Mammon (2014) s02e01 Episode Script


"Beasts die, friends die, you will die yourself.
" "I know something that never dies, judgment on the one who's dead.
" From Havamal It doesn't matter what you meant.
What does it mean, "you meant well"? Stop whining.
If you want something 100% loyal, then get a fucking dog.
It's not my problem.
I have no problem.
I'll have the best year ever, and you know it.
Do you think I'm doing this to get famous? I am famous.
Lots of people would say this will be fun.
Do you understand? Stop.
We're finished talking.
Hi, it's me.
This day could hardly have gone much better for either of us.
One thing's for sure: I've never been after his job.
When I'm done writing, I've only got one thing to say: Now it's your turn.
OK! What do you want? Fine.
I can promise you I won't go public with it, but I don't think it'll help.
Episode 1: THE BLĂ“ Whose little girl are you? 17 hours earlier Daddy's? Here comes the big bunny! Here it comes! No, you ate me! No, no! It's your turn to stay at home.
She's got 38.
Isn't that within reasonable doubt? She stays at home.
People like you make diseases spread in kindergarten.
So all spread of diseases is my fault? It was you who said she's ill.
- So? - Whoever says she's ill, stays at home.
That's an idiotic rule.
We won't follow that.
- I do.
- I said we.
Me and our daughter.
- Where did you go yesterday? - An after-party with some journalists.
- So what was the point of me coming? - You seemed to enjoy yourself too.
I've stayed at home with her every time this year.
- And you reek of wine.
- Yeah, yeah No.
You'll meet me where I tell you and when I tell you.
I can't get any bloody sleep.
Sometimes I get short of breath without any warning.
- How's it going with your wife? - Fine.
- She complains about my insomnia.
- But is it going well? My God! 43 years.
Do you think I'd live with someone I don't like for 43 years? Your body's fine.
A bit old maybe.
And lose 10 kilos.
You could cut your hair 10 centimetres and not get any prettier.
- So insomnia is normal at my age? - I didn't say that.
- Oh fuck - The insomnia isn't physical, you know.
- Batman? Late today? - I don't have nicknames.
- See it as affection.
- Did you see the school coverage? - Very good.
- Boring, Hammern said.
Never mind that, I'll see him later.
Remember to include our findings.
We did a lot of good research and That's good.
I'll take care of it.
If people wanted opinions and tits in the same paper, they'd be the biggest.
When I know that she had a tip-off and didn't follow it up - Why did she throw a wine glass? - Could we start? I asked: Are you a journalist or a culture journalist? She said it's the same thing.
I said journalists can do more than write.
We can write, do maths and read.
She didn't get that.
I said I'd quit if she knew the total funding of books, movies and TV.
- The three things she covers.
- And then? - The wine glass flew.
- Let's start.
I have started.
Victoria, comment on China's initiative yesterday.
Asa - Sit down, so we can get started.
- Where's Peter? Writing a crime novel where all the critics die.
- He was there when I left.
- He's got things to handle.
- Clearly.
- The education plan is launched today.
They kept it quiet.
Admirable that they kept it from us.
It must be because the finance minister is against messing with the budget.
- Won't the PM put his foot down? - I'm sure he will soon.
His fancy talk bores me.
His big words diminish his actions.
- You're a minority.
- What's he achieved? I'll write a leader and attend the launch.
- No need.
I'm going.
- Nothing much will happen.
- You talk to the finance minister.
- I am going anyway.
- Nothing will happen.
- You know everything, do you? - Shall we take China? - China's a big country.
- China's a big word.
- Most people live there.
Let's start! Put that paper down and stop this chit-chat! - Do you have children at that school? - No, it's work.
- Are you a teacher? - The PM's coming.
A press conference.
- You're a journalist? - Yes.
- Where? - VG.
That's the only paper I read.
Peter, where the hell are you? Call me.
I like Hammern.
He's good.
I see him on TV.
He goes for it and isn't bothered by what others think.
- That simple.
- Do you know him? - Yeah.
I'm his boss.
- That's cool.
You don't see it as a problem that we lost 40 billion in Asia in 30 days? No, I don't.
Don't you understand that? - No.
- We lost 40 billion.
That's within my mandate.
You must see the big picture.
Our investments don't just buy values.
They buy confidence.
Samsung and LG lost 10% in the last quarter.
That's the main reason.
Their growth potential is underestimated.
The rest of the loss makes our position stronger.
The kindergarten called.
Your daughter has a fever.
Is she in kindergarten? Call my husband.
Ask him to wait on the phone.
We were right to buy up despite the falling exchange rate.
If you knew, why didn't you wait until it went down? 40 billion is We should have invested in Japanese cars.
Japan wants our oil fund as long-term owners Objectively speaking, oil and cars don't have the same potential.
That's your opinion.
The loss speaks for itself.
If you're handling Asia, you must see both sides.
No, this is facts.
And facts, as we know, don't have more than one side.
Four billion Asians will soon buy cars, and China won't let them be Japanese.
But for how long If we invest big in Japanese cars, then we won't get into the Chinese car industry.
I agree.
China is bigger than Japan.
- When will the first opening come? - We'll need to move in fast.
Sorry, your husband had to go to a meeting.
I'm in charge of Asia because my calculations, or "opinions", so far have had far fewer deviations than other people's.
Especially yours.
And that's a fact.
There you go.
That's nice, isn't it? - Are you there? - You took her to kindergarten anyway? She was fine when I dropped her off.
- Do you know what she'd said? - No.
That Daddy put a pill in her bottom and she shouldn't tell.
I gave her a pill to prevent the fever from rising any further.
You lie and teach a four-year-old to lie.
You're a shit! - OK, I'll take some criticism.
- I can't be bothered with this.
Testing, testing Houston, we have a solution.
This is what it looks like when the Dovre mountains crumble.
- Still a faithful follower? - Still sarcastic? I'm actually working for someone many people think will achieve great things.
- Politics suit you.
- I know your opinion of me.
- But he gave me a chance.
- I think he's very good.
- He knows I won't repeat my mistake.
- As long as that's what he thinks Shit, half an hour early.
They'll go mental in there.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Please answer your phone one day.
The Progress Party nominated another Chinese Nobel candidate.
The finance minister's sulking.
- Why is he sulking? - We'll come to that later.
We must meet one day.
I think you'll like what we have to offer.
Where's the canteen? Don't mention the finance minister's moods.
- He almost turned up.
That's a start.
- Don't provoke a grumpy man.
- A beaten man.
- I'll be an angel.
Let's see if he is.
I'm only saying that the displeased angel created trouble.
Could we keep references to Lucifer to a minimum while I talk to my daughter? Hi! Are you calling to wish me good luck? You're here? Where? - You here? - I invited myself.
You should have told me.
I would have made it nice.
I didn't want to be in your way.
- Sorry about this morning.
-It's healthy to disagree with your dad.
This is yours? Stand at the back with Inger Marie, to avoid being a target.
- I won't help you get votes.
- No need.
I'll just put some LOLs into the speech.
Then you'll lose the few votes you have.
Get yourself some food.
That's close enough.
- She shouldn't be here.
- I didn't know.
- People mustn't think that I use her.
- No.
My responsibility.
Your speech.
Will you take your tie off? No.
I don't think so.
- Hi.
- Miriam.
Pleased to meet you.
Knowledge is the new oil Jesus Dagbladet is stressing more than the state channel.
- The crown prince looks happy.
- How long will he stay crown prince? - Only take questions from students.
- We'll see what transpires.
Begin with the ideal school.
- OK? - OK.
Thank you, thank you.
I was just given an omelette, and an egg by a young woman in the canteen called Miriam.
It was worthy of a king.
More than good enough for me, a humble PM.
- Why isn't he sticking to the script? - Have faith.
They say you must break some eggs to make an omelette.
It takes much more.
Most of all it takes knowledge, about the egg as an ingredient.
And Miriam has knowledge.
Not as a cook, but as a biologist without a job in biology.
Seven years of education, two from Paris, five from Iran.
Her surname is obviously a hindrance, it isn't Hansen, Pedersen or Woll.
Her name is Miriam Ahmad Ibn Rushd.
Norwegian companies don't like her surname.
And I fear that they don't like her skin colour either.
Nothing wrong with being a cook, but there's something wrong, with the colour vision in some parts of Norway.
She's probably Lena from Jessheim.
It's worse if you know the origin of the name.
It was the name of the Muslim philosopher, Abu-l-Walid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad-Ibn-Rushd.
He was an important factor, in a small 200 year period of time called the Renaissance.
He brought the knowledge of Plato and Aristotle back to a Europe which Dagbladet will present something big, now.
- Now? - I got a text.
See if you can stop it.
and the clutches of the Vikings, us.
As a beam of light in the Dark Ages, he showed the way to the future.
That's what knowledge does, it shines a light and shows the way to the future.
We must become a country that can sell knowledge when the oil's run out.
We must become a country which dares to pay what it costs, to invest in you young people, because you must come first.
We must become a country for Miriam Ibn Rushd.
Because we don't need fewer good forces, we need more! You have to come now.
To the car.
We're often called "The Money Party".
Rightfully so, some would say.
But we won't be that anymore.
We'll be the party that invests in knowledge.
"The PM butchers his own finance minister.
See video" - What's going on? - Something's been posted about you.
- What's been posted about me? - We'll talk in the car.
We've got the opportunity, and our party has the will.
This time it's knowledge we have to export.
A new Viking era, in reverse.
This time we'll go out and make the world better.
I haven't got to the exciting part yet.
What's this? You've given a devastating character assassination, of your own finance minister, it just emerged.
- Where? - In a "Brennpunkt" interview with you.
It's just been published on our web pages.
He's bitter and disappointed, and he's my second-in-command.
-That would make it difficult.
- Why did you choose him? - That's other people's property.
- I never chose him.
It was to keep the peace in the party.
His problem is, he has no vision, typical of many career politicians.
If you lack vision, you will appear to seek power, without people understanding what you'll use it for.
He's kind of like Count Skule.
One who wants power, who wants his place in history, but doesn't quite know why, he just wants it.
Then you are When he's finally caught with his trousers down, he's pissing on me.
These are your words about your policies.
That interview was given to NRK for release after I step down.
What was the purpose? There will be more of this.
I obviously didn't brief you properly.
We'll stop this press conference now.
Why did you make these comments? Nothing happened here Phone him now.
I want to know who in NRK leaked this.
A list of all those who had access, and who they suspect.
- And a list of who you think it was.
- When were you interviewed? We agreed to talk to "Brennpunkt" if they released it after he steps down.
- And you tell me now? - There's more.
The worst is yet to come - Cancel the debate on NHO.
- I need to know what else will emerge.
Then promise the shitty paper behind this, an exclusive interview if I get to see the video before more is released.
If they don't accept, threaten to take it to TV2.
I'll promise them the first interview.
I won't say when.
Ibsen Bloody hell, he makes me sick.
I'll give him a place in history, a bloody dark place.
- Get that video.
- We have to cancel that debate.
We won't fucking cancel anything! - Never mind me, I just want that book.
- Don't act tough, Peter.
- The book.
- Should I leave? - No, stay where you are.
- What are you doing? This is working well, isn't it? What do you think? - I'm not sure.
- Do you want to talk about it? We're done talking.
Can I have my book? Leave your keys.
Enjoy yourselves.
Find out what his party thinks.
Local politicians, the parliamentary group We must get ahead.
Can't we put out that video? Why not? It's on YouTube, we'll just call it a facsimile.
- Good.
With our contacts - This is unbelievable.
- What? - You don't see the problem.
Why was this leaked to them and not us? There's something fishy about a tiny online paper getting this, not us.
We're biggest on web and mobile and look for every power-hungry person.
If it wasn't for one person here who sucks up to government and is boring, then those who wanted to hurt the PM, would have leaked to us, not them.
OK, guys.
We're in the shit, let's not talk about why we are there.
Our competitor can have one day of glory, not two.
Commentators, go and find your angle.
I'll take it from here.
- See you later.
My office.
You too.
- Sure.
I'm just the messenger.
- They often go down first.
- Just stating the problem.
You calm down.
Or I'll spell it out in big letters.
I'm going to NHO.
The finance minister is debating the state budget, with a guy from Labour.
With this focus on him, that's a priority.
I'm going to NRK.
- You're going on TV? - It's in my contract if you read it.
Then I want a comment for the web right after transmission.
That's also in your contract, isn't it? What's going on? Where are you going? Hey! What's happening? I've completely lost control up there.
He knocks the air out of me.
He's everywhere, like a wall of shit.
He's only winding you up because he wants your job.
- Give it a rest.
- What? I don't fucking know Last week My wife sent me to the doctor today.
I can't sleep.
Peter Please talk to him and ask him to stop to always want something else.
I'm no relationship councillor.
But you're like him! Well, only nicer.
He's got respect for you.
I can't.
And that's because of his girlfriend.
- No? - Yes.
- Did you fuck her yesterday? - Shut up, not so loud.
- Yesterday we only talked.
- Oh shit.
- Forget everything I asked you to do.
- Yeah, right? You go to the NHO panel and watch the finance minister there.
Go on.
- You do that.
- Exactly what I'm going to do.
- Shall we be nice? - Said the elephant in the greenhouse.
- With his trunk full of stones.
- It's both our jobs to look into today.
OK, absurd as it sounds, I've got no problem with you.
But I don't mind a chat.
Exchanging tips, talking about the old days.
When we were a news channel of substance, forcing leaders to resign.
- Yeah, let's do that.
- But the elephant in the greenhouse My wife may be Danish and liberal, but I don't accept you putting your trunk where my daughter came out.
Peter, you must realise that all is not good with your father.
- What? - I mean Mathiesen.
Isn't he the dad you always wanted? I don't think you're no good.
I think you're damn good.
Just as good as you suck at writing crime.
And you're writing two more books? Shit.
I don't care what you think of me.
Leave him alone.
You know, sometimes good things come from creating hell.
The finance minister would rather talk about the budget leaks.
But all in due time.
Firstly, in your opinion what's the oil fund's mandate and organisation? So, Labour asks me to repeat how we manage our 7,000 billion kroner? You should know that.
The mandate was developed and put into writing by your own party.
And if you were in doubt, you could use, say the Internet.
We're not here to bore the crowd, are we? I've seen more of that video interview than what's online.
Where your boss says the budgetary rule is an arbitrary number that's turned into a dogma people think is God-given, and which stands to fall.
Should we change the budgetary rule to increase spending? Should we spend from the oil fund? Good causes win elections.
I've tried in vain to read up on it, from the Internet, was it? Or your party program.
Shall I read it aloud? Or didn't you know that your boss wants to change your finance policies? I want to see that video.
No more body blows.
Move the meeting.
And don't disturb.
No one's put me in this situation before.
Now it's twice in a day.
- We need to have a little talk.
- A little talk, right.
Of course.
It's important to maintain moral on the team now.
- Think about who leaked this and why.
- Me first.
Let's start with you planning to turn our finance policies upside down.
- This was taken out of context.
- Me first! Some fruit? I may not have your fancy Harvard background.
But you compare me to Count Skule, who would become a king killer.
Yes, in the interview I said you were bitter.
It was taken out of context.
And your statements on the oil fund are stupid in any context.
Most annoying is your lack of taste.
Count Skule was an impotent man.
- I'm hardly known as impotent.
- You don't like to lose.
- I also say that my plan for you - "My plan for you"? In the interview I say I'll only stay till the end of next term, and that my plan for you is that you'll be the next Conservative PM.
You have been bitter.
But you're my best successor.
And no Norwegian or European PM have had a good third term.
It's all in that footage.
And I can throw myself on the ground before you, in public.
But not if you want to go to war.
Think about who leaked this and what they want to achieve.
Get that video, and book some interviews.
At best one could say that he's sweet.
But that's so naive.
He's had the most confidence, especially amongst the young.
He's weakened.
To think out loud on the oil fund, without consulting your finance minister You shouldn't have been there today.
- If you don't want me to go, OK.
- You'll study in the US, but not yet.
- Because? - I went at 17, that was far too young.
- You were a boy.
- And young, stupid, immature, liberal.
This is the last year you live with your dad.
And you must finish college.
I don't have to.
Try to go yourself.
What you're trying to do with education isn't lost because of one bad day.
You just can't do any more secret interviews for a while.
I'm not saying that.
We would have put the video out too.
The time when we protected each other is fortunately gone.
But we wouldn't have gone out with it in a press conference.
A tweet would have been sufficient.
Yes, I want to check the quotes.
Right Now it's you two.
I hate office politics, as you know.
But the level of conflict between you two is so bad I have to step in.
- You first.
- We need a new political editor.
It's nothing personal, and it won't be me, but we need one.
Our political coverage has dried up, and everybody blames the editor.
- You phone around slagging me off.
- Where did you hear that? I found someone who doesn't like you, which wasn't difficult.
He told me.
He writes well, but I can't have someone I fight on a daily basis! - I'll tell you who I talked to! - Good.
- I'll tell you who I talked to - Shut up, both of you! Someone said it's easier to lead men.
But ten grumpy women would have been better.
No, listen.
You must understand, you work for VG, not the other way around.
And if I hear you talk badly about your colleagues, you're finished.
Your job is to write, not to lead that department.
Do you understand that? I don't want to lead anything.
I just want to work at the best place.
And that won't be here for much longer.
Get out.
- Thank you.
- Don't thank me yet.
- What? - You knew my father, right? He was well liked and respected by those who didn't know him well.
You could say I knew him well.
I have one rule, to do exactly the opposite to him.
Sounds wise.
The problem is, in my situation now, he would have let you stay on as political editor, to avoid losing face.
- You know he'll see that as a victory? - He's more capricious than talented.
- He'll be gone before long.
- Before long? Imagine a court case against him now.
He wants to be on TV! And I'm sure he'll get an offer soon.
But back to you.
What would you do in my situation? A worse job.
I'm going to appoint someone else.
You stay as a commentator.
Don't give him the pleasure of seeing this affecting you.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Nice to see you yesterday.
I was about to call you.
Don't worry about that.
Let's forget about yesterday.
- OK.
- Bye! - You know why you stand here now! - No, I fucking don't! Did you see this? If you wrote it, I'll cut your dick off and feed it to you! You can do what the fuck you want! Go home! Did Daddy send you? Stop your bullying! Can't we just be nice at work? Is this nice? - Fuck this! - Are we going to be nice? - You have people here? - Yeah.
- Don't make a big song and dance.
- I won't.
Here's Peter.
He was thrown out by his girlfriend, so he's come here for consolation.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
- Do you have plaster? - Sure.
How did she take it? - She's moved on in life.
- What did you do to your hand? - It's nothing.
- Let me see.
Have you been in a fight? - Just someone at work.
- How childish.
He bullies Mathiesen.
I told him to stop.
Sorry, this isn't good.
Hi, it's me.
This day could hardly have gone better for either of us.
One thing's for sure.
Mathiesen is no longer political editor.
When I've finished writing this, I can pick and choose between jobs.
I only have one thing to say: Now it's your turn.
We have to talk about Hammern.
What are you doing? Thorgrim? Thorgrim? Thorgrim, what's happening? What's happening? - Take good care of our little girl.
- Thorgrim? Thorgrim? Thorgrim? It's Ellen Clausen.
I think my husband, Thorgrim Hammern, has been shot.
He works for VG.
I don't know where he is.
- Hi.
- They say a man's been shot.
- What? Who? - I don't know.
- Where, in the office? - No, in the garage.
Excuse me.
Hello? Yes, that's me.
What? Take this, Hammern's PC.
Put it in the car.
- What's happening? - They've cordoned off the garage.
- We can't take photos.
- The security cameras? The police took them.
The car park company have their own.
- They have their own cameras? - Yes, the video's on its way.
Wait, freeze the frame.
Is that a tag? It's impossible to read it.
They're killing journalists.
- It's IS.
- That's why they've banned pictures.
- My God, have they come here? - "Death to Heathens" it says.
- Death to heathens? - Then some letters, CKSJ.
- CKSJ? - I don't know what it means.
Run it forward.
He knew that camera was there.
That's why the car had to be there.
He wanted to be filmed.
He wanted to be broadcast.
- You go to see his wife.
- Yeah.
You come with me, Peter.
Did you hear? Thorgrim Hammern's been killed.
I talked to him on the phone.
Just now.

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