Matlock (2024) s01e09 Episode Script


Previously on Matlock
MATTY: The law firm
Jacobson Moore hid documents
that could have taken
opioids off the market
ten years earlier.
Think of how many lives
that could've saved,
including our daughter's.
BILLY: Claudia shattered my heart,
she is not shattering my career,
which means we grind.
You used to think
your life was meaningful
by being in a family with me.
I want a divorce.
He cheated years ago,
but I just found out.
Breathe in November.
Exhale the cabin.
Whatever you're doing with Elijah,
be careful.
MATTY: Who is that?
Shae Banfield,
the firm's jury consultant.
A legit human lie detector.
MATTY: The email attachment,
it's a photograph of Senior in Sydney.
So he couldn't have signed
for the documents.
MATTY: The signature was
forged by Julian or Olympia.
Now we just have to find
another way in.
We'll see if this pen was worth it.
OLYMPIA: I need to know
who you slept with.
And that's enough.
Stout, pilsner, Hefeweizen.
Good gracious, all I want is cold.
Try a blonde.
I used to be a blonde.
Still am in some places.
You come here often?
Uh, yeah, just once in a while.
Oh. It's my first time, obviously.
Ugh, I had a long day.
As I was walking past,
I thought this looked
like a hoppin' joint,
as the kids say.
I think she's trying
to flirt with you.
Your calamari looks
finger-licking good.
Mind if I have a taste?
- Uh
- That's not a pickup line.
Ah. Use me.
Unless you want it to be.
Uh, look, my friend just got here,
and we haven't
seen each other in a while.
I can take a hint.
I owe you one.
I know how you can repay me, Irv.
I actually came here to talk to you.
I'm a lawyer. I represent Sam Prince,
and we're trying to prove
wrongful termination.
Did you know Sam was pregnant
when they fired her?
Yeah, I saw the ultrasound photo.
It was a cute blob.
I know you no longer
work at Stead Track,
and Sam said you were a manager,
so you might have insight.
Into why she was fired?
Oh, I've got no idea.
Different division.
And I was laid off.
I'm on unemployment,
and I-I don't want
to jeopardize that, so
Uh, so how much is Sam suing for?
It's not about the money.
- Sam wants her job back.
- What?
Why would she want that?
Well, that blob is due
in six weeks, Irv.
It's a tough job market.
She needs the benefits,
the stability.
I know it's a big ask,
but they can't
go after your unemployment.
MATTY: And our plan worked.
We finally got a manager
willing to corroborate the conditions.
Sounds like you had a fun night.
It wasn't about fun.
You and Olympia didn't have to pretend
you don't know each other.
Well, we've been striking out all week.
People are scared to testify.
So, we just thought
if I tenderized the meat a little
What's wrong?
Well, you didn't ask
if there was anything
on the pen about Wellbrexa.
I checked the transcript.
Was there a mention?
Then why are you so upset?
Because Olympia is a suspect.
Do you think I don't know that?
But we also
have real cases,
we're representing real people.
I just don't want you to lose sight.
Of course I'm not.
The longer you stay at Jacobson Moore,
the more dangerous it's going to be
for you. You could be arrested.
They're not gonna press charges.
They'd look like fools.
What, a 75-year-old woman
infiltrates their law firm
and calls herself Matlock?
Plus, they wouldn't want me
to go public with my allegations,
trust that.
Thank you.
Just be careful.
I'm always careful.
I put a lot of love in those eggs.
I just feel like maybe
if I stay at home
No. And if those kids are mean,
then you just tell them,
in ten years,
you're gonna be at the top,
and they're not even
gonna be footnotes.
Do you want me to get beat up?
Go upstairs and get dressed, darling.
Can I at least
check the pen transcript?
- Oh, no.
- Maybe Julian mentioned Wellbrexa!
I'm on it.
So, go get ready for school.
You have to call the principal
- and tell him what's going on.
- No,
that will signal to Alfie
that he can't handle
things by himself.
This is a brilliant kid
who loves to learn,
and now he doesn't
want to go to school?
He will get through it.
(SIGHS) Fine.
But if it gets any worse,
you'll call them, okay?
Fine, okay.
- I said, "fine."
- No.
A mention.
Keyword found. "Wellbrexa."
Well, now I keep replaying everything.
All those late nights.
Wellbrexa. Exxon. What Boeing?
Were you sleeping with Shae then, too?
- JULIAN: Of course not.
- Shae?
It's private.
Can you use it?
Get more information,
manipulate it.
That's what you do, right?
Right. I'm to blame.
- No, Olympia
- No,
I shouldn't have
brought up Shae again.
It's been a week.
Old news, what was I thinking?
I just don't want every
conversation to be a fight.
Tell me what to do, I'll do anything.
Nothing to do, you already did.
We have an interview with
Gramercy Park Academy tomorrow.
I think it'll be a great option
- for the twins.
I think so, too.
But can I just say
one more thing about
You cannot.
Hi, Elijah. How's Philly?
ELIJAH: It's Philly.
Great job at getting
a corroborating witness.
Let's hope it's enough
to keep us from going to trial.
I've updated five aunties
on a text chain and there's a lot of
fire emojis being sent.
Followed by prayer hands,
followed by a favorite Bible verse?
(CHUCKLES) You know it.
Look, um, I really
appreciate you helping Sam.
Obviously, when I asked you,
things were, uh, different.
I like Sam.
And she shouldn't have been fired.
Would have helped her even
if she weren't your cousin.
This is what I do.
Yeah, you do a lot.
So, I got you an extra set of hands
just to help with trial prep.
Just in case.
What's going on?
Are you okay?
Oh, yeah.
I'm a crocodile, baby.
When I was little,
and I didn't want to cry,
my dad told me to imagine
that I was a crocodile.
Soft on the inside,
but hard as a damn
rock on the outside.
How can I help?
Who can I hurt?
Oversee Sam's witness prep.
Shae's going to assist.
Shae? Huh.
I mean, do we need her?
I mean, everybody knows
she's the human lie detector,
but Sam's not hiding anything.
And this case probably
won't go to trial now.
Just in case. I need to do
what's best for my client.
But I can't be around Shae right now.
How come?
I just need you to interface, please.
As a friend?
Of course.
What do you think
they're talking about?
Did your mom pack your lunch again?
BILLY: No, it seems way more serious.
And she did, yes.
(GASPS) Score.
Here, sharesies.
You know, I'm going to miss these
when Billy finally kicks Claudia out
and moves back into his own apartment.
Oh, wait.
Remember what we talked about.
"Take advantage of the good food,
and let Billy live his life."
Finish that sentence.
"Without judgment."
Thank you, Kira. My pleasure, Billy.
All right, I gotta go
fix other people's mistakes
without making them feel dumb.
- Ugh. But that's the fun part.
- Mm.
What time do you get off tonight?
But, um, I, um, actually
have another hang.
Oh. Okay, cool.
I'll reach out elsewhere to hang, too.
You know, I think my mom is free,
- if you want to hang with her.
- Shut up.
You okay?
Of course I'm okay.
It's only been 47 days.
I did not think
that we were exclusive.
Good, don't spiral. I need you.
Olympia is relying on us
less and less.
We need to turn it around.
I am prepped, I am ready, I am
alone. Okay.
My friend Khadija and I applied
about four years ago together.
I mean, the work was hard,
and all the big delivery companies
have these insane quotas,
but Stead Track took
it to the next level.
Should Sam get into specifics?
Sam should not be interrupted.
Why not leave?
I mean, the benefits were really good.
And when COVID hit,
my husband got
laid off from his oil rig.
I mean, he's out there now,
rehired, but back then,
there were no jobs,
so I just felt lucky to be working.
And, well, then
I got pregnant.
Is that when the trouble started?
Missing work, showing up late,
missing quotas,
sleeping in your truck.
First trimester was hard.
Second was even worse.
I mean, as for missing work,
well, the company didn't
give me much allowance
for my pre-natal appointments.
I mean, that wasn't right,
so I talked to some
coworkers about unionizing,
and I would've done it, too,
but I got fired.
Because your delivery
truck was stolen,
along with the packages.
Well, yes, but they've had
a truck stolen before, and
that driver didn't get fired.
Well, you told the company
that you left the engine running
and the keys inside.
Can't imagine that was protocol.
It was this unspoken rule
to keep the engines running
to meet the crazy quotas.
They knew.
They put the cameras in
the trucks to keep track of us,
and towards the end, I was even
have any of you been pregnant?
Your bladder
Oh, yeah. Girl, I popped a squat
multiple times an hour.
And postpartum,
I had to wear a pee pad
for a year in case I sneezed.
I was, um, peeing in bottles
in the back of the truck.
That's awful.
Is there anything else
you think we should know?
'Cause now is the time
to say it. You do not want
- to be up there and have
- Uh, can I use the bathroom?
Of course. It's, uh, down that hall,
to your left. Okay, thank you.
Be gentle. She's pregnant.
I was being gentle.
(SCOFFS) Trust me, I do not
want to put another woman in labor.
But she's holding something back.
OLYMPIA: Lying? About what?
I'm not sure,
but Shae wants to talk to you.
I can only hold her off for so long.
Might help if
I knew what was going on.
It was her.
Who Julian had the affair with, or
one-night stand, I guess?
You're a crocodile, baby.
You know it.
The point is,
you see my dilemma,
with Shae. No dilemma.
Let's kick her to the curb.
Why are the cops here?
The longer you are at Jacobson Moore,
the more danger you put yourself in.
You could be arrested.
OLYMPIA: What's going on?
Samantha Prince?
Please put your hands
behind your back.
What? Wait, what's going
on? Do you have a warrant?
- You're under arrest for grand larceny.
- What are you doing?
- Get your hands off of her.
- Back away, ma'am. We have a warrant.
Do not cuff her like that.
She is pregnant.
- Olympia
- I promise I will take care of this.
- You're gonna be okay.
- Let's go.
In addition to the theft
of the delivery truck,
Mrs. Prince is also charged with
stealing the property inside,
which we determined to have
a market value of over $50,000.
Your Honor, my client is
currently suing Stead Track
for pregnancy discrimination.
And it's no coincidence
that on the eve of the trial,
they've decided to press
charges against her.
So what are you saying, Counselor?
That it smacks of retaliation.
Gasping. Your Honor, the People
both resent and
challenge the accusation
that we would be coerced
by a corporate third party.
There is no actual evidence.
This is the piece
of a packing slip that
was found stuck in the corner
of the defendant's work locker.
The tracking number matches
one of the stolen packages.
That isn't possible.
I got this.
We also have footage from the camera
inside the defendant's
truck showing her
turning off the camera
an hour before the theft.
Want me to play it?
Your Honor, that footage
is either taken out of context
or outright manufactured,
and I will prove it.
I wish you luck in doing so at trial.
Until then, bail is set at $20,000.
Your Honor, this is her first offense.
She's not a flight risk.
- She's eight months pregnant!
- Sam.
I'm gonna bail you out, I got cash.
Oh, my God, Khadija, thank you.
Thank you so much.
Of course I want the trial expedited.
I'm not having a baby with
this hanging over my head.
- Is your husband coming back?
- No way, mm-mm.
I'm not letting him use
those vacation days.
I need him to come back
when the baby comes.
I got her, don't worry.
It's just the DA's office has
real evidence that
you were in on the theft.
Real manufactured evidence.
Yeah, her property was stolen, too.
If she were in on it,
she'd still have her earbuds.
SAM: Exactly.
Except you did turn off the camera.
So I could pee.
Sorry, hon, but I have to ask.
I thought you said
that you do that in the back?
Well, usually,
but the truck was
completely full that day.
And the packing slip in your locker?
They didn't even let me
clean out my locker.
Khadija did it for me.
Yeah, like, three months ago.
And there was absolutely nothing
left in there when I was done.
Someone at Stead Track
planted that slip.
According to the chain of
custody in the police report,
the janitor who found the slip
handed it to a manager
named Ahmad Hassan.
Prosecution's calling the manager.
What are you thinking?
- my friend, Cindy Shapiro
- Oh.
had a rival named
Carole Burnett no relation.
And Cindy hated Carole,
for reasons I won't get into,
but Cindy wanted Carole
out of our canasta game.
So Cindy set it up
to look like Carole was cheating, only
no one noticed, but Cindy couldn't
very well point that out, could she?
Cindy positioned Gail Lerman
objectively nice lady
where she could see it.
Now there's my point.
Why would a janitor hand
over a random piece of paper
that looks like trash to the manager?
Prosecution's not calling the janitor.
Sarah and I will interview her.
- With Matty.
Oh, I'm sorry, it's my grandson.
He's having a hard time
at school. I
- I need to call him.
- Of course. Absolutely.
I'll interview the janitor with them.
What's going on? You okay?
You sure?
Well, he's a jerk face.
I'm having Grandpa call the school.
I love you, too.
I thought you said
your husband was dead.
Deader than a duck in a gator pond.
I was referring to Alfie's grandfather
from the other side of the family.
What can I do you for, Shae?
Oh, just wanted to get
caught up on the witness list.
I mean, I knew
Sam was hiding something.
Alfie's other grandfather,
does he live nearby?
How is that relevant to Sam?
It's not.
It's relevant to you.
And what is your interest in me, Shae?
Frankly, it's becoming exhausting.
The fact that you keep
changing the topic is exhausting.
Why are you?
Because I don't want the whole office
talking about my personal life.
And I'm sure you don't want me
talking about yours right now, either.
I'll keep you updated
on that witness list.
We need to talk.
Olympia's been avoiding me and
Matty just said something odd.
Did you tell anyone
what happened with us?
Heard how you and Matty reeled in Irv.
Good stuff, so just want to say,
anything you need in that
area, we're here for you.
Yep, I actually took
an improv class in high school
to prepare for college interviews,
so throw anything at us,
and we'll say, "Yes, and."
Portia, hi.
Hi. I'm Olympia Lawrence.
These two are my associates who
are here to silently observe.
Thank you for coming to talk to us.
Walk us through the day
you found the packing slip.
My supervisor Ahmad said he needed
a locker cleaned for a new employee.
And he
stood over me.
Like, watched.
Is this normal procedure
for cleaning a locker?
- Him watching?
- Nope.
It felt weird.
And then when I found
the slip, he took it
right away and left.
Adding her to the witness list.
Wait, first
let's lock the manager
into whatever lie
he's gonna give on the stand.
Then we'll spring Portia on them.
Can we do that?
Expedited trial.
Expedited notice requirement.
Mr. Hassan,
when the janitor found
the packing slip
in Mrs. Prince's locker,
what made you stop and
take a closer look at it?
It was the kind of slip that's
included inside a package.
So the only way Sam would've had that
was if she'd opened up a box
and taken it out.
SCOTTY: And that would be
unusual for an
- employee to do?
- HASSAN: Unheard of.
Plus, I knew she'd had a truck
and merchandise stolen on her watch
before she was fired.
So I thought I'd check,
just in case.
And what was the packing slip for?
A Gucci bag.
SCOTTY: No further questions.
Mr. Hassan, on average,
how many lockers a month
do you supervise getting cleaned?
Well, none, but in
Just answer the question, please.
How many times a year
besides Sam Prince's?
OLYMPIA: Did you supervise
the cleaning of Sam Prince's
locker when she was fired
three months ago?
No, I did not.
Okay, but three months later,
after she was fired,
you decided to supervise
a second cleaning.
I had an employee
starting the next day
with a severe peanut allergy
who'd be using that locker.
You were worried
about a peanut allergy
over three months later?
The allergen can live on
surfaces up to 110 days.
I was cautious.
Do you have any proof
to back up your claim
about this mystery employee?
Your Honor, we'd like to submit
the employee's health file,
redacted to protect his identity.
It confirms his allergy.
Indeed it does.
Seems convenient.
- Objection.
- No further questions.
The prosecution would like
to call Ms. Margo Cruz.
Uh Your Honor, there is
no Margo Cruz on their witness list.
Expedited trial,
expedited witness list.
SCOTTY: Ms. Cruz, you were waiting
for your bus across the street
from Mrs. Prince's truck
the day it was stolen?
SCOTTY: What made
you notice the plaintiff
out of all the other people
and cars around?
CRUZ: She was pregnant.
When I had my son,
I could barely move.
But she was unloading packages.
I guess I just admired it.
What did you see as you were admiring
Mrs. Prince doing her work?
A car pulled up behind her truck
and a woman got out.
She and Mrs. Prince were talking.
They seemed to know each other,
but they were also acting strange.
SCOTTY: Strange how?
CRUZ: They kept looking around,
like they were worried
someone was watching.
Then they exchanged keys.
Mrs. Prince got in the woman's car
- and drove away.
- SCOTTY: Drove away?
Then what happened?
CRUZ: Well, I don't know.
I had to get on my bus.
But what I can tell you is,
it looked like Mrs. Prince was
in a real hurry to get out of there.
You didn't have to
come back from Philly.
ELIJAH: Of course I'm back.
What's going on, Sam? Why'd you lie?
I had my first ultrasound that week
and I couldn't get the time off.
Khadija volunteered to help.
She was driving the truck
when it was stolen
and she called me sobbing.
You weren't even driving?
Why didn't you tell us any of this?
Because I didn't want
Khadija getting in trouble.
She didn't do anything wrong.
- Are you sure?
- Excuse me?
The truck was stolen under her watch.
Uh, she volunteered to clean out
your locker, she-she could've
planted the packing slip.
- Oh, stop. Khadija would never.
- You weren't even there!
Look, I don't care about Khadija
because I am your lawyer, Sam.
And today did a lot of
damage to your credibility.
Okay, great news is
we can use this to create
reasonable doubt
- but we have to point to her.
- Mm-mm. Mm-mm.
You're gonna have to find
another way to defend me.
What if we can't?
What if you end up in prison?
I'm not going to
because you're the big, fancy lawyer
in the family. You know, all that time
you give everybody else,
go ahead and give it to me.
What do you mean, Sam doesn't want
to point to Khadija?
That makes no sense.
If I was arrested
and I could point to Billy,
I wouldn't even hesitate.
It's just such a clear story
for the jury.
Plus, I mean, Khadija probably did it.
That's what we're all thinking, right?
But not Samantha.
And before we convince a jury,
we have to convince her,
or at least get her
to reasonable doubt.
Start looking into Khadija.
Aw, shoot.
I have to go charm
a school admissions counselor.
JULIAN: Matty's a terrible liar.
Good. Lying isn't something
I'm looking for in an employee.
Well, unfortunately,
you told her about Shae,
for whatever reason,
so now Shae knows that you know.
- Okay.
- Okay?
You brought the mess to the office,
I'm not in charge of the cleanup.
(SCOFFS) You are such a hypocrite.
- Excuse me?
- You and Elijah?
(OVER LAPTOP): Hi there.
We're so excited to talk
about Gramercy Park Academy.
I especially love what you said
about the school's focus
on kid's socio-emotional development.
Me, too. Positive communication
habits, conflict resolution.
We're just trying to raise
nice, kind kids.
Well, that's what I wanted to hear.
And like I said,
you called at the right time.
We have a family transferring
overseas mid-year.
We'll get back to you soon.
- Thank you so much.
- We couldn't appreciate it more.
Okay. Bye.
You're accusing me
of what now with Elijah?
Oh, come on.
Why don't you model some of those
positive communication skills
and communicate?
I told Shae that I felt guilty,
and she said you had
a thing with Elijah.
- Is that clear enough?
- Okay
JULIAN: Oh, good, perfect timing.
I'm representing his cousin.
Oh, of course you are.
Uh, bad time? Great time.
- Leave it, Julian.
- We were talking about you
- Ignore him
- uh, and your affair.
- OLYMPIA: There was no affair.
- Tryst,
- dalliance, what should I call it?
- OLYMPIA: Nothing.
You should call it nothing,
which is why this is ridiculous.
You're comparing an actual something
to a theoretical nothing.
Well, you know
how she feels, at least.
Wow. Elijah
That's not
BILLY: A bust.
Khadija's got no priors, clean record.
Ah. Alfie's grandpa from
the other side of the family.
Just got to town.
Hi there, thanks for calling me back,
Are there people around?
You know it.
Did you get a chance
to call the principal?
No. I thought about it,
and I thought I'd let it breathe
a little more.
- Not the plan.
- EDWIN: Madeline,
if I am going to be in charge
of taking care of Alfie,
then let me take charge of it,
and stop micromanaging from afar.
Talk to you later.
Thanks for catching me up.
Not a fan of the other grandpa?
Sometimes, he's dimmer than
a light bulb in a chicken coop.
So, socials turn up
anything on Khadija?
Even better. We used this new program,
it's kind of like the Wayback Machine,
but for social media.
It's a digital archive that captures
the image of a page
when it was created,
which means we found who
Khadija scrubbed from her socials.
Oh, juicy.
Someone she was beefing with?
Sort of. Email you the info now.
Ex-boyfriend named Demetri Moser.
He's got a record, and they
broke up right after the theft.
Maybe she still lives
in his apartment,
and he's staying with his mom.
Sounds like we should draw up
some questions for old Demetri.
Stay out of it.
Said with respect, of course.
Which part of that is respectful now?
She's in a bad mood because
Kira's seeing other people.
No, I'm upset
because you're taking up all the
air, Nana, and we need a win.
Sounds good because I'm
looking at his place of business,
and I'd stick out like a sore thumb.
Give me an hour to change. (CHUCKLES)
- At the end there?
- Yes.
- Yeah, okay.
- Yes, I see him.
BILLY: Are we going to?
- We're going in.
- Okay.
- Sorry.
- Watch it.
BILLY: Sarah, you're pushing me.
So sorry about that.
- Oh. Sorry.
- Yeah, we know the bouncer. Demetri.
so do the rest of us.
MAN: Get to the back of the line.
Okay, this is fine.
We just have more time
to go through the plan.
Remember improv. "Yes, and."
We don't want to seem too rehearsed.
"Yes and" we want
to be so rehearsed
that we don't seem rehearsed.
Okay, Sarah, here's a question,
how can you be blunt and
honest about everything except
- your feelings for Kira?
- Wow, left field, okay.
Just tell her it's been over a
month, you want to lock it down.
- Are you on molly, is this what happens?
- Are you scared?
- Fine, I'll do it.
- Dude, you're the one talking.
You live with your mother. No.
- Stop it.
- No, I'm going to.
- I will kill you.
- Get off of me.
It's a free world.
I will kill you if you do.
"Kira, I
wanted to tell you"
I will retaliate so hard.
I am not afraid
of you, ma'am. You should be.
You have activated
the wrong bitch, Billy.
- What's going on here?
- Sorry.
Sorry. We're cool. Aren't we cool?
Dude, we are so cool. (LAUGHS)
Wait, you know, you
actually look familiar.
Were you at Khadija's
barbeque in September?
Wait, is this about
Yes. And
And I got nothing to do with it.
she said you did.
- What?
- BILLY: Yeah.
Look, we're private
investigators. We just
And I got nothing to do with her debt.
Get out of here.
- Yeah. Sure.
- We-We can do that.
- Um, yeah, okay, okay.
- Debt? Oh, my God.
So, is Alfie asleep?
I was right. His day got better.
That's why I didn't
want to call the school.
The two aren't mutually exclusive.
He called me at work.
Well, that's because
you coddle him, Madeline.
I don't. You do.
You're so afraid of him
feeling any pain.
Alfie's had plenty of pain
in his life, don't you think?
Well, yeah, but it doesn't
mean we need to overreact
about every little thing.
- I'm not overreacting.
- You are.
Edwin, parenting is different now.
Olympia just moved
her kids to another school
because of the social dynamics.
I don't care about Olympia.
She's not my wife. She is a suspect.
One of three people
we think hid documents
about opioids, which means
she can't be trusted.
Not about parenting,
not about anything.
I know that, Edwin.
I don't believe you.

What's going on?
Sorry, I know it's a Saturday,
but working all night have we.
You're not making sense, Master Yoda.
It's been a long night.
We talked to the boyfriend.
Khadija was in debt. Online gambling.
I'm sorry, Sam,
but look at the fact pattern.
Demetri has a record of theft.
Khadija volunteers
to drive your truck,
- thinks the company won't retaliate.
- But why would she?
She was $50,000 in debt.
Okay, see? You didn't know that.
- Look, I'm sure she was just embarrassed.
- (SIGHS) Sam
Look, Khadija didn't do it.
End of story.
MATTY: "End of story"?
Mm-hmm. You sure you
don't want a drink?
Mm. At my age,
cocktail in the middle
of the afternoon
better come with a blanket and pillow.
So what happens Monday in court?
I try to poke holes
in the chain of custody
while we keep trying to
get Sam to see the light.
Well, sometimes, we only
see what we want to see.
Hard not to,
when feelings get involved.
Guess that's what
happened with me and Julian.
I don't know what I was thinking,
considering getting back with him.
- So you guys met at Jacobson Moore, right?
- Mm-hmm.
Were you working on a case?
Or catch googly eyes
at the law library?
- (LAUGHS) A case.
Late nights, all that, you know.
Working under Senior, actually.
No kidding. Mm-hmm. He was running point
on Wellbrexa
when all these lawsuits were
coming to a head about opioids,
how addictive they were,
who knew what when.
Serious stuff.
You worked on all that?
Yup. Right out of law school.
Hated every minute, but I thought
that's what you had to do with a degree
from a fancy law school like mine.
Nearly killed my soul.
I think Big Pharma
would kill yours, too, by the way.
Not the money.
Especially the money, trust me.
I've seen how Senior
holds it over Julian's head.
it's time to spill the beans.
What the heckadoody is up
between the two of them?
How much time do you have?
Screw it, I'm drinking.
- Yes!
- Carry me home, will you?
I mean, have you seen my brownstone?
Julian says he gets
nothing from his dad,
but all of a sudden, you got
money for this big down payment?
Anyway, that's what
the heckadoodle is up.
(LAUGHING): It's "heckadoody."
My bad.
And Wellbrexa is how we met.
And also how I met Shae, unfortunately.
- Say what?
- Mm-hmm.
She was an analyst for McKinsey.
Assigned to Wellbrexa
to liaise with us.
Here's the stupid thing.
I asked Julian once about Shae,
and he acted outraged.
Turned on his location sharing,
asked me to track him,
to look through his phone.
- Oh, my God.
- What?
Tracking devices.
(GASPS) Khadija said that Sam's
earbuds were stolen
and they were Bluetooth,
so maybe we can track where they died.
Can you call her?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Sorry. Who?
- What?
- I'm just a little drunk.
Actually, can you say
that whole thing over,
just way slower.
Okay, Sam said her earbuds died here,
- so look for familiar names.
- Okay.
Maybe, uh, Khadija lives
in the building, or, um
Or Demetri or
Or I don't know, um
the Stead Track manager?
Who's that? What, uh what?
I don't know what that means.
It means, get over here, sister,
have a look-see. (GASPS)
- No way!
(DEEP VOICE): Delivery,
last call or I'm out of here.
(LAUGHING) Don't fall.
MATTY: Yep, Irv from the bar.
- Let's confront him.
- No.
MATTY: I think first we need a plan.
And maybe some more sweet potato fries.
"U lurk into Merv?" With a brain emoji
and a superhero emoji.
- Who the hell's Merv?
- I don't know a Merv.
Wait. "Ice." Look into ice?
Ice and Merv, Ice and Merv.
Irv Irv!
The witness they got the other night.
When they went to the bar.
Yes! That's it, let's go.
- Lookit here what they found!
Lookit here.
It's the answer to Mervirv.
We got to skedaddle.
'Cause Monday, you got
- to nail him on the stand Monday.
- Okay.
- Oh, mm, mm-mm.
- Oh!
- Let's, um
- Uh-uh.
- Let's drink some more water first and, uh
- Yeah.
then we can skedaddle.
We can skedaddle!
Yeah, girl.
Mr. Lambert Irv
thank you for responding
to the subpoena.
Are you familiar with
the term "union busting"?
Objection. Relevance?
Can't be relevant until he answers.
Overruled, but get there quick.
Mr. Lambert, are you familiar
with what a "union buster" is?
I mean, vaguely.
It's a person hired by
companies to identify employees
engaged in unionizing
efforts and derail them.
Uh, where is the question?
No question. I'd like to submit
Mr. Lambert's employment history
detailing nine companies
he's worked at in the last five years.
All of them had employees
trying to unionize.
And they all had a failed
union vote before he left.
SCOTTY: Objection.
To facts?
Also submitting proof
that each company paid
large sums of money
to the same consulting firm.
An LLC registered to Irv Lambert.
Now here's the question.
Mr. Lambert,
are you a union-busting consultant?
I guess you can call it that.
OLYMPIA: I will, and in that
capacity, were you pretending
to be a dispatch
manager at Stead Track,
when you were really
a mole gathering intel
for the company on union efforts?
More or less.
Then, when you realized
my client Sam
was the leader of the union movement
and the vote was likely to pass,
you targeted her by stealing
her truck and framing her?
Absolutely not.
I mean, that's extreme.
Then how come the last known
location of Sam's earbuds,
which were in the truck
when they were stolen,
matched your home address?
Maybe the thief drove past my house
or threw them in the trash nearby.
Problem is,
there's one other thing
that points to you.
Sam had her first pre-natal
ultrasound appointment
the day before the truck was stolen.
Didn't tell anyone at work,
but those ultrasound photos
were in the truck when it was taken.
You and I spoke at a bar
when you were still pretending
to be Irv the Dispatch Lead
and I was trying to get
you to be a witness.
- Remember?
- Sure.
Did you mention seeing her
ultrasound photos with me?
SCOTTY: Objection. Opposing counsel
can't be an impeachment witness.
Obviously, but I can call
an impeachment witness.
If only there were
someone else who could
corroborate what you said to me.
Care to revise that statement,
or do you want
to add perjury to the list
of charges you're racking up?
I took the truck.
IRV: Sam was organizing a union.
I needed to give the
company a reason to fire her.
That was supposed to be the end.
Although she hired you
and wanted her job back.
And you knew she'd get right back
to her union-organizing activities.
So you planted evidence in her locker
to frame her for the theft.
I did.
I can't thank you enough.
If you really want to thank me,
you can give me your go-ahead
to continue the civil suit,
because we are going to hang
Stead Track out to dry.
Oh, you got my you-better-go-ahead.
But I'm pissed.
- Heard you were trying to pin it on me.
- Ooh.
I, um
I'm just messing with you.
SAM: See, I told you
- my girl would never.
- Hmm.
But thank you again.
OLYMPIA: He might be
a big fancy lawyer,
but he shows up.
Not everyone does that.
Thanks, Lij.
- Look, and about what I said
- No, you were right.
We're the only two
family in New York,
I got to make more time.
Look, it's just, like,
busy and with work and
I know.
Look, I'm-I'm proud of you, okay?
Now, also, the aunties
want to know when you getting married.
- Oh. (LAUGHS)
- Huh? (LAUGHS)
I mean, what should I text them?
How about Olympia?
Nothing there.
Okay, so even though our sojourn
through New York's
nightlife didn't pan out,
Olympia told me she was impressed
by our Mervirv research.
Good work.
We did good.
Here, have a pastelito.
Last one in a while,
because, even though you said it
in the meanest way possible,
you're right.
I'm telling Claudia to move out.
- I am so glad.
And that wasn't the meanest way
I could say that, trust me.
Also, I'm gonna take two.
Just say yes.
Yes. And
tell Kira how you feel.
- Just say yes.
- Mm-hmm.
- I heard yes. Definitely yes.
- Mm-mm.
I don't have other hangs.
Just so you know.
Because I really like you.
But-but you can keep hanging.
Um, but I will just be hanging
Thank you for telling me that.
The fact that you're so direct
is one of the many, many things
that I really like about you.
Would it be okay if we
checked in in a month?
I'll send you a calendar invite.
- Hot.
- (LAUGHS) Mm-hmm.
See the email? The twins
got into Gramercy Park.
Yup. So, they're all set.
Yeah. Me, not as much.
I'm sorry. I was out of line.
Look, if you say nothing
happened with you and Elijah
I'm saying that it's
way too messy here now.
That fight,
it was public, and I can't have that.
So, for the good of our family,
I don't think we should
work together anymore.
Uh, okay.
Uh, yeah, that's
probably a good idea.
Where will you go?
Oh, I'm not going anywhere.
I'd like you to leave.
(SCOFFS) What?
Well, you did ask what you can do.
Do this.
We're up for partner
at the end of the year.
Sacrifice is hard.
Olympia, my father runs the firm.
Exactly. Nepotism wasn't
a factor in my hiring.
Why don't we ask the managing board
to pick only one of us for partner
and the other leaves?
OLYMPIA: And I said yes.
Don't worry.
I know you want in on
Big Pharma, and I get it,
the money's better, so Julian and I
are going to share you for now.
Then, whoever wins,
you stay with them.
Well, first of all, I
I can't believe
you'd even think of me,
with everything you have going on.
But I don't think
you can dictate to Julian
who he can work with.
Oh, I'll write it into the divorce,
blow up the whole thing if
he doesn't agree, just watch me.
Thank you, Olympia.
I take care of my friends, too,
the people I trust.
And like I said,
I trust you.
I hope you trust me, too.
EDWIN: So Shae worked for Wellbrexa?
- She did.
- Good work.
But you were right, Edwin.
I did stop viewing
Olympia as a suspect.
Well, thank you
for acknowledging that.
I stopped viewing her as a suspect
because she didn't do it.
Julian did,
not Olympia.
Maybe under the direction
of Senior, maybe not,
but Olympia was not involved.
Okay, I'm waiting for you
to surprise me with the proof
of something you did,
something I didn't see.
I don't have proof.
Just my gut,
and I trust it.
I trust my friend.
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