice resign then? No.
I prefer not to before the charges are laid in a courtroom.
Something they won't do.
I refuse to be their victim.
- Any questions? - NRK goes first.
Do you deny having been a partner in Haugen's and Lied's companies? - Yes.
Any dealings with Lied.
- The internet newspaper.
Did you have anything to do with yesterday's suicide? - An unreasonably stupid question.
- Evening Post.
How can you direct a ministry and stand trial at the same time? That hasn't been done before.
You lied about my professional life and delved into my private life? We have a long day ahead of us Come on in.
Hello, Mikal.
What can we do for you? This is Tom Lied.
I hope he admits everything I should've known.
- Tom Lied.
- Can you get a triple americano? - What do you want? - Triple americano sounds good.
- You come here without a lawyer or everything.
- Sitting in the car.
In dismayed.
With PR.
What should I lift from your shoulders? The Minister is innocent, and I can prove it.
- And you? - I don't know if it's criminal I know Age Haugen forged signatures.
He lied about the minister's dealings with our companies.
And forged his signature many times.
- There should be consequences.
- Let's hope so.
We end up in a better light.
This hasn't been spoiled.
- Have you done anything I can imprison you for? - Not yet.
Can you take me to the toilets? I'm not so good at this.
- You were at the party.
- Yes, but it was dark there.
- On the outside, of course.
- Of course.
Light as a fart.
Must you do that? Andreas? Andreas! Andreas! There were some men.
They took him off toward the parking lot.

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