Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Couples Therapy (Naked & Afraid)

You blew up my cottage.
You bought a house
without talking about it
to me first.
[Jane] John!
[Jane] You can't
go rogue like that.
We're lucky we didn't
get another fail.
- [man speaking Spanish]
- [John] Okay.
[Jane] John, you want
to bring kids into this life
after a day like we had today?
- [shouting, grunting]
- [machete slicing]
- What about family? What
- I didn't think
you were that simpleminded,
like, that traditional.
Don't call me stupid
just 'cause
[Jane] So you're mad
that I saved the day?
I'm mad that you
take all the credit.
We made this pact that we would
make a certain amount of money
and then
we'd part ways.
Yeah, like, you two can just
you know, break up
and quit, like [laughs]
Can you imagine if the Company
was that open-minded?
[birds singing]
- [therapist] Hey.
- [chuckles] Hi.
- This place is beautiful.
- Yeah.
- It's so nice that you work from here.
- Thank you.
Thank you. We finally
moved out of the city.
- This is my little dream home.
- [soft laughter]
- [John] Well, it's gorgeous.
- Yeah. - Thank you. I just
I feel very present here.
- [laughs softly]
- It's really nice.
- It's awesome.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- So
what brings you to therapy?
[both chuckle]

[John] I think
lately, me and Jane have
h-have not been aligned
on, just, some things.
- Mm-hmm.
- [Jane] Yeah. I think, um
I think John's
under the impression
that our boss favors me.
- Well, he-he does.
- But
- I mean, h-he does favor
- Well
He doesn't really fa I
I mean, well,
he-he wanted you to replace me.
- He asked you if to replace me.
- To which I-I said,
"Absolutely not," you know?
I said, "John is
a great partner,"
which is true, um
and, yeah, I just, I
I said I don't want to move up
unless I'm with him.
- So you two work together?
- [both] Yes.
And what is it that you two do?
- We're
- We're computer, uh,
- software engineers.
- Software engineers.
So, where else
are you feeling misaligned?
[John] Um
on kid stuff.
- Kid stuff.
- Yeah.
That's a very big subject.
[Jane] Yeah.
Let's talk about kids.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Do you
- [both chuckle]
Um, I-I w
I want to have them
- Mm-hmm.
- and she doesn't.
- Hmm. Hmm.
- Yeah.
What are you reservations
about children, Jane?
I f I
I just feel like,
in the line of work that we do,
it doesn't really
feel responsible.
As software engineers?
- Yeah. I think they're just the
- Yeah.
- It's stressful, you know?
- You know,
- it's just a fast-moving business.
- It's high-intensity.
I had no idea software
engineering was so intense.
- [laughter]
- [John] Yeah, there's a lot of
- pressure.
- It can be.
So, working together,
- living together
- [Jane] Mm.
How is that?
- It's good.
- It's tricky.
[therapist] Oh.
- Tricky?
- It's okay.
This is, this is
this happens.
It's why we're here.
Well, can I ask
how it's tricky?
Or in-in what way
does it feel
- Tricky?
- tricky to you?
- Why?
- [John] Well
- [hands clap]
- it's one of those things
where I feel like
her default is
to be controlling.
- Hmm.
- Controlling of the situation.
That's really interesting.
I don't agree.
I think, uh,
that feels a little unfair.
I just, that's how I feel.
And I feel like
that's unfair to say.
Can you give me an example?
- [John] Yeah, uh
- Contextualize it for both
- Jane and myself?
- [John] Yeah, uh
You know, like, the thing
we did the other w
the weekend.

[Jane] How many?
[John] Three. Only one
that seems to be armed.
[John] The dude in the yellow.
I want to take the lead
on this one.
[Jane] You want
to take the lead on this?
Are you sure you can handle it?
Got to show my stuff for Hihi.
If I have any problems,
you'll hear me and I'll say,
"I have to use the bathroom."
That's a horrible idea.
What if you actually have
to use the bathroom?
I won't actually have
to use the bathroom.
It's a half-hour job, tops.
[therapist] Was this
or were these just
friends of yours, John?
[Jane] They were clients
that we were
trying to, you know,
we were trying
to close a deal with them.
- Or c yeah, court.
- Yeah.
And did you sign them?
- [CJ: "Whoopty"]
- Whoopty ♪
Bitch, I'm outside,
it's a movie, huh ♪
Blue cheese, I swear
I'm addicted to blue cheese ♪
I got stick to this paper
like loose-leaf, huh ♪
- Bitch, I'm 'bout my chicken like
- Yeah.
[Terrence] What'd you say
your name again was?
- John?
- Yeah, John.
I didn't know Lif had
any cousins in New York.
He don't talk about family?
Yeah, that's Khalif.
[Rodrick] Don't eat those, man.
They're, like, a year old, bro.
Peanut butter in a pretzel
is, like, the perfect combo.
Shit, it's weird it's not
more of a staple snack.
[Rodrick] They don't
got good branding.
You know,
branding is everything.
[John] I was just talking
to my mains about cops.
Now, they got good branding.
You know, that's what
even Michelle Obama,
she was like,
"I wish the presidency
had a promo budget."
Because optics are everything.
The way people come to you
- is the way people see you, you know?
- Mm.
And cops have
really good branding.
Black people
need better branding.
Shit, that copaganda,
man, is real.
And they don't slip up a lot.
[Rodrick] And when
they do slip,
they make you forget
about that shit fast as fuck.
- Mm-hmm.
- Have them doing them little TikTok dances
- next day at the crime scene and shit.
- I know, yeah.
They be sitting there like
- That's what I'm saying, nigga.
- [laughter]
- [over device] That's what I'm saying.
- [Jane] He was taking forever.
No, you just don't like that I
was doing it well without you.
- That
- That's what That's the problem.
Oh, and you feel
that this bothers Jane?
[John] I know it does.
I mean
if we're being honest,
I was bonding
with Black people
- [Jane] Oh, my God.
- and it was something
- that she can't do as well.
- [clears throat]
[John] So I had access in a way
that she will never have,
and it bothered her.
You were in there with these
guys, they were just talking
about different kinds
of girls and w-wh
- submissive girls, I mean
- No.
What you were bonding over
was being sexist.
- That's what it was.
- How so?
Say-say more about that.
No, we were talking about Mya.
[Rodrick] You know who I was
obsessed with back in the day?
- '01, '02?
- I remember Mya. Oh, shit.
I used to run home, 4:00,
Wednesday afternoon, MTV,
just sitting there
trying-trying to get
Sisqó out of the way.
- [laughter]
- Just like
"Fuck, nigga."
What did ever happen to Mya?
[John] That's exactly
what we were talking about.
We were saying, like,
I think she married, like, rich
and then was like,
"I-I just don't need this,"
- and just decided to, like, be on her own.
- Yeah.
She was like, "Oh, I'm just
gonna" But I just
We were like, "Oh,
remember that song," like
Forget about ♪
- [hums]
- Yes, I do. Yeah, yeah.
- I remember loving that video.
- [John] Oh.
- It's so good.
- [laughs] Yeah.
- With Sisqó?
- Yeah.
Like, we were just talking
about how much we love Mya.
- Jane.
- Mm-hmm?
Your body language
is saying a lot right now.
[Jane] What's hard
about this is that
I think you perform a bit
when you're around other men.
- No. No.
- Yeah.
- I think [laughs]
- [chuckles]
You were performing with them.
You weren't even
laughing like yourself.
Well, we were doing a
uh, that's how I laugh.
Nope. I have never
heard you laugh like that.
That's how I laugh when I think
something's actually funny.
That's my real laugh.
- What?
- "Actually funny." Did you hear that?
John, let's
let's try to refrain from using
cruel or absolute language
while we're in here.
Outside of here, you can
do whatever you want.
Not really, but you know.
[Jane] I think
it's something that he does
when he's around men.
- Mm-hmm.
- And I don't know
if it has something
to do with his dad
or if it's something to do with
- the way you grew up, with how your mom
- Wow. Okay. L-Listen.
We have a therapist.
We have a therapist here.
Let her do her job, okay?
You don't
Y-You're being
out of pocket, all right?
What-what does that even mean?
I think what John means
by "being out of pocket"
is that you are
crossing a boundary.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
[Jane] Okay, fine. He was
crossing a lot of boundaries
when he was
in this conversation.
- [sighs]
- Yes.
- What boundaries?
- You
You were being racist.
He was saying racist things
- about me.
- I was not.
[Bucket] I love Latina women,
but I don't
love they families, man.
I mean, they just,
they just be too involved.
[Rodrick] I don't know
about that.
- I can't trust a woman who isn't close to her family.
- [John] Facts.
Something wrong with a woman
who's not close with her family.
I-It tells you
a lot about them.
- You have a ring.
- Mm.
You must be married.
- Yep.
- [Bucket] She a Latina?
- Asian, actually.
- Oh.
- Nigga, word?
- I went East.
- Yo, you went East with
- [laughter]
East of the border?
You a lucky man,
'cause I love me some Asians.
- [John] Yeah.
- They low-key conservative.
- [Bucket] That's facts.
- They know their role.
- Mm-hmm.
- [John] Not mine.
She's not like that at all.
- She must be Filipino.
- [laughter]
She's Japanese,
but I never met her family,
so she could be low-key Korean.
I don't even know, it's like
[laughs] I-I know
you're not low-key Korean.
Like, that's obvious.
- Like, I
- [therapist] No, no, no.
I do recognize that in
your individual communities,
certain ways of communicating
are permissible,
I think bonding over racism
within that community
at your wife's expense
is-is hardly the way
- to go about that.
- [John] This
our the problem
wasn't about that, okay?
It wasn't about what I said.
It was about what she did.
[neck cracks]
[Mya: "It's All About Me"]
See? That's the thing
with this nigga.
- [Terrence] Nigga, it hurts.
- No, no, no, no.
Let me t No, no, no, no.
Let me talk.
I keep telling this nigga,
don't crack your neck
like that.
- [Terrence] Fuck that.
- You're gonna regret it later, man.
[Rodrick] That's what
I'm trying to tell him, nigga.
Do some yoga.
15 minutes when you get up.
- [John] Mm-hmm.
- [Terrence] 15 minutes?
- That's asking a lot.
- [Rodrick] Look,
somebody explain to this nigga
what I'm talking about.
Look, right now, you're young.
You probably
don't need to do it.
You know, 15 minutes seems like
a long time in the morning.
[Terrence] I mean, I've been
through some shit, but then
- Listen
- Maintenance. The more
you put into your body,
the more you'll get out of it.
You know those old folks
that you see
walking down the street
with their necks like that?
- You don't want to be that.
- [Bucket] Y'all do look like
- y'all struggle up the steps.
- [laughs] Don't do that.
I appreciate that.
Thank you, John.
[John] Life is maintenance.
I like that.
- Yo, who is this nigga?
- [laughter]
Yo, I-I really like that, man.
I'm telling you,
it's real shit.
[Terrence] Are these niggas
[Bucket] I have no idea what
the fuck they're talking
Now swing my body
right to left
Nah, nah, nah, nah!
You gotta see ♪
Tonight, baby
[Jane over comms] Ugh,
I'm fucking starving.
Just grab the bag
and get out of there.
[therapist] Oh,
so Jane closed it?
- Yeah.
- Yeah. Very, very aggressively.
- [glass shatters in distance]
- [boy] Mom!
I am so sorry.
This is one of the consequences
of working from home.
- [laughs softly]
- I'm just gonna tell him I'm in a session.
- [door opens] - Okay.
- All right.
[door closes]
[whispers] Just tell her
you were jealous
and that you almost
got me killed.
- [whispers] Oh, what?
- You almost got me killed.
I didn't get you killed.
I fucking saved you.
You didn't save me.
I didn't need your help.
Oh, really? Did you die?
Are you dead right now?
- Am I dead right now?
- Yeah, are you?
What? Are you insane?
Like, who do you think you are?
- God?
- Keep your voice down.
- Down.
- I almost died.
- [door slides open]
- [therapist] So
- so sorry about that.
- [Jane] No.
[John] Oh, it's no problem.
He sounds sweet.
Yeah, he's disrespectful.
Um Sorry.
- [laughs] - [both chuckle]
- [John] It's okay.
- Forgive me.
- [Jane] No.
- [John] It's all right.
- Sorry.
- [John] It's okay.
- [Jane] Yeah.
So, John,
do you think we can
come up with a word
other than "controlling"
to explain
why Jane might have intervened?
Um [clears throat]
I feel like
maybe Jane intervened
possibly because she's
s-she can be anxious.
And do you want Jane
to feel that anxious?
[John] No.
I want her to let me help her
be less anxious.
And do you think you can
let John do that more?
- Yeah.
- That's great.
[quietly] That's so great.
Nice work, John.
I do I
I don't know,
I just have trouble,
still, with the idea of-of
Like, how do I do that
without making sacrifices
to the parts of
You know, without
sacrificing parts of myself
that make me me.
[therapist] Mm-hmm.
You know, when I was
spending some time
in the jungles
of Tortuguero, Costa Rica,
a, uh, rare mantled howler,
the Alouatta palliata,
stared at me
directly in my eyes.
And at first,
I held his stare
until I realized,
if I didn't heed his warning,
he was ready to take
a chunk out of my face.
So I averted my gaze,
because sometimes we just
have to listen to nature.
You know what I mean?
- Yeah.
- Mm.
- Mm, mm, mm.
- Mm-hmm.
[Jane] Mm-hmm.
We are out of time.
- Oh.
- But this has been great.
- Okay?
- Yeah.
So, same time next week?
- Um
- Yeah, we can
I-I think we can do that.
- Okay, great.
- [Jane] Thank you so much.
- [John] Thank you.
- You're so welcome.
- [John] No problem.
- The Venmo, uh, code
is on a sticky note
right by the door.
- Okay. Okay, great.
- You have
- I have the phone.
- You can take a picture of it, there
My son is It's a
it's been done, it's out there.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- [both] Thank you so much.
- [Jane] Thank you.
What do you think she meant
by the monkey story?
I don't know.
I was thinking about that.
I was very lost.
I didn't know where to look.
[laughs] I don't
- Was the monkey me?
- [laughs] Or was the monkey me, I thought.
Was she, was that a, like,
a racist, like,
- "Don't make eye contact with me."
- [laughs]

Beautiful floors, Doc.
[therapist] Thank you
for noticing, John.
The wood on the floor, uh,
believe it or not,
actually came
from my childhood home.
I had them fly it in ages ago.
- Wow.
- Mm.
- You love this house. I can tell.
- I do love this house.
- It's a real, um, cocoon for me.
- [laughs softly]
how did things feel,
since our last session?
Not good, honestly.
It wasn't great.
Jane, do you notice
that you do that a lot?
- Answer for the both of you?
- Well, he's not
I mean, last time, I feel like,
in the last session,
he was doing that for me.
- But now I just feel like he's not
- [sniffles]
answering, he's looking
to me to answer, so
[therapist] Okay,
and that's fair.
John, do you notice
that you do that a lot?
Look to Jane for the answer?
Yeah, I guess
I've just gotten used to
her thinking she has
all the answers.
Can you rephrase that, John?
[Jane clears throat]
don't know as much as her.
[therapist] Great.
Has Jane been able to
let you take the lead at all
since we saw each other last?
I tried.
[horn honking]
[siren wailing]
- [Jane] Out of the way!
- [John] Hold up!
[John panting] Fuck. Fuck.
It's not my fault
you have asthma.
- [therapist] Uh
- Why-why even say that?
H-How is asthma relevant here?
- [John] She's just using it to cut me down.
- [Jane] Don't do the thing
where you twist it around
and make it seem like
you're the good guy
and I'm being bad.
I'm not, I'm pointing out
I'm not the villain.
You were the one
who was actually mean.
- I'm not the villain, either.
- Yeah
How so? How so?
Elaborate on that.
[Jane] So, there was
a software malfunction.
I'm saving the computer
from crashing.
You always have to be first
to troubleshoot a problem
when it's fine the way it is.
[Jane] I don't need
to troubleshoot.
I start at zero
and I go up through the codes.
You go up through the codes?
- Yeah.
- [John] My files are clean.
- My-my files are fine.
- Your files are so corrupt.
The amount that I have
to clean up after you is wild.
- Really?
- Yeah.
'Cause the malware you have
- is i-incredible.
- Okay.
- [Jane] Uh-huh.
- Okay? it's crazy that it's still even running.
You're the one
who did the thing after.
That's-that's the
that's the thing
that actually fucked me up.
[elevator bell dings]
[John] You never want to
give me credit for anything.
Okay? I'm good at pivoting.
I taught you that.
I'm always communicating
with you, on the job.
I'm keeping you in the loop.
Third floor!
Oh, come on.
[over comms] Fourth floor.
- Fifth!
- [exhales] Oh, God.
- Whatever, Jane.
- I
Always the martyr. I get it.
Ninth floor! Tenth floor!
[panting] I'm gonna
fucking kill this guy.
I'm gonna kill this guy.
[Jane] Eleventh!
Fuck you, you motherfucker.
Sixteenth floor!
[elevator bell dings]
[Jane over comms] We're
heading onto the roof!
[both panting]
Die, motherfucker.
[man screaming]
- [thud]
- [car alarm sounding]
[John laughing over comms]
What? What are you saying?
Who are you talking to?
What that Who was that for?
Was that for you
or was that for me?
Oh Oh
"Die, motherfucker"?
[laughing] Did I miss
your first movie?
- Holy shit.
- [Jane] He laughed at me.
In my face. 'Cause he couldn't
keep up with coding.
- [stifled laugh]
- And I was saving you
Stop laughing.
It was funny,
that you said that.
It was a c
Y-You said a catchphrase
while we were c-coding.
Imagine if I had said something
like that, if I was like,
[stammers] "That's what's up,
chicken butt."
Like, if I said that,
you would've
- [laughs]
- Y-You're laughing.
Because that's not
what I said, first of
- Yeah, but it was funny.
- [Jane] It's hurtful
when you laugh
at something like that.
- Come on.
- I needed to say that to go there.
To-to go where?
[John] It's just a moment.
And it's y-you're taking it
like I'm belittling you.
- It's not belittling. You're the one who thinks
- You are.
that I can't live without
you. That's belittling.
I've had to save you
many times, it's just a fact.
When have you
when have you saved my life?
Ski work trip.
- [chuckles] The ski trip?
- Mm-hmm.
You saved my dick.
That is not my life.
[Jane] That's not
a small feat. That
Oh, it's not like
I get to use it anymore.
- It's like
- Jesus.
when it comes to you,
and all your problems
and your point of view,
I have to be there
and support it
and understand it,
but when it comes to me
and my stuff,
no one gives a fuck.
- Sorry.
- [therapist] It's okay.
He's being brave. And honest.
- [piano plays]
- Uh, I-I'm so sorry.
Uh, please
don't play that piano.
- Sorry, it's not for playing.
- Oh.
It was my grandfather's.
It was the one thing
my grandparents
were able to save from the war.
One of the Nazis loved
to hear them play it.
- It saved their lives.
- Oh, Jesus.
I'm sorry. I didn't
You should, you should
return to your seat, John.
- Okay.
- Thank you so much.
I didn't realize that was not
a play p-playing piano.
[therapist] I know. A lot
of people do that, so it's okay.
It's okay. You should
get a little sign.
I mean, you got
a QR code, so
[therapist clears throat]
[hands clapping softly]
Is this the, uh,
traditional dynamic
between the two of you?
Jane taking the lead,
in a leadership role, always?
It-it wasn't like that
at the beginning.
In the beginning,
I had more, um,
uh, coding experience than her,
and, you know,
there was a lot
I-I trained her,
in a lot of ways.
You trained me?
Uh, I gave you
a lot more guidance.
- Mm.
- You know, and if I'm being honest,
I felt more comfortable
in that role
'cause it-it felt like
she was looking up to me.
And I miss that.
What a vulnerable thing
to admit.
How does that
make you feel, Jane?
I do still
look up to you, John.
Sometimes you act like
like I'm holding you back.
- It feels like you-you think I'm holding you back.
- I don't feel that way.
I don't think
you're holding me back.
I don't.
[therapist] Do you feel that?
That's the power of the work
that we're doing here together.
It's the power of this room.
So, I think what
I would like for you
to try to do
is to try saying "time-out"
when things start heating up.
It might sound silly,
but my husband and I do it,
and it really does work.
You say "time-out,"
you take 20 minutes,
and then,
if you want to revisit
the conversation or the topic,
of course you can.
But the funny thing is,
nine times out of ten, it
it no longer
feels as important.
Do you think you can try this?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay, so next time?
- [both] Next time.
- Great.
She likes you more than me.
- That's not true.
- No, it's true.
Everyone likes you more.
You're very likeable.
[car alarm chirps]

Why don't we start this session
saying one great thing
that your partner does for you?
John always leaves
the toilet seat down.
Did something happen
this week at work?
[therapist] Okay, look,
I'm just gonna call out
the elephant in the room here.
It seems like work is a real
point of contention for you.
Yeah. It, uh
it wasn't a good work week.
And a lot of this
might be depression
from-from looking
at screens all day.
It's not the screens.
What would you say it is, then?
What happened this week?
We went on a work retreat.
[birds singing]
[Jane] This is taking longer
than Hihi said it would.
Why wouldn't they include
coordinates to find this guy?
[John] They probably
don't know where he is.
He's obviously off the grid.
[Jane] Are you sure
we're not lost?
[twig cracks]
[therapist] So, what
were you actually doing
on this retreat?
- We were hunting.
- Wow.
I-I didn't see you two
as the hunting type.
What were you hunting?
Just big game.
It was big.
John is a big game hunter.
John is
a big game hunter?
- [both] Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
[Jane] It all looks the same.
- [John] Not to me.
- [scoffs]
[Jane] The woods are the woods.
We're-we're lost here.
You think, after two days,
you're just gonna
magically get service?
Look, we're not lost.
Would you trust me?
- You always get like this.
- Like what?
All stressed and worried and
We're not gonna
fail the mission.
I know you're worried about it,
but we're just not.
We'll find him
before nightfall, okay?
[John] It was nice
at the beginning.
Because it felt like
she needed me again,
and it felt like there was
a spark that was being relit.
- [therapist] Mm-hmm.
- Hmm.
Yeah, there was, there was
a small spark in the beginning.
So, where did things go wrong?
[Jane] We were working,
camping, doing the hunting,
and then he got all machismo.
You impressed?
If you catch something
with it, I will be.
This whole mission is weird.
[John scoffs] How?
I mean, you're acting
like this is Disneyland,
like y-you're camping.
It's [sighs]
I don't know.
We haven't seen
a trace of the target.
There's no reception here,
nobody's here.
We're just [laughs softly]
How do we even know
he's still here?
[John grunts]
- Okay, fuck it.
- What are you doing?
[screams] The fuck?
- Chill.
- [gunshot]
Stop, Jo The Hunter
is gonna hear you.
- Are you crazy?
- Then he'll come to us.
We can't find him,
so he'll come to us.
[water splashes]
What is happening?
See, the trick is
you got to shoot
under it, not at it.
I didn't read a book.
That's what happened.
That's how you're
gonna talk about this?
That's what you're gonna say?
This is all because of a book.
I'm-I'm sorry, what-what
was this, uh, about a book?
He lied.
[insects trilling]
That's sad.
What's sad?
There was a bug
that was attracted to this
It's nothing.
You got to try and relax.
Whenever you think
of something sad
try and think about
the joy that's in it, you know?
Like, right now, it
underneath the stars.
Most people don't get
to see this anymore.
It's like The Prophet.
"The Joy and the Sorrow."
I'm tired.
I'm gonna go to bed.
Do you actually
like The Prophet?
The book. The Prophet.
Yeah. What-what about it?
Have you even read it?
N No.
So this was about a book?
It started off about a book.
It's not about a book.
Well, then,
what is it about, then?
You told me it was
your favorite book.
- You said
- When did I say that?
I said it was my favorite book,
I said the Hot Neighbor
loved it
- [laughs]
- and then you said
That, yeah, I mean, yeah,
then that's probably why.
I was
I-I don't like that guy.
- I just, I don't like how he flirts with you.
- Oh, my God.
I don't understand that,
so I prob
I-I said that to
It's-it's just a book.
So you lied.
Yeah. Yeah, I lied.
I-I don't think it warrants
this kind of reaction.
I thought that was
why we matched,
because it's our favorite book.
You think
an international spy agency
put us together because
we like the same book?
- No.
- Like it's OkCupid or something?
- No, I-I'm wrong.
- Right. What do you mean?
I'm wrong, 'cause I actually
have never seen you
read a book in the entire time
I've known you, so
- It makes sense.
- I know you, Jane.
And you're very calculated
about how you put things.
So if you want to call me
stupid, just call me stupid
- I'm not calling you stupid.
- and we can have a conversation about it.
No, I'm not calling you stupid,
I'm just saying you don't
read books, which is true.
What are you
Yo. Can we just
please go to sleep?
All right?
We can argue about
books in the morning,
all right?
Yeah, I'm tired. Let's
You've been teaching me all day
like I'm your student, so
I've been trying to
share things with you.
We were doing things together.
- I was showing you
- No, it was pretty condescending
and controlling, so
I'm condescending
and controlling?
Jane, you don't even
let me eat you out
without telling me
how to do it.
- I have to tell you how to do it
- Every fucking time,
like I've never seen
a fucking vagina before.
You don't know how I like it,
so I have to tell you
- Every fucking time?
- If you learned
and listened, maybe I wouldn't
have to fucking say
- how to lick my pussy.
- This is classic Jane.
"I have to emasculate you
so I feel worth it."
I have to teach you everything
because you don't know
- You don't have to teach me shit.
- how to do a lot of things.
- I You act like a baby!
- You're sitting
underneath a shelter I made.
- Oh! "Oh, I'm man.
- I made this fire,
- I got you this fish
- I build shelter,
food, fire, water."
- Fuck you.
- Nice.
Why are you like this?
Why do you do that?
I-I just don't get it.
- I just have deeper priorities.
- You got
- you have deeper priorities?
- Yeah.
You don't have the capacity
to understand it, so
Just shut up. Y-You're always
trying to make somebody
- feel stupid.
- "Shut up." "Shut up."
"Fuck you."
Is that how your mom
taught you
how to talk to women?
You're obsessed with my mom.
[laughs] Wait, wait. Okay.
You're saying
I'm obsessed with your mom?
You call her five times a day.
It-it's a little unhealthy
and it's
- You need boundaries.
- Oh, oh, like, the boundaries thing?
- Yeah, you need that.
- That-that's the whitest thing
- that you and-and you you're always like
- Oh, what a fucking cool dig.
Like, you don't even know
what that means.
Her husband died.
I'm the man in her life.
I take care of her
because I came out of her.
What did you do for your dad
when your mom died?
Other than not
talk to him ever again.
She's a good mother.
You wouldn't know
anything about that
'cause you're too busy
gallivanting around
with a fucking cat.
So don't talk about her.
- [clapping]
- Don't fucking bring her up
every time we have
a disagreement,
'cause you don't
understand feelings.
You don't know what it's like
to care about somebody.
You just pretend,
and fucking robotic mimic
everything somebody else does.
I don't know if you're
on the spectrum or what,
but it's fucking weird,
and all you do
is make other people
feel bad for feeling shit.
You said it yourself:
You wouldn't be a good mom.
So don't come here
and talk that shit to me.
We already failed
this fucking mission, anyway.
Who is your emergency contact?
Who is your emergency contact?
My mom.
You're mine. [sobs softly]
Our boss was unhappy,
to say the least.
[therapist] I have a thought.
Are you ever able
to take time off from work?
- Not really. No.
- No. Not really.
What about working on
separate projects for a while,
rather than-than
doing it all together?
- It doesn't really work that way.
- Yeah.
Okay, guys, honestly,
it's just a job.
Just a job.
It is not life and death.
I know that a lot of this
is really tough,
but you guys have to remember
that no one is forcing you
to stay together.
No one is holding
a gun to your head.
You can leave
this relationship at any time.
You are choosing to stay in it.
It's a choice.
Right now, you are
choosing to be better.
Otherwise you wouldn't be
showing up here every week,
saying all of the hard things.
You know,
maybe we ask Hih um
him, our boss,
if we could get separate
- um, coding projects for a while.
- Yeah.
- That could be good.
- Mm-hmm.
That sounds like a solid plan.
Do you feel better?
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.
Great. So I will
see you next week?
- Mm-hmm. Thank you.
- Yeah, thank you.
Oh, and before I forget,
I want to give you this.
What's that?
Uh, those are the recordings.
R-Recordings? Well, um
Yes, remember
the contract you signed?
I record all of the sessions,
and then, that way,
at the end of every month,
you can watch it back,
we can unpack anything
we might have missed,
listen for tone.
- Great.
- Great.
Where are all the, um,
the cameras and
- microphones and stuff?
- Oh, goodness,
they are hidden
all over the room.
I feel, when people
can see the cameras,
they tend to behave inorganically.
Of course. Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Well, uh
We're gonna listen to this.
- Yeah. Cool.
- Yeah.
Totally forgot that, yeah,
we were recording.
- Yeah. Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
- Oh.
What is that?
That's-that's a great piece.
Oh. Well, thank you very much.
That was actually made
by a person in Kütahya,
who's no longer with us.
An artist by the name
of Ulu Bakmancho.
This was his final piece.
He said, "This ends with me."
All right.
[therapist] Thank you.
See you next week.
- [Jane] Beautiful house.
- Thank you again.
Don't forget the, uh,
Venmo by the door.
[Jane] Uh-huh. Yeah.
- [John] Got it.
- [door closes]
Jesus Christ.
[boy] Mom. Mom.
Mommy's working!
She's still working!
[boy] Mom, there's a fire!
[smoke alarm beeping]
Think we should try again
with someone else?
- No. It's not for us.
- I-I know it's not fun,
- but there's something good
- But you know what? Now you're gonna use it against me.
- Anytime we get into a fight, you're gonna say, "Oh
- I'm not angry at you.
- I'm just trying to say
- if we just had therapy," and that would be the thing
- that we would be able to do.
- Would you Time-out!
Yes, my house
is completely on fire.
There's smoke b-billowing out.
- [exhales]
- [siren wailing in distance]
I don't know.
Yes, yes, I have so many
special things in that house.
[Yoko Ono: "I Felt Like Smashing My Face
in a Clear Glass Window"]
- I felt like smashing ♪
- Please hurry.
My face
in a clear glass window ♪
But instead, I went out ♪
And smashed up a phone box
'round the corner ♪
I never had a chance
to choose my own parents ♪
I'd never know why
I should be stuck with mine ♪
Mommy's always
trying not to eat ♪
And Daddy's always smelling
like he's pickled in booze ♪
I never had a chance
to choose my own name ♪
I'd never know why
I should be stuck with mine ♪
Mommy's always talkin'
'bout family pride ♪
And Daddy's always hiding
'bout his weekend rides ♪
All day long, I felt like ♪
Smashing my neck
in a clear glass window ♪
But instead ♪
I went out ♪
And smashed out a station
wagon 'round the block ♪
I looked at the mirror
and told myself ♪
I'm glad I still don't look
like them, at least ♪
Mommy's like a film star
in a distorted mirror ♪
Daddy's like a guy who lost
his stomach in the war ♪
I went to shake hands with ♪
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