Mutant X s03e09 Episode Script

No Exit

Look out, Lex.
There's no way of knowing how many we're dealing with.
Hey! Ugh agh ugh! Agh! Agh! That was close.
Yeah, tell me about it.
Good job, girl.
Oh, that's it.
I'm hitting the shower.
Me first.
What the hell do you guys think you're doing? Just having a little, uh [laughs.]
innocent fun.
You guys don't get out much do you? Aw, come on, we're just getting to the good part.
Lex, you don't understand what I've done here.
I've totally improved Sanctuary's holosystem by modifying the game to match our specs.
Well, nice going, Nerd Wonder.
Now delete it.
Do it - or I'll smash your computer in half.
Shal, you are totally over-reacting.
I guess it was fun while it lasted.
Dude, this is totally your fault.
What a waste.
Everybody happy? Deleted.
Uh huh.
Well, looks like it's a little one-on-one.
Yeah, it could've been two-on-two.
Scientist Adam Kane was a pioneer of genetic research.
Manipulating DNA to save human lives.
But in many, their genes unexpectedly mutated and they developed superhuman abilities.
Together, four of the most powerful fight to protect a world that doesn't even know they exist.
They are Mutant X.
Su-whish! Ooh, two points.
I'll take you to the rack, baby.
Come on.
Hey, Bren? Yeah, what's up, Shal? I could've sworn I saw someone run past my room.
We didn't see anything.
Hey, Jess, did you take a look at the climate control? Yeah, in a sec.
We're in the middle of the game.
It's eighty degrees and rising.
Did you try and override it? No, I thought I'd come down here and whine about it first.
It's not responding.
Wonder why? This is not my fault.
Don't blame me.
There's no way that the game could've compromised the system, all right? Well, maybe it drew down too much power.
Overloaded the computer.
It's a game.
Besides, what difference does it make? I wiped it from the drive, you remember? Okay, someone's in here.
I saw him again.
What? She's seeing things.
I am not.
Shal, we're alone.
Come here.
There we go.
Four heat points.
One, two, three, four of us, right? I don't care what your computer says.
I saw him.
I felt him.
Jess, what are doing about this heat, man? Dude, I am trying.
There's a glitch in the system.
I think we should do a security sweep.
Hey look, Jess.
What is this? What the hell? So, soldier, you think you have what it takes to become a member of our Tunnel Quest team? I thought you deleted that program.
Yeah, I did.
All right, now, what are you doing about this heat? Uh, I guess I'll try to access the thermostat through Sanctuary's brain.
Jesse's right.
The place is clear.
I'm not imagining things.
I saw something.
But for some reason I'm not picking up a scent anywhere.
It's so strange.
Well what exactly did you see? It's hard to explain.
It was big, but it was a blur.
Was it a man, or a woman? I don't know.
Like a ghost or something.
Out of the way.
What the hell happened? The circuitry's overheated.
I mean, is it just me or is this place freaking out? All right, Jess, come on.
Let me in there.
Oh, I've almost got it.
You can't just blast this with one of your charges, Brennan.
It's delicate stuff.
Yeah, I see that.
Meanwhile I'm frying over here.
Jess, why's the security system activated? It's not.
Well, you might want to come take a look at this.
Oh, this can't be happening.
These two dots are Lexa and Shalimar.
The security system's interpreting them as intruders.
Well, shut it down before the system attacks.
Yeah - it's not working.
We need to get them out of there.
Shal, Lex Look, we got a big problem here.
You need to get down to the Helix now.
What's going on? Security system has detected you both as hostiles.
So get out of here.
What's happening here, Jess? Sanctuary's going into a lockdown, and I can't control it.
Get out of here - now.
Come on, let's go! What about the guys? Shalimar, there's no time! Get out of here now! The hangar door's closing.
We can beat it.
We'll be sheared in half.
Let's hope you're wrong.
Why do I get the feeling there's nothing you can do about all this? Right now I'm not in control of anything, Brennan.
Well, who is? Wouldn't you like to know, Mr.
Mulwray? In my game, I decide who lives and who dies.
That was cutting things pretty close.
Oh, we had at least two more seconds to clear the doors.
You got ice-water running through your veins.
So what are we going to do about Brennan and Jesse? Afraid that was a one-way ticket.
I've isolated the Helix's computer link to Sanctuary.
Look, we can't afford to let it infect the system or we could drop from the sky.
I wonder if our comlinks are active.
I don't know.
Keep your fingers crossed.
Brennan? Brennan, can you read me? Yeah.
Yeah, we're here.
We're locked up in the hangar.
Jesse's trying to figure out what's going on.
I'll tell you what's going on - that game of yours infected the system.
Had to, but I don't see how.
Look, Sanctuary's got firewalls to protect it from even the most high-tech viruses.
Guys, are you there? Shal! Hey, guys.
Lexa? You guys there? Brennan, can you hear me? It's no use.
The virus must've infected communications.
Brennan! Brennan? Shalimar, I'm here.
But I don't know for how much longer.
What's our next move? Jesse thinks there's a way to override the system.
But you're going to have to do it from the ground.
How? Well, Adam installed a backdoor system in an offsite facility in case of emergency.
That's news to me.
Well, lucky for us there's some things you don't know.
Adam took every precaution against Sanctuary being compromised.
So where's this facility? There's a warehouse at 51 Shepherd.
Call me from there.
Jesse will talk you through the backup system.
You got it.
[sound of phone dialing.]
Operator: 911.
Yes, thank God.
The two terrorists responsible for the explosion at Syntech are on their way to 51 Shepherd.
But you've got to get there right away.
They're armed and dangerous.
Operator: Identify yourself, please sir-- You're not playing that stupid game again, are you? Do you know what obsessive- compulsive means, Willie? Huh? Mmm Yummy - liver, onions, sweet potato.
Is there something wrong, Willie? You didn't even say anything about my hairdo.
If you don't start paying better attention, I'm going to have to erase that game from you computer.
Sorry, Nurse Helen.
Uh I think it makes you look ten years younger.
What the hell? Look what you made me do.
Look at me.
All right.
That's it.
No more games.
Nurse Gamble, please report to the Nurse's Station.
Nurse Gamble, please report to the Nurse's Station.
I'll deal with you later.
And I'll deal with you later.
Well, well, things are finally starting to heat up, boys.
Can you reach them on any channels? No.
We're completely cut off.
Is there any chance you can phase out of this place? Not as long as the disrupter field is active.
An the bright side, I think I've figured out this heat thing.
Ready? Hah! Whoo! Yeah! Hah.
Ah, amen, brother.
All right, I take back anything bad I've ever said about you.
Ah I'm gonna remember that.
Nice installation.
Some top-notch security systems.
I thought you deleted this game.
Yeah, I did - several times.
Well, he's not acting very deleted.
Well, since he's a hologram, uh, his weapons can't hurt us, right? Not as far as I know.
Jess, do something! Who are you? Sergeant Nalle, Tunnel Squad Unit Leader.
Think you could withstand an increase in the voltage? What do you want? At the moment, I want to know how much juice it's going to take to kill you.
Even for someone like you a man's gotta have a breaking point.
Agh! Brennan! You all right? All right.
Warehouse is right below us.
Let's take her down.
Seems like a strange place for Adam to build a backdoor to Sanctuary.
Well, you know with Adam - nothing was ever the way it seemed, right? Hey, Bren, we're good to go.
Good deal.
Make your way down and I'll have Jess talk you through an internal override.
All right.
Whoever's doing this knows who we are.
Already knows everything about us.
Come on.
uh uh Hey, Willie - wakey, wakey.
My shift's over, so I just dropped by, to kiss you good night.
I thought that might get a rise out of you.
Hmm, he loves me he loves me not.
You see, Willie.
I have complete control over your life.
If you were to die, no one would ever miss you.
[heart monitor speeds up.]
No, hold on.
Hold on! Don't you do that! [heart monitor stops.]
Damn it! [screams.]
[heart monitors start up.]
I don't get it.
What's this about? Revenge power trip Insanity.
Maybe all of the above.
What do we do? That's just it - there's nothing we can do.
We're sitting ducks and he's calling all the shots.
No, there's gotta be a way we can turn this around.
We can't just give up.
Brennan, if he's controlling the computers and he's got access to the security cameras -- all the sensors and detectors -- we can't even blink without him seeing.
All right.
Then we shut down the entire system.
Uh come on.
We do that, we're not just going to lose the power in here, but in all of Sanctuary.
The ventilators, all of the computers.
Nobody will be able to get in or out of here.
Oh, man.
All right.
Come on, Jess.
There's got to be a way we can get him out of our computer.
How did he get in? He's got to be bouncing a signal off of Sanctuary's satellite.
Cut off his uplink, he'll lose his access.
Let's do it.
Our only problem is figuring out how to do it without him seeing.
You know I'm watching.
That's very good.
Now what are you going to do about it? Okay, Brennan, we're in.
What's next? Brennan? Jesse? Something's wrong.
I don't see any equipment anywhere.
That's not him.
We've got company.
Move it! Let's go! Let's go.
Let's go! Let's go! Okay, there they are.
Ready? Right there.
Okay, hit the floor.
Nobody move! Cover the door! Frank, get the door! Looking for someone? Over there! Go, go, go! Let's get out of here.
Go, go! Move, move! Time to get the hell out of Dodge.
Mind explaining what just happened back there? Why the hell would Brennan set us up? He didn't.
Got 'em.
You gotta take out all three cameras before he's got time to retaliate.
It's important - we only got one shot at this, Brennan.
Well, one shot's all I need.
Let's do it.
Ohh, whoo! Ha ha! Done-ski.
Not bad.
But unfortunately, I still have the infrared sensors.
I may not be able to see those baby blues, but this will do just fine.
Now what do we do? Now we got to get to the uplink access panel.
And that would be? Top of the ventilator shaft.
Through the air duct.
All right.
I'm ready.
Whoa - wait.
Wait, wait, wait! It's not going to work.
Why not? He can still see us.
What are you talking about? We just blinded him.
The body heat sensors.
Oh, come on, man.
You're killing me here.
Hey, Adam designed this place, all right? And he designed it to be impregnable.
Oh, great.
Well, too bad Adam wasn't here so he could see how his genius is biting us all in the ass right now.
What would happen if I was to raise the temperature in here to a toasty 98.
6 degrees? Ha.
Well, we'd be invisible.
Here's a playback of our conversation with Brennan.
Listen to this.
Shalimar, I'm here.
But I don't know for how much longer.
Hear the click? Right before he starts to speak? Shalimar, I'm here.
Our call was intercepted.
Someone sampled Brennan's voice.
Sent us into that trap.
On our comlink frequency.
Man, whoever's doing this has got to be pretty powerful.
Powerful enough to give us instant rap sheets.
Made us look like Public Enemy number one.
Well, maybe it's time we called "Brennan" back - thank him personally.
See who we're playing with? Hey, Bren? It's Shal.
How's the heat in there? Totally under control.
How are you guys holding up? Well, we tried to get into that warehouse but the cops were after us.
How weird is that? Very weird.
So has Jesse finally managed to beat you at your little game yet? I say when the game is over.
I say when the game's over! So are you guys any closer to finding out who's behind all this? I wish.
Must be somebody pretty brilliant, huh? What do you think? Still there? I think you know more than you're saying.
Just worried about you, Bren.
Intruder's real voice: Too late for that.
I know this guy.
William Dennett.
Doesn't ring a bell to me.
He's a cybernetic mutant.
He can connect with computers through his brain.
He's a human computer virus.
He was selling military secrets.
We tracked him down to an apartment building on the river and chased him up onto the roof.
Dennett! You're not going anywhere.
It's over.
I say when the game's over.
Last we heard he was paralyzed for life.
How could he be doing this? Maybe he's got nine lives.
The point is this psycho's been playing us from the start, separating the team on purpose.
So he could target us one by one.
The problem is I can't find any record of a William Dennett anywhere.
Well, a guy this smart would've wiped the slate clean.
Well, that's great.
Then how exactly are we supposed to find him and shut him down? You know what? No one vanishes without a trace.
We're just going to have to do this the old-fashioned way.
Well, at least it's a dry heat.
Well, then we're good to go.
You're catching on.
That was very clever.
But I still have a few moves left.
All right.
I'm in.
Where am I headed? You should see a grating at the end of the duct.
It'll be less than ten feet in front of you.
All right.
I'm here.
Now what? Pry it off.
Let me know what you see.
Oh, man.
You're not going to believe this: crystal blue sky.
No, you're right.
I don't believe it.
That's got to be another hologram from the Tunnel Quest game.
No, in the game, the soldier is waiting at the other end.
He puts up his hand.
That's how you know you made it to the next level.
Yeah, but this guy doesn't play by the rules, Brennan.
I'm gonna take a closer look.
Bren, just hold up.
Jess, you said it yourself.
This is the only way to the uplink.
No, no - I get a bad feeling here.
I think it's another one of his traps.
Brennan? Brennan! Brennan! Brennan, you all right? [coughs.]
Brennan? Yeah.
But I'm going to need a new watch.
He knew you were there.
He's still watching.
How the hell is it possible? Checkmate.
Stupid me! I should've realized you could phase like that.
Wait -- I did think of that.
You're that cybernetic.
How did you survive that fall? Oh, enough about me.
This is about you.
Let's see how long you can stay phased.
Agh! Too bad.
You've already lost the game.
You should've left me alone.
Why don't you pick on someone your own size? Haven't we been through this before? Yeah, and it ends the same way.
No! This time it ends my way.
He winged you, huh? I can feel it.
Aw, it's just scratch.
Well, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty tired of playing this game.
Can I help you? Yeah.
I I hope you can help me.
Is this where they keep the hard copies for the patients' records? Yeah.
You see, um - Barry - it's my uncle.
He used to be here, but I'm afraid he's been transferred to another hospital.
I'm afraid he's been moved somewhere, so Um, these files are sealed.
You have to have the proper authorization and all those I'll call a doctor.
No, Barry, no.
I I just I don't know what happened.
I got this sharp pain.
You don't think it's my appendix, do you? I'm not a doctor.
[breathing heavily.]
Well, uh um, could you do me a favour, and tell me do me a favour and tell if you think it feels swollen to you? You know, you you don't understand.
I I don't know what I'm doing here.
Ah, whoo.
Oh, a little lower, Bare.
Whoa not that low.
Oh whew.
Well, uh, you know, you're not going to believe this.
I suddenly feel a whole lot better.
Ready to go? Yeah.
Well, you really have the magic touch, Barry.
So, do you recognize him? William Dennett.
But I can't imagine after the fall that he took that he'd still look that good.
Dude, he's a hologram.
Could have made himself look like Brad Pitt if he'd wanted.
Now we got to get him out of our system.
Well, if you can't get to the uplink, we've got no more options.
Oh, no, no, no.
Come on, we can't let him win.
We got to figure out a way to stop him.
Well, if you think of anything, let me know, all right? This guy's unbelievable.
He got himself transferred to a private facility.
Private hospitals cost a lot of money.
Where'd Bennett come up with that kind of cash? Someone with his power could tap into banks like we check e-mail.
Now, according to this he's a resident of Woodbridge Gardens.
Nothing but the best for him.
He must have hijacked Sanctuary's computer uplink when Jesse downloaded the game.
So if he's still controlling Sanctuary, that means he's still connected.
We don't have a lot of time.
Let's hope he's still there.
Forget it.
It's not going to work.
Oh, man.
All right, so what do we do, huh? What? We just give up? Well, enough people tell you you're a drunk, you'll lay down.
You guys disappoint me.
I really expected you to put up much more of a fight.
I'm not giving up.
Too late.
You failed.
Game over, boys.
Sweet dreams.
Brennan [coughing.]
How is killing us going to change anything? Because of you, I don't look like this anymore.
I'm withered, paralyzed It wasn't our fault.
We were only trying to stop you, Dennett.
I can understand your anger.
You can't begin to understand! Okay, so tell us about it.
Look, you're smart, William.
You broke into an impenetrable system and managed to manipulate it.
I found the traps that were already there.
The possibilities for a man like you are limitless.
You could find a cure for your paralysis.
There is no cure.
We could help you.
But if you kill us, then you destroy any chance of that.
My life is over.
The only thing I have left is the satisfaction of seeing you pay for what you've done.
And make no mistake - I won't forget about your lady friends.
You leave them alone.
I just hope they're better players than you.
You know what Sanctuary's pumping into your system right now? BZ - powerful nerve agent.
It'll infiltrate your bloodstream, create paralysis.
It eventually will close down your heart.
Can you feel that numbness in your fingers yet? You said you wanted to understand how I felt.
Soon, you will.
Dennett, don't do this.
Brennan Hospital's up ahead.
Rooftop's too narrow.
We need to find another place to land.
No, there's nowhere close to bring her down.
We can do this.
It's too narrow.
We'll be fine.
It's going to leave a mark.
Come on, Jesse, we gotta go up, man.
Come on.
Come on, buddy, you're going to make it.
Come on.
Oh! Stay with me, buddy.
We're going to make it.
Thin crust pizza What? My dad used to take us to this great place.
I want to be there now.
Yeah, me too.
Nah, you wouldn't like it.
Just keep talking, man.
There's something I want to tell you, Brennan.
Yeah, I love you, too, man.
You suck at basketball.
That's the big thing? That's the big thing, that you wanted to tell me? [coughing.]
And what you said.
Jesse! Jesse! Hey, William.
You've been a bad boy.
Jesse Jesse The screen.
My God, he's suffocating him.
I'm going to rip these out of your head and you won't be connected to anything anymore.
No, don't do that.
They're going to die if we don't do something.
No, he's directly linked to Sanctuary.
Let me try and override it manually.
I think I can access the ventilation shafts.
What did you do to them? They're just like me now.
If they die, you die.
I'm in.
Don't you die on me, Jesse! [coughing.]
Okay, I'm flooding the chamber with oxygen.
God, I hope we're not too late.
Jesse, come on.
Jesse, come on.
Stay with me, man.
Jesse, stay with me.
Come on.
Come on.
Oh! Don't you even think of giving me mouth to mouth.
Brennan, is he okay? Yeah.
He's okay.
[breathing heavily.]
What about him? If you unhook me, I'm trapped in my mind.
It's unbearable.
Kill me.
I don't think you deserve that.
Please! It's like being in a coffin.
Any last words? Guess not.
Come on.
We're done here.
Just one more little thing.
Just making sure you'll never be hooked up again.
Hate them.
Hey, there, handsome.
Brought you a present.
I like that present.
What's this? Oh, um, consider it a almost going away present.
Tunnel Quest III.
Well, we thought you might want to load it into the system computer and put our holograms through a few paces.
You insane? It was worth the look, though.
Brennan was right.
Brennan was right.
This is your idea? I didn't tell them to buy it.
Mind taking care of this, Sparky? Pull.
[sound of radio.]
[radio turning to modem noise.]

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