Mighty MonsterWheelies (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

High Fliers and Extreme Riders

-[engine revving]
-[tires screeching]
[electricity crackling]
Oh-oh-oh ♪
MonsterWheelies, oh-oh-oh ♪
[engines revving]
-Guess who's here to save the day ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Let's go motor, let's go play ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Rev it up and get in gear ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-When you see us, have no fear ♪
-Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Monsters to the rescue ♪
-Monsters to the rescue ♪
-Rolling up to help you ♪
-Let's roll ♪
We know what to do ♪
Mighty MonsterWheelies ♪
-Wheelies ♪
-[electricity crackling]
[Bolts] The Mighty MonsterWheelies
in "High Fliers and Extreme Riders."
[onlookers gasp]
Somebody, help!
Time to let the Sonnie shine!
[tires screeching]
[pickup truck gasps]
[pickup truck] Wahoo!
That was the coolest thing
I've ever seen! [gasps]
You're just like
one of the Extreme Riders.
Oh! I can't wait to see them
do their show today.
[dramatic circus music playing]
[tires screeching]
-[brakes squeal]
[mimics explosion]
Well done, Spinner.
That was the coolest thing
I've ever seen. [chuckles]
Don't you agree, Briggs?
[Briggs coughs]
Absolutely, sir. Very extreme.
This year's Stunt Show
is going to be incredible.
Thanks, Mayor.
We really want to show off our skills.
Just wait until the rest of my team,
the Extreme Riders, and Rita show up.
[ship horn blares]
-[Extreme Riders cheering]
-Land ho, Extreme Riders.
We're almost at the beach.
I'm so excited to come to your show.
-[wind gusting]
-Whoa! Sure is windy.
Um, Spinner, maybe should we tie
the tent down so it doesn't blow away?
That wouldn't be very extreme.
Besides, these ropes
are just for decoration.
I think they're there to tie the tent down
so it doesn't blow away.
[laughs] Trust me,
I've done this hundreds of times.
The tent isn't going any Whoa!
[Briggs gasps]
[Spinner grunts] Whoa!
This may be a little too extreme!
-[Spinner] Whoa!
-Great flying funhouse!
Hang on, Spinner!
I know just the team to help you down.
[electricity crackling]
-[thunder crashes]
-[bell tolling]
[gasps] We've got an alert.
Let's kick it into high gear
to the Garage!
-[bell tolling]
[bell tolling]
[tires screeching]
MonsterWheelies, circle formation!
[platform whirring]
Activate screen.
[electricity crackling]
Go for Axyl.
Motorvania needs your help!
The tent for the Extreme Riders'
Stunt Show blew away,
and it took Spinner with it!
We have to help them
get back to solid ground.
We're on it, Mayor.
Here's the plan.
Sonnie, you'll fly out to find Spinner
and get that tent back to Blacktop Lagoon.
Time to let the Sonnie shine!
Let's motor.
[thunder crashes]
-[engine revving]
-[tires screeching]
-[thunder crashes]
All right, Spinner, where are you?
Activate Sonic Seeker!
[Sonic Seeker pulsing]
-[Sonic Seeker trills]
-[Spinner] Whoa!
-[Sonnie gasps]
[Spinner whimpers]
Found you!
Hey, Sonnie, little help?
[grunts] One escape artist,
at your service.
[both whimpering]
[both gasp]
[Spinner laughs]
Huh? [screams]
-[Spinner] Whoa!
-[Sonnie] Whew!
-[Mayor chuckles]
-[Spinner sighs]
Thanks for the soaring rescue.
-But we lost the tent. Look!
-[Sonnie gasps]
[Spinner] There it is!
[wind gusting]
Looks like the show is coming to
I can't see!
-What's happening, Rita?
Yeah, Rita! This is too extreme!
[Rita gasps]
[grunts] Slow down, Rita!
I can't!
Hang on!
-[ship horn blaring]
-[Briggs gasps]
-Oh, no! Rita's in trouble.
[gasps] And so are the Extreme Riders!
I'm on it, Spinner.
I'll rescue your team
with a little help from my team.
[engine revving]
Sonnie to the MonsterWheelies.
I rescued Spinner,
but the tent for the Stunt Show
got swept out to sea,
and now Rita's trapped in it.
[MonsterWheelies gasp]
I could use a hand.
I can lend a fin.
Time to make a splash!
[thunder crashes]
[engine revving]
[tires screeching]
-[thunder crashes]
[Rita groans]
-Hang on, Rita! I'll get you out of this.
-Huh? [sighs]
[Sonnie grunts]
What a tangled-up mess.
Sonnie to Gill E.
[Sonnie on radio]
The tent is pulling Rita out of control.
We have to slow her down,
or else she'll crash into those rocks!
Gill E.'s got you!
[Gill E.] Activate Turbo Bubbles!
[Gill E. grunts]
[Sonnie grunts]
Pull, Gill E., pull! You can do it!
-[Gill E. grunts]
-[motor revving]
[Gill E. grunts]
[Rita whimpers]
[Rita screams]
-[Gill E. grunts]
-[revving intensifies]
[Rita screams]
[straining] Hurry, Sonnie!
-I can't keep this up much longer!
-[revving intensifies]
[Sonnie grunts]
Almost got it.
-There you go.
-[Rita gasps]
[Gill E. grunts]
[Rita sighs]
[Extreme Riders] Whoa! [grunts]
-[Green] Rider overboard!
-[Orange screams]
-[muffled yelling]
Gill E.'s got you!
[Orange sighs]
-Oh, yeah!
Now, that was pretty extreme.
Is everyone all right?
Yeah. We are all present
and accounted for.
[gasps] Great!
But let's save any more stunts
for the show.
-[Rita chuckles]
-[Green] Oh, yeah! Wahoo!
-[Green] Yeah!
-You all made it! Yeah!
Yeah, it was a bit of a bumpy ride,
but we got here in one piece. [chuckles]
Sorry about that.
I was putting being extreme
over everyone's safety.
But now I know what we have to do.
[chuckles] Let's tie this tent down
so it doesn't blow away.
[gasps] A-Again.
-[Axyl] We've got you covered.
Over to you, Axyl.
Thanks, Wraps.
I just happen to have
the right tool for the job.
[fingers snap]
-[electricity crackling]
-Mallet, locked in!
That should hold it down.
Thanks, MonsterWheelies.
And a special thank you
to our two honorary Extreme Riders,
the High-Soaring Sonnie
[Sonnie giggles]
-[Spinner] and the Mon-mazing Gill E.!
-[Gill E. giggles]
Now, we've had
a lot of excitement for one day,
but do you think
you can handle a little more?
-[Bolts] Yeah!
-[Gill E.] Wahoo!
-[Sweeps howls]
[audience cheering]
[Spinner] Monsters and Trucks,
I'm proud to introduce to you,
the Extreme Riders!
-[engines revving]
-[audience cheering]
[grunts, chuckles]
[audience cheering]
[audience gasps]
-[audience cheering]
[horns honking]
[audience cheering]
[in unison] Extreme!
-[audience cheering]
-[Sweeps] All right!
-[Axyl] Oh, yeah!
-[Sweeps] That was extreme!
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