Murder in Suburbia (2004) s01e01 Episode Script


- Yep.
[KATE] I just can't
believe he fixed us up
with a couple of coppers.
[EMMA] I thought we might
have something in common.
Like what? The same blood group?
They looked like fun.
No, Scribbs, they looked
like two desperate men
trying to get laid.
Well, the one with the
broken nose wasn't that bad.
Oh yeah, that
catching-food-in-his-mouth thing,
that was very nice, very cute.
So where did you meet them?
Uh, please, say somewhere dark.
Great, you met two
strange men in the canteen,
and they asked if ya had a mate, classy.
What's my single most important
word about men, Scribbs?
Uh, they mustn't be married?
No, the other one.
No bad boys.
- They're bad.
- And?
They're boys.
Next time you ask me to go
on a blind date with you,
I want a colour photograph
and at least three female references
before I even think
about it, understood?
What happened to the extra-strong ones?
They didn't have any.
Scribbs, you never returned my call.
Yeah, no, I feel really bad about that.
Here's one for your screensaver.
So, what do we know about this?
[DS PUDNEY] One female
victim, early 30s,
no sign of forced entry,
no sign of robbery.
Time and cause? [SIGHS]
More than 8 hours, [SIGHS]
probably less than 24.
Multiple stab-wounds to the chest.
[KATE] Any indications of resistance?
[RICHARD] Yeah, one
defence cut across the palm
- of the right hand.
- How did they get in?
She either let them
in, or they had a key.
D'you know who she is yet?
Nicola Pengelly.
Runs her own business.
Recruitment consultancy.
Lives alone. Mother up north.
Apparently, played her
music a little too loud.
- She's me.
Any witnesses?
Not yet. We got the
troops banging on doors.
Hopefully, they'll turn up something.
Who found her body?
- Ralph Mitchell, fiance.
He's outside.
What's going on out here?
[DS PUDNEY] Fiance's
building her a hot tub.
[RICHARD] Ma'am, there's a
lot of these Applejacks videos.
[EMMA] Ash.
[EMMA] Have a listen to this.
- Hi, you've reached Nikki.
Please, leave a message
after the beat, thanks, bye.
I just called to say ♪
- I love you. ♪
I just called to say how much I care ♪
I just called to say ♪
I love you ♪
And I mean it from the bottom ♪
Of my heart ♪
[OFFICER] Excuse me, Mr. Mitchell,
you can't touch anything.
- Excuse me, sir. Excuse me.
- Sorry, you've got to stop.
- Shoulda been finished
- three months ago.
- No.
- No.
- I told her
it would be ready.
- Let go.
- A promise is a promise.
- Let go.
- No, it's alright.
It's alright. Just, just let him go.
I'm Detective Inspector
Ashurst, Middleford CID.
This is an active crime
scene, Mr. Mitchell.
It's her birthday in less
than three weeks. [BREATHES]
If I just put in a few extra hours
Why don't you come inside for a moment
and let these officers
get on with their work.
When you arrived this
morning and she didn't answer,
you let yourself in.
Is that right?
You have a key?
What time is that, exactly?
Just after 9:00, I think.
How long have you known Nicola?
'Bout a year.
[TUTS] And when did
you last see her alive?
Yesterday lunchtime.
[KATE] Was that the last
time you spoke to her?
No, we spoke on the phone last night.
What time was that?
Just after 10:00, I think.
And as far as you could
tell, was everything okay?
Everything was fine.
Have you left any messages since?
You sure about that?
Can you think of anyone who
would've wished Nicola any harm?
Maybe you should talk to
her ex-husband Gavin Webb.
Why's that?
He wanted to get back with her.
Nikki said no.
If anyone had a reason
to kill her, it's him.
Men drive cars.
Women have relationships with them.
This little beauty
won't just get you there.
It'll give you the
smoothest ride of your life.
But will it still respect
you in the morning?
I warned her about him.
Look. I told her she
was making a big mistake.
Are you suggesting Ralph
Mitchell has something to do
with Nicholas's murder, Mr. Webb?
I'm not suggesting anything.
I'm telling you that he killed her.
With all due respect, Sir,
why would he want to
do something like that?
He and Nikki were
planning to get married.
In his dreams.
He was just some temporary
shag she picked up
at that stupid singles club.
What singles club?
Um, Applejacks, that's where they met.
Look. Nikki would never have
married an ape like that.
She was just waiting for the,
the right moment to dump him.
Had she told you that?
You were still close, then?
Closer than most married couples.
Even though you weren't married anymore?
Even though you weren't even a couple?
I made a mistake, Detective Sergeant,
and Nikki couldn't forgive me.
That doesn't mean we
stopped loving each other.
But what are you doing here?
It's obvious what happened.
She told him she was leaving
him, and he killed her.
- Oh, when the snowman ♪
brings the snow ♪
Oh, well, he just might like to know ♪
He's put a great big
smile on somebody's face ♪
Suppose we could say she's
choosing to reclaim her body
by celebrating its full
splendour in public.
Or we could just say she's a slag.
Yeah, something tells
me we'd enjoy saying that
a whole lot more.
Well, I wish it could be ♪
Where to next?
Your place? Or mine? [GIGGLES]
What's this?
Video of the victim,
Boss, Nicola Pengelly,
taken at the Applejacks foam party.
"Apple" what?
Applejacks, it's a club
for affluent singles.
I thought you said she was married.
Um, married as in divorced.
That's divorced as in now
engaged to someone else.
Why does a woman that
beautiful join a singles club?
You obviously haven't been
out there lately, Boss.
The shelves aren't exactly well stocked.
A girl needs every
advantage she can get.
Uh, this fiance, what
do we know about him?
Uh, Ralph Mitchell, record
for assault three years ago.
Nah, ripped out a hot tub he
hadn't received payment for.
Six months suspended.
Oh, and I checked out
Gavin Webb's alibi.
He was playing cards till gone 10:00,
got home at 11:00.
I know it was 11:00 'cause
the neighbours were in.
Something interesting?
Check out the third
finger on the left hand.
[EMMA] Whatever happened to that ring?
To me, you have a motive, robbery.
If it was robbery, why not
clean her out completely?
Exactly, why just take that ring.
Uh, you're absolutely sure
it's nowhere in the house.
No, we've been through
there with a fine-tooth comb.
It's gone for sure.
She could just've lost it, of course.
Ha, trust me, you don't
lose a ring that size.
Uh, where exactly are
you going with this?
Well, Nicola Pengelly and Ralph Mitchell
were going to get married,
so maybe someone didn't
want that to happen.
And if, if the motive isn't robbery,
the chances are it could be-
- Oh, um.
- It could be personal.
[EMMA] Running late.
Oh yeah, I'm meeting someone for lunch.
Ah, hot date?
Aren't they all?
Okay, run with that,
but keep me informed.
D'you think he's gay?
Is that "gay" as in
"hasn't made a pass yet,
therefore, must be"?
I was thinking more of
"unbelievably gorgeous.
What's the catch?"
My sister's getting a hot tub.
Well, your sister's
getting a divorce, too.
Doesn't mean it's a good idea.
They're very relaxing.
You should try it.
It's just a bath with your friends.
Are you suggesting I need to relax?
Just saying.
Nikki's engagement ring,
I don't suppose you happened to remember
whether or not she was wearing
it the last time you saw her?
[RALPH] She always wore it.
Why? What's happened?
We're not exactly sure,
but seems to be missing.
D'you know where it might be?
Gavin Webb, he said Nikki
was having second thoughts
about marrying you.
That's rubbish.
Gavin just hated the fact that
I made her happy. That's all.
[KATE] You say Nikki called you
the night she was murdered.
Well, according to the phone record,
she called you just after 10:00
and spoke for 51/2 minutes.
And then, you phoned
her and spoke again,
this time for just 12 seconds.
You're wondering what the
hell you say to somebody
in just 12 seconds, right?
I love you, darling. I'll
love you forever and ever.
I'll never stop loving you. Goodnight.
We spent most nights together.
On the few occasions we were apart,
I made it a rule never
to let the day end
without telling her that at least once.
Ever get one of those
I-love-you-forever-and-ever calls
- off Marcus.
Marcus was a bastard, Scribbs.
Never call me, full stop.
Bastard men, eh?
What did God create them for?
We should always be grateful
to the bastard, Scribbs.
They help us appreciate
the nice boring ones.
People say we're a dating agency
for suburbia's rich elite.
[CHUCKLES] Not true.
Course, we like our members
to be financially secure,
but apart from that,
anyone who can join.
Heart surgeons, roofing
contractors, we have them all.
We hold weekly events, monthly
events, whatever whenever.
As little or as much as you
like, it's entirely up to you.
Everything, in fact, for
the successful single life.
Wouldn't a successful
single life involve
not being single anymore.
I think it's all a question of choices:
sometimes single, sometimes not.
Single but never
lonely, that's the rule.
So, what about Nicola Pengelly?
How long had she been a member?
Just over a year.
She was a very special
person, real force of nature.
What's a lovemap?
Well, evidence suggests
that when we judge a
prospective partner,
it takes us less than 0.1 of a second.
Trouble is we usually get it wrong.
With the lovemap, you have
your own unique subliminal guide
to your ideal partner.
How does it work?
Well, basically, it alerts us
to our own specific emotional cues.
What I like to call trigger feelings,
the, um, shape of a mouth,
colour of the eyes,
particular type of laugh.
And what about Nicola Pengelly?
What were her trigger feelings?
Nikki was drawn to
strong, confident men.
What we sometimes call enablers.
Men like Ralph Mitchell?
Yes, well, Ralph was a member
she had a particular type
of bond with, yes.
Well, more than a bond. They
were about to get married.
Ha, heh.
You didn't approve.
Uh, it's not my job to
approve or disapprove.
When two of our members
reach that particular
level of understanding,
I simply celebrate.
D'you keep files?
Yes, naturally, in order to
update my members' lovemaps,
I keep extensive records.
I think you'll have to
speak to my wife, Maxine.
She's, um, charge of membership.
It seems she's, um, deleted
Nikki's records yesterday.
She indicated that she wished
to terminate her membership
with immediate effect.
I'm afraid I have a
thing about efficiency,
so that was it.
- She was gone.
[EMMA] Did she come here?
We spoke on the phone. [SIGHS]
Did she say why she was leaving?
She felt that some of our
other members were judging her.
Look, heh. You have to understand.
She was a party girl,
and she did what party girls always do.
She pushed her luck.
Did I like her
personally? No, not really.
Am I sorry she's dead? Of course, I am.
She made having fun look easy.
And in my business,
that's always good news.
As far as Nikki and Ralph was concerned,
the "relationship," who knows?
It might've worked,
But you had doubt?
Let's just say it was a
tempestuous affair, heh.
Have you spoken to Hazel Lawrence?
Another one of our members.
She and Nikki were good friends.
I'm sure she'll be happy
to give you the low down.
Great, thanks.
I'd really appreciate it
if the Applejacks name could be kept out
of any surrounding publicity.
After all, this isn't strictly
anything to do with us,
and we do have a reputation to consider.
[EMMA] Hazel Lawrence, friend.
According to Maxine Appleby.
[EMMA] Mm.
[KATE] Any luck yet?
No, I've wrung her house. No answer.
And I've left a message at her work.
When was she last seen?
Applejacks beach party.
Night Nikki was murdered.
Okay, let's start putting this together.
Nikki Pengelly had two men in her life.
Yeah, that we know of.
Any more would be greedy.
Gavin, ex-husband and
all-around creepy person,
and Ralph, the hot tub fiance
that she met at Applejacks,
the upmarket dating agency
run by the incredibly smarmy Redmond
and his bionic wife, Maxine.
Have you ever thought about
her dating agency, Scribbs?
In the hey-that-might-be-fun sense?
Or in the desperate
Ah, we've had this
conversation before, haven't we?
Yep, Ash, we have this
conversation every Monday.
Okay, moving on. [SIGHS]
Hazel Lawrence was the victim's friend.
Hello? Okay.
Yeah, thank you. Thanks very much.
No, no, it's just a routine
inquiry. Thanks, bye.
That was Hazel's boss. [SIGHS]
She hasn't turned up for work,
and she hasn't called in sick.
It's highly unusual for her.
Right, let's go.
- You know what I love
about suburbia, Scribbs?
[EMMA] No, what?
deceit, murder, wife-swapping.
And still, all the hedges get trimmed.
Hazel. Hazel Lawrence.
- Ah, we're looking
for Hazel Lawrence.
Who are you?
Ah, well, I haven't seen
her for a couple of days.
She have a spare key?
Don't you need a warrant?
Don't you need a haircut?
God, I swore I'd never say
that till I had kids of my own.
See what this job does to you?
They're under the other part.
I'll, uh, I'll go and put
some clothes on, shall I?
[SIGHS] Please, do.
Something else I never
thought I'd hear you say.
No mess, no clutter,
it's like your place, Ash.
[SNIFFS] Urgh, now it looks like mine.
It's called tidying up.
It's what those of us who have a thing
about seeing the floor do.
Least my place has character.
Hmm, unfortunately, not
one you'd like to meet
on a dark night.
It's been over for almost a year.
So why are you sending her flowers?
Were you seeing Hazel Lawrence
at the same time you were
seeing Nicola Pengelly?
What I need now is the
truth, Mr. Mitchell.
Only happened once, two weeks ago.
Nikki and I had a huge row.
I called Hazel.
[TUTS] I know it was
a stupid thing to do,
but I just needed someone to talk to.
She told me to come over.
The next morning, I realised
what a mistake I'd made.
I went straight from
Hazel's to the jewellers,
and by lunchtime, Nikki
and I were engaged.
Just born romantic, aren't you, Ralph?
I was drunk.
I made a mistake.
And why the flowers?
I felt guilty.
I had to find a way of
letting her down gently.
Trust me, sending someone flowers
with the words "love, always"
is never a good way of doing that.
[KATE] When she found
out you were engaged,
did she threaten either
Nikki or yourself?
Do you know where she is now?
We'd like to talk to her, but
she seems to have disappeared.
I haven't seen or spoken to Hazel
since the day I sent her the flowers.
Hazel's missing from work,
she didn't come home last night,
and no one seems to know where she is.
At the same time, she
hasn't packed any clothes.
Her passport isn't missing.
She's written no checks, and
no payments have been recorded
from her credit card, so-
Uh, missing or running.
Either way, we need to find her.
Ah, you wanted to know about the catch.
- There she is.
[EMMA] There was a peck on the cheek.
Peck on the cheek
means friend or family.
What about wife?
A peck on the cheek can also mean wife.
What's the detective inside you say?
The detective inside me says,
"What the hell am I doing standing here
watching my boss kiss
a pretty young girl?"
What does the detective inside you say?
Detective inside me says
the pretty young girl
isn't wearing a ring.
See ya. Yeah, I will.
'Kay, bye.
-You have to come, please.
Neighbour spotted a silver BMW
parked outside Nicola Pengelly's house
the night of the murder.
Do we have a registration number.
Better than that, we have the owner.
[EMMA] Mrs. Lovemaps
herself, Maxine Appleby.
Five people central
to this investigation,
Nicola Pengelly, Hazel
Lawrence, Ralph Mitchell,
Redmond, and Maxine Appleby,
all involved in Applejacks,
I think maybe what you
said's right, Scribbs.
We need to start looking at this
from the, uh, [INHALES] inside out.
Excuse me.
Why do I get the impression
that someone's about to say
something I'm really not going to like?
"Applejacks skooldisco.
Relive the passion of the playground."
Not even if you paid me in chocolate.
It was totally Sullivan's idea, I swear.
D'you honestly think I'd
suggest something like this
just so he could see me dressed up
like some cheap little
hooker from St Trinian's?
Here, have a prefect's badge
if it makes you feel any better.
[TUTS] So, did you have a uniform
at Lady Margaret's College
for Posh Young Desirables?
Or was it just anything with pearls?
Actually, the blazer was bright purple.
The skirt was bottle
green. Socks were grey.
How about you?
What? This is my school uniform.
Why doesn't that surprise me?
Run away, I've got to ♪
Get away from the pain you drive ♪
Into the heart of me ♪
The love we ♪
- share seems to go nowhere ♪
- Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪
And I've lost my light ♪
For I toss and turn ♪
I can't sleep at night ♪
Once I ran to you ♪
I ran ♪
Now I run from you ♪
This tainted love you've given ♪
I give you all a boy could give you ♪
Take my tears and
that's not nearly all ♪
Tainted love ♪
Okay, I hope you're
not here to harass us.
[SCOFFS] Dressed like this?
No, we're just doing a little
bit of background research.
Ah-ha, yeah, we've done nothing wrong.
You know, if you keep saying that,
we're gonna start getting suspicious.
It's the truth.
Anyway, well, now you're here,
let me least buy you a drink.
Vodka and beer, am I right?
Spot on. She'll have an orange juice.
Ha ha.
If I thought you were
actually enjoying this,
I'd be seriously pissed off.
You do realise that, don't you?
You know your problem,
Ash? You never relax.
We're supposed to be working.
Yeah, but can't work
be fun occasionally?
What are my two rules
about fun, Scribbs?
Not here. Not now.
Timing, behaviour, surroundings.
They're three rules.
Yes, and this is a murder investigation.
And we're about to
interview a possible suspect.
Fine, fine, just as long as
you don't end up snogging him.
That only happened once,
- and he was found not guilty.
- And that's not nearly all ♪
Tainted love ♪
Whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪
Tainted love ♪
- Waste the chance ♪
That I'd been given ♪
So I'm never gonna dance again ♪
The way I danced with you, ooh, ooh ♪
Know what they say about
women with beautiful legs.
She's got the job.
Beautiful legs, beautiful
brains, beautiful person.
Yes, we were talking about
Hazel, Hazel Lawrence.
I felt very sorry for Hazel.
Why was that?
Well, she didn't know that
Ralph and Nikki'd got engaged.
When I told her at the beach
party, she was very upset.
Did she leave early?
To the heart and mind ♪
I really don't remember.
Ignorance is kind ♪
There's no comfort in the truth ♪
Pain is all ♪
Your colleague's very pretty.
I'm never gonna dance again ♪
- Yeah, she is, isn't she?
- Guilty feet have got ♪
No rhythm ♪
Though it's easy ♪
So, how did you and Redmond meet?
I know you're not a fool ♪
I won a beauty pageant.
Redmond was one of the judges.
He was 33 years old and had
just made his first million.
Better like you being stood there
in that bathing costume, then.
The way I danced with you ♪
[KATE] Was Nikki a good dancer?
She was good at everything.
She was the life and soul of the party.
Everyone loved her.
Everyone male.
So women had a different opinion?
Why was that?
Why do women hate beautiful women?
You tell me.
[TUTS] I don't know. Experience?
I mean, you're wife, Maxine,
she didn't like Nikki much, did she?
Well, I'm delighted you've had a chance
to see what a friendly bunch
we are here at Applejacks.
I trust that when you
come to make your report,
you'll mention our
willingness to fully cooperate.
We could have been so good together ♪
We could have lived
this dance forever ♪
But now, who's gonna dance with me ♪
Please, stay ♪
How come you didn't mention
that you were at Nikki's house
the night she was killed, Mrs. Appleby?
Guilty feet have got ♪
- No rhythm ♪
- Was it that night?
Though it's easy to pretend ♪
I don't remember.
Neighbour saw your car parked outside.
I wanted to talk to her.
As I told you, last time,
one or two of our female
members were uncomfortable
with her attitude.
It was deemed a little too predatory.
Members like Hazel Lawrence?
Oh, oh ♪
Did she blame Nikki for stealing Ralph?
She was in love. She blamed everyone.
And what happened when you spoke to her?
It degenerated into a slanging match.
In the end, she resigned
her membership, and I agreed
- to refund her subscription.
- Now that you're gone ♪
What time'd you leave?
Just before 9:00.
- I went back to the office.
- Your words, you're gone ♪
But I thought you went to
the Applejacks beach party.
I was angry.
I wanted to scrub her
records immediately.
Very childish, I know,
but strangely satisfying nonetheless.
Then I went to the party.
And what about your husband?
He was already there.
Over 200 people attended.
I'm sure any number
of them would be happy
to verify that for you.
Was Applejacks all you
argued with Nikki about?
In a cocktail bar ♪
When I met you ♪
I may have warned her to stay away
- from my husband.
- I picked you up ♪
I shook you up ♪
Maybe you'd have been better
off warning your husband
- to stay away from her.
- Turn you into someone new ♪
Now, five years later on ♪
You've got the world at your feet ♪
Success has been so easy for you ♪
We know Nikki was still alive at 10:00,
because she spoke to Ralph on the phone.
So if Maxine Appleby was
somewhere else by 9:00,
that rules her out.
Still think she knows
more than she's saying.
Well, she probably just
resents us being here, though.
Maybe she's protecting someone.
Who? Redmond?
What about a motive?
I just called to say ♪
I love you ♪
I just called to say ♪
How much I care ♪
Shall we bring him in?
Dressed like this? He'll keep.
To say I love you ♪
And I mean it from the bottom ♪
Of my heart ♪
Of my heart ♪
Oi, Scribbs.
Can ya let me in?
-Gavin Webb said
he was playing cards until 10:00
but didn't get home until 11:00
as verified by his neighbour,
so it took him an hour
to drive home that night.
- So?
so I just did the same journey
right in the middle of rush hour,
and it took me 24
minutes and 39 seconds.
So that still leaves Gavin
35 minutes and 21 seconds
to make a detour to Nicola Pengelly's
and still be home by 11:00.
You've applied for a lovemap.
I was intrigued
and drunk.
- Is that what I think it is?
Don't knock the Sugar Puff drink, okay?
But it's not a drink,
Scribbs. It's a potion.
You don't understand
the Sugar Puff drink.
Sugar Puff drink gives
me everything I need.
- It's a life choice.
So, what's up?
Mm, my sister bumped
into Danny yesterday.
Is he the one who threatened
to drill a hole in your head
and suck the contents
out with this straw
or the one who put
suntan lotion on his ears?
Never did approve of that
relationship, did you?
It wasn't a relationship,
Scribbs. It was a sleepover.
[GROANS] Well, anyway,
it doesn't matter anymore.
Cause apparently he's getting
married to Fabulous Girl.
Do I know Fabulous Girl?
Everyone knows Fabulous Girl.
Blonde, size 8, 94-inch heels,
[SIGHS] sort of Nicola Pengelly
but doesn't get murdered.
You're right; I do know her. Hate her.
D'you know, there's an old saying:
the right one is always the next one.
I didn't say it was a good
saying. I said it was an old one.
Right, I'm gonna see Gavin Webb.
You call on Redmond.
Put some pressure on.
What do you want?
I just need to ask you
a few more questions.
Told you everything that I know.
It's about your statement.
Don't you people ever give up?
It's important.
Look. I told you it was just a joke.
We both hated that song.
I just want the truth,
Mr. Appleby. That's all.
[SIGHS] All right, I
liked her. Hands held up.
Bad boy. Very sorry.
And what did Maxine think about that?
Maxine and I have a very
flexible arrangement.
Flexible as in she bends over backwards?
You were in love with Nicola Pengelly.
Hardly in love.
Obsessed, then?
Look. I've already
told you I wasn't there.
All we know for certain, Redmond,
is that Maxine's car was
seen outside Nikki's house
the night of the murder.
Who's to say you weren't driving.
All right, just ask
yourself this question.
If I knew that Nikki was dead,
why on earth would I leave
that ridiculous message
on our answer machine?
If what you say is true, [CHUCKLES] why,
why would I implicate myself like that?
Who on earth in their right mind
would telephone someone
they know is already dead?
So you say you finished
playing cards at 10:00,
and you got home by 11:00.
Picked up a takeaway at the corner.
I presume you checked that, too.
Yeah, it's the time
you took getting there.
I just did the journey
myself, and it took me
just under 35 minutes.
So by my reckoning,
that still leaves a gap
of about 25 minutes.
I had engine trouble,
an irritating rattle.
I stopped a check, found
nothing, and drove on.
A wonderful woman is dead,
and right now you have
absolutely nothing,
nothing on me.
Now, that may pass for good work
in your book, Detective Inspector.
But in mine, [INHALES] it looks
a little like incompetence.
It's me.
I've just found Hazel Lawrence's body,
and guess whose ring she's wearing.
W-why would I kill her?
I didn't even know her.
Her body was found in the
boot of one of your cars.
Well, obviously someone
else put her there
to make it look like me.
And who would want to
do something like that?
[SCOFFS] Oh, come on,
you know as well as I do
there's a whole list of people.
We're talking about murder, Mr. Webb.
Uh, I can't explain it, okay.
Look. I was surprised as you
when you opened that boot.
Tell me the truth, Gavin.
I am telling you the truth.
I may not be the nicest
person in the world,
but I'm no murderer.
You wanted a reconciliation with Nikki,
and when she said no, you killed her.
You know that's not true.
You killed her.
And then, in a moment of
supreme bad luck, Hazel arrived.
I swear I don't know
what you're talking about.
Hazel was angry because she thought
Nikki had stolen Ralph from her,
and when she stumbled
across what you'd done,
you had to kill her, too.
I love Nikki. All I cared
about was her happiness.
I, I could never have
hurt, not a million years.
Detective Sergeant Scribbins
has just entered the room.
Interview terminated at 10:05.
This had better be worth it.
I just beginning to
get somewhere with him.
He didn't do it.
- What?
- Report from the lab.
Prints on the knife used
to kill Nicola Pengelly
belonged to Hazel Lawrence,
and the blood on Hazel's
clothes is Nikki's.
I don't believe it.
Hazel definitely killed Nikki.
Uh, what about Hazel? Who killed Hazel?
Pathologist confirmed she was killed
the same night as Nikki.
But right now, there's no
forensic evidence whatsoever
to link Gavin Webb to either of them.
No! No, no, no!
So Hazel Lawrence killed Nikki Pengelly.
Yeah, we now have a clear match
on the prints taken from Hazel
and the ones on the knife.
We know that she was distressed
about the situation with Ralph,
and we think the news
that him and Nikki
were gonna get married
caused her to do something drastic.
There's also the ring.
Yeah, we reckon she murdered
Nikki and took the ring
'cause in some [INHALES] screwed up way,
she thought it was rightfully hers.
Hmm, and what about the blood?
Nicola Pengelly's.
Transferred from the
crime scene to the car
via Hazel's body.
Okay, but none of this
answers the question
if Hazel killed Nikki,
then who killed Hazel?
Well, Hazel was strangled,
and, and as we know
from past experience,
strangulation tends to
indicate a, a male perpetrator.
Just gimme the headlines, Ash.
Well, we're close to
making an arrest, Boss.
I-in fact, I'd say we
were extremely close.
We, we just need a little bit more time.
The but part being?
Don't have a suspect, and
we don't have a motive.
Urgh, I don't want this going cold.
Turn it around, and do
it quickly. Understand?
I thought if I said it quickly,
it might not sound so bad.
Nice try. [INHALES]
What still doesn't make any sense
is why anyone would
bother to hide one body
but leave the other.
Because whoever killed
Hazel didn't kill Nikki.
They must have panicked and
assumed if they hid the body,
we'd never be able to pin
the second murder on them.
But now we've found Hazel's body,
and we're still none the wiser.
- What about Redmond?
- He was at the beach party.
We've got about a billion
statements placing him there.
Well, he coulda slipped away.
With all those people
there, who would've noticed?
But why would he kill Hazel?
Because he arrived at
Nikki's, found her dead.
Hazel was still there,
so he lost his temper.
Argh, I don't know.
[EMMA] No, you're reaching, Ash.
No, I'm just saying it's
a possibility. That's all.
Yeah, all right, but
why leave that message
on the answer phone?
Uh, like he said, why
would you call somebody
you already know is dead?
He's right. He's absolutely right.
Well, how do we know Nikki
was still alive at 10:00.
The phone record. She
called Ralph at 10:05.
No someone called Ralph at
10:05, but it wasn't Nikki.
We got the right motive. We've
just got the wrong person.
[EMMA] Ash.
What are you doing here?
I just wanted to be the
first to congratulate you.
Going somewhere nice, Ralph?
I just needed to get away
for a few days. That's all.
Oh, you know, you want to watch yourself
with the sun down there.
They say it's a killer.
[RALPH] What do you want?
Uh, back at the station,
they're popping champagne corks.
D'you know why?
Gavin Webb's just been charged
with the murders of Nicola
Pengelly and Hazel Lawrence.
So it's drinks all round,
but you know, I hate
drinking on an empty stomach.
And that's what this case
has left me feeling, empty.
Why don't you just get to the point?
Well, the point is I
know you killed Hazel.
[KATE] It wasn't Nikki
who phoned you that night,
was it, Ralph?
Of course, it was.
No, no, Nikki was already dead.
The person you spoke to was
the person who killed her.
Where are you getting this stuff from?
And when you phoned back, it wasn't
because you'd forgotten to
tell her that you loved her.
It was to check, to see
if it really was happening
or whether Hazel was just bluffing.
You don't know what
you're talking about?
Not that it matters anymore, [CHUCKLES]
because by the time everyone
realises, you'll be long gone.
So once again, my congratulations.
Look. I'm sorry.
I understand why you did it, Ralph.
I know how you must have felt
to find someone and then
to lose them like that.
It was just too much.
When Hazel first phoned me
and told me what she'd done,
I couldn't believe it.
I drove there as fast as I could.
Kept telling myself it couldn't be true.
Must be some kind of sick joke.
When I got there and I saw the body,
I killed her.
[RALPH] Hazel was there.
Before I know what I was
doing, I'd grabbed hold of her.
By the time I came to my
senses, it was too late.
So you decided to get rid of the body.
I knew sooner or later, you'd link Hazel
to Nikki's murder.
[KATE] And then, you
remembered Gavin's showroom.
Nikki still had a set of keys.
He'd made things difficult for us.
Why not make things difficult for him?
When I met Nikki,
- my whole life changed.
We had so many plans,
so many things we wanted to do.
Shoulda thought about Hazel,
just taken the time to put things right.
It's too late now.
Yes, it is.
Give my regards to Gavin Webb.
[TUTS] You just cost me 20 quid, Ralph.
I said you wouldn't bolt.
[RADIOMAN] Yeah, I'm
off now. [INDISTINCT]
Ash, Scribbs, [PANTS] good collar.
Thanks, Boss.
Well, I'll, I'll see you
back at the station, hmm?
Argh, that man turns out to be gay,
I'm gonna shoot myself.
D'you know what I hate most
about being single, Scribbs?
[EMMA] Catching murderers
and having no one
to share it with?
[KATE] No, it's a whole
industry that goes with it,
the books, the jargon,
the how-to-do-it articles,
the TV adverts, the clubs,
the people who wanna help.
The lovemaps?
Especially the lovemaps.
Heh, ha ha ha.
Anyway, what's the big deal?
Being single's actually quite fun.
- Yeah, my thoughts exactly.
[EMMA] Sure, New Year's Eve's bad.
And Christmas.
Birthdays, too.
[KATE] Of course, birthdays.
And weekends.
Goes without saying.
Mondays and Fridays can
be a bit of a bastard,
you know, the whole
beginning-and-end-of-the-week thing.
Fridays are hell.
And Wednesdays, sometimes Wednesdays,
middle of the week, no
place to rest your head.
You know, for the same reason,
I find Thursdays a bit of a strain.
Well, Thursdays have
always been a low point.
[EMMA] Tuesdays are fine though.
[KATE] Tuesdays are
completely brilliant.
[EMMA] Hmm, being single on a Tuesday's
an absolute breeze.
[KATE] Exactly, [CHUCKLES]
so what's the problem?
Being single on Tuesdays is fine.
[EMMA] All that sorted then.
[KATE] Completely.
Next Episode