Motown Magic (2018) s02e07 Episode Script

You've Really Got a Hold on Me

-["ABC" playing]
-[children singing]
You went to school to learn, girl ♪
Things you never, never knew before ♪
Like I before E, except after C ♪
And why two plus two makes four ♪
Now, now, now, I'm gonna teach you ♪
Teach you, teach you ♪
All about love, yeah ♪
All about love ♪
Sit yourself down and take a seat ♪
All you gotta do is repeat after me ♪
A, B, C ♪
Easy as one, two, three ♪
Or simple as do, re, mi ♪
A, B, C
One, two, three
Baby, you and me, girl! ♪
A, B, C, it's easy
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C
That's how easy love can be! ♪
[Ben] Every time I try to make
something great,
-my little sister, Ella, wants to help.
-[Ella giggles]
[Ben] Only problem is
her definition of helping is
messing up everything.
I know she doesn't mean to,
but she kinda ruins whatever I'm doing.
Now, that is so beautiful, Ben.
Thanks, Mom. Just needs, um
an additional something. Hmm.
I got something.
No. No, no, no! Look out!
-[Ben sighs]
-[Ella giggles]
Hey, Benny. Wanna help me tinker
with my Tinker-Matic 2000?
Actually, I was hoping you could help me
build my own device
uh, contraption thing.
Sure. Things are my specialty.
It's sorta like the thing that warns you
an earthquake is coming,
except it's for Ella.
An Ella warning system?
What you need that for?
Hey, Benji, wanna play something?
Oh. Oh, no.
Don't you worry, little Ella.
I had a few explosive moments
when I was your age, too.
In fact, I always saw it as my duty
to keep my sister,
that's your mom, on her toes.
For some reason, she never appreciated me,
not till we started running together
in the Motown three-legged race.
We were nine-time champions.
-Can we do the race, Benji?
Can we? Please, Benji?
[sighs] Okay, fine.
Yes! [giggles]
Great! Then you will be needing this.
Whoa! What is that?
It'll help you walk in lock-step.
When you move in time, it glows green.
And it also makes a mean piece of toast.
Lesson numero uno,
if you can catch a chicken dinner,
you're gonna be a winner.
[machine beeping]
[both grunt and scream]
How's that feeling?
I wanna leave you ♪
Don't wanna stay here ♪
Don't wanna spend
Another day here ♪
Oh, whoa, I wanna split now
I can't quit now ♪
-You really got a hold on me ♪
-You really got a hold on me ♪
-You really got a hold on me ♪
-You really got a hold on me ♪
Whoa! Ah!
[both sigh]
Okay, okay, training's hit a few bumps.
So, let's go back to the basics,
just put two feet in front of the others.
Okay. Outer legs first.
[Ella panting]
We're doing it!
[Uncle Rod laughs]
That's the golden ticket.
[both giggling]
Check it out. Ben and his sister
are practicing for the race, too.
Uh, hey. It's Brad and Stephanie.
Go faster, Benji, faster.
Good luck, Ben.
You and your baby sister
are so going to need it.
I'm not a baby.
And you are not going to beat us. Hmm.
Uh-oh, Ben, I need to go.
-[Ella groans]
-Oh. Oh, no. Oh, Uncle Rod.
Hey, hey, hey, are you kids okay?
Ella needs to go.
Can you take this thing off?
Oh, sure. Um, um, yeah, um
Now was it my second goldfish's birthday?
[all screaming]
Maybe the square root
of Pi times 72?
[both screaming]
Sorry, sorry, sorry. Okay, okay,
seems like the code slipped my memory,
but I'm gonna try to remember
and I'll let you know as soon as I do.
I can't live like this.
If Uncle Rod can't get us unstuck,
then maybe I know someone who can.
ABC, easy as one, two, three.
[both] Whoa!
Move it already.
I can't bust a move
until you let go of me.
Come on, you two. Simmer down.
Why'd you stick yourselves together?
We didn't, Ella girl.
One minute, we were having
a bit of a disagreement,
next thing, we was in this fix.
Well, if you didn't do it, who did?
I don't know,
but I know someone who might know.
The Maestro.
Maybe he could help us too.
Ella, can you stop pulling?
I's only pulling 'cause you ain't moving.
But how do we get to The Maestro
when we're stuck here?
What if you go through there?
Hey, you guys could
fit through there all together.
Yeah, like I said.
Anyway, I can show you how to do it.
-I can too.
-[both grunting]
One thing's for sure.
I really don't want to stay here.
I wanna leave you
Don't wanna stay here ♪
Don't wanna spend another day here ♪
Though I gotta split now
I can't quit now ♪
You really got a hold on me ♪
You really got a hold on me
You really got a hold on me ♪
You really got a hold on me ♪
You really got a hold on me
You really got a hold on me ♪
I said, you really got a hold on me
Really got a hold on me ♪
You know, you really got a hold on me ♪
You really got a hold on me ♪
We're free. And I've got my groove back.
Ah! Feeling light as a feather
and free as a bird.
Thanks, Ben and Ella.
You sure saved my spark plugs.
Why don't you two come through
and you'll get unstuck too?
Oh, I don't know.
I think we kinda still need it.
What do you say, Ella?
Yeah, maybe.
[crowd cheering]
[Ben panting]
Whoo-hoo! Yeah, go, Team Love! Go!
Here they come,
ready to take out last place.
[both laughing]
Don't listen to those clowns, Benny.
Yeah, and just remember,
it's left foot, right foot. Easy. [laughs]
No, it's not.
[both giggle]
Winner-winner, chicken dinner. Whoo-hoo!
-On your marks, get set Go.
-[airhorn blows]
-[crowd cheering]
-Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
[Ella and Ben grunting]
Okay, like Uncle Rod taught us.
-Outie then innie?
[Stephanie panting] Come on!
Double time.
Brad. Me first, doofus!
Don't call me doofus, doofus.
-[Bernadette] Go, Team Love!
-[Bill] Whoo-hoo!
[Rod] You got it, you got it.
Congratulations, Ben and Ella.
Ha-ha! Now, let me get this unlocked.
Huh? Uh, did you know that the whole time?
What? Uh, no way. Uh-uh.
'Course I didn't. [laughs]
Now, because you two
made working together look
look like a piece of cake,
I made a few tweaks to this cake. [laughs]
-My cake!
-My cake!
Uh, I mean our cake.
It looks amazing and I guess
we all made it together, huh, Ella?
Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
[all cheering]
A, B, C, it's easy
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C ♪
That's how easy love can be! ♪
Come on, come on
Let me show you what it's all about!
A, B, C, it's easy
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C
That's how easy love can be! ♪
A, B, C, it's easy
-It's like counting up to three ♪
-One, two, three
-Sing a simple melody ♪
-Do, re, mi, A, B, C
That's how easy love can be! ♪
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