Miami Vice s03e09 Episode Script

Baby Blues

[Vehicle Approaching.]
[Horn Honks.]
[Chattering In Spanish.]
[Horn Honks.]
[Baby Cries.]
[Horn Honking.]
[Screaming Continues.]
[Baby Cries.]
[Speaking Spanish.]
This one's good.
Oh! Hello, sweetheart.
You wanna be a rich kid? Get a Porsche for your [Laughs.]
This one's good too.
Oh! You have a very stupid mommy.
You're not going to Miami.
You're way too homely.
Give this one back to its mother.
Hey! Let's go.
[Zito On Walkie-talkie.]
Uh, you know, it's been over two hours, Sonny.
How much longer are we gonna be waiting for these bozos? Long as it takes.
You got nothin' better to do.
Au "contrairey.
" Anyway, we're not even sure what these guys are haulin'.
Well, if they're landin' out here, you can bet it ain't Sunday school books, Zito.
[Irish Accent.]
Oh, thank you, Father Crockett.
I got an angel comin' in from the south.
Freezel Miami Vicel [Tubbs.]
Sonnyl [Groans.]
[Babies Crying.]
[Crying Continues.]
Babies? [Crying.]
[Voice Quivering.]
This one didn't make it.
[Elevator Bell Dings.]
[Woman On P.
Stanford, telephone, please.
[Speaking Spanish.]
[Speaking Spanish.]
She's still a little foggy, but we managed to get a little more.
Immigration been here yet? Just left.
Not much help.
More concerned with Maria's status than her baby's.
We got a mother that stows away in an unheated, unpressurized cargo hold trying to find her baby, and all they care about is getting her out of the country.
They said hundreds of infants are smuggled every year.
Maria's baby was taken He could be anywhere by now.
Does she have any idea who took him? No.
She says she's never seen them before, but he— He was definitely an American.
- What about your source? - No.
His guys were runnin' flake.
Shipment fell through.
No idea whose operation this is.
The authorities in Colombia, can they help her? No.
Excuse me.
Just plenty of paperwork she couldn't understand, and a lot of promises.
She's tried everything from bribery to sellin'herself.
This was her last hope.
Ask her if there were any identifiable marks on her baby that might help us find him.
[Speaking Spanish.]
She says he has a birthmark.
It's on the back close to the left shoulder blade.
[Maria Speaking Spanish.]
It's like a raised, reddish area.
Ask her if it's warm to the touch.
- [Spanish.]
- Sí.
Sounds like a textbook angionoma.
Strawberry birthmark.
It's quite common.
- Is that permanent? - No.
Just an excess of unabsorbed fetal cells.
Usually disappears by the time the child's five years old.
It might be noted on a medical history, however.
But it would be on a two-year-old, this, uh, angio— Noma.
Yes, it would definitely be on a two-year-old.
How's the mother? She's strong.
So, uh, any chance of keeping Immigration off her back for a few days? I'll see what I can do.
Uh, Gina and I would like to follow through on this.
It's not our area.
Come on, Lieutenant.
We've handled other Colombian imports.
[Clears Throat.]
- What else do we have on this? - Zero.
Fifteen babies on a plane, three of which were D.
, two dead Colombian runners and the mother.
Lieutenant, if someone's bringin' these babies in on an adoption scam, there's gotta be papers on 'em.
Tell Switek and Zito to check Social Services.
Maybe their records will indicate something.
Crockett and Tubbs can run it by the Colombian consulate.
Any legally placed children would have to go through them.
Any way of trackin' Maria's baby? Not at this point.
Maybe a lead shakes out in the investigation, but it can't be our main concern.
Stay with the mother.
[Door Closes.]
Her name is Maria Escobar.
She'd like to get her son back.
I'm sure she does.
Now, you see, our country is extremely full of infants.
Many of the mothers are very poor.
Sometimes they can be persuaded to give away their babies.
Then, at a later time, they change their minds.
Does your office get involved in the placement of these children? Oh, yes.
We've helped place We work with our hand in the glove of the Social Services Department and various private adoption groups.
Uh, would it be possible to get a list of some of those groups? - Certainly.
- Actually, it'd be more helpful if we could take a look at your records.
As much as I would like to help, I am, how would you say, "a middle manager" who cannot overrule certain diplomatic protocols that must be followed.
I'm afraid the consul would never allow that.
Three babies died in that plane.
Detective, an emotional issue for all, I'm sure, but, as I've said, I need approval from my government.
Now, is there anything else? No, thank you.
We'll be in touch.
We do appreciate you bringing this terrible incident to our attention.
[Door Closes.]
Most of the information is coded to ensure confidentiality— addresses, natural parents, lawyers.
Well, suppose we find that we need that information? I'd have to look them all up.
A woman named Angela Mitchell handles Colombian and El Salvadoran babies, but she's out of the office right now.
Why don't you see if you need them, then call back if you do? It won't be a problem.
You want complete files, including medical histories, for the last three years? Sure, why not? It's a lot of paper.
Miss Fisk, we're cops.
We can handle it.
Wait a second.
How much paper? What are you driving? [Sighs.]
Sure you got enough here, Bluto? Hey, hey.
Don't mess those up.
Any file that matches the profile of Maria's kid is on this side.
So how many's that? About a dozen and there wasn't an anagram on any of'em.
Well, whatever.
Medical records are pretty thin.
You say you got about a dozen that are two-year-old boys? How many of those are Colombian kid adoptions, anyway? I don't know.
Lar, how many? Vasquez said there was only a couple of dozen.
Why don't we just check the paperwork and see if the kids have been documented by the consulate? I'm gonna take Maria around with Gina to see the possibles.
Where are the files? Here.
You know what else is weird? Almost every kid was handled by the same lawyer, S-579.
Guy must be makin' a fortune at 20,000 a kid.
Well, let's find out.
[Tapping Keys.]
Hi! Susan Fisk, please.
Hi! Stan Switek, Miami Vice.
How are ya? Great.
Listen, I need a little help here.
Yeah, on the lawyer codes? I need the name? S-579.
Thank you.
Daddy Babybucks' name is Howard Famiglia.
I'm very sorry for her, but I don't see how I'm able to help you.
Did Famiglia ever show you the actual papers for your son's adoption? Howard? No.
He just said he worked for the Colombian government.
The man is an absolute saint.
He's helped make many people very happy.
Thank you.
Demarco? Miami Vice.
- Yes? - We'd like to ask some questions about your little boy's adoption.
Honey, it's late.
We've gotta run.
See you later.
Say, "Bye-bye, Daddy.
" Bye-bye.
We didn't know he had a little sister.
You're here about Howard Famiglia.
All right.
The man's a pig.
You did adopt your son through Famiglia, didn't you? Yeah.
And then when Davey died, he got us Andrea.
Did he ever tell you where the boy was from? Look, I don't know where he gets his babies from, and I'll admit at the time, I really didn't care.
Famiglia said for 50 grand he could get us an infant in three months.
Fifty thousand? Yeah.
Thirty in cash on the side.
I know, all the records say 20, but, believe me, I know what I paid.
- What happened next? - Uh, I called him.
I said, " Look, my wife's a wreck over this.
Refund our money, and I'll forget the whole thing, go through an agency.
" He said, "No.
" We had a deal, he'd make good on it.
Six months later we got Andrea.
Demarco, would you be willing to appear before a grand jury? Why? Just tell them what you've told us.
This isn't a victimless crime.
Babies are being taken from their mothers and then smuggled into this country in crates.
And a lot of'em die along the way.
That bastard.
Yeah, I'll appear.
Now it all makes sense.
What does? His attitude.
It was like— It was like he was selling puppies or something.
[No Audible Dialogue.]
This guy is running a baby bazaar.
Switek and Zito found his name on 102 adoptions, Lieutenant.
At 50,000 per, and we found out from one of the other mothers that Famiglia won't even take on a new client until he sees a financial statement.
Right now we have no evidence that he's committed a crime.
Actually, 50,000 per baby— It's a pretty good motive.
When are you seeing him? In two hours.
Why don't we put a tap on this guy and find out who he's talkin' to? I'll callJudge Tambor.
Lieutenant, she can't I.
She says it might be him, but he always wore sunglasses and a hat.
Excuse me, Trudy.
We might have a very good match on that angionoma.
Where? Kaplan.
327 Palm Circle Drive.
Come on.
Come on.
Splash around in the waterl Go for itl All right.
How do you like the water? Do you like it? Get one of the little boats.
Splash itl Go aheadl [Squeals.]
Splash it! Splash it! Uh, wait a second, Alex.
José Daniel! Do you know this child? [Speaking Spanish.]
Miami Vice.
This little boy may have been brought into this country illegally.
Alex, come say hello.
[Speaking Spanish.]
Concha? Mommy.
Have you been swimming? Yeah.
Who are these people, Concha? Miami Vice, ma'am.
Can I help you? I'm afraid we may have an illegal adoption situation here.
Now wait a minute.
This child is mine.
The adoption is approved by the State of Florida.
You can't come into my home without a warrant.
I'm Detective Calabrese.
I'm afraid our office will have to contact you again.
I can't imagine why.
Alex, sweetheart, you stay with Concha.
I'll be right back.
Howard Famiglia.
Moira Kaplan.
No, he can't call me back.
It's urgent.
Market conditions have changed.
Now state agencies have dozens of requests per child.
I'm just filling a niche.
Well, you make a heck of a sack of change out of that niche, don't ya? What is the price of love, Detective? - Nobody's forced to come to me.
- Except you have an endless supply of kids.
I work with the Colombian government.
Their consulate has solicited my help in placing orphans.
The children are well cared for and the parents are thrilled to have a child.
- Everybody's happy.
- Well, not everybody.
Not everybody.
We hear that you give a lifetime guarantee, so in case one of these little rascals dies, you just give 'em a new one.
You mind getting to the point of this meeting, gentlemen? The point is, we got a planeload of Colombian babies, three of which didn't make the whole trip.
A terrible thing.
I read about that in the papers.
Hard to believe.
You think that's hard to believe, wait till you read the part about how you're behind it.
You better be prepared to back up those accusations.
We'll leave that to the grand jury.
Detectives— I'm an honored man in this town, well-loved.
Everybody knows I adore children.
To suggest my involvement in this endeavor is not only ludicrous, it's slanderous.
So sue me.
[Door Closes.]
Hi, Emmy.
Hi, Angela.
Welcome back.
Hi, Susan.
Anything exciting happen while I was gone? Police came by.
They wanted all our paperwork on Colombian adoptions for the last three years.
They say why? They're investigating that planeload of babies that landed in the Everglades.
What planeload of babies? It was in the papers.
Didn't you see it? No.
The cops thought somebody was smuggling drugs.
It turned out it was babies.
You believe that? [Sighs.]
They need a court order for those files, Susan.
Well, it doesn't hurt to cooperate.
I gave them a readout of all the adopted parents.
[Breathing Heavily.]
Look, Lar, it's kinda hard to read bouncing up and down.
Five more.
Great, kids, Mr.
Muscle Head.
[Line Ringing.]
Famiglia's office.
Hello, is he in? Angela Mitchell calling.
Hey, that's the woman handling those Colombian babies.
Yes? We have to meet.
Think I don't know that? You're giving out information over there like it's on sale.
Half an hour.
The beach walk.
[Line Clicks.]
Yes? Yeah.
Famiglia's settin' a meet.
We're on it.
This James Bond stuff never works.
They told me they had the bugs worked out of it.
They are onto something.
There's nothing to worry about.
I want you to calm down.
I can't calm down— [Chattering.]
You gettin' anything? Eh.
You got wide eyes.
What do you mean, "Don't worry about anything"? [Indistinct.]
Can't we do anything? What would you like to do? You wanna ask them to speak up? The only way I have been able to deal with this thing is knowing that the kids are better off here than starving in Colombia.
Spare me the waterworks, Angela.
You knew from the onset what this was all about.
You've been paid very well for your cooperation.
Howard, we didn't know the kids were gonna die.
It is like any other business.
There's a spoilage factor.
Y-Y-You're sick.
Just stay away from me.
You just listen to me, baby.
You are gonna keep your mouth shut because you're tied to the mast with me on this one.
They have nothing on me unless one of the parents is willing to come forward and testify.
And I'm taking care of that.
It's being handled.
So you just don't panic.
Reminder— Call Hector re: The Mitchell situation.
I want a daily log on her activities.
[Phone Ringing.]
Sweetie, I'll be right back.
You be good, okay? Okay.
[Twig Snaps.]
Oh, no— [Doorbell Rings.]
What do you want? How come you haven't returned any of the district attorney's phone calls? I changed my mind.
About what? About everything, about testifying.
Wait a minute— Trudy.
What's the problem, Mr.
Demarco? [Woman.]
Who is it, Steven? It's the police.
Don't talk to them.
Steven, tell them to leave.
Look, what we talked about the other day— We've reconsidered.
Howard Famiglia is a fine attorney.
Has somebody threatened you? Of course not.
That's ridiculous.
Demarco, you have knowledge of a crime.
You have to testify.
Now we'd prefer your cooperation, but if we have to, we'll subpoena you.
I don't see what good that would do.
I have a very bad memory.
So, um, I don't see how I could remember anything about Howard Famiglia except how he helped us adopt our little girl.
So if there's nothing else, I'm reading to Andrea.
If I were you, I'd take a memory course, 'cause we're not droppin' this.
I think Demarco will take a contempt citation before he'll talk.
My guess is they threatened the baby.
Nice guy.
A founding member of the Big Brothers of America club.
Well, we got a week before the grand jury, so there's gotta be a way to nail that snake.
So how's that Mitchell lady seem like she's holding up? I think the pressure's gettin' to her.
Add some more.
Angela Mitchell? Yes.
That's me.
Can I help you? Yes.
I'm Detective Tubbs.
This is Detective Crockett.
We're handling the baby case.
Uh, yes? You do know why we're here, don't you, lady? I've been advised not to answer any questions until I see a lawyer.
Isn't that funny? I knew you were gonna say that.
[Pounds Desk.]
What is that? A subpoena.
You've been served.
You've been scheduled to appear in front of the grand jury a week from Tuesday.
And don't even think about not showin' up.
[Coin Clatters.]
[Tapping Keys.]
All my ducks are beginning to line up.
What are you talking about ducks? Your entire operation is at risk.
An operation that has your pockets bulging to the tune of about two million, Eduardo, baby.
Granted, a profitable business venture, Howard, but it's time to get out.
The press won't let go of this planeload ofbabies.
There have been stories on it every day.
Plus this woman in Social Services, she's got to be a weak link.
She knows everything.
The press is like a child.
We'll just unwrap a bigger toy for them.
As for this Mitchell woman, she won't be a problem.
What does that mean? Forget about her.
I'll take care of all the problems.
I just need a small favor from you.
What kind of favor? You're well aware that you have diplomatic immunity in these matters.
A trip to Washington tomorrow, a speech on the embarrassing nature of this case for your government, could secure a letter of rejection of prosecution for your partner, moi.
No, Howard.
I'm out.
If the consul were to find out about my involvement in this, I'd be finished.
As it is, I have to buy myself an appointment in another country.
You've got to cover your own tracks from now on, Howard.
I'm going back to Bogotá, tomorrow.
Well, that settles that.
In the bed.
[Muffled Shouting.]
[Doorbell Buzzing.]
[Police Radio, Indistinct.]
You guys Vice? Yeah.
Patterson, Homicide.
Listen, I have some people inside here involved in your baby case.
This plays pretty straight.
A lovers'suicide pact.
Only these two were in bed together in more ways than one.
The way I got it figured is that Vasquez there and this Mitchell woman were running that child-smuggling ring you guys are on.
No struggle? Nothin'.
Everything lines up.
Sabretta, where's that paper? Here.
This was on Vasquez's lap.
Looks like he shot the Mitchell woman once in the side of the head and then decided to have a lead snack ofhis own— Self-inflicted, to the roof of the mouth.
You know, if you ask me, these two people just made your case.
If I was you, I'd go home right now and have myself a beer.
It's too neat.
What? - He says it's a homicide.
- What are you trying to tell me, that I can't read a crime scene? No.
I'm just sayin' it's too convenient.
Someone's tryin' to plug up the holes.
You got that.
Can you give us a full scene dust? Check for third-party prints and hand swab both the victims.
There are no third-party prints here.
And the two of you are gonna have to come up with something a little more substantial than a hunch to get me to stay here all night.
Now as far as I'm concerned, it's a closed case.
What I need is a few more hours to re-dust the entire scene.
Sonny, Detective Patterson from Homicide's on line one.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
So what do you want me to do? You want me to have my lieutenant call your lieutenant, sweetheart? I got authorization.
I don't care if you dusted the ceiling.
We're gonna do it again, so indulge me.
[Handset Settles In Cradle.]
Everything has been done.
I had the bottom of the toilets done, the furniture legs, everything but the ceiling, and now you've got these guys doing the outside.
There's gotta be somethin' here.
My guys were here for seven hours.
Every print is Mitchell's.
Every print? Every print.
No prints from Vasquez? He came here for one reason, right? Don't you think if they were lovers, he'd leave at least one print around? Got one, Sergeant.
Where? Outside her front door.
Type of thing you leave pushing a door open.
You've been a big help.
Prints belong to one Hector Borges— three arrests for narcotics smuggling, no convictions.
Green card revoked 1985, reinstated 1986.
Where's he work? Surprise, surprise— Kravitz, Leland and Famiglia.
He's Howard Famiglia's chauffeur.
Switek, Zito, let's hit it! It's our only shot at takin' Famiglia.
So get this guy breathin'.
Cover the back.
[Speaking Spanish.]
Go in your house and stay there.
[Speaking Spanish.]
?? [Man Singing Rock.]
Hector Borges.
Hector Borges.
Hector! [Speaking Spanish.]
It's wired! Out! It's time to bring Famiglia in for a talk, Lieutenant.
We've got nothing that ties him in.
We've got this guy rattled, Lieutenant.
He's killed everybody that's connected with the case and now he's tryin' to do us.
And we're gonna let him walk on three murders? Yes.
We got Maria.
We could use her to bait a trap.
Are you still friendly with that TV reporter friend of yours? What's her name? Uh, Castro? Talk to her.
Maria, your own child did not recognize you? [Speaking Spanish.]
Any movement with regard to the legal custody of the child? No.
Not at this point.
Do the police know who's running the smuggling operation? Um, this case goes before the grand jury next week, so I can't be specific, but we do know that a prominent local attorney is heavily involved in both the smuggling operation and three murders here in Miami.
Miss Escobar is an eyewitness to the attorney's involvement and will so testify to the grand jury.
And so, this young mother, who braved death to try to get her baby back, is now under heavy police protection at Saint Anne's, waiting to tell her story to a Dade County grand jury.
Back to you, Ken.
Thank you, Robin.
A heart-wrenching story from St.
Anne's tonight.
Many people certainly pulling for a happy ending— You look nice as a nurse.
Shh! [Woman On P.
Carrow to Obstetrics, please.
He's in.
I got him.
[Clears Throat.]
[Elevator Bell Dings.]
Floor? Uh, four, please.
[Elevator Bell Dings.]
[Woman On P.
Seidelman to X-ray, please.
Must be the wrong floor.
They stopped at this floor, but they didn't get off.
[Elevator Bell Dings.]
Good evening, Mr.
Hello, Janice.
[Woman On P.
Stanford, telephone, please.
[Clears Throat.]
Good evening, ladies.
Sorry I'm late.
If you'll just settle down, we'll begin.
Now, if you'll just bear with me a moment, I'll just get this film threaded and we can start.
Can I help you, young man? Uh, no.
I guess I'm in the wrong place.
The eating disorder lecture's on three.
This is the unwed mothers' seminar.
Excuse me, how long is this gonna last? Usually about 45 minutes.
Uh, guys, I don't get it.
Uh, he's doin' a seminar now.
Stay there and let us know when he comes out.
[Clears Throat.]
Enjoy the film, ladies.
If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them for you afterward.
[Male Narrator On Film.]
The miracle ofbirth.
The procreation of a species.
The creation oflife, of another human being.
A being who will laugh, cry, love and be loved.
A person who will grow— [Continues, Indistinct.]
During the next 30 minutes, we will unravel— [Continues, Indistinct.]
Freeze! Miami Vice! ?? [Woman Singing Ballad.]
These are Alex's— José's.
This is the blanket he likes to sleep with at night.
He says it protects him from the "rain man.
" For the rain.
[Concha Speaking Spanish.]
[Crying Continues.]
I've packed most of his shoes.
He likes to change his shoes often.
We'll ship the rest ofhis clothes to you.
[Concha Speaking Spanish.]
He's a good boy.
He always listens.
Remember our talk last night about another Mommy? ?? [Continues.]
[Speaking Spanish.]
Alex is oursl Adios, Alex.
You take good care of him, Mrs.

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