Masters of the Air (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Part Two

Here, let me see that face.
You ought to report to the hospital
after interrogation. You got it?
Yes, sir.
You want this?
No. Thank you, Doc.
Thank you.
- Some coffee, Major?
- John? Some coffee.
[BUCKY] Ms. Tatty.
- Give me that.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
Came through the clouds about 5:00 high.
I mean, I couldn't see anything.
Are you fucking kidding me?
The EAs are like ghosts.
Hinton said he saw four chutes,
but I didn't see any.
There was cloud cover, start to end.
It was a it was a soup, Lieutenant.
- Couldn't see.
- Islands?
Geez, I never saw any islands.
At that point, I saw muzzle
flashes. No bursts.
Yeah, I mean, those 190s,
they screech right by us at what?
500 miles per hour?
Chutes? Did anyone see any chutes?
[CREW MEMBER 1] No, Major.
It was chaos up there.
There was zero visibility.
Hard to see anything.
gonna show the Major your wounds.
Yes, sir.
Bosser's frostbite is gonna require
more attention than we can give him here.
[BUCK] Hang in there, Bosser.
We're gonna send you
to Redgrave Hospital.
Get you all fixed up.
Can't wait to get back
in the fight, sir.
[BUCK] Good man.
They have got to remember
where they are.
It is 25,000 feet and 50 below zero.
Their piss freezes against their skin.
These sorts of casualties are
unnecessary losses for the group.
Not to mention, we just lost another CO.
- Huglin?
- Yeah.
He burst an ulcer when he landed.
I've just put him on a transport
to London to see a specialist.
- Okay. Thank you, Doc.
- All right.
I mean, Christ. What kind of
idiot am I? It's freezing cold,
and I got to grab the gun
with my bare hands.
[CURT] In that icebox?
- Could've been worse.
Well, it's not happening again.
- Good.
- [BUCK] Gentlemen.
All right. Heal fast, Dickie.
I need my copilot back.
- Thanks, Curt.
- Take care.
Uh, Bucky and I kind of thought
we should have some drinks
with a few of the boys.
You want to come?
Oh. Thank you, Curt. I'm-I'm gonna
I'm gonna stay in tonight.
- Okay.
- All right.
- You tell the others for me?
- Of course. Take care.
How you doing, Dickie?
Here's to Adams. Schmalenbach.
And all their brave men.
[CURT] You good?
Do you feel anything?
- Huh?
- [BUCKY] You feel anything?
Mmm. Yeah. I miss those guys.
Because me, I don't
I don't feel a thing.
Can you do me a favor?
- What?
- Come here.
I want you to hit me.
That's an order. Come on.
All right.
I want you to land one right on my beak.
- Right here.
- Major.
Don't give me "Major". I don't
want "Major". Ranks off.
- Stop horsing around, man.
Horsing around? I'm not a horse.
- Huh?
- Huh?
- Stop
- You're from New York, right?
So, hit me. [GRUNTS]
I felt that, Curt.
All right, Meatball.
I gotta meet that goddamn new CO.
First thing tomorrow. [SIGHS]
Today is tomorrow.
[COLONEL] You hungover, Major?
No, sir.
That won't come for
another couple hours.
You're still drunk.
Coffee sharpened me, sir.
Colonel Huglin didn't think much
of your skills as an Air Exec.
- Well, I didn't think too much of
- [COLONEL] Too much of his flying?
Well, I ain't Colonel Huglin.
No, you're not. [SIGHS]
- [BUCKY] Can I get some coffee?
- [SERVER] Yes, sir.
I got demoted.
[BUCK] To?
CO of the 418th squadron.
Sorry, Jack. The boys
are back with me again.
Long as I get my fort back.
[SMACKS LIPS] Yeah, Harding
wants to see about that.
What? I'm Air Exec?
- You son of a bitch.
- [BUCKY] Wasn't my idea.
Huglin recommended you.
Then you're both sons of bitches.
Goddamn Air Exec.
Look at it this way.
LeMay thinks we're
the least disciplined bomb group
in the entire wing, maybe
you can make a difference.
I don't wanna be the guy
wiping your ass, Bucky.
- [SERVER] Major.
- Thank you.
You got up early this morning.
Did I?
See Colonel Harding before me?
Oh, I can read upside down, Buck.
All I said was the army's right
about you being a leader.
That you lead best as
a squadron commander.
You don't got to send me any flowers.
I made one last request
before being demoted.
- [BUCK] Hmm.
- I want to write the letters
to the families of the boys that
I think it would be better
coming from from me,
not someone that they never met.
I'll help you.
I'd appreciate that.
You know, uh
if this whole thing ended
and there were only two
pilots left up in the air
It'd be me and it'd be you, Buck.
Don't count on it.
[CROSBY] Every man who flew a B-17
thanked God for our ground crews.
There was no glory in what they did.
No medals were handed out
for patching flak holes
or rebuilding carburetors.
Our crew chiefs were responsible
for keeping our planes in the air
on any given mission.
Which meant they were responsible
for the lives of dozens of men.
Corporal Ken Lemmons was
one of our best crew chiefs.
He was 19 years old.
[KID] Lemmons! [LAUGHS]
Hot potato flying in.
That's one hot bastard.
You ought to get one of these.
What do you think?
Salt and pepper like you asked.
- It's perfect.
- Anything else?
See here.
This bird's been dripping oil.
- See it?
- Oh, yeah.
Tomorrow after the boys take off,
we're gonna clean the hardstands.
What are we gonna clean it with?
- Fire!
- [LEMMONS] Fire.
- What?
- Fire.
- [LEMMONS] I could use some help.
- [KID] Yes, please.
- What happened?
- Uh, practice mission.
He went into his turn
too early, too slow.
Stalled out.
Who was it?
[BOWMAN] One of the 349th. New crew.
[JACK] That's six forts
in less than three weeks.
We're still waiting on replacement
forts from Podington.
I am hoping to get one or
two of those next week.
Bill, you'll get both of those.
Thank you, sir.
Lastly, we're already down
66 combat aircrewmen.
Out of our starting strength of 350.
Until we get the other
replacement crews,
we're gonna have to make
do with what we've got.
Turner, if a mission
order comes in tonight,
some of your crew are gonna have to fly
- with the 349th.
- [TURNER] Yes, sir.
- Buck, same goes for you.
- Yes, sir.
That's it. Dismissed.
Yes, sir.
There we go. I'm going
to bank that, boys. Whoo!
- You're not gonna do it.
- Watch me. [BLOWS]
- Moxie on this guy. Come on.
- Come on, baby. [BLOWS] Come on, baby!
That's how it goes! That's how it goes.
You've got to have the worst
luck I've ever seen, Quinn.
- Ooh.
- Well, dang.
Well, in dice, I mean.
Yeah, you better. 'Cause if I
ever go down, we all go down.
- [CLIFF] Come on. Lighten up.
- [SOLDIER 1] Okay.
[SOLDIER 2] That's him told.
- Alice From Dallas.
- Ooh.
- Alice, our palace.
- Alice is our dame.
- Dame!
- She certainly is.
Tommy, Tommy.
[TOMMY] Major.
- Lil.
- John.
- Major.
- Major Dye.
Could I get, uh, six whiskeys
and a ginger beer?
- [BARTENDER] Coming up, mate.
- [CAPTAIN] I admire you Americans.
You're up there in broad daylight,
seemingly oblivious to the downsides.
I I don't understand
what you're saying, Captain.
Never mind, old boy.
One for the higher-ups.
It's a question of philosophies.
We bomb at night
because it doesn't matter
what we hit, so long as it's German.
But bombing during the day is suicide.
I could foresee in the future,
American strategy adjusting
due to the unfortunate losses
you'll no doubt continue to suffer.
- Maths?
- I mean, maybe if you bombed
during the day, you'd hit your targets.
And why the hell do you Brits
add an S on the end of math?
Because there's more than one of them.
[MOCKING] There's more than one of them.
I can see more than one of you too.
- I could knock all of you out.
- [VEAL] Okay. Okay.
- Probably in one punch. In one punch.
- This ought to wet your whistle, boys.
- I'm sorry.
- [CURT] God.
- [BUCKY] Oh, thanks, Croz.
- [CURT] You are beautiful.
- That is a ginger beer.
[CURT] My hero.
How about a song? I
heard you sing, Major.
- Pick one. What's your favorite?
- [BUCKY] Good idea.
Hey. You want to get Major excited?
- Baseball.
- Specifically Yankees.
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah. Yeah.
- [BUCKY] Oh, my buddy Buck here,
he thinks they're a waste
of time, don't you?
- It's not just sports he doesn't follow.
- Huh? Huh?
- Hey, Buck?
I mean, you don't follow anyone, do you?
- I follow you, Curt.
And he would still find
a way to show off.
For example, I You-You
remember Walla Walla?
- Yeah.
- [CURT] We had a visit from wing.
Cleven here, slow-timing
Hollenbeck's engines.
Just so they remembered who he was,
- he buzzed the tower
- all engines feathered. I
- No. Three Three engines.
- He still had one.
- I remember
- he called you "One Engine Cleven".
- Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey.
I'm-I'm telling the story here,
all right? It's my story.
It's four engines.
Next thing, I see this fort
sailing 25 feet over the runway.
Silent as the grave.
- [JACK] Beautiful.
- [CURT] Hmm.
Wanted to do that all my life.
- [JACK] I'll drink to that.
No Engine Cleven.
[SOLDIERS] No Engine Cleven. No Engine
Cleven. Here we go. Hear, hear.
Would you rather have been
a fighter pilot, Major?
Buck is a fighter pilot. A fighter
pilot who happens to fly a bus.
- And so are you, Bucky.
- So are you.
So, let me get this straight.
Y-You're Buck and he's Bucky?
Is there a shortage of nicknames
in the 100th?
No. Just a shortage of crews.
Ah. Mmm.
- [BUCKY] Mmm.
- Pity.
[SIGHS] Pity. Pity.
Yeah. Pity, pity, pity,
pity, pity, pity. What?
I said it's a pity.
You'd have more if you
flew your missions at night.
Why'd you have to go and
say something like that?
Well, perhaps I was getting bored
of all of the heavy petting going on
at your end of the table.
I don't even know what that means.
[BUCKY, VEAL] What does that mean?
- Know what that means?
- I don't know.
What does that mean?
Let's make a bit of sport
ourselves. How about it?
- [CURT] Mmm.
- Any one of you will do.
- I think that's an excellent idea.
- [CURT LAUGHS] Oh, here we go.
Hey, hey! Please.
I want this guy. Please let me.
I'll owe you one.
- I've got this, okay?
Please. [CHUCKLES] I got it.
- I got it.
- Okay, but you owe me one.
- Ladies, let's go.
- Shall we?
- [CURT] After you.
- Good man.
Oh. He's a He's a sweet guy,
but he recently had the clap.
I'm just saying.
There you go.
What does RAF mean?
- Riffraff.
- Hey!
- Aah!
Won't be a second, gentlemen.
Time to show them what we're made of.
So, now why does this
sport interest you?
- Boxing?
- Mm-hmm.
Test of manhood.
That so?
About as true a measure
of your will to fight as any,
and it's man-to-man.
Oh, so you just don't like team sports?
How'd you end up commander of a
plane leading a squadron in a war,
where you don't want to be
on the losing side,
and still not like team sports?
I just don't lose sleep over whether
the pinstripes beat the polka dots.
[SIGHS] Right. Well, we're
all just uniforms anyways.
You know that?
Now, seeing as you like to do
your fighting at night, Bryan.
Oh, hey.
Hey! Come on, come on.
- [CURT] Oof. Must have felt that, right?
- Oh.
All right. All right. Give him some room.
Guess who can hit their target at night!
- [CHUCK] What did I tell you? Pay up.
- Is he all right?
- Sir, let me help you. Get up. Come on.
- That was too much of that.
- Hey. Too much
That's what that was.
I got a nickname for you
and it ain't Buck!
- For God's sake.
- [RAF PILOT] Show's over, fellas.
- Oh! Never mess with the Irish!
- [RAF PILOT] Follow me.
- [BUCKY] Pity. Pity. It's a pity. [LAUGHS]
[VEAL] Oh, what a shame.
[CROSBY] The British Royal Air Force
and the American Army Air Force
had two very different approaches
to the bombing campaign against Germany.
The Americans pursued
daylight precision bombing,
an effort to destroy specific
military or economic targets.
The British, who had been at war
with the Nazis for nearly four years
practiced nighttime area bombing.
It was indiscriminate and deadly.
Which was more effective depended
on which uniform you wore.
There was only one reason
the Americans could even attempt
something as difficult and dangerous
as precision bombing.
The Norden bombsight.
Outside the atomic bomb,
it was the most closely
held secret of the war.
At night, while the crews slept,
the rest of the base worked tirelessly
to get the flight plans,
equipment and planes ready.
Whether ordnance or intelligence,
they prepared us for every mission.
And even though they
remained at the base,
in a way, they were
on every flight with us
and would not relax until we came home.
- [ORDERLY] Major Egan, sir?
- I'm up.
- [ORDERLY] Sir.
- [BUCK] Yeah.
I bet you a carton we're
in the low-low again.
- You think?
- [ADJUTANT] Ah-ten-hut!
[HARDING] At ease, gentlemen.
[HARDING] Good morning, men.
[SOLDIERS] Good morning, sir.
The 100th will be leading the wing
on today's mission.
[HARDING] Major Egan will be
the wing's command pilot
in Blakely's fort.
- And the target for today
- is
the submarine pens
in Trondheim, Norway.
We have a problem, Major.
- What?
- Bubbles.
He's sick as a dog. [BLOWS]
Oh, the hell you can.
[SIGHS] Who do we have?
Sheesh, Bubbles. You look like shit.
[BUBBLES] Save the compliments.
- We're leading the wing today.
- What?
- I can't lead a wing, Bubble I can't
- You can lead a wing.
It's just like any other mission.
We assemble the squadron at 2,000
over Splasher Six at H plus 0112.
- You following me?
- Great Yarmouth. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Don't be nervous. Croz, take this.
It's my lucky snow globe.
[BREATHES HEAVILY] I want it back.
Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.
Booster pumps, pressure?
Pumps on. Pressure's good.
Fuel quantity?
Good. We're ready to start.
Welcome aboard, Lieutenant.
- Came as quick as I could, Major.
- All right.
Well, store your gear
and get ready for takeoff.
We're not going to be
the reason this goes off late.
Starting one.
Harry Crosby.
Oh, like Bing?
- Yeah.
- Do you sing?
[SIGHS] They kicked me out of choir.
That's us.
All right.
Good luck, fellas.
Seventy, 80, 90, 100.
Gear up.
Climb power.
- [DOUGLASS] You okay?
- Huh?
I said, are you okay?
Oh. Yeah. It's, uh
It's my first time in the lead.
Yeah, well, I've seen Bubbles
do it a million times.
Can't be that hard.
- Ready to clean this thing?
- [BOTH] Yes.
- Yeah? Let's go!
- Yeah!
- Right. Let's go.
- [KID] On your side.
[LEMMONS] Where do you
want it? Down here?
[GROUND CREWMAN] Pour it over here?
What do you say?
[BOTH] Fire in the hole!
- [LEMMONS] Look at that.
And that's how you clean a hardstand.
That's one hot bastard.
[DOUGLASS] Bombardier to command
pilot. I'm gonna pull the fuse pins.
[BUCKY] Roger.
[CROSBY] Navigator to command
pilot. 95th at 3:00.
[BUCKY] Roger, navigator. I have visual.
Uh, command pilot to tail.
How we looking back there?
Well, Major, depends
who you're asking about.
Buck's element is in a V.
But the rest of them look
like an S, if you ask me.
They're all over the place.
[BUCKY] Command pilot to top turret.
Send out a flare and see
if they'll get in formation.
[ENGINEER] Roger. Wilco.
[BUCKY] Come on, boys. Let's tighten up.
[BLAKELY] Pilot to navigator.
New heading?
Wake up, Lieutenant.
[BUCKY] Crosby, heading?
[CROSBY] Turn right to heading 017.
Roger. 017 degrees.
- Ah, great. You're sick.
- No, only at first. It goes away.
Just don't tell anyone.
Just put your mask on and
read the damn maps. Come on.
[BUCK] Get ready to make
the turn to the IP soon.
My timing says we should
be there any second now.
[CURT] Hey, what's going on up there?
Shouldn't we be turning by now?
[DICKIE] It's all right,
Curt. Lead will handle it.
[CURT] Uh-huh.
Command pilot to navigator.
How are we doing, Crosby?
Uh. Yeah. Good, sir.
Just, um Just doing
some calculations, Major.
[WHISPERING] There you are.
[NORMAL] Right turn now to 075 degrees.
Nine minutes to the IP. You can
see the Kraut smoke screen.
[BUCKY] We got it, Croz.
- Right turn to 075 degrees.
[BLAKELY] Inbound to the target.
Another right turn to 140.
[BUCKY] Flak, 12:00 level.
Hang in there, fellas. Almost there.
Bombardier to pilot. I got
it. Ready for autopilot.
[BLAKELY] Uh, holding straight
and level at 155
indicated airspeed. Autopilot on.
Pilot to bombardier.
The ship's all yours.
Roger. My aircraft. Bomb
bay doors coming open.
[BUCKY] Shit. That was close.
[GUNNER 1] Ball to crew,
flak, 11:00, low.
[GUNNER 2] Waist to crew!
Flak two 3:00, level!
[GUNNER 3] Are you okay?
[GUNNER 2] Yeah.
[DOUGLASS] Eyepiece.
- [CROSBY] Jesus Christ.
[DICKIE] Engine three has been hit bad.
[CURT] Shit!
[DICKIE] Pressure on
engine one is dropping too.
[CURT] Yeah, I got fuel
spraying like a geyser over here.
Shutting down fuel. Feathering.
[DICKIE] I've got mixture and throttle.
Cleven. Biddick's been hit.
[BUCK] Jesus. Roger that.
Navigator, mark it in the log.
You okay?
[DOUGLASS] Jesus Christ. Yeah!
Just protecting the goods, Croz.
Bombs away.
Bomb bay doors closing.
Bombsight secure.
Bombardier to pilots, it's your plane.
Roger that.
[CROSBY] Navigator to pilot.
Another left turn to 106
to the rally point.
[BUCKY] Roger, wilco.
[BUCK] Pilot to top turret.
How's Biddick looking?
[TOP TURRET] Top to pilot.
He's been hit on the starboard side.
He's slowing down.
[BUCK] Roger. Keep an eye on him.
[CURT] Oh, shit.
It's pulling to the right.
[DICKIE] Yeah, engine
four's not looking too happy.
[CURT] We're falling too far behind.
Going to max continuous power.
Let's get the boost pumps on.
If engine four is going,
maybe the others are too.
All right, let's warm them up
with the intercoolers.
Let's see if that helps.
[DICKIE] No. It's getting worse.
Shit. All right. Shut it
down. Shut it down.
We're dropping out.
We're gonna radio Cleven.
Redmeat 3 to Redmeat Lead.
We're two engines down. We
can't keep up with you guys.
We're gonna have to drop out. Over.
[BUCK] Roger, Redmeat
3. Is it a fuel problem?
[CURT] Negative. Flak took engine one.
Four was backfiring and shaking.
[SIGHS] We tried everything. Out.
Roger, Redmeat 3. Stand by.
Redmeat Lead to Pacer Lead.
Redmeat 3 is two engines down
and they might lose another.
They can't keep up this pace.
[BUCKY] Roger.
Zootsuit Lead to Zootsuit.
We got a straggler.
We're gonna throttle down and
stick with him. Await instructions.
Let's slow her down to 130.
[BLAKELY] I got you.
[LAUGHS] It helps to have friends
in high places. Huh, Dick?
Whoo! You can say that again.
[BUCKY] Crosby, I need you
to adjust for our new air speed
and figure out how to get us home. Copy?
Roger, Command!
- Just give me a minute.
- [BUCKY] All right.
- I'm hit! I'm hit!
- [DOUGLASS] Jesus, Croz! What? What?
[SIGHS] No, no, no,
no, no, no. I'm okay.
- I'm okay. I'm okay. False alarm. [PANTS]
Crosby, I need that plan.
On it. Coming up, sir.
Navigator to command pilot.
[BUCKY] Hey, Crosby, I
didn't get a word of that.
- Crosby to Major?
- [BUCKY] I think your wire's tap
We can't hear you! Damn it.
Can you check that your
mic pack is on and working?
[CROSBY] Major.
- [BUCKY] Crosby, I can't
- Major. Major.
I said, we go 244 and
head for the Shetlands.
When we're clear of Norway
we go to 4,500 feet,
take cover in the clouds.
When we hit Scotland,
we go straight south.
That way, if Biddick has to put
her down, at least he's on land.
All right. That's the plan.
- Whoa, hey, hey, hey! 244?
- Roger, 244!
- Let's go to 244.
- [LEFT WAIST] JU-88s. Ten o'clock. Level.
They're heading to the low!
[BUCK] They're trying to pick
off Biddick. Give 'em hell.
[CURT GRUNTS] Jesus, that was close!
[TOP TURRET] Top turret
to pilot. JU-88s going away.
Roger. Keep an eye
out for more out there.
[TOP TURRET] Roger that.
Redmeat Lead to Pacer Lead.
JU-88s are gone.
- Biddick is still with us.
- Roger, Redmeat. That's good to hear.
All right, let's make that turn to 244.
Roger. Turning to 244.
Pacer Lead to Redmeat 3.
Hang on in there. We'll stick
with you long as we can. Over.
Roger, Pacer Lead. Thank you.
[PILOT] We can't keep this up.
We're sitting ducks at half-speed.
[BUCK] And Curt and his
men'll be dead if we don't.
We're not leaving them behind.
[PILOT] Yes, sir.
- Pilot to crew, dropping below 10,000.
Pilot to navigator.
We over Scotland yet?
[BUCKY] Croz!
Uh [STAMMERS] Yes, we are, sir.
We're approaching the coast now.
Zootsuit Lead to Zootsuit.
We're over Scotland.
Let's drop to devil's four
and, uh, see if we can get Redmeat 3
on the ground. Out.
[DOUGLASS] Nice work, Croz.
We're losing number three.
Getting close to stall speed.
Redmeat 3 to Pacer Lead.
We're losing number three.
We're headed down now
for an emergency landing.
[BUCKY] Roger, Redmeat 3. Godspeed.
All right. Let's pick up some
speed on the descent.
Pilot to crew. Prepare
for crash landing.
There's a good spot to bring her in.
We'll make a straight-in approach.
Landing gear down.
Pilot to crew. Get ready for
landing. May be a rough one.
Right gear down.
- Left gear down.
- [BALL TURRET] Tail gear down!
[DICKIE] Air speed is 115.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa. You're too low. Too low.
- Pilot to crew. Brace yourselves.
- [BALL TURRET] Prepare for impact!
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on.
Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
- I mean, I wasn't that bad, right?
I mea The flak, it came in so hot,
I didn't even think about it when
I put it on It must've froze.
But then these chunks, they
start rolling down my forehead.
I think, "Holy mackerel, Crosby.
Holy mackerel, you've been hit".
[BUBBLES] Yeah, of course
you would narrate your own death.
Ah. Well, I mean, I could make
overthinking into an Olympic sport.
I've been puking so much today,
I'm starting to catch up to you.
You know, I washed my hair twice,
I still can't get the smell out.
You wanna smell? Yeah, jump in.
- No. No. Get away.
- No, come on.
I will I will puke on you.
You're gonna have to wash it out.
- There he is!
- Sick.
How you doing, Bubbles?
- Never better, sir.
- That's good.
I was looking for you.
I'm sorry, Major.
What for?
I didn't give PRs the whole flight back.
- I messed up the rendezvous
- I know, I know.
The radio silence really
threw off those Jerries.
That and hitting the deck.
Now, Harding, he couldn't
be more impressed by you.
So, I'm transferring you
to Blakely's crew full-time.
Bubbles, you get better.
We'll find you a new fort.
And, Croz, we gotta give
you an actual nickname.
They call him Bing back home.
Bing Crosby? That's just lazy.
Unless you can sing. Can you sing?
- [SCOFFS] Like a donkey.
No. No. Not a note, sir.
Ah. I'm no good either, but I'm loud.
And hell, if you commit with enough
enthusiasm, it really don't matter.
I'll see you at the club,
Croz. I'm buying.
- Night, Bubbles.
- Sir.
[CROSBY] Good night, sir.
- He thinks my nickname's lazy?
You know, I had it to do over again,
I wouldn't even try to be a pilot.
I'd be a radio man.
Nothing to think about
but the frequency.
Well, thanks, by the way.
You hold on to it for now.
It's working well for you.
What did the missus say? She mention me?
Did she mention you?
Uh. No, seems to have forgotten.
"PS, say hi to Bubbles
for me". [CHUCKLES]
I know what your favorite
part is. How she signs 'em.
Mrs. Jean Crosby.
- You still can't get over that, can you?
- [CHUCKLES] No, I can't.
Rest up.
Thanks for coming.
[BAND MEMBER] A one, a
two, a one, two, three, four.
Do you know what this is missing?
- Nothing.
- Vocals.
No, it's not.
I'm gonna sing.
Jack, should I sing?
- Should I sing?
- No.
All right. You're right. You're right.
It's my song, Buck.
Never saw the sun shining so bright ♪
Never saw things going so right ♪
Watching the days hurrying by ♪
When you're in love my, how they fly ♪
Blue days all of them gone ♪
Nothing but blue skies from now on ♪
Go, boys.
It's all day, every day.
That's all I'm saying.
You're drunk.
- If you can't find me, boys,
I'll be over there,
coming in hot on her.
- Wish me luck.
- General Spaatz's daughter,
- or the other one?
[DOUGLASS] The other one. Helen.
They really ought to put
her into mass production.
- Two bucks, huh?
- Yeah.
Two bucks says I can get
her to laugh inside a minute.
You getting shot down
is gonna be a sight to see.
One minute. About the
same amount of time
it'll take you to get to the bar
- and get us another round of drinks.
- You're on.
All right, thanks.
Uh, Cliff, can I get a scotch
and, uh, telephone?
- You got it.
- Buck. Egan.
- Sir?
- You got a call.
[BUCKY] From who?
Operator, I have Majors Cleven and Egan.
- [CURT] Buck? Buck?
- Yeah.
- B Hey, Buck. Is that you?
- [STAMMERS] Curt.
- Curt!
- Buck? Buck?
Yeah, it's it's Buck and John.
Where'd you end up?
- Ah. That's a very, very good question.
But we're safe and sound here.
Hey, hey, where a where am I?
- Where are you? In the devil's dump, son!
- Where am I?
Uh. [CHUCKLES] We made
a wee bit of a mess up here.
But, uh, the people are really swell
and they're looking after us.
It turns out that they don't
like the English much either.
- But they like me because I'm Irish.
- You're not Ir
[CURT] I'm Irish!
Hey. My fam My family's Irish.
I told you. I'm an American, but anyway.
Buck, yeah. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
Uh, I wanted to call you.
Thank you, Bucky. [STAMMERS]
Thank both of you.
Saving our asses.
I mean it.
Yeah, all right. Well, you just
get back here soon, Curt.
We miss you, Curt. We're
glad you're still with us.
Yeah, John says he
misses his little spoon.
Hey, I'm the big spoon here, remember?
- It's gonna be cold tonight, Curt.
Well, look, I, um I made him a bet.
What did you bet?
That I could make you laugh
in under a minute. Two dollars.
Two dollars? Well, that
is a sum of money.
[CHUCKLES] Yeah, yeah. It is.
But I'll split it with you.
Thing is, I can't laugh on cue.
Can you tell me something funny?
Yeah, tell us a joke.
Okay, um.
What's the difference between
a hippo and a Zippo?
I don't know. What's the difference?
Well, one's really heavy,
the other's a little lighter.
Think you hit a bull's-eye.
What's your name?
Douglass. James Douglass.
[JACK] Croz.
How are you, fellas?
[JACK] Good. How are you?
Hell of a shindig.
So, look, Croz.
Logan's moving up to wing.
So, we're going to need
a new group navigator.
I was wondering if you could
recommend someone?
Oh, boy. That's more of an office job.
The Planning the missions, right?
But you still go out
when our group's the lead.
Anyone come to mind?
Bubbles. Lieutenant Payne, sir.
Uh, he is great at all of it, but
he's really good at planning.
You know, he's he's
kind of a genius that way.
- What about you?
- Me?
Yeah. You did a good job today.
[LAUGHS] No, I mean, look. I was
working from Bubbles's charts,
and even then it took me forever
to pull the group together.
- Harry. Do you mind if I call you Harry?
- No, no.
You brought the group back home.
And you got Biddick to Scotland. Alive.
I got lucky.
[CLAYTOR] Let's go!
Come on, everybody. Bike race
in the mess hall! Who's in?
- [SOLDIER 1] Count me in!
- I am.
[PATRON 1] Come on!
[BUCK] Me too.
- Bike race in the mess hall.
[LORCH] Hey. You gonna bet
your money on this race?
[SOLDIER 2] All right.
Three, four, five. Okay.
Rank has its privileges, boys.
Out the way.
I see money changing hands. I hope
that's going on me. [CHUCKLES]
- [SOLDIER 3] I got five on you.
- [LIEUTENANT] Here's the deal, boys.
You got one lap to the officers' mess,
two laps to the enlisted men's mess.
- I'll tell them. I'll tell everybody.
- When you hear the starter pistol, go.
Are you ready?
- Let's go, Graham.
- Hands on handlebars, boys!
Get your ass in there.
Get your ass in there.
[CROSBY] Go, go, go, go, go, go!
- Come on. Whoo!
Let's go!
- Ah!
- [SOLDIER 4] Come on now!
[SOLDIER 5] Go, go, go! Come on, go!
[SOLDIER 6] Come on, Bucky! Keep moving!
- [BUCKY] Move!
[SOLDIER 7] Come on, come on! [LAUGHS]
[LAUGHING] There they go.
[BUCKY] I'm gaining,
Buck. I'm on your tail.
Whoo! Ho!
You're never gonna catch me, Bucky.
[SOLDIER 8] Hey, come on!
[SOLDIER 9] Come on, Egan. You lard-ass.
- You lost. [CHUCKLES]
- [JACK] Hold up! Hold up!
Don't you hear those sirens?
[ANNOUNCER] All personnel, take
shelter. All personnel, take shelter.
Heads up, fellas.
All right, let's head for the shelters.
- I had you beat.
- Hurry it up.
- [SOLDIER 10] Go, go, go.
[BUCK] Looks like they're
hitting Norwich.
Some poor bastards are
getting it handed to 'em.
Yeah. We could be next.
Oh, we're getting through this.
Says the gambler.
Well, if I'm gonna bet on anything,
I'm gonna bet on us, Buck.
You sound like my dad, John.
My father liked to drink.
When he drank, he gambled.
I can't tell you the amount of nights
I spent sleeping on benches
in Casper's parlors and pony tracks.
Didn't matter if it was a
ball game, horse, dog,
game of cards,
he'd bet.
He'd usually lose.
[BUCKY] Mmm.
[BUCK] But he kept doing it.
He'd always tell me
when his luck was down,
"Gale, this time I can feel it".
Was always looking for the shortcut.
- Buck.
- Mm-hmm?
That's why you don't like sports.
That RAF prick was right. These
daylight missions, they're suicide.
Then why didn't you agree with him?
Didn't like his delivery.
Huh. Well, if you aren't a betting
man, what's the move?
We lead our boys through it.
[CURT] I feel like this could
be a big one, you know?
I think we could do some real damage.
[CURT] Uh, Major?
Why does that red line go
all the way down to Africa?
[HARDING] You're probably thinking
that's a lot of flying time
over Kraut territory.
But if we succeed,
there's no telling how
many lives we could save.
If we go head-to-head with a cow,
she'd accordion. With us in it.
- Pilot to crew, abandon ship. Bail out.
Help me! Come on!
- [QUINN] Baby Face!
- Get me out of here! Please!
I think we may be done.
- Get ready to b [GRUNTS]
- We are going to sit here and take it.
You hear me?
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