My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Are You In Love with Yamada?

Wow, look at all these posters!
And the opening video
is playing over there!
Hey, Eita
The menu is neat too.
Each of the dishes
has a dungeon boss's name.
Some of these bring back memories.
You're too fast, Mr. Kamota.
Let me see!
The food actually looks good!
-What'll you have?
I know Yamada and Princess Ruri,
but who are the old man
and the guy in glasses?
More nostalgia!
Do you like spicy foods, Eita?
If I had to choose
I have more of a sweet-tooth!
They're really enjoying themselves.
Princess Ruri?
Who are those two?
They're guild members, right?
That's Mr. Kamota and Eita.
Um, a little more information
would be helpful.
And another thing, my character
isn't Princess Ruri.
So the real question is, who are you?
Um "Who am I?"
What's your deal?
Why are you here at our guild meeting?
You are Princess Ruri, aren't you?
-I keep telling you that I'm not.
I'll ask you again.
Who are you?
Wait a minute
Where is Princess Ruri then?
-Princess Ruri!
Before ordering,
shouldn't you introduce yourselves?
Oh, you're right.
Sorry, Akane.
Let's start over.
I'm Eita Sasaki, age 19.
My hobby is online gaming.
I play Princess Ruri online.
Pleased to meet you,
-What's a nekama, you ask?
It refers to a man who uses
the anonymity of social networks
to act as a woman online
or the engagement in such behavior.
In fact, this term has been around
among PC users
since before the spread of the Internet.
You're a ne ka
You've got the wrong idea.
I'm merely a vessel for a muse
who has descended into our digital waters.
In other words, Princess Rui and I
are different entities
but one and the same!
Such a special state of affairs
should never be reduced
to a cheap term like nekama.
It's not that simple.
In the two-dimensional world,
you could say
Princess Ruri and I are bound by fate.
She is my goddess, my mother,
my wife, and my alter-ego.
Whenever a man plays a female character,
everyone starts shouting
nekama this, nekama that,
-but they just don't understand.
Compared to that
-Ruri and I are more creative
You're not reading the room.
I gave you my phone number
and even told you about my breakup!
Calm down, Akane.
There's no need to worry.
You didn't tell me, you told Ruri.
Makes no sense!
I'm Takeza Kamota.
My character
is named Takezo.
Normally, I hunt for plunder
in the dungeons,
so you've never met me in character.
And this young lady is Runa.
She's Eita's little sister
and the model for Ruri.
Making your little sister
the model is creepy, isn't it?
And this is Akito Yamada.
But you already know each other, right?
What? What do you mean
they know each other?
What is he to you?
How could you possibly know each other?
That's um
I'd rather not explain.
It's a long story.
I can explain!
We merely met at an event!
In simple terms, that's it.
It was hard not to notice, but
This girl really doesn't like me!
I see.
The people I met in the game
were Eita and Yamada.
You were always flirting,
so I thought you were a couple!
He's my neighborhood senpai.
When he's in full character,
I have to play along.
-Flirty, flirty
-Senpai's orders.
I see. That must be rough.
You told me before
that you didn't have a girlfriend.
I thought you might be lying.
I wouldn't lie about something like that.
Right I'm glad.
Did I really just say that?
"You're glad"?
You said, "You're glad."
So what exactly
are you glad about?
Does that mean
you like Yamada or something?
Th that's not what
I'm sorry, Akane.
My little sister is very territorial
and going through a rebellious phase.
She can be hard to deal with.
This won't do, Runa.
-You can't talk like that to an older
-No, it's fine!
At this rate, you'll never
make it in grownup society.
Back off, Nekama.
I'm not a nekama! I'm just a romantic!
-Stuff it.
-Please don't fight!
So, um food
Does everyone know what they want?
What'll it be for me?
That was a surprise.
We should probably call for
Akane, are you okay?
I'm so sorry. It slipped from my hand.
Are you hurt? Let's call the staff.
It's fine. I'll do it
It's too dangerous.
Better let the staff do it.
Excuse me!
I'm afraid we broke a glass.
Oh, man
I wasn't
prepared for that.
What do I do?
I'm probably still blushing.
Should I flee to the restroom?
Or would that be too obvious?
Either way, I have to calm down.
Excuse me, everyone.
I have a phone call.
What about food?
We'll order for you.
Please order without me.
Thank goodness.
Are you okay?
Uh, yeah.
Um, I'll go pick some flowers.
You really are Princess Ruri.
She's still glaring at me!
Enjoy your meal.
Thank you very much.
Are you okay now?
Yes. Sorry for the commotion.
I'm just glad you're not hurt.
Thank you very much!
Mr. Tamota is really nice!
We heard that this would be
your first offline meeting,
so we were really excited.
No one told me and I'm not excited.
Have you all known each other
for a long time?
We knew one another
from the previous game we played.
We started playing FOS
after being invited by Eita.
Runa never logs in though.
Once every three months, maybe
I see.
Other than me, everyone's acquainted.
Eita said there was a wonderful girl
that we should all meet.
He was very insistent.
You're after my brother too?!
I'm not "after" anyone!
I thought you weren't a liar?
The phone call is definitely a lie.
What's up?
I just had a feeling
that I should remove myself
from her sight.
Don't come near me.
She had that aura.
So that's your interpretation.
I think what Runa said
must have really upset her.
Actually, I think
she was just embarrassed.
Embarrassed about what?
Don't make me say it.
If you don't, I won't get it.
You've always been like that.
But whatever.
Anyway, the real Akane turned out
to be a beautiful older lady.
You said she was just like her character,
so I thought she would be more childish.
They're exactly alike.
Come on, she's nothing like her character!
You think?
Most of the women on FOS
have child-like looks.
I can't tell one woman from another.
You'll never have a girlfriend
if you keep talking like that.
Isn't it about time you stopped
making fun of me for being single?
It used to be just for fun,
but these days, I'm sincerely worried.
Your lack of interest in women
has gone to the extreme.
You just felt sorry for me?
Is that true?
Thank you very much!
Thanks for coming, everyone!
We have a guild battle tonight,
so I'll see you all online!
Sorry I can't walk you home, Akane!
If only I didn't have to work tonight.
You already got lost earlier.
Ruri's worried about you!
I'll be fine.
What's the matter, Runa?
You've got a scary look.
I don't like that girl.
She's all over Yamada and my brother.
I'll bet she's a tramp.
Oh my, Runa!
Where did you learn to talk like that?
It's always been the four of us.
Why do we have to add her now?
Whatever it takes,
I'm going to push her out of the guild.
Since we're traveling the same way,
let's go home together!
I managed to get that far,
but conversation is at a standstill.
-Say, Yamada
-Do you guys often get together like this?
Wow, so you're all good friends!
Now that you mention it
-Eita's a fun guy to know, huh?
That hurt
Are you okay?
You should change places with me.
-That wouldn't be fair.
-It's fine.
So it was him.
I was a bit startled.
I thought everyone was staring at me.
Well, I did find him
strikingly handsome at first too.
Do you like Yamada or something?
Did it look that way to her?
This won't do!
Yamada's an important
online gaming friend.
Oh, that reminds me.
What will you eat for dinner?
I'm not very hungry.
Are you sure?
Pudding, maybe?
Come on!
That'll be 128 yen!
Thank you very much!
Uh you mean you were serious?
-Do you live alone, Yamada?
Do you cook for yourself?
So what do you do for meals every day?
I just buy something
from the convenience store.
He's a high school student, isn't he?
Doesn't his mother have anything to say?
Well, I shouldn't ask about
people's family lives.
-Do you have a moment?
I only need 15, no ten minutes!
Just wait here for ten minutes!
I'll be right back!
Ten minutes
She seemed so upset just a while ago.
Yamada, it's been a while!
She sure does recover fast.
Sorry to keep you waiting!
-Are you okay?
I haven't run like that since high school.
What's all that stuff you're carrying?
This is curry!
You probably don't boil your own rice,
so I brought some I kept frozen.
I made the curry this morning,
so it should last for two days.
I'm really short on money this month,
so there's not much meat.
But you can have
the salad and pickled vegetables
I bought at the convenience store.
Wait, I
I can't accept them.
You're short on money, right?
If you don't eat right,
you won't grow.
Well, um
Pudding is only for dessert!
I know that, but
Just consider it as looking out
for a fellow guild member.
Your phone is ringing.
Oh, it's mine?
I wonder who it is.
Momo, maybe?
Huh? It's an unknown number.
Yes? Hello?
This is
Runa? Oh my, what is it?
My brother gave me your number.
Sorry to call, so suddenly.
It's totally fine!
You came all the way to meet us today.
I'm sorry I was so rude.
My brother told me to apologize.
It doesn't bother me at all.
Everyone gets nervous
meeting people for the first time.
if you don't mind,
I'd like to hang out with you again.
This time, I'd like to actually
get to know you.
Next Saturday, huh?
Sounds good.
I'm excited too!
Bye then!
Runa wants to hang out with me!
Yeah, I overheard.
I thought for sure she didn't like me.
I'm glad.
I wonder what her character
is like in-game?
-Do you know, Yamada?
-A little.
What class does she play?
I'll bet she's a mage.
I'd like to see her character!
I wonder what her level is.
Good for you.
Yeah. I'll add her number to my phone!
She said Saturday, didn't she?
"Tutoring Runa Sasaki."
Maybe I heard wrong.
Today, I'll introduce you
to the avatars used by Princess Ruri!
First up is the "Alice with flowers
and pocket watch" set!
It's quite a popular avatar.
I wear it once in a while!
Next is the "Priest's
Sacred Robes, ultimate version."
If you remove the avatar,
your armor will be exposed!
Next is the "Red Rose for a Queen" set.
It's gorgeous,
but I don't wear it that often.
Last but not least my go-to!
I love this one
because it raises my attributes!
Thanks for watching, everyone!
Be sure to watch next week
for more Princess Ruri info.
-Got it?
Subtitle translation by: Brad Plumb
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