My Everlasting Bride (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

[My Everlasting Bride]
[That's my game.]
[Episode 4]
[Episode 4]
Grand Marshal, Fourth Concubine.
Congratulations, Grand Marshal.
Young Marshal and Miss Shen tie the knot.
Grand Marshal,
Hongzhou is indeed a nice place.
Young Marshal,
bring me the bridal veil, please.
Why take it so seriously?
The desire to look attractive
is universal.
Though it'll be all an act,
being pretty beats being ugly.
Well, which parts
do you think are not an act?
I'm a waiter.
I'm here to deliver tea to you.
What are you doing here?
come away with me.
This is my only chance to save you.
I can't leave right now.
You should get out of here.
What do you want to do?
Let him go.
Don't forget we have a deal.
What kind of deal
is worth staking your life on?
Second Young Master, trust me.
Second Young Master of the Shen family,
today is my wedding day.
If you value your life,
get lost right now.
Just go.
Is this how you put on an act?
we gather here
to bear witness to Mr. Nie Zhen
and Ms Shen Qingxia's sacred wedding.
is a glorious moment.
it's not reckless
or thoughtless.
Instead, it's pious and solemn.
Mr. Nie Zhen,
please address the ceremony
and toss the bride's bouquet
to its destined recipient.
Sorry, my honored guests,
I never do things by the book.
(Sorry, Miss Qingxia.)
(Xiaodie failed to uphold
the Shen family's dignity.)
In the Western world,
a bride's bouquet is a gift
from the newly-weds.
It represents sharing goodness
with those they care about.
But I'm a very selfish man.
I don't want to dilute
what Ms Shen Qingxia
and I are fated to have.
I swear,
no matter whether poverty
or wealth in the future,
I'm willing to take you as my wife.
Ms Shen Qingxia,
will you marry me?
♪Dreams sifting through the fingers♪
♪With so many stories left unfinished♪
What do you mean by that?
Will you marry me?
♪Waiting, oh,
for rebirth through Nirvana♪
♪The Milky Way's stars
passed too hastily♪
I will.
♪A gust of wind through the brambles♪
♪Unwilling to resign
the rest of my life to fate♪
♪Wading through endless seas of blood♪
♪Vainly hoping in the crevices of time♪
♪Never ceasing, learning to be composed♪
♪Loneliness cherishes
the afterglow of the setting sun♪
♪In rumors, where did she come and go?♪
♪As always, ice and snow melt♪
That's my game.
♪Eyes empty yet unrepentant♪
♪Concealing boundless solitary courage♪
♪Devoting half a lifetime♪
♪Indulging in♪
♪Life and death together♪
Well, your chief really did me proud.
He sure did.
Young Marshal's charm is matched
by his eloquence,
which undeniably proves
that a hero fathers no weakling.
You, uh,
need to keep close tabs on him.
Do not let him do anything stupid again.
Yes, sir.
Why did you change your mind
at the last moment
instead of unmasking me?
That Second Young Master has feelings
for you?
He and I grew up together,
but he's way out of my league.
There's no way we can be together.
Is he as much out of your league
as I am?
What you just said has nothing to do
with my question.
Are you doing all this to spite him?
If I wanted to blow your cover,
the easiest way
would be through the reporters,
but I didn't do that
because I gave up my plan last night.
That Second Young Master's got nothing
to do with it.
You're just a maid,
but you actually dared abduct me
for a mere pass.
I was just a bit desperate.
You're a mere servant girl,
but your young master risked his life
for your affections.
There are fools aplenty
in this world.
You're just a maid,
but you found out everything about me
in only an afternoon.
You left some vital clues behind.
I just appreciate your talents.
Because it strikes me
that you might surprise me again
if I keep you around.
That's all.
Young Marshal, don't you think
your explanation's a bit far-fetched?
What other reason do you need?
One that I find convincing enough.
I'm starting to take an interest in you.
Does this reason
sound convincing enough?
Let's make a deal.
This is a contract I drafted beforehand.
I'll try tracking down the one
you want to find,
and you'll stay by my side at all times.
I'll be your Young Marshal of a husband,
and you'll be my contractual bride.
We'll honor our deal,
sign our names, and make our crosses.
What do you say?
♪Loneliness sealed away♪
♪Grows only deeper over time♪
How do we make our crosses?
♪Sorrows become empty♪
♪My love♪
♪Deep affection♪
♪Rooted in the depths of the heart♪
♪Nowhere to hide♪
♪Fear not when love runs over♪
♪Loved too much turns the heart a demon♪
♪To think myself unworthy♪
♪My love♪
♪You've done no wrong♪
♪Your understanding is♪
♪Already so rare a thing♪
♪Grasping what is not yours♪
What's wrong?
Is my missus
going to spend her wedding night
in the bathtub as well?
Keep our contract safe.
Don't worry about
what you should not worry about.
(Nie Zhen)
(It was you.)
♪Dreams sifting through the fingers♪
♪With so many stories left unfinished♪
♪Drifting towards who,
turning and tossing♪
♪Long ago and so far away♪
♪Waiting, oh,
for rebirth through Nirvana♪
♪The Milky Way's stars
passed too hastily♪
♪Still clinging to those eyes♪
♪A gust of wind through the brambles♪
♪Unwilling to resign
the rest of my life to fate♪
♪Wading through endless seas of blood♪
♪Vainly hoping in the crevices of time♪
♪Never ceasing, learning to be composed♪
♪Loneliness cherishes
the afterglow of the setting sun♪
♪In rumors, where did she come and go?♪
♪As always, ice and snow melt♪
♪How did I fall into a silent void?♪
♪Eyes empty yet unrepentant♪
♪Concealing boundless solitary courage♪
♪Devoting half a lifetime♪
♪Indulging in♪
♪Life and death together♪
♪Loneliness wastes
the afterglow of the setting sun♪
♪In tales, with whom
did she once embrace?♪
♪Vulgar folks chat and laugh merrily♪
♪How did I disappoint sincere affection?♪
♪A thought insincere amidst the dust♪
♪She won't avoid
her destined ordeal in this life♪
♪Not destined to encounter♪
♪Yet firmly believing♪
♪Life and death together♪
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