My Lovely Liar (2023) s01e07 Episode Script
The Bakery Incident
(Kim So Hyun)
(Hwang Min Hyun)
(Yun Ji On)
(Seo Ji Hun)
(Lee Si Woo)
(My Lovely Liar)
(All people, organizations, locations, and incidents)
(in this drama are fictitious.)
(The guardians of child actors were present at the filming.)
(Luni Tarot Café)
Because of this darn power,
I drifted apart from my family and can't even date a guy.
What is that power you have?
can detect
When people talk,
I can tell if they are lying or telling the truth.
I sound crazy, don't I?
I could only prove it to you if you lied to me left and right.
But you never lied.
That's why I liked you.
(Episode 7)
You should have fought back.
Letting him punch you like that made you look like a real cheater.
What do you know?
If I say so, then it is.
No, don't.
It's not him. He's not the culprit.
It's not going to work between us anyway.
Because of this darn power,
I drifted apart from my family and can't even date a guy.
It's pouring right now. Where are you?
Do you have an umbrella?
Why did I do that?
Why did I tell him, really?
Darn it.
Goodness! Come on!
Yes. Don't come to work today. I'll see you tomorrow.
Everything's okay, right?
Do you admit you were wrong?
Do you admit you were wrong?
Didn't I tell you that your classmates would hate you
if you told them you could hear their lies?
That girl
made fun of me first because we were poor.
She told me that her dad bought clothes and dolls
for her in the US. She bragged to me about that.
But she was lying the whole time!
Yes. That girl looked like a meanie.
That ugly girl.
The thing is
people could easily guess that we were poor.
But she kept
not having a dad a secret, so no one would find out.
She didn't want anyone to find out, but you told everyone about that.
No one would like you then.
So don't tell anyone that you can hear their lies.
Anyone who knows that
can't be friends with you.
They will leave you.
Did you sleep well last night?
The room inside has to be cleaned up first, right?
If you need to talk to me, just do it now.
Talk to you about what?
Must I have something to tell you?
Last night
You must have a lot of questions for me.
About how you can hear people's lies?
So what?
What do you mean?
Aren't you scared of me?
Or do you not believe me?
I do think you can hear them.
There were things about you that fascinated me.
And everything made sense after finding out about your power.
So what?
If you can hear lies, then you can.
You're not bothered that
I'm pretending to be a shaman?
Don't you pay taxes?
Is that illegal?
No. You know that's not what I'm talking about.
Where's the broomstick?
Can you bring me a broomstick?
Who are you?
Ms. Hunter!
Hey, be quiet.
And let him go.
The floor was so messy.
After seeing that, I thought we were robbed.
So he lives next door to you.
How did he end up in the secret room?
Don't worry. I can trust him.
By the way, didn't Kassandra tell you that
we were taking a day off?
She didn't contact me.
I see. I was busy watching this.
I mean, I like the song and all. But it's too long.
- Was it 5 minutes and 40 seconds? - It's 5 minutes 43 seconds
You were a fan of Syaon too.
You're older than me, right? How old are you?
- I'm 29. - You're 29.
I'm 25.
Can I be casual with you?
What's your name?
- Hey, that's enough. - I'm Syaon's bodyguard.
I'm Syaon's songwriter.
Syaon's songwriter?
He has a rare nickname too.
Since your nickname is Syaon's Songwriter,
you're Kim Do Ha.
I'll call you Do Ha.
I'm Baek Chi Hoon.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Gosh. Your nails are ruined. What happened?
It hasn't been a week yet.
Gosh. I know.
I shouldn't have been so awful.
(I'm sorry.)
Darn it.
Why am I sorry?
Do you want some accessories on your nails?
We have a promotion for them. You can get ten dollars off.
In that case, of course.
You know what? Can you run the card first
for whatever I owe now?
It might not go through.
Yes. It went through.
I'm so relieved.
Fine! Put some accessories on my nails.
Give me the prettiest and biggest one.
Why don't we meet up at the next fan club meeting?
- Okay. - I'll get going then.
- Okay. - Bye.
His dream is to become a bodyguard for Syaon.
Somehow, he ended up working for me.
Is this a dangerous job?
That you need a bodyguard?
Well, he usually drives for me.
I can drive too.
Let me know if you need help.
Cleaning this place was hard work.
I'll buy you a tasty meal.
You helped me. I should be my treat.
Let's go.
There's always a line at that bakery.
Is the bread that good?
It's next to your café. You never had the bread from there?
I didn't because it was next to my café.
If I go to his bakery and befriend him,
it might complicate things later.
Then why don't you try it today? It's really good.
What? Wait.
It's not that. Let's just go.
- What? - Gosh.
What? Oh, my.
You two have been hanging out a lot lately.
- Yes. - Are you two dating?
We're just neighbours.
I thought you didn't like having neighbours.
You're just picky with people.
Can you move up?
Why is this line moving so fast? Goodness.
- We should move up too. - Okay.
The waiting was worth it.
- Let's get that. - This one.
- People wait in line for a reason. - I like this one more.
What's good here?
Those croissants are good too.
This is my favourite.
- I like this one. Financiers. - The total is
- I see. - Thank you. Enjoy.
- Thank you. - Sure.
I bought them yesterday. Can I get a refund?
I'm sorry.
We can't give a refund for the bread you bought yesterday.
I don't want to make a scene. Please refund it now.
The shape came out nicely too. Why do you want to get a refund?
I found out that your bread had bugs in it!
I saw everything.
- What? - Bugs?
- Bugs? - What?
- There were bugs? - She said there were bugs.
In the bread?
Come on. You put the dough in the oven to bake it.
Then the cockroach should be baked too.
It's obvious that it's a set-up.
- What? - Cockroaches?
- Wait. - No. We shouldn't buy bread here.
Give me a refund now.
- What's going on? - There were cockroaches.
- There were cockroaches? - Cockroaches?
- Here. - I can't believe this.
Let's go!
How could that just happen?
No one lied in there.
You can hear them all the time?
Well, why don't we eat something else?
Hey, two guys coming to a place like this doesn't look right.
After passing the police officer exam,
a fortune-teller told me this.
"When you get stabbed,"
"eat at a restaurant that has knives as their utensils."
You didn't get stabbed. It was me.
That was my fault. You got stabbed because I was sloppy.
Let's chase away the bad luck with this. It's my treat.
Gosh. I should have brought her to a place like this.
You like someone from the tarot café, right?
You don't even drink coffee.
You went all the way to the tarot café to buy coffee.
Aren't I right?
- You are a detective indeed. - Right?
Gosh. Is she pretty?
She is. She's gorgeous.
Why don't you invite her out for a meal?
She has a boyfriend.
Do you want to leave?
No. Why should I?
Has she been dating that guy for a long time?
Let's just eat.
What do you want to eat?
The eggplant gratin
Yes. I like eggplants too.
Then let's order that.
As for the pasta
How about this one?
It could've been so much worse.
What did your doctor say?
I'm fine.
- What are you doing this weekend? - What?
I don't have any plans yet.
Then let's make one with me.
So are you going to give up on that lady?
No. She's not married yet.
I should wait and see.
Are you okay?
Give me a second.
I'll go and use the restroom.
You two aren't dating, right?
He doesn't know that you can't eat eggplants.
And just now too.
That was a bit weird.
We're not.
I asked him to pretend to be my boyfriend.
Did I bother you that much?
I went to pay.
I had a feeling that you might try to pay for this.
Thank you for the food. Let's go.
What? Already?
I still have some food left.
Thank you.
Something happened while I was gone.
He figured out that you weren't my boyfriend.
What gave it away?
Because of this.
I can't eat eggplants.
What else can't you eat other than eggplants?
Spoon worms, braised pupas, and cilantro.
Spoon worms, braised pupas, cilantro, and eggplants.
I'll remember them now.
We're done for the day.
Deuk Chan. What brings you here?
- Is that your brother? - Yes.
What is it? What?
I can't order a burger now, right?
For you, yes. Of course.
Hey, can you go and fry up our signature set?
Hurry up.
Seriously. What are you doing here now?
Have you seen Eom Ho lately?
Eom Ho? No.
Why? Is he in Seoul?
He came to me. Do Ha
He thinks Seung Ju is Do Ha.
Gosh. He's still on that?
He's wasting his time.
How can you laugh about that now?
He tried to kill Do Ha.
That's why he came to Seoul. To do the same.
That's why you're here.
Are you still in touch with any of your friends from Hakcheon?
I need to find out where he's staying
and what he's up to.
Just tell Kim Do Ha.
Tell him to be careful.
He just started to live like a normal guy.
Yes. He's changed a lot.
He's not even scared of me when he sees me.
Did you go and see him?
Do you know what he said?
He said he already paid back everything he owed me. Gosh.
He should know we're the reason
he has a good life now and isn't locked up.
He'd still owe us even if he spent his entire life repaying us.
I told you
not to bring that up again.
Deuk Chan.
Goodness. That was embarrassing.
This place is more embarrassing.
He touched his phone and made this without washing his hands,
and the table is all sticky.
You extorted Do Ha's hard-earned money.
Is this how you've been spending his money?
Hey, who is your brother?
If Do Ha and I are both drowning,
I bet you'll save him.
I'm done talking to you.
Close down the business at once.
You don't have what it takes to run your own business.
A reversed Ace of Pentacles.
I think you're about to make a big mistake.
A mistake?
I was going to buy a building. Should I not do it?
Are there good properties these days?
Gosh, the market's bad these days. Wait a bit.
Besides, it's actually a big headache to own a building.
That bakery too.
The premium is ridiculously high.
It's 200,000 dollars. Can you believe it?
Honey, you're here again!
Let's go eat something.
All he thinks about is food.
- I'll come back another time. - Okay, bye.
She owns buildings,
and her husband is a realtor.
What a compatible couple.
That's true. But they are not blessed with children.
You know, the bakery across the street.
I could never buy anything because they always had a long line outside.
But they were empty today, so I cleared them out.
Have some.
Oh, that bread
That's right. When will that guy from yesterday come by again?
- Why? - Well, just because.
I like him. I want to befriend him.
What? Who's this guy?
Oh, he's very handsome.
He already knows everything about Ms. Hunter.
I see.
Is he talking about that guy?
What? You already know about him?
I feel so left out again. I'm hurt.
It's that bread.
- Look. - Gosh!
He bought so many.
It looks tasty.
Hey, we know how clean you are.
But people don't know that.
(Cockroach bread)
(I won't be going back to this place.)
(Protein bread)
(I want to puke.)
Gosh, this makes no sense.
This is only possible
if you roll the cockroach in the croissant dough.
Has this person not responded to your message yet?
- Cheer up. - Take it easy.
Hey, what's with that voice?
- Hello. - You're back.
I'm really sorry about yesterday.
I was all over the place.
Don't worry about it.
You still have that cream bun I had the last time, right?
Yes. I'll get it ready for you right away.
Oh, my.
- I guess you're rich. - Pardon me?
Every time I see you, you're wearing such nice clothes.
I have a few too. I'm just not wearing it today.
I bet you don't have a 9-to-5 job, seeing how you're out and about now.
That's right. I don't have an office job.
- I see. - Then what do you do?
That's enough. You're being rude.
- Yes, that's enough! - I didn't say anything.
Here it is.
- Thank you. - No problem.
- One moment, please. - Sure.
My gosh.
Viennoiseries. Is this it?
Pardon me?
Oh, yes. That section is for viennoiseries.
I see.
I knew it. It's just a small neighbourhood bakery.
Pardon me? What do you mean?
I was just talking to myself.
Why is everything so expensive here?
Look at this pizza bread. Goodness.
Oh, they found a cockroach in this.
- Excuse me! - Hey, calm down. Don't.
Gosh, shall I buy this or not?
So you won't buy it?
I'll take everything here.
All of these?
My gosh. You'll buy everything? That's amazing.
Oh, my.
(Yeonseo Bakery)
It'll take forever to eat all this.
So what?
If you can hear lies, then you can.
Gosh, no.
He reacted like that because he didn't fully understand it.
Oh, no.
My gosh!
Darn it!
You suddenly showed up out of nowhere.
I guess you've never used a laundromat before.
That's right.
Anyway, you really don't think it's crazy?
What do you mean?
I mean
You're acting like you've met at least ten people like me.
It makes no sense to me.
You said you had never once heard my lies.
That's true, but
How did everyone else react?
Everyone else?
They probably have no idea.
Other than my mom and dad, you're the only one who knows.
It's a secret that I don't want anyone to find out,
and I've been doing a good job of hiding it for decades,
but I'm confused from time to time.
"Do I really want no one to find out?"
"Would I feel better if I just told everyone?"
Well, are you always indifferent about everything?
I don't trust people easily, and I'm sensitive.
If someone else had said it, I wouldn't have believed it.
But you said it, so I just believed it.
Well, I am the trustworthy type.
That's right. I heard you lie once.
Really? What did I say?
Does this count as a lie?
I'm not too sure,
but the other day
(Yeonseo Bakery)
I need a pillow.
I'm having trouble booking a cab.
I'll try to hail one.
You're the tarot café lady.
You're like
a baguette.
Hard on the outside
and soft on the inside.
And you probably have holes inside.
Why do you say that? We've only talked a couple of times.
Come on. I don't need to talk to you to know these things.
I've been seeing you around for over a year now.
Oh, right.
You don't like it when I talk to you.
Sorry about that.
You've been talking for a while.
Do you want some bread?
You probably don't want this.
I swear, it's not true.
Look, this is
If this was dirty,
I wouldn't be able to eat it.
You see, I may not look like it, but I'm very clean.
Okay, I heard you.
When something's fallen on the floor
I managed to get a taxi.
- Get going. - Hurry up and get in.
- My taxi is here? - Yes.
Oh, you guys aren't coming?
(For hire)
- Come with me. - It's okay.
You really don't want this bread?
- Get home safely. - You don't want this?
- Thank you, sir. - Wait!
- Would you like some bread? - No, I'm good.
(24 hour laundry)
His business isn't doing well because of that incident.
He must be under a lot of stress.
I don't want to get involved in stuff like this, but
Do you want to help him?
We need to find out who posted that photo with the cockroach.
It's not like I can ask everyone in the neighbourhood.
You startled me.
Are you Reporter Oh Jin Soo?
- Who are you? - You saw Kim Do Ha.
Did he look like this?
Well, if you suddenly show me an old picture like this,
how would I know?
Besides, he was wearing a mask when I saw him.
Is that so?
- That's too bad. - Wait, but
Who's the guy in that photo?
He's someone I'm looking for.
Is there a reason you thought Kim Do Ha was that guy?
Tall, pale.
A good pianist
living in hiding.
Well, if you ever want to send a tip-off,
please contact me.
What are you after?
Getting Kim Do Ha on camera?
Yes, sure.
Taking a picture of him without a mask.
If it's a picture of him with Syaon, that's even better.
Must he be alive in that picture?
Call me.
What was that about?
(Violent Crime Unit Team 1)
- Sorry to interrupt. - Yes.
I made this sandwich.
I made a bunch and gave them out, but there's one left. It's for you.
Oh, I was hungry. Thank you.
No problem.
- I have a question. - What is it?
Do you have a girlfriend?
No, I don't.
But there's someone I like.
That's too bad. I wanted to set you up with someone.
That's okay. Thank you though.
Thank you so much for this.
No problem.
(Mr. Lee Kang Min, you are due for your follow-up tests.)
(Please fast for 8 hours before visiting the hospital.)
(Closed Today)
So you'd like to ask questions about your business first?
I must say, it's funny
that I came here, seeking business advice.
But I heard your readings were accurate.
Anyway, are you working at the moment?
- Sorry? - This says you're unemployed.
I studied in France.
I returned to Korea only recently.
Right. So you're not working at the moment.
I'll start something very soon, in this neighbourhood.
- This neighbourhood? - Well, I'm just thinking about it.
Honey, I bet you're here again. Let's go eat
- What? - What?
Oh, do you know each other?
I don't know that man either.
- My wife isn't here, is she? - No.
Where did she go?
Well, let me ask you other questions then.
- Business-related questions? - No.
- Then about your love life? - No, not that either.
I saw him walking by, so I brought him inside.
Well done, right?
Hello? Yes.
He does whatever he wants.
What was that?
Why did he and the realtor act like they didn't know each other?
The guy who just left?
He said he studied in France and returned to Korea only recently.
He knew about the cockroach incident at the bakery.
Yes. He acted like a know-it-all when he came to buy bread.
But he knew about the cockroach incident,
yet he still came to buy bread?
Come to think of it, it's odd.
There must be something between that guy and the realtor.
Oh! You're the owner of the tarot café.
What brings you here?
I want to look at some properties.
Oh, you have a boyfriend.
Are you getting married? Looking for a matrimonial home?
No, it's not that.
You're just moving in together?
Many couples do that these days.
No, I'm interested in Yeonseo Bakery.
Goodness. The owner hasn't even listed it yet.
You're mean.
You want to snatch up the store space, knowing they're struggling?
You see, that photo with the cockroach.
I don't believe it.
The bakery owner is such a diligent man.
Also, the premium for that space is ridiculously high.
Why would you be interested in that space?
One moment. I have to answer this.
Hello? Yes, sir.
(Yeonseo Real Estate)
Oh, that property.
It won't sell unless you knock it down by 10,000 dollars.
Everyone is struggling financially these days, you know.
I guess I was wrong.
He doesn't even believe that the photo was real.
It could cause problems.
It's not easy, so please be patient.
I'll do my best. Yes.
Come and visit me at my office soon.
I'll buy you a nice lunch.
Yes, that's right. My gosh.
Take care.
Yes. Talk soon.
Mr. So.
- About the cockroach photo. - Yes.
That was me.
- Sorry? - That bug
I think it was my fault.
Are you saying that's a cockroach?
Look! There's another one. Over there!
This is a walnut crumb.
I don't even deserve to call myself a baker.
Do you want to take the flour outside?
I'll give it to you for free.
Mr. So.
(Yeonseo Real Estate)
One moment, please!
(Yeonseo Real Estate)
You're the owner of that bakery.
I want to list the store space.
Oh, okay. Come on in.
Take a seat.
We think the realtor was the one who posted the cockroach photo.
I wonder if the guy with permed hair paid him for doing that.
They seem to know each other but are hiding it.
Oh, we just love jjajangmyeon. That's why.
Yes, we ordered three bowls to share.
But you have three chopsticks too.
Yes, we ordered three bowls,
so they brought three pairs.
How much premium are you thinking?
You want to sell it urgently, right?
I think it should be less than half.
What are you doing?
Give it back!
Oh, my.
- Goodness, my back. - What
Mom! Oh, dear.
Report him to the police.
- "Mom?" - Oh, right.
You did this to leave the store to your son?
How subhuman!
Only if you hadn't demanded an unreasonable amount of premium,
I would've handled it legally.
(Yeonseo Real Estate)
What in the
Thank you so much.
If not for you, I would've been in big trouble.
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate it.
Anyway, hurry here.
We should have a drink on a happy day like today.
Come on.
- Let's drink. - Hi.
What took you so long?
- Goodness. - All right.
- What a happy day. - Unbelievable.
- I know. - She becomes prettier day by day.
Your fortunetelling works much better than I thought.
- It really saved you. - Right.
You should treat us all today. Watch your chin though.
Okay, it's on me.
- It's on him. - Really?
Free beer.
- What is going on? - Crazy, right?
What did you put in here?
I love this song. What is it?
Oh, this? What was that?
A pop song.
I see.
I'm playing the top 100 pop songs that Koreans love.
It's Jenifer Candler and John Joy's song.
The title is "Liar."
I know. I was just acting like I didn't,
to seem down-to-earth.
I guess you like listening to music.
So you're interested in something after all.
If you know a lot of good songs, recommend some
so I can play them here.
Kim Do Ha's songs are nice.
Here you go.
But his songs are sung by Syaon.
I prefer something classy to such music.
Did you listen to songs other than the title song?
Sensuous acoustic melodies,
instrumentation with a wonderful sense of space,
and skillfully used stereo.
What the Are you actually him?
So his music is all right.
Anyway, Kim Do Ha's songs are not bad.
All right, I'll try playing one of his songs sometime
- since you highly recommend them. - Right.
I better play his music once.
By the way, I know all of you here
except for him.
I'm not sure if he has broad shoulders or a small face,
- but I don't know his name. - Me neither.
My name is
Kim Do Ha.
- That's funny. - He says he's Kim Do Ha.
You don't want to tell us what your name is?
It really is Kim Do Ha.
That's hilarious.
- You're lying. - He's your favourite musician.
Give him your autograph, Do Ha.
It's ridiculous.
Do Ha, give me one too, so I can put it up in my store.
Do Ha.
You're funny. Cheers.
- Cheers. - Cheers.
We're drinking with Do Ha.
- Cheers. - We're drinking too much.
- Cheers. - Cheers.
Come on.
- Drinks feel like water today. - I know.
- How much is the bill? - About 280 dollars.
- Will you be okay? - No way!
- You're treating us today. - What?
Fold your finger if you think you're handsome.
I had no choice but to fold mine.
- No. - You folded three?
- Come on. - You're well aware you're handsome.
Do Ha, you
Why did you fold yours?
What? I have a pretty chin.
Are you kidding me?
- Unfold it. - Why
This is unexpected though.
- Tetenchi. - Tetenchi.
- Down. - Nice.
- Yes! - Great.
My team!
- Boo. - Boo.
Very good.
- Gosh. - Nice.
- Nice. - That's cheating.
- What? - Gosh.
- It's okay. - If you throw it like that
- Nice. - Good.
It's not good.
- Nice. - Yes!
- Gosh. - Nice.
You can do it.
- We won! - Yes!
- You lost! - Goodness.
Why did you drink so much?
I just followed you drinking, Mr. Kim.
You keep calling me Mr. Kim,
but isn't it a little too rigid?
How should I address you then?
Just by my first name. It'd be way better.
Then, Do Ha?
Yes, Sol Hee.
Just a moment.
It's nice.
Here you go.
I love this ice cream.
I know.
What you hate
are spoon worms, braised pupas, cilantro,
and eggplants.
Anyway, Mr. Kim
I mean, Do Ha. If a woman dates someone
who doesn't tell lies like you, she might find it so comfortable.
But you heard me lie once.
Oh, right.
We were on our way back from Gangneung.
It was just you sleep talking.
Sleep talking?
You said you didn't kill someone.
It seemed like you were having a nightmare because of Syaon.
It was a lie when she said she'd kill herself.
You didn't know, did you?
You said you didn't kill someone.
The food is on me today.
It's all right.
In this time and age, I shouldn't take such treats.
Oh, please, sir.
I've had my eyes on her for some time now,
and she is quite decent.
She's smart and knows how to win people's favours.
But she has a problem with her son.
Gosh, that was just a happening.
She struggled a lot because of it.
Whether it was a happening or not,
people are too busy to pay attention to the details.
Everyone focuses on provocative headlines
and doesn't even read what articles are actually about.
We have no choice but to choose someone with a clean slate.
Let me pour you a drink, sir.
For a candidate of the upcoming governor election
Oh, that.
Yoo Ji Eun seems eligible for me.
You mean the Gyeonggi-do spokeswoman?
Isn't she a little too young?
A young age is an advantage in every field.
Even in political circles, young politicians are preferred.
With experience and age,
you should help her in many ways.
Of course.
Do Ha wants to get some air.
He comes outside.
Then he runs into me.
Do Ha.
- What's with you? - I'm sorry.
I got the wrong person.
- Aren't you Syaon? - I'm not.
- Hey. - It's you, Syaon.
What? She's Syaon?
I'm not.
- Are you really Syaon? - My gosh.
- Can't you take a picture with us? - I'm a huge fan.
Come close. This is insane.
- For real? - Gosh.
What's with these people?
Are you okay?
What on earth?
Is he her boyfriend?
Not again.
I get that you don't know anything.
But my girlfriend is way prettier than Syaon.
Stop bothering her,
and just leave.
Where's your car?
- I'll walk you there. - Over there.
I'll escort you safely, so follow my lead.
Are you expecting someone?
Thank goodness.
You have no customers, right?
Could I pull down the blinds?
What is this about? Is a VIP customer coming?
Well, I'd say a VVIP customer.
Don't worry. Ms. Hunter
I mean my boss is really nice.
Do you work here?
What brought you here?
Do you know my boss?
Don't we need a word?
I'm sorry, but can you give us some space?
(Luni Tarot Café)
You said you and Do Ha lived next door, right?
- Yes. - What's there between you two?
Are you just neighbours? Or
Don't tell me you're in a relationship.
We aren't.
We just eat together from time to time.
- Excuse me? - Where do you want to live?
I'll pay for the house,
so pick somewhere you wanted to live.
Why must you go this far?
I said we weren't dating.
But you eat together.
Do Ha isn't the kind of person who eats with others.
He normally doesn't tell anyone his name
nor does he show anyone his face.
What's your bank account number? I'll send you the money.
This much.
On condition of moving to another place
and cutting ties with Do Ha.
(Mok Sol Hee)
Hello, Mother.
Where are you?
See me later in the evening.
This is urgent.
I don't want to.
I'll just keep living his next door.
So you do have a crush on him.
Yes, I think so.
Now leave.
Sol Hee, please don't come between me and Do Ha.
"Sol Hee?"
There's nothing between you.
I'm not interrupting your anything.
You can find another man, but I can't.
I'll die without him.
You say that like a habit.
You did it last time too.
Back in Gangneung.
You never meant to die in the first place.
It's not like I wanted to do it.
I had to add insult to his injury.
Because that was his weakness.
Only then, he'd pay attention to me.
What is it?
What is his weakness?
He once killed someone.
Who killed someone?
Mr. Kim Do Ha did?
Do Ha.
Why aren't you covering your face? That's not careful of you.
What is it? You said it was urgent.
This won't do.
Go to Germany.
You wanted to study music there.
You seemed a lot unstable,
so I had you by Deuk Chan's side
and do what you wanted.
But you can't write music for idol singers forever.
This was what was urgent?
Seung Ju.
I've always lived for you.
After your dad died,
I wanted to raise you in abundance.
I went straight to work as soon as the funeral ended
despite people calling me spiteful.
When that happened to you,
I made use of all my connections
and begged on my knees
to get you acquitted without charges.
couldn't you
help me just this once?
You really
are a politician now.
After Father passed away, you gained many votes
using your image as a single mother.
And for sending me to a prestigious college,
you got nominated as a superintendent of education.
You couldn't let that son of yours become a murderer.
That was why you went on your knees.
How could you
Just be honest with me.
I'm getting in the way of your career,
and so you want to send me abroad.
You don't even want to see
a frightening face of a murderer.
I'm not going to Germany.
I have a more urgent and important business here.
(Kim Seung Ju's student life)
Why aren't you going home?
I have
something to tell you.
Me too.
I have something to tell you too.
I heard something strange earlier today.
That you killed someone.
I'm sorry I'm bringing this up.
You're offended, aren't you?
I was a murder suspect.
it wasn't me.
I didn't kill anyone.
I didn't kill anyone.
(My Lovely Liar)
A murderer.
But you didn't kill the victim.
She even found out that you're Kim Seung Ju.
The moment she speaks up, both of us will be doomed.
You think I'm the murderer.
But why didn't you tell me?
I'll be better to you.
If someone else comes to mind
at a moment like this
That means you like him.
Eom Ho came to see me.
Where's Eom Ji?
Where are you keeping her?
(Kim So Hyun)
(Hwang Min Hyun)
(Yun Ji On)
(Seo Ji Hun)
(Lee Si Woo)
(My Lovely Liar)
(All people, organizations, locations, and incidents)
(in this drama are fictitious.)
(The guardians of child actors were present at the filming.)
(Luni Tarot Café)
Because of this darn power,
I drifted apart from my family and can't even date a guy.
What is that power you have?
can detect
When people talk,
I can tell if they are lying or telling the truth.
I sound crazy, don't I?
I could only prove it to you if you lied to me left and right.
But you never lied.
That's why I liked you.
(Episode 7)
You should have fought back.
Letting him punch you like that made you look like a real cheater.
What do you know?
If I say so, then it is.
No, don't.
It's not him. He's not the culprit.
It's not going to work between us anyway.
Because of this darn power,
I drifted apart from my family and can't even date a guy.
It's pouring right now. Where are you?
Do you have an umbrella?
Why did I do that?
Why did I tell him, really?
Darn it.
Goodness! Come on!
Yes. Don't come to work today. I'll see you tomorrow.
Everything's okay, right?
Do you admit you were wrong?
Do you admit you were wrong?
Didn't I tell you that your classmates would hate you
if you told them you could hear their lies?
That girl
made fun of me first because we were poor.
She told me that her dad bought clothes and dolls
for her in the US. She bragged to me about that.
But she was lying the whole time!
Yes. That girl looked like a meanie.
That ugly girl.
The thing is
people could easily guess that we were poor.
But she kept
not having a dad a secret, so no one would find out.
She didn't want anyone to find out, but you told everyone about that.
No one would like you then.
So don't tell anyone that you can hear their lies.
Anyone who knows that
can't be friends with you.
They will leave you.
Did you sleep well last night?
The room inside has to be cleaned up first, right?
If you need to talk to me, just do it now.
Talk to you about what?
Must I have something to tell you?
Last night
You must have a lot of questions for me.
About how you can hear people's lies?
So what?
What do you mean?
Aren't you scared of me?
Or do you not believe me?
I do think you can hear them.
There were things about you that fascinated me.
And everything made sense after finding out about your power.
So what?
If you can hear lies, then you can.
You're not bothered that
I'm pretending to be a shaman?
Don't you pay taxes?
Is that illegal?
No. You know that's not what I'm talking about.
Where's the broomstick?
Can you bring me a broomstick?
Who are you?
Ms. Hunter!
Hey, be quiet.
And let him go.
The floor was so messy.
After seeing that, I thought we were robbed.
So he lives next door to you.
How did he end up in the secret room?
Don't worry. I can trust him.
By the way, didn't Kassandra tell you that
we were taking a day off?
She didn't contact me.
I see. I was busy watching this.
I mean, I like the song and all. But it's too long.
- Was it 5 minutes and 40 seconds? - It's 5 minutes 43 seconds
You were a fan of Syaon too.
You're older than me, right? How old are you?
- I'm 29. - You're 29.
I'm 25.
Can I be casual with you?
What's your name?
- Hey, that's enough. - I'm Syaon's bodyguard.
I'm Syaon's songwriter.
Syaon's songwriter?
He has a rare nickname too.
Since your nickname is Syaon's Songwriter,
you're Kim Do Ha.
I'll call you Do Ha.
I'm Baek Chi Hoon.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Gosh. Your nails are ruined. What happened?
It hasn't been a week yet.
Gosh. I know.
I shouldn't have been so awful.
(I'm sorry.)
Darn it.
Why am I sorry?
Do you want some accessories on your nails?
We have a promotion for them. You can get ten dollars off.
In that case, of course.
You know what? Can you run the card first
for whatever I owe now?
It might not go through.
Yes. It went through.
I'm so relieved.
Fine! Put some accessories on my nails.
Give me the prettiest and biggest one.
Why don't we meet up at the next fan club meeting?
- Okay. - I'll get going then.
- Okay. - Bye.
His dream is to become a bodyguard for Syaon.
Somehow, he ended up working for me.
Is this a dangerous job?
That you need a bodyguard?
Well, he usually drives for me.
I can drive too.
Let me know if you need help.
Cleaning this place was hard work.
I'll buy you a tasty meal.
You helped me. I should be my treat.
Let's go.
There's always a line at that bakery.
Is the bread that good?
It's next to your café. You never had the bread from there?
I didn't because it was next to my café.
If I go to his bakery and befriend him,
it might complicate things later.
Then why don't you try it today? It's really good.
What? Wait.
It's not that. Let's just go.
- What? - Gosh.
What? Oh, my.
You two have been hanging out a lot lately.
- Yes. - Are you two dating?
We're just neighbours.
I thought you didn't like having neighbours.
You're just picky with people.
Can you move up?
Why is this line moving so fast? Goodness.
- We should move up too. - Okay.
The waiting was worth it.
- Let's get that. - This one.
- People wait in line for a reason. - I like this one more.
What's good here?
Those croissants are good too.
This is my favourite.
- I like this one. Financiers. - The total is
- I see. - Thank you. Enjoy.
- Thank you. - Sure.
I bought them yesterday. Can I get a refund?
I'm sorry.
We can't give a refund for the bread you bought yesterday.
I don't want to make a scene. Please refund it now.
The shape came out nicely too. Why do you want to get a refund?
I found out that your bread had bugs in it!
I saw everything.
- What? - Bugs?
- Bugs? - What?
- There were bugs? - She said there were bugs.
In the bread?
Come on. You put the dough in the oven to bake it.
Then the cockroach should be baked too.
It's obvious that it's a set-up.
- What? - Cockroaches?
- Wait. - No. We shouldn't buy bread here.
Give me a refund now.
- What's going on? - There were cockroaches.
- There were cockroaches? - Cockroaches?
- Here. - I can't believe this.
Let's go!
How could that just happen?
No one lied in there.
You can hear them all the time?
Well, why don't we eat something else?
Hey, two guys coming to a place like this doesn't look right.
After passing the police officer exam,
a fortune-teller told me this.
"When you get stabbed,"
"eat at a restaurant that has knives as their utensils."
You didn't get stabbed. It was me.
That was my fault. You got stabbed because I was sloppy.
Let's chase away the bad luck with this. It's my treat.
Gosh. I should have brought her to a place like this.
You like someone from the tarot café, right?
You don't even drink coffee.
You went all the way to the tarot café to buy coffee.
Aren't I right?
- You are a detective indeed. - Right?
Gosh. Is she pretty?
She is. She's gorgeous.
Why don't you invite her out for a meal?
She has a boyfriend.
Do you want to leave?
No. Why should I?
Has she been dating that guy for a long time?
Let's just eat.
What do you want to eat?
The eggplant gratin
Yes. I like eggplants too.
Then let's order that.
As for the pasta
How about this one?
It could've been so much worse.
What did your doctor say?
I'm fine.
- What are you doing this weekend? - What?
I don't have any plans yet.
Then let's make one with me.
So are you going to give up on that lady?
No. She's not married yet.
I should wait and see.
Are you okay?
Give me a second.
I'll go and use the restroom.
You two aren't dating, right?
He doesn't know that you can't eat eggplants.
And just now too.
That was a bit weird.
We're not.
I asked him to pretend to be my boyfriend.
Did I bother you that much?
I went to pay.
I had a feeling that you might try to pay for this.
Thank you for the food. Let's go.
What? Already?
I still have some food left.
Thank you.
Something happened while I was gone.
He figured out that you weren't my boyfriend.
What gave it away?
Because of this.
I can't eat eggplants.
What else can't you eat other than eggplants?
Spoon worms, braised pupas, and cilantro.
Spoon worms, braised pupas, cilantro, and eggplants.
I'll remember them now.
We're done for the day.
Deuk Chan. What brings you here?
- Is that your brother? - Yes.
What is it? What?
I can't order a burger now, right?
For you, yes. Of course.
Hey, can you go and fry up our signature set?
Hurry up.
Seriously. What are you doing here now?
Have you seen Eom Ho lately?
Eom Ho? No.
Why? Is he in Seoul?
He came to me. Do Ha
He thinks Seung Ju is Do Ha.
Gosh. He's still on that?
He's wasting his time.
How can you laugh about that now?
He tried to kill Do Ha.
That's why he came to Seoul. To do the same.
That's why you're here.
Are you still in touch with any of your friends from Hakcheon?
I need to find out where he's staying
and what he's up to.
Just tell Kim Do Ha.
Tell him to be careful.
He just started to live like a normal guy.
Yes. He's changed a lot.
He's not even scared of me when he sees me.
Did you go and see him?
Do you know what he said?
He said he already paid back everything he owed me. Gosh.
He should know we're the reason
he has a good life now and isn't locked up.
He'd still owe us even if he spent his entire life repaying us.
I told you
not to bring that up again.
Deuk Chan.
Goodness. That was embarrassing.
This place is more embarrassing.
He touched his phone and made this without washing his hands,
and the table is all sticky.
You extorted Do Ha's hard-earned money.
Is this how you've been spending his money?
Hey, who is your brother?
If Do Ha and I are both drowning,
I bet you'll save him.
I'm done talking to you.
Close down the business at once.
You don't have what it takes to run your own business.
A reversed Ace of Pentacles.
I think you're about to make a big mistake.
A mistake?
I was going to buy a building. Should I not do it?
Are there good properties these days?
Gosh, the market's bad these days. Wait a bit.
Besides, it's actually a big headache to own a building.
That bakery too.
The premium is ridiculously high.
It's 200,000 dollars. Can you believe it?
Honey, you're here again!
Let's go eat something.
All he thinks about is food.
- I'll come back another time. - Okay, bye.
She owns buildings,
and her husband is a realtor.
What a compatible couple.
That's true. But they are not blessed with children.
You know, the bakery across the street.
I could never buy anything because they always had a long line outside.
But they were empty today, so I cleared them out.
Have some.
Oh, that bread
That's right. When will that guy from yesterday come by again?
- Why? - Well, just because.
I like him. I want to befriend him.
What? Who's this guy?
Oh, he's very handsome.
He already knows everything about Ms. Hunter.
I see.
Is he talking about that guy?
What? You already know about him?
I feel so left out again. I'm hurt.
It's that bread.
- Look. - Gosh!
He bought so many.
It looks tasty.
Hey, we know how clean you are.
But people don't know that.
(Cockroach bread)
(I won't be going back to this place.)
(Protein bread)
(I want to puke.)
Gosh, this makes no sense.
This is only possible
if you roll the cockroach in the croissant dough.
Has this person not responded to your message yet?
- Cheer up. - Take it easy.
Hey, what's with that voice?
- Hello. - You're back.
I'm really sorry about yesterday.
I was all over the place.
Don't worry about it.
You still have that cream bun I had the last time, right?
Yes. I'll get it ready for you right away.
Oh, my.
- I guess you're rich. - Pardon me?
Every time I see you, you're wearing such nice clothes.
I have a few too. I'm just not wearing it today.
I bet you don't have a 9-to-5 job, seeing how you're out and about now.
That's right. I don't have an office job.
- I see. - Then what do you do?
That's enough. You're being rude.
- Yes, that's enough! - I didn't say anything.
Here it is.
- Thank you. - No problem.
- One moment, please. - Sure.
My gosh.
Viennoiseries. Is this it?
Pardon me?
Oh, yes. That section is for viennoiseries.
I see.
I knew it. It's just a small neighbourhood bakery.
Pardon me? What do you mean?
I was just talking to myself.
Why is everything so expensive here?
Look at this pizza bread. Goodness.
Oh, they found a cockroach in this.
- Excuse me! - Hey, calm down. Don't.
Gosh, shall I buy this or not?
So you won't buy it?
I'll take everything here.
All of these?
My gosh. You'll buy everything? That's amazing.
Oh, my.
(Yeonseo Bakery)
It'll take forever to eat all this.
So what?
If you can hear lies, then you can.
Gosh, no.
He reacted like that because he didn't fully understand it.
Oh, no.
My gosh!
Darn it!
You suddenly showed up out of nowhere.
I guess you've never used a laundromat before.
That's right.
Anyway, you really don't think it's crazy?
What do you mean?
I mean
You're acting like you've met at least ten people like me.
It makes no sense to me.
You said you had never once heard my lies.
That's true, but
How did everyone else react?
Everyone else?
They probably have no idea.
Other than my mom and dad, you're the only one who knows.
It's a secret that I don't want anyone to find out,
and I've been doing a good job of hiding it for decades,
but I'm confused from time to time.
"Do I really want no one to find out?"
"Would I feel better if I just told everyone?"
Well, are you always indifferent about everything?
I don't trust people easily, and I'm sensitive.
If someone else had said it, I wouldn't have believed it.
But you said it, so I just believed it.
Well, I am the trustworthy type.
That's right. I heard you lie once.
Really? What did I say?
Does this count as a lie?
I'm not too sure,
but the other day
(Yeonseo Bakery)
I need a pillow.
I'm having trouble booking a cab.
I'll try to hail one.
You're the tarot café lady.
You're like
a baguette.
Hard on the outside
and soft on the inside.
And you probably have holes inside.
Why do you say that? We've only talked a couple of times.
Come on. I don't need to talk to you to know these things.
I've been seeing you around for over a year now.
Oh, right.
You don't like it when I talk to you.
Sorry about that.
You've been talking for a while.
Do you want some bread?
You probably don't want this.
I swear, it's not true.
Look, this is
If this was dirty,
I wouldn't be able to eat it.
You see, I may not look like it, but I'm very clean.
Okay, I heard you.
When something's fallen on the floor
I managed to get a taxi.
- Get going. - Hurry up and get in.
- My taxi is here? - Yes.
Oh, you guys aren't coming?
(For hire)
- Come with me. - It's okay.
You really don't want this bread?
- Get home safely. - You don't want this?
- Thank you, sir. - Wait!
- Would you like some bread? - No, I'm good.
(24 hour laundry)
His business isn't doing well because of that incident.
He must be under a lot of stress.
I don't want to get involved in stuff like this, but
Do you want to help him?
We need to find out who posted that photo with the cockroach.
It's not like I can ask everyone in the neighbourhood.
You startled me.
Are you Reporter Oh Jin Soo?
- Who are you? - You saw Kim Do Ha.
Did he look like this?
Well, if you suddenly show me an old picture like this,
how would I know?
Besides, he was wearing a mask when I saw him.
Is that so?
- That's too bad. - Wait, but
Who's the guy in that photo?
He's someone I'm looking for.
Is there a reason you thought Kim Do Ha was that guy?
Tall, pale.
A good pianist
living in hiding.
Well, if you ever want to send a tip-off,
please contact me.
What are you after?
Getting Kim Do Ha on camera?
Yes, sure.
Taking a picture of him without a mask.
If it's a picture of him with Syaon, that's even better.
Must he be alive in that picture?
Call me.
What was that about?
(Violent Crime Unit Team 1)
- Sorry to interrupt. - Yes.
I made this sandwich.
I made a bunch and gave them out, but there's one left. It's for you.
Oh, I was hungry. Thank you.
No problem.
- I have a question. - What is it?
Do you have a girlfriend?
No, I don't.
But there's someone I like.
That's too bad. I wanted to set you up with someone.
That's okay. Thank you though.
Thank you so much for this.
No problem.
(Mr. Lee Kang Min, you are due for your follow-up tests.)
(Please fast for 8 hours before visiting the hospital.)
(Closed Today)
So you'd like to ask questions about your business first?
I must say, it's funny
that I came here, seeking business advice.
But I heard your readings were accurate.
Anyway, are you working at the moment?
- Sorry? - This says you're unemployed.
I studied in France.
I returned to Korea only recently.
Right. So you're not working at the moment.
I'll start something very soon, in this neighbourhood.
- This neighbourhood? - Well, I'm just thinking about it.
Honey, I bet you're here again. Let's go eat
- What? - What?
Oh, do you know each other?
I don't know that man either.
- My wife isn't here, is she? - No.
Where did she go?
Well, let me ask you other questions then.
- Business-related questions? - No.
- Then about your love life? - No, not that either.
I saw him walking by, so I brought him inside.
Well done, right?
Hello? Yes.
He does whatever he wants.
What was that?
Why did he and the realtor act like they didn't know each other?
The guy who just left?
He said he studied in France and returned to Korea only recently.
He knew about the cockroach incident at the bakery.
Yes. He acted like a know-it-all when he came to buy bread.
But he knew about the cockroach incident,
yet he still came to buy bread?
Come to think of it, it's odd.
There must be something between that guy and the realtor.
Oh! You're the owner of the tarot café.
What brings you here?
I want to look at some properties.
Oh, you have a boyfriend.
Are you getting married? Looking for a matrimonial home?
No, it's not that.
You're just moving in together?
Many couples do that these days.
No, I'm interested in Yeonseo Bakery.
Goodness. The owner hasn't even listed it yet.
You're mean.
You want to snatch up the store space, knowing they're struggling?
You see, that photo with the cockroach.
I don't believe it.
The bakery owner is such a diligent man.
Also, the premium for that space is ridiculously high.
Why would you be interested in that space?
One moment. I have to answer this.
Hello? Yes, sir.
(Yeonseo Real Estate)
Oh, that property.
It won't sell unless you knock it down by 10,000 dollars.
Everyone is struggling financially these days, you know.
I guess I was wrong.
He doesn't even believe that the photo was real.
It could cause problems.
It's not easy, so please be patient.
I'll do my best. Yes.
Come and visit me at my office soon.
I'll buy you a nice lunch.
Yes, that's right. My gosh.
Take care.
Yes. Talk soon.
Mr. So.
- About the cockroach photo. - Yes.
That was me.
- Sorry? - That bug
I think it was my fault.
Are you saying that's a cockroach?
Look! There's another one. Over there!
This is a walnut crumb.
I don't even deserve to call myself a baker.
Do you want to take the flour outside?
I'll give it to you for free.
Mr. So.
(Yeonseo Real Estate)
One moment, please!
(Yeonseo Real Estate)
You're the owner of that bakery.
I want to list the store space.
Oh, okay. Come on in.
Take a seat.
We think the realtor was the one who posted the cockroach photo.
I wonder if the guy with permed hair paid him for doing that.
They seem to know each other but are hiding it.
Oh, we just love jjajangmyeon. That's why.
Yes, we ordered three bowls to share.
But you have three chopsticks too.
Yes, we ordered three bowls,
so they brought three pairs.
How much premium are you thinking?
You want to sell it urgently, right?
I think it should be less than half.
What are you doing?
Give it back!
Oh, my.
- Goodness, my back. - What
Mom! Oh, dear.
Report him to the police.
- "Mom?" - Oh, right.
You did this to leave the store to your son?
How subhuman!
Only if you hadn't demanded an unreasonable amount of premium,
I would've handled it legally.
(Yeonseo Real Estate)
What in the
Thank you so much.
If not for you, I would've been in big trouble.
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate it.
Anyway, hurry here.
We should have a drink on a happy day like today.
Come on.
- Let's drink. - Hi.
What took you so long?
- Goodness. - All right.
- What a happy day. - Unbelievable.
- I know. - She becomes prettier day by day.
Your fortunetelling works much better than I thought.
- It really saved you. - Right.
You should treat us all today. Watch your chin though.
Okay, it's on me.
- It's on him. - Really?
Free beer.
- What is going on? - Crazy, right?
What did you put in here?
I love this song. What is it?
Oh, this? What was that?
A pop song.
I see.
I'm playing the top 100 pop songs that Koreans love.
It's Jenifer Candler and John Joy's song.
The title is "Liar."
I know. I was just acting like I didn't,
to seem down-to-earth.
I guess you like listening to music.
So you're interested in something after all.
If you know a lot of good songs, recommend some
so I can play them here.
Kim Do Ha's songs are nice.
Here you go.
But his songs are sung by Syaon.
I prefer something classy to such music.
Did you listen to songs other than the title song?
Sensuous acoustic melodies,
instrumentation with a wonderful sense of space,
and skillfully used stereo.
What the Are you actually him?
So his music is all right.
Anyway, Kim Do Ha's songs are not bad.
All right, I'll try playing one of his songs sometime
- since you highly recommend them. - Right.
I better play his music once.
By the way, I know all of you here
except for him.
I'm not sure if he has broad shoulders or a small face,
- but I don't know his name. - Me neither.
My name is
Kim Do Ha.
- That's funny. - He says he's Kim Do Ha.
You don't want to tell us what your name is?
It really is Kim Do Ha.
That's hilarious.
- You're lying. - He's your favourite musician.
Give him your autograph, Do Ha.
It's ridiculous.
Do Ha, give me one too, so I can put it up in my store.
Do Ha.
You're funny. Cheers.
- Cheers. - Cheers.
We're drinking with Do Ha.
- Cheers. - We're drinking too much.
- Cheers. - Cheers.
Come on.
- Drinks feel like water today. - I know.
- How much is the bill? - About 280 dollars.
- Will you be okay? - No way!
- You're treating us today. - What?
Fold your finger if you think you're handsome.
I had no choice but to fold mine.
- No. - You folded three?
- Come on. - You're well aware you're handsome.
Do Ha, you
Why did you fold yours?
What? I have a pretty chin.
Are you kidding me?
- Unfold it. - Why
This is unexpected though.
- Tetenchi. - Tetenchi.
- Down. - Nice.
- Yes! - Great.
My team!
- Boo. - Boo.
Very good.
- Gosh. - Nice.
- Nice. - That's cheating.
- What? - Gosh.
- It's okay. - If you throw it like that
- Nice. - Good.
It's not good.
- Nice. - Yes!
- Gosh. - Nice.
You can do it.
- We won! - Yes!
- You lost! - Goodness.
Why did you drink so much?
I just followed you drinking, Mr. Kim.
You keep calling me Mr. Kim,
but isn't it a little too rigid?
How should I address you then?
Just by my first name. It'd be way better.
Then, Do Ha?
Yes, Sol Hee.
Just a moment.
It's nice.
Here you go.
I love this ice cream.
I know.
What you hate
are spoon worms, braised pupas, cilantro,
and eggplants.
Anyway, Mr. Kim
I mean, Do Ha. If a woman dates someone
who doesn't tell lies like you, she might find it so comfortable.
But you heard me lie once.
Oh, right.
We were on our way back from Gangneung.
It was just you sleep talking.
Sleep talking?
You said you didn't kill someone.
It seemed like you were having a nightmare because of Syaon.
It was a lie when she said she'd kill herself.
You didn't know, did you?
You said you didn't kill someone.
The food is on me today.
It's all right.
In this time and age, I shouldn't take such treats.
Oh, please, sir.
I've had my eyes on her for some time now,
and she is quite decent.
She's smart and knows how to win people's favours.
But she has a problem with her son.
Gosh, that was just a happening.
She struggled a lot because of it.
Whether it was a happening or not,
people are too busy to pay attention to the details.
Everyone focuses on provocative headlines
and doesn't even read what articles are actually about.
We have no choice but to choose someone with a clean slate.
Let me pour you a drink, sir.
For a candidate of the upcoming governor election
Oh, that.
Yoo Ji Eun seems eligible for me.
You mean the Gyeonggi-do spokeswoman?
Isn't she a little too young?
A young age is an advantage in every field.
Even in political circles, young politicians are preferred.
With experience and age,
you should help her in many ways.
Of course.
Do Ha wants to get some air.
He comes outside.
Then he runs into me.
Do Ha.
- What's with you? - I'm sorry.
I got the wrong person.
- Aren't you Syaon? - I'm not.
- Hey. - It's you, Syaon.
What? She's Syaon?
I'm not.
- Are you really Syaon? - My gosh.
- Can't you take a picture with us? - I'm a huge fan.
Come close. This is insane.
- For real? - Gosh.
What's with these people?
Are you okay?
What on earth?
Is he her boyfriend?
Not again.
I get that you don't know anything.
But my girlfriend is way prettier than Syaon.
Stop bothering her,
and just leave.
Where's your car?
- I'll walk you there. - Over there.
I'll escort you safely, so follow my lead.
Are you expecting someone?
Thank goodness.
You have no customers, right?
Could I pull down the blinds?
What is this about? Is a VIP customer coming?
Well, I'd say a VVIP customer.
Don't worry. Ms. Hunter
I mean my boss is really nice.
Do you work here?
What brought you here?
Do you know my boss?
Don't we need a word?
I'm sorry, but can you give us some space?
(Luni Tarot Café)
You said you and Do Ha lived next door, right?
- Yes. - What's there between you two?
Are you just neighbours? Or
Don't tell me you're in a relationship.
We aren't.
We just eat together from time to time.
- Excuse me? - Where do you want to live?
I'll pay for the house,
so pick somewhere you wanted to live.
Why must you go this far?
I said we weren't dating.
But you eat together.
Do Ha isn't the kind of person who eats with others.
He normally doesn't tell anyone his name
nor does he show anyone his face.
What's your bank account number? I'll send you the money.
This much.
On condition of moving to another place
and cutting ties with Do Ha.
(Mok Sol Hee)
Hello, Mother.
Where are you?
See me later in the evening.
This is urgent.
I don't want to.
I'll just keep living his next door.
So you do have a crush on him.
Yes, I think so.
Now leave.
Sol Hee, please don't come between me and Do Ha.
"Sol Hee?"
There's nothing between you.
I'm not interrupting your anything.
You can find another man, but I can't.
I'll die without him.
You say that like a habit.
You did it last time too.
Back in Gangneung.
You never meant to die in the first place.
It's not like I wanted to do it.
I had to add insult to his injury.
Because that was his weakness.
Only then, he'd pay attention to me.
What is it?
What is his weakness?
He once killed someone.
Who killed someone?
Mr. Kim Do Ha did?
Do Ha.
Why aren't you covering your face? That's not careful of you.
What is it? You said it was urgent.
This won't do.
Go to Germany.
You wanted to study music there.
You seemed a lot unstable,
so I had you by Deuk Chan's side
and do what you wanted.
But you can't write music for idol singers forever.
This was what was urgent?
Seung Ju.
I've always lived for you.
After your dad died,
I wanted to raise you in abundance.
I went straight to work as soon as the funeral ended
despite people calling me spiteful.
When that happened to you,
I made use of all my connections
and begged on my knees
to get you acquitted without charges.
couldn't you
help me just this once?
You really
are a politician now.
After Father passed away, you gained many votes
using your image as a single mother.
And for sending me to a prestigious college,
you got nominated as a superintendent of education.
You couldn't let that son of yours become a murderer.
That was why you went on your knees.
How could you
Just be honest with me.
I'm getting in the way of your career,
and so you want to send me abroad.
You don't even want to see
a frightening face of a murderer.
I'm not going to Germany.
I have a more urgent and important business here.
(Kim Seung Ju's student life)
Why aren't you going home?
I have
something to tell you.
Me too.
I have something to tell you too.
I heard something strange earlier today.
That you killed someone.
I'm sorry I'm bringing this up.
You're offended, aren't you?
I was a murder suspect.
it wasn't me.
I didn't kill anyone.
I didn't kill anyone.
(My Lovely Liar)
A murderer.
But you didn't kill the victim.
She even found out that you're Kim Seung Ju.
The moment she speaks up, both of us will be doomed.
You think I'm the murderer.
But why didn't you tell me?
I'll be better to you.
If someone else comes to mind
at a moment like this
That means you like him.
Eom Ho came to see me.
Where's Eom Ji?
Where are you keeping her?